Updated June 18, 2012

Clarke County was created in 1801 by an act of the Georgia General Assembly on December 5. The county was named after Revolutionary War hero Elijah Clarke and included 250 square miles of land that was originally part of Jackson County. Clarke was most recognized for being credited with the 1779 victory at the Battle of Kettle Creek in Wilkes County.
It appears that Robert Gilliam of Clarke County is the grandson of James Gilliam of Cumberland County, VA.
6 Dec 1811
Estate of Charles Broach
Report By Charles Broach To The Court on Sales Made of Items In The Estate of His Father, Jones Broach. December 6, 1811
James Farmer: 1 lot of hoes and axes; 1 lot of hogs, second choice. 5 barrels of corn, 5 ditto, 5 barrels corn.
Charles Broach: 1 log chain, 1 lot of sundries, 1 bridle and 2 ploughs, 2 sleighs and harnesses, 1 pair steel yards, sundry earthenware, pair smoothing irons, 1 looking glass, 1 reel, 1 gratter and lot of barrels.
Littleberry Broach: 1 lot of sundries, 1 side of leather, 2 spiders 1 sieve, 1 decanter and tumbler, 1 lot of pens.
John Martendale: 1 cutting knife, 1 side leather, 2 sheeps, 3rd choice.
William Broach: 2 pair chains and hames, I lot of hoes and ploughs, 1 pot hanger, 1 oven, 1 lot of poles, 1 table and chairs, 1 lot of crockery ware, 1 lot of knives, 1 bowl, 1 sugar cannister, 1 chest, 1 set of glasses and 1 bed, 1 sow and six pigs, 1 lot of hogs first choice, 1 sorrell mare, 1 brindle cow and calf, 1 sorrell mare, 1 lot of hogs.
George Broach: 1 rawhide, 1 loom, 1 large pot, 1 lot bowls, 1 set spoons, 2 barrels, 1 bushel of salt, 1 lot of hogs 1st choice, 2 sheep 1st choice, 2 sheep 2nd choice.
William Copeland: 1 pot hanger.
John H. Lowe: 1 hogshead.
John Robinson: 1 wheel, 1 wheel, 1 jugg, 1 lot hogs 3rd choice, 1 lot hogs 4th choice.
Samuel Swinney: 1 iron pott, 1 fat tub, 1 lot sundries.
Tod Alford: 1 lot pewter, 1 pewter basin, 1 basin and spoons, 1 lot of plates.
John Maxwell: 2 basins, 1 bottle turpentine, 2 empty barrels 1 red heifer.
John Adams: 1 large jar.
Peyton Smith: 1 sow and pigs, 14 shoats, 1 gray filly.
William Clark: 500 lbs. fodder.
Harrison White: 1 cupboard.
George Pascel: 1 grindstone.
Robert GILHAM: 1 flax wheel.
Joseph Brown: 5 barrels corn.
Josiah Allen: 1 bay horse.
G. B. Jack: 2 lots fodder, 500 lbs. each
Sam Stewart: 1 sorrel colt
Nathan Barnett: 1 red cow.
William Cole: 1 red head cow, 1 cow, 1 bridle, 1 bull.
Letter of dismissal as executor of the estate of Jones Broach was granted to Charles Broach at the January 1817 term of Superior Court, Clarke County, Georgia.
Will of Charles Davidson
4 Jan 1816
In the name of God amen, I Charles Daverson, of Clarke County being in my perfect senses calling to mind the certainty of death and the uncertainty of life do make this my last will and testament revoking all the other wills.
I give and bequeath unto Robert Gillum one bay horse named Tad and one blue broadcloth coat and cassimere waistcoat and overalls.
I give and bequeath unto John Adams and Lucy Adams six negroes (to wit) Joe, Jenny, Juggie, Milly, Isaac, and Stephen, one feather bed, and furniture
I give and bequeath unto John Adams, my land plantation tools, etc., also one still, also one riding chair and the mare that runs in it.
I give unto Alpha Adams one feather bed and furniture
I give and bequeath unto Hezekiah Adams one feather bed and furniture and Valients
I give and bequeath unto John Adams all the men’s clothes, the above legacy excepted.
I give and bequeath unto Hezekiah Adams one sorrel horse named Mark Anthony
I give and bequeath unto William Adams one sorrel horse name Smith
I give and bequeath unto John Adams one cart and stears.
I give and bequeath unto Warren Stone two cows and calves also one grindstone
I give and bequeath unto Milly one cow and calf, twelve yards of six hundred cloth and feather bed and bedstead and furniture, one little pot, six pewter plates, also one chocolate grounded calico gown, half dozen knives and forkes, four yards of white cotton cloth.
I give and bequeath unto Susanna Gillum six glass tumblers, one wine glass, and one small waiter, and one stamped muslin gown, and one set of net curtains.
I give and bequeath unto John Adams all our stock consisting of cows, hogs, and sheep, the above legacies excepted
I give unto Judith Adams one red speckled calico gown and three homespun gowns and one gold ring
I give and bequeath unto Alpha Adams one armity gown and three homespun gowns, three pair stocking, also one black silk shade, two pair silk gloves, three line shifts [sic]
I give and bequeath unto Jinny one homespun gown, one petticoat, and shift
I give and bequeath unto Juggie one homespun petticoat gown and shift
I give and bequeath all the balance of the women’s cloths unto Lucy Adams
I give and [bequeath] unto John Adams all the present crop, the brandy excepted, also all my papers, except them notes on Mabrey.
I give and bequeath unto Lodowick Alford twenty-five dollars to be raised be [sic] collection of Mabrey’s notes.
I give and bequeath to Warren Stone ten dollars to be raise by the collection of Mabrey’s notes.
I give and [sic] the balance of the notes to John Adams.
I do nominate and appoint John Adams my lawful executor in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this the fourth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixteen.
Sig: Charles [his X mark] Daverson
Teste: John Parks, Absalom Banes, John [his X mark] Banes
Georgia, Clark County
Personally appeared in open court John Park, John Bain, and Absalom Bain, three subscribing witnesses to the Will who being duly sworn on the Holy Gospel disposeth and saith that they saw the within named Charles Daverson sign and seal and acknowledge the within instrument to be his last will and testament and that he was of sound mind and memory at the time of his so doing, sworn to before me in open court, this 5th day of Febry 1816
Sig: John Park, John [his X mark] Bains, Absalom Bains
Clarke County, GA, Will Book A, page 60
[Robert Gilliam and Susannah Cade Alford, his wife were neighbors of Charles Davidson in Cumberland County, VA. See deeds in Greene and Jackson County, GA that mention land in Cumberland County, VA. Robert is the grandson of James Gilliam of Littleton Parish, Cumberland County, VA.]