Updated December 25, 2023

Sussex County was named for the English county, and was formed from Surry County in 1753. Its area is 496 square miles, and the county seat is Sussex.
Albemarle Parish, 1753
The GILLIAMs of Sussex County are well documented. See Southside Virginia Genealogies (formerly Virginians.com).
Bill of Sale
15 Jun 1785
Michael Wall to Isham GILLIAM
In payment for debt to William Loftin of 4,023 pounds of tobacco
Slaveowners Name: Michael Wall to Isham GILLIAM
Name of Slaves: Jamey, Judy, Suke, Harriott
Sussex County, VA, Deed Book F, p. 318
Census Records
Year | Hhld | Name | Age | Race | Occupation | County |
1789 | Anselm GILLIAM | W | Sussex | |||
1789 | Carter GILLIAM | W | Sussex | |||
1789 | Charles GILLIAM | W | Sussex | |||
1789 | Charles GILLIAM, Jr. | W | Sussex | |||
1789 | Hinche GILLIAM | W | Sussex | |||
1789 | Isham GILLIAM | W | Sussex | |||
1789 | Levy GILLIAM | W | Sussex | |||
1789 | Samuel GILLIAM | W | Sussex | |||
1789 | Walter GILLIAM | W | Sussex | |||
1789 | William GILLIAM | W | Sussex | |||
1789 | William GILLIAM | W | Sussex | |||
1799 | Anselm GILLIAM | W | Sussex | |||
1799 | Burwell GILLIAM | W | Sussex | |||
1799 | Carter GILLIAM | W | Sussex | |||
1799 | Charles GILLIAM | W | Sussex | |||
1799 | Elizabeth GILLIAM | W | Sussex | |||
1799 | Gray GILLIAM | W | Sussex | |||
1799 | Levy GILLIAM | W | Sussex | |||
1799 | Levy GILLIAM, Jr. | W | Sussex | |||
1799 | Lucy GILLIAM | W | Sussex | |||
1799 | Prissiller GILLIAM | W | Sussex | |||
1799 | Samuel GILLIAM | W | Sussex | |||
1799 | William GILLIAM | W | Sussex | |||
1799 | William GILLIAM | W | Sussex | |||
1810 | Anselm GILLIAM | W | Sussex | |||
1810 | Burrell GILLIAM | W | Sussex | |||
1810 | Carter GILLIAM | W | Sussex | |||
1810 | Elizabeth GILLIAM | W | Sussex | |||
1810 | Hartwell GILLIAM | W | Sussex | |||
1810 | Henry R GILLIAM | W | Sussex | |||
1810 | John GILLIAM | W | Sussex | |||
1810 | Polly GILLIAM | W | Sussex | |||
1810 | William GILLIAM | W | Sussex | |||
1810 | William GILLIAM | W | Sussex | |||
1820 | Carter GILLIAM | W | Sussex | |||
1820 | Charles GILLIAM | W | Sussex | |||
1820 | Drury GILLIAM | W | Sussex | |||
1820 | Elizabeth GILLIAM | W | Sussex | |||
1820 | Henry R. GILLIAM | W | Sussex | |||
1820 | James GILLIAM | W | Sussex | |||
1820 | __rry GILLIAM | W | Sussex | |||
1820 | Patsey GILLIAM | W | Sussex | |||
1820 | Thomas GILLIAM | W | Sussex | |||
1820 | William GILLIAM | W | Sussex | |||
1830 | Charlotte GILLIAM | W | Sussex | |||
1830 | Mary GILLIAM | W | Sussex | |||
1830 | Sally GILLIAM | W | Sussex | |||
1830 | Willis GILLIAM | 10-24 | FB | Sussex | ||
1840 | Charlotte GILLIAM | W | Sussex | |||
1840 | Elizabeth GILLIAM | W | Sussex | |||
1840 | James GILLIAM | W | Sussex | |||
1840 | James R GILLIAM | W | Sussex | |||
1840 | Lucinda M. GILLIAM | W | Sussex | |||
1840 | Sarah GILLIAM | W | Sussex | |||
1840 | Willis GILLIAM | 36-55 | FB | Sussex | ||
1850 | 84 | Martha J GILLIAM | 31 | W | Sussex | |
1850 | 84 | Joseph H GILLIAM | 26 | W | Farmer | Sussex |
1850 | 84 | James S Champion | 12 | W | Sussex | |
1850 | 84 | Martha C GILLIAM | 5 | W | Sussex | |
1850 | 84 | Junius J GILLIAM | 2 | W | Sussex | |
1850 | 84 | Jemima Crocker | 30 | B | Sussex | |
1850 | 279 | Nancy Grigg | 65 | W | Sussex | |
1850 | 279 | George Grigg | 60 | W | Overseer | Sussex |
1850 | 279 | Lucinda M GILLIAM | 50 | W | Sussex | |
1850 | 279 | Charles F GILLIAM | 17 | W | Sussex | |
1850 | 279 | George W GILLIAM | 14 | W | Sussex | |
1850 | 280 | Sarah GILLIAM | 55 | W | Spinster | Sussex |
1850 | 280 | Rebecca GILLIAM | 28 | W | Sussex | |
1850 | 280 | William P GILLIAM | 24 | W | Sussex | |
1850 | 280 | Martha A GILLIAM | 17 | W | Sussex | |
1850 | 280 | William | 2 | M | Sussex | |
1850 | 280 | Catharine | 23 | B | Sussex | |
1850 | 280 | Walton | 5 | B | Sussex | |
1850 | 519 | Sally A Sledge | 57 | W | Sussex | |
1850 | 519 | Thomas Sledge | 56 | W | Sussex | |
1850 | 519 | Thomas J Sledge | 22 | W | Farmer | Sussex |
1850 | 519 | Henry GILLIAM | 60 | M | Laborer | Sussex |
1850 | 623 | Charlotte GILLIAM | 63 | W | Sussex | |
1850 | 637 | James R GILLIAM | 45 | W | Shoemaker | Sussex |
1850 | 637 | Ann GILLIAM | 15 | W | Sussex | |
1850 | 637 | Missouri F GILLIAM | 13 | W | Sussex | |
1850 | 637 | Priscilla GILLIAM | 11 | W | Sussex | |
1850 | 637 | John P GILLIAM | 9 | W | Sussex | |
1850 | 637 | Mary GILLIAM | 7 | W | Sussex | |
1850 | 637 | Joseph GILLIAM | 4 | W | Sussex | |
1850 | 637 | John W Hines | 7 | M | Sussex |
Chancery Suit
Circa Nov 1786
Carter and Elizabeth Gilliam seek the partition of slaves in the estate of Robert Jones, Elizabeth's late maternal grandfather. Jones devised three slaves and their increase "to the use of his Daughter Rebeckah Hancock for life;" after her death, the slaves were "to be divided among all her Children." Explaining that Rebeckah "has departed this life," the Gilliams seek "to sell and divide the said Slaves agreeable to the last will of Robert Jones deceased."
Names Mentioned: Clement Hancock, Michael Wall Hancock, Robert Jones, Rebeckah Jones Hancock, Carter Gilliam, Elizabeth Green Hancock Gilliam.
Digital Library on American Slavery, Petition 21678606
Mar 1788
Elizabeth Gilliam and her husband ask that a guardian be appointed for Michael Wall Hancock, Elizabeth's brother and a minor. The petitioners seek a "partition of the said Land Slaves and other personal Estate of which their Brother Clement died seized and possessed of." Clement Hancock owned two slaves.
Names Mentioned: Clement Hancock, Michael Wall Hancock, Carter Gilliam, Elizabeth Green Hancock Gilliam.
Digital Library on American Slavery, Petition 21678802
Court Orders
May 1754
John Lamb, Foreman, Richard Hill, David Mason, Christopher Tatum, John Baird, Henry Freeman, Junior, John Gibbons, Simon Stacey, William Stewart, Thomas Oliver, Thomas Vaughan, William Yarbrough, Joseph Pennington,, Junior, Edward Shelton, William Bell, Charles Gilliam, Thomas Weathers, Joseph Ezell, Samuel Norrington, and John Pennington Junior were sworn a Jury of Grand Inquest. . .
Sussex County, VA, Order Book 1754-1756, page 15
May 1754
The last will and Testament of Fortune Gilliam deceas’d was presented in Court by Thomas Gilliam, the Exor therein named who made oath thereto according to law and ordered to be recorded and on the motion of the said _____ certificate is granted them for obtaining a probate thereof in due form.
Sussex County, VA, Order Book 1754-1756, page 16
May 1754
A deed of feoffment between John Gilliam of the Parish of Albemarle and County of Sussex of the one part and Anselm Gilliam of the same Parish and County of the other part was acknowledged by there thereto subscribed John Gilliam and by the Court ordered to be recorded and Ann Wife of the said John personally appeared in Court and being privily and apart from her said husband examined freed and voluntarily relinquished her right of dower of in and to the said thereby conveyed lands and premisses.
Sussex County, VA, Order Book 1754-1756, page 17
Nov 1758
Thomas Hines plaintif vs Hinchia Gilliam deft, in case, the deft by his attorney prays leave to imparl here till the next court and hath it granted to him the same day is given the plaintif here etc.
Sussex County, VA, Order Book 1757-1759, page 209
18 Nov 1758
At a court continued and held for Sussex County the 18th day of November 1758, John Mason, Nicholas Massenburg, David Mason, Lawrence Gibbons and Michael Blow, Gentlemen Justices. The Court proceeded to lay and assess the levey of this County to wit:
To John Gilliam, Attorney for the King, 1240 tobo.,
Sussex County, VA, Order Book 1757-1759, page 212.
Nov 1758
John Tatum plaintif vs John Gilliam, Sarah Bagley, Hinchia Gilliam, Defts: in Chancery Time to answer.
Sussex County, VA, Order Book 1757-1759, page 214
1787, March Court
Hartwell Barham vs. Nathaniel Newsum
continued August 1787, (p. 264), continued August 1788 Court, (p. 383)
Arbitrators Report - Do not think Hartwell Barham ought to sustain any loss from Thomas Poythress Bond and that Nathaniel Newsum pay the said bond.
Sig: Isham GILLIAM
Sussex County, VA, Order Book 1786/91, p. 186
4 Aug 1753
Jesse Gilliam and wife Jane Gilliam of St. Andrew’s Parish in Brunswick County to Robert Jones, Jr. of Albemarle Parish, Attorney at Law, for 3 pounds . . . 100 acres in Albemarle Parish of Surry County on north sides of Hunting Quarter Swamp and bounded by Robert Jones’ other land and Howell Briggs
Sig: Jesse [his X mark] Gilliam, Jane [her X mark] Gilliam
Wit: Ben Weldon, James Wall, William Edwards, James Hicks, Gray Briggs, John Verell
Rec 11 Mar 1754
Sussex County, VA, Deed Book A, page 5
10 May 1754
John GILLIAM of Albemarle Parish to Anselm GILLIAM. Whereas John GILLIAM, the elder, late of this parish, decd, and the father of the above John GILLIAM, left 250 acres on the northeast side of Little Swamp in Surry Co in his will dated 9 Aug 1738 to his wife Sarah GILLIAM, for her lifetime. This deed is for 200 acres and Messuage, plantation of land for 60 pounds.
(At court Ann GILLIAM, wife of John GILLIAM relinquished her right of dower.)
Rec: 13 May 1754
Sussex County, VA, Deed Book A 1754-1759, page 15
[In this instance, John GILLIAM, "the elder" is John who married Sarah, the son of Hinchea GILLIAM, Sr. and Fortune, his wife. John "Jr." married Ann Mason and removed to Northampton County, NC.]
5 Mar 1755
Deed: Thomas Chambers to Richard Hill
Richard was a resident of Sussex County when Thomas Chambers sold him 100 acres on the north side of the Nottoway River.
Sussex County, VA. Deed Bk. A, 1754-59, p. 92.
8 Dec 1755
Deed: W. Mabry to Walter Gilliam
Sussex County, VA. Deed Bk. A, 1754-59, page 134
1 Oct 1757
Charles Gilliam to son Edmund, 100 acres on Quarter Branch being half of the land Charles lives on.
Wit: Ed Clanton, Benj. Harrison
Sussex County, VA, Deed Book A, page 245
1 May 1759
Charles Mabry to Drury Gilliam
Sussex County, VA, Deed Book B, page 21
30 Jun 1757
John Gilliam to Mary Gilliam
Sussex County, VA, Deed Book B, page 26
17 Nov 1759
Deed: Edward Threewitts and Alice to William Gilliam, Jr
Tract purchased by Edward Threewits from Matthew Sturdivant, southside Nottoway, adj John Williamson, Cabinstick swamp, 330 acres. Wit: Amos Love, Hinche Gilliam, Michael Hill.
Sussex County, VA, Deed Book B, p50
17 Nov 1759
Deed: Edward Threewitts and Alice to William Gilliam, Jr
Sussex County, VA, Deed Book B, p52
20 Jun 1760
John Wilburn of Albemarle Parish to Isham Gilliam of Nottoway Parish in Southampton County for 45 pounds . . . 100 acres granted to Robert Rogers on 24 Mar 1725 and 150 acres granted to Joseph Moody on 28 Sep 1730 on the south side of Nottoway River on the Racoon Swamp. The 100 acres was sold by said Rogers to said Moody in Surry County and the 250 acres was wold by the said Joseph Moody to said John Wilburn in Surry County.
Sig: John Wilburn, Jr.
Wit: Lewis Dunn, David Mason, and Anselm Gilliam, (Temperance Wilburn, wife of John Wilburn relinquished her right of Dower.)
Rec: 20 Jun 1760
Sussex County, VA, Deed Book B, page 103
23 Jul 1760
Charles Gilliam, planter of Albemarle Parish, to Charles Gilliam, the Younger and Eldest son and heir at law of the same, for love and affection . . . 100 acres being the land Charles Gilliam now lives on, on south side of Nottoway River in Sussex County and Southampton County and bounded by Henry Harrison and Thomas Gilliam. Said Charles Gilliams is tenant for life under the will of his father, Hinchea Gilliam, decd.
Sig: Charles [his X mark] Gilliam
Wit: Miles Cary, Nicholas Massenburg, Richard Parker, Benjamin Hunt
Rec: 18 Jul 1760
Sussex County, VA, Deed Book B, page 125
20 Mar 1761
Richard Felts and wife, Mary, to Charles Gilliam, Jr., 130 acres southside Nottoway
Sig: Richard and Mary Felts
Sussex County, VA, Deed Book B, page 183
17 Apr 1761
William Gilliam to John Lucas
Sussex County, VA, Deed Book B, page 187
22 Jan 1762
Drury Spain and wife to William Gilliam
Sussex County, VA, Deed Book B, page 279
10 Jun 1762
William GILLIAM, Sr., to Richard Hill for 700 pounds, 700 acres on north side of Nottoway River and bounded by Richard Hill, southwest side of Southwestern Swamp, William Winfield, George Booth, John Tyus and the Stoney Creek.
Wit: Amos Love, William [his X mark] Wilborn, William Hill and James Greenway.
Rec: 19 Aug 1762
Sussex County, VA, Deed Book "B" 1759-1763, page 322
18 Dec 1760
John Mangum and wife to Levi Gilliam
Sussex County, VA, Deed Book "B" 1759-1763, page 324
14 Sep 1762
William Gilliam, Sr. to William Gilliam, Jr.
Sussex County, VA, Deed Book "B" 1759-1763, page 331
26 Aug 1762
William GILLIAM, Sr. and Martha GILLIAM to John GILLIAM, son of William GILLIAM, Jr., for love and affection . . . 280 acres in Brunswick Co (bounded by William Eaton and Joel Mabry) all the negroes on the said land and the rest of the estate there. (Martha GILLIAM is to have the use of the land during her lifetime.)
Sig: William GILLIAM, Sr., Martha [her X mark] GILLIAM
Wit: James Jones, William GILLIAM, Jr., and Bruen? Rives.
Rec: 16 Sep 1762
Sussex County, VA, Deed Book "B" 1759-1763, page 333
16 Jan 1763
Burrell Gilliam and wife to Waddill Johnson
Sussex County, VA, Deed Book "B" 1759-1763, page 413
18 Aug 1763
Martha Gilliam to Richard Hill
Sussex County, VA, Deed Book "C" 1759-1763, page 12
17 Nov 1763
Robert Harrison, Gent. of Charles City County and wife, Elizabeth Harrison, to William GILLIAM, Jr., Gent. of Albemarle Parish in Sussex County for 260 pounds, 290 acres on Harrys Swamp on north side of Nottoway River in Albemarle Parish. Land was willed by Benjamin Harrison, Esq., decd., of Charles City County to Robert Harrison and was patented by Benjamin Harrison on 9 Jul 1724 plus a tract on the south side of Harrys Swamp being 150 acres that was patented on 25 May 1734 by Benjamin Harrison. (Elizabeth Harrison relinquished her Right of Dower.)
Wit: Herbert Claiborne, Thomas Booth, James Harrison and William GILLIAM, Sr.
Rec: 15 Dec 1763
Sussex County, VA, Deed Book "C" 1763-1768, page 39
11 Jan 1764
Robert Harrison and wife, Elizabeth Harrison, of Charles City County to William GILLIAM, Jr. of Sussex County for 489 pounds, 2 shillings 6 pence, 347 acres on north side of Nottoway River.
Wit: Herbert Claiborne, Thomas Booth, James Harrison and William GILLIAM, Sr.
Rec: 19 Jan 1764
Sussex County, VA, Deed Book "C" 1763-1768, page 42
17 May 1764
William Connelly to William Gilliam
Sussex County, VA, Deed Book "C" 1763-1768, page 81
1 Jan 1765
Deed: William Gilliam to George Randell
24 acres, Northside of the Nottoway
Wit: James Jones, Richard Hill, Amos Love, Samuel Peete
Rec: 19 Jan 1764
Sussex County, VA, Deed Book C, p134
18 Apr 1765
Sarah Gilliam to Marcus Gilliam
Sussex County, VA, Deed Book C, p159
16 May 1765
William Johnson to Ann Gilliam
Sussex County, VA, Deed Book C, p160
18 Apr 1765
Sarah Gilliam to Ephraim Gilliam
Sussex County, VA, Deed Book C, p160
20 Jan 1765
Warwick Gillman to Peter Jennings
Sussex County, VA, Deed Book C, p166
18 Jul 1765
Richard Hill to William Gilliam
Sussex County, VA, Deed Book C, p176
26 Aug 1767
Henry Freeman and wife to Levi Gilliam
Sussex County, VA, Deed Book C, p213
24 Sep 1768
Thomas Davis to Marcus Gilliam
Sussex County, VA, Deed Book D, p31-33
1 Mar 1769
William Stuart to Frances Gilliam
Sussex County, VA, Deed Book D, p283
20 Mar 1769
Henry Harrison and Mary of Sussex to John Syme, 1192 acres southside Nottaway bounded by Robt McGee, Benjamin Clements, Gilliams’ Road, Charles Gilliam, and Thomas Gilliam;
Sussex County, VA, Deed Book D, page ____
8 Jan 1779
Levi Gilliam to Tempe Wilburne
Sussex County, VA, Deed Book E, p49
19 Feb 1774
Marcus Gilliam to Lewis Adkins
Sussex County, VA, Deed Book E, p163
18 Aug 1774
Matthew Sturdivant and wife Sarah Sturdivant, of Dinwiddie County to Thomas Stoakes of Sussex County for a negro boy, Jacob . . . 250 acre being the land Matthew Sturdivant bought from Jesse Gilliam on south side of Nottoway River and Hunting Quarter Swamp and bounded by the Miry Branch and Solomon Graves (Sarah Sturdivant relinquished her right of Dower).
Sig: Matthew [his X mark] Sturdivant, Sarah [her X mark] Sturdivant
Rec: 18 Aug 1774
Sussex County, VA, Deed Book "E" 1772-1779, page 231
27 Jan 1775
Sampson Collier to Charles Gilliam 124 acres on southside Nottaway being part of tract Sampson Collier bought from Charles Gilliam on 26 Jan 1775.
Sussex County, VA, Deed Book E, page 285
17 Sep 1776
John Gilliam to Joshua Morris
Sussex County, VA, Deed Book E, page 387
14 May 1777
Charles Gilliam to James Jones 124 acres on southside of Nottaway bounded by Sampson Collier, James Jones, sd Gilliam, Richard Blow, Thomas Gilliam.
Sussex County, VA, Deed Book E, page 395
21 Nov 1777
Hinchea Gilliam and wife to Thomas Tatum
Sussex County, VA, Deed Book E, page 402
18 Feb 1779
Levi Gilliam, Sr. to Levi Gilliam, Jr.
Sussex County, VA, Deed Book E, page 504
12 Jan 1778
Thomas Wilkinson of Pittsylvania County to Isham Smith of Sussex £135, 120 acres south of Harry’s Swamp adj said Smith, Barham, Batte.
Wit: Wyatt Wilkinson, Nathan Wilkinson, Matthew Parham, Wm. GILLIAM, Gardener Harwell.
Rec: 12 Jan 1778
Hart, L. H. “Unrecorded Sussex County Deeds,” Southside Virginian. Volume 5, page 54
20 Jun 1782
William Thomas Pennington of Sussex Co. to Levy Gilliam Jr of same. 20 Jun 1782. 273£ gold or silver. 200 acres which is part of land where sd Pennington now lives on southside of Myrey Branch, joining sd Pennington, Black Jack Branch, Milpon. Also signed by his wife Elizabeth Pennington
Rec: 20 Jun 1782.
Jno Cocke, Clerk
Sussex County, VA, Deed Book F, page 120.
15 May 1783
Robert Jones, James Jones, William Massenburg, and Isham Gilliam make bond to Jacquelin Ambler, treasurer of the Commonwealth, for 10,0000£. 15 May 1783. The condition is to account for all the taxes in Sussex Co.
Rec: 15 May 1783
John Cocke, Clerk
Sussex County, VA, Deed Book F, page 184
14 Jan 1784
Henry Harrison son of Henry Harrison Esq. decd late of Sussex County to James Jones of same, executor of Howell Jones decd. 14 Jan 1784. Henry Harrison decd did for 415£ sell to sd Howel Jones decd 415 acres on southside of Nottoway River as by a plat from John Wilson, Joining Sims (now Richard Blows), the road, Samson Collier, Edmund GILLIAM. There was a balance & interest due. Sd Howell Jones in his will devised the sd land to his father James Jones for his lifetime and then to descend to sd Howel’s brothers and sisters. This deed, for interest due, make over the sd land to the sd James Jones.
Wit: Michael Wall, Ben Chapman, Thomas Jones.
Red: 19 Feb 1784
Jno. Cocke, Clerk
Sussex County, VA, Deed Book "F", page 235
14 Feb 1784
Isham Porch of Sussex Co to Micajah Cain of Same 14 Feb 1784. 124£ VA. 124 acres which was part of where sd Isham Porch now lives, on north side of Harry’s Swamp, joining Thomas Hunt, James Gibbon, sd Micajah Cain.
Wit: Nathan Wilkinson, W. Mason, Seymour Powell, C. Gilliam.
Rec: 19 Feb 1784, 18 Mar 1784
Jno Cocke, Clerk
Sussex County, VA, Deed Book "F", page 254
[C. Gilliam is most likely Charles Gilliam whose grand daughter, Mary, married Howell Porch.]
20 Nov 1788
Marcus Stokes, Drury Stokes, Hamlin Freeman Stokes emancipate Will and Sam, formerly the property of Cescilla Stokes, dec'd as by her yet unproved will. 18 Oct 1788.
Wit: Silvanus Bell, Levie GILLIAM, Jr., James Johnston.
Rec: 20 Nov. 1788.
Sussex County, VA Deed Book G, page 562-(231)
3 Mar 1790
Thomas Hill of Sussex Co. to William Mason of Greensville Co for 157 lbs, 1048 acres on north side of Nottoway River, joining Stoney Creek, southern Eastern Swamp, Daniel Malone, William Wilborne, Sweeds Road, Michael Hill (now Benjamin Wilborn's).
Wit: Wm Wilborn, Benja Wilborn, William GILLIAM, John Powell.
Sussex County, VA, VA Deed Book G, page 424
13 Jul 1797
Gray Gilliam
20 acres, On the Nursery branch, adjoining Isham Whitehead, Johnson and Stewart.
Virginia County Records, VII, Sussex County. Book No. 39.
Deeds of Charles Gilliam, the son of Charles Gilliam and Mary (Polly) Manry
13 Dec 1820
Jeremiah Gilliam to Henry M. Magee
Sussex County, VA, Deed Book N, page 198
3 Jan 1821
This indenture made this third day of January in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-two, between John Southard and Dorothy, his wife, of the County of Sussex, of the first part and Charles Gilliam of said County of the other part . . . of 130 acres, "bounded by lands of Edward Tatum, Elizabeth Clanton, Henry Felts, Henry I. Harrison, and Isaac Andrews."
Sussex County, VA, Deed Book N, page 300
2 Nov 1826
Martha Gilliam to Charles Gilliam, 130 acres of land adj. Edward Tatum, Williamson Clanton, Henry Felts, Henry I. Harrison, and Isaac Andrews.
Rec: 2 Nov 1826
Sussex County, VA, Deed Book P, page 9.
[According to the deed, Charles Gilliam died intestate, leaving his wife, Polly and five children, including Martha. The land had not yet been divided among the children; it was Charles' intent that his widow and his widowed mother, Martha, continue to reside on the land that his father, Charles, Sr., had earlier acquired.]
2 Feb 1832
Willis Gilliam to Thomas J. Edwards
Fact or Fiction?
Did William GILLIAM marry Susannah Green, daughter of Lewis Green
Guardians Bonds
Levi GILLIAM, guardian of Mary and Elizabeth Moore, orphans of Thomas Moore
Aug 1762
Levi GILLIAM, guardian of Mary and Elizabeth Moore, orphans of Thomas Moore
Aug 1764
Levi GILLIAM, guardian of Mary and Elizabeth Moore, orphans of Thomas Moore, dism.
Mar 1765
Seymr Powell, guardian of John GILLIAM, orphan of William GILLIAM
Aug 1766
Levi GILLIAM, guardian of Mary and Elizabeth Moore, orphans of Thomas Moore, dismt.
Seymour Powell, guardian of John GILLIAM, orphan of William GILLIAM
Seymour Powell, guardian of John GILLIAM, orphan of William GILLIAM, ret. Or.
[William GILLIAM's Will states: "I desire that Seymore Powell of Brunswick may have the care of my Son John GILLIAM's Estate on his giving good security to my Executors for the trust impossed in him."]
Mary GILLIAM, guardian of Mary, Eliz, and Saml. GILLIAM, orphans of William GILLIAM, ret Or.
Mary GILLIAM, guardian of Mary, Eliz, and Saml. GILLIAM, orphans of William GILLIAM
Wm Mason, guardian of Elizabeth and Saml GILLIAM
Wm Mason, guardian of Wm GILLIAM and Cha GILLIAM
Sussex County, VA, Guardian Bonds
1815 Landowner's Directory
GILLIAM, Carter, 8SE
GILLIAM, Elizabeth, Life, 9SE
GILLIAM, Henry R, 15S
GILLIAM, Patsey, life, 18W, 16W, 14SW
GILLIAM, Patty, Life, 5SE
GILLIAM, Sarah, Life, 8SE
GILLIAM, William, 7S
GILLIAM, John W. of Brunswick County, VA, Blackwater Swamp, 20E
[Directions and distances are measured from the Courthouse.]
Ward, Roger G. 1815 Directory of Virginia Landowners (and Gazetteer) Volume 2. Athens, GA: Iberian Pub. Co.
14 Oct 1754
James Boisseau Jones & Ann GILLIAM, daughter of Hinchia GILLIAM, Sec. David Jones.
Sussex County: Marriage Bonds, William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine, Vol. 11, No. 4. (Apr., 1903), pp. 268-270.
24 May 1762
William Briggs & Mary Cooke, dau of Reuben Cooke.
Sec. Hinchea GILLIAM
27 Jun 1771
William Mason and Mary GILLIAM, dau of William GILLIAM, deced.
19 May 1774
Thomas GILLIAM & Sarah Williamson, dau of Arthur Williamson.
1 Dec 1781
Sampson Collier and Sarah GILLIAM, widow. Sec. Peter Jones.
Sussex County Marriage Bonds, William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine, Vol. 12, No. 1. (Jul., 1903), pp. 12-18.
Sally Gilliam and Collins Johnson
Sussex County Marriage Bonds, 1780
Martha Gilliam and John Williamson
Sussex County Marriage Bonds, 1783
5 Jan 1784
Cherry Tyus (dau. of Benjamin) and William Gilliam
Gerbel, Christine Levet. Some Sussex County Marriages, Register 1, 1765-1900. Southside Virginian. Volume 9, page 83
Mary Gilliam and John Bobbitt
Sussex County Marriage Bonds, 1788, Minster’s Returns 1783-1853
Elizabeth Gilliam and Gilliam Magee
Sussex County Marriage Bonds, 1788
Winnifred Gilliam and Benjamin Collier
Sussex County Marriage Bonds, 1792
Sarah Gilliam and William Bradley
Sussex County Marriage Bonds, 1793
5 Feb 1795
Gray Gilliam and Elizabeth Stewart, Surety Col. Stephen Temple
Priscilla Gilliam and John Joyner
Sussex County Marriage Bonds, 1796
Martha Gilliam and John Bishop
Sussex County Marriage Bonds, 1799
Elizabeth Gilliam and Edwin Cooper
Sussex County Marriage Bonds, 1800
Rebecca Gilliam and Thomas Wrenn
Sussex County Marriage Bonds, 1801
Frances Gilliam and Littleberry Partridge
Sussex County Marriage Bonds, 1803
Lucy Gilliam and Henry Magee
Sussex County Marriage Bonds, 1806
Some Marriage Returns of Minister James Rogers
Year 1805
James Gilliam and Elizabeth Magee December the 12th
Burwell Gilliam and Mary Ann Miller December the 25th
Year 1806
Henry Magee and Lucy Gilliam January the 24th
Gerbel, Christine Levet. Some Marriage Returns of Minister James Rogers, Recorded in Marriage Register 1754-1850, Sussex County Circuit Court, Southside Virginian. Volume 9, page 131
Some Marriage Returns of Minister James Rogers
Dorothea Gilliam and Edward Pegram
Sussex County Marriage Bonds, 1807
Gerbel, Christine Levet. Some Sussex County Marriage, Recorded in Marriage Register 1754-1850, Sussex County Circuit Court, Southside Virginian. Volume 10, page 66
Mary Gilliam and Henry S. Hardaway
Sussex County Marriage Bonds, 1808
Martha Gilliam and James Butts
Sussex County Marriage Bonds, 1808
Polly W. Gilliam and Edward Reese
Sussex County Marriage Bonds, 1808
Lurana Gilliam and Howell Jones
Sussex County Marriage Bonds, 1809
Phebe Gilliam and George Booth
Sussex County Marriage Bonds, 1788,
Sally Gilliam and Willie Magee
Sussex County Marriage Bonds, 1811
Susanna T. Gilliam and Nicholas Hite
Sussex County Marriage Bonds, 1813
Mary H. Gilliam and John Butts
Sussex County Marriage Bonds, 1814
27 Dec 1816
Elizabeth Gilliam and Hartwell Longs
Sussex County Marriage Bonds, 1816
Who is Lt. John GILLIAM of Continental Line?
Much ink has been spilt over the identity of John of the Continental Line. This article from the William and Mary Quarterly by Charles Edgar GILLIAM correctly identifies John GILLIAM of the Continental Line as the son of Hinchea GILLIAM (1721-1768) and Amey Briggs, his wife.
Lt. John GILLIAM, Continental Line
Sussex County Orphans Court
August 1755-August 1756
The following items are extracted from the Reference Dockets and Docket Books of Sussex County. The information included is especially interesting as it sometimes includes information about age or marriage. Due to lack of space, only those remarks of genealogical significance in the last column will be included.
Levi Gilliam, Guardian
Mary and Eliz. Moore, Orphan
Thomas Moore, of Whom
August 1764
Levi Gilliam, Guardian
Mary and Eliz. Moore, Orphan
Thomas Moore, of Whom
August 1766
Levi Gilliam, Guardian
Mary and Eliz. Moore, Orphan
Thomas Moore, of Whom
August 1766
Seymour Powell, Guardian
John Gilliam, Orphan
William Gilliam, of Whom
August 1768
Seymour Powell, Guardian
John Gilliam, Orphan
William Gilliam, of Whom
Mary Gilliam, Guardian
Mary, Eliza and Samuel Gilliam, Orphans
William Gilliam, of Whom
August 1769
Mary Gilliam, Guardian
Mary, Eliza and Samuel Gilliam, Orphans
William Gilliam, of Whom
August 1772
William Mason, Guardian
Elizabeth, Saml, Wm. Cha. Gilliam, Orphans
Hart, L. H. Sussex County Orphans Court, 1755-1756. “Southside Virginian. Volume 6, page 125. 126, 128, 131, 133, 135, 137, 141
GILLIAMs are found in the Register of Albemarle Parish.
Many served as Godparents for their near relatives: Register of Albemarle Parish.
Patents, Headrights and Bounds
16 Feb 1771
Stith Parham, 344 acs. 16 Feb 1771
On the S. side of Nottoway Riv. Beg. In the Cypress br. up the Cabin Stick Sw. adj. William GILLIAM, James Horn, Marcus GILLIAM’s entry, William Rives, Charles Barker, William Stuart, & Miles Cary; £1.S15.
Cavaliers and Pioneers, VII, page 221
1 Mar 1773
Pettway Johnson, 17,80 acs. 1 Mar 1773
Beg in the Black Sw., in the Mouth of Little Miry Br. In a Slash on the s side of a Pond up Allens Road, at the E side of Allens Road at the Church Old Cross Road on the s side of Coppohonk SW, to a bend in the great Miry Br.; adj. sd. Pettway Johnson, Taddy Jarrard, James Beasseau Jones, James Barker, Lawrence Smith, James Gilbert, John GILLIAM, Thomas Cooper, John Irby, William Brigg’s & William Johnson. £4.S15. 295 acs part granted unto William Johnson by Pat 16 Feb 1722/23 [PB 11, p191] 121 acs another part gtd sd William Johnson by Pat 1 Aug 1745 [PB 23, p1001], 365 acs other part being part of 465 acs gtd to Willut Roberts by Pat 4 Jul 1759 [PB 33, p603] 84 acs other part of a larger tract of 168 acs gtd Wm. Johnson by Pat 10 Apr 1751 [PB 29, p400] the right of all which sd tracts is since become vested in the sd Pettway Johnson and 915 acs the residue never before gtd.
Cavaliers and Pioneers, VII, page 293
Pension of Jordan GILLIAM of Sussex County, removed to Jackson County, AL.
23 Nov 1769, 7 Dec 1769, 12 Jul 1770
For Sale,
Twelve hundred acres of fine land, in Sussex county, 7 miles below the courthouse: It joins Nottoway river for about one mile, which affords plenty of fish, and makes near 100 acres of low grounds, well stocked with cypress and other timber, In the banks are plenty of shells, very good for lime. Great part of the high lands are rich, and fit for tobacco, which is not common in that part of the country. Mr. Benjamin Cleamonds, [Clements] and Mr. Thomas GILLIAM, will shew the lands to those inclinable to purchase.
J. Syme.
Virginia Gazette, Publisher: Rind, Page: 2, Column: 3, 1769-11-23
Virginia Gazette, Publisher: Purdie & Dixon, Page: 4, Column: 1, 1769-12-07
Virginia Gazette, Publisher: Rind, Page: 2, Column: 2, 1770-07-12
Oath of Allegiance, 1777, Sussex County
The persons Named that hath Taken and Subscribed the Oath of Allegiance and Fidelity to this Common Wealth, August 9th, 1777.
Henry Underhill | Robert Watson | Huss___ Cannady |
Richard Christian | Stephan Baird | John Mason |
Richard Cook | Thomas Cooper | Richard Cotton |
Abraham Jones | Nicholas Ogburne | Archibal Cotton |
Nathaniel Dobie | Harris Cotton | William Harrison, Jun |
John Mason, Jun | William Harrison | Thomas Cooper |
William Wilcox | Harman Bishop | Thomas Wiggins |
William Weaver | Howell Chappale | William Gary |
Hartwell Hunter | Hugh Ivy | Jesse Adkins |
Mason Bishop | Henry Parsons | John Weaver |
John Adkins | Jesse Partridge | John Crosland |
William Brown, Jun | Nicholas Wilkinson | Drury Barker |
Hartwell Cocke | James Wiggins | Nathaniel Cotton |
Howell Underhill | Fa__da Jarrad | Benjamin Mason |
Peter Gannans | Nathaniel Barker | William Hunter |
William Blunt | John Gary | Robert Ganett |
William Partridge | John Thompson | John Burges |
Anselm Cullum | Charles Davies | William Shands |
David Jones, Sen | Daniel Turner | John Montgomerie |
Robert Glover | Daniel Ivy | Ben E__ Browne |
Henry Barker | William Cotton | William Harrison |
Jesse Barker | John Underhill | John Brian, Sen |
Thomas Partridge | John Irby | William Saunder |
Nicholas Partridge | Thomas Blunt | John Brian, Jun |
Thomas M__ | William Baird | Jesse Flood |
William Cullum | Patrick Lashly | Rich Scoggin |
Thomas Tomlinson | Howell Lashly | William Hite |
Nathan Heath | Fredrick Andrews | John Ogburne |
James Barker | David Jones | Thomas Cotton, Jun |
Lawrence Smith | James Beau Jones | Jesse Jarrad |
William Lashly | Warwick Gilman | Seth Heath |
Jesse Collier | David Jones, Jun | Thomas Cullum |
Robert Jones, Jun | Jas Johnson | |
Holmes Jones, Jun | Brtn Mangum | |
Ben Cooper | ||
Wm Johnson, Sen |
I do hereby certify that the persons whereas their names are here above subscribed has taken the Oath of Allegiance and Fidelity to this Com Wealth of Virginia. Given under my hand this 9th day of Octr 1777.
Power of Attorney
Sussex County Powers of Attorney, 1802-1823
An important source for documenting migration is the power of attorney, recorded in county deed books. This instrument usually shows where a person has moved and .gives some clue to his connection with the county in which the power of attorney is recorded. Often, two or three generations are mentioned within one instrument.
The Index to Deeds for Sussex County has been examined, and those powers of attorney which contain genealogical information or evidence of migration have been abstracted.
8 Aug 1800
James Alsobrook of Jones Co. GA PoA to Howell Nicholson of Sussex to receive money due me as gdn. of Benj . Lanes (orphans): Wm. and Elizabeth due from their previous gdn. Richard P. Clements (of So'n)
Rec: Apr. 4, 1823
Wit: Henry R. Gilliam, Howell Harris.
Sussex County, VA, Deed Book O, page 1
Hart, D. L. Sussex County Powers of Attorney, 1802-1823, Southside Virginian. Volume 3, page 19
5 Aug 1825
Levi S. Gilliam of Wilson County, TN
Power of Attorney to Lewellin R. Cain of Sussex
from LIttleberry Partridge the admin of Levi Gilliam, decd.
“my share of father’s estate according to Virginia law
Att: Wilson Co. TN
Rec: 6 Oct 1825
Sussex County, VA, Deed Book O, page 358
[Levi S. Gilliam, son of Levi and Frances. Levi S Gilliam is found in the 1830 Wilson County census and the 1850-1870 Haywood County, TN Census]
Sussex County Removals 1825
Robert Gilliam to Southampton
Hart, L. H. Sussex County Removals, 1825, Southside Virginian, Volume 3, page 64
Revolutionary War Public Service Claims
Arthur GILLIAM, Certificates, 1
Carter GILLIAM, Court Booklet, II, p 6,
Charles GILLIAM, Court Booklet, I p 6, Certificates, 1,
Hinche GILLIAM, Court Booklet, I, p 6, Commissioner’s Book, V, p 200
Isham GILLIAM, Court Booklet, I, p 6, Commissioner’s Book, V, p 200
Levi GILLIAM, Court Booklet, II, p 1, Commissioner’s Book, V, p 200
Library of Virginia, Revolutionary War Public Service Claims
GILLIAM, Levi, and Son Levi, 2 white males above 21, 7 negroes, 3 horses, 6 heads of cattle.
GILLIAM, Hinche, 1 white male above 21, 8 negroes, 2 horses, 10 heads of cattle.
GILLIAM, Ishcum, 1 white male above 21, 10 negroes, 4 horses, 15 heads of cattle.
GILLIAM, Ansolan, 1 white male above 21, 15 negroes, 5 horses, 11 heads of cattle
GILLIAM, Charles, 1 white tithe, 16 negroes, 9 horses, 16 head of cattle, 5 negro tithes
GILLIAM, William, 1 white tithe, 0 negroes, 1 horses, 0 carriages
Creekmore, Pollyanna. “Sussex County, Virginia. Personal Property Tax Lists, 1782. Southside Virginian. Volume 6, page 14-15, 61
1789 Personal Property Tax List A
GILLIAM, William, page 6
Binns Genealogy. 1790/1800 Tax Records.
1789 Personal Property Tax List B
GILLIAM, Anslem [sic], page 5
GILLIAM, Carter, page 5
GILLIAM, Charles, page 5
GILLIAM, Charles, Jr, page 5
GILLIAM, Hinche, page 5
GILLIAM, Isham, page 5
GILLIAM, Levy, page 5
GILLIAM, Samuel, page 6
GILLIAM, Walter, page 5
GILLIAM, William, page 5
Binns Genealogy. 1790/1800 Tax Records.
1789 Personal Property Tax List
Anselm GILLIAM (born 1754, son of Levy GILLIAM and Elizabeth)
Carter GILLIAM (born 1763, son of Anselm GILLIAM and Martha Johnson)
Charles GILLIAM (born abt 1733, son of Charles GILLIAM and Mary)
Charles GILLIAM, Jr., (born 1766, son of Charles GILLIAM and Elizabeth)
Hinchey GILLIAM (born 1759 son of Hinchea GILLIAM and wife Amy Briggs)
Isham GILLIAM (born 1733, son of John GILLIAM and Sarah)
Levy GILLIAM (born 1722, son of John GILLIAM and Sarah)
Samuel GILLIAM (born abt 1767? Son of William GILLIAM and Mary)
Walter GILLIAM (born abt 1766? Son of Drury GILLIAM and Sarah)
William GILLIAM (born 1762 son of Hinchea GILLIAM and wife Amy Briggs)
1799 Personal Property Tax List A
GILLIAM, William, page 7
Binns Genealogy. 1790/1800 Tax Records.
1799 Personal Property Tax List B
GILLIAM, Anselem [sic], page 6
GILLIAM, Burwel [sic], page 6
GILLIAM, Carter, page 6
GILLIAM, Charles, page 6
GILLIAM, Elisebeth, page 6
GILLIAM, Gray, page 6
GILLIAM, Levy, page 6
GILLIAM, Levy, Jr., page 6
GILLIAM, Lucy, page 6
GILLIAM, Prissiller, page 6
GILLIAM, Samuel, page 6
GILLIAM, William, page 6
Binns Genealogy. 1790/1800 Tax Records.
1799 Personal Property Tax List
Anselm GILLIAM (born 1754, son of Levy GILLIAM and Elizabeth)
Burwell GILLIAM (born 1772, son of Isham and Priscilla, married 1805)
Carter GILLIAM (born 1763, son of Anselm GILLIAM and Martha Johnson)
Charles GILLIAM (likely Charles Jr., above, though Charles Sr’s Inventory is dated 1801)
Elizabeth GILLIAM (abt 1729? Widow of Levy GILLIAM, Sr)
Gray GILLIAM (born 1765, son of Agnes GILLIAM)
Hinchey GILLIAM (born 1759 son of Hinchea GILLIAM and wife Amy Briggs)
Levy GILLIAM (born 1722, son of John GILLIAM and Sarah)
Levy GILLIAM, Jr. (born 1758, son of Levi GILLIAM and Elizabeth)
Lucy GILLIAM (born 1757 dau of Hinchea GILLIAM and wife Amy Briggs)
Priscilla GILLIAM (likely daughter or widow of Isham GILLIAM)
Samuel GILLIAM (born abt 1767? Son of William GILLIAM and Mary)
William GILLIAM (born 1762 son of Hinchea GILLIAM and wife Amy Briggs)
Precinct of Charles Partin, Constb
William GILLIAM, 5
Hart, L. H. Sussex County Tithable List, 1754. Southside Virginian. Volume 6, page 45
John Gilam, 1
Warick Gil_an, 3
Hart, L. H. Sussex County Tithable List, 1754. Southside Virginian. Volume 6, page 46
Wills, Estates and Inventories
20 May 1744
Will of Fortune GILLIAM
Fortain GILLIAM of Surry, of sound mind and memory
to my son Charles
Son William
Son Thomas
Son Walter
Sig: Fortain GILLIAM
Wit: Benjamin Clements, Sarah Banks, Elizabeth GILLIAM at court May 13 by Thomas GILLIAM the executor therein named
Benjamin [Clements] one of the witnesses was granted a certificate for obtaining a probate.
Rec: 13 May 1754
[Published genealogies have identified Capt. Hinchea GILLIAM's wife as Fortune Flood, daughter of Walter Flood and Ann Browne. Yet the 1704 Will of William Browne describes his grandaughter as Fortune Flood and the Will of Walter Flood makes no mention of her. However, Hinchea and Fortune did name a son Walter and Hinchea was a militia sergeant in Capt. William Browne’s Company in 1701.]
Sussex County, VA, Book A, Page 9
Jones, Louise G. Sussex County, Will Book A. Southside Virginian. Volume 2, page 51
8 Jul 1754
Inventory of Fortune Gilliam
by Moses Johnson, Charles Battle and Nathaniel Clanton.
Rec: 8 July 1754
Sussex County, VA, Book A, Page 11
Jones, Louise G. Sussex County, Will Book A. Southside Virginian. Volume 2, page 51
Will of Robert Wynne
In the Name of God men I Robert Wynne of the parish of Albemarle in the County of Sussex being Sick and weak of Body but of perfect Sense Sound Memory and Disposing Judgment do make and Ordain this my Last Will and Testament Believing as becomes a Christian Bequeath my Soul unto God my Body I Desire may be Buried in a Decent and Christian like manner According to the Discretion of my Executors hereafter Mentioned Whatever Goods it has pleased God to bestow upon Me, after my Debts and Funeral Charges are paid I Dispose of in Manner and form Following: Imprimis Vizt.
I give and Bequeath unto my beloved wife Mary upon Condition that she pay Discharge all the Debts and Incumbrances She was under before our Intermarriage the __ of my Negro man called Billey and my Girl called Sarah (During her natural Life a___ the use of my Negro Boy call'd Billey untill my Grandson Robert Wynne Raines shall attain the age of Twenty one years I also give unto my wife my Bay horse Branded with a Heart and Ten pounds Cash Money two wheat chairs[?].
I Devise to my Grand Daughter Mary Butler and to the heirs of her body __fully begotten forever the Land Plantation whereon I now live with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging and in Default of such Issue then
I Devise the same Land and Plantation to my Grandson Joel Tucker and to his Heirs forever also it is my Will and Desire that my said Plantation and ___ the profits thereof to his Own Use untill my said Grand Daughter Shall marry or attain the Age of Twenty one years.
I give to my Son in law Joseph Tucker and Lewcretia his Wife my Negro Man Bristol also one Negro woman now in their possession call'd Dinah.
I give unto my son in law Mathew Parham and his Wife Martha one __ now in their Possession Cal _Anneca also my Negro ___ call'd Peter.
I give unto my Grandson Joel Tucker My Negro woman call'd Dilsey. I
give unto my Son in Law William Raines and Angilica his Wife my Negro __ now in their possession call'd Belinda also the Labour of my Negro Man call'd Prince during the Life of my sd. Daughter Angelica and from and after her deceased I give the said negro Prince to my grandson Jefferson Raines.
I give unto my Grand Daughter Mary Butler when she shall attain the age of twenty one years or marriage which ever shall first happen my negro Slaves following to wit Lucy Nan Bette and Sussex the children of the said Lucy and untill my said Grand Daughter shall marry or attain to the age of twenty one years I give the Use and Labour of the said Slaves to my Grandson Joel Tucker.
I give unto my Grandson Robert Parham and to his heirs forever all that part of my Tract of Land on the south side of Nottoway which is Situate and Lying Between Poythress's Old Road and a swamp call'd and known by the name of the flat swamp Containing two hundred acres be the same more or less and situate lying and being in the Parish of Albemarle and in the County of Sussex.
I also give my said Grandson Robert Parham my young Black mare.
I Devise unto my Granddaughter Eliza. Parham and her heirs Lawfully begotten of her Body forever all the remainder part of my Tract of Land on the South side of Nottoway River containing about one hundred and five acres. Also my Negro Woman call'd Amy.
I give unto my Grand Daughter Martha Bell my Negro call'd Little Phillis.
I give unto my Grandson Robert Wynne Raines after he shall attain the age of Twenty one Years my Negro Boy call'd Billey and my Negro Girl call'd Daphney, and until my Grandson shall attain the age of aforesaid I Give the use and labour of the said Negro Billey and Daphney unto my Grandson Joel Tucker.
I give unto my Grandson Jefferson Raines after the Death of my wife my Negro Girl call'ed Sarah.
I give unto my Grandson Robert Parham my Negro Girl call'd Celia.
I give unto my son in Law Joseph Tucker after the Death of my Wife my Negro Man call'd Billey as also my Largest Copper Kittle.
I give unto my Brother Thomas Wynne, my Negro Man call'd Will.
I give unto my Grandson Matthew Parham my Negro Boy call'd Simon.
I give unto my Grand Daughter Lewcretia Tucker my Negro Girl Call'd Patty. I give unto my Grandson Joel Tucker my Walnut Desk and my Troopers Arms. I give unto my son in Law Matthew Parham my small Copper Kittle.
I give unto my Daughter Angelica Rains my Largest Iron Pott Ten pounds in __ and Six head of neat cattle.
I give unto my Grandson Robert Wynne Rains the Fether [sic] Bed & furniture commonly call'd his also my Small Gray Mare.
All the Remainder of my Estate of what Kind soever I give to my two Daughters Lewcretia Tucker and Martha Parham to be Equally Divided between them in size and Quality
Lastly it is my Will and Desire that my Estate be not appraised and Exors. hereafter mentioned be obliged to give Security for the Execution hereof
I do hereby constitute and appoint my sons in Law Matthew Parham & Joseph Tucker Executors of this my Last Will and Testament
In Witness whereof I hereunto set my Hand and Affixed my seal this Day of Anno Domini 175_.
Sig: Robert Wynne.
At a Court held for Sussex County the 12th day of August 1754. ___ forewritten Last Will and Testament of Robert Wynne Gent. decd. was presented in Court by Joseph Tucker one of the Exors therein named who made Oath thereto according to law And there being no subscribing witnesses to the same __ Court proceeded to take depositions in support of the same thereupon ______ Junr. William GILLIAM and William GILLIAM Junr. being first sworn they do depose and say they were well acquainted with the testator in his lifetime and have often seen him write and that the said Will was the writing of the said testator And the Court also being well acquainted with the writing of the said testator and verily believing the whole to be of his own proper hand writing __ the __ Ordered to be recorded as the last Will and Testmt. of the sd. Robt. Wynne.
And on the Motion of the sd. Tucker Certificate was granted him for obtaining a Probate thereof in due form and Liberty to Matthew Parham the other exor to join him therein when he shall see fit.
Rec: 12 Aug 1754
13 Oct 1755
Inventory of Michael Hill's estate,
adm: John Hill;
appr: Wm. Gilliam, Richard Hill and William Gilliam Jr.
Rec: 13 Oct. 1755.
Jones, Louise G. Sussex County, Will Book A. Southside Virginian. Volume 2, page 53
13 Oct 1755
Inventory of Fortune Gilliam's estate,
ex: Thomas Gilliam;
appr: William Gilliam Jr. and William Hall.
Rec: 13 Oct. 1755
Jones, Louise G. Sussex County, Will Book A. Southside Virginian. Volume 2, page 53
8 Dec 1755
Inventory of Balaam Bell's estate,
adm: Mary Bell;
appr: Thomas Moore, Levi Gilliam, Moses Johnson.
Rec: 8 Dec. 1755
Jones, Louise G. Sussex County, Will Book A. Southside Virginian. Volume 2, page 53
8 Nov 1756
Inventory of Andrew Lester estate.
Appr: Hinchia Gilliam, John Lamb, James Boissea Jones.
Rec: 8 Nov. 1756
Jones, Louise G. Sussex County, Will Book A. Southside Virginian. Volume 2, page 54
12 Jan 1756
Will of Samuel Tatum
In the name of God, Amen, I Samuel Tatum of the lower part of Sussex County being sick and weak of body but of perfect mind and disposing memory praised be almighty God for the same and calling to mind the uncertainty of this transitory life do make this my last will and testament in manner following that is to say first I humbly recommend my Soul to almighty God that gave it me Stedfastly trusting to his gracious acceptance thereof and to have free pardon and remission of my Sins through the merits and mediation of my blessed saviour Jesus Christ and my body I commit to the earth to be buried in such decent manner as my executors hereafter named shall think fit and as for what worldly estate it hath pleased God of his goodness to bestow upon me
I give and dispose thereof as followeth.
I give and bequeath unto John GILLIAM the Land where I now live the son of Amey GILLIAM and I desire that my Land may be valued and that John GILLIAM may pay half of the value of it to Sarah Bagley the daughter of William Bagley and I desire that the remainder of my estate to be equally divided between John GILLIAM and Sarah Bagley and I do hereby nominate and appoint Hinchia GILLIAM my whole and sole executor of this desiring him to see this my last will and testament truly performed.
In witness I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this day of January 12, 1756.
Sig: Samuel [his X mark] Tatum Sealed with a wafer
Wit: William Briggs, Henry Briggs
At a Court held for Sussex County the 16th day of December 1757.
The aforewritten last Will Testament of Samuel Tatum deced. was presented in Court by Hinchia GILLIAM the executor therein named who made oath thereto according to Law and the same was proved by the oaths of William Briggs and Henry Briggs the witnesses thereto and by the Court order'd to be recorded; and on the motion of the said executor certificate thereof is granted him for obtaining a probate in due form.
Teste A. Claiborne Clk.
Sussex County, VA Will Book A, Page 83
Jones, Louise G. Sussex County, Will Book A. Southside Virginian. Volume 2, page 56
May 1756
Administration of Estate of Jarvis Wingfield
On the motion of William Wingfield who made oath according to Law Certificate is granted him for obtaining Letters of administration of the Estate of his deced. father Jarvis Wingfield giving (sic) whereupon he with William Gilliam his Security entered into and acknowledged their bond for his due administration of the sd. Estate." May 1756
Four Several Deeds (indented) from William Wingfield to his sons William Wingfield, Robert Wingfield, John Wingfield & Peter Wingfield were severally acknowledged by the said first mentioned William Wingfield and by Court Order to be Recorded. May 1756
Haun, Weynette Parks. Sussex County, VA Court Records, 1754-1801
[William Wingfield is the father-in-law of Frances Gilliam who married Robert Wingfield]
20 Oct 1757
Will of Isaac Mason
To my wife, My negro man Tom during her widowhood
To daughter Mary Ann
To son John two negroes
If my wife should prove with child if a son I give 280 acres to him of all my lands my negro Jenny
Exe: David Mason
Rec: 17 Feb 1758
[Isaac Mason is the brother of Ann GILLIAM, the wife of John GILLIAM who removed to Northampton County, NC before 1750.]
Sussex County, VA, Will Book A, page 84
Jones, Louise G. Sussex County, Will Book A. Southside Virginian. Volume 2, page 56
12 Oct 1757
Will of William Harper of Albemarle Parish in Sussex Co.
In the name of God Amen, the 12th day of October in the year of our Lord Christ one thousand five hundred and fifty seven, William Harper of Albemarle parish and county of Sussex being at this time of sound and perfect mind thanks be given unto God for it therefore calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing it is appointing for all men once to die do make and ordain this my last will and testament that is to say first of all I give and name my soul to God that gave it me and my body to the earth to be buried in a Christian like and descent like manner at the discretion of my executors and as for my worldly goods what it hath pleased God to bless me in this life.
I give and devise in manner and form following. My debts being ___ well and truly paid, I give and devise unto my oldest son, William Harper, and to his heirs forever, all my land which I hold in Dinwiddie County; a negro man, Matt; a negro boy named Dick and the labour of the said negro Matt from the time he has had him in possession and all my part of the stock, excepting a young mare.
Item - I give and devise unto my son, Wyatt Harper and to his heirs forever all my land which I hold on southwestern forever granted to me by pattent bearing date of 28 day of August 1756 and one negro boy named Bob and a negro wench named Nan, a negro boy named Aron and ten pounds current money of Virginia, and all my wearing cloaths, likewise a young man my son William Harper has now in his possession and all accounts that is due from him to me likewise half a dozen sheep and ten young hogs.
Item - I give and devise unto my son Edward Harper and to his heirs forever four hundred twenty and seven acres of land which I hold on the south side of Sappony Creek be the same, more or less, it being the land I bought of James GILLIAM, and some part of another tract adjoining the said creek, a negro man named Tom and a negro man named Ned, a negro wench named Jenny and two iron pots.
Item - I give and devise unto my son Benjamin Harper and his heirs forever, four hundred and twenty acres of land lying and being on the North side of Sappony Creek, be the same more or less, it being all I hold on that side of the said creek, one negro man named Tony, negro wench named Gogg, negro girl named Lucy, negro boy named Peter and negro boy named Billy; my still and copper kettle, two iron potts, a large pott and a small one and his negros to continue on the plantation till he comes to the age of twenty years then to take them in possession and likewise his part of the stock to continue on the plantation.
Item - I give and devise unto my daughter, Milly Tucker, and her heirs forever one negro girl named Hannah.
Item - I give and devise unto my daughter, Frances Harper and to her heirs forever negro boy named Moses and ten pounds current money of Virginia.
Item - I give and devise unto my daughter, Martha Rivers and to her heirs forever a negro boy named Cubit.
Item - I give and devise unto my son Edward Harper aforementioned two feather beds and their covering, half of my stock of cattle, hoggs and sheep.
Item - I give and devise unto my son Benjamin Harper aforementioned, two feather beds and covering, half a dozen leather chairs, chest of drawers, and square table and the chest that stands up stares, and half my stock of cattle, sheep and hoggs. Also a young man that belongs to the plantation, my riding saddle housing and bridle and his part of household goods to remain in the house, and himself to be schooled and it to be paid out of his own part of the estate and to be under the care of my sons, Wyatt and Edward Harper.
Item - I give and devise unto my sons Edward and Benjamin Harper aforementioned, my work horses and harnesses for the use of the plantation and my corn and fodder for the supportment of their stock and negros.
Item - I give and devise unto my three sons, Wyatt, Edward and Benjamin Harper, my crop of brandy to be sold and the money arriving thereby to be equally divided and all the remaining part of my moveable estate not above named to be equally divided between them at the dispossession of any two persons whom they shall choose and appoint, and that when so divided into parts each the said Wyatt, Edward and Benjamin Harper shall draw lots for choice.
Item - I bequeath and devise that no part of my estate to be appraised and that my executors shall in no wise be obliged or compelled to give security for performance of the same and further I do likewise appoint constitute make and ordain my two sons name Wyatt and Edward Harper above mentioned to be my whole and sole executors of this my last will and testament and to have the care of my son Benjamin Harper and his estate till he comes to the age of twenty years as above mentioned and I do hereby utterly dis____, revoke, disavow all and every other testaments, wills and legacees bequests and executors by me before mentioned, willed or bequeathed, set my hand and seal this day and date written.
Signed sealed published pronounced }
Sig: William Harper
and dictated by the above William Harper }
as his last will and testament in presence of}
Teste Thomas Huson
Teste Nathaniel Malone
Teste John Bonner
In court held for Sussex County the 18th day of November 1757 the aforewritten last will and testament of William Harper decd. was presented in court by Wyatt and Edward Harper, executors therein named who made oath thereto according to law and the same was penned by the oaths of Thomas Huson, Nathaniel Malone and John Bonner the witnesses thereto and by the court ordered to be recorded and in the motion of the said executors, certificate is granted them for obtaining a probate thereof in due form.
Sussex County, VA, Will book A, page 78
[William Harper bequeaths to his son, Edward, 427 acres on the southside of the Sappony Creek he purchased from James GILLIAM.]
21 Oct 1757
Inventory of Hannah Rawlings estate
by James Carter, Henry Freeman and Levi Gilliam.
Rec: 21 Oct. 1757
Jones, Louise G. Sussex County, Will Book A. Southside Virginian. Volume 2, page 56
17 Mar 1758
Will of John Maclemore
In the Name of God, Amen, I John Maclemore of Nottoway Parish in the County of Southampton being of sound sense & memory do make this my last will & testament in form & manner following.
Imprimis. I give & bequeath to my son John Maclemore one pound current money.
Item. I give & bequeath to my son Burrell Maclemore one pound current money.
Item. I give & bequeath to my son Joell Maclemore the land & plantation I now live on containing two hundred and fifty acres be the same more or less, I say I give the said land to my said son Joell & to his heirs forever.
Item. I give and bequeath to my Daughter Sarah Maclemore one pound current money.
Item. I give and bequeath to my Daughter Lydia Maclemore one feather bed & furniture one cow & calf & one sow & piggs.
Item. I give the use of the following articles to my loving wife during her natural life and at her decease to my son Joell (that is to say) one feather bed & furniture two cows & calves and one sow & piggs and one bay Horse.
Item. I give and bequeath to my son Joell Maclemore, after my debts & funeral charges be paid, the rest and remainder of my estate of all kinds whatsoever and I do constitute & appoint my son Joell my sole executor of this my last will & testament as witness my hand this 17th day of March 1758.
Sig: John (J) Maclemore (Seal)
Wit: Edmund Pate, Abraham (A) Wiggins, Joshua Nicholson Jun'r.
At a Court held for Sussex County the 19th day of February 1767.
The last Will & Testament of John Maclemore deced. was presented into Court by Faithy widow & relict of the said John and the said Faithy declared that she would not accept receive or take the legacy or legacies to her given or bequeath'd by the said Will or any part thereof & did renounce all benefit & advantage which she might claim by the said Will which declaration on her motion is recorded, And thereupon on the motion of the said Faithy (Joell Maclemore the Executor in the said Will named being out of the Country) who made oath as the law directs and the said Will being proved by the oaths of Abraham Wiggins & Joshua Nicolson Jun'r. two of the witnesses thereto & ordered to be recorded Certificate is granted her for obtaining letters of administration with the said Will annexed giving security whereupon she with Joshua Nicolson & Charles GILLIAM her securities entered into and acknowledged their bond for her due administration of the said estate.
Teste A. Claiborne CSC
Sussex County, VA, Will Book B, page 108
[The exact relationship between the McLemores and GILLIAMs has yet to be established. It has been said the a Fortune GILLIAM, daughter of John GILLIAM and his wife Margary, married James McLemore. However, I have found no evidence that John and Margary had a daughter named Fortune. Later a Jordan GILLIAM married a Mary McLemore in Granville County, NC on 6 Oct 1779. Also a Burwell McLemore is said to have married an Amy GILLIAM for Burwell names a child GILLIAM McLemore.]
14 Feb 1759
Will of Nathaniel Clanton
Wife Mary,
Sons Reuben, Nathaniel, William
Daughters: unnamed
Wit: Hinchea GILLIAM John Rochell, and Levi GILLIAM.
Probated 20 Apr 1759
Sussex County, VA, Will Book ____. page ____
[Nathaniel Clanton and Moses Johnson inventoried the estate of Fortune GILLIAM]
Jones, Louise G. Sussex County, Will Book A. Southside Virginian. Volume 2, page 59
21 Sep 1759
Will of John Rochel (Rochell).
sons: Hinchea, Levi, Nathaniel, John;
wife: Mary;
ex: wife;
Wit: Silvanus Stokes, Levi Gilliam, Cornelius Loftin.
Rec: 21 Sept. 1759
Jones, Louise G. Sussex County, Will Book A. Southside Virginian. Volume 2, page 60
18 Sep 1760
Will of Richard Felts
Daughters, Mary Gilliam, Amy Felts, Tabitha Felts
Grandsons, Howell Cooper
Exor: Rd. Felts
Wit: James Dunn, Lewis Dunn, Cannon Roe.
Rec: 20 Feb 1761
Sussex County, VA, Will Book A, page 106
[Cannon Roe is the father-in-law of Richard Felts]
Jones, Louise G. Sussex County, Will Book A. Southside Virginian. Volume 2, page 131
16 Jul 1761
John Moss Inventory
Mary Moss, ex.
Appr: Gregory Rawlings, Robt. Webb, Burrell Gilliam.
Rec: 16 Jul 1761
Jones, Louise G. Sussex County, Will Book A. Southside Virginian. Volume 2, page 132
19 Nov 1763
Will of Moses Johnson
In the name of God Amen, I Moses Johnson of the Parish of Albemarle and County of Sussex, being very sick and weak of Body but of sound mind and disposing sense and Memory thanks be to God do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner following. As to worldly goods which it has pleased almighty God to bless me with I dispose of my Debts and funeral charges being first paid, in manner as to the Persons following.
First I give and bequeath to my beloved Wife Mary, during her natural life the third part of my Personal Estate and at her death to be equally divided between my six daughters hereafter named I also the use of three Negros Jacob, Cate, and Cloe during her natural life
Also I give and bequeath to my son William and his wife, during each of their natural lives the Plantation whereon I now live, and after their decease, to my Grandson James, son of my son William, to him and his heirs male Lawfully begotten for ever, but if my grandson James dies without male heir, then to my grandson William, son to my son William to him and his heirs lawfully begotten forever, but if my grandson William dies without male heir, then to my Grandson David, son to Moses Johnson, Jr. to him and his male heir lawfully begotten forever.
I also give to my son William one Negro man Ben and one Negro Woman named Hannah to him and his heirs forever I also give to my son William Jacob, Cate, and Cloe after the decease of my beloved wife to him and to his heirs forever.
Also I give to my son Moses one Negro man named Peter and all other things I've possessed him with to him and his heirs forever.
Also I give to my son Richard my Plantation in Brunswick County with a survey I bought of Benjamin Haygood with one Negro man named Collin, one negro man named Indy, and one negro girl named Patt, and one negro man named Hercules, with the stock and all that belongs to the said Plantation to him and his heirs forever but if he dies without heir it is my will that the land return to my grandson David son of Moses Johnson.
Also I give to my son Lewis Johnson, one Negro man named David and all other things to which I've possessed him with to him and his heirs forever.
Also I give to my Daughter Elizabeth Loftin all that I've possessed her with to her and to her heirs forever.
Also I give my Daughter Mary GILLIAM one negro woman named Kate and all that I've possessed her with
to her and her heirs forever.
Also I give my Daughter Ann GILLIAM one Negro man named Peter and all the things I've possessed her with to her and her heirs forever.
Also I give my Daughter Martha GILLIAM one Negro woman named Jone and all that I've possessed her with to her and her heirs forever.
Also I give to my Daughter Lucy one Negro Boy named Simon and all I've possessed her with to her and her heirs forever.
Also I give my daughter Sarah one Negro Girl named Beck and one Negro Girl named Agg one feather bed and furniture, four pewter dishes and 6 plates. but if she dies without issue it's my will that Lucy may have Beck, and Martha GILLIAM wife of Anselm GILLIAM may have Agg to them and their heirs forever.
Also I give my grandson David Johnson son of Moses Johnson one negro Boy named Tommy to him and his heirs forever.
Also I give my Grand Daughter Ann GILLIAM, daughter of Burwell GILLIAM the first live child that my negro woman brings, that I before gave to my son William (named Hannah) to her and her heirs forever be it either male or female.
Also I five unto Henry Harrison, Gent. Eight Acres of Land Joining to his mill according to the bounds laid off to him and his heirs forever.
Also my Will and desire is that two thirds of my estate, stock, and household furniture sold and the money arising there from be equally divided amongst my six daughters, viz. Elizabeth, Mary, Ann, Martha, Lucy, and Sarah.
Also it is my will after the decease of my beloved wife what she leaves may be equally divided amongst my six daughters.
Lastly I hereby constitute and appoint my two sons William and Lewis Johnson executors of this my last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto put my hand and affixed my seal this nineteenth Day of November in the Year of our Lord God one thousand seven hundred and Sixty three.
Sig: Moses Johnson (Seal)
Signed Sealed & Delivered
in the presence of Thomas (His X Mark) GILLIAM, John King, John GILLIAM.
At a court held for the Sussex County the 15th Day of December 1763
The last Will and Testament of Moses Johnson, Dec'd was presented into court by William and Lewis Johnson the Executors therein named who made oath thereto as the law dictates and the same was proved by the oaths of Thomas GILLIAM, John King and John GILLIAM, the witnesses thereto by the Court desired to be recorded and on the motion of the said Court certificate is granted them for obtaining a Probate therefrom.
A. Claiborne, Clerk
Sussex County, VA, Will book A, page 309
[Three of Moses Johnson’s daughters married three GILLIAM brothers: Mary Johnson married Hinchea GILLIAM, son of John and Sarah GILLIAM; Ann Johnson married Burrell GILLIAM; and Martha Johnson married Anselm GILLIAM.]
Jones, Louise G. Sussex County, Will Book A. Southside Virginian. Volume 2, page 139
5 Dec 1763
Account of Mr. Thos. Broadribb
Adm: Simon Stacy
Aud: W. Pettway, Anselm Gilliam.
Rec: 5 Dec. 1763
Jones, Louise G. Sussex County, Will Book A. Southside Virginian. Volume 2, page 139
19 May 1764
Account of Benj. Moss
Mary Moss, adm.
Aud: Jas. Jones, Jno. Gilliam
Rec: 19 May 1763
Jones, Louise G. Sussex County, Will Book A. Southside Virginian. Volume 2, page 137
Will of Capt. William GILLIAM, Jr., 1764
13 Jan 1765
Will of John Hill
Wife Milley Hill. My six youngest children (not named). Son Burrell Hill. Son John Hill to be under the direction of Churchwell Curtis until he is 21.
Exec: Brother in law Hinchia GILLIAM and brother-in-law William Malone.
Wit: John Curtis and William Malone.
Rec: 21 Feb 1765
Sussex County, VA, Will Book B, pg 29.
7 Jul 1765
Will of Willut Roberts
Son William Roberts (underage) 465 acres in the fork of Edmund's Mill Swamp.
Son Willut Roberts (underage) the land I live on after my wife's death bounded by Hinchia GILLIAM and Patrick Lashely.
Son Benjamin Roberts (underage) the rest of the land I live on (343 acres).
Daughter Mary Roberts.
Daughter Sarah Roberts.
Wife Faithy Roberts the land I live on for life.
Exors: son Willut Roberts and John Edmunds.
Wit: Philip Reeks, John Justice, James Bouseau Jones and William Lashley.
Codicil dated 4 Feb 1767.
Wit: John Edmunds and John Kerr
Rec: 18 Jun 1767
Sussex County, VA, Will Book B 1764-1771, page 118.
[Wife Faithy, married first Hinchea GILLIAM]
20 Aug 1767
Inventory of Charles GILLIAM
The Administrator was listed as Patty Gilliam, his widow. The signatees were Hinchea Gilliam, John Dunn, & Ralph R. Maggee.
Sussex County, VA, Will Book B, page 134
Will of Hinchea GILLIAM, 1768
17 Mar 1768
Account of estate of Capt. William GILLIAM for Capt. James Jones shows payments
to Robert Jones, John Wilburn, Arthur Dillinghay, George Randolph, Henry Bailey, James Spain, Robert Whitehead, Richard Hill, John Sturdivant, John Spain, Capt. Seymour Powel (sic), Mrs. Kirkland, William Parham, John Wilkerson, William Yarbro, Capt. William Parker, William Spain, James Horn, Matthew Whitehead, Robert Jones, David Owen, Bolling Stark, Henry Freeman, Moses Knight, William Oliver, George Booth, John Hobbs, Richard Northcross, Robert Pettway, Niell Buckanan (sic), William Bishop, Littleberry Spain, John Anderson Sturdivant, John Hardie, Benjamin Hunt, and William Stuart
Sussex County, VA, Will Book B, page 151
16 Jun 1768
Inventory of Drewry GILLIAM
Sussex County, VA, Will Book B, page 162
20 May 1769
Will of Mary [Cooke] Briggs Bonner
Son Henry Briggs.
Son in law Thomas Chappell
Daughter Amy GILLIAM
Son in law Howell Chappell
Grandaughter Mary Chappell, Daug of James Chappell
Grandson John Briggs.
Grandson William Briggs, (underage), son of William Briggs decd
Son Henry Briggs is to pay each of his sisters 1/4 the value of a slave rest of estate to be divided into 5 equal parts for son Henry Briggs, son in law Thomas Chappell, son in law Howell Chappell, daughter Amy GILLIAM and the last part of the eight children on my son in law James Chappell viz
Elizbeth Chappell, James Chappell, Henry Chappell, Mary Chappell, John Chappell, Amy Chappell, Rebekah Chappell and William Chappell
Exors son Henry Briggs, and son in law Howell Chappell.
Wit: James Gilbart, Sarah Andrews, John Wesson
Rec: 17 May 1770
Sussex County, VA, Will Book B, 1764-1771
[Mary Cooke, married first William Briggs, Sr., secondly John Bonner. Her daughter Amy married HInchea GILLIAM, son of Hinchea GILLIAM and Faith Briggs.]
17 Aug 1769
Account of estate of William GILLIAM, Jr. decd, by Mary GILLIAM, executrix,
shows Stith Wynne, Holam Sturdivant, Thomas Hardaway, Sarah Sturdivant, John Hobbs, Eliza Whitehead, Lawrence Gibbon, Bidl (sic) Spain, William Wilburn, George Robertson, James Ganway, Robert Winfield, Robert Newman, John Ford, Thomas Wade, James Buchanan, Robert Owen, William [R]aney . . .
Sussex County, VA, Will Book B, page 215
17 Aug 1769
Account of est. of Frances Treewitts, decd,
by Peter Threewitts shows James Jones, Robert Newman, Amey Hill, William Wilburn, David Mason, John Dillihay, Mrs. GILLIAM, Betty Wynne, William Malone, William Malone, Jr., Richard Hill, Joel Tucker, Robert Newman, James Hall, Temp Wilburn, Robert Newsum and Walker, John Edmunds, Mildren Hill, Miles Cary's estate and William Oliver.
Sussex County, VA, Will Book B, pg 214.
19 Oct 1769
Inventory of Martha GILLIAM
Sussex County, VA, Will Book B, page 221
19 May 1770
Will of Ralph Megee
Wife Ann Megee the land I live on for life
Son Robert Megee
Son Drury Megee
Son William Megee provided he does not marry Martha Gilliam, the widow of Charles Gilliam, decd
Son Ralph Megee
Son Willey Megee, 185 acres of land I now live on
Son James Megee
Daughter Ann Andrews
Daughter Sarah Gilliam
Daughter Elizabeth Megee
Daughter Martha Asley
Son David Megee
Son John Megee
Grandchildren viz Mary Hines, David Megee, the son of David Megee, and Cary Megee the son of John Megee
My children viz Robert Megee,Drury Megee, WilliamMegee, Ralph Megee, James Megee, Elizabeth Megee, and Sarah Megee, Ann Andrews and Martha Ashley.
Exors: Wife and Jesse Williamson
Wit: John Dunn, Hinchea Gilliam, and Lewis Dunn
Rec: 18 Oct 1770
Sussex County, VA, Will Book B, page 273.
14 Nov 1771
Will of Mary Lucas GILLIAM
To daughter Mary Mason, wife of William Mason
Son William GILLIAM
Son Charles GILLIAM
Daughter Elizabeth GILLIAM
Son Samuel GILLIAM
Exors: Son in law William Mason and Nicholas Massenburg
Wit: John Sturdivant and Jesse Sturdivant
Rec: 16 Jan 1772
[Mary Lucas was the wife of Capt. William GILLIAM, Jr. above]
Sussex County, VA, Will Book B, p 333
20 Aug 1771
Will of Lewis Dunn
Freedom for Peggy a molator [mulatto] Girl
To Benjamin GILLIAM, youngest son of Martha GILLIAM, the rest of my estate.
William Colson to live in and have sole care of my estate until Benjamin GILLIAM comes of age.
Exors: William Colson and Ansel GILLIAM
Wit: Wyatt Roe and John Magge
Rec: 21 Feb 1782
(At probate John Peters, David Mason, and Michael Wall depose that the Will was written by Lewis Dunn).
Sussex County, VA, Will Book D, page 4
[It is believed that Benjamin Dunn GILLIAM, is the son of Martha, the wife of Charles GILLIAM]
Will of Faithy Briggs GILLIAM Roberts, 1771
[Widow of Hincha GILLIAM, Jr.]
Will of Amey [Briggs] GILLIAM, 1772
30 May 1775
Will of Ann Cook
Grandchildren Ann and Samuel GILLIAM
Presented16 Aug 1781
[Ann is wife of Reuben Cook and mother of Amy who married John GILLIAM. Daughter Amy, predeceased her mother, Ann. See Hill-GILLIAM Bible.]
Will of John GILLIAM, 1776, Officer of the Continental Line
11 Dec 1776
Will of Warwick GILLIAM
Warwick left a will in Sussex County leaving one shilling to “Warwick GILLIAM, alias Warwick Davis.”
To an unnamed wife he left the rest of his estate.
[The widow was apparently Jean/Jane who renounced the will].
Warwick mentioned Peter Jennings in his will.
[In 1765 Warwick GILLIAM gave Jennings “one Negro man, Bob.”]
Rec: 21 May 1778
Sussex County, VA, Will Book C, page 300
17 Jan 1778
Account of Estate of Thomas Weather, decd, by Isham GILLIAM
shows Thomas Adkin, decd, John Scott, Benjamin Tyus, Ephraim Knight, Benjamin Wilborn, James Bilbro, Michael Weathers, Mrs. Susannah Weathers for boarding her two children and Richard Rose for boarding Weathers
Sussex County, VA, Will Book D, page 477
11 Apr 1778
Will of John Clanton
Son Drury Clanton, son John Clanton.
Wife Amey Clanton the 269 acres I live on for life and then to go to my son John Clanton.
Daughter Lucy Andrews.
Daughter Abby Holt.
Daughter Martha Roe.
Daughter Mary GILLIAM.
Exors: sons Drury Clanton and John Clanton.
Wit: Jesse Williamson, Arthur Williamson, and John Williamson.
Rec: 16 Aug 1781
Sussex County, VA, Will Book C, page 422.
17 Jun 1779
Account of estate of Mrs. Mary GILLIAM, decd, by William Mason, executor,
shows Payment to Barl (sic) Wilburn, Averis Wilkerson, Winney Adkins, Sylvia Adkins, William Avery, Stephen [L]ucas [cut off in copying], Solomon Graves, Richard Smith, Hollam Sturdivant, John Sturdivant, Benjamin Tyus, John [H]ardie [cut off in copying], Jesse Sturdivant, Richard Booker, William Spain, Sr., William Spain, Jr., James Mason, George Randall’s executors, Henry Cocke, John Lucas, Robert Owens’ estate, William GILLIAM orphan, Charles GILLIAM orphan, Samuel GILLIAM orphan, Elizabeth GILLIAM orphan, Cealy Stokes, John Anderson Sturdivant, John Adkins, Edward Moody, Isham GILLIAM, George Kerr, Webb [R]owland [cut off in copying], John Berriman, Mary GILLIAM orphan, and Capt Seymour Powell
Sussex County, VA Will Book C, page 330
21 Feb 1782
Will of Lewis Dunn of Sussex and Albemarle Parish
I give and bequeath Pegey a Molator girl her Freedom. I also give and bequeath and order and ordain that the above sd Pegey Girl shall have a maintenance in my estate as long as she liveth; gives rest of estate to Benjamin son of Patty or Martha GILLIAM when come of age
20 Aug 177 [9?]
Rec 21 Feb 1782, pp. 183-184
Inv of estate returned 21 Aug 1783 includes 20 slaves but Pegey not listed, p 330
Inv of estate 17 slaves, no Pegey
Sussex County, VA, Will Book D 1782-1789, page 4, LVA Reel # 14
[Martha/Patty married Charles GILLIAM, their son Benjamin Dunn GILLIAM, named his first born after Lewis.]
10 Oct 1784
Will of Sarah Colson
Son William Roe
Daughter Mary Felts
Daughter Elizabeth Magee
Daughter Martha GILLIAM
Jemimah Mangam
Exor: Son William Roe,
Wit: John Mason, Ann Hasp and William Newell.
Proved 16 Jun 1785
Sussex County, VA, Will Book D, page 349
[Sarah married first Cannon Roe and secondly William Colson. It is believed that daughter Martha married Charles GILLIAM]
16 Dec 1788
Will of Frances Randolph
In the name of God, Amen, I, Frances Randolph, of Sussex County, being of sound mind thanks to God for the same, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following:
First: I've commended my soul to God who gave it, also my Body to the earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my Exor., and as to such worldly goods it has pleased God to bless me with I dispose thereof in the following manner, Viz.
Impremis: I give and bequeath to my two daughters Nancy Randolph and Elizabeth Moore Randolph all my clothes and two trunks to be divided between them at the discretion of Molly Jones, wife of Robert Jones, to them and their heirs forever.
Item: I give and bequeath to my friend, Robert Jones after my just debts & funeral expenses are paid, all the residue of my estate of what kind soever, to him and his heirs forever.
Item: My will and desire is that my estate may not be appraised and lastly, I constitute & appoint my friend Robert Jones whole and sale Executor of this my last Will and Testament, revoking all other Wills and declaring this and this only to be my last Will & Testament.
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & Seal this sixteenth day of December, Anno Dom. One Thousand Seven Hundred & Eighty Eight.
Frances Randolph (Seal)
Signed, Sealed &c. in presence of John Fires, Charles GILLIAM
At a Court held for Sussex County, the 6 day of January, 1791, the last Will and Testament of Frances Randolph, was presented into Court by Robert Jones, the Executor therein named, was proved by the oath of John Fires, and ordered to be recorded & on motion of the said Executor who made oath as the law directs, & with Benj. Wyche & John Graves his securities entered into & Acknowledged their bond with penalty for one thousand pounds conditioned as the law directs: certificate is granted him for obtaining a probate thereof in due form.
Teste: M. Bailey, C.
[Frances is the widow of Peter Randolph who left a Will dated 2 May 1786, Sussex County, VA.]
Sussex County, VA, Will Book E, page 66
3 Mar 1790
Thomas Hill of Sussex Co.
To William Mason of Greensville Co for 157 lbs, 1048 acres on north side of Nottoway River, joining Stoney Creek, southn Estern Swamp, Daniel Malone, William Wilborne, Sweeds Road, Michael Hill (now Benjamin Wilborn's).
Wit: Wm Wilborn, Benja Wilborn, William GILLIAM, John Powell.
Sussex County, VA, Deed Book G, p 424
18 Sep 1791
Will of Waddle [Waddill] Johnson
Son Collins Johnson
Son James Johnson
Dau Betsey
Dau Sarah
Dau Mary Pennington
Dau Lucy
Son John Johnson
Son William Johnson
Son Benjamin Johnson
Son Richard Johnson
Estate left to my daughter Lucy Johnson and sons, John Johnson, William Johnson, Benjamin Johnson, and Richard Johnson, should continue to live with my wife, Agness Johnson, during her life. Support and schooling of my two sons, Benjamin Johnson and Richard Johnson. Sell my land.
Exors: Wife, John Johnson and Buckner Lanier.
Witness: Thomas Peete, Benjamin Collier, Rebeccah Lanier and Anselm GILLIAM
Rec: 1 May 1794
Sussex County, VA, Will Book E, page 259
[Sarah Johnson was unmarried at writing of will her father’s Will. She married William Clark in 30 Dec 1795, and Anselm GILLIAM in 27 Aug 1800.]
1 Oct 1791
Will of Jonathan Harrup
Wife my whole estate for life. My five children viz Polley Harrup, GILLIAM Harrup, Leuliton Harrup, Jonathan Harrup, and Nancy Harrup. Debt owed my aunt, Susannah Manning.
Exors: Michael Bailey, John Mason and William Harrison.
Wit: Edward Pennington, James Lanier, and William Roe.
Codicil dated 19 April 1796.
A daughter Elizabeth Harrup, has been born and wife is pregnant with another child.
Wit: George Dillard and Milton Booth.
Rec: 2 Feb 1797
(Executors refuse to serve, and Ann Harrup is named adminstratrix)
[Ann GILLIAM Harrup, the wife of Jonathan Harrup, is the daughter of Edmund GILLIAM]
Sussex County, VA, Will Book F, page 12
14 Jul 1793
Will of William Mason
Son William Mason all my land in Greensville County except what I sold to Abner Grig of Greensville Co, when he is 21.
Daughter Mary Mason.
Wife Mary Mason all the land I live on in Sussex County until my son, John Mason, arrives at age and then he is to have one half (162 1/2 acres) of it.
Wife one eighth part of the rest of my estate.
Brother in law, William GILLIAM, to care for my sons and my wife to care for my daughters until they are of age.
My daughters viz Mary Mason, Sarah Mason, Rebeccah Mason, Martha G. Mason and Elizabeth B. Mason.
Sons William Mason and John Mason (underage).
Exors: Wife, William GILLIAM, Samuel GILLIAM and William Massenburg.
Wit: Moss Knight, Jr., James Booth and William Burge.
Rec: 5 Sep 1793
[Mary GILLIAM Mason, wife of William Mason, is the sister of Samuel and William GILLIAM.]
Sussex County, VA, Will Book E, 1790-1796, page 127
18 May 1794
Will of Hinchea GILLIAM
To my son John,the following negroes;
to my daughter, Elizabeth GILLIAM;
daughter Mary McClenney;
daughters Sarah Barrow; Lucy GILLIAM; Peggy Jones; and Edna GILLIAM;
to my three daughters Elizabeth, Lucy and Edna all my personal estate not herein mentioned, and all my land and plantation whereon I now live."
Exors: David Barrow and Isham GILLIAM
Sig: 9 Jan 1791.
Wit: John Williamson, Carter GILLIAM and Anselm GILLIAM.
Rec: 6 Nov 1794
Teste, Michael Bailey, Clerk
Sussex County, VA, Will Book E, page 275
5 Feb 5 1795
Inventory of Estate of Robert Owens by William GILLIAM, Burwell Wilborn, and Benjamin Wilborn, Sr.
Teste, Michael Bailey, Clerk
Sussex County, VA, Will Book E, page 314
13 Feb 1795
Will of William GILLIAM
Nephews: Thomas Spencer, Thomas Parham
Brother: Samuel GILLIAM
Sister: Elizabeth Banks
Nieces: Susan Parham, Elizabeth Briggs Mason
Execs: Thomas Spencer, brother Samuel GILLIAM
Wit: Green Hill, Thomas Eppes, Lydia Moretay [Moseley?], and Benjamin Green
Rec: 5 Mar 1795
Sussex County, VA, Will Book E, Page 318
Will of Elizabeth GILLIAM, 1796
7 Jan 1796
Account of Isham GILLIAM
Sussex County, VA, Will Book E, page 400
7 Dec 1797
Will of Temperance GILLIAM
Sussex County, VA, Will Book F, page 71
27 Aug 1801 and 4 Feb 1802
Will of Levi GILLIAM, Sr.
Preciller Jordin one dollar; two dau Lucy Wilborne and Sally Johnson; son Leve (sic) GILLIAM’s widow, Frances GILLIAM (who is now pregnant).
Exor: John Wilborne;
Wit: Robert Jones, Littleberry Partridge, and Henry Freeman
Sussex County, VA, Will Book F, page 282
Will of Lucy GILLIAM, 1801
3 Dec 1801
Inventory of Estate of Charles Gilliam, decd
Sussex County, VA Will Book F, page 270
20 Mar 1802
Will of Sarah GILLIAM Collier
Daughter Winifred Collier.
Granddaughter Rebecca Collier
Granddaughter Sally Collier
daughter Salley Bradley
Daughter Elizabeth Cooper
grandson James Cooper.
The property from the will of my son, Walter GILLIAM, decd.
son John Collier (under 21)
Exors: Benjamin Collier, Edwin Cooper and Buckner Lanier
Wit: Buckner Lanier, Carter GILLIAM and Lucy Johnson.
Rec: 3 May 1802
[Sarah whose maiden name is unknown is the widow of Drury GILLIAM. She married Sampson Collier 21 Sep 1780]
Sussex County, VA, Will Book F, page 290
16 May 1803
Will of Samuel GILLIAM
Wife Patsey GILLIAM all my estate until my children come of age or marry.
Daughter Dolly GILLIAM 1/6 part of the slaves.
Daughter Mary Lucas GILLIAM.
Son Rheubin GILLIAM 2/3 of the land I live on.
Son Thomas Booth GILLIAM 2/3 of a tract called 'The Wood Yard'.
Daughter Lucy GILLIAM.
Exors: Wife, Thomas Hunt Sr. & Wilkins Jones Hunt.
Wit: Samuel Jones, Nathan Wilkerson, John Gibbons & Edward Wyatt.
Rec: 6 Oct 1803
Sussex County, VA, Will Book ____. page ___.
1 Oct 1805
Account of Estate of Charles Gilliam, decd,
with John Camp, Administrator, shows “William Mason the present guardian of S. D. Gilliam” and “laid off the land and slaves to Mrs. Camp, late widow of Charles Gilliam, decd.”
Sussex County, VA, Will Book F, page 497.
Will of Anselm GILLIAM, 1811
28 Jul 1812
Will of Mary [GILLIAM] Tucker of Dinwiddie County
Legatee: Richard G. Tucker, son of Stith and Polly, my black horse Juba, 6 silver teaspoons marked RMT. All my household furniture not hereafter devised.
Legatee: Salley W. Tucker, daughter of Stith and Polley, 1 bed and furniture.
Legatee: Polley Tucker, wife of Stith 6 silver teaspoons marked MT.
Legatees: All plantation utensils and furniture to be sold and proceeds equally divided between Thos. GILLIAM Tucker and William Edmond Tucker, sons of Stith.
Legatees: All remainder of estate in this county to be equally divided between Richd. G. Tucker and his sister Elizabeth Gray Tucker.
Legatees: that part of my father’s estate which I inherit being in Southampton Co. I give to be equally divided between Salley GILLIAM, Susan GILLIAM, and Julia GILLIAM, daughters of my brother Thos. GILLIAM and his wife Salley, inhabitants of Tenn.
Legatee: My Va. Cloth cloths to be equally divided between my 3 maids servents [sic]: Lyda, Taba, Vina.
Legatee My rideing chair and harnis to Polley Tucker.
Legatees: 2 men servents: Peter and Charles $3 each
Legatees: remainder of my clothing to Polley Tucker and Polley Green Tucker, wife and daughter, of Stith.
Wit: Stith Tucker, Coleman Tucker, John Raney.
[Mary GILLIAM Tucker was the second wife of Robert Tucker and daughter of Thomas GILLIAM and his wife Mary Edmonds, daughter of William Edmonds]
Sussex County, VA, Will Book ____. page ___.
Will of William GILLIAM, 1814
5 Nov 1818
Will of Lewis Turner (A free African American)
Wit: by Briggs Chappell, Hartwell GILLIAM, Joseph Jarrad, and Nicholas Presson.
Enclosure: notice, 17 January 1852, of the sale of land in Sussex County, Va., belonging to the estate of Lewis Turner. Authorized by William Harrison, deputy of Cyrus Dillard, sheriff.
Virginia Historical Society, Mss 2 T8552 b
Will of William GILLIAM, 1820
15 May 1828
Will of Patsy Gilliam
In the name of God, Amen, I Patsy Gilliam being in my right mind and memory knowing that all people must die do make this my last Will in manner and form.
I give unto my daughter Dolly Pegram five hundred and ninety dollars, two hundred and forty six dollars in Edward Pegram’s bond, the balance of three hundred and forty four dollars in Thos J. Epps bond I lent unto my said daughter Dolly Pegram one Negro woman Pat as long as my said daughter Dolly Pegram lives and at her death I give the said Negro woman Pat to my grand daughter Marthy Pegram to her and her heirs forever.
I give unto my daughter Mary L. Hardaway two Negroes Bob and Juda to her and her heirs forever.
I give unto my son Thos. B. Gilliam five dollars to him and his heirs forever.
I give unto my son, Reuben Gilliam’s, decd, children, [the Negroes] Davy and Goodwin and two hundred and sixty dollar to them and their heirs forever that due me from the said Epps bond but the said Thos J. Epps is not to pay the said money until two years after my death.
I give unto my grand daughter Lucinda T. E. Harwell four hundred and forty five dollars to her and [her] heirs forever that due me from the said Epps bond my will and desire is that the said Thos J. Epps shall have the use of the said money until she arrives to the age of twenty one or marries.
I give unto my grand daughter Virginia J. Epps one Negro boy William and three hundred and forty five dollars to her and her heirs forever that due me from the said Epps bond, my Will and desire is that the said Th. J. Epps shall have the use of the said William and money until she arrive at the age of twenty one or marry.
I appoint Henry S. Hardaway, Edward Pegram, Th. J. Epps, my executors.
This my Last Will given under my hand this 15th day of May 1828.
Sig: Patsy [her X mark] Gilliam
Witness Th. Hunt, Joel Davis
At a court held for Sussex county the 4 day of December 1828 This Last Will and Testament of Patsey Gilliam decd was presented into Court by Henry S. Hardaway one of the executors therein named, the same was proved by the oaths of Thomas Hunt and Joel Davis, the two subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded. And on the motion of the said Executor who made oath and entered into bond with security according to Law certificate is granted him for obtaining a probate there from due form.
L. Lanier Clk

[Martha “Patsy” Gilliam is wife of Samuel Gilliam and daughter of Thomas Hunt and Dorothy Vaughan.]
31 Mar 1836
Will of Charles GILLIAM
I, Charles Gilliam of the County of Sussex and state of Virginia, being sick and weak in body but of sound mind and disposing memory do make my last will and Testament in manner and form as follows, that is to say:
1st my will and desire is that all my slaves and perishable property be sold within such time after my decease as my executor herein after named shall think best, and out of the proceeds of such sale, that all my just debts be first paid.
2ndly after the payment of my debts I lend to my wife Lucinda one third of the remainder of my estate for and during her natural life unless he should prefer a smaller portion of fee simple which portion I leave to be determined by the county court of Sussex, should portion I bequeath to her and her heirs forever.
3rdly My plantation I wish to be appraised and the value it is considered to be worth, I wish to be added to the residue of my estate not herein before disposed of, one third of which same, I give and bequest to my daughter Lucy Amy, to her and her heirs forever. My desire and will being to give my land to my two sons, Charles Frederick and George Wyatt, but hat my daughter Lucy Amey, be made equal with them in money.
4thly All the residue of my estate except what is coming to me from my mother’s estate, I wish to be equally divided between two sons, Charles Frederick, and George Wyatt to be divided when Charles Frederick shall arrive to the age of twenty-one years, if one should die I want the survivor to have all the land, but my daughter Lucy Amey to be made equal with them in which I give to them and their heirs forever.
5thly The property coming to me form my mother’s estate should if not, be sold to make a division between the legatees of her estate, I wish it not be sold (I mean my proportion thereof) but kept for the benefit of my three children afore mentioned, to be equally divided betwixt them as they severally arrive to the age of twenty-one years or marry, which I give to them and their heirs forever.
6thly My plantation I wish to be rented out until my son Charles Frederick shall arrive to the age of twenty-one years and then to be equally divided between him and his brother George Wyatt, which I give to them and their heirs forever.
7thly should my sister Susan Hites’ land (her part of my Father’s tract) come onto market at a fair price before either of my sons should come of age, my desire is that the same be purchased and for them and paid for out of their money.
8thly should either of my children, afore named die before arriving to the age of twenty-one years without lawful issue my will and desire is that her or his portion be divided equally between the survivors.
9thly In the event if my wife’s preferring to take one third of my estate for life, rather than a smaller portion mentioned in the 2nd, at her death I bequeath the same to my three children afore named or such of them as may be living at her death, which I give to them and their heirs forever.
10thly and lastly I do hereby constitute and appoint my friend Henry Pennington executor of this my last will and testament, hereby revoking all others or former wills or testaments, by me, heretofore made, in witness whereof I hereunto affix my hand and seal this 31st day of March 1836.
Signed, sealed acknowledged and delivered as and for the last Will and Testament of Charles Gilliam in presence of
Sig: Charles Gilliam
Wit: Sally Howle, Benja Magee, Jos. Clanton
I do add the following as a codicil to my Will, that is to say, there is about eighty dollars in my hands that I wish to be paid over to Mary H. Porch, my sister Polly’s daughter, whenever she should arrive to the age of twenty one years or marry,
Witness my hand and seal this 31st day of March 1836
Sig: Charles Gilliam
Wit: Sally Howle, Jos. Clanton, Benja Magee
At a Court held for Sussex County the 7th day of April 1836 the last Will and Testament of Charles Gilliam deceased and presented into Court by ___ and proved by the oaths of Sally Howle and Benjamin Magee two of the subscribing witnesses and ordered to be recorded. And on the motion of Henry Pennington the executor therein named who made oath and entered into bond with security according to law certificate is granted him for obtaining a probate thereof in due form.
Teste L. Lanier, Clk

28 Jan 1842
Will of Marjoram Gilliam
In the name of God, Amen, I Marjoram Gilliam, do make and ordain this to be my last Will and Testament in manner and form following to wit:
Item I give and bequeath unto John Spain, Junr one feather bed, and all the furniture belonging to the said bed and his heirs forever
Item 2 I give and bequeath unto Rebecca Spain the daughter of John Spain, Senr my weaving loom, with all the stays [sic] and harnesses belonging thereunto to her and her heirs forever.
Item 3 I give and bequeath unto John Spain, Sr. all and singular every part and parcel of property I own in this present life of every kind and quality whatsoever, except these above given away in this Will.
Item 4 I nominate John Spain, Senr whole and sole executor to this my last Will and Testament.
In witness whereof I have set my hand and seal this 28th day of January 1842.
Signed in the presence of H. M. Magee, Nathaniel Hood
Sig: Marjoram [her X mark] Gilliam
At a court held for Sussex County the 2nd day of February 1843 the Last Will and Testament of Marjorum Gilliam deceased was presented into Court and proved by the oaths of Henry M. Magee and Nathaniel Hood the witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded and on the motion of John Spain Senr the executor therein named who made oath and entered into bond with security according to law certificate is granted him for obtaining a probate thereof in due form.
L. Lanier, Clk

- Posted to Gilliams of Virginia and Beyond Ancestry Tree
[This Will appears to be that of Margery Gilliam, the daughter of Isham Gilliam and Priscilla Loftin, his wife. After Isham’s death, Priscilla Gilliam in 1797 deeds to Richard Rose land in Sussex. In 1824 Margery Gilliam deeds land to Richard Rose’s son, Fielding Rose. The Margery of the deed appears to be the Margery of the Will. Margery could not be located in Sussex County, census records. It is possible that she was living with the Spains. The relationship between Margery and the Spains is not known. John Spain lived adjacent to Nathaniel Hood, one of the witnesses. As the Will was recorded five days after it was written, it appear Margery must have been near death at its writing.]
25 Aug 1851
Will of Charlotte Gilliam
- Ancestry.com. Census Records
- Binns Genealogy. 1790/1800 County Tax Lists of Virginia.
- Cavaliers and Pioneers
- Creekmore, Pollyanna. “Sussex County, Virginia. Personal Property Tax Lists, 1782. Southside Virginian. Volume 6, page 14-15
- Hart, L. H. Sussex County Removals, 1825, Southside Virginian, Volume 3, page 64
- Library of Virginia, Revolutionary War Public Service Claims
- Sussex County Marriage Bonds, William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine, Vol. 12, No. 1. (Jul., 1903), pp. 12-18.
- Sussex County, VA, Deed Books
- Sussex County, VA, Guardian Bonds
- Sussex County, VA, Will Books
- Virginia Gazette, Publisher: Rind, Page: 2, Column: 3, 1769-11-23
- Virginia Gazette, Publisher: Purdie & Dixon, Page: 4, Column: 1, 1769-12-07
- Virginia Gazette, Publisher: Rind, Page: 2, Column: 2, 1770-07-12
- Virginia Historical Society, Will of Lewis Turner (A free African American) Mss 2 T8552 b
- Ward, Roger G. 1815 Directory of Virginia Landowners (and Gazetteer) Volume 2. Athens, GA: Iberian Pub. Co.