Updated November 25, 2022

Charlotte County was named for Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, consort of George III. It was formed from Lunenburg County in 1764. Its area is 471 square miles, and the county seat is Charlotte Court House.
Cornwall Parish, 1764
The GILLIAMs of Charlotte County had their roots in Lunenburg County. It appears that William GILLIAM who left and Will dated 1772 and James GILLIAM who left a Will dated 1792 were siblings, both being children of Harris and Frances GILLIAM of Bristol Parish. William has "Harris connections." He named a son Harris GILLIAM. On July 6 1772 Maynard Harris was made administrator of the estate of William GILLIAM, and made guardian of Martha, Maynard, Harris, and Charles, orphans of Wm. GILLIAM, dec'd.
Whereas James GILLIAM's connections to the Harrises are not that evident, James did marry Martha Isbell, the daughter of Henry Isbell. Henry witnessed several deeds between GILLIAMs and Harrises. It is said that James GILLIAM enlisted 14 Sep 1758 to fight in French and Indian War as an Ensign.
Watkins family Bible record, 1809-1958.
4 leaves.
Notes and Summaries:
Includes Bible record (3 leaves) and obituary (1 leaf). Area covered is Charlotte County, Virginia. Other surnames mentioned: Andrews, GILLIAM, Godsey, Harvey, Irvin, Lancaster, Mittens, Moseley, and Tate.
Library of Virginia. Watkins family Bible record, 1809-1958.
Rhody Cook vs. Edward Keeling
Martha C. GILLIAM, adm. of Allen GILLIAM, Estate vs. Wm. T. GILLIAM, adm. of Jacob Mosby estate
Robert & Priscilla Gilliams children copyed [sic] from the family record.
Jack Mosby Gilliam born 10th of March 1788.
Elizabeth Gilliam born 25th March 1790
Amy Gilliam born Augt 28th 1793
Stephen Gilliam Dec 19th 1796
Patsy Gilliam born Novr 27th 1799
Robert Gilliam born Mar. 15th 1803
Copyed [sic] from the family record by H Carrington.
Amy Gilliam was married to James Moody May 4th 1820
Library of Virginia. Charlotte County, VA Chancery Causes, 1841-002, Image 205.
William E. Gilliam vs John H. Gilliam and William T. Gilliam
Court Orders
"On the motion of Maynard (sic) Harris, who made oath according to said Administration of the estate of William GUILLIAM, dec'd, is giving him, he giving security, whereupon he together with Edward Harris his security entered into and acknowledges their bond according to law for that purpose. Ordered that John Pettus, Ambross Hammon, John Moore and Abraham Vaughn or any three of them, being first sworn before a Magistrate of this County do appraise in current money the slaves and personal estate of William GUILLIAM, dec'd and return an account of such to the next court."
Charlotte County, VA, Court Order Book 3, page 103
"Inventory and Appraisement of the Estate of William GUILLIAM", 3 Aug 1772 (recorded 3 Aug 1772), "An Inventory and appraisement of the Estate of William GUILLIAM, decd. was this Returned and Ordered to be Recorded."
Charlotte County, VA, Court Order Book 3, page 135
"On motion of Maynard (sic) Harris, he is appointed guardian to Martha, Maynard (sic), Harris and Charles, orphans of William GUILLIAM, dec'd he giving security whereupon he together with John Pettus, his security entered into and acknowledged their bond according to law for that purpose."
Charlotte County, VA, Court Order Book 3, page 214
"Further Inventory and Appraisement of the Estate of William GUILLIAM", 4 Jan 1773 (recorded 4 Jan 1773), "A Further Inventory and appraisement of the Estate of William GUILLIAM, decd. was this Returned and Ordered to be Recorded."
Charlotte County, VA, Court Order Book 3, page 238
"Further Inventory and Appraisement of the Estate of William GUILLIAM", 1 Feb 1773 (recorded 1 Feb 1773), "A Further Inventory and appraisement of the Estate of William GUILLIAM, decd. was this Returned and Ordered to be Recorded."
Charlotte County, VA, Court Order Book 3, page 251
"Further Inventory and Appraisement of the Estate of William GUILLIAM", 1 Mar 1773 (recorded 1 Mar 1773), "A Further Inventory and appraisement of the Estate of William GUILLIAM, decd. was this Returned and Ordered to be Recorded."
Charlotte County, VA, Court Order Book 3, page 270
25 March, 1796
It is ordered that John Petty and John GILLIAM, who made oath according to law, certificate is granted for obtaining letters of administration of the estate of John Sullivant, dec'd,
they giving security, whereupon they, together with their securities Langston Bacon and Joseph Chaffin . . . etc.
Charlotte County, VA, Court Order Book 10, page 162
3 May 1796
Woodson Sullivant, orphan of John Sullivant, dec'd, came into court, and being of lawful age for the purpose, made choice of Allen GILLIAM, as his guardian, who is accordingly
appointed. Whereupon he together with Thomas Pettus, his security . . . etc
Charlotte County, VA, Court Order Book ___, page 189
It is ordered that the Overseers of the poor of the fourth district bind out Woodson Sullivant, orphan of John Sullivant, to Allen GILLIAM according to law.
5 Dec 1796
William Thweatt, Plaintiff vs Jerrald Sullivant, Defendant
An attachment against the Defendant's estate.
This day came the plaintiff by his atty, and the Sheriff having made return on the attachment against the defendant's estate, that he had levied the same in the hands of John Petty
and Robert GILLIAM, and summonsed them as garnishees, and the sd defendant not appearing, Tho solemnly called, neither does he replevin the attached effects, and the sd Robert GILLIAM one of the garnishees appears and on oath saith that John Petty and himself are adm'rs of the estate of John Sullivant, Dec'd, and the defendant, as son and one of the representatives of the intestate, has an interest in the sd estate, which is not at this day ascertained, as no division has taken place, and can only be known when a division among the several distributees are made.
The plaintiff's demand for the sum of £ 17/12/0, current money, appears to be just. It is considered by the court that the plaintiff recover against the sd defendant his debt aforesaid, & his cost in this behalf expended . It is ordered that the money in the hands of the garnishees . . . be condemned and when legally ascertained, that they pay the same to the plaintiff, to be applied towards satisfaction of the judgement, or so much thereof as
will pay & satisfy the same.
Charlotte County, VA, Court Order Book ___, page 256
7 Nov 1798
Polly Sullivant, Plaintiff, vs John Petty & Robert GILLIAM, adm'r of John Sullivant, dec'd, Jerrald, Henry, Peggy, Amelia, Woodson, Betsy and James Sullivant, children and representatives of John Sullivant, dec'd, Defendants, a suit in chancery.
Charlotte County, VA, Court Order Book 11, page 230
4 March 1799
Polly Sullivant, Plaintiff, vs. John Petty & Robert GILLIAM, adm'r of John Sullivant, dec'd, Jerrald, Henry, Peggy, Amelia, Woodson, Betsy and James Sullivant, children and representatives of John Sullivant, dec'd, which sd Peggy, Woodson, Betsy, James and Amelia, being under the age of 21 years now appear by their guardian, John McCargo, Defendants - a suit in chancery. Order published the 5th day of Nov. 1798 and defendants Jerrald and Henry Sullivant making no answer, and the atty for the guardian confessed the complaint to be true, now ordered the land of John Sullivant, who died intestate, containing between 200 and 300 acres be sold . . . equally divided, between the plaintiff and the defendants, according to their rights. William Thweatt, Robert Bedford, Stephen May and Joseph Friend to make sale and distribution. . . and report same to the court. It appears that the division of each will not exceed 100 dollars.
Charlotte County, VA, Court Order Book 12, 1799 - 1801, page 7
Polly Sullivant; Plaintiff vs. John Sullivant's adm'r & others;
Defendants - a suit in Chancery. Continued for the commissioner’s report.
Charlotte County, VA, Court Order Book 12, page 33
1 July 1799
On the motion of John Snead, his ordinary license is renewed . . . . with Robert GILLIAM, his security . . . acknowledge their bond . . .etc.
Charlotte County, VA, Court Order Book 12, page 48
Joel Sullivant, assignee of James Adams, Plaintiff vs. James Mullings and William Collins, Defendants - a suit in debt . . . . for the defendant . . . judgement to be discharged by payment of £10, with interest at 6% per annum form 1 January 1798.
Charlotte County, VA, Court Order Book 12, page 36
2 Mar 1800
Amy GILLIAM, Plaintiff vs. William Wheat [Thweatt] & Stephen May. exo'rs for James GILLIAM, dec'd, - a case in debt. On the motion of the plaintiff, a commission is awarded her to examine and take the deposition of John GILLIAM, an aged and infirm witness in this cause . . . giving to the defendant legal notice of the time and place of executing the same, it appearing that the sd John GILLIAM is a material witness in this suit.
Charlotte County, VA, Court Order Book 12, page 106
7 Apr 1800
John Petty & Robert GILLIAM, adm'rs of John Sullivant, dec'd, Plaintiffs vs. James Rollins & Moses Eudaley, Defendants - a suit in debt. The defendants not appearing, it is ordered that the plaintiffs recover against the defendants and Elijah Eudaley, his security, the sum of seven pounds.
Charlotte County, VA, Court Order Book 12, page 110
3 Mar 1800
Be it remembered . . . on the 4th day of March 1800 . . . Jerry, a negro boy slave, the property of the estate of Thomas Osborne, dec'd, on the 18th day of February past, at the parrish [sic] of Cornwall in the county aforesaid, with force and arms, an assault did make on the negro man slave named Ralph, the property of Reps Osborne . . . with an open knife, of the value of six pence stab the sd Ralph in the left side near the short ribs, and did make a mortal wound, of which sd wound the sd Ralph did linger and died on the 28th day of February last past. Being charged with the facts, saith he is in no wise guilty thereof . . . he was fully heard in his defense by Creed Taylor, Gent, his atty.
It is the opinion of the court that the sd prisoner is guilty of manslaughter not murder and it is ordered that the sd Jerry . . . be burnt in the hand at the bar in open court, and it is commanded the Sheriff, he cause execution immediately.
Charlotte County, VA, Court Order Book 12, Page 110
4 Nov 1800
A Grand Jury was called . . . Elijah Clark, Foreman; Isaiah Foster, James Davis, Robert Elliott, Anthony North, Morris Harmon, Thomas Smith, Lyod PortWood, Robert GILLIAM, Miles Bottom, David McCargo, Leroy Lambert, William Blake, John Warner, Robert Gaines, Sam'l Herrin and Joseph Reynolds, were sworn . . .
Charlotte County, VA, Court Order Book 12, page ___
2 Nov 1801
Allen GILLIAM, Guardian of Woodson Sullivant, orphan of John Sullivant, dec'd, came into court and presented the receipt of the sd Woodson Sullivant in full of his guardianship, which was acknowledged by the sd Woodson Sullivant to be his act & deed and ordered to be recorded.
[This is followed by similar action terminating Allen GILLIAM's guardianship over Thomas GILLIAM, orphan of James GILLIAM.]
Charlotte County, VA, Court Order Book 13, 1801 - 1803, page 96
1 April 1805
The commissioners for taking relinquishment of dower make three successive reports on the privy examination of: (1) Polly GILLIAM, wife of Allen GILLIAM; (2) Martha C. GILLIAM, wife of Allen GILLIAM; (3) Martha Cox GILLIAM, wife of Allen GILLIAM
Charlotte County, VA, Court Order Book 14, 1803 - 1805, page 253
4 Apr 1808
Allen GILLIAM, guardian of James Sullivant, orphan of John Sullivant, dec'd, came into court and presented his account against the said orphan's estate, who made oath to same . . . justified by vouchers and is ordered to be recorded.
Charlotte County, VA, Court Order Book 16, page 127
7 Jan 1809
On the motion of Philip Goode, for a road to be laid open and cleared, leading from the Court House Road, near Reynolds Creek to Randolph's Road. Ordered that Collier Hutchinson, Allen GILLIAM, Thomas Brooks and Stephen Davis or any three of them, do view the said way....
Charlotte County, VA, Court Order Book 16, page 215
2 Oct 1809
Thos Brooke Allen GILLIAM & Stephen Bayless who were appt'd to view the way for a road petitioned for by Jno Redd reported that a road to be opened and established as the old road now runs will be the most convenient . . . and that the sd road will pass on the line between Philip Goode and Fanny Collier and on the land of Jackman Perkins, Nathaniel Williams, Maston Williams, Mrs. Othley Rawlins, James McCargo
Charlotte County, Order Book 16, page 12?
22 Mar 1839
Martha C. GILLIAM, adm. of Allen GILLIAM, Estate vs. Wm. T. GILLIAM, adm. of Jacob Mosby estate.
Charlotte County, Order Book __, page __
Edward Harris of Charlotte County, VA to Stephen Harris of same for £50, 150 acres in Charlotte on Twitty's Creek, which Edward Harris bought of Godfrey Jones, bounded by James Gilliam, Maynard Harris; Godfrey Jones.
No Witnesses.
Charlotte County, VA, Deed Book 3, page 474
10 Nov 1777
Edward Harris of Charlotte, to Andrew Lee "of Meck. Co." 150 acres adj. James GUILLIAM, William GUILLIAM, Lodwick FARMER, Stephen HARRIS.
Wit: James GUILLIAM, Joseph Friend, John Moore.
Charlotte County, VA, Deed Book D, page 40
28 Sep 1779
Andrew Lea of Charlotte & Elizabeth Lea sold to Edward Keeling, 275 acres both sides branch of Twittys Creek called Reeses Fork adj James GUILLIAM, Manard GUILLIAM, orphans of William GUILLIAM [dec'd], Lodwick FARMER & Edward KEELING.
Wit: Anthony GRIFFIN, John MOORE.
Charlotte County, VA, Deed Book D, page 161
15 Jan 1798
This Indenture made this fifteenth day of January one Thousand seven hundred and ninety eight Between Philip Bond of the County of Charlotte of the one part and William Collier of the said County of the other part Witnesseth that the said Philip Bond for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds current money of Virginia, to him in hand paid by the said William Collier the receipt whereof he the said Philip Bond doth hereby acknowledge himself fully satisfied contented and paid, hath given granted bargained & sold and by these presents doth grant bargain sell and deliver unto the said William Collier one certain tract or parcel of land containing one hundred and fifty acres more or less and being in the said County of Charlotte on Sandy Creek and bounded by the lines of Matthew Hutcherson, Miles Bottoms, Isaac Brizendine dec'd., James Markham, & Chasteen Cock dec'd. & with all and singular the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining to him the said William Collier his heirs and assigns forever. To have, hold, use, occupy possess and enjoy the same with every part & parcel thereof to him the said William Collier his heirs and assigns forever against the said Philip Bond his heirs or assigns, Executors and administrators & against the claim & demand of any other person or persons whatsoever - shall & will by these presents warrant and forever defend, In Witness whereof the said Philip Bond hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal the day & year first within written. Signed sealed & delivered
Philip Bond L. L.
In presents [sic] of Wm. Thweatt, Stephen May, Wm. GILLIAM, Thomas GILLIAM
At a Court held for Charlotte County 2nd day of July 1798. This Indenture was proved in Court by the oath of William Thweatt, Stephen May, and William GILLIAM to be the act and deed of the said Philip Bond & ordered to be recorded.
Teste Thomas Read
Truly recorded
Thomas Read
Charlotte County, VA, Deed Book 8, pages 104-05
Indenture Filed in Charlotte County, Virginia Court on behalf of heirs of John M. and Robert GILLIAM, sons of Robert and Priscilla Mosbey GILLAM.
THIS INDENTURE made and entered into this 10th day of November 1848 by and between Cynthia GILLIAM widow of John M. GILLIAM decd, John H. GILLIAM of Monroe County, Mississippi, Harrison F. GILLIAM, Robert A. GILLIAM, Newton C. GILLIAM, Nancy M. Craig (formerly GILLIAM), and Joseph M. Craig her husband of Maury County, Tennessee, and Mumford Wilson Guardian of Martha A. GILLIAM, Benjamin A. GILLiAM, William M. GILLIAM, and James F. GILLIAM, the children and only heirs of John M. GILLIAM decd., all of Pontotoc County and state of Mississippi, except John H. GILLIAM and Joseph M. Craig & wife, by their agents and attorneys in fact, Thomas T. Bouldin and Mumford Willson, and William E. GILLIAM, the son and only heir of Robert GILLIAM decd. by his agent and attorney in fact the said Mumford Wilson of the first part and William T. GILLIAM of Charlotte County, Virginia of the second part witnesseth that in consideration that the said William T. GILLIAM became the purchaser of the lands of Jacob Mosby decd. some years ago under a decree of the circuit Superior Court of law and chancery for Charlotte County, Virginia for the amount due to the Estate of Allen GILLIAM decd. and also agreed at the same time to pay to the heirs of John M. GILLIAM one Thousand and fifty dollars whenever they should so present themselves as to make him safe in doing so, and did actually pay Eleven hundred dollars to John Tombs assignee of Stephen GILLIAM and the same sum to James Moody who married Amy GILLIAM and the sum of one Thousand and twenty five dollars to John H. GILLIAM who married Martha GILLIAM (holding himself responsible to pay one fifth part of the sum reserved in his hands to the heirs of Robert GILLIAM if they should ever appear and taking the refunding bonds of the same Tombs, Moody, and John H. GILLIAM for like proposition and that now the widow and heirs of John M. GILLIAM thru their agents and attorneys in fact, and the only heir of Robert GILLIAM thru his agent and attorney in fact have duly presented their claim to the said William T. GILLIAM and offered to confirm the title to the said Wm. T. GILLIAM and the said William T. GILLIAM had therefore paid unto the said agent, Mumford Willson for the heirs & widow of John M. GILLIAM Eight hundred and forty dollars and for William E. GILLIAM the heir of Robert GILLIAM Two hundred and ten dollars making in all the sum of One Thousand and fifty dollars, the whole amount retained in his, the said Wm. T. GILLIAM'S hands and have processed over into the hands of the attorneys of Wm. E. GILLIAM the refunding bonds of Moody, Tombs, and John H. GILLIAM with the right to use his, the said Wm. T. GILLIAM'S name in the prosecution of any suit at the costs and charges of said Wm. E. GILLIAM in any or all such suits as May be prosecuted on any or all of said lands. Now the said parties of the first part to this Indenture by Thomas T. Bouldin and Mumford Willson, their agents and attorneys in fact, and the said Mumford Willson as Guardian of the infant parties have bargained and sold, confirmed, remised, and released and by these presents do bargain, sell, confirm, remise, release, and convey unto the said William T. GILLIAM all the interest at law or in equity which they the said parties of the first part have as were entitled to in and to any lands or money arising from the sale thereof in the county of Charlotte and state of Virginia as heirs or distributees of Jacob Mosby deceased of said county, to his the said William T. GILLIAM and his heirs forever--To have and to hold the lands of Jacob Mosby decd. Sold as aforesaid to the only and proper use and behoof of him the said Wm. T. GILLIAM and his heirs forever, and the said parties of the first part for themselves and their heirs covenant and agree to and with the said William T. GILLIAM and his heirs forever that they will forever warrant and defend unto the said Wm. T. GILLIAM the title and possession of the lands of Jacob Mosby decd. sold as aforesaid to the said Wm. T. GILLIAM against the lawful claim and demand of all persons claiming by or thru John M. GILLIAM or Robert GILLIAM or thru the heirs of others of them - and further that no one thru the said John M. GILLIAM or Robert GILLIAM or the heirs of either of them shall make claim or demand against the said Wm. T. GILLIAM for or on account of the purchase, money, or any part thereof agreed to be paid by the said Wm. T. GILLIAM for the said land or in any wise claim any thing further for such interest as the heirs and distributees of the said John M. GILLIAM and Robert GILLIAM might by possibility have therein.
In testimony whereof the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and fixed their seals this the 10th day of November 1848.
By Thomas T. Bouldin and Mumford Willson their agents and attorneys in fact. Cynthia GILLIAM (seal) John H. GILLIAM (seal) Nancy M. Craig (seal) Joseph M. Craig (seal) Robert A. GILLIAM (seal) Harrison F. GILLIAM (seal) Newton C. GILLIAM (seal) Mumford Willson Guardian for Martha A. GILLIAM, Benjamin A. GILLIAM, William M. GILLIAM, James F. GILLIAM and William E. GILLIAM. Seal William E. GILLIAM by Mumford Willson his agent and attorney in fact (Seal)
This Indenture was acknowledged by Cynthia GILLIAM, John H. GILLIAM, Harrison F. GILLIAM, Newton C. GILLIAM, Robert A. GILLIAM & Joseph M. Craig & Nancy his wife by Thomas T. Bouldin and Mumford Wilson their attorneys in fact, by Mumford Willson as Guardian of Martha A. GILLIAM, Benjamin A. GILLIAM, William M. GILLIAM & James F GILLIAM and by William E. GILLIAM by Mumford Willson his attorney in fact parties to the same to be their act & deed & admitted to record.
Teste Winslow Robinson C.C
Charlotte County, VA, Deed Book 27, Page 125

Home of James Edward Gilliam circa 1925, son of John Madison Gilliam and Mary Jane Whitehead of Prince Edward is the best example of the Classical-Revival style with its two-story entrance portico supported by grouped colossal Doric columns superimposed on a one-story, three-bay porch with central balcony. The Colonial-Revival style became increasingly popular with the restoration of Williamsburg in the 1920s and 1930s.
Historic Architectural Survey of Charlotte County, Virginia
Landowner's Directory of 1815
Allen GILLIAM, Horsepen Creek, 12S
[Directions and distances are measured from the Courthouse.]
Ward, Roger G. 1815 Directory of Virginia Landowners (and Gazetteer) Volume 2. Athens, GA: Iberian Pub. Co.
6 Oct 1783
This is to Certify that I have Given my Consent to a Marriage between Stephen May and my Daughter Elizabeth.
Sig: James GILLIAM, 6th Oct. 1783.
Test. John M. GILLIAM, Tho. Light?
Know all men by these presents that we Stephen May and Abner May are held and firmly bound unto the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia in the sum of fifty pounds Current Money . . . dated this 6th day of October 1782.
The condition of the above obligation is such, that whereas there is a Marriage suddenly intended to be Solemnized between the above bound Stephen May and Elizabeth GILLIAM, daughter of James GILLIAM of the County aforesaid . . .
Signed & Sealed in presence of Wm. Watts.
Sig: Stephen May, Abner May
Married by Rev. Thomas Johnston.
Charlotte County, VA, Marriage Book 296, p. 201-203
[Abner May was a brother of Stephen May. John M. Gilliam was a brother of Elizabeth.]
7 Jul 1794
"Know all men by these presents that we Allen GILLIAM & Stephen May are held and firmly bound unto Henry Lee esquire Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia in the sume of one hundred & fifty Dollars to which payment will and truly to be made . . . dated this 7 day of July 1794.
The Condition of the above obligation is such that whereas there is a marriage sudenly [sic] intended to be solemnized between the above bound Allen GILLIAM & Martha Cox BARNES. If therefore there be no lawful cause to obstruct the same then the above obligation to be Void else to remain in ful [sic] force and Virtue sealed and delivered.
Sig: Allen GILLIAM, Stephen May, in presence of Wm. Morton
This is to certify I have given my approbation for you to Grant License to Allen GILLIAM to Marry my Daughter, Martha Cox BARNES.
Sig: FRANCIS BARNES, Senr. 7th July 1794.
Test: Brackett Barnes, Mary Goode Barnes
Sworn to before me the 7th July 1794 by Brackett Barnes to be the act and Deed of the Francis Barnes.
Charlotte County, VA, Marriage Book 299, pp. 120-125.
24 Dec 1785
Know all men by these presents that we William Thweatt and James Johnston firmly bound unto the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia in the sume of fifty pounds Current money . . . dated this 24th day of December 1785.
The condition of the above obligation is such that whereas there is a Marriage Suddenly intended to be Solemnized between the above bound William Thweatt and Sally GUILLIAM, Daughter of James GUILLIAM . . .
Sealed and delivered in presence of Thomas Read.
Sig: William Thweatt; James Johnston
Sir, I am Willing for you to issue Marriage License between William Thweatt and my Daughter Salley, Witness my hand & seal this 24th day of December 1785.
Sig: James Gilliam
Test: Robert Gilliam, John Sullivant, to Colls. Tho. Read.
Charlotte County, VA, Marriage book 296, p. 208-210.
24 Dec 1786
Know all men by these presents that we Robert GILLIAM and James Johnstone are held and firmly bound unto the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia in the sum of fifty pounds Current money . . . dated this 24th day of December 1786.
The condition of this obligation is such that whereas there is a Marriage Suddenly intended to be solemnized between the above bound Robert GILLIAM and Priscilla Moseby. If therefore . . .
Signed & Sealed in presence of George Watkins.
Sig: Robert GILLIAM, James Johnston
This is to certify that I have given my consent to a marriage between my son Robt Gilliam and Priscilla Mosbey.
Witness my hand James GILLIAM, 22nd Decemr, 1786.
Wit: Stephen May and Wm. Thweatt
This is to Certify that I do, Volentaley [sic] give my Consent to a Marriage between Robt Gilliam and my Daughter Presellia Mosbey, without Reserve, witness my hand Allsey Mosbey, 24th Decembor 1/86 [1786].
Wit: William Thomas (Thweatt?), John Sullivant Senr.
This is to Certify that I am Twenty one years of age, I have given my consent to a marriage between Robert Gilliam & myself.
Witness my hand Priscilla Mosbey, 22nd Decemr 1786
Wit: Stephen May, Wm. Thweatt."
Know all men by these presents that we Thomas Osborne & John GILLIAM . . . firmly bound unto James Wood Esquire Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia in the Sum of one hundred & fifty Dollars . . . and dated this 7th day of August 1791 the Condition of the above Obligation is Such that . . . is a marriage intended to be solemnized between Thomas Osborne and Amey GILLIAM . . .
Sig: Thomas Osborn; John GILLIAM.
Dated and approved in presence of Teste WM Thweatt.
This is to Certify that you have my approbation to Grant License to Thomas Osborne to Marry my Daughter Amey GILLIAM. Given under my Hand this 7th August 1797.
Sig: Martha GILLIAM
Mr. Thos Read Clerk; John Gilliam; Frank Barnes
William Thweatt one of the Justices of the Peace for the County of Charlotte Co Certify the Clerk of Charlotte that the within Named Amey GILLIAM is upward of twenty one years of age and is consenting to the . . . intended marriage. Given under my hand this 7 day of August 1797. William Thweatt.
Charlotte County, VA, Marriage Book 299, pp. 507-511.
17 Jul 1800
1800, July 17, William Gilliam to Eliz'ae D. Pettus.
Charlotte County, VA, Minute Book, 1, page 26
13 Jul 1800
1800, July 13, Thomas Gilliam to Salley B. Pettus.
Charlotte County, VA, Minutes Book, 1, p. 25
3 Apr 1813
Know all men by these presents, that we John GILLIAM & Archibald Haley are held and firmly bound unto James Barbour, Esquire, Governor of the commonwealth of Virginia, in one hundred and fifty dollars, to which payment well and truly to be made to the said James Babour . . . we bind ourselves, our heirs . . . firmly by these presents, sealed with our seals and dated the 3d day of April 1813.
The Condition of the above obligation is such that whereas there is a marriage intended to be solemnized between the said John GILLIAM & Margaret Tankersly daughter of John Tankersly of the said County
If therefore there be no lawful cause to obstruct the same, then this obligation to be void, else to remain of force and virtue!
Signed and Sealed in the presence of John H. Hardie
Jno Gilliam, Arch'd Haley
Whereas a Marriage is contemplated between John Gilliam and Margaret Tankersley you will please issue License for that purpose and in so doing you'll oblige Sir yr Obedient John (X) Tankersley
April 3d 1813
Test. Arch'd Hailey & Thomas (X) Hendricks
1813, Apl 3d, Arch'd Haley made oath that John Tankersley acknowledges this writing as his Act & Deed. Thomas Read Clk.
Charlotte County, VA, Marriage Book 3030, pp. 237-238
16 Feb 1859
Miss Ann Eliza GILLIAM
Married, On February 16, by Rev. E. W. Roach, Mr. William C. Harvey, of Charlotte County, VA, to Miss Ann Eliza, daughter of John C. GILLIAM, deceased, of Buckingham County.
Virginia Gazette, p. 2, c. 5, Friday, February 25, 1859.
3 Oct 1844
Died at the residence of her son, Dr. Francis B. GILLIAM, at Parchila, Sevier County, Arkansas, in the 72d year of her age on October 3d 1844, Mrs. Martha C. GILLIAM, late of Charlotte County, Va. She had been a member of the Baptist Church, at Shiloh, Charlotte County, Va.
Daily Richmond enquirer, p. 2, c. 7, Saturday, December 21, 1844.
[Martha C. GILLIAM, is Martha Cox Barnes, the wife of Allen GILLIAM. Parchila should read Paraclifta.]
Personal Property Taxes
Wills, Estates and Inventories
Will of William GILLIAM, 1772
William Guilliam
Will Book No. 1
Inv. & appr. rec. 3 Aug 1772, page 93-94
Inv. & appr. rec. 7 Dec 1772, page 96
Inv. & appr. rec 4 Jan 1773, page 96
Inv. & appr. rec. 1 Feb 1773, page 96-97
Inv. & appr. rec. 1 March 1773, page 97
Kolbe, J. C. Charlotte County, VA, Will Book 1, Southside Virginian. Volume 6, page 79.
1 May 1777
Will of Thomas Bouldin, the Elder
Signed, sealed, published and declared by the testator to be his last will and testament in the presence of James Cunningham, Sarah Collier, Abraham Vaughn (his X mark), Ann Vaughn (her X mark), Robert GILLIAM, Thomas Cox.
At a court held for Charlotte County the 2nd day of June 1783, this last will and testament of Thomas Bouldin, Sr., was exhibited in court by Wood Bouldin and Richard Bouldin, the executor therein named, and the same was proved by the oaths of Sarah Collier, Abraham Vaughn, Anne Vaughn, and Thomas Cox, and ordered to be recorded. On the motion of the said executors who made oath according to law, certificate is granted to them for obtaining a probate of this said will, they giving security, whereupon they together with the Rev. Thomas Johnston and Joseph Collier, their securities entered into and acknowledged their bond according to the law for that purpose.
Truly Recorded: Thomas Read, Clerk
Charlotte County, VA, Will Book 1, page 334, Southside Virginian. Volume 6, page 39.
Will of Mary Curd Richardson, 1788
[Mother of Susannah Richardson, wife of John GILLIAM]
Estate of Gustavus Hendrick
4 Oct 1790
Estate of Gustavus Hendrick, late of Charlotte County, Decd. Report of Inventory and Appraisal of Decedent's Estate filed with Court by John Lee, Joseph Friend, Robert Breedlove, and James GILLIAM. Among items in the unvalued inventory: 12 Slaves, 5 beds and furniture; coffee pot, old books, 10 chairs, carpenter's and cooper's tools.
Charlotte County, VA, Will Book 1, page 43
Charlotte County, VA, Will Book 2, 1791-1805
GILLIAM, Allen pg. 50
GILLIAM, Amey pg. 50
GILLIAM, Harrison pg. 50
GILLIAM, James pg. 50, 51
GILLIAM, John pg. 50, 212
GILLIAM, Martha pg. 50, 156
GILLIAM, Robert pg. 50, 250, 311
GILLIAM, Susannah pg. 14
GILLIAM, Thomas pg. 50, 311
Will of James GILLIAM, 1792
2 Dec 1799
Inventory of Martha Isbell GILLIAM, 1799
Charlotte County, VA, Will Book 2, p. 156.
Will of Amey [GILLIAM] Osborne
Dated 13 Jun 1801, Probated 7 Dec 1801
Charlotte County, VA
Brother John GILLIAM, sister Elizabeth May, sister Salley Thweatt, to Betsey Thweatt [no relationship specified]
Exr: brother John GILLIAM;
Signed Amey (X) Osborne;
Wit: Wm. Thweatt, Mary Pettus, Thomas Eastham, Thomas Thweatt.
Charlotte County, VA, Will Book 2, page 212
Will of Amey [GILLIAM] Osborne
In the name of God amen I Amey Osborne of Charlotte County being weak in body but in perfect memory thanks be to God for the same, do make & order this my Last will and Testament in manner & form following viz, I give & bequeath unto my brother John GILLIAM all my Estate let it consist of what it will except one bed quilt and one counterpane which I give to my Sister Elizabeth May, and also one bed quilt & one counterpane which I give to my Sister Salley Thweatt and also I give my riding saddle to Betsey Thweatt. & I do hereby appoint my above said Brother John GILLIAM to execute this my last Will and Testament.
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & Seal this 13th day of June 1801.
Sig: Amey (X) Osborne, L. L.
Signed and Sealed in presence of Wm. Thweatt; Mary Pettus, Thomas Eastham, Thomas Thweatt
At a court held for Charlotte county the 7th day of December 1801. This Last Will and Testament of Amey Osborne dec'd was presented in Court by John GILLIAM the Executor therein named & the same was proved by the oath of William Thweatt, Thomas Eatham & Thomas Thweatt, three of the witnesses hereto Subscribed and Ordered to be Recorded. On the motion of the said Executor who made oath according to Law Certificate is granted him for obtaining a probate of the said Will in due form he giving Security whereupon he with William Thweatt his Security entered into and acknowledged their bond according to Law for that purpose.
Teste: Thomas Read.
Duly recorded Thomas Read
Charlotte County, VA, Will Book 2, page 212
12 Feb 1803
Inventory and Appraisement of the estate of Robert Gilliam, dec'd, dated Feb. 12, 1803
1 bed and furniture & bedstead; 1 bed and 1 bedstead; 1 counterpane & quilt; 1 underbed, 1 blanket and a bedstead; 1 pine table, 3 chairs; 1 pine chest; 1 butterpot & 2 jugs; 1 coffeepot & flat iron; 3 pewter dishes; 8 pewter plates; 2 basins & four spoons; 4 pr bottles?; 1 Tea pot; 3 2.C.bowls; a parcel cups & saucers & 1 dish; 1 pepper box & 3 tea spoons; 1 Sorrel horse (value 10 pounds); 2 doz. knives & forks; 1 pr. Shears; 1 parcel of books; [1 hone?], 1 Tea Kettle; 1 Skillet; 1 Coffee Mill; 1 bridle & saddle; 1 cotton & flax wheel & pr cotton cards; 1 curry comb & brush;1 pr snippers & 8 awls; 1 Shot Gunn; 1 pot rack; 1 dutch oven; 1 pot; 2 pails & a can; 1 half share plow; 2 bulling hoes, 1 Grueling hoe & ax; 1 Saw and pegs; 5 shoals; 2 barrels; 1 old musket, 1 shot gunn.
February 12, 1803. Agreeably to an order of Charlotte Court made this 3rd of January 1803 to us directed after being first Sworn have appraised the estate of Robert GILLIAM as far as it was Shown to us and do return the above on the appraisement.
Sig: W.M. Watkins; Clement Reads, Charley [Chesley?] Daniel, Tho. GILLIAM.
I do return the above as an Inventory of the estate of Ro. Gilliam and At a Court held for Charlotte County the 6th day of June 1803. This Inventory and appraisement of the estate of Robert Gilliam, dec'd was this day returned and ordered to be recorded.
Teste: Thomas Read, Truly Recorded.
Charlotte County, VA, Will Book ___, page ___
Estate of Robert Gilliam In amount with Thomas Gilliam the administrator:
Mar 16, To Cash paid Robert Whitlock amt his bond [principal?] & Interest - 15 pounds
June 6, paid Sheriff Charlotte in full his Ticket for [Cash?]
July 13, paid ditto
July 13, paid ditto
July 13, ditto - taxes
July 13, ditto Clerks Tickets
July 13, ditto ditto
1804, Mar - ditto - Thomas T. Bouldin ditto for Thomas Chaffin for, 15 pounds
1804, July 9, ditto - in part
1804, Sep 2, ditto
1805, Ap 1, ditto - in full
1804, July 2, ditto, Sheriff Charlotte his Ticket
1804, Feby, Ball'n on Bond due me to date
1805, Feby, Cash paid John Friend in part his Judgment
1804, Feb 2, ditto Attorneys fees on Suit for 3 bond
1804, Feb 2, Cryor and Sale
1804, Feb 2, Lawyers fees for defending suit with Chaffin
To open Amt on 123.2 pounds 2.51/2 for my trouble.
£126.10.2 1/4.
Charlotte County, VA, Will Book 2, p. 311
5 Mar 1802
Estate of Robert Gilliam
By Reuben Crutcher at Sale
Jeremiah Williams
Thomas Hatchett
Robert Whitlock
Priscilla GILLIAM, 17.0.1
Thomas GILLIAM, 2.0.1
Thomas Chaffin Jr.
Benjamin Smith
Jacob Mosby, 12.7.6
William T. Collier
Martin Loggins
William Dupree?
Thomas Chaffin Senior
Robert Williams
Clabourn Clements
Charlotte County, VA, Will Book 2, p. 311
12 Jan 1804
Estate of Robert Gilliam
Jacob Mosby this amt rec'd of him 72.1.4 1/2
Ballance due the adm 3.7.8 3/4
126.10. 2 1/4
Agreeable to an Order of Court to us directed we have settled and ans'd Amount of Thomas Gilliam adm of Robert Gilliam dec'd & find a Ball'n due said administrator of 3.7.?. given under our hands this 2d day August 1805. Wm. L. Morton, Joseph Friend, Thomas Pettus
Charlotte County, VA, Will Book 2, p. 311
20 Oct 1814
Will of John Haynes
In the name of God Amen I John Haynes of the County of Charlotte and State of Virginia being of sound mind and memory to hereby make my last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say I lend to my beloved wife Phoebe Haynes during her widowhood or natural life the following property Viz. the tract of Land whereon I now live four negroes namely Calin? Old Milly Billey? and Mace two feather beds bedsteads and furniture two cows and two calves three sheep eight hogs (of which she shall have her choice) and one Grey horse Jack. My will and desire is that in case my beloved wife Phoebe Haynes should marry or whenever she died that the whole of the estate lent her be by my executors (hereafter named) sold in such manner as to them May seem most probable to obtain the value and the money arising from such sale divided into six parts; one sixth part of which I give to my three grand children namely George Ford, Nancy Ford and Kesiah Ford to be equally divided among them. I give to my four grand children namely Edward Haley, Woodson Haley, Polly Haley and William Haley one-sixth part of the same to be equally divided among them. The residue of which I give to my four children namely George Haynes, Philadelphia Haynes, Polly Stokes and Jane Hughs to be equally divided among them. I give to my daughter Philadelphia Haynes all the property I have heretofore possessed her with. I also give her 1 Negroe Nell with all her future increase. I lend to my daughter Jane Hughes during her natural life the tract of Land whereon she now lives lying in the County of Mecklenburg and after her decease I give it to her four children namely Nancy [Hughs], Elizabeth [Hughs], Polly [Hughs] and Henry [Hughs] to be divided among them. I give to my son George Haynes all the property I have heretofore possessed him with. I give to my daughter Polly Stokes all the property I have heretofore possessed her with also one Negro young Salley with all her future increase. My will and desire is that my two negroes Tom and Billey be by my executors (hereafter named) sold in such manner as to them May seem most probable to obtain their value and the money arising from the sale of Tom I give to my four grand children namely Edward Hailey, Woodson Haley, Polly Haley and William Hailey to be equally divided among them and the money arising from the sale of Billy I give to my three grand children namely George Ford, Nancy Ford and Kesiah Ford to be equally divided among them. I order and direct that the whole remainder of my estate both real and personal of every nature and kind whatever not herein before particularly disposed of be by my executors (hereafter named) sold in such manner as to them May seem most probable to obtain the value, and out of the money arising from such sale all my just debts to be first paid and the residue of which divided among my children and grandchildren in the following manner Viz. one sixth part I give to my three grandchildren namely George Ford, Nancy Ford and Kesiah Ford to be equally divided among them. One sixth part of which I give to my four grandchildren namely Edward Hailey, Woodson Hailey, Polly Hailey and William Hailey to be equally divided among them. The remainder of which I give to my four children namely George Haynes, Polly Stokes, Jane Hughs and Philadelphia Haynes to be equally divided among them. Lastly I do hereby constitute and appoint my Friends John G. Bacon and Hillory Goode executors to this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affix my seal this 20th day of October one Thousand eight hundred & fourteen.
Sig: John Hanes
Signed sealed & declared by the Testator to be his last will & testament in the presence of Daniel Petty, Harrison Ashworth, Jonathan Ashworth. At a Court held for Charlotte County the 1st day of April 1816 This Last Will & Testament of John Haynes dec'd was presented in Court and the same was proved by the oath of Daniel Petty, Harrison Ashworth and Jonathan Ashworth the three subscribing witnesses to be acknowledge by the said John Haynes as his Last Will & Testament in their presence and ordered to be recorded and John G. Bacon one of the executors named in the will renounced her in Court the execution of the said will.
Teste Thomas Read Clk At a Court held for Charlotte County the 8th day of May 1816—on the motion of Francis Barnes jr who made oath according to Law certificate is granted him for obtaining letters of administration of the estate of John Haynes dec'd with the Will annexed he giving security. Whereupon he with Allen GILLIAM his security entered into and acknowledged their bonds according to Law for that purpose the widow having first relinquished her right of administration to the said estate.
Teste Thomas Read Clk
Charlotte County, VA, Will Book 4, page 69
Will of John Gilliam
Will dated 18 Apr 1816; probated 5 Jan 1818
In the name of God Amen, I John GILLIAM of the County of Charlotte being of sound mind and disposing memory do make this my last will and Testament, to wit,
I. I wish and desire that any and all my just debts be paid.
II. I give and bequeath all my estate both real and personal to my beloved wife Margaret GILLIAM to her and her heirs forever.
III. I appoint George Friend, Henry Spencer, Stephen Bedford, and John Fonnel? or any one of them who will act the Executor or Executors of this my last Will and testament.
In witness whereof I hereunto affix my hand and seal this 18th day of April in the year of our Lord 1816.
Teste: Martha Gilliam, Edward Hatchett, Jeremiah Weatherford at a Court held for Charlotte county. January 5th 1818. The within last Will and Testament of John Gilliam dec'd was produced in Court and proved by the oath of Edward Hatchett and Jeremiah Weatherford and ordered to be recorded And on the motion of George Friend one of the Executors in the said Will named who made oath thereto according to oath certificate is granted him for obtaining a probate of the said Will in due form he giving security whereupon he with William Scblorton [?] his Security entered into and acknowledged bond according to law for that purpose Security being reserved the other Executors to join in the probate thereof when they shall think proper.
Duly Recorded. Teste Jno Robinson Clk, Jno Robinson Clk.
Charlotte County, VA, Will Book 4, p. 169
Will of Allen Gilliam
- Library of Virginia. Watkins family Bible record, 1809-1958.
- Ward, Roger G. 1815 Directory of Virginia Landowners (and Gazetteer) Volume 2. Athens, GA: Iberian Pub. Co.
- Wise, Bell. Index to Abstracts of Charlotte County, Virginia Will Book 2 1791-1805, 1991.