Updated December 25, 2023


St. Paul’s Parish was created in 1704 from the western part of St. Peter’s Parish, New Kent. The bounds of Hanover County were conformed to that of St. Paul’s Parish when it was created. The western part of St. Paul’s Parish became St. Martin’s Parish in 1726.
Saint Martin's Parish, 1726
Saint Paul's Parish, 1704

There appears to be both GILLIAMs and GILMANs in Hanover County. (Since the GILMANs of Hanover County may be related to the GILLIAMs of Albemarle County; they have been included only for clarity sake. See below for possible connections.)
The first GILLIAM of record is a Peter GILLIAM who was living in Hanover by the mid 1730's when Andrew Moorman assigns a bond to Peter GILLIAM. This Peter maintains an account with merchant, Francis Jerone. From his purchases one can deduce that Peter was married. This Peter was deceased by the time of 1771 processioning of the lands of St. Paul's Parish. Peter's executor was William GILLIAM; William along with John GILLIAM advertise the sale of Peter's 260 acres in the Virginia Gazette.
It is not believed that this Peter GILLUM is the Peter GILLUM who was the overseer for John Hudson of Hanover. This Peter, the overseer, appears to have settled along the Branches of the South Hardware River in Albemarle County around 1766 when he receives a grant for 166 acres. He also appears in Albemarle Court Papers in GILLUM vs. Hudson's Executors.
Apparently, there is a Peter namesake, for another Peter appears in the tax lists of Hanover in the 1780's and 1790's of St. Martin's Parish along with William and William, Jr.
So who are Peter, John, William and William, Jr.? It is likely that Peter is a New Kent GILLIAM since he is living in St. Paul's which in 1704 was cut off from St. Peter's, New Kent. Also, Andrew Moreman, the man whose bond Peter assumes, was baptized in St. Peter's on 4 Nov 1689. Also, the witnesses to the bond appear to all have roots in New Kent.
William GILMAN and Richard GILMAN are listed in 1785 and 1787 Hanover tax records as the overseer for John Shelton. It should be noted that a John GILLIAM is found living adjacent in Albemarle on Ivy Creek to William Shelton and that Epaphroditus GILLIAM in 1754 witnessed a deed between William McCormick of Fredericksville Parish, Louisa County and David Shelton. James GILLIAM is an overseer for William Shelton in Louisa in 1772.
It has been suggested that Peter is the son of Robert GILLIAM of Middlesex County. While this is very possible chronologically, since Peter is not mentioned in either the Will of his father nor stepmother, and since this line seems to have all settled permanently in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, it seems unlikely that Peter of Hanover is the son of Robert of Middlesex.
It also appears that Peter, John, William and William, Jr., are those who later are mentioned in the Louisa County Orders:
May 10, 1791
John, Peter, and Wm. GILLIAM, exors. of Wm. GILLIAM, decd., pltffs. vs Thomas Smith, acting exor. of Francis Smith, decd., which sd Francis was joint obligor of John and Francis Smith.
In debt. Pltff. to recover agst. deft £5 10s. being the debt. Also costs to be levied out of goods and chattles of sd. Francis in the hands of sd executor if so much be hath, if not, then out of goods, etc., of sd. Thomas. This judgments (except costs), however, is to be discharged by payment of £2 15s. with interest at 5% per annum form 1st of Dec. 1775 till pd.
Louisa County, VA, Order Book 1790-93. p 263.
(See GILLIAMs of Louisa County for further discussion of this line.)
It has been stated that William, Sr., is the William GILLIAM who married Mary Jarratt and that Peter, John and William, Jr. are their sons. The William GILLIAM who married Mary Jarratt came to reside in Albemarle County, VA near the Pedlar River. He is found in that county in deed records in the 1750s. Following the creation of Buckingham County in 1761, William is then found in that county. It does not appear that William lived in Hanover County.
Another early GILLIAM of Hanover is Mary. A Mary GILLIAM is mentioned in the Will of Robert Jennings with William Syndor and John Winston. She is also found in near the North Fork of the Mechumps Creek in 1755 when she is mentioned in the bounds of Col. James Littlepage. She is again mentioned in the 1763 tax lists where she is charged for 300 acres. It appears that Mary lived near the Slash Church which was said to be four miles north of the courthouse. It should be noted that when Peter is mentioned in the processioning of 1771 that his neighbors are William Syndor, John Winston, and Mary Jennings among others. The Virginia Gazette describes Peter's tract as about five miles north of the courthouse.
One last GILLIAM residing in Hanover is John GILLIAM. This John is mentioned in the Will of the Rev. Patrick Henry, uncle of the famous orator. Rev. Patrick Henry leaves a Will in Hanover dated 26 Feb 1777. He identifies himself as minister of the Parish of St. Paul's, Hanover County. Rev. Henry's will names what appears to be his only child, a daughter, Jane GILLIAM, wife of John GILLIAM and several grandchildren: Mary, Elizabeth, namesake Patrick Henry. We know from John GILLIAM's Will that John and Jane had a least one other child after the death of the Rev. Patrick Henry, namely Walter Boyd GILLIAM. Walter Boyd GILLIAM appears in the 1800 Hanover Land Tax records as "W B GILLIAM." Patrick Henry GILLIAM as "P H GILLIAM" and Walter Boyd GILLIAM as "W. B. GILLIAM" appear in the 1790 Personal Property Tax lists of Prince George County.
That being said, the Will of Rev. Patrick Henry leaves to namesake Patrick Henry GILLIAM:
I give and devise to my grandson PATRICK HENRY GILLIAM that tract of land on the Branches of Allan’s Creek containing about five hundred acres, part whereof is in Goochland County and part in Hanover County to have and to hold the said Tract of land after the death of my Daughter, JANE GILLIAM, to him and his heirs forever.
On 1 May Wm Hughes, Jr., sells to Jno Hughes 289 acres (where Wm Hughes decd. lived, whose will 5 Dec., 1788 left the land to his son William, provided he would leave his place in Fluvanna which he refused to do, on great Allen Creek, adj. Jno GILLIAM, Wm Childress, Xopher Clarke, Nathan West.
Records of Hanover County, VA, William and Mary Quarterly, Volume 22, Number 2, page 118.
Also, the 1782 tax lists of St. Paul’s Parish charge John GILLIAM, with 130 acres.
[Note the 1763 tax list charge the Rev. Patrick Henry with 500 acres and 130 acres.]
From the above it can be shown that the tract of land the Rev. Patrick Henry left to his grandson was in the hands of John GILLIAM. It should be noted that Slaughter, the author the of History of Bristol Parish states that this John GILLIAM is the son of the William, who was taxed in 1763. However, it can be shown from the Superior Court Suits of Walter Boyd GILLIAM, that his father John, is the son of John GILLIAM of Prince George and brother of Robert GILLIAM who married Lucy Skelton.
Note: It has been incorrectly published that John GILLIAM married a Lucy, a supposed daughter of the Rev. Patrick Henry. It is clear from the Will of the Rev. Patrick Henry that his daughter is Jane, not Lucy.
10 Nov 1729 and 5 Apr 1734
Bond: We Eno Woole, Phillip Poullik, George Lang, Josu Broiel are firmly bound unto Andrew Moreman of Hanover Co. in the sum of £300 currt. cash. Condition: above bound Eno Woole, Phillip Poullik, George Lang, Josu Broiel have sold unto Andrew Morman a parcel of land belonging to James Woole an alfin and sun [sic] belonging and of the sd. Eno Woole a tract of land containing 280 a. in Hanover co. joyning to the land of John Luck, John Penick, Benja Brown and Dickey Ward . . . land and plantation. We do give bond that sd James when he comes of age will make sd. Andrew Morman a good lawfull right and title of the sd. land when required after age of 21 years then the above bond to be void.
Eno (E) Woole
Phillip (X) Poullik
George Land (sic)
Josu (+) Brioiel
Wit: Benja Brown, John Wilson, John (I) Brown, John Smith, Benja. Brown, John Yeamans
5 Apr 1734
Bond from Eno Woole, Phillip Poullike, George Lang and Josu Broiel unto Andrew Mormon was partly proved by oaths of John Smith and John Brown two of the witnesses who swore that they saw the sd George Lang sign the sd bond. Also John Wilson the sd. witness swore that he saw the sd. Eno Woole sign the Bond. The same day afterwards came Benjamin Brown another of the witnesses to the bond and fully proved the same by his oath who also made oath that he saw the afsd. Andrew Mormon assign the same bond over unto Peter GILLIAM. Such Bond assignment was at the motion of sd. GILLIAM admitted to record.
Davis, Rosalie Edith. Hanover Deeds, 1733-1735, pages 18-19.
William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine, Vol. 21, No. 1. (Jul., 1912), pp. 47-63.
from the William and Mary Quarterly: "There are only two old books in the Clerk's Office of Hanover County, VA, The oldest, designated the "Small Book" in these notes, covers the years 1734 and 1735, and contains orders, wills, deeds, etc. The other, "The Larger Book" of these notes is a deed book for 1780-1790."
[The William and Mary Quarterly gives the names as follows: April 5, 1734, Eno X Woole, Philip X Poullish, George Land & John Brioice & Andrew Mormon. The Browns (John and Benjamin) appears in Louisa Deeds with William GILLIAM.]
GILLAM, Wm, 10001030100 19 (near neighbor is Charles Terrill)
GILMAN, Dickey, 20010200101 7
GILMAN, Edmund, 00001012010 70
GILMAN, Jno, 02001000010 0
Ancestry.com. Federal Census.
GILLIAM, William, 010001001100 10 - 0044103221 000000000 (next door to Charles Terrill)
GILMAN, Dickey,
GILMAN, Edmund,
Ancestry.com. Federal Census.
GILLUM, William, Age 70-80, Hanover, 1830
GILMAN, Dickey,
GILMAN, John, Jr.
Ancestry.com. Federal Census.
1 male 10-15, 1 male 70-80, 2 females 15-20, 1 female 50-60, 3 slaves
John, age 80 is a Pensioner for Revolutionary of military service
GILLMAN, John, Jr.
1 male under 5, 1 male 5-10, 1 male 30-40, 2 females under 5, 1 female 10-15, 1 female 30-40, 3 slaves
GILMAN, Richard B.
1 male under 5 (Joseph C.), 1 male 30-40 (Richard B.), 1 female under 5, 1 female 20-30 (Nancy C.), 1 female 60-70 (Frances T. Ellet), 6 slaves
GILMAN, Edmund
1 male age 70-80, 2 females age 50-60, 1 female age 60-70, 2 slaves.
Edmund, age 78 is a Pensioner for Revolutionary of military service
(given age it is likely he served in the War of 1812)
GILLIAM, Elizabeth M.
1 male age 20-30, 1 female age 20-30, 1 female age 40-50, 1 female age 70-80, 16 slaves
Ancestry.com. Federal Census.
GILMAN, Ann, age 60
GILMAN, Mary, age 53
GILMAN, Priscilla, age 48
Smith, Sally, age 45
Ancestry.com. Federal Census.
GILMAN, Richard B., age 42, Farmer
GILMAN, Nancy C., age 34
GILMAN, Joseph C., age 12
GILMAN, John R., age 9
GILMAN, Thomas, age 7
GILMAN, Betty J., age 4
GILMAN, Sally C., age 1
Ellet, Frances T., age 72
Ancestry.com. Federal Census.
Court Cases
Seay v. Bacon
1 Jun 1786
Deed from John Brown of Hanover Co. to Benj. Brown of Richmond City, of land in Hanover Co. , Isaac Winston, Garland Anderson, Dudley Brown, William GILLIAM and John Brown. June 1, 1786.
Vol. 1733-35, p. 224.
Ancestry.com. Valentine Papers (Virginia), Vol. 1-4, 1864-1908. [database online] Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 2001. Original data: Edward P. Valentine, The Edward Pleasants Valentine Papers, Vol. 1-4, 1864-1908. Richmond, VA: The Valentine Museum.
1 Jun 1786
John Brown of Hanover to Benj. Brown of city of Richmond, for loan of £800, 400 acres of land in Hanover adj lands of Garland Anderson, Dudley Brown, Wm GILLIAM, Isaac Winston, and John Brown which land was given to sd. John Brown by last will of his father. Also 2 negro men William & Davy.
Gregory, Norine Campbell. Some Ancient Landowners in Saint Martin’s Parish, Hanover County, VA, pages 225, 275
2 Aug 1786
James Overstreet and Nancy of Louisa to Timothy Terrell of Hanover 70 acs. Part of a tract of land Overstreet bought of the est. of Mark Whealor, dec. adj. John Taylor Smith’s yard, near a road to Davenport’s Ford.
Witness Wm. GILLUM, William GILLUM, Jr., Jos. Eggleston, Geo Phillips,
7 Jun 1787, proved by the oaths of William GILLIAM and Joseph Eggleston, Geo Philips.
Gregory, Norine Campbell. Some Ancient Landowners in Saint Martin’s Parish, Hanover County, VA, pages 225, 275
[Wm Jones (Sr.) patented 523 acres of N.E. side of the Mattapony Riv. one John GILLIAM was a headright. Wm. Jones Jr.’s first patent of the 700 acres named James Overstreet a headright, and James Overstreet was also a headright when Wm. Sr., patented 350 acres in King and Queen in 1703. James Overstreet taxed for 180 acres in King and Queen in 1704 and Wm. Jones then was taxed for 900 acres. Extant records name James Overstreet in the upper area of Beaverdam and Louisa Co. and Wm GILLIAM was a wit. To his 1786 deed.]
20 Aug 1790
Tarleton Luck of Louisa Co. sold to William GILLIAM of Hanover 121 1/2 acres in Hanover . . . Mason’s line, down the county road to Winston’s line, head of Suiter’s Meadow;
Signed Tarleton B. Luck.
Witnesses John Brown, George Smith, Jr., Rubin Smith
Gregory, Norine Campbell. Some Ancient Landowners in Saint Martin’s Parish, Hanover County, VA, pages 225, 275
4 Dec 1790
Larkin Luck of Caroline Co. to Tarleton Luck of Louisa Co. £60; 120 ac adj lands of Isaac Winston, Christopher Shields, William Gylliam, and sd Tarleton Luck.
Davis, Rosalie Edith. Hanover Deeds, 1783-1792. Manchester, page 99
4 Dec 1790
Deed from Larkin Luck, of Caroline Co. to Tarleton Luck of Louisa Co. land in Hanover Co., adjoining Isaac Winston, Christopher Shields, Wm. GILLIAM and the said T. Luck, Dec. 4, 1790. Ibid. p. 464.
Ancestry.com. Valentine Papers (Virginia), Vol. 1-4, 1864-1908. [database online] Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 2001. Original data: Edward P. Valentine, The Edward Pleasants Valentine Papers, Vol. 1-4, 1864-1908. Richmond, VA: The Valentine Museum.
Jan. 19, 1791
Tarleton B. Luck of Louisa & Croshe [Crotia] Cassety, his wife to Wm GILLIAM 121 a.
adj. Mason & Winston.
5 Feb 1791
John Winston & William Fontaine, Gents. Justices of Hanover Co. ordered to witness the signature of Croshe [Crotia] Cassety Luck, wife of Tarleton B. Luck of Louisa Co. to a deed from said Luck to Wm. GILLUM of Hanover, 120 acres in Hanover Co. Feb. 5, 1791 .
Ancestry.com. Valentine Papers (Virginia), Vol. 1-4, 1864-1908. [database online] Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 2001. Original data: Edward P. Valentine, The Edward Pleasants Valentine Papers, Vol. 1-4, 1864-1908. Richmond, VA: The Valentine Museum.
19 Jun 1791
William Masa [Mason] to Tarleton B. Luck of Louisa 94 1/2 acres on Fork of Pamunkey called North River adj William GILLIAM, Christopher Shields, George Swit, [Smith] sd Tarleton B. Luck.
Witness William GILLIAM
Deed from Wm. Mason of Hanover Co., to Tarleton B. Luck of Louisa Co., land in Hanover Co., adj. George Smith, Christopher Shields, Wm. GILLIAM and said Luck. Jan. 19, 1791. Ibid. p. 465.
Ancestry.com. Valentine Papers (Virginia), Vol. 1-4, 1864-1908. [database online] Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 2001. Original data: Edward P. Valentine, The Edward Pleasants Valentine Papers, Vol. 1-4, 1864-1908. Richmond, VA: The Valentine Museum.
1 May 1792
Wm Hughes, Jr., to Jno Hughes 289 a. (where Wm Hughes decd. lived, whose will 5 Dec., 1788 left the land to his son William, provided he would leave his place in Fluvanna wh. he refused to do — on great Allen Creek, adj. Jno GILLIAM, Wm Childress, Xopher Clarke, Nathan West.
Records of Hanover County, VA, William and Mary Quarterly, Volume 22, Number 2
Moore, John S. ads. Walter Boyd GILLIAM
Ejectment [Judgment]
Burned Record Counties Database, Library of Virginia.
Landowner's Directory of 1815
Walter Boyd GILLIAM, of Prince George County, part in Goochland County, 25W
William GILLIAM, 21W
Dickey GILMAN, 15W
Dickey GILMAN and Walter Crenshaw, Scotchtown Mills, 16W
[Directions and distances are measured from the Courthouse.]
Ward, Roger G. 1815 Directory of Virginia Landowners (and Gazetteer) Volume 1, Central Region. Athens, GA: Iberian Pub. Co., 1997.
Legislative Petitions
6 Jun 1783
Sundry freeholders of the county of Hanover stat that they have heard of a bill now before the House of Delegates to exclude particular classes British subjects from the rights of citizenship within the Commonwealth of Virginia. They ask that three groups of obnoxious persons in particular not be allowed to reside in Virginia.
30 Nov 1784,
Sundry Freeholders and other inhabitants of the County of Hanover ask for the division of their county:
Signatures are:
[first column]
John Thomson
David Anderson, Jr.
Nichs Mills
Will Thomson, Jun
Wm Barret
David Thomson
Abraham Fontaine
Nathaniel Rice
Saml Anderson
David Jones
Thomas Higgason
Supry Higgason
John Bullock, Senr
Robert Anderson
Richard Richardson
John Richardson
Joseph Perkins
Robert Perkins
Napier [struck through]
Skelton Napier
Tarlton Brown
Richd A Holland
[second column]
John Saunders
Ison Walton
Charles Harris (?)
Charles Mills
John Mills
Benjn Higgason
Richard Higgason
Geo Higgason
Joseph Terrell
Timothy Terrell
William Kent
Zachariah Pulliam
George Mallery
Danniel Jinnings
John Newmon
John Hughes
Anderson Calahan
Isaac London
Thomas Johnson
Mathew Anderson
[third column]
Thos Anderson
Robert Mills
Clevears Swift
N Thomson
Geo Kersey
Richd Grinstead
John Higgason Jr
Wm Thomson
Phillip Higgson
Tapley Lightfoot
James Blunt
Obadiah Stanley
Claiborne DuVal
Martin Strong
George Strong
George Harris
William Harris
Ralph Harris
Nathen Camard
John Christian
Magazine of Virginia Genealogy, Volume 31, Number 1
20 Nov 1790
Sundry Freeholders and other inhabitants of Hanover petition the members of the Virginia Assembly to pass an act for dividing their county into two. They request that the dividing line begin on the Henrico line where Grassy Swamp empties into Chickahominy then running a straight course to the south fork of Pamunkey River striking the said river at the mouth of Leath Water near Lawrence's and Bumpass' Mill then down the said river to its junction with the north fork and all that part of the county lying between said rivers and the above line to be erected into a new county. They suggest that a court house, prison, and all other necessary public buildings be erected on the lands of James Crew at a place known by the name of Negro Foot without any expense to the new county. The petitioners complain that many of them live a great distance from the court house, and state that they are obligated to attend general musters and other necessary business often at the loss of much time and expense. They feel that two counties could be formed from Hanover containing not less than three hundred fifty freeholders in each county.
4th petition signatures:
Magazine of Virginia Genealogy, Volume 32, Number 1
8 Nov 1791
This file contains six petitions signed by sundry freeholders and other inhabitants of the County of Hanover requesting that the General Assembly authorize their county to be divided into two separate counties. Their justification for this request and the proposed new county lines are the same as those given in the 20 Nov 1790 petition.
1st petition signatures:
Charles Terrill . . .
Larken Luck . . .
William GILLUM . . .
Accounts from the Store of Thomas Partridge & Co. Hanover Co., Virginia, 1734-1756
A Merchant's (Francis Jerdone's) Account Book: Hanover County, Virginia, 1743-1744
9 Mar 1743/44, Cash
To the reverend Mr. Patrick Henry, 10
To Peter GILLUM, 44
Doctor Farquhar Matthison
1744 Contra
26 Oct By Peter GILLUM 43__ 0.5.0
1744 Mr. Peter GILLUM in Hanover County
30 Mar, 250 10d nails, thread
16 Apr, materials, pr womens white wash gloves, pr woms finest worsted hose, 1 fine hatt, buttons, lace, powder, shott, bed tyke, 2 pewter dishes, pepper, alspice, 21 nails, bed tyke, molasses
25 May, materials
22 Sep, to your order to a negro for 9. paid in 3 yds calico
25 Sep, shoe thread, materials, nails, 2 pr womens shoes
26 Oct, to Dr. Farquhar Matthison ___ fo 63 0.5.0
To the difference between £6.3.10 & £6.1.6 in tob.
1744 Contra
16 Apr by a hghd tobacco at Pages
Sep 1744
Peter GILLUM 3.
Nov 1744
Peter GILLUM 4.6
A Merchant's (Francis Jerdone's) Account Book: Hanover County, Virginia, 1743-1744
4 Nov 1839
Died, On Nov. 4, at the residence of his father, John B. GILLIAM, age 31 years, leaving his aged father and mother in Hanover County.
Richmond Whig & Public Advertiser, p. 1, c. 6, Friday, November 15, 1839.
abt 2 Apr 1903
Mrs. Lucy Burke Priddy, formerly of Hanover County, died Tuesday at the residence of her son, Mr. W. T. Priddy, No. 704 North Twenty-eighth Street. She was 80 years of age. She leaves two sons, Messrs. J. W. B. and W. T. Priddy, and four daughters, Mrs. J. B. Crenshaw, Mrs. D. L. Jones, Mrs. Lucy B. Thompson and Mrs. J. GILLIAM. The remains will be taken this morning to her old home in Hanover County, where the interment will be made.
Times Dispatch (Richmond, Va.) p. 2, c. 6, April 2, 1903.
Parish Records
Vestry of St. Paul’s Parish
30 Nov 1763
Ordered into precinct for processioning the land of Major Taylor, George Taylor, Richard GILLMANs, William Webb . . .
12 Nov 1771
Ordered into precinct for processioning the land of Mary Jennings, Wm. Syndor, Ed. Nelson’s orphans, John Meriwether, John Winston, Peter GILLIAM, decd., Wm. Derracott and Eliz. Darracott
Precinct 23. Ordered into one precinct for processioning the lands of Mary Jennings, Wm. Sydner, Edward Nelson 's orphans, John Meriwether, John Winston, Peter GILLIAM, decd., Wm. Darracott and Elizabeth Darracott, and that John Winston and William Darracott, to see the said processioning performed." Nov. 12, 1771. (p. 196.)
Ancestry.com. Valentine Papers (Virginia), Vol. 1-4, 1864-1908. [database online] Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 2001. Original data: Edward P. Valentine, The Edward Pleasants Valentine Papers, Vol. 1-4, 1864-1908. Richmond, VA: The Valentine Museum.
12 Nov 1771
Ordered into precinct for processioning the land of . . . Richard GILLMANs
12 Nov 1779
Ordered into precinct for processioning the land of . . . Richd GILMAN
Patents, Headrights, and Bounds
10 Sep 1755
James Littlepage, 108 acs.
North Fork of Machunks [Mechumps] River adj. Col. James Littlepage’s line commonly called Ostean’s line, Mary GILLIAM, Capt Robert Jennings, & Benjamin Buckley, 15 shill.
Cavaliers and Pioneers, Volume VI, 103
[It is likely that Ostean is Samuel Ostin/Austin. 1703, Richard Littlepage, and Frances his wife, of New Kent, Gent., to John OSTIN (AUSTIN), Deed, conveying land adjoining Henry Fox and Harry Madison, being part of a greater dividend received by will from Samuel OSTEEN. Virginia Land Records From the VA Magazine of History and Biography, the William and Mary College Quarterly, and Tyler's Quarterly indexed by Gary Parks and published in 1982 by the Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore.]
Virginia Gazette
27 Feb 1772
To be sold, pursuant to the Will of Peter GILLUM, deceased, on Thursday, the 4th of June next at Hanover Courthouse, being Court Day.
A tract of land containing three hundred and sixty acres, with a plantation, orchards of all sorts of fruit trees, and about seventy acres of cleared land. It lies about five miles above Hanover Courthouse, and is very well wooded and watered. Six months credit will be allowed for one half the money, and twelve months for the other, giving bond, with approved security to William & John GILLUM, executors.
An undoubted title will be made.
Virginia Gazette
Publick Claims
William GILLUM cert. by John Thornton for 250# beef £2-10.
William GILLUM cert. by John Richardson for 8 1/2 bu wheat £2-2-6.
William Gillum, Court Booklet, I, p. 34-35, Certificates, 1, Commissioner’s Book, III, p179-180
Library of Virginia, Revolutionary War Public Service Claims
17 Apr 1788.
Ten Dollars Reward. RUN away from the subscriber in AMELIA county, some time in October last, a stout well made Virginia born negro woman, named DINAH, but has changed her name to NANCY, her complexion is rather of the tawny kind, she has a scar on her forehead, and keeps her eyes rather closed when speaking, she chews tobacco, and smoaks much, she has changed her cloaths since her elopement, and had on when last seen a faded greed [sic] stuff waistcoat, and an old clarret coloured petty-coat, with an M, and O, under coat of white Virginia cloth, she passes for a free woman, and I have been well informed, has been harboured at a place called GILLIAM's near Hanover-Town and at Mr. Page's quarter. She last hired herself to Mrs. Jones, at Spring Garden, in Hanover, for a spinner and weaver, and had one of the house servants for her husband, for which place she made her escape the 3d inst. it is probable she will endeavour to get to Hobb's Hole, as I purchased her of one GEORGE DAVENPORT, in Richmond county, and crossed at that place on my way home. I will give the above reward to any person who will deliver her to Major THOMAS JONES, at Spring Garden, or secure her so that I get her again. HENRY BOGGESS. APRIL 4, 1788.
Virginia Gazette and Weekly Advertiser (Nicolson), Richmond, April 17, 1788.
Land Taxes
GILLIAM, William, 380 acres, Price 5.0, Value 93.0.0, Tax 0.19.9
GILMAN, Richard, 160 acres, Price 5.0, Value 40.0.0, Tax 0.8.0
(Return of St. Paul's Parish, Upper Battalion)
22 Apr 1782
GILLUM, John, 130 acres, Price 20.0, Value 130.0.0
(neighbors include John Gardner, William Gardner, Capt Thomas Tinsley, Thomas Clarke, Bartlet Anderson, Charles Hundley, Christopher Smith, Exr. Robert C. Page, and Constantine Reddick)
GILLUM, John, 130 acres, Price 18.3, Value 118.12.6, Tax 1.15.8
(St. Paul's Parish)
GILLIAM, William, 380 acres, Price 4.7, Value 87.1.8, Tax 1.6.2
(St. Martin's Parish)
GILLUM, John, 130 acres, Price 18.3, Value 118.12.6, Tax 1.15.8
GILMAN, Richard, 160 acres, Price 4.7, Value 26.13.4, Tax 0.11.0
GILLIAM, William, 380 acres, Price 4.7, Value 87.1.8, Tax 1.6.2
(St. Martin's Parish)
Gillium, John, 130 acres, Price 18.3, Value 118.12.6, Tax 1.15.8
(St. Paul's Parish)
GILMAN, Richard, 160 acres, Price 4.7, Value 36.13.4, Tax 0.11.0
(St. Paul's Parish)
GILLIAM, William, 380 acres, Price 4.7, Value 87.1.8, Tax 1.6.2
(Return of Thomas Price)
Gillium, John, 130 acres, Price 18.3, Value of Land 118.12.6, Tax 1.15.8
(Return of John Priddy)
GILLIAM, William, 380 acres, Price 4.7, Value 87.1.8, Tax 1.6.2
(Return of Thomas Price)
Gillium, John, 130 acres, Price 18.3, Value 118.12.6, Tax 1.15.8
(Return of John Priddy)
Richard, 160 acres, Price 4.7, Value 36.13.4, Tax 0.11.0
(Return of John Priddy)
GILLIAM, William, 380 acres, Price 4.7, Value 87.1.8, Tax 1.6.2
(Return of Thomas Price)
Gillium, John, 130 acres, Price 18.3, Value 118.12.6, Tax 1.15.8
(Return of John Priddy)
GILMAN, Richard, 160 acres, Price 4.7, Value 36.13.4, Tax 0.11.0
(Return of John Priddy)
Sparacio, Ruth & Sam. Hanover County, Virginia, Land Tax Books, 1782-1788
Tax Records
William GILLIAM 280 acres
Gregory, Norine Campbell. Some Ancient Landowners in Saint Martin’s Parish, Hanover County, VA, pages 225, 275
Mary GILLIAM, 300 acres,
[Likely St. Paul's since Mary is mentioned in the Will of Robert Jennings of St. Paul's]
Gregory, Norine Campbell. Some Ancient Landowners in Saint Martin’s Parish, Hanover County, VA, pages 225, 275
1782, St. Paul’s Parish,
John Gardener, 180, Chas. Hundley, 96, Wm. Gardner, 140, Christopher Smith, 714, Thomas Clark, 15, Est. of Rob. C. Page, 900, Bartlett Anderson, 378, John GILLIAM, 130 acres, Constantine Riddick, 60.
[Note the 1763 tax for all of Hanover names the Rev. Patrick Henry with 500 acres and 130 acres.]
Personal Property list of Thos. Trevillian, Gent. For the N. Anna area of St. Martin’s Parish
Peter GILLIAM, Head, 3 white, 4 blacks
William GILLIAM, 5 whites, 16 blacks
Gregory, Norine Campbell. Some Ancient Landowners in Saint Martin’s Parish, Hanover County, VA, pages 225, 275
[Note: The Will of John GILLIAM of Albemarle County, was witnessed by Thomas Trevillian.]
1782, St. Martin’s Parish
Wm GILLIAM, 380 (Hanover records at 1783-1793 have several references to GILLIAM tracts)
Gregory, Norine Campbell. Some Ancient Landowners in Saint Martin’s Parish, Hanover County, VA, pages 225, 275
David Anderson was the 1782 Tax Commissioner with George Clough and Wm. GILLIAM for the western part of Hanover County.
Gregory, Norine Campbell. Some Ancient Landowners in Saint Martin’s Parish, Hanover County, VA, pages 225, 275
Crenshaw, John, 1784, John GILMAN, overseer, 0 wheels, 4 slaves, 2 horses, 5 cattle
Cross, Joseph, Jr., Ed. GILMAN, overseer, 0 wheels, 11 slaves, 6 horses, 20 cattle
Shelton, John, Wm GILMAN, overseer, 0 wheels, 8 slaves, 2 horses, 26 cattle
Shelton, John, 1787, Richard GILMAN, overseer, 2 wheels, 15 slaves, 8 horses, 30 cattle
Cocke, William Donald. Hanover Tax Payers, St. Paul’s Parish, 1782-1815
GILLUM, William- 6 slaves
GILLUM, William, Jr.-
GILLUM, Peter-
Census of Va. Personal Property Tax Lists:
1789 Land
GILLAM, William
GILMAN, Richard
Binns Genealogy. 1790/1800 County Tax Lists of Virginia.
1789 Personal Property
GILLUM, William
GILMAN, Austin
GILMAN, Edmund
GILMAN, Richard
GILMAN, William
Binns Genealogy. 1790/1800 County Tax Lists of Virginia.
1799 Personal Property
GILLUM, William
GILMAN, Dudley
GILMAN, Edmund
GILMAN, Richard
GILMAN, Richard, Jr
Binns Genealogy. 1790/1800 County Tax Lists of Virginia.
1800 Land Property
GILLUM, William
GILMAN, Richard
Binns Genealogy. 1790/1800 County Tax Lists of Virginia.
Some taxes of St. Martin’s Parish
1807 James Doswell from Wm. GILLIAM, 16 1/2 acres,
1813 James Doswell 1044 1/2 adj. Chas. Thompson and Wm. GILLIAM.
1813 George Smith’s estate 234 acres adj Henry C. Coleman and Wm. GILLIAM, 22 miles W
1815 James Doswell, 1044 1/2 adj. Chas. Thompson and Wm. GILLIAM, 20 W
1820 Wm. GILLIAM, 476 adj W. D. Goodwin and C. Terrell, 21 W
1829 Wm GILLIAM, 476 adj C. Terrell, Rice and Doswell, 21 W
1834 Chas. Terrell, 313 1/2 adj Wm. GILLIAM and M. H. Brown.
1836 Wm. GILLIAM, 476 adj. C. Terrell, Rice and Doswell, 21 W
1846 Elizabeth and Mary GILLIAM 476 (life estate) adj H. Terrell and M. M . Brown
1847 Wm. GILLIAM, est. 476 adj N. Terrell and M. Brown.
Gregory, Norine Campbell. Some Ancient Landowners in Saint Martin’s Parish, Hanover County, VA, pages 225, 275
Wills, Estates and Inventories
6 Dec 1750
Will of Robert Jennings
50 acs adj Wm. Syndor, Mary Gilham, and John Winston
Rec 6 Jul 1758
[He was a vestryman for St. Paul’s Parish in Hanover County, and was a county justice.]
Gregory, Norine Campbell. Some Ancient Landowners in Saint Martin’s Parish, Hanover County, VA, pages 225, 275
The Will of the Rev. Patrick Henry
- Abercrombie, Janice L. and Slatten, Richard, comp. Virginia Revolutionary "Publick" Claims. 3 vols. Athens, Ga.: Iberian Pub. Co., 1992.
- Ancestry.com. Federal Census.
- Ancestry.com. The Mecklenburg Signers and Their Neighbors. Provo, UT. MyFamily.com, Inc. 2004.
- Ancestry.com. The Edward Pleasants Valentine Papers . Provo, UT. My Family.com, Inc., 2004.
- Ancestry.com. Virginia Genealogical Society Quarterly [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2002. Original data: The Virginia Genealogical Society. Virginia Genealogical Society Quarterly and Magazine of Virginia Genealogy.
- Baker, Mary Ellen. Numerous Correspondences, 1998-present.
- Bazile, Leon M. (Leon Maurice). Wills of Rev. Patrick Henry and Walter Coles of Hanover County, VA. Virginia Will Records, page 144.
- Binns Genealogy. 1790/1800 County Tax Lists of Virginia.
- Chamberlayne, Churchill Gibson. The Vestry Book of St. Paul’s Parish, Hanover County, Virginia, 1706-1786. Reprint edition, Baltimore: Clearfield Company, Inc., 1999.
- Cocke, William Ronald. Hanover Tax Payers, St. Paul’s Parish, 1782-1815
- Davis, Rosalie Edith. Hanover Deeds, 1733-1735. Manchester, MO, 1979
- Davis, Rosalie Edith. Hanover Deeds, 1783-1792. Manchester, MO, 1983
- Gregory, Norine Campbell. Some Ancient Landowners in Saint Martin’s Parish, Hanover County, VA. New Papyrus Company, Inc. 2001.
- Heads of Families at the First Census of the United States Taken in the Year 1790. Records of the State Enumerations: 1782 to 1785 - Virginia. Athens, Ga.: Iberian Publishing Company. Pages 15-16, 67.
- Library of Virginia. Burned Record Counties Database.
- Library of Virginia, Revolutionary War Public Service Claims
- Nugent, Nell Marion. Cavaliers and Pioneers: A Calendar of Virginia Land Grants, 1623-1800. Vol. 1:1-7. Richmond, VA: Dietz Printing Co.
- Parks, Gary. Virginia Land Records From the VA Magazine of History and Biography, the William and Mary College Quarterly, and Tyler's Quarterly, Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1982.
- Past Portal. Virginia Gazette.
- John Proffatt, Abraham Clark Freeman. The American decisions: containing all the cases of general value and authority decided in the courts of the several states, from the earliest issue of the state reports to the year 1869. Published 1886, Bancroft-Whitney. Vols. 1-11 compiled and annotated by John Proffatt ; v. 12-100 compiled and annotated by A.C. Freeman.
- Ray, Worth S. The Mecklenburg Signers and Their Neighbors. Austin, TX, 1946.
- Sparacio, Ruth & Sam. Hanover County, Virginia, Land Tax Books, 1782-1788. The Antient Press.
- Records of Hanover County, VA, William and Mary Quarterly, Volume 22, Number 2
- Richmond Whig & Public Advertiser, p. 1, c. 6, Friday, November 15, 1839.
- Times Dispatch (Richmond, Va.) p. 2, c. 6, April 2, 1903.
- Virginia Genealogical Society Quarterly, Accounts from the Store of Thomas Partridge & Co., Hanover Co., Volume 23, No. 2, 1985, and Volume 24, Number 4, Nov 1986
- Virginia Genealogical Society Quarterly, Volume XXXV, number 4 (01-NOV-1997) • A Merchant's Account Book: Hanover County, Virginia, 1743-1744
- Virginia Genealogical Society Quarterly, Volume XXXI, number 1 (01-FEB-1993) • Legislative Petitions, Hanover County
- Virginia Genealogical Society Quarterly • Volume XXXI, number 1 (01-FEB-1993) • Legislative Petitions - Hanover County, page 23
- Virginia Genealogical Society Quarterly • Volume XXXI, number 1 (01-FEB-1993) • Legislative Petitions - Hanover County, page 14
- Ward, Roger G. 1815 Directory of Virginia Landowners (and Gazetteer) Volume 1, Central Region. Athens, GA: Iberian Pub. Co., 1997.