Updated December 30, 2023


Tillotson Parish, 1761
GILLIAMs were also active in Maysville Presbyterian Church, est. 1842.
Numerous GILLIAM families settled in Buckingham County. One of the earliest was that of Epaphroditus who settled along the branches of the Willis. From the Buckingham Plat Book we know that Epaphroditus and Richard, the son of Epaphroditus, lived along both sides a fork of Willis River adjoining William Morris, Sr., McCormicks, Thomas Blackburn, James Routon. From the Bible of Richard Holland GILLIAM we know that Epaphroditus died in 1789.
Another GILLIAM line is that of John GILLIAM and Susannah Richardson. John and Susannah were the parents of John Richardson GILLIAM, Richard Curd GILLIAM, Isham Richardson GILLIAM, William Richardson GILLIAM and Martha "Patty" Curd GILLIAM. Some of the descendants of John Richardson GILLIAM settled in and around Rockingham County, NC. See North Carolina Wills.
Who is the Widow GILLIAM of Buckingham?
It has been proposed that Widow GILLIAM of Buckingham County is Mary Jarratt GILLIAM, the wife of William GILLIAM, for Widow GILLIAM is, according to several bounds, the wife of a William GILLIAM, deceased. However, from these same grants, one learns that Widow GILLIAM lived along the Branches of the Holloday River. Since William and Mary are believed to have lived along Wreck Island, Widow GILLIAM is most likely not Mary Jarratt GILLIAM, but rather the widow of another William GILLIAM.
In 1794, Widow GILLIAM is mentioned in the Buckingham records as living adjacent to William Morris, Jr., etc. On 7 Feb 1797, David GILLIAM, receives a grant for 460 acres on some of the waters of Holloday River and south side of the Buckingham Road, adjoining Joseph Brown, William Morriss, Crouches, Richard GILLIAM, James Walker, David McCormack and Olive Branch. (Land Office Grants No. 39, 1797-1798, p. 135; Reel 105). From the adjoining lines, it is apparent that David GILLIAM lived adjacent to Richard GILLIAM, son of Epaphroditus GILLIAM, who according to the Buckingham Surveyor’s Plat Book on 13 Mar 1795 owned 413 3/4 acres on the branches Slate River; joining William Morris, Sr., Olive Branch, Robert Smith and John Webb. Therefore, it is most likely that Widow GILLIAM belongs to the Epaphroditus or David GILLIAM lines.
Richard Gilliam Bible
Richard Curd GILLIAM Bible
John David GILLIAM Bible
Richard Holland Gilliam Bible
GILLIAM family Bible record, 1794-1912.
6 leaves
Notes and Summaries:
Includes Bible record (5 leaves) and an obituary (1 leaf). Area covered is Buckingham County, Virginia. Bible printed in 1816. Other surnames mentioned: Couch, Haltiwanger, Terry, Watson and Whitehead.
Library of Virginia
GILLIAM family Bible record, 1839-1882.
2 leaves.
Notes and Summaries:
Area covered is Buckingham County, Virginia. Other surnames mentioned: Jones, Mathews, Neighbours and Sanders(?).
Library of Virginia
GILLIAM family Bible record, 1809-1882.
11 leaves.
Notes and Summaries:
Area covered is Buckingham County, Virginia. Other surnames mentioned: Anderson, Harrison, Jones, Lawlers, Mathews, Neighbours, Nowlin, and Oliver.
Library of Virginia.
Spencer Family Bible

Moses Spencer married to
Judith Ayres
5th January 1786
Polly Spencer to
Charles Geurrant [sic]
13th July 1806
John Spencer to
Elizabeth W. Price
3rd August 1809
Nathan Spencer to
Judith D. Fuqua
14th Nov 1815
Barker Hales Spencer to
Polly . . .
Elizabeth H. Spencer to
Charles Jones [?]
13th June 1817
Moses A. Spencer to
Ann Bradley
Nov 1830
Judith H. Spencer to
Tandy Holman
Nov 1831
Martha A. Spencer to
Isham Gilliam
Dec 1832
Saml A. Spencer to
Mary A Moseley
May 1819
The Biography of Marshall M. GILLIAM from
Lyon Gardiner Tyler, Encyclopedia of Virginia Biography, Richmond, VA, 1915.
Booker-Lackland-Selden Cemetery, Highway 15
Fannie M. Lackland
14 Jun 1839
25 Jun 1862
"In memory of Fannie M. Lackland 2nd wife of John J. Lackland and daughter of Hobson & Martha J. GILLIAM. Thy will be done."
J. J. GILLIAM Cemetery, Highway 746
Alice Lillian GILLIAM
25 Nov 1852
21 Sep 1857
"Daughter of J. J. and M. V. GILLIAM
Death is to us a sweet repose
The bud has spred [sic] to show the rose."
Caroline M. GILLIAM
1 Sep 1811
14 Jan 1837
"Her soul has now taken its flight to mansions of glory above.
To mingle with angels of light and dwell in Kingdom of love."
"Erected as a tribute of affection by her husband J. J. GILLIAM."
13 Jun 1804
21 Feb 1885
"Gone but not forgotten"
2 Oct 1819
16 May 1851
"Her soul has now taken its flight to mansion of glory above
to mingle with angels of light and dwell in the Kingdom of love"
"Erected as a tribute of affection by Her husband J. J. GILLIAM."
[death date of 1851 has to be incorrect or birth-date of Alice Lillian (above) has to be incorrect]
14 Oct 1838
4 Aug 1861
"Buckingham Lt. Guards,
Born in Buckingham County
Died at Staunton
In the service of the Confederate States
Here sleep the brave who seek to rest with all their country's wishes blest."
Rosen Family Cemetery, Highway 742
John Garland GILLIAM
[Son of John Branch GILLIAM and Nannie Walton Steger GILLIAM]
Mattie Viola GILLIAM
[Daughter of Charles R. and Eliza L. Rosen]
Willie Leake GILLIAM
[Son of John Garland and Mattie Viola Rosen GILLIAM. Per 1900 Census 1899 is the year of Willie's birth. Also the 1900 Census gives Willie's name as William W. not William L(eake)]
Spencer Cemetery, Highway 642
Virginia H. Spencer
June 1847
30 Apr 1877
"Daughter of John H. and Mary GILLIAM
Married 13, 1867 to her devoted husband
And quietly fallen asleep in Jesus"
Word Cemetery, Highway 633
6 Oct 1876
5 Apr 1948
[Mamie Hooper GILLIAM, wife of William B. GILLIAM, below]
William B. GILLIAM
2 Jun 1856
24 Sep 1926
GILLIAM Cemetery, at Traveller's Rest, near New Store
In addition to WPA Report
10 Nov 1859
86 yr.
"He died in the hope of a blissful immortality"
"Erected as a tribute of filial affection by his children."
[Inscription M. A. G]
GILLIAM Cemetery, near Sheppards [Osceola or Ossie Ola]
Maysville Presbyterian Cemetery, Highway 60
In addition to WPA Report
Maysville Presbyterian Cemetery
9 Jun 1868
24 Mar 1888
"Wife of W. R. GILLIAM, Asleep in Jesus. Peace be thine."
Charles GILLIAM 41100-00010 00
Isham GILLIAM 41110-00010 16
John GILLIAM 21010-20010 13
John GILLIAM 12010-10110 18
Richard GILLIAM 11001-20010 14
Richard C. GILLIAM 30010-40010 08
Susannah GILLIAM 00000-10101 01
John GILLIAM, p111 [neighbors Thomas Gregory, Thomas Noell, Ellis Putney]
Isham GILLIAM, p117
John GILLIAM, [& Jr?] p139 [neighbors Edmund Gregory, Zadok Lackland]
James GILLIAM, p157
Glover D GILLIAM, p105
James GILLIAM, p118
Richard GILLIAM, p118
John GILLIAM, p137 [neighbors John Spencer, Cumberland, Thomas Turpin, Cumberland, Henry Bagby]
Richard C GILLIAM, p142
Albert GILLIAM, pg. 274
Curd GULLIAM, pg. 295
John GILLIAM, pg. 287
John GILLIAM, pg. 294
John C. GILLIAM, pg. 294
Richard GILLIAM, pg. 313
Wilson GILLIAM, pg. 294
Isham GILLIAN, pg. 297
John D. GILLIAN, pg. 314
Albert N. GILLIAM, pg. 362
Ann GILLIAM, pg. 365
Edward GILLIAM, pg. 378
Elizabeth GILLIAM, pg. 372
John GILLIAM, pg. 372
John D. GILLIAM, pg. 380
John R. GILLIAM, pg. 380
Maddison GILLIAM, pg. 372
Richard C. GILLIAM, pg. 372
William D. GILLIAM, pg. 373
Wilson GILLIAM, pg. 378
Capt. John J. GILLIAN, pg. 384
Elizabeth GILLIAN, pg. 384
Isham GILLIAN, pg. 384
Albert N. GILLIAM 42, born in VA
Louisa A. 39, born in VA
page 380
Chancery Suits
9 Oct 1826
Elizabeth Hatcher, widow, and Frances J. Hatcher, an infant child of Josiah Hatcher, dec.,
Ulysses, Cassandra and Josiah Hatcher, infant children of Henry Hatcher, dec., John and Mary Ann Gilliam, infant children of Nancy Gilliam, dec., who was formerly Nancy Hatcher, one of the daughters of Josiah Hatcher, dec., Minerva, Addison and Emily Staples, infant children of Judith Staples, dec., who was Judith Hatcher, daughter of the said Josiah Hatcher, dec., Philemon H. Anderson and Hannah his wife, who was Hannah Hatcher, daughter of the said Josiah Hatcher, dec., Anderson Moore, and infant son of Polly Moore, dec., who was formerly Polly Hatcher, daughter of the said Josiah Hatcher, dec., and Josiah Brooks, an infant son of of the said Polly, by a second marriage with one Chichester Brooks.
Buckingham County Chancery Suit Notices, p. 85, from "The Virginian", 26 Oct 1826, p. 3, col. 5:
Thornton vs. Gilliam adm
Wm. H. Thornton, Francis Thornton, John H. Gilliam, infant, Alice Gilliam, infant, Wilson Gilliam, decd, Martha Gilliam, widow, Frances Thornton, Susan Gilliam, Harriet Gilliam, John H. Gilliam, Alice Gilliam, James A. Wright, Geo. Chambers, Peter A. Forbes, James H. Forbes, C. H. McCraw, Thos. F. Wright, Ro. K. Irving, Wm. R. Wright, P. W. McKinney, Wm J. Spencer, A. A. Walton, A. C. Garnett, Jno C. Turner, W. W. Forbes, Tobacco Sales Booklet, Jno. T. Staples, G. D. Saunders, B. P. Smith. W. L. Thornton, A. L. Grigg, J. B. Garden. J .J. Sharp, F. H. Thornton, W. D. Jones, Levi Lockett, Louisa Jones, H. W. Gilliam, Jno R. Gilliam, Tho. P. Hoy, J. T. Binford, A. Harvey, Henry Thaxton, S. A. Dunevant, W. H. Dunevant, Jno. W. H. M. Hoper, Ben A. Cox, B. P. Smith, Jas, T. Gills, W. T. Thaxton, L. D. Jones, Tho. Womack. Dr. Hales
[Wilson Gilliam married Martha Thaxton. Their children include Frances who married W. H. Thornton, John H. Gilliam, Alice Gilliam, Susan Gilliam and Harriet Gilliam]
Buckingham County Circuit Court Undetermined Chancery Files
Register of Children
27 Feb 1866
Buckingham County Register of Children of Colored Persons whose Parents had ceased to cohabit which the Father recognizes to be his, 1866 Feb. 27
Page | 2 |
Line | 3 |
Name of Child and Age | Claiborne Jones, age 13 |
Place of Birth | Buckingham |
Residence | Buckingham |
Last Owner | R. H. Gilliam |
Last Owner's Residence | Buckingham |
Residence and Age of Father | Buckingham, age 34 |
Father's Last Owner | R. H. Gilliam |
Last Owner's Residence | Buckingham |
Name and Age of Mother | Mahaly, age 30 |
Residence of Mother | Buckingham |
Last Owner | R. H. Gilliam |
Last Owner's Residence | Buckingham |
Father's Signature | Henry Jones |
Library of Virginia. Register of Children.
[Claiborne Jones was formerly a slave of Richard Holland Gilliam (R H). In 1870 there were fourteen Black or Mulatto Henry Joneses and three Claiborne Jones in Buckingham. It appears that Claiborne Jones, age 17, living with a Paul Jones and others including a five year old Henry Jones at Maysville is the Claiborne listed above as Richard Holland Gilliam was a member of Maysville Presbyterian Church.]
Death Records
25 Apr 1853
Elizabeth WOODSON; white female; April 25 1853; Cancer; born Louisa Co.;
Drury WOODSON; Albert N. GILLIAM neighbor
Buckingham County Death Records 1853-1868 by Jeanne Stinson, page 9
25 Apr 1853
Elizabeth WOODSON, age 75, died 25 April, born Louisa County, parents unknown,
Drury WOODSON, husband, information from Albert N. GILLIAM neighbor.
Virginia Genealogical Society Quarterly, Volume XXXIV, Number 2, page 109
9 Sep 1854
Albert N. GILLIAM; white male; Sept. 9, 1854; disentery [sic]; Elizabeth Williams born Cumberland Co.; farmer; Louisa GILLIAM, wife.
Buckingham County Death Records 1853-1868 by Jeanne Stinson, page 19
[Albert N. GILLIAM is the son of Charles Manning GILLIAM and Elizabeth Woodson. Elizabeth Williams should read Elizabeth GILLIAM.]
Deeds (Implied from Tax and Other Records)
Buckingham Land Records
GILLIAMs of Buck and Doe Creek, a Branch of the Holloday River
GILLIAMs of Randolph Creek
W. R. Gilliam to Philip H. Gilliam, Planterstown
Buckingham County, VA, Deed Book 6, page 338
Philip H. Gilliam to W. R. Gilliam, Planterstown
Buckingham County, VA, Deed Book 24, page 780
W. R. Gilliam to D. M. Sender, Planterstown
Buckingham County, VA, Deed Book 25, page 77
Deposition taken 23 July 1840
John GILLIAM, take at storehouse of William D. Jones at New Store. Says he voted on 300 acres, by marriage to Judith, daughter of Nicholas Robertson, dec'd, who died 15-20 years ago, leaving a Will. Above land was not in the Will, as it was purchased a short time before his heath. Robertson left 5 children, 2 sons and 3 daughters, to whom the 300 acres descended. One child died in lifetime of his father leaving issue.
Robertson had purchased the land from Anderson Libscomb. The widow, Mary Robertson, died 10 years ago. Taxes have been paid by deponent and his brother Richard GILLIAM, Richard having bought out one of the heirs. Judith is living. Deponent lived in N.C. with his children several years, but 1839 lived here.
Weisiger, Benjamin B. Burned County Data, 1809--1848, as found in the Virginia Contested Election Files
[John Richardson GILLIAM, son of John GILLIAM and Susannah Richardson, his wife, married Judith Robertson, daughter of Nicholas Robertson and Mary Wooldridge, his wife. John Richardson GILLIAM was born 1 May 1769 and died 3 Mar 1857. Judith was born 16 Nov 1774 and died 16 Dec 1857]
Deposition taken 24 Jul 1840
Spenser GILLIAM says he voted on a tract belonging jointly to him and his father Richard C. GILLIAM, part of which lies in Prince Edward Co. Land was bought by deponent and his father from William Holland and Elizabeth his wife 13 Oct 1836, recorded in Prince Edward Co. Land is on both sides of the Appomattox River.
Weisiger, Benjamin B. Burned County Data, 1809--1848, as found in the Virginia Contested Election Files
Thomson's Mercantile and Professional Directory, 1851
Hotel Keepers GILLIAM Richard H., Buckingham Court House
District Court (held in Prince Edward)
List of fees due Fr. Watkins, Clerk of Prince Edward County & District Courts in the County of Buckingham for 1793
District Court Fee
. . . Eliz. Guilliam
Prince Edward County, VA District Court, Records At Large, Book 2, page 233
after 11 Apr 1794
Elizabeth Guilliam, admnx. of John Gilliam, decd, unadministered by Epaphroditus Guilliam, deceased, late executor of the said Guilliam plaintiff vs. John Guilliam, admn. with the Will annexed of William Johns, deceased, defendant.
Elizabeth had first brought suit against William Johns on 11 Apr 1794 for debt £2746 “paper money.” William Johns, had purchased part of the estate of John Guilliam from Epaphroditus Guilliam, the executor.
Elizabeth received a judgment from the court, but then William Johns died testate, and John Guilliam the administrator had not pad the judgment.
The District Court awarded a judgment against the goods and chattles of William John’s estate then in the hand of the administrator.
Prince Edward County, VA District Court, Records At Large, Book 2, page 283-85
April 1779
Guilliam ads Gillam
John Johns, 1 day, 17 miles
Prince Edward County, VA District Court Attendance Book, page 106
Gillam vs. Gillam
Saml Saunders; 4 days, 21 miles, 2 times
Prince Edward County, VA District Court Attendance Book, page 106
[The above suits involved Buckingham Gilliams: Elizabeth Gilliam, the Estate of John Gilliam, decd, the executor of the estate of John Gilliam, namely, Epaphroditus Gilliam who is also deceased and William Johns, purchaser of the Estate.]
18 Sep 1779
George Hooper, Thomas Redd, John Moseley, and William Duiguid Gentleman Justices of Buckingham County Court for the benefit of John Richardson GILLIAM, Richard Curd GILLIAM, William Richardson GILLIAM, Isham Richardson GILLIAM and Patty Curd GILLIAM residuary legatees of John GILLIAM deceased complains of Epaphroditus GILLIAM, Robert Saunders, and Josiah Jones, of a plea that they render to the plaintiff for the benefit of the said residuary legatees, the sum of forty thousand pounds which to the pltffs, the defendants, owe and from them unjustly detain for that where as the defendants on the 18th of September 1779 at the parish of _______ in the said county by their certain writing . . .
2 Apr 1801
John R. Gilliam vs Epaphro Gilliam
20 Apr 1802
John R. Gilliam vs Epaphro Gilliam
7 Sep 1802
John R. Gilliam vs Epaphro Gilliam
Prince Edward County, VA, District Court Execution Book
[John R. Gilliam above, appears to be John Richardson Gilliam, son of John Gilliam and Susannah Richardson, for Epaphroditus Gilliam appears, among others, that Epaphroditus owes John R. Gilliam monies from the Estate of John Gilliam, John Richardson Gilliam, being the eldest son of John and Susannah.]
Grants, Headrights and Bounds
6 Apr 1769
David McCormack, 282 acs.
On the head br. Of Willis’s River. Adj. His own line, Lambeth Blackbourn & Epaphroditus GILLIAM. £1.S10.
Cavaliers and Pioneers, Volume VII, 159
3 Aug 1771
Charles Layne, 270 acs.
Amongst the Brs. On the S side of Wreck Island Cr.; adj. Mark Doss, John May, William Megginson, James Phelp’s & William GILLIAM £1.S10.
Cavaliers and Pioneers, Volume VII, 246
16 Feb 1771
Mark Doss, 235 acs.
Amongst the S. brs. of Wreck Island Cr., adj. His own line, William GILLIAM & James Phelps. £1.S5.
Cavaliers and Pioneers, Volume VII, 217
1 Mar 1781
Silas Whorley, 92 acres on the branches of Wreck Island Creek, crossing Stovall's Road and adjoining land of Wm. Duguid, William GILLIAM, Charles Witt, and Thomas Doss. John Worley was the assignees of Thomas Doss, who received the grant in 1772
Land Grant Book D, page 603.
Whitley, Edythe Johns Rucker. Genealogical Records of Buckingham County, VA.
2 Jan 1796
Nathaniel Maxey; 300 ac.; joining Couch, Walker and widow GILLIAM; Warrant granted to Mary Maxey the 10th of September 1782 for 1075 ac. Number 14,167; on a branch of Holladay River.
Warrant #12,238 and #16,763
8 Jun 1795
27 Dec 1796, 30 Mar 1802
Grant to Richard GILLIAM, son and heir at law of Epaphroditus GILLIAM
434.75 acres along Slate River.
Warrant #3048
20 Dec 1802
James GILLIAM, 100 acres
Landowner's Directory of 1815
GILLIAM, James, 12S
GILLIAM, John, son of John
GILLIAM, John, son of David
GILLIAM, William of Prince Edward, Appomattox River, 14S
GILLIAM, Isham, Buckingham Road, Planterstown, 13S, 16S
GILLIAM, John, Ducker Creek, 15S
GILLIAM, Nancy, Estate, Ripley Creek, 6N
GILLIAM, Richard, son of Epaphroditus, Willis River, 8S
GILLIAM, Richard Curd, Willis River, 15S
GILLIAM, Susannah, Willis River, 15S
[Directions and distances are measured from the Courthouse.]
Ward, Roger G. 1815 Directory of Virginia Landowners (and Gazetteer) Volume 1, Central Region. Athens, GA: Iberian Pub. Co., 1997.
Legal Papers
May Court 1806
William GILLIAM, assnee of John Morgan, Plt
Dudley Brooks, Deft.
Judgment of $45 with lawful interest thereon from the 26th day of November 1804 till paid and costs.
Costs $6.81
Rolfe Eldridge
August Court 1806
William GILLIAM, assnee of John Morgan
who was assnee of Charles Conner, Plt
John Conner, Junr & Jno Conner, Senr, Defts.
Judgment confirmed against the Defts. and John Austing and John Doland their common bail for $50 with lawful interest thereon from the 25th day of December 1805 till paid and the costs.
Costs $6.82
Rolfe Eldridge
17 Oct 1822
Lucy C. GILLIAM and John Gary, Jr.
24 Dec 1828
Dr. G. GILLIAM and Eliza B. Jones, married by Rev. Samuel Armistead
Groom: born Buckingham County
Bride: born Campbell County, daughter of James Jones of Campbell County
[Another source gives marriage place as Prince Edward County]
24 Dec 1828
Married on Wednesday, Dec. 24, 1828, by Rev. Samuel Armistead, Dr. G. GILLIAM, of Buckingham County, to Miss Eliza B. Jones, daughter of James Jones, of Campbell County.
Virginian, p. 3, c. 5, Monday, January 5, 1829.
24 Dec 1828
Married, On December 24, 1828, by Rev. Samuel Armistead, Dr. G. GILLIAM, of Buckingham, to Miss Eliza B. Jones, daughter of James Jones, of Campbell County.
Visitor and Telegraph, p. 3, c. 5, Saturday, January 24, 1829.
Isham GILLIAM and Martha A. Spencer
Bride: daughter of Moses Spencer and Judith Ayres Spencer
Frances Hendrix GILLIAM and A. K. Davis
23 Dec 1840
Sarah F. GILLIAM and Edwin Hix, married by Rev. Moore
Groom: born Buckingham County
Bride: born Buckingham County, daughter of Richard GILLIAM
[Date may be 16 Dec, see below]
16 Dec 1840
Married, on Dec. 16, by Rev. Moore, Edwin Hix, to Miss Sarah F. GILLIAM, dau. of Richard C. GILLIAM, all of Buckingham County.
Richmond Whig & Public Advertiser, p. 2, c. 7, Tuesday, December 29, 1840
[Edwon should read Edwin]
26 Feb 1850
Married On Feb. 26, by Rev. J. H. Fitzgerald, in Buckingham County, George W. GILLIAM of Richmond, to Miss Sarah S. Anderson, of the former place.
Richmond Whig & Public Advertiser, p. 1, c. 4, Tuesday, March 5, 1850.
[George W. GILLIAM is the son of William Richardson GILLIAM and Judith Woodson]
12 Nov 1850
Married On Nov. 12, in Buckingham County, by Rev. J. H. Fitzgerald, William Daniel Mathews of Richmond, to Miss Margaret Ann Jane GILLIAM, dau. of John R. GILLIAM of Buckingham, Va.
Richmond Whig & Public Advertiser, p. 4, c. 3, Friday, November 22, 1850.
[Margaret is the daughter of John Robertson GILLIAM and Margaret Ann Calhoon]
9 Aug 1854
Martha C. GILLIAM and Alex Jimmerson, married by John Spencer
Groom: age 24, single, born Buckingham County, son of John Jimmerson and Lottey Jimmerson, farmer
Bride: age 22, single, born Buckingham County, daughter of John D. GILLIAM and Mary GILLIAM
27 Mar 1856
Pattie H. GILLIAM and Thomas J. Garden, married by Robert C. Dabney
Groom: age 20, single, born Charlotte County, son of Dr. Thomas J. Garden and Rebecca Garden, teacher
Bride: age 19, single, born Buckingham County, daughter of John R. GILLIAM and Martha H. GILLIAM
[See below.]
16 Aug 1856
Married, On Aug. 16, by Rev. B. L. Dabney, Thomas J. Garden, to Miss Pattie H. GILLIAM, dau. of John R. GILLIAM of Buckingham County.
Richmond Whig & Public Advertiser, p. 4, c. 6, Tuesday, August 19, 1856.
[See above record. Rev. B. L. Dabney, should read Robert L. Dabney.]
9 Dec 1856
Sarah E. GILLIAM and William C. Lewis, married by T. N. Johnson
Groom: age 25, widowed, born in Buckingham County, son of Abner Lewis and Susan Lewis, farmer
Bride; age 20, single, born in Buckingham County, daughter of John GILLIAM and Sarah GILLIAM.
[The mother of Sarah is listed as Sarah; however, the wife of John in the 1850 census is Mary. John was previously married to Carolina Matilda Branch before he married Mary Virginia Hendrick. Did he also marry a Sarah? It is more likely that mother Sarah is an abstraction/typographical error.]
20 Apr 1858
Frances C. GILLIAM and William Thomas Thornton, married by E. W. Roach
Groom: age 21, single, born Willieburg, Charlotte County, son of T. H. Thornton, and M. P. Thornton, farmer, Charlotte County
Bride: age 18, single, born Buckingham County, daughter of Wilson GILLIAM and Martha GILLIAM
16 Feb 1859
Ann Eliza GILLIAM and William C. Harvey, married by E. W. Roach.
Groom: age 30, single, born in Buckingham County, son of Thomas Harvey and Elizabeth Harvey, farmer, Charlotte County
Bride: age 18, single, born in Buckingham County, daughter of John C. GILLIAM and Elizabeth GILLIAM.
20 Feb 1861
Mary E. GILLIAM and John J. Bondurant, married by William Stoddard
27 Dec 1866
Austin GILLIAM and Lydia Kyle
Groom: age 60, widowed, born Buckingham County
Bride; age 50, widowed, born Buckingham County
13 Nov 1866
John GILLIAM and Ann Steger
Groom: age 35, widowed, born Buckingham County, son of John J. GILLIAM and Caroline GILLIAM, farmer
Bride; age 27, single, born Buckingham County, daughter of Albert G. Steger and Ann Steger
6 Feb 1867
Robert H. GILLIAM and Mary Ann Steger married by James R. Waggoner
Groom: age 23, single, born in Buckingham County, son of John J. GILLIAM, farmer
Bride: age 21, single, born, Buckingham County, daughter of Edwin Steger and Elizabeth Steger
13 Mar 1867
Virginia GILLIAM and Samuel Spencer, married by James R. Waggoner
Groom: age 18, single, born Buckingham County, son of Moses A. Spencer
Bride: age 19, single, born Buckingham County, daughter of John J. GILLIAM and Mary V. GILLIAM
1 May 1867
Margaret M. Matthews and Robert M. Davis, married by B. M. Smith
Groom: age 41, single, born Buckingham County, son of Robert Davis and Martha Davis, physician
Bride: age 34, widowed, born Buckingham County, daughter of John R. GILLIAM and Margaret GILLIAM
24 Oct 1867
Edmonia E. "Betty" GILLIAM and William E. McCraw, married by James R. Waggoner at Millcote, Buckingham County
Groom: age 21, single, born Buckingham County, son or Cary H. McCraw, farmer
Bride: age 19, single, daughter of E. J. GILLIAM
Account Book of John Epperson at his Tobacco Warehouse and General Store on the Appomattox River, Buckingham County
Gilliam, C.
Gilliam, Isham
Gilliam, John of John
Gilliam, James
Gilliam, Patsy
Gilliam, William (for William Jones, Jr.)
- Whitley, Edythe Johns Rucker. Genealogical Records of Buckingham County, VA.
Courts Martial of Buckingham County, VA
At a court martial for the first Battalion 24th Regt. Virginia militia at the Spreading Oak, November 6, 1834. Present: Lieut. col. Jno. B. Ayres, President, Capt. Elijah G. Hanes; Barksdale R. Sargeant; Lieut. Owen M. Ayres.
Capt. Hanes' Delinquents
Albert N. GILLIAM. . .
At a Court Martial held for the 2nd Battalion 24th Regiment of Virginia militia at Curdsville, November 7th 1834, present: Maj. Richard H. GILLIAM, president; Capt. Jacob Agee, Capt. Spencer GILLIAM and Lieut. James Gills. . . .
Ordered that Capt. Edward J. GILLIAM, Junius R. Clay be reported to show cause why they did not attend today.
Edmd. W. Hubard
Col. Com. 24th Regt. V. M.
William Shepard, "Buckingham County Courts Martial," William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine, 2nd Ser., Vol. 12, No. 3. (Jul., 1932), pp. 193-201.
14 Jul 1883
A. G. Steger, Sr.
Died, on the 14th of July, 1883, near Buckingham Courthouse, at the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. J. B. GILLIAM, Mr. A. G. Steger, Sr., aged seventy-seven years and seven months. He had been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church South for over fifty years.
Daily Dispatch (Richmond, Va.) p. 2, c. 5, Thursday, August 9, 1883.
[Ann "Nannie" Walton Steger, the daughter of Albert Gallatin Steger, Sr, married John Branch GILLIAM.]
26 Mar 1875
Died, On March 26, Capt. E. J. GILLIAM, a member of the New Store Grange, age 76. Interred with Grange honors.
Farmville Mercury, and official advertiser for Prince Edward, Cumberland, Buckingham, Appomattox and neighboring counties, p. 3, c. 4, Thursday, April 1, 1875.
[Capt. Edward J. GILLIAM is the son of Richard H. GILLIAM and his wife Elizabeth Glover.]
GILLIAM, Richard Holland (1809-1892), papers, 1792-1900. This collection contains correspondence and other materials of Richard Holland GILLIAM, a planter, merchant, and sheriff of Buckingham County.
Section 1 contains correspondence of GILLIAM with William Holeman of Cumberland County concerning the sale and care of a slave girl named Lucy.
Section 4 contains medical accounts, 1835-1863, of GILLIAM concerning the care and treatment of family members and slaves.
Section 6 consists of materials pertaining to GILLIAM in his capacity as sheriff of Buckingham County, in part, concerning the sale and hiring out of slaves. Includes letters, bonds, agreements, and receipts.
Section 11 contains papers, 1823-1875, of Edward J. GILLIAM of Buckingham County, including an 1849 agreement between GILLIAM (1798-1875) and Spotswood Jones concerning the sale of the slave Esther and the care of elderly slaves Nelson and Anna.
Virginia Historical Society, Papers #331, Mss1G4143a. 1054 items.
The Papers of Col. Richard H. GILLIAM by Carl Rosen, 99 pages
Various documents, lists and loose papers dating from 1825 to 1870, with a brief genealogy of Col. GILLIAM's descendants.
Parish Records
Maysville Presbyterian
William Edward GILLIAM, July 13th 1851, son of R. H. & V. C. GILLIAM
Richard Lee GILLIAM, July 13th 1851, son of R. H. & V. C. GILLIAM
Register of Members, Maysville Church
Richd H. GILLIAM, Aug 25th 1831
Mrs. Elizabeth A. GILLIAM, July 20th 1833, New Store
Jno R. GILLIAM, June 7th 1838, New Store
Maysville Presbyterian Cemetery
There is rest in Heaven
To the Memory of
Mrs. Virginia G. GILLIAM
Died October 17, 1851
aged 32 years, 1 month and 6 days
A faithful friend, a mother dear
A loving wife lieth here-
In love she lived, in peace she died
Life was desired, but God denied.
Patents, Headrights and Bounds
David McCormack, 282 acs. 6 Apr 1769
On the head br. Of Willis’s Rive. Adj. His own line, Lambeth Blackbourn & Epaphroditus GILLIAM. £1.S10.
Cavaliers and Pioneers, VII, 159
Charles Layne, 270 acs. 3 Aug 1771
Amongst the Brs. On the S side of Wreck Island Cr.; adj. Mark Doss, John May, William Megginson, James Phelp’s & William GILLIAM £1.S10.
Cavaliers and Pioneers, VII, 246
Mark Doss, 235 acs. 16 Feb 1771
Amongst the S. brs. Of Wreck Island Cr., adj. His own line, William GILLIAM & James Phelps. £1.S5.
Cavaliers and Pioneers, VII, 217
Confederate Pension Rolls, Veterans and Widows
GILLIAM, Mary Ann, Widow
Library of Virginia. Confederate Pension Rolls, Veterans and Widows
10 Jun 1775
Taken up in Buckingham, two mares, viz., a dark bay about 4 feet, 5 inches high, 5 or 6 years old, trots and paces, her mane hangs on the right side, branded on the near shoulder and buttock, and on the near jaw, U [inverted]; the other is a sorrel, about 4 feet 4 or 5 inches high, 5 or 6 years old, her mane hangs on the right side, has a switch tail, which is much whiter than her mane, a small blaze on her face down to her nose, and only trots. Posted and appraised, the former to 8 £ and the latter to 10 £.
Virginia Gazette, Page 4, Column 2.
17 May 1779
Petition to have the Vestry of Tillotson Parish in the County of Buckingham dissolved and a new one chosen:
The Petition of Sundry of the Inhabitants of Tillotson Parish in Buckingham Co Humbly showith . . . That in the above helf of the said Parish & Co there is no church, nor vestry man. We hope that the old vestry will be Dissolved & a new one chose & your Petitioners shall ever Pray & (signed by:)
Robt. Smith, Shadrick Maxey [Maxie], John Morrow, Joseph Childress, William JOHNS, Gedeon CREWS, Richard Cornwell, John Bostick, Jno. Finn, William GILLIAM, John Johns, Robert Childress, Charles Galleher, Flams'd Ransome, Joseph Walker, Nixson Palmore, Samuel Phelps, Caleb Hynes, Saml. Sanders, David Anderson, John Mcelroy, Anthony Winston, Jun'r, William Watt, John Bealk (Sic), Wm. Johnson, James Johns, Richard Lee, Rich'd Dagnell, Saml. Staples, Sarzant Sea [sic], James Matthews, Stephen Dagnell, Gresham Lee, Henry Woody, William Peck, Jr., Thomas Fretwell, Philip Peek, Samuel Jinnings, Wm. Martin, Joseph Paine, Jno. Beasley, Jams Crew, Jams Hall, Joseph Burnit, James Palmer,
[From the back of the page] Chas. Woodson, Danl. Woodson, Jacob Woodson, Henry Walker, James Walker, Silas Watkins, Dav'd Walker
18 Jun 1783
Petition of inhabitants of Buckingham County to the House of Delegates showing that in the year 1780 the high Sheriff, Mr. Charles Pattison appoint certain times and places for the petitioners to pay their taxes but that neither sheriff not any person for him attended. As a result, the petitioners were deprived of the opportunity of paying their dues. The taxpayers had in their possession at that time sufficient paper money to pay taxes, but now the money has depreciated in value, and the sheriff refuses to accept payment at the former value of this money. The petitioners request that the sheriff be compelled to accept the paper money they kept for that purpose:
Epaphroditus GILLIAM
16 Nov 1789
A second petition, same wording, requesting relief from difficult economic conditions.
30 Oct 1790
Sundry inhabitants of Buckingham county petition the General Assembly to repeal an act previously passed allowing a town by the name of Greensville to be established near the courthouse on lands owned by John Cox. At that time it was felt that the establishment of a town would attract industrious mechanics and tradesmen and would be of service to the community. The residents now find that industrious citizens can easily acquire fertile lands on the western waters and that all hopes for a considerable inland town must be postponed. The petitioners believe that the buildings and tavern at the courthouse owned by John Cox, deceased, will continue to serve the residents and strangers sufficiently if operated in the same manner as Mr. Cox had done previously.
15 Nov 1794
Virginia Religious Petitions, Buckingham
Sale of Glebe at Tillotson, page 12
Poll Lists
Dike GILLIAM, folio 2
Albert N. GILLIAM, folio 13
Jno. J. GILLIAM, folio 18
Jsh. GILLIAM, folio 18
Jno. GILLIAM, folio 18
Spencer GILLIAM, folio 18
Richard C. GILLIAM, folio 20
Wilson GILLIAM, folio 20
Jno D. GILLIAM, folio 20
William D. GILLIAM, folio 21
James M. GILLIAM, folio 22
Jno. R. GILLIAM, folio 22
Edward GILLIAM, folio 22
Richard H. GILLIAM, folio 22
Edward J. GILLIAM, folio 22
We do hereby certify that we have superintended the taking the foregoing poll and that the same has been correctly and fairly taken given under our hands this 23d day of April 1840
Wm M. Moseley
Chs. McKinney
James Anderson
Stephen Hooper
Nat. Watkins D. S.
Richard C. GILLIAM, New Store, folio 19
Richard C. GILLIAM, New Store, folio 20
Edward GILLIAM, New Store, folio 20
Wilson GILLIAM, Curdsville, folio 20
John R. GILLIAM, New Store, folio 23
John D. GILLIAM, New Store, folio 23
James M. GILLIAM, Curdsville, folio 23
Edward J. GILLIAM, New Store, folio 24
Albert A. GILLIAM, Diana Mills, folio 28 [possibly Albert N. GILLIAM]
Richard H. GILLIAM, folio 36
Senatorial Poll taken at Allen's Precinct in the county of Buckingham on the 27th day of April 1848.
Albert N. GILLIAM, folio 2
Edward GILLIAM, folio 11
Albert N. GILLIAM, folio 16
John GILLIAM, Sr, folio 24
Will R. GILLIAM, folio 24
Edward J. GILLIAM, folio 24
Richard C. GILLIAM, folio 24
Charles W. GILLIAM, folio 25
Richard C. GILLIAM, Sr., folio 25
Wilson GILLIAM, folio 25
Isham GILLIAM, folio 25
John R. GILLIAM, folio 25
Stinson, Jeanne. Buckingham County, VA, Extant Polls Lists, 1788, 1840, 1841, & 1848. Athens, GA: Iberian Publishing, Co.,
Publick Claims
abt. 3 Sep 1777,
GILLIAM, James for dieting the Buckingham Militia, Accot., 5. 11. 3.
Virginia Militia in the Revolution, Virginia Military Records, Appendix: State-Wide and Miscellaneous Records, Page 468, 469
At a court held for Buckingham County 11 Nov 1782
Epaphroditus GILLIAM £3.10.10
[listed near Epaphroditus is Sherwood McCormack and Henry Peak]
At a court held for Buckingham County 14 Apr 1783
William GILLIAM 275# beef £2.5
[listed before and after William are John Johns and William Johns]
Revolutionary War Public Service Claims
Epaphroditus GILLIAM,
Court Booklet, p 2, 46, Commissioner’s Book I, p 200
William GILLIAM, Court Booklet p 2, 49, Certificates, 1, Lists, p 3, Commissioner’s Book I, p 200
Library of Virginia, Revolutionary War Public Service Claims
Surveyor's Plat Book, 1762-1858
7 Feb 1764
William GILLIAM; 240 acres; among south branches of Wreck Island Creek; John Gannoway, John Cox, James Phelps, neighbors, page 7.
7 Feb 1764
William GILLIAM; 187 acres; south side Wreck Island Creek; John Coleman, John Cox's new lines, neighbors, page 7.
14 Feb 1764
William GILLIAM mentioned as a neighbor of Charles Layne; south branches of Wreck Island Creek, Page 10.
25 Nov 1769
William GILLIAM; 46 acres; branch of Holiday Creek and ridges adjacent to his own lines, page 19
30 Nov 1772
William GILLIAM mentioned as a neighbor of Thomas Doss; branches of Wreck Island Creek; other neighbors, William Diuguid and Charles Witt, page 24
16 May 1783
William GILLIAM mentioned as neighbor of John McMannaway; west side of Wreck Island Creek; other neighbors, Richard Oglesby, John Booth and James Beekham, page 35
17 Oct 1792
John GILLIAM (son of William GILLIAM, dec'd.), neighbor of James Walker (son and heir of Henry Walker); 482 acres; on Holliday River and on both sides Buckingham Road joining Hodge's old tract; other neighbors, John Walker, Dec'd., John Childress, Thomas Grigory, and William Morris, Jr., page 90
17 Oct 1792
William GILLIAM mentioned as a neighbor of James Walker son and heir of Henry Walker, dec'd; 19 Oct, 1792; 295 acres; on south side of Holliday and on both sides Branch called Walker's Spring Branch; joining John Walker (son and heir at law of John Walker, dec'd); shows creek, page 91
8 Jan 1795
Richard GILLIAM shown as neighbor of David GUILLIAM (sic); 460 acres joining lines of Joseph Brown, William Morris, Jr., Crouch's, James Walker, David McCormack, and Olive Branch Road, page 85
16 Jan 1795
Richard GILLIAM also shown; 261 acres; lying on waters of Slate River and joining lines of Robert Smith, Uriah Smith and Charles Patteson, page 85
20 Feb 1795
Richard GILLIAM shown as neighbor of Reuben Clopton; 1000 acres; Pickshin Road, page 86
25 Feb 1795
Richard GILLIAM; 241 and 3/4 acres on both sides of a fork in the Willis River joining William Morris, Sr., Thomas Blackburn, James Routon, and Epaphroditus, dec’d; surveyed for Richard GILLIAM (son and heir at law of the said Epaphroditus GILLIAM, dec'd.); shows river, page 88
13 Mar 1795
Richard GILLIAM (son of Epaphroditus GILLIAM); 413 and 3/4 acres; on branches of Slate River; joining William Morris, Sr., Olive Branch Road, Robert Smith and John Webb, page 89
5 Jan 1798
Richard GILLIAM (son of Epaphroditus) 232 acres; agreeable to a court order bearing the date of December Court, 1797 and directed to the surveyor of the county aforesaid or his deputy and is joining the lines of the widow Johns, Samuel Saunders, Epaphroditus GILLIAM, William Morris, Thomas Blackburn and James Routon. Note: A new certificate was issued 10 Apr. 1800, page 110
Richard GILLIAM is shown as a neighbor of Thomas Bondurant, Capt. Samuel Saunders, Moses Flood and Gran Berry Green, page 113
15 Oct 1801
James GILLIAM; 100 acres; joining John Miller, Taylor and Harrison; and John Webb, page 141
22 Dec 1802
James GILLIAM; 100 acres joining Alexander Faubush (?), John Webb, Joseph Woldridge and Thomas McCormack; page 148
Personal Property Taxes
Personal Property.
1782 Personal Property
Susannah GILLIAM, 0 white tithes, 1 tithable slave ( ), 6 slaves under 16 (Joe, Lucy, Isaac Jacob, Isam, and Essex), 5 horses, 0 mules, 14 cattle
Epaphroditus GILLIAM, 0 white tithes above 21, 0 white tithes under 21, 1 tithable slave (Grain?), 1 slaves under 16 (Letty), 4 horses, 9 cattle
William GILLIAM, 1 white tithes above 21, 2 tithes, 1 tithable slave (Chloe), 4 horses, 10 cattle
[Likely William of Wreck Island as also listed on the same page are McMannaway, Doss, Beckham and Bradley: 16 May 1783
William GILLIAM mentioned as neighbor of John McMannaway; west side of Wreck Island Creek; other neighbors, Richard Oglesby, John Booth and James Beekham]
William GILLIAM, John GILLIAM, David GILLIAM, 1 white tithes above 21, 3 tithes, 0 tithable slaves, 2 horses, 8 cattle
[Likely William of the Holiday as also listed on the same page are Peck, Brown and Grigory: 17 Oct 1792
John GILLIAM (son of William GILLIAM, dec'd.), neighbor of James Walker (son and heir of Henry Walker); 482 acres; on Holliday River and on both sides Buckingham Road joining Hodge's old tract; other neighbors, John Walker, Dec'd., John Childress, Thomas Grigory, and William Morris, Jr.]
Binns Genealogy.
Personal Property Lists A and B
GILLIAM, Susanna, page 6
GILLIAM, Jas., page 6
GILLIAM, Epaproditus, page 5
GILLIAM, William, page 5
GILLIAM, David, page 5
Binns Genealogy. 1790/1800 County Tax Lists of Virginia.
Gilliam, John (s. of John) 1-2-2-0
Gilliam, William 1-3-2-0
Gilliam, Susanna, 0-1
Gilliam, Richard, 1-3-1-0
Gilliam, Richard Curd 1-3-1-1
Gilliam, Isham, 1-1
Whitley, Edythe Johns Rucker. Genealogical Records of Buckingham County, VA.
Personal Property Lists A and B
GILLIAM, Richard, page 8
GILLIAM, John, Jr, page 8
GILLIAM, Richard Curd, page 8
GILLIAM, Isham, page 8
GILLOM, James, page 5
GILLOM, John son of Dite, page 5
GILLOM, Richard, page 5
GILLOM, David, page 5
Binns Genealogy. 1790/1800 County Tax Lists of Virginia.
William Gilliam, Sr., and William Gilliam, Jr. (Harry, Primus, Nan, Hanner)
6 tithes, 200 acres, 0 carriages
[The 1764 Tithe list was found in the records of Prince Edward County. It is titled "A List of All the Tithes, Lands and Wheel-Carriages in Buckingham County for the year Anno Domini 1764." The first number is the number of tithes, the second the number of acres, the third the number of carriages.]
Whitley, Edythe Johns Rucker. Genealogical Records of Buckingham County, VA.
John Gilliam, 4 tithes
List of Charles Patteson
10 June 1774
Charles Gilliam, 1 tithe
[also on same page Thomas Phelps, Littleberry Patteson]
Tithables, 1773-1774, Buckingham County, Virginia, Familysearch
Whitley, Edythe Johns Rucker. Genealogical Records of Buckingham County, VA.
List of Charles Patteson
10 June 1774
William Gilliam, 3 tithes negro Sharper, Hanner
[also on same page James Doss, Mark Doss. Note Hanner above]
Tithables, 1773-1774, Buckingham County, Virginia, Familysearch
Whitley, Edythe Johns Rucker. Genealogical Records of Buckingham County, VA.
List of John Johns
John Gilliam, 5 tithes (by order of Sept Court)
[also on same page John Routon, Jacob Woodson, Wm McCormick, Edmond Glover, Wm Peak, Gregorys and Blackburns]
Tithables, 1773-1774, Buckingham County, Virginia, Familysearch
Whitley, Edythe Johns Rucker. Genealogical Records of Buckingham County, VA.
Virginia Historical Inventory
“Osie Ola,” Home of John R. Gilliam
Millcote, Home of Captain Edward “Ned” J. Gilliam
Planterstown, Home of Isham Richardson Gilliam
Plank Road Academy, School of John Branch Gilliam
Will of William Jones
19 Jan 1822
Sig: William Jones, Sen. (Seal)
Wit: Obadiah Harris, John Gilliam, Robert Davis
Superior Court, Prince Edward County
September Court 1850 presented as "A Copy of the Original Will"
Rolfe Eldridge
[This John Gilliam, given the date of 1822 is likely, John Richardson Gilliam who married Judith Robertson. John’s niece Martha married Robert Davis. Martha was the daughter of Richard Curd Gilliam and Mary Robertson who was the sister of Judith Robertson.
Papers of Baughan, Thomas, 1799-1828?
Records, 1828-1849, concerning the estate of Thomas Baughan (of Buckingham County, Va.) compiled by the executor of his estate, his father-in-law William Ranson. Include a will probated in Buckingham County; an inventory and appraisal of the slaves and other personal property of the estate; letters written by George Washington Purkins (of Halifax Court House, Va., written to William T. GILLIAM concerning affairs of the Baughan estate in Essex County) and Washington H. Purkins (of Essex County, Va.); and accounts (in part, concerning the cultivation and sale of wheat and tobacco, and costs related to blacksmith services; also include receipt of Henry Caston Baughan for the delivery of eight African American slaves from the estate).
Virginia Historical Society, Mss1 B3262 a 16-90
[William T. GILLIAM of Charlotte County, married Sophia Ransom, daughter of William Ransom]
4 Sept 1854
Will of Albert N. GILLIAM.
I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Louisa Ann all my property real and personal and all my reversionary interest in my mother's estate. . . and at her death I will all above to be equally divided between my sister's sons Frank and Dyer Johnson.
Will produced 12 Nov 1877
Buckingham County, VA, Will Book 1, page 275
Will of Richard GILLIAM, 1833
abt Oct 1842
Will of William D. GILLIAM
Executor George W. Kyle
Buckingham County 1842 Ledger of Wills and Deeds
Will of Richard C. GILLIAM, 1855
- Abercrombie, Janice L. and Slatten, Richard, comp. Virginia Revolutionary "Publick" Claims. 3 vols. Athens, Ga.: Iberian Pub. Co., 1992.
- Baker, Mary Ellen. Numerous correspondences.
- Binns Genealogy. 1790/1800 County Tax Lists of Virginia.
- Grundset, Eric G. Surveyor's Plat Book, 1762-1858.
- Hull, Janice J. R. Buckingham Burials: A Survey of Cemeteries in Buckingham County, VA: Volume 1. Hearthside Press.
- Kidd, James Randolph. Lost marriages of Buckingham County, Virginia : drawn from a newly-recovered marriage register, 1854-1868 & from federal manuscript, newspaper & printed sources. Iberian Pub., 1992.
- William Shepard, "Buckingham County Courts Martial," William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine, 2nd Ser., Vol. 12, No. 3. (Jul., 1932), pp. 193-201.
- Stinson, Jeanne. Buckingham County Death Records 1853-1868
- Stinson, Jeanne. Buckingham County, VA, Extant Polls Lists, 1788, 1840, 1841, & 1848. Athens, GA: Iberian Publishing, Co.,
- Stinson, Jeanne. Early Buckingham County, VA Legal Papers, Volume 1, 1765-1806 (Accounts and Legals transcribed from the Austin-Twyman Collection of the Earl Gregg Swem Library, College of William and Mary. Athens, GA: Iberian Publishing Company.
- Terrano, Joyce.
- "Buckingham Deaths," Virginia Genealogical Society Quarterly, Volume XXXIV, Number 2, page 109
- Library of Virginia, Buckingham County, Personal Property Tax List for 1782, Reel No. 64.
- Library of Virginia, Revolutionary War Public Service Claims
- "Buckingham County 1842 Ledger of Wills and Deeds," Virginia Genealogical Society Quarterly, Volume XXXIV, number 4 (01-NOV-1996)
- Virginia Genealogical Society Quarterly, Volume XXVIII, number 2 (01-MAY-1990) • Legislative Petitions from Virginia Counties with Significant Record Losses: 1. Buckingham County, page 90.
- Virginia Genealogical Society Quarterly, Volume XXVIII, number 2 (01-MAY-1990) • Legislative Petitions from Virginia Counties with Significant Record Losses: 1. Buckingham County. page 98
- Virginia Genealogical Society Quarterly, Volume XXVIII, number 2 (01-MAY-1990) • Legislative Petitions from Virginia Counties with Significant Record Losses: 1. Buckingham County, page 111.
- Virginia Genealogical Society Quarterly, Volume XXVIII, number 2 (01-MAY-1990) • Legislative Petitions from Virginia Counties with Significant Record Losses: 1. Buckingham County, page 112.
- Virginia Genealogical Society Quarterly, Volume XIV, number 1 (01-JAN-1976) • Records of Baptisms, Maysville Church, Buckingham County
- Virginia Genealogical Society Quarterly, Volume XIV, number 2 (01-APR-1976) • Register of Members, Maysville Church, Buckingham County
- Ward, Roger G. 1815 Directory of Virginia Landowners (and Gazetteer) Volume 1, Central Region. Athens, GA: Iberian Pub. Co., 1997.
- Ward, Roger G. Land Tax Summaries and Implied Deeds, Volumes 1-3. Athens, GA: Iberian Publishing Company.
- Weisiger, Benjamin B. Burned County Data, 1809--1848, as found in the Virginia Contested Election Files
- Whitley, Edythe Johns Rucker. Genealogical Records of Buckingham County, VA.
- WPA #160
- WPA, #363