Updated December 24, 2023

Orange County, according to most accounts, was named for William of Orange, the Dutch prince who became William III of England in 1688. It is more probable, however, that the name honored William IV, prince of Orange-Nassau, who married Anne, eldest daughter of George II, in 1734—the year Orange County was formed from Spotsylvania County. The county seat is Orange.
Saint Mark's Parish, 1734-1752
Saint Thomas Parish, 1740

By the mid 1750's a Richard GILLIAM was living in near a William Minor. It appears that Richard dies by 1757 when his widow Martha is granted administration of the estate. In neighboring Culpeper County, in 1758, a Isaac and Joseph George are guardians for Susannah and William GILLIAM, orphans of Richard GILLIAM, deceased. It should be noted that Thomas GILLIAM the son of William GILLIAM and Mary Jarratt, married Winnifred George. It is not known whether there is any connection between these two George families.
The Thomas GILLIAM of Calf Pasture below should not be confused with Thomas above, son of William and Mary. Thomas GILLIAM of Calf Pasture generally spelt his name GILLHAM. He removed to South Carolina.
Later James GILLIAM and wife Susannah of Albemarle appear in the deeds of the 1790’s and in a Chancery suit in 1806. James was the son of John and Mary GILLIAM of Albemarle. This James married secondly Sarah Shelton.
Toward the end of the 1800’s T. O. GILLUM, the son of William Frederick “F. W.” GILLUM and Martha Elizabeth Jones, his wife, moved from Albemarle to Orange County. There he operated a roller mill. T. O. was a Civil War veteran.
Graham Cemetery
Gillum, Catherine Walker Koontz | Oct. 13, 1879 | Mar. 4, 1954 |
Gillum, Evelyn Marshall | Dec. 29, 1930 | Mar. 26, 1972 |
Gillum, Harry Hope, Jr | Oct. 22, 1912 | Mar. 27, 1940 |
Gillum, Harry Hope | Oct. 17, 1881 | Jul. 12, 1955 |
Gillum, Hattie Yancey | Jul. 27, 1890 | Jan. 10, 1989 |
Gillum, Hugh H | Oct. 12, 1897 | Sep. 29, 1984 |
Gillum, J Haywood | Nov. 8, 1887 | Mar. 25, 1964 |
Gillum, Josephine R | Jul. 30, 1902 | Jun. 15, 1996 |
Gillum, Leonard Row | Jun. 6, 1889 | Aug. 5, 1964 |
Gillum, Maude E. Marshall | Nov. 18, 1881 | Jul. 7, 1967 |
Gillum, Nana Wiltshire | May 22, 1898 | Dec. 14, 1922 |
Gillum, Oscar Littlejohn | Dec. 16, 1877 | May 2, 1957 |
Gillum, Ruth Lee | Feb 19, 1894 | Nov. 22, 1961 |
Gillum, Sallie Mundy | Dec. 15, 1855 | Apr. 5, 1927 |
Gillum, Susie M | Jun. 19, 1883 | Feb. 13, 1978 |
Gillum, Thaddeus Oscar | Oct. 19, 1849 | Jan. 19, 1929 |
Gillum, Thomas Oscar | Jul. 17, 1931 | Apr. 12, 1996 |
Gillum, Thomas Tilden | Aug. 13, 1876 | Dec. 10, 1877 |
Gillum, William Burrus | Feb 21, 1875 | Feb. 20, 1955 |
Gooding, Mabel Gillum | Jul. 31, 1886 | May 22, 1970 |
Hutchinson, Fannie E Gillum | 1873 | 1948 |
Perley, Lula Gillum | May 11, 1880 | Sep. 14, 1974 |
Gillum, Mrs. T | unknown | unknown |
Gillum, Rosser | unknown | unknown |
Gillum, Thomas Mann | May 9, 1823 | Sep. 27, 1906 |
Mount Horeb Cemetery
Gillum, Mrs. T | unknown | unknown |
Gillum, Rosser | unknown | unknown |
Gillum, Thomas Mann | May 9, 1823 | Sep. 27, 1906 |
1860 Thomas O GILLAM
1880 Thomas O GILLIASON
1900 Oscar GILLUM
1910 Thaddeus O GILLUM
Ancestry.com. Federal Census records.
Plaintiffs: James GILLIAM
Defendants: William Morrison
Surnames: Gilham, GILLIAM, GILLUM, and Morrison
Library of Virginia. Chancery Suits.
Court Orders
27 Apr 1753
On motion of Richard GILLUM evidence for Foster Samuel against Patrick Leonard, ordered said Samuel pay him tow hundred twenty five pounds of tobacco for seven days attendance at this Court and coming five times out of Culpeper County thirteen miles and returning according to law.
Orange County, VA, Order Book 1747-1754, page 425
27 Apr 1753
This day came Zachary Lewis, Attorney for our Lord the King and also Deft, by his Attorney, and thereupon came also a Jury to wit: Richard Vernon, Isaac George, Richard GILLUM, Robert Slaughter, Thomas Overstreet, Jeremiah White, John Petty, John Taylor, Joseph Phillips, Christopher Zimmerman, & Archibald Campbell who being elected tried and sworn the truth to speak . . .
Orange County, VA, Order Book 1747-1754, page 426
22 Sep 1757
On the motion of Martha GILLUM, widow and relict of Richard GILLUM, deced, who made oath according to law, certificate is granted her for obtaining letters of Administration of the Estate of Richard, she giving Bond, whereupon she with Thomas Jameson, Gent. her security, entered into and acknowledged their Bond for the same in the penalty of fifty pounds current money for her true and faithful administration of the Estate.
Ordered that Thomas Newman, John Morton, Joseph Thomas, Junr., and William Minor or any three of them being first sworn before a Justice for his County do appraise in current money the slaves if nay and personal estate of Richard GILLUM, deced, and make return of the appraisement to the next court.
Orange County, VA, Order Book 6, 1754-1763, page 345
27 Oct 1757
The Inventory and Appraisement of the Estate of Richard Gilliam, deced was returned into Court and ordered to be recorded
Orange County, VA, Order Book 1754-1763, page 352
20 July 1745
Indenture ___ day ___ 1745 between James Patton and John Lewis, both of Beverly Mannor, county of Augusta, and Robt Crockett of same . . . for five shillings . . . sells 370 acres in Augusta . . . lying on the Great River of the Calf Pasture . . . beginning . . . Thomas GILLIAM’s line . . . John Carey’s land . . .
James Patton
John Lewis
Wit: James Carter, Thos. Lewis, Robert (x) Bratton
Rec: Orange County 20 July 1745
Deed Abstracts of Orange County, VA 1743-1759
Orange County, VA, Deed Book 10, page 101-103
[Thomas GILLIAM/GILLHAM is living in Augusta County]
25 July 1745
Indenture ____ day ___ 1745 between James Patton and John Lewis of Augusta county, and Thomas GILLAM of same . . . for five shillings . . . sells 168 acres in Augusta County lying on both sides of the Great River of the Calf Pasture . . . beginning . . . William Jameson’s land . . . .
James Patton
John Lewis
Wit: Robt (B) Bratton, Jas. Carter, Robt. Crockett.
Paid £5.13.2. . . acknowledged
Rec: Orange County 25 July 1745.
Orange County, VA, Deed Book 10, page 146-149
Deed Abstracts of Orange County, VA 1743-1759
30 Dec 1795
This indenture made this thirtyeth day of December and in the year of our Lord Christ one thousand seven hundred and ninety five, between William Morrison and Mary his wife of Rockingham County of the one part and John [sic in Sparacio, original not read] Gillom of Albemarle of the other part and his Wife, Susannah; witnesseth that said Morrison and May his wife in consideration of the sum of one hundred and sixteen pounds current money of Virginia to us in hand paid the receipt whereof we do hereby confess and acknowledge that and by these presents doth give in fee deliver and confirm unto James Gillom his heirs all that parcel of land lying in County of Orange and bounded . . . corner to Bonds . . . Charles Douglass’ line . . . Eastin’s line . . .Thomas Coppadge . . . containing by estimation two hundred acres . . .
Sig: William Morrison
Wit: Chas Douglass, John Miller, Thomas Coppadge, Robt Douglass, Joseph Beck
Rec: 25 Jan 1796
Orange County, VA, Deed Book, 1795-1800, page 21-22
3 Mar 1796
This indenture made this third day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand and ninety six, between Adam Bontz of Orange County of the one part and James GILLUM of Albemarle County of other part; witnesseth that Adam Bontz in consideration of the sum of eighteen pounds to him in hand paid, the receipt whereof Adam Bontz doth hereby acknowledge, hath bargained and sold unto James GILLUM one certain parcel of land lying in Orange County and on the Waters of Prities Creek and containing by estimation ten acres and is bounded . . . by Charles Douglass
Sig: Adam Bontz
Wit: William Brockman, Moses Brockman, William Brockman, Jr.
Rec: 25th April 1796
Teste: James Taylor, COC
Delivered James GILLUM, 16 Oct 1809
Orange County, VA, Deed Book, 1795-1800, page 50-51.
16 Apr 1796
This indenture made the sixteenth day of April in the year of our Lord 1796; between Thomas Coppage and his wife, Elizabeth, of one part and Robert Orsbee (both of Orange County) of the other part; witnessesth that Thos Coppage and his wife Elizabeth, in consideration of the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds current money to them in hand paid, the receipt whereof Thos Coppage doth hereby acknowledge that he hat bargained, sold and delivered to Robert Orsbee one certain parcel of land lying in the county of Orange on the waters of Prities Creeke containing by estimation one hundred and six acres be the same more or less and it bounded beginning at three red oaks in Moses Darnell’s line on leavill ground, running these north fifty four degrees west one hundred and twenty six poles to a hickory, corner to said Orsbee, then south forty three degrees West to a white oak saplin in Gillums corner in sd Orsbee’s line thence north fifty three degrees fifty poles to a red oak and two hickory saplins, corner with said Gillum. . .
Teste: Charles Douglass, Junr, Robt Sandfor, Charles Coppedge, Sinkler Ozborn, Chas Douglass.
Sig: Thomas Coppedge, Elizabeth Coppedge
At a court held for Orange County on Monday, the 25th day of April 1795.
Orange County, VA, Deed Book, 1795-1800, page 72
23 Jan 1797
This indenture made the twenty third day of January one thousand seven hundred and ninety seven between William Morrison of County of Rockingham and Margaret his wife of one part and James Gillum of County of Orange of other part; witnesseth that William Morrison and Margaret his wife in consideration of sum of two hundred pounds current money to them in hand paid by James Gillum, the receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge have and by these presents do bargain and sell unto James Gillum his heirs all that parcel of land lying in County of Orange and bounded . . . corner to Bonds . . . Charles Douglass’ line . . . Eastin’s line . . . corner to Thomas Coppage . . . containing by estimation two hundred acres . . .
Sig: William Morrison, Margaret (X) Morrison
The within deed is made for the same tract of land which William Morrison formerly made to James Gillum a deed for and which is recorded in the Office of Orange but there being some doubts whether William Morrison was of age when the former deed was executed, this is make to remove those doubts.
Wit: Jno Taylor, James Gillum
Rec: 23 Jan 1797
Orange County, VA, Deed Book, 1795-1800, page 150
Chataigne's Virginia Gazetteer and Classified Business Directory, 1888-89
Principal Farmers: T. O. GILLIAM, Orange Court House
Chataigne's Virginia Gazetteer and Classified Business Directory, 1888-89
Home of Thaddeus Oscar GILLUM’s mother, Martha Elizabeth Jones GILLUM.

15 Jan 1874
Thaddeus Oscar GILLUM and Sallie E. Mundy
Confederate Pension Rolls, Veterans and Widows
GILLUM, Sarah E, Widow
[Wife of Thaddeus Oscar GILLUM]
Library of Virginia. Confederate Pension Rolls, Veterans and Widows
19 Oct 1912
Sporting Life
A Base Ball Team Made Up From Top to Bottom of Brothers.
Savannah, Ga, October 12.
Mr. and Mrs. T. O. GILLUM, of Madison Mills, Va., are the proud parents of the only base ball nine in the United States, composed entirely of brothers. The youngest member of the team is 14 years of age and the oldest is 37. The combined ages of the brothers and their father, who manages them, is 292 years. Then elder GILLUM is a wealthy planter and merchant. He personally encourages his boys to play ball, and finances them when they are on the road. He was himself a member of the first team ever organized in that section of Virginia. The team plays wherever it can secure dates throughout Virginia, and is said to be making money at the venture. The father and nine sons recently sent Woodrow Wilson a campaign contribution of one dollar each, and a picture of themselves in a group in uniform. They have since received a letter in reply from the Democratic Presidential nominee.
18 Aug 1912
New York Times

Road Orders
26 Feb 1756, Page 201
On the petition of Henry Bourn to have the Road turn’d that leads from the old Courthouse by his house to Fredericksburgh ordered that Bryan Sisson, William Minor, Richard GILLUM & Jos. Williams or any three of them being first sworn before some Justice for this County do view the same and make report thereof according to law to the court.
Historic Roads of Virginia, Orange County, Road Orders, 1750-1800, page 201
Wills, Inventories, Appraisals
10 Oct 1757
Inventory of Richard GILLIAM.
Made pursuant to order of 23 Sept 1757.
Total valuation £24.12.9.
Thomas Newman, John Morton, Joseph Thomas, Junr., William Minor
27 Oct 1757 returned.
Orange County, VA, Will Book 2, page 256-257,
Dorman, John Frederick. Orange County, VA Will book 2, 1744-1778.
27 Oct 1757
The Inventory and Appraisement of Estate of Richard GILLIAM, deced was returned into Court and ordered to be recorded.
Orange County, VA, Order Book 6, 1754-1763, page 352.
[Though the below appears in Culpeper County records, it appears to refer to Richard above.]
6 Dec 1758
Isaac George for Susannah GILLIAM
to 5 1/2 yds Topsails? 11/ 1 small Hanks? 0.12..0
to 1 fine Do 2/4 6 yds white linnen 10/0 0.12..4
Port Royall Errors Excepted
James Bowie
Joseph George for William GILLIAM
to 4 yds br. linnen 4/ 2 yds check linnen 2/6 0..6..6
To 1 hat 2/ 1 pr shows 3/6 1 pr hose 2/6 0..8..0
to Schooling 0.10..0
Errors Excepted
to 3/4 yd of Bearskin 8/? yd. 6..0
At a court held for the county of Culpeper on Thurs the 21st. Dec. 1758
The within accounts was exhibited to the court by Joseph George guardian of Susannah & William GILLIAM orphans of Richard GILLIAM, dec. who made oath to the same ordered to be recorded
Teste Roger Dixon Clk
Culpeper County, VA, Will Book, page 185
Inventory, page 209 & 234
Money paid Orange clerk & widow's dower mentioned
- Ancestry.com. Federal Census records.
- Chataigne's Virginia Gazetteer and Classified Business Directory, 1888-89
- Culpeper County, VA, Will Book, page 185
- Dorman, John Frederick. Orange County, VA Will Book 2, 1744-1778.
- Library of Virginia. Confederate Pension Rolls, Veterans and Widows
- Library of Virginia. Chancery Suits.
- Miller, Ann Brush. Historic Roads of Virginia, Orange County, Road Orders 1750-1800, page 201
- Mihaly, Julie. Picture of T. O. GILLUM’s Mother’s House. www.juliemihaly.com
- Miller, Ann Brush. Historic Roads of Virginia, Orange County, Road Orders 1750-1800
- New York Times
- Orange County, VA, Order Book
- Orange County, VA, Deed Book
- Sparacio, Ruth and Sam. Deed Abstracts of Orange County, VA 1743-1759
- Sparacio, Ruth and Sam. Orange County, VA, Order Book No. 6, 1754-1763