Updated December 25, 2023

Brunswick County was named for the duchy of Brunswick-Lünenburg, one of the German possessions of George I. It was formed in 1720 from Prince George County, but county government was not organized until 1732. In the latter year, Brunswick County was enlarged by the addition of parts of Surry and Isle of Wight Counties. Its area is 579 square miles, and the county seat is Lawrenceville.
Settlement of Brunswick and of the counties that were formed from it was encouraged by an Act of the Virginia legislature. GILLIAMs from diverse parts of Virginia took advantage of the benefits of the new legislation.
The Statues At Large; Being A Collection Of All The Laws Of Virginia, From The First Session Of The Legislature, In The Year 1619. By William Waller Hening. November 1738, 12th George II Chapter XII An Act, to encourage Settlements on the Southern Boundary of this Colony I. Whereas the land lying upon Roanoke River, on the southern boundary of this colony, are for the most part unseated and uncultivated and a considerable number of persons, as well of his majesty’s natural born subjects, as foreign protestants, are willing to import themselves, with their families, and effects, and to settle upon the said lands, in case they can have suitable encouragement for their so doing: And whereas the settling that part of the country, will add to the strength and security of the colony in general, and be a means of augmenting his majesty’s revenues of quit-rents: therefore, for encouraging the said intended settlement, II. Be it enacted by the Lieutenant Governor, Council, and Burgesses, of this present General Assembly, and it is hereby enacted, by the authority of the same, that all and every person and persons whatsoever, who, within ten years next after the passing this act, shall import themselves into this colony, and settle upon Roanoke river aforesaid, on the south branch of the same above the fork thereof; and of the north branch of the said river, above the mouth of little Roanoke, otherwise called Licking Hole; including all the lands on all the said branches, and the lands lying between the, now deemed to be in the county of Brunswick, and parish of St. Andrew, shall be exempted from the paiment [sic] of public, county, and parish levies, until the expiration of the said ten years; and be at liberty, at all times hereafter, to pay and discharge all officers fees wherewith they shall be chargeable, in current money, at the rate of three farthings, per pound for tobacco, without any deduction: And at all times, after the expiration of the time, shall be at liberty, to pay and discharge their public, county, and parish levies in current money, at the same rate. III. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful, for the governor, or commander in chief of this colony, for the time being, to grant letters of naturalization to any alien settling there, as aforesaid, upon a certificate from the clerk of any county court, of his or her having taken the oaths appointed by act of parliament to be taken, instead of the oaths, of allegiance and supremacy; and taken and subscribed the oath of abjuration, and subscribed the test in like manner, as he may do, upon taking and subscribing the same before himself. Any law, usage, or custom, to the contrary, notwithstanding. IV. Provided always, that the person so settling upon the lands herein before mentioned, shall during the said ten years, support their own poor; and make and maintain their own roads and bridges, without any charge upon the rest of the said parish of St. Andrew, and county of Brunswick; and shall not, during that time, be entitled to any reward for killing of wolves. |
Saint Andrew's Parish, 1720
Meherrin Parish, 1753


The Hill-GILLIAM Bible
[According to The Semi Annual Magazine of the Sons of Revolution prepared by Clayton Torrence, July 1928, John son of Hincha GILLIAM and Faith married in 1770 Amy Cook. "She was probably the daughter Amy Cook named in the Will of Reuben Cook, of Sussex County, dated June 23 1764; probated August 19, 1768." Torrence's "probably" is supported by the Will of an Ann Cook, dated 30 May 1775, presented 16 Aug 1781 which mentions grandchildren Ann and Samuel GILLIAM and whom a John GILLIAM serves as Witness and by the above Bible record which refers to Ann as Ann Cook. It should be noted that the Bible records gives John's birth as 26 Oct 1722. The Register of Albemarle Parish gives the birth date of John, the son of Hinchea and Faith as 12 Jun 1733. So either there are two distinct Johns or the Bible or the Register date for John is in error.
The R. Bolling Batte Card Index at the Library of VA, gives the 1722 date. Batte has erased the number in the "tens" digit. His entry reads 17_2. Since the ones digit is a "2" I have assumed he intended 1722, but the missing digit could mean he came across the same discrepancy. The entry from the Society of Colonial Dames edition of Albemarle Parish Register lists the birth of John the son of Hinchea and Faith on a page where all the other entries are from 1743.]
GILLIAM Cemetery
The cemetery is north of Danieltown on Route 46, about a mile south of Lew Jones Rd. (Route 616) and is several hundred yards to the east into the woods.
Latitude: 36º 55' 12.7" N (36.920200)
Longitude: 77º 57' 28.4" W (-77.957900)
Infant Daughter of
John W & Mary E. C. GILLIAM
Was born at Burnt Quarter
12 Dec 1841 — 20 Dec 1841
Infant son of
R. N. & M. E. Neblett
11 Nov 1855 — 28 Nov 1855
Col. John W. GILLIAM
10 Jun 1810 — 15 Nov 1853
Only son of
Samuel & Susan GILLIAM
Who was born
At Poplar Hill Brunswick County
June 10, 1810
and died at Burnt Quarter
his residence in Dinwiddie
Nov 15, 1853
“Tho lost to sight to memory dear”
Mary Eliza Neblett
— 2 Jun 1865
Wife of R. N. Neblett
of Nottoway Co. VA
Died June 2, 1865
Aged 32 years
“This lovely flower so young so fair
Called home by early doom
Thus given to show how fair a flower
In paradise would bloom”
Robert N. Neblett
1824 — 1898
Captain 1st Regiment Va
Artillery C.S.A.
Son of John W & Mary E C GILLIAM
Was born
at Burnt Quarter
Jul 1846
and died
Oct 1847
Court Orders
November 1757
John GILLIAM, Gent., qualified as an attorney in Brunswick Court.
Brunswick County, VA, Order Book 7, page 137
20 Nov 1770
Thomas GILLIAM sworn under-sheriff.
Brunswick County, VA, Order Book 11, page 315
24 Nov 1777
Hincha GILLIAM qualified as ensign in the militia.
Brunswick County, VA, Order Book 13, page 177
22 Oct 1778
Hincha GILLIAM qualified as captain in militia.
Brunswick County, VA, Order Book ___, page ___
31 May 1784
Robert Daniel, John Potts and Susanna, his wife, of Brunswick Co., to John GILLIAM, of same: £26:10 shillings currency; 53 acres on south side Waqua Creek, adjoining said GILLIAM, in Brunswick Co.
Brunswick County, VA, Order Book 2, page 349
26 Apr 1796
John GILLIAM stated that he had land on both sides of Waqua Creek at the place called the high hills, and leave was given him to build a water gristmill.
Brunswick County, VA, Order Book 17, page 74
27 Jan 1806
On motion of Samuel GILLIAM letters of administration is granted him in the estate of John GILLIAM dec'd., he having made oath thereto according to law and together with Robert Haskins, James Pritchett, Thomas Ghloson, and Wm Mason, his securities, entered into and acknowledged a bond in the penalty of $20,000 with condition as the law directs
Brunswick County, VA, Order Book 21, page 74
1 Jul 1735
Thomas Wilkerson of Bristol Parish in Price George Co to Henry Chidley of same. Chidley’s release form Wilkerson for 240 acres which had been a patent to Thomas Dickson, 12 Oct 1727, n south side of Maherin River, joining Peter Brown.
Wit: Francis Elledge, John [G] GILLIAM, Francis [F] Ray.
Proved 1 Jul 1736
Drury Stith, CC
Deeds and Wills, No. 1; 1732-1740, page 231
4 Aug 1737
James (M) Matthews to Henry Browne of St Peters Parish in James City Co., 200 acres, £50.00 where John Gilland [GILLIAM] lived, on S side of Nottoway River on Moors
Swamp joining Hinchey Mabry, John Carter (now Mr Willard's line), Cabin Branch, James Matthews Jr.
Wit: John Brown, John Butler, Francis Ealedge
Rec: 2 Jun 1737
Deeds and Wills, _____, page ____
14 Oct 1737
Henry Browne of James City County, to Samuel Russell of Charles City County, 30 lbs current money where John GILLIAM lived, on the south side of Nottoway River on Mo[ore’s] Swamp, joining Hinchey Mabry, John Cater (now belonging to Mrs. Willard) Cabin Branch, Moors Swamp, James Matthews, Jr.
Wit: J. Browne, Joseph Marston, John Browne, John Pettway, John Poleand, George [G] Mabry, Hinchey [H] Mabry,
Proved 2 Mar 1737
Drury Stith, CC
Deeds and Wills, No. 1; 1732-1740, page 325
19 Aug 1745
Indenture made 19 August 1745 between Charles Kimbal of Edgecomb County, North Carolina, and Walter Campbell of Brunswick County, 450a, South side of Roanoke River, it being part of 850a of Land formerly granted to James Matthis by Letters Patent dated 28 September 1728.
Signed Charles Kimball.
Witnesses: James Mitchell, John GILLIAM, Josiah Mitchell.
Court March 6, 1745,
Indenture proved by oaths of James Mitchell, John GILLIAM & Josiah Mitchell.
Brunswick County, VA, Deed Book 3, Page 159
3 Nov 1747
Indenture made 3 November 1747 between George Mabry of Brunswick County and Martha his wife, and William GILLIAM of Surry County, £70, on South side of Nottaway River, 400a.
Signed George Mabry, Martha Mabry.
Witnesses: H. Mabry, Junr., G. Mabry, William GILLIAM.
Court May 5, 1748, Indenture & Memorandum acknowledged by George Mabry and Martha his wife, previous to which the said Martha was privately examined.
Brunswick County, VA, Deed Book 3, Page 430.
3 Nov 1747
Indenture made 3 November, 1747, between George Mabry of Brunswick County and Martha his wife, and William GILLIAM of Surry County, £130, on South side of Nottaway River, 280a.
Signed Geor. Mabry, Martha Mabry,
Witnesses: H. Mabry, Junr., G. Mabry, William GILLIAM, Junr.
Court May 5, 1748, Indenture & memorandum acknowledged by George Mabry & Martha his wife previous to which she was privily examined.
Brunswick County, VA, Deed Book 3, Page 433.
4 Aug 1753
Jesse Gilliam and wife Jane Gilliam of St. Andrew’s Parish in Brunswick County to Robert Jones, Jr. of Albemarle Parish, Attorney at Law, for 3 pounds . . . 100 acres in Albemarle Parish of Surry County on north sides of Hunting Quarter Swamp and bounded by Robert Jones’ other land and Howell Briggs
Sig: Jesse [his X mark] Gilliam, Jane [her X mark] Gilliam
Wit: Ben Weldon, James Wall, William Edwards, James Hicks, Gray Briggs, John Verell
Rec 11 Mar 1754
Sussex County, VA, Deed Book A, page 5
29 Jan 1757
Richard (R) Perr of Brunswick Co to Thos Oliver of Chesterfield Co, £70, 400 acres, joining John Burch, Rockey Run, White, Waqua Creek, Mirick, [John] GILLIAM, the road.
Wit: Hugh Williams, Robert Briggs, Thomas Briggs
Proved 22 Feb 1757.
Litt. Tazewell CC
Brunswick County, VA, Deed Book 6, page 111
26 May 1757
William (his X mark) Smith and his Wife Sarah (x) of Brunswick Co to John Petway of same. 26 May 1757. for the charge of _____ as by patent for 324 acres of which is a moiety of sd William & his wife Sarah. 162 acres, joining John Daniel, Walker, [John] GILLIAM, Bland, Cook.
Wit: Peter Smith, Joel Mabry, Daniel Mabry
Proved 26 Jul 1757.
Archd Wager CC
Brunswick County, VA, Deed Book 6, page 184
29 Mar 1760
Howard Hurst of Brunswick Co to William Atkeison of same, £110, 269 acres on Mores Swamp, joining Elaxander Watson, sd Hurst, Richard Brown, William GILLIAM, William Smith, Capt Goodrich.
Wit: Peter Jackson, Jacob Wolley, William Randle
Pro: 29 Apr 1760
John Robinson, CC
Brunswick County, VA, Deed Book 6, page 330
22 Jul 1761
David (his X mark) Hines & his wife Christian of Sussex Co to Thomas GILLIAM of Southampton Co. 22 Jul 1761 £100, 420 acres, joining the north side of Rattle Snake Creek, David Sims, William Smith, sd Smith's Spring Branch, White Oak Swamp, Richard Ledbetter.
Wit: John Hunt, Peter Hines, Thomas Peete
Proved 27 Jul 1760
John Robinson, CC
Brunswick County, VA, Deed Book 6, page 589
26 Aug 1762
This indenture made this twenty sixth day of August one thousand seven hundred and sixty two witnesseth that I William GILLIAM Senr and Martha GILLIAM for and in consideration of the love and affection that we bare to John GILLIAM, son of William GILLIAM Junr do give, grant, and confirm unto the said John GILLIAM one certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the county of Brunswick containing by estimation two hundred and eight acres and bounded by the lands of William Eaton and Joel Mabry and also all the negroes on the said land vizt Dinah, Jack, Sarah, Bobbin, Bess, Grace, Nancy, Nonacek, Doctor, Jack, Que, Little Dinah, Harry, Dick, Patt, Hector and Amy with all their increase and also all the rest of the estate of what kindsoever that is now on the plantation we give to him and his heirs forever, only that the said Martha GILLIAM is to have the use of the said land and negroes during her life and then o the said John GILLIAM and his heirs forever given under our hands and seals this twenty sixth day of August 1762
Sig: William GILLIAM, Martha [her X mark] GILLIAM
In presence of: James Jones, Jr, William GILLIAM, Jr., Bruen [his X mark] Rivis
At a court held for Sussex County, the 16th day of September, 1762
This Indenture was proved to be the act and deed of the thereunto subscribed William GILLIAM Senr and Martha GILLIAM by the oaths of William GILLIAM, Jr., and James Jones two of the witnesseth thereto and by the court ordered to be recorded.
Teste A. Claiborne, CSC
At a Court held for the County of Brunswick the 28 day of August 1769
On the motion of Richard Hill. it is ordered that this deed and the certificate thereon be recorded
Teste Edw Fisher
Brunswick County, VA, Deed Book 9, page 470
6 Jan 1763
Joshua Mabry & his wife Lucresia (x) of Lunenburg Co & Ann (her X mark) Mabry widow of Hinchey Mabry Sr. dec'd of Brunswick Co to John Pettway of sd County. 6 Jan 1763 £161 VA. 150 acres, where Hinchey Mabry Sr. dec'd. lived and descended from him to sd Joshua Mabry, joining Young Russell, sd John Pettway, [John] GILLIAM, Joel Mabry (son of Hinchey Mabry Sr., dec'd.), Hinchey Mabrey (son of Hinchey Mabry Sr. dec'd).
Wit: John Clack, John Thornton, Briggs Goodrich.
Proved 28 Feb 1763 & again 26 Apr 1763 & again 27 Jun 1763.
John Robinson CC
Brunswick County, VA, Deed Book 7, page 305
A List of Surveys made from June 1763 to June 1764
13 Apr [1764] surveyed for William Martin 200 acres, joining Myrick, [John] GILLIAM.
Brunswick County, VA, Deed Book 7, page 495
23 Jul 1764
Charles Ledbetter and his wife Frances of Brunswick Co to Jackonias Randle of King William, £150, 310 acres which was part of a 512 acre patent to Charles Ledbetter 13 Aug 1763, joining Rattle Snake Creek, Britt, Waltons Church Road, GILLIAM.
Wit: omitted
Brunswick County, VA, Deed Book 7, page 506
[Frances was the niece of Jackonius Randle.]
24 Jan 1763
Thomas GILLIAM and his wife Mary of Southampton Co to James Adams of Surry Co, £230, 423 acres on the ____side of Rattle Snake Creek, joining Charles Ledbetter, Geo Tilman, White Oak Swamp, Richard Ledbetter, William Smith.
Wit: Gray Briggs, James Thornton, Silvs. Stokes, John Stephen Jr.,
Prov: 28 Feb 1763
John Robinson, CC
Brunswick County, VA, Deed Book 7, page 604
23 Feb 1767
Richard Willis of Mecklenburg County to William Willis of Brunswick County for 30 pounds for a parcel lying in Brunswick County on the south side of Waqua Creek containing 450 acres. Land was granted to Richard and William Willis by land patent dated August 16, 1756. The land is bound by GILLIAM’s line and Joseph Daniels. Ann Willis relinquishes her right of dower.
Rec: 23 Feb 1767.
Brunswick County, VA, Deed Book 8 (1765-1767), page 464.
[See 16 Aug 1756, Land Patent granted to Richard Willis, Jr., and William Willis for 450 acres in Brunswick County on south side of Waqua Creek. Property adjoins Gilliam’s line, Joseph Daniel’s and Parrish’s corner. Patent dated August 16, 1756. Virginia Land Patent Book 33 (1756-1758), page 341.]
29 Dec 1769
Indenture, Thomas Evans of the county of Dinwiddie and Frances his wife, Robert Jackson of the county of Sussex and Jane his wife, Lewis Tyus of the county of Brunswick’ and Amy his wife, of the one part (which said Frances, Jane, Amy and Margery, wife of Richard Hill of the same county of Sussex are daughters of William Gilliam, the elder of the same county, deceased, and co-heirs of John Gilliam an infant, deceased, who was grandson of the said William Gilliam, and Richard Hill aforementioned on the other part. Whereas the above named John Died seized of a certain tract or parcel of land . . . in the county of Brunswick on the north side of Moore’s Swamp and is bounded by the said Swamp, by the land of John Pettway and Joel Mabry, containing by estimation 280 acres . . . said tract having on the death of aforesaid John Gilliam descended to the said Frances, Jane, Amy and Margery by right of inheritance, they the said parties have entered in and upon the aforesaid premises and have contracted with the aforesaid Richard Hill for the sale of the fee simple estate of and in the aforesaid . . . land for the consideration of £160 . . . Thomas Evans and Frances his wife, Robert Jackson and Jane his wife, Lewis Tyus and Amy his wife, for £120 (it being their part of the sale of the said . . . Land) to them in hand paid by the said Richard Hill . . . first mentioned parties sell to Richard Hill . . .
Sig: Thomas Evans, Frances [her X mark] Evans, Robert Jackson, Jane [her X mark] Jackson, Lewis Tyus, Amy [her X mark] Tyus
Wit: John Burce, William Meanly, Robert Wynne Raines, Benjamin Raines
Rec: 20 May 1770
Brunswick County, VA, Deed Book 9, page 627
Browder, B. H. Brunswick County Deed, 1770. Southside Virginian, Volume 5, page 172.
25 Nov 1771
Thomas Briggs and Elizabeth, his wife, to John GILLIAM, of St. Andrew’s Parish, Brunswick County: £30 currency; 100 acres on south side of Waqua Creek, in St. Andrew’s Parish,
Brunswick County, VA, Deed Book 10, page 268
5 Feb 1775
Henry Edmunds, of Brunswick Co. to John GILLIAM, carpenter, of same: £211:10s currency; 142 acres in Brunswick County.
Brunswick County, VA, Deed Book 12, page 80
6 Aug 1780
This Indenture made this twenty sixth Day of August 1780 Between William Pritchett Senr. of Brunswick County and Colony of Virginia of the one part and William Pritchett Junr. of the County and Colony aforesaid of the other part . . . for and in consideration of the sum of five pounds . . . doth grant bargain and sell alien enfeoff release and confirm unto the said Pritchett . . . one certain tract or parcel of Land containing one hundred acres of Land . . . and bounded as followeth (to wit) Beginning on Arens (or Avens) Creek at the mouth of the Ready branch joining the said branch up to Edmunds' or the back line thence joining Edmunds' line South and west Courrs (sic) to the aforesaid Arens's (or Avens's) Creek thence joining the said Creek up to the Beginning . . .
Signed by William Pritchett and witnessed by Jesse Potts, John GILLIAM and Hezekiah Davis (his X mark). August the 26th 1780 Received of William Pritchett Junr. the Consideration of the within Deed.
Signed by William Pritchett and witnessed by Jesse Potts, John GILLIAM and Hezekiah Davis (his X mark).
At a Court held for Brunswick County the 23d Day of October 1780. This Indenture and Receipt were proved by the oaths of Jesse Potts & Hezekiah Davis Witnesses thereto. And at a Court held for the said County the 27th Day of November following the said Indenture and Receipt was proved by the oath of John GILLIAM the other Witness thereto & Ordered to be recorded.
Brunswick County, VA, Deed Book 14, page 69.
22 Jan 1781
This Indenture made this twenty second Day of January, 1781 Between William Mason, Mary, his wife, and William GILLIAM of the County of Brunswick of the one part and Robert Spencer of the said County of other part . . . for and in consideration of the sum of twenty seven thousand pounds of Tobacco . . . doth grant bargain and sell enfeoff & confirm unto the said Robert Spencer . . . one certain Tract or parcel of Land lying and being in the said County of Brunswick containing by estimation three hundred and twenty eight acres, including two acres whereon the Baptist Meeting House stands, and which is reserved and excepted out of the said tract of Land for the sole use of the said Meeting House, . . . it is bounded thus Beginning at a new marked line of Lewis Charleses (sic) corner on Thomas Mop's line thence along the said Thomas Mop's line to Thomas Jeffers' line, thence along the said Thomas Jeffers's line to Thomas Pears line, thence along Thomas Pears line to Mary Dunn's line, thence along Mary Dunns line to a corner white oak at the edge of Lewis Charles old field, thence along a new line dividing between the said Land the Land of Lewis Charles to the beginning . . .
Signed by William Mason, Mary Mason, and William GILLIAM
Witnessed by Mark Jackson, John Prince, and Thomas Poythress.
At a Court held for Brunswick County the 22d Day of January 1781. This Indenture was Acknowledged by William Mason and William GILLIAM Parties thereto and Ordered to be recorded.
Brunswick County, VA, Deed Book 14, page 86.
26 Apr 1784
William Walker and Sarah, his wife, of Brunswick Co., to John GILLIAM, of same: £75:8 shillings currency; 52 acres on north side Waqua Creek.
Brunswick County, VA, Will Book 2, page 351
15 Jan 1784
Charles Gilliam and Elizabeth of Sussex to James Mason of Greensville, 489 acres on both sides of Ready Creek containing Grist Mill being land Charles purchased in 1780 from Thomas Johnson
Wit: John Mason, Jr, William Mason, Nathaniel Dunn, John Mason, Drury Lanier
Rec 23 Aug 1784
Brunswick County, VA, Will Book 2, page 384
26 Oct 1784
This Indenture made this 26th day of October 1784 between Shade Alley of the County of Brunswick and State of Virginia
of the one part and Miles Alley of the County and State aforesaid . . . for and in consideration of the sum of four hundred pounds . . . doth hereby bargain and sell unto the said Miles Alley one tract or parcel of land lying & being in the County of Brunswick and State of Virginia and bounded as followeth (to wit)
BEGINNING at a willow oak in Bennyfields Creek in John Fletchers line, thence along Fletchers line to a white in William Browns line thence along Browns line to a post oak in Clantons line, thence along Clantons line to a corner white, thence along the said line to a post oak in John Myricks line, thence along Myricks line to a ash in Bennyfields Creek thence up the said creek to a white oak thence along a line of markt [sic] trees to a post oak thence along a line of markt [sic] trees to a persimmon tree in the head of a branch, thence down the branch to Benningfields Creek to a pine thence up the creek to the beginning containing four hundred and seventy acres . . .
Sig: Shade Alley
Wit: Wm. Credeel, James Williamson, Ben Williamson, Wm. Jones, Ben Easley, Benja. King, and James Alley.
Brunswick County Court March 25th 1793.
This Indenture of Bargain and Sale was proved by the oath of Benjamin King a witness thereto and having been
proved on the 27th day of October 1788 by the oaths of William Jones a witness thereto and on the 27th day of June
1785 by the oath of Benjamin Williamson also a witness thereto the same is ordered to be recorded.
Brunswick County, VA, Deed Book 15, page 375.
[Miles Alley married Rebecca GILLIAM, the daughter or Burrell GILLIAM]
26 Mar 1785
Robert Daniel, of Brunswick Co., to John GILLIAM, of same: £35 currency; 113 acres adjoining said GILLIAM’s land in Brunswick Co.
Brunswick County, VA, Deed Book, page 481
7 Apr 1786
This Indenture made this seventh Day of April 1786 BETWEEN Robert Daniel of the County of Brunswick and John GILLIAM of the same County . . . for and in Consideration of the sum of one hundred pounds . . . doth grant Bargain and sell alien enfeoff release and confirm unto the said John GILLIAM . . . a certain tract or parcel of Land lying and being in the County of Brunswick aforesaid containing one hundred and forty eight Acres and bounded as follows to wit,
BEGINNING at a corner pine in the said GILLIAMs line thence eighty eight degrees East four poles to a gum in the licking branch thence along the said Branch to Reubin Wright's corner red oak thence south five and one half degrees east two hundred and twenty four poles to a red spanish oak in Edmunds's line thence south Eighty seven and one half degrees West one hundred and sixty poles to a black gum in the licking branch aforesaid thence down the said branch to a black gum corner thence North forty four degrees west thirty three poles to the BEGINNING being part of the tract of Land formerly Thomas Daniel's decesed [sic] . . .
Sig: Robert Daniel (his X mark)
Wit: John Flood Edmunds, Hincha GILLIAM, and Robert Kenneday.
Brunswick County Court the 23d Day of October 1786.
This Indenture was proved by the oath of Robert Kenneday a Witness thereto and having been proved on the 25th September last by the oaths of John Flood Edmunds and Hincha GILLIAM also witness thereto is ordered to be Recorded.
Brunswick County, VA, Deed Book 14, page 232
13 Dec 1786
This Indenture made this thirteenth Day of December 1786 between James Williamson of the County of Hallifax and State of North Carolina of the one part and Henry King of the County of Brunswick and Colony of Virginia of the other part . . . for and in the valuable consideration of the sum of two hundred and fifty pounds . . . doth grant, bargain and sell, alien, enfeoff, release and confirm unto the said Henry King . . . One Certain Tract or parcel of Land lying in the County of Brunswick and Colony of Virginia containing four hundred and forty five acres . . . and bounded as followeth (VIZ) BEGINNING on an ash in Benningfields Creek, thence along James Brewer's line to a corner hickory, thence along John Person's line to a corner pine in William Person's line, thence along Isaac Ledbetter's line to a corner pine, thence along the said line to a white oak in John Fletcher's line, thence along the said John Fletcher's line to Benningfield's Creek to a willow, thence down the said Creek to a pine, thence up a branch to a Posimon tree, thence along a line of marked trees to a white oak in Miles Alley's line, thence along a line of marked trees to Benningfield's Creek, thence down the said Creek to the First Station . . .
Sig: James Williamson
Wit; Benjamin King, Richard Jacksons (his mark), and John King.
Brunswick County Court the 23d of April 1787.
This Indenture was proved by the oaths of the witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded.
Brunswick County, VA Deed Book 14, page 274.
[Miles Alley married Rebecca GILLIAM, the daughter or Burrell GILLIAM]
22 Mar 1788
This Indenture made this twenty second Day of March 1788 BETWEEN Robert Daniel of the County of Brunswick and John GILLIAM of the same County . . . for and in
consideration of the sum of ten pounds . . . doth hereby acknowledge hath bargained granted & sold aliened and enfeoffed released and confirmed unto the said John Gilliham [sic] . . . a certain tract or parcel of Land lying and being in the County of Brunswick aforesaid containing by Estimation six acres and one half acre . . . and bounded as follows (to wit)
BEGINNING at a corner pine in Pott's line, thence down a new line the widow Daniel's dower to a persimmon on the branch, thence up the branch to Richard Bagwell's line, thence along the said Bagwell's line to the BEGINNING being part of the tract of land formerly Thomas Daniel's . . .
Sig: Robert Daniel (his X mark)
Wit: Hincha GILLIAM, Drury Bagwell and John Flood Edmunds.
Brunswick County Court 23rd June 1788.
This Indenture was acknowledged by Robert Daniel to be his act and deed and ordered to be record [sic].
Brunswick County, VA, Deed Book 14, page 353
22 Mar 1788
This Indenture made this twenty second Day of March 1788 between Robert Daniel of the County of Brunswick and John GILLIAM of the same County . . . for and in consideration of the sum of ten pounds . . . doth hereby acknowledge hath bargained granted & sold aliened and enfeoffed released and confirmed unto the said John GILLIHAM [sic] . . . a certain tract or parcel of Land lying and being in the County of Brunswick aforesaid containing by Estimation six acres and one half acre . . . and bounded as follows (to wit) beginning at a corner pine in Pott's line, thence down a new line the widow Daniel's dower to a persimmon on the branch, thence up the branch to Richard Bagwell's line, thence along the said Bagwell's line to the beginning being part of the tract of land formerly Thomas Daniel's . . .
Signed by Robert Daniel (his X mark)
Witnessed by Hincha GILLIAM, Drury Bagwell and John Flood Edmunds.
Brunswick County Court 23rd June 1788.
This Indenture was acknowledged by Robert Daniel to be his act and deed and ordered to be record [sic].
Brunswick County, VA, Deed Book 14, page 353.
17 Apr 1788
John Potts and Susanna, his wife, of Brunswick Co., to John GILLIAM, of same: £2:17 shillings currency; 100 acres on south side Waqua Creek, Brunswick Co.
Brunswick County, VA, Deed Book, 14, page 381
27 Apr 1789
William Walker and Sarah, his wife, of Brunswick Co., to John GILLIAM, of same: £51 currency; 51 acres on both sides Waqua Creek.
Brunswick County, VA, Deed Book 14, page 469
16 Oct 1790
This Indenture made this 16th Day of October 1790 Between Benjamin Bridgforth of the County of Notoway [sic] of the one part and John Bridgforth of Brunswick County of the other part . . . for the fatherly love and affection which he beareth unto his son John and for his advancement in life and for and in consideration of the sum of five shillings . . . hath given granted bargained & sold unto the said John Bridgforth one certain tract or parcel of land lying & being [in] the County of Brunswick on Notoway [sic] River & bounded as follows to wit Beginning at a secamore [sic] at the mouth of the Licking Branch in James Tarpley's line thence along Tarpleys line to a red oak thence along the said Tarpleys line to an ash in the said Licking Branch thence up the branch to Haskins line thence along Haskins line to Thomas Manson's line thence along his line to John Manson's line thence along John Mansons line to a sugar tree on Notoway River thence down the said river to the Beginning containing four hundred and fifty acres . . . also three Negroes Ellick, Rachel, & Edmund . . .
Signed by Benja. Bridgforth
Witnessed by George Trotter, Thomas Manson, James Quarles, Hinchia GILLIAM and Chr. Haskins. Brunswick County Court July 25th 1791.
This Indenture of Bargain & Sale was proved by the oaths of Thomas Manson one of the witnesses thereto and having been proved on the 25th Day of October 1790 by the oaths of Hinchia GILLIAM and Christopher Haskins also witnesses thereto the same is ordered to be recorded.
Brunswick County, VA, Deed Book 15, page 119.
1 Mar 1791
John Wright and Mary, his wife, of Brunswick Co., to John GILLIAM, of same: £22:10 shillings currency; 100 acres in Brunswick Co.
This Indenture made this first day of March 1791 Between John Right and wife Mary Right of the County of Brunswick of the one part and John GILLIAM of the said county of the other part . . . for and in consideration of the sum of twenty-two pounds ten shillings . . . doth grant bargain and sell align enfeoff release and confirm unto the said John GILLIAM . . . a certain track or parcel of land lying and being in the county of Brunswick aforesaid containing of one hundred acres . . . and bounded as follows to wit:
Beginning at Oliver's corner pine thence by his line South one hundred and seventy-four poles to his corner on GILLIAM’s line thence by his line North sixty degrees West six poles to his corner pine thence North eighty degrees West one hundred and seventy-eight poles to his corner live oak thence South sixty degrees West eighty poles to a whight [sic] oak thence North fifty-three degrees East two hundred and thirty poles to the
Beginning . . . and the said John Wright and Mary Wright his wife for them and their heirs and every other person or persons that they and their heirs anything having or claiming in the said premises above mentioned or any part or parcel thereof by from or under them and will from time to
time warrant & defend the right and title of the above mentioned seat or tract of land . . . signed by John Wright and by Mary Right by her mark
Witnessed by Robert Daniel (his X mark), William Roberts, Hincha GILLIAM.
Brunswick County
Court February 27th 1792.
This Indenture of Bargain and Sale was proved by the oath of Robert Daniel one of the witnesses
thereto and having been proved on the 25th day of April 1791 by the oaths of William Roberts and Hincha GILLIAM also witnesses thereto the same is ordered to be recorded.
Brunswick County, VA, Deed Book 15, page 180.
28 Mar 1791
Know all men by these presents that I William Connelly of Brunswick County for and in the consideration of the sum of seventy pounds . . . do grant bargain & sell unto John Stith . . . two feather beds and furniture one bay horse saddle & bridle one cow and calf fifteen head of hogs all my blacksmith tools and all my wife's right of her fathers & grandmothers estate when divided . . . in trust nevertheless upon this condition that whereas the said John Stith is and stands security for me on a replevy Bond to Benjamin Ingram for thirty odd pounds and on another Bond to Samuel Glass for ten pounds and whereas I formerly assigned to him a Bond of Samuel Scotts for thirty pounds & he assigned it again to Hinchia GILLIAM which Bond probably on the failure of the said Scott he the said John Stith may be obliged to make good and being willing and desirous to indemnify him of and in these premises as above mentioned do by these presents give unto the said John Stith full power & lawful authority whenever he shall may suffer in either of the above instances to take possession of and to sell at publick auction on reasonable notice for ready money any part or the whole of the above mentioned property . . . the 4th Day of February 1791.
Signed by William Connelly
Witnessed by Thomas Stith, Senr. Theo. Harrison, and William Goodwyn. Brunswick County Court March 28th 1791.
This Deed of Trust was acknowledged by William Connelly party thereto to be his act and deed and ordered to be recorded.
Brunswick County, VA, Deed Book 15, page 57
27 May 1791
This Indenture made this 27th day of May 1791 between Edmond Harrison and Mary his wife of the county of Prince George of the one part and Sterling Edmonds of Brunswick County of the other part . . . for and in consideration of the sum of two hundred and ninety-seven pounds sixteen shillings and ten pence . . . hath granted bargained and sold unto the said Sterling Edmonds . . . one certain tract or parcel of land containing by survey three hundred and twenty-five acres . . . lying and being in the County of Brunswick and bounded as follows (viz't) Beginning at Thomas Penn's line where it crosses Great Creek at a stooping Birch tree along the said Penns line South 50 deg. West eighty-four and a half poles to a corner white oak on the said Edmonds line thence along the said Edmonds line South 12 deg. East one hundred and eighty-two poles to a red oak thence south 19 deg. East sixteen poles to William Johnston's corner black oak thence South 53 deg. East one hundred and fifty-four poles along said Johnstons line to a red oak on the main road thence along the hedge row on the North side of said row North eighty-one degrees East fifty-four poles North 74 East 12 poles North 56 East 26 poles North 33 East fifty- four poles to a small red oak in the said hedge row thence leaving the hedge row North 43 deg. East sixteen poles to a white oak on Great Creek thence up the said creek as it meanders to the Beginning . . .
Signed by Edmond Harrison and Mary Harrison
Witnessed by Mary GILLIAM, Sally Harrison, Jane Harrison.
Edmond Harrison's signature further acknowledged before us Samuel Hudgins (his X mark) James Parrish, Thos. Fowlkes and Bennitt Goodrum (his X mark).
Brunswick County Court November 29th 1791.
This Indenture of Bargain and Sale was proved by the oath of Bennett Goodrum a witness thereto and having been proved on the 25th day of July 1791 by the oaths of Thomas Fowkes & Samuel Hudgins also witnesses thereto the same is ordered to be recorded.
Brunswick County, VA, Deed Book 15, page 174.
[Mary GILLIAM is Mary Ruffin Harrison, daughter of Nathaniel Harrison and Mary Ruffin and sister of Edmund Harrison. Mary married John Henry GILLIAM of Prince George.]
25 Jun 1792
This Indenture made this 25th day of June, 1792, between Joseph Daniel, Senior, of the County of Brunswick of the one part & Thomas Daniel of the same County of the other part . . . for and in consideration of the natural love and affection which he hath and doth bare unto the said Thomas Daniel who is son to the said Joseph Daniel, decd. . . . doth give grant bargain sell deliver and confirm to him the said Thomas Daniel . . . one certain tract piece or parcel of land situate lying and being in the County of Brunswick aforesaid containing Two Hundred acres . . . and bounded as followed (to wit) Beginning at and joining the lines of Drury Mathis & John GILLIAM's corner Red Oak from thence along the said GILLIAMs line to a small Hickory thence South Five degrees West to a stone thence crossing Waqua Creek to Joshua Pritchet's corner small Sweet Gum thence along his line to a Red Oak then crossing the said Creek NE to three shrub oaks bushes thence to a Black Jack on Drury Matthew's line thence along his line to the Beginning, the same being part of the tract of land that the Thomas Daniels now lives on . . .
Signed by Joseph Daniel, Senior (his X mark) and
Witnessed by Thos. Stith, Senior.
Brunswick County Court
June 25th, 1792. This Indenture of Deed of Gift was acknowledged by Joseph Daniel, Senior, party thereto to be his act and deed and ordered to be recorded.
Brunswick County, VA, Deed Book 15, page 250
26 Apr 1787
This Indenture made this 26th day of April, 1787, between Benjamin Edwards of the County of Northampton & State of North Carolina, and Priscilla his wife of the one part and John Mason of the County of Sussex and State of Virginia of the other part . . . for and in consideration of the sum of One Thousand Pounds . . . doth grant bargain & sell unto the said John Mason . . . all that certain tract or parcel of land situate lying and being on the South side of Meherrin River in the County of Brunswick & State of Virginia as aforesaid containing by estimation One Thousand Eight Hundred & Forty Six Acres . . . and is bounded as followeth (to wit) Beginning at the mouth of Lightfoots Creek at Meherrin River aforesaid thence down the meanders of the run of the said river to the mouth of Tomlins Run thence up the various meanders of the said Tomlins Run to a Willow Oak thence South Seventy Seven & a half West Twenty Four Poles to a Hickory thence South Sixty Two & a half degrees West Seventy Three Poles to a Hickory (down) thence South Four Degrees East One Hundred & Eighty Eight Poles to Danl. Harrisons corner pond thence South Thirty Degrees West One Hundred and Eight Four Poles to a shrub white oak thence South Fifty Four Degrees One Hundred Twenty Eight & a half Degree to Henry Jones' corner (small) pine thence South Forty Eight Degrees West One Hundred Sixty & Six Poles to a small Black Jack thence South Twenty Seven Degrees West Ninety Poles to Jesse Edwards' line thence along the said Jesse Edwards's line South Two Degrees East Forty Eight Poles to a White Oak thence North Forty Four Poles West Sixty and a half Poles to a Red Oak thence North Sixty Eight Degrees West Seventy Eight Poles to a White Oak in a small run thence down the various courses of the same to Lightfoots Creek thence up the run of the said Creek to a small branch thence up the various of the run of the said branch to Frank Mallory's line thence along Mallorys line North Twenty One Degrees West Ten Poles to Williams corner Red Oak thence North Twelve Degrees West Two Hundred & Seventy Six Poles to a shrub White Oak thence North Three Degrees West One Hundred Sixty & Six Poles to a small White Oak on Brandy Creek thence down the various meanders of the run of the said Creek to the said John Masons corner small birch on the same thence North Seventy Eight Degrees East Sixty Poles to a Hickory thence South Seventy Five Degrees East One Hundred and Twenty Poles to a Spanish Oak thence South Eighty Five Degrees East Thirty Six Poles to a White Oak in Lightfoots Creek aforesaid thence down the various meanders of the run of the said Creek to the Beginning . . .
Signed by Benj'n. Edwards and Priscilla Edwards
Witnessed by Robt. Mabry, Saml. GILLIAM, D. Fisher, and W. Mason.
Brunswick County Court June 25th, 1792.
This Indenture of Bargain and Sale was proved by the oath of Robert Mabry a witness thereto and having been proved on the 23rd day of April, 1792, by the oaths of William Mason & Samuel GILLIAM also witnesses thereto the same is ordered to be recorded.
Brunswick County, VA, Deed Book 15, page 255.
20 Aug 1793
This Indenture made and concluded this 20th day of August 1793 between Charles Edmunds of the County of Brunswick of the one part and Frederick Briggs of the said County of the other part . . . for and in consideration of the sum of forty four pounds eight shillings and nine pence three farthings . . . doth grant bargain sell alien and confirm unto the said Frederick Briggs . . . the following slaves a boy a____e by the name of Jeph, also another by the name of Adam, a younger one . . . IN TRUST NEVERTHELESS and it is the true intent and meaning of these presents that the
said Charles Edmunds being justly indebted unto Hinchia GILLIAM of the said County of the sum of forty four pounds eight shillings & nine pence three farthings and being willing and desirous to secure the payment of the same at some future day have by these presents made over and conveyed unto the said Frederick Briggs aforesaid the above mentioned slaves Jeph and Adam in trust for the purpose aforesaid therefore if the said Charles Edmunds shall fail to pay or cause to be paid unto the said Hinchia GILLIAM . . . the aforesaid sum of money as will appear by his Bond with the lawful interest from the date on or before the first day of January next then the said Frederick Briggs shall by these presents have full power and lawful authority on giving ten days publick notice to sell the said slaves Jeph & Adam to the highest bidder for ready money and to pay unto the said Hinchia GILLIAM his debt interest & costs . . .
Signed by Charles Edmunds and Frederick Briggs
Witnessed by Hezekiah Davis (his X mark) and John GILLIAM (his X mark).
Brunswick County Court February 24th 1794. This Indenture of Deed and Trust was proved by the oaths of the witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded.
Brunswick County, VA, Deed Book 15, page 496.
22 Feb 1795
Ann Bagwell and Samuel Bagwell and Katherine, his wife, of Brunswick Co., to John GILLIAM, of same: £24:4 shillings currency; 84 acres in Brunswick Co.
Brunswick County, VA, Deed Book 16, page 96
15 Dec 1800
Robert Daniel and Martha, his wife, of Brunswick County, to Samuel GILLIAM, of same: £84:7s. bd. currency; 112 acres in Brunswick County.
Brunswick County, VA, Deed Book 18, page 69
27 Jul 1801
Jeremiah Lambert and Dicie, his wife, of Brunswick County, to Samuel GILLIAM, of same: £40 currency; 40 acres in Brunswick Go.
Brunswick County, VA, Deed Book 18, page 153
15 Feb 1806
William Matthews and Sally, his wife, of Brunswick Co., to Samuel GILLIAM, of same: £702 currency; 130 acres in. Brunswick Co.
Brunswick County, VA, Deed Book 19, page 437
1 Jan 1807
John Ingram and Sally, his wife, of Brunswick Co., to Samuel GILLIAM, of same: £702 currency; 390 acres in Brunswick.
Brunswick County, VA, Deed Book 20, page 4
10 Feb 1808
Thomas D. Price and Mary, his wife, of Southampton Co., to Samuel GILLIAM, of Brunswick Co.: £524:14s. currency; 635 1/2 acres in Brunswick Co.
Brunswick County, VA, Deed Book 20, page 228
10 Jul 1810
Wilkins, Stith and Haskins, Commissioners, to Samuel GILLIAM, of Brunswick Co.: £453 currency; 302 acres in Brunswick Co.
Brunswick County, VA, Deed Book 21, page 69
30 Jul 1811
Richard Edmunds and Helen, his wife, of Southampton Co., to Samuel GILLIAM, of Brunswick Co.: £262:14s. currency; land in Brunswick Co.
Brunswick County, VA, Deed Book 22, page 137
Landowner's Directory of 1815
Samuel GILLIAM, Waqua Creek, 16NW
[Directions and distances are measured from the Courthouse.]
Ward, Roger G. 1815 Directory of Virginia Landowners (and Gazetteer) Volume 2. Athens, GA: Iberian Pub. Co.
Legislative Petitions
21 Nov 1781
Asks for compensation for two mares, impressed into public service, for which he has not received payment, and for allowance in their appraisal due to the depreciation of money.
Library of Virginia, Legislative Petitions, Reel 29, Box 39, Folder 11
bef 12 Feb 1774
Mr. GILLIAM to Elizabeth Webb, daughter of Elizabeth
[This appears to be Arthur GILLIAM, and it appears the date used by Fothergill is the date of the Will of Elizabeth Webb]
Fothergill, Augusta Bridgland M. Marriage Records of Brunswick County, Virginia, 1730-1852. Genealogical Publishing Company, June 2009.
22 Jul 1777
Thomas Parham to Eliz. GILLIAM, William Mason, security.
Fothergill, Augusta Bridgland M. Marriage Records of Brunswick County, Virginia, 1730-1852. Genealogical Publishing Company, June 2009.
14 Oct 1788
Marriage bond of William Blunt to Ann, daughter of John GILLIAM; Hincha GILLIAM, surety; dated October 14, 1788; letter of consent from John GILLIAM, father of said Ann.
1 Nov 1806
Jesse Coe to Selah D. GILLIAM
Fothergill, Augusta Bridgland M. Marriage Records of Brunswick County, Virginia, 1730-1852. Genealogical Publishing Company, June 2009.
26 Nov 1823
Thomas C. Willson to Maria R. GILLIAM
Fothergill, Augusta Bridgland M. Marriage Records of Brunswick County, Virginia, 1730-1852. Genealogical Publishing Company, June 2009.
25 Aug 1823
Francis A. Wilson to Susan B. GILLIAM
Fothergill, Augusta Bridgland M. Marriage Records of Brunswick County, Virginia, 1730-1852. Genealogical Publishing Company, June 2009.
8 Dec 1828
Joseph G. King to Eliza Yates GILLIAM, born 1806
Fothergill, Augusta Bridgland M. Marriage Records of Brunswick County, Virginia, 1730-1852. Genealogical Publishing Company, June 2009.
17 Sep 1833
Married on Sept. 17, D. W. Bragg of Petersburg, to Miss Reberta C. P. GILLIAM of Brunswick County, VA.
American Beacon and Norfolk and Portsmouth Daily Advertiser, p. 3, c. 1, Thursday, September 26, 1833.
[Daniel Wilson Bragg married Roberta Clara Pocahontas GILLIAM, daughter of Samuel and Susanna GILLIAM. Reberta should read Roberta]
15 Nov 1853
Died Col. John W. GILLIAM, commander of the 83 Regt. before Dec. 3, 1853.
Richmond Whig & Public Advertiser, p. 2, c. 5, Tuesday, December 20, 1853.
16 Dec 1770
John GILLIAM ordered to be paid 716 [pounds tobacco?] for repairs to the gallery of the upper chapel.
Vestry Book of St. Andrew's Parish
24 Apr 1780
John GILLIAM a processioner of land.
Vestry Book of St. Andrew's Parish
Patents, Grants and Headrights
12 Jan 1747
Joseph Parrish, 404 acs, Brunswick Co. on both sides of Waqua Cr. adj. GILLIAM & Daniel £2.
4 Apr 1748
Richard Parr, 400 acs. On the N. side of Waqua Cr. on the Rocky Run on the Road adj. White, Matthews, John Birch, Mirrick & GILLIAM; £2.
15 Dec 1749
William GILLIAM, 304 acres on the branches of Kettle Stick.
Land Office Patents No. 27, 1748-1749, p. 505 (Reel 25).
10 Mar 1756
John GILLIAM, 359 acs. Brunswick Co. on both sides of Waqua Cr., adj. John Mirick, £2.
10 Mar 1756
John GILLIAM, 359 acres on both sides Waqua Creek, Brunswick Co., adjoining John Mirick.
Patent Book 34, page 63
16 Aug 1756
Richard Willis & William Willis, 450 acs. Brunswick co. on the S. side of Waqua Cr.: adj. Parish, GILLIAM, & Joseph Daniel, £2.S5.
Virginia Land Patent Book 33 (1756-1758), page 341
16 Aug 1756
Land Patent granted to Richard and William Willis for 450 acres in Brunswick County on south side of Waqua Creek. Property adjoins GILLIAM’s line, Joseph Daniels and Parrish’s corner. Patent dated August 16, 1756.
Virginia Land Patent Book 33 (1756-1758), page 341
16 Aug 1756
John GILLIAM, 343 acres in Lunenburg Co. on south side Roanoke River, beginning at his old line, where it crosses Reedy Branch.
Patent Book 33, page 62
19 May 1757
John GILLIAM, 185 acres in Lunenburg Co. on Gilham's Branch, beginning at his own corner.
Patent Book 33, page
26 Sep 1760
Thomas Daniel, 227 acs. Brunswick Co. adj. GILLIAM & Willis, £1.S5
12 Jul 1762
Thomas Oliver, 616 acs. Brunswick Co. on the N. side of Waqua Cr. Up the Rockey Run adj. Mirick, GILLIAM, Lyndsey, Lambert, John Burcher, & White; £1.S5, 400 acs. part gtd. Richard Parr by Pat 5 Apr. 1748 (the right & title of which sd 400 acs. Is since becomes vested in the sd. Thomas Oliver) and 21 acs. The residue never before Gtd.
Cavaliers and Pioneers, VI, 425
30 Aug 1763
Thomas GILLIAM, 1,025 acs. 30 Aug 1763
On the S. side of white Oak Cr., adj. Morgan, Upchurch, Randle, Sims, Hines, Taylor & Johnson; £5.S5
Cavaliers and Pioneers, VII, 394
30 Aug 1763
William GILLIAM Junr 92 acs 30 Aug 1763
adj. His own line, William Smith & Meredith. [S of the Nottoway Riv. & the William & Mary College land ptd. By Thomas Jones of Williamsburgh in PB 11, p154. Also adj. PB 12, p 156 to John Carter, PB 14, p 84 to Thomas Wilson & PB 23, p1114 to Elizabeth Meredith.]
Cavaliers and Pioneers, VII, 42
15 Aug 1764
Jonathan Williams, 100 ac. 15 Aug 1764
Adj. Oliver and GILLIAM. 10 Shill [N of Waqua Cr.]
Cavaliers and Pioneers, VII, 65
20 Jul 1768
William Martin, 200 acs. 20 Jul 1768
On the Brs. Of Waqua Creek down the Licking Br. In a sw.; adj. Mirick, GILLIAM and Daniel. £1
Cavaliers and Pioneers, VII, 136
20 Jul 1768
Lewis Tyus, 304 acs. 20 Jul 1768
Adj. Bland, Wallace & Perry. £1.S10.
[This patent is a re-grant of William GILLIAM’s 304 acs. In PB27, p50 dated 15 Dec 1749. It is located on both sides of the current Brunswick-Greensville County Line, on a br of Kettlestick Cr of the three Creeks; on the Governors Road; and between the college Land & the St. Andrew’s Parish Glebe Land at Callaville.]
Cavaliers and Pioneers, VII, page 140
Pension Application of Robert Bolling R19363
Southern Campaign American Revolution Pension Statements & Rosters
Pension Application of Robert Bolling R19363, Transcribed and annotated by C. Leon Harris
25 Jul 1865
$20 REWARD—Stolen from my farm in the county of Brunswick on the night of the ___ June, a small GREY STALLION. The said horse had the letters MFS branded up on the left for shoulder and was wounded in the top on the left hand hip by a musket ball. He has a heavy mane, which hangs nearly equal up in both sides of the neck and around his eyes he has no hair, and it has the appearance of being white.
Any information leading to the discovery of the said Horse will be paid twenty dollars.
Kennedy’s P. O., Brunswick, or Donnan’s & Johnston, Petersburg, VA.
Daily Index, Petersburg, VA
Publick Claims
A return of the proceedings of the county Court of Brunswick under the Act entitled “An act for adjusting claims for property impressed or taken for the public service.”
Claims for property impressed by Lieut. William Gray for the use of Col. White’s Regt.
John GILLUM, 2 mares impressed by Joseph Brock 1780, 12 years.
Revolutionary War Public Service Claims
Hinche Gillum (GILLIAM), Court Booklet, p 32, Commissioner’s Book I, p 113
John Gillum (GILLIAM, Gillman), Court Booklet, p 17, 22, 55, Lists, 2, Commissioner’s Book I, p 113
Library of Virginia, Revolutionary War Public Service Claims
Land Tax List, Brunswick Co., St. Andrew's Parish
John GILLIAM, 600 acres.
Lists 1783-1786, inclusive, are missing.
1787, Tax List A (North of the Meherrin River)
John GILLIAM, no sons between 16 and 21, 13 blacks above 16, 22 blacks under 16, 8 horses or mules, 43 cattle.
Hinchia GILLIAM, no sons between 16 and 21, one black under 16, one horse of mule, no cattle.
1787, Tax List “B” (South of the Meherrin River) Meherrin Parish, District of James Fletcher, Commissioner
[See Brunswick Taxes for complete list.]
List for 1787
John GILLUM [GILLIAM], 600 acres, 214 1/2 acres, and 52 acres.
1788, Personal Property List B
GILLIAM, Hinchia, page 10
GILLIAM, John, page 10
List for 1789 gives two John GILLIAM’s, as follows:
John GILLIAM, 600 acres, 214 1/2 acres, 52 acres;
John GILLIAM, 6 1/2 acres, 100 acres, 51 acres.
List for 1790
Gives two John GILLIAMs as in list of 1789.
List of 1791
Gives only one John GILLIAM, as follows:
John GILLIAM, 600 acres, 214 1/2 acres, 52 acres, 6 1/2 acres, 100 acres, 51 acres, 100 acres.
[These entries are given just as they appear on the Tax List.]
List of 1792
Gives as in 1791 with an additional 29 1/2 acres.
The List of 1793
Gives identical entry with list of 1792,
The List of 1794
John GILLIAM, 600 acres, 321 acres, 132 1/2 acres, 100 acres.
List of 1795
Gives as in 1794 with an additional 84 acres (transferred from Richard Bagwell).
Lists of 1796-1805, inclusive, give John GILLIAM’s entries as identical with those in list of 1795.
1798, Personal Property List B
GILLIAM, John, page 15
Binns Genealogy. 1790/1800 County Tax Lists of Virginia.
1798-1800, inclusive, give:
Samuel GILLIAM, 158 acres.
List of 1801 same as 1800 with an additional 112 1/2 acres.
List of 1802 same as 1801 with an additional 45 acres.
Lists 1803-1805, inclusive, give same as list of 1802.
List of 1806 gives:
Samuel GILLIAM, 600 acres, 321 acres, 132 1/2 acres, 100 acres, 84 acres, from John GILLIAM, deceased; and 158 acres, 1121 acres, 45 acres, 130 acres re-survey, omitted before.
The List of 1807 same as 1806 with an additional 400 acres.
The 1808 list missing.
List of 1809 same as 1807 with an additional 544 1/2 acres.
Lists of 1810-1815 gives Samuel GILLIAM same entries as in 1809.
In the List of 1812 the lands are described as being on Waqua Creek.
List of 1816 charges the same lands to Samuel GILLIAM, deceased.
Wills, Estates and Inventories
30 Nov 1760
Will of Amy GILLIAM
In the name of God Amen, the XXX day of November in the year of our Lord MDCCLX, I Amy GILLIAM of the Parish of St. Andrews and County of Brunswick being very sick and weak of body but of perfect mind and memory, thanks be given unto God for the same and calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, so make and ordain this my last will and testament that is to say principally and first of all I recommend my soul unto the hands of God that gave it and my body I recommend it to the earth to be buried in a Christian like and decent manner at the discretion of my executor hereafter mentioned, nothing doubting but that at the general resurrection, I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God and as touching such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God ___ above my _____ to bless me with in this life, I give, devise and disposed of the same in the following manner and form unto my well beloved sister Martha GILLIAM
Imprimis, I give and bequeath all my part of the negroes which are now in the possession of my said beloved sister Martha GILLIAM and myself the number whereof are thirteen (to wit) Jack, Dinah, Nutty, Hector, Amy, Patty, Sarah, Robin, Grace, Subbabo, Betty, Cagg [?] and Cue [?] together with their increase unto the said Martha GILLIAM, her heirs, and assigns, forever
Item I give and bequeath unto my said sister one bay mare and his increase with a black star in his forehead also all my household furniture together with all my hoggs, and cattle and also my wearing apparel with all my born, tobo, wheat and every other thing or things that may or doth appertain to me, to her heirs and assigns forever
Item I do appoint my living sister Martha GILLIAM and ____ do constitute and ordain executrix of this my last will and testament and I do revoak [sic] and disannul all other wills and testament by me hereto for made and this only to be taken for my last will and testament and none other
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and ___ above written.
Signed, sealed, published and declared to be my last will and Testament
In presence of Michaiel Cadle Young, Mary Vaughn, Wm. Vaughn
At a count held for Brunswick County the 28th day of March 1763 this will was proved by oath of Michaiel Cadle Young witness thereunto who likewise deposed that the said Wm Vaughn and Mary Vaughn dec’d the other witnessed thereunto subscribed their names as such and ordered to be recorded.
Teste: John Robinson, CC Brunswick County, VA, Will Book 4, page 323
Cridlin, W. B. Brunswick County, Wills, Etc.
12 Oct 1769
Inventory of John GILLIAM
Rec: 12 Aug 1770 Brunswick County, VA, Will Book 4, page 22
Cridlin, W. B. Brunswick County, Wills, Etc.
[John GILLIAM (16 Jan. 1753-1769) inherited property from his grandfather William GILLIAM. His father’s will appointed Seymour Powell of Brunswick County to care for the estate.
It has been suggested that John married Mary, who served as administrator of his Brunswick County estate from 1770, the daughter of Isaac Row Walton. However, given John's age, prior illness, and that his step mother was also named Mary, it is more likely that the Mary that served as John's administrator was his step-mother and not his wife.
Among the individuals named in the estate accounts were “Seymour Powell, late guardian,” “William GILLIAM’s estate,” Richard Hill, and Hinchia Pettway. John Hamilton, Joel Mabry, and Hinchia Pettway inventoried his estate that included 17 slaves. The land John inherited from his grandfather was later in the hands of his aunts.]
21 Sep 1771
Will of John Parker
To my wife the plantation & ordinary house of 100 acres where I now live, 2 feather beds & furniture . . . during her life and widowhood & out of the profits of the ordinary she shall erect a brick chimney in my dwelling place with a fireplace in the said chimney for each room. I give to her Negro man Luck, one desk . . .
All my land on both sides of Stony Creek to be sold & the money divided among 4 of my children, namely, Elizabeth, John, Sterling & Thomas & the money to be at interest until they arrive at age.
To my daughter Elizabeth, Negro girl Phoebe, at age.
To my son, John, Negro man Will who is to be hired out until my said son is of age.
To my son Sterling, Negro man Young Eaton.
To my son Thomas, Negro woman Rachel; if my lands on Stony Creek are not sold, then Rachel to be sent there to the Quarter, but if my land is sold, said Rachel to return to my wife for 4 years or to be hired out at my wife’s decease until my son Thomas is of age.
To my son Sterling, the plantation of 100 acres & ordinary house where I now live after the decease or widowhood of my wife.
To my sons John & Thomas, 200 acres joining where I now live which I purchased from [William] Rives, to be divided when they are of age.
To my son William, Negro girl Patt now in his possession.
To my daughter Ann Roger, Negro girl Alse now in the possession of her husband Wm. Rogers.
To my daughter Nancy, Negroes Cate & Dick.
To Grief Birchett, £10, Va. Provided my wife abides by this my will.
To my son Wm., £10 from the sale of Stony Creek lands.
Negro boy Peter to be sold by my executors to go toward extinguishing my debts; the balance of my estate to be sold to discharge my debts & any remainder to go to my 4 children Elizabeth, John, Sterling & Thomas. Thomas Henry Rives to serve as his executor.
Wit: Henry Edmunds, Thomas Briggs, Moses Dobbins, Hensley Grubbs, Henry Briggs, Frederick Briggs, and Thomas Edmunds.
Rec: 23 May 1774.
Sterling Edmunds, Henry Edmunds, and John GILLIAM inventoried and appraised the estate of John Parker 1 April 1775.
Brunswick County, VA, Will Book ___, Page ___
12 Feb 1774
Will of Elizabeth [Barker] Webb, Widow of Brunswick County
Son Micah (Micajah) Webb
Son John Webb
Elizabeth GILLIAM
My grandson William GILLIAM
Daughter Mary Birdsong
Daughter Winifred Boseman
Wit: Drury Dunn, James Johnson, Joseph Harris
[Elizabeth Barker married Charles Webb. Their daughter Elizabeth Webb married Arthur GILLIAM.]
Brunswick County, VA, Will Book ___, Page ___
6 Jul 1792
Appraisal of Estate of William Daniel, dec’d 6 Jul 1792
Included were negroes Jacob & Liddie
Appraised by John GILLIAM, Henry Hampton, Hezekiah Davis.
Ret: 27 Aug 1792
Brunswick County, VA, Will Book 5, Page 236
14 May 1805
Account for the Estate of Thomas Daniel
Those named: Robert Daniel, Samuel GILLIAM, Nancy Parker, Stephen Potts, Thomas Davis, N. Laffoon, Dr. Pertiller, David Stith, Col. Edmunds
Audited 14 May 1805 by Samuel GILLIAM, William Hammond, Thos Manson.
Returned to Court 28 Jul 1806.
Brunswick County, VA, Will Book 7, page 127
28 Jan 1807
Will of Miles Alley
In the name of God amen, I Miles Alley of the county of Brunswick in VA do make and ordain this my last will and testament and with what worldly goods it has pleased God to bestow on me in this life to dispose of in
manner and form following:
Item.. I give and bequeath unto my son Herbert the negroes and stock he has now in his possession and their increase to
him and his heirs forever.
Item.. I give and bequeath unto my son James all the land now in my possession to him and his heirs forever.
Item.. I give and bequeath to my daughter Lucy the negroes and their increase to her and her heirs forever.
Item.. I give and bequeath to my daughter Mary two negroes namely Jim and Chloe and their increase to her and her
heirs forever.
Item.. I lend to my loving wife Rebecca three negroes namely Cate, Peggy and Harry during her natural life or widowhood also one bed lent her return to my children or their heirs.
Harry to my son Herbert, Peggy to my son James and Cate to my daughter Mary and the bed and furniture to James son Miles to them and their heirs.
Item.. I give and bequeath to James' son Miles one negroe girl Cinthy and her increase to him and his heirs forever...
I give and bequeath unto Herbert's son John one negroe girl Juley and his increase to him and his heirs forever.
Item.. I give and bequeath unto Dorothy Pearson twenty-five pounds VA money to be raised out of my son Herbert's portion. If she dies without lawful issue of her body my desire is that the money return to my children and equally divided among them.
Item.. My wish and desire is that at my death all my stock or property that is not given or lent of every kind be sold and the money put out on interest and my wife to have the interest as neccisity requires it and after be equally divided between four of my children namely Herbert, James, Lucy and Mary to them and their heirs forever.
Item.. I have given my daughter Mason Williams on all___except five shillings___.
I do make this my last will and testament revoking all others by me before made. In witness where of I have herewith set my hand and seal this 28th day of January 1807
Sig: Miles [his X mark] Alley.
Brunswick County, VA, Will Book, Page 265
[Miles is involved in several land transactions in Northampton County, NC with the Reavis family. It is believed that Edward Reavis first married Hannah Alley and then secondly Sarah GILLIAM.
Miles’ wife Rebecca is Rebecca GILLIAM, the daughter of Burrell GILLIAM. See Will of Burrell GILLIAM. Herbert Alley had out of wedlock a daughter Tabitha G. Alley with Dorothy Pearson, hence the provision in Miles’ Will. In 1850 Dorothy Pearson is living with Tabitha G. who has married Logan Gray. Among Tabitha’s and Logan’s children are Rebecca GILLIAM Gray and Miles Alley Gray.]
Inventory and Appraisement of Miles Alley.
Negroe woman Cate, Negroe boy Harry, Negroe Girl Chloe, Negroe girl Juley, Negroe woman Peggy, Negroe boy Jim, Negroe girl Cinthy, 1 bay mare, 1 bay filly, 1 head of sheep, 1 bull, 6 hogs,1 bed and furniture, 1 bed and furniture 1 trundle bed, 1 pine chest, 1 wire seive, parcel of old barrels,__half bushel, woman's saddle, 1 pair steel yards, parcel of plains, 3 plow horses, 2__ and 2 cutters, 8 hoes, 3 axes and hatchets, 1 pot rack and spice mortar, handsaw and foot__, bells, lot of tools, 1 coffee mill wheel, 1 joiner, 1 pit saw,1 pair iron wedges, 1 pair saddle bags, 1 shotgun and bags,1 pair shot mounds, candlestick mounds and snuffers,1 padlock, 1 pair sheep shears, 11sitting chairs, 1 painted chest, 2 trunks, 1 small desk,1 walnut table, parcel earthenware, 3 pewter basins, 8 pewter basins and four dishes, 3 butter pots, 3 pair cooks, 1 frying pan and dutch oven, 1 wire lifter, 2 looking glasses, 1 pine table, 1 grindstone, 2 bee hives, 2 tables, 1 weaving loom and 2 cotton wheels, 1 iron skillet, saddle, harness and collar, 2 pair harness and traces, barrels, 1 half hogshead, 4 rawhides, 1work steer, bull and yoke, 1 flat iron, 6 geese, 1 sheep skin,20 pound bar iron, 1 compass, 1 iron pin, 90 pounds reed cotton
Total appraisement 646 Pounds 3 and 7.
22 Jul 1816
Inventory of Samuel GILLIAM
Inventory and appraisement of the estate of Samuel GILLIAM, deceased, returned by Susanna GILLIAM, administratrix, and recorded July 22, 1816. Total appraisement £5231:5s.
Brunswick County, VA, Will Book 8, page 264
20 Mar 1818
Account of Samuel GILLIAM
The estate of Samuel GILLIAM, deceased, in account with Susan GILLIAM, administratrix, settled March 20, 1818, and returned and recorded March 23, 1818.
Brunswick County, VA, Will Book 8, page 415
20 Oct 1818
Will of Elizabeth [GILLIAM] Parham Banks
Proved April Court 1819
Will of Elizabeth Parham confirmed right in land on Three Creeks in Sussex Co. to her son Thomas Parham who had paid her for the same.
She left $60, a trunk and some clothes to son James M. Banks.
She left the balance of her money to son John G. Banks.
She left a small trunk to granddaughter Mary J. G. Parham.
She left to granddaughter Lucy E. G. Manning a quilt when she reached 15 yrs. of age. If she should die, the quilt to go to granddaughter Martha E. A. Parham.
The remaining clothes she left to daughter-in-law Rebecca Parham, dispersing the items she does not want to granddaughters Narcisa C. Smith and Susan Parham Smith and Lucy Manning.
She left granddaughters Cassandry Banks and Amanda Banks two miniature pictures of sons William and John G. Banks.
The executor was to sell her side saddle and other items for benefit of granddaughter Lucy Manning when she turned 15. If she should die, then to go to granddaughters Martha and Mary.
Sig: Elizabeth [her X mark] GILLIAM
Executor to be son Thomas Parham.
[Elizabeth GILLIAM is the daughter of Capt. William GILLIAM, Jr. and Mary Lucas GILLIAM, his wife. She was the wife of James Banks and Thomas Parham.]
Brunswick County, VA, Will Book 9, Page 38
July 1820
Account of Samuel GILLIAM
Further accounts of estate of Samuel GILLIAM, deceased, with Susan GILLIAM; returned and recorded July and October 1820.
Brunswick County, VA, Will Book 9, pages 110 and 398
Will of Rebecca Alley, Brunswick, VA
In the name of God amen. I Rebecca Alley of the county of Brunswick and state of VA, being weak in body, but of disposing mind and memory, do make and ordain this my last will and testament, disposing of my worldly goods as follows.
I give to Tabitha G. Alley to her and her heirs forever one negro girl named Susie, and all her future increase, one bed and
furniture and one large trunk.
I give to Dorothy Pearson on bed and furniture to her and her heirs forever.
The balance of my property not heretofore disposed of my will and desire is, that my executor sell the same and out of the money arising from such sale satisfy and pay all my just debts, and the balance of the money if any to Tabitha G. Alley to
her and her heirs forever.
I hereby nominate and appoint my friend Edwarde Dromgoode Jr. executor to this my last will and testament
Sig: Rebecca [her X mark] Alley
25 Oct 1824
In the account returned and recorded October 25, 1824, the charge is made for education of Ann GILLIAM, Susan B. GILLIAM, Eliza Y. GILLIAM, Maria R. GILLIAM, John W. GILLIAM, Louisa S. GILLIAM and Clara R. GILLIAM.
Brunswick County, VA, Will Book 9, page 398
Inventory and Appraisement of Personal Estate of Rebecca Alley
Lot casting pots ovens & c. 4
1 brass kettle 1
1 water pail 1 churn 1 half bushel .5
1 flax wheel 1 hand saw 1 draw knife .5
1 sack irons 1 bread hoe 1 grindstone .5
1 stone cune 4 jugs 1 jar 2 pair hames 1 nullin bit 1
3 trowel hoes 1 duck bill 1 half share 1 draggon 1
2 axes 1 froe 2 grubbing hoes weeding hoes 1
1 scythe 8 bales 1 spinning wheel 2
2 tables 1 lot crockeryware 2 butter potts 1.75
1 pewter dish 4 tablespoons 4 teaspoons 1lot glass .5
1 pair cards 1 bread basket 1 coffee pot 1 waiter .5
3 books 1 set washing bars and parcel salt 1.5
1 buffet and contents 6 chairs 1 bl and some sugar 2.5
2 beds and furniture chest 15
1218 1/4 pounds seed cotton@15/per hundred 50.45
1 sley 2 stack oats 8.07
35 pounds bacon 5.75
2 sows and 13 pigs 12
2 bee hives 1 pair steelyards 4 1/2 bales corn 24.5
12 head cattle $50 13 head hogs $30 80
2 bay mares $50 2 1/2 bales corn 5 1/2 same 118.5
1 ox cart and yoke 1 top stack and shucks 6
5 stacks blade fodder 15
1 slave Deluna and child Lucy 600
11 1/2 gals brandy 10
Total 943.27
Logan Gray executor for Rebecca Alley
Witnesses: Sterling C. Pearson, W C Harrison, Drury Pearson
Brunswick County, VA Will Book 13, page 211
6 Apr 1842
Will of Sarah [Johnson] Clark GILLIAM
Proved January 1844
I Sarah GILLIAM of the county of Brunswick and State of Virginia being in bad health but of sane mind, proceed to make a disposition of my worldly effects in the following manner:
Item 1st I give and bequeath unto my son Matthew GILLIAM one bed and furniture, five chairs and my kitchen furniture to him and his heirs forever
Item 2nd I am entitled to a portion of the estate of my sister Lucy Newsom dec'd which I have not yet received and it is my will that it shall when collected be equally divided between my daughter Nancy Jolly and my son Matthew GILLIAM to them and their heirs forever.
Item 3rd I have some money now in the hands of Mr. Alexr. Mallory and it is my will that whatever may be due of that money at my death, _______ Matthew GILLIAM which I give him, & his heirs forever
Item 4th I hereby constitute and appoint Alexander Mallory executor of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all others made by me
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 6th day of April 1842
Witnesses: John P. Atkinson, Thomas Mangum, Wm. T. Jolly
Sarah (her X mark) GILLIAM
Brunswick County Court January Term 1844
This last will and testament of Sarah GILLIAM dec'd was proved by the oaths of Thomas Mangum and Wm. T. Jolly two of the witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded.
Teste E. R. Turnbull, Clerk
[Sarah, the daughter of Waddill Johnson and Aggy Pennington, married Anselm GILLIAM 27 Aug 1800, Sussex County, VA. Sarah had previously married William Clark on 30 Dec 1795]
Brunswick County, VA, Will Book 1844, page 222
- Binns Genealogy. 1790/1800 County Tax Lists of Virginia.
- Browder, B. H. Brunswick County Deed, 1770. Southside Virginian, Volume 5, page 172.
- Cridlin, W. B. Brunswick County, Wills, Etc.
- Fothergill, Augusta Bridgland M. Marriage Records of Brunswick County, Virginia, 1730-1852. Genealogical Publishing Company, June 2009.
- Library of Virginia. Legislative Petitions.
- Library of Virginia, Revolutionary War Public Service Claims
- Vestry Book of St. Andrew's Parish
- Ward, Roger G. 1815 Directory of Virginia Landowners (and Gazetteer) Volume 2. Athens, GA: Iberian Pub. Co.