Updated November 24, 2022

Nelson County was named for Thomas Nelson, Jr., governor of Virginia from June to November 1781. It was formed in 1807 from Amherst County. The county seat is Lovington.
Nelson County was formed after Disestablishment.
Landowner's Directory of 1815
Richard Gilliam
[Directions and distances are measured from the Courthouse.]
Ward, Roger G. 1815 Directory of Virginia Landowners (and Gazetteer) Volume 1, Central Region. Athens, GA: Iberian Pub. Co., 1997.
11 Mar 1815
Will of John Savage
In the name of God a men I John Savage, Sen. of the County of Nelson being low in health but perfect mind and Memory Calling to mind the State of Mortality Knowing that it is appointed ounce (sic) for all men to die do make this Constitute and ordain this my last will and Testament that is to Say principally and first of all I Recommend my soul into the hands of allmighty God that give (sic) it and my body to be Neatly buried and the expences of the same to be first paid, And as touching my Worldy (sic) afairs which it hath pleased God to bless me with I give and bequeath in the following Manner Viz.
I first give and bequeath unto my beloved Wife Nancey Savage during her natural life all my estate and after her death to be divided in the following manner Viz.
I give and bequeath unto my dughter (sic) Perlina Hunter the wife of David Hunter
To Thomas L. Savage and Moses P. Savage my two sons One Negro Girl Dynah to be equelly divided between the three Children to them and thaire heirs forever
I also desire Give and bequeath.
unto Jesse Savage and Candall Savage my two Sons one Set of Joinners Tools extra of thaire Proposionable part of the ballance of my estate to them and thaire heirs forever.
I also desire that the ballance of my estate Shall be equally devided between
my beloved Children Susannah GILMON, George Savage, Jesse Savage, William Savage, James Savage, Candall Savage, Wilson L Savage, Perlina Hunter, Thomas L Savage, and Moses P Savage to them and thaire heirs forever
I also desire that my Son John Savage have out of my estate five Shillings to be paid to him his heirs or assigns.
I do desire that Tereska Turner, William H Digges, and Lavender London be and are hereby appointed executon of this my last will and Testament,
Given under my hand and Seal this 11th day of March in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight hundred and fifteen.
Assigned sealed and delivered
Sig: John Savage
In the presents of James Gregory, Charles C Patteson, Charles Evan, Judith (her X mark) Patteson
Rec: 25 Mar 1816
Nelson County, VA, Will Book A, page 390.
[John Savage married Ann Penn on 1 Oct 1775 in Amherst County. It appears that John was the step-father of daughter Susannah, for when she married James Gilliam on 18 Aug 1794 in Amherst, consent was given by her step-father John Savage. It has been thought that James Gilliam married secondly Sarah Shelton on 28 Nov 1807 in Albemarle County; however, this does not seem likely as Susannah appears to be living in 1816, after the marriage of James and Sarah.]
- Ward, Roger G. 1815 Directory of Virginia Landowners (and Gazetteer) Volume 1, Central Region. Athens, GA: Iberian Pub. Co., 1997.