Updated December 25, 2023

Amelia County was named for Amelia Sophia Eleanora, daughter of George II of England. It was formed from Prince George and Brunswick Counties in 1734. Its area is 366 square miles and the county seat is Amelia.
Raleigh Parish, 1734
Nottoway Parish, 1748
The story of the GILLIAMs of Amelia County begins with an orphan:
The Vestry of Bristol Parish orders "that John GILLIAM, orphan of John GILLIAM decsd be bound to Joseph Grainger and his heirs as the Law directs." Bristol Parish, Vestry at Ferry Chapel. 16 Feb 1728/29.
Joseph Grainger settles in Raleigh Parish, Amelia County and leaves a will dated 20 Jan 1735/36. In that will he makes bequeaths to "John GILLUM, son of John GILLUM 200 acres at lower end tract I now live on, the said John GILLUM I give to his Father-in-law Thomas Reams . . ."
John, son of John, appears to be the John born on 13 Dec 1725 in Bristol Parish to John and Elizabeth, not John born 2 May 1712, for it appears he is still a minor in 1735 for he is "given" to his father-in-law [read, step-father] Thomas Reams. John, son of John and Ann would have been 23 in 1735, whereas John son of John and Elizabeth would have been only 10. We know that Thomas' wife was an Elizabeth for they were the parents of Thomas Reams born 10 Jan. 1733/4 in Bristol Parish.
Shortly before John Sr.'s death a daughter, Lucy, is born on 17 Dec 1727, to John and Elizabeth in Bristol Parish.
It appears that John, Jr. has died by 1746, for a Jesse GILLUM sells to John Worsham "A certain tract on Beaver Pond Branch” beginning at Joseph Grainger’s lower line; also to include 200 acres according to Joseph Grainger's will. John Worsham is called "friend" in the Will of Joseph Grainger.
In 1740, John "of Prince George", the son of John and Ann, mentioned above purchases from John Talley for £20, 174 acres on the northside of West Creek, bounded in part by Henry Talley's corner and George Stegall's line. John had just purchased from presumably his sisters, Margery GILLIAM, Martha GILLIAM & Ann GILLIAM, 183 acres in Main Fork of Deep Creek known as "The Island," it being a patent to John GILLIAM on April 15 1732, as devised by Will of said John GILLIAM, dec'd., to. sd. Margery GILLIAM, Martha GILLIAM & Anne GILLIAM.
[The Will of John has not been found but, a reference to it may be found in Prince George County, Minute Book, 1737-1740, page 378.]
Order probating will of John GILLIAM, deceased Executors, Ann GILLIAM, his relict, John GILLIAM, his son
Wit: William Starke, Thomas Green, Martha GILLIAM
Margary, above, is likely the Margary mentioned in the 1699 Will of Anthony Knight of Henrico. If so, she would be an older sister of John.
John "of Prince George" continues to acquire land in Amelia. The tithes refer to his "Quarter." In 1741 £90 pounds, he purchases 936 acres on head of West Creek on Deep Creek, from John Fitzgerald of Prince George County. In 1747 John GILLIAM of Prince George £95 purchases 382 acres southside of Woody Creek of Deep Creek, bounded in part by mouth of a little rock branch of Woody Creek, Woody Creek & the branch from John Mayes.
Shortly after the marriage of John's daughter Elizabeth to Thomas Griffin Peachy of Amelia, John as John GILLIAM, the elder, of Prince George sells for 5 shillings one Negro slave named Frank with all her future increase. The sale was witnessed by Benjamin Dyson, John's overseer. Robert, also a son of John GILLIAM, the Elder, married Lucy Skelton, heiress of Elk Island, Goochland.
Another GILLIAM present in Amelia is William GILLIAM. It 1782 he is listed at his Quarter with 52 blacks making him one of the larger slave owners of the county. It is believed that this William is the husband of Christian Eppes and son of John, the elder, of Prince George above. His birth and marriage are mentioned in the Register of Bristol Parish. William and Christian lived at Weston Manor. The Historic Hopewell Foundation has acquired and is in the process of restoring Weston Manor. See GILLIAMs of Hopewell for a further discussion of this line.
One last GILLIAM found in Amelia is Charles, the grandson of John GILLIAM and Margary. On 10 Nov 1752 William Crockett sells to Charles GILLIAM of Prince George, for £60 pounds, 200 acres beside Falling Creek, adjacent to Lines of Caldwell, with all houses, etc., The deed was witnessed by William Smith, Robert Nelly & son, Joshua GILLIAM. A few years later in 1756 Charles witnesses the deed of James Atwood to his son, Richard Atwood. Charles' line settles in Prince George County, VA, and the Carolinas.
William GILLIAM, Quarter, 2 whites, 52 blacks
Amelia County Heads of Families
Charles Erskine vs James Henderson, etc.
Surnames: Erskine, GILLIAM, Henderson and Peachy.
Library of Virginia Chancery Suits. Charles Erskine vs James Henderson, etc. Microfilm Reel Number 238, Local Reel Number 136, Image Number 231
John Boyd, etc vs. Legts of John GILLIAM
Surnames: Baird, Boyd, Duncan, GILLIAM, Harrison, and Peachy
Library of Virginia Chancery Suits. John Boyd, etc vs. Legts of John GILLIAM, Microfilm Reel Number 240, Local Reel Number 138, Image Number 328
Vivian Brooking vs. Thomas Bennett Asgn, etc.
Surnames: Bennett, Brooking, GILLIAM, and Peachy.
Library of Virginia Chancery Suits. Vivian Brooking vs. Thomas Bennett Asgn, etc. Microfilm Reel Number 108, Local Reel Number 7, Image Number 194
Elizabeth Friend and Nathaniel Friend, etc. vs. Christian GILLIAM, widow
Library of Virginia Chancery Suits. Elizabeth Friend and Nathaniel Friend, etc. vs. Christian GILLIAM, widow. Microfilm Reel Number 115, Local Reel Number 14, Image Number 284
Court Orders
17 Aug 1744
Court Held August 17, 1744
Petition John GILLIAM for person to value improvements on 934 acres belonging to him; ordered Richard Jones, Thomas Jones, Edward Harper & William Watson, Gent., or any 3, to view improvements & make report
Amelia County, VA, Order Book ___, page ___
16 Nov 1744
Court Held November 16, 1744
Val. Of improvements on 934 acres of land belonging to John GILLIAM presented & ordered rec.
Amelia County, VA, Order Book ___, page ___
30 May 1786
Edmund Harrison & William GILLIAM, executors of Nathaniel Harrison, deceased, P vs.
Archer Cheatham & Millington Roach, D} In Debt –
The Ds relinquish their former plea, and say they cannot gainsay the P's action for £4.10.0.
Court awards the P that amount, with interest from 25 December 1783, and costs.
Amelia County, VA, Order Book 17, page 146b
24 Nov 1786
John GILLIAM, P vs.
Booker Foster, Mathew Robert and John Foster, D -
John Foster offers security for the D. Ds plead payment, and the parties join suit. Trial referred to the next Court. The office judgment made in this court last September is set aside.
Amelia County, VA, Order Book 18, page 32a
24 Nov 1786
vs. Robert Lawson, Samuel Booker and Wood Jones, D.} In Debt -
Robert Lawson, one of the D’s, acknowledged the service of the writ and enters himself a party to the suit, and Phillip W. Jackson comes into court and offers security for the Ds. Ds claim they have paid the debt in the declaration, and the parties join suit. Trial referred till the next Court. The office judgment made in this cause last September court is set aside.
Amelia County, VA, Order Book 18, pages 35a-b
25 Nov 1786
John Boyd, attorney in fact for Charles Duncan, acting executor of the last will and testament of Robert Boyd, deceased, and John Baird, the other surviving executor named in the will of the said Robert Boyd, P vs.
William GILLIAM, Thomas G. Peachy, Charles Duncan & Jane his wife, and William GILLIAM, Robert GILLIAM, & Edmund Harrison, acting executors of the last will and testament of Nathaniel Harrison, deceased, D} In Chancery -
The Court heard the bill of the Ps and the answers of the Ds, then decreed that Henry Anderson, Peter Randolph, Abraham Green and Phillip Jones, Gentlemen, or any three of them divide the slaves mentioned in the residuary clause of the last will and testament of John GILLIAM, deceased, into five equal parts, making first an appraisement thereof according to the real value of each of the said slaves, and that they allot one fifth part each to William GILLIAM; Thomas Griffin Peachy; Charles Duncan & Jane his wife; the executors of Nathaniel Harrison, deceased; and Robert Turnbull, in trust for the use of the complainants as executors of the said Robert Boyd, deceased, if they shall by a final decree of this court thereafter be adjudged entitled thereto, or that the same shall remain in the hands of the said Robert, in trust for the use of any other person or persons who may be entitled to the said fifth part, in case the said complainants shall not, and that they make their report of such division to this Court, in order to a final decree thereupon.
Amelia County, VA, Order Book 18, page 40a
Thursday 25 Jan 1787
John Boyd, attorney in fact for Charles Duncan, acting executor of the last will and testament of Robert Boyd, deceased, and John Baird, one of the surviving executors named in the will of the said Robert, P. vs.
William GILLIAM, Thomas G. Peachy, Charles Duncan, and William GILLIAM & Edmund Harrison, acting executors of the will of Nathaniel Harrison, deceased, D}
In Chancery By consent of the parties it is ordered that Isaac Hall, Simon Frazer, John Shore, and James Campbell, Gentlemen, be added to the persons appointed and named in the decreatal (sic) order made in this cause at November Court last, to the division of the slaves mentioned in the residuary clause of the will of John GILLIAM the elder, lat of the County of Prince George, deceased, and that they or any three of them do divide agreeable to the said decreatal order such of the slaves as are in the counties of Prince George and Chesterfield, and make report thereof to the Court in order to a Final Decree.
Amelia County, VA, Order Book 18, page 55b
Monday, 26 Mar 1787
John GILLIAM, P vs.
Booker Foster, Matthew Robertson & John Foster, D.}
In Debt -
The same as above, except for £73.17.6 current money of Virginia, but to be discharged by payment of £36.18.9 like money with lawful interest thereon from 20 August 1785 to the time of payment, and his costs. Satisfaction acknowledged for £7.18.4 paid 25 May 1786.
Amelia County, VA, Order Book 18, page 88a
Monday, 26 Mar 1787
John GILLIAM, P vs.
Robert Lawson, Samuel Booker and Wood Jones, D.} In Debt -
The same entry as above, except for £330 current money, but to be discharged by payment of £152.10 current money in gold or sliver species, or in lieu thereof as much inspected crop tobacco of the Appomattox warehouses as the said sum of money be worth on the day of payment, rating the tobacco at the then market price, and shall pay the specie or tobacco rated as aforesaid at the option of the P, with lawful interest thereon from 4 June 1785 to the time of payment, and his costs. P agrees to stay the execution of this judgment till May Court next.
Amelia County, VA, Order Book 18, page 88a
Monday, 26 Mar 1787
John Boyd, attorney in fact for Charles Duncan, acting executor of the last will & testament of Robert Boyd, deceased, and John Baird, one of the surviving executors named in the will of said Robert, P. vs.
William GILLIAM, Thomas G. Peachy, Charles Duncan and William GILLIAM & Edmund Harrison, acting executors of the will of Nathaniel Harrison, deceased, D} In Chancery
By consent of the parties, this suit is set down for hearing on the amended bill of the P, the answers of the Ds, and the auditor’s report made and returned in this cause, the third day of May Court next.
Amelia County, VA, Order Book 18, page 88b
Friday, 24 Aug 1787
John GILLIAM, P vs.
Robert Lawson, Samuel Booker, & Wood Jones, D.} In Debt -
Robert Lawson enters Court and acknowledges the service of the capias. The Ds plead payment, and the P replied generally. On the motion of the Ds Booker & Jones by their attorneys, the judgment obtained in the office against them for want of appearance is set aside.
Amelia County, VA, Order Book 18, page 150a
Saturday, 25 August 1787
John Boyd, attorney in fact for Charles Duncan, acting executor of the last will and testament of Robert Boyd, deceased, and Jno. Baird, the other surviving executor named in the will of the said Robert, P vs.
William GILLIAM, Thomas G. Peachy, Charles Duncan & Jane his wife, and William GILLIAM, Robert GILLIAM, and Edmund Harrison, acting executors of the last will and testament of Nathaniel Harrison, deceased, D} In Chancery
The reports of the Commissioners by virtue of the interlocutory order made in this cause were returned and read to the Court, and upon hearing the bill of the complainants, and answers of the Ds, the Court decrees that the divisions and allotments contained in the interlocutory order and report of the commissioners be ratified and confirmed. The respective parties give their consent. Each of the respective Ds to be entitled as reported, to wit: William GILLIAM, the slaves mentioned in the report made by Henry Anderson and others, and £4.4.0; Thomas Griffin Peachy receives the slaves mentioned in the report, and 24/; Robert Turnbull as trustee for the use of the executors of Robert Boyd, the complainants, and by him to be delivered into the possession of the said complainants and executors, or to any one of them, or to any agent appointed by them or either of them, as the estate and proportion of their testator Robert Boyd, deceased, under the will of the said John GILLIAM, deceased, under the same report the slaves mentioned, they paying £2.16.0; to Charles Duncan the slaves mentioned in the report, he paying £3.16; to the executors of Nathaniel Harrison, deceased, the slave mentioned, they receiving 24/. And under the report made by Simon Fraser and others, the respective defendants are entitled as reported, viz.: To William GILLIAM the slaves in the last mentioned report; to Thomas Griffin Peachy the slaves mentioned; to the executors of Nathaniel Harrison, deceased, the slaves mentioned; to Charles Duncan the slaves mentioned; and to Robert Turnbull as trustee for the use of the executors of Robert Boyd, deceased, the complainants, and by him to be delivered into the possession of the said complainants and executors, or to any one of them, or to any agent appointed by them or either of them, as the estate and proportion of their testator Robert Boyd, deceased, under the will of the said John GILLIAM, deceased, under the same report the slaves mentioned. And the executors of Nathaniel Harrison, deceased, are to pay unto William GILLIAM 50/ and Charles Duncan is to pay Thomas G. Peachy and Robert Turnbull, trustee, 50/each. The Court orders that the interlocutory order be made absolute and final, and that the costs of this suit be shared equally by the complainants and the defendants.
Amelia County, VA, Order Book 18, page 151a
Thursday, 27 Dec 1787
John GILLIAM, P vs.
Robert Lawson, Samuel Booker & Wood Jones, & Phillip Jones, security for Lawson and Jones, D} Motion on a Replevin Bond
The same as above, against Wood Jones only, for £189.9.10 specie or in lieu thereof, as much inspected crop Appomattox tobacco as the said sum of money be worth on the day of payment, with lawful interest thereon from 21 August 1787 to the time of payment, and his costs.
Amelia County, VA, Order Book 18, page 165b
Friday, 28 March 1788
John GILLIAM, P vs.
William Walthall and John Marshall, D.} In Debt -
D acknowledges the P’s action. Court rules that the P recover from the D (blank), the debt in the declaration, and his costs. The D in mercy pleads. This judgment is to be satisfied by the payment of (blank), with lawful interest thereon from (blank) to the time of payment, and his costs.
Amelia County, VA, Order Book 18, page 174a
29 March 1788
Jones, security for Robert Lawson, on their joint replevin bond passed to the said GILLIAM for the sum of £378.19.8, or in lieu thereof, as much inspected crop Appomattox tobacco as the said sum of money be worth on the day of payment, together with the costs of this motion.
But this judgment except as to the costs is to be satisfied by the payment of £189.9.10 like money, or like tobacco with lawful interest thereon from 25 August 1787 to the time of payment.
On the motion of the D by his attorney, an appeal is granted him to the 8th day of the next General Court.
Amelia County, VA, Order Book 19, page 9
2 Sep 1788
John GILLIAM, P vs. Robert Lawson, Samuel Booker, and Wood Jones, D.} In Debt -
D Lawson by his attorney, William Cowan, acknowledges the P's action.
Court rules that the P recover against the said Ds ₤325, the debt in the declaration mentioned, and his costs. The Ds in mercy plead. This judgment is to be satisfied by the payment of ₤162.10.0 like money in gold or silver specie, or in lieu thereof as much inspected crop tobacco or the Appomattox warehouses as the said sum of money is worth on the day of payment, rating the tobacco at the then market price, with lawful interest thereon from 11 June 1785 to the time of payment, and the costs.
On the motion of John GILLIAM by his attorney, judgment is granted him against Robert Lawson on his replevin bond passed to the said John GILLIAM for the sum of ₤378.9.8, or in lieu thereof as much inspected crop tobacco or the Appomattox warehouses as the said sum of money is worth on the day of payment, rating the tobacco at the then market price, together with the costs of this motion. But this judgment except as to the costs is to be satisfied by the payment of ₤189.9.10 like specie or like tobacco, with lawful interest thereon from 21 August 1787 to the time of payment, and costs. Phillip Jones comes into Court and relinquishes his appeal formerly granted him in this cause.
Amelia County, VA, Order Book 19, page 61
21 Nov 1740
John (X) Talley to John GILLIAM of Prince George Co.
Consid: 20 pounds; 174 acres: N/S West Creek, bounded in part by Henry Talley's cor. & George Stegall's line. Possession obtained by John GILLIAM in presence of J. Munford, Richard Jones & Walter Campbell. Deed ackn. by John Tally & ordered rec. at Court held Nov. 21, 1740, after ANN his wife, relinquished her Right of Dower.
Wit: J. Munford, Richard Jones & Walter Campbell
Amelia County, VA, Deed Book 1, page 264
11 Nov 1740
Margery (X) GILLIAM, Martha (X) GILLIAM & Ann (X) GILLIAM of Prince George Co. to John GILLIAM of Prince. George Co. Consid. 10 pounds. 183 acres in main fork of Deep Creek known as "The Island" being a pat. to John GILLIAM on Apr. 15 1732, as devised by will of sd. John GILLIAM, dec'd., to. sd. Margery GILLIAM, Martha GILLIAM & Anne GILLIAM. Possession obtained by John GILLIAM on Nov. 11, 1740. Deed ackn. by Margery GILLIAM, Martha GILLIAM & Ann GILLIAM, proved by oaths of Peter Jones, John Jones & Walter Campbell, three of the wits, thereto, & ordered held at Court held Nov. 21, 1740.
Wit: Peter Jones, John Jones, James Clark, James Robertson & Walter Campbell
Amelia County, VA, Deed Book 1, page 266
17 Dec 1741
John Fitzgerrald of Prince George County to John GILLIAM of Prince George County,
Consid: 90 pound. 936 acres, being pat. to sd. John FitzGerrald on June 1, 1741, on head of West's Creek of Deep Creek, bounded in-part by a mark "near below John FitzGerrald's marked beech on a fork of sd. creek a marked tree above the hunting path, and a tree on fork of West's Creek
Wit: Clement Read, Hezekiah Ford & Feild Jefferson
Possession obtained by John GILLIAM in presence, of Clement Read, Hezekiah Ford & Feild Jefferson on Dec. 17 1741
Deed ackn. by John FitzGerrald & ordered rec. cit Court held Dec. 18, 1741, after Ann, his wife, relinquished her Right of Dower.
Amelia County, VA, Deed Book 1, page 356
15 Nov 1744
Deed of Lease. Stith Hardaway to Richard Winn of Hanover Co.
Consid. 1 shilling. 388 acres in fork below Little Nottoway River & Lazaritta Creek adj. Epes line.
Wit: Robert Wathen, John GILLIAM & Samuel Pently [sic]
Amelia County, VA, Deed Book 2, page 82
15 Aug 1746
Jesse (X) GILLUM of Surrey Co. to John Worsham
Consid: 9 pounds, 13 shillings, 6 pence. "A certain tract on Beaver Pond Branch” (no acreage given) beginning at Joseph Grainger’s lower line; also to include 200 acres according to Joseph Grainger's will.
Possession obtained by John Worsham in presence of William Crawley, William Worsham & William Neale on Aug. 15, 1746.
Wit: William Crawley, William Worsham & William Neale
Deed ackn. by Jesse GILLUM on Feb. 20, 1746 & pro. by oaths of William Worsham & William Neale; further pro. by oath of William Crawley on Mar. 20, 1746, & ordered rec.
Amelia County, VA, Deed Book 2, page 432
16 May 1747
John Mayes to John GILLIAM of Prince George Co.
Consid. 95 pounds. 382 acres s/s Woody Creek of Deep Creek, bounded in part by mouth of a little rock branch of Woody Creek, Woody Creek & the branch, being part of a larger tract pat. to sd. Mayes. On Sept 8, 1732
Wit: Charles Fishes, Hugh Miller & Alexander Gordon
Amelia County, VA, Deed Book 2, page 500
18 May 1748
Deed of Gift. William Mackewen to William Belsheir and Elizabeth his wife.
Consid: Love and affection for William Blesheir and Elizabeth, his wife. 144 acres adj. Road along William Mackewen’s old line, West Creek, line of John GILLIAM to Deep Creek below the bridge and the road.
Wit: Wood Jones, Alexander Howard & Ann (x) Tesdale
Amelia County, VA, Deed Book 3, page 68
18 May 1748
To all Christian people to whom these present shall come I William Mackewen of the County of Amelia send greeting in our Lord God Everlasting know ye that I the said William Mackewen for and in consideration of the love and affection I have and bare unto Thomas Belsheir and Elizabeth his wife of the county aforesaid and for their better advancement and perferment in this world have given granted and confirmed and by this present writing do fully freely and absolutely give grant and confirm unto the said Thomas Belsheir and Elizabeth his wife there heirs and assigns for ever one certain tract or parcel of land containing one hundred fourty four acres by estimation be the same more or less beginning at the road thence along my old line to Weste Creek from thence down the said creek to John Gillam’s line thence along his line to Deep Creek below the Bridg from thence along the rode to the beginning To have and to hold the said tract or parcel of land and every part thereof with the appurtenances unto the said Thomas Belsheir and Elizabeth his wife their heirs and assigns to the only proper use and behoof of him the said Thos. Belsheir and Elizabeth his wife their heirs and assigns for ever. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this the eighteenth day of May anno Domini one thousand seven hundred and forty eight
Sig: William Mackewen (seal)
Sealed and Delivered in presence of Wood Jones, Alexander Howard, Ann (her x mark) Tesdale
At court held for Amelia County the xxth day of May MDCCXLVIII William Mackewen presented and acknowledged this his Deed of Gift to Thomas Belsheir and Elizabeth his wife and ordered to be recorded.
Samuel Cobbs Clk
Amelia County, VA, Deed Book 3, page 68
18 Feb 1750
Thomas (x) Belcher & Elizabeth, his wife of Rawley Parish to Benjamin Dison of Rawley parish. Consid. 56 pounds. 51 acres in Rawley Parish, bounded in part by the road in head of bottom, the bottom as it meanders to West Creek, John GILLIAM’s line & Deep Creek.
Wit: John GILLIAM, Richard Hayes & Grief Randolph
Amelia County, VA, Deed Book 5, page 19
23 May 1750
James (x) Dicks (also Dix), planter, of Luningburg Co. (Va.) to John Booker
Conside: 60 pounds. 200 acres on a branch of West Creek, being part of a greater tract purchased by James Dicks from Thomas Tabb by deed, & bounded in part by lines of John Baldwin, William Baldwin, Henry Ward, John GILLIAM & Edward Bine, being land whereon James Dicks lately lived.
Wit: William Baldwin, John Baldwin, and David Baldwin
Amelia County, VA, Deed Book 5, page 22
20 Sep 1751
Elisha Lyon of Amelia Co to William GILLIAM of Albemarle Co, 20 Sep 1751. Consid 40 pounds 160 acres in Amelia Co on Mays Creek, adj Lines of James Doss, the creek, south of Creek and a branch.
Wit: Joel Watkins, Moses Mathews, William Roberts, & Edward N___ [likely Nix]
Pro: 16 Sep 1751 by Watkins & Roberts
[This William GILLIAM is likely William Gilliam who married Mary Jarratt. William’s son Devereaux had dealings with Elisha Lyon and the Dosses were neighbors of the Gilliams in Buckingham.]
McConnaughey, Gibson Jefferson. Unrecorded Deeds and Other Documents of Amelia County, VA, 1750-1902. Athens, GA: Iberian Publishing, Co.
22 Aug 1751
John Booker of Nottoway Parish to Honorius Powell of Raleigh parish.
Consid: 85 pound. 200 acres on a branch of West Creek, adj. Lines of John Baldwin, William Baldwin, Henry Ward, John GILLIAM and Edward Bines, being tract conveyed to John Booker from James Dick by a deed dated May 23, 1750.
Wit: [none listed],
Amelia County, VA, Deed Book 5 page 103
20 Dec 1751
Honorius Powell to James Harris of Henrico Co.
Consid. 80 pounds. 2000 acres, land whereon James Dicks lately lives, adj. Land of William Baldwin, Henry Ward, John GILLIAM & Edward Bines, being tract bought by John Booker from James Dicks & by sd. Booker conveyed by deed d. Aug 22, 1751 to Honorius Powell.
Wit: Benjamin Hawkins, Edmund Booker, Jr. & John Trabue
Amelia County, VA, Deed Book 4, page 240
10 Nov 1752
William Crockett to Charles GILLIAM of Prince George co. Deed also signed by Mary Crockett. Consid 60 pounds. 200 acres b/s Falling Creek, adj. Lines of Caldwell, with all houses, etc.,
Wit: William Smith, Robert (x) Nelly & Joshua GILLIAM
Amelia County, VA, Deed Book 5, page 447
25 Jul 1753
Deed of Gift. John Mayes to James Mayes. Deed also signed by Ann (x) Mayes.
Consid. Love and Affection for son, & 5 shillings. 200 acres adj. Lines of GILLIAM, Dennison, Parum, Deep Creek, & John Mays. With all buildings , etc.
Wit: Thomas Spain, Richard Dennis, & John (x) Clark
Amelia County, VA, Deed Book 5, page 80
29 Sep 1756
I, James Atwood, of Amelia Co, for the love I have for my son Richard Atwood, have given my sd son a certain tract of land in Prince Edward co, containing abt 400 A join. the lands of Thomas Scott, Alexr. Kean, Richard Swepston, & Wm. Parnall, being pt of that tract of land grt'd. to sd. James Atwood by patent containing 1,765 A.
Sig: June 25, 1757 (sic), James Atwood
Wits: Jas. Harris, Lawrence B. (his X mark) Brown, John Drinkard, John Ford, George Forest, Wm. Atwood, Francis Forrest, Charles GILLIAM.
Rec'd. Aug 9, 1756.,
Prince Edward County, VA, Deed Book 1, page 104b
[Though this deed is from Prince Edward, it is included here since Atwood was of Amelia.]
4 Sep 1758
James Mayes of Nottoway Parish to John Fitzpatrick of Nottoway Parish.
Consid. 147 pounds. 196 acres. Being land conveyed by John Mayes to said James Mayes, adj. W/s Woody Creek near a ledge of rocks, a new line, Deep Creek, Ellington’s cor., a small branch as it meanders, GILLIAM’s cor. Dennis’ cor. And head of Horsepen branch.
Wit: Stith Hardaway, William Bailey, Amos (x) Westbrook, & Frances Osborn
Amelia County, VA, Deed Book 8, page 436
10 Oct 1758
Daniel (x) Sturdivant of Prince George C. to James Sturdivant, son of said Daniel.
Consid. 20 shillings. 200 acres, “part of tract taken up by my father, Daniel Sturdivant, dec’d.” in Amelia Co on s/s Deep Creek adj. Lines of John GILLIAM & James Sturdivant, with all houses, orchard, etc.
Wits. William Parham, Sarah (x) Parham & James Sturdivant
Amelia County, VA, Deed Book 8, page 1
23 Nov 1758
Henry Ward & Prudence, his wife, to Thomas Griffin Peachy.
Consid. 400 pounds. 600 acres in Nottoway Parish on the three forks of West Creek adj. Mouth of small branch running into sd. Creek just below the plantation where Henry Ward lately lived, the same branch as it meanders, the mill path, a valley, line of Steward on southfork of sd. Creek, another small creek as it meanders on Dobson’s line & n/s of Fitgerrald’s or middle, fork, & lines of GILLIAM, Harris, and Baldwin, with all houses etc.
Wit: [none listed].
Amelia County, VA, Deed Book 8, page 417
2 Apr 1759
John Fitzpatrick of Nottoway Parish, Amelia co to Peter Pincham of Raleigh Parish, Amelia Co.
Consid. 156/16/0. 196 acres, being tract James Mayes conveyed to John Fitzpatrick, adj. Woody Creek near a ledge of rocks, Ellinton’s corner, a small branch as it meanders, GILLIAM’s corner, the patent line, Dennis’ corner, & Horsepen Branch.
Wit: Charles Adams, Samuel Pincham, & David (x) Dunn.,
Amelia County, VA, Deed Book 7, page 4
11 Mar 1760
Deed of Gift.
John GILLIAM, the elder, of Prince George Co. to Thomas Griffin Peachy of Amelia Co.
Consid. 5 shillings. One Negro slave named Frank. With all her future increase.
Wits. Benjamin Dyson, Robert GILLIAM.,
Amelia County, VA, Deed Book 7, page 302
9 Feb 1765
William Anderson of Amelia Co. William Crawley of same.
Consid. 360 pounds. 380 acres in Amelia Co. between Deep Creek & West Creek, adj. Richard Hayes, John GILLIAM, Benjamin Dyson, Drury Thompson, with all houses, etc.
Wits. David Ellington, John Morgan & Amy (x) Ellington
Amelia County, VA, Deed Book 8, page 531
28 Aug 1766
James Sturdivant and Elizabeth, his wife, of Amelia County to John GILLIAM, the Elder, of Prince George County in consideration of £200, 200 acres in Amelia County between Deep Creek and Seller Fork, being part of 420 acres given said James by his father, James Sturdivant and conveyed to him deed of gift dated 26 June 1753, with all buildings, etc.
Wit: None
Rec: 28 Jul 1766
Elizabeth, wife of James Sturdivant, relinquished her dower right.
Amelia County, VA, Deed Book 9 page 27
28 Aug 1766
James Sturdivant of Amelia County to John GILLIAM the Elder, of Prince George County, in consideration of 20 shillings, three acres in Amelia County on Seller Creek between lines of James Sturdivant, son of Daniel Sturdivant, and Seller Creek, adj the line of John GILLIAM, his old tract, and at upper end nearly joining land on which aid John lately purchased of above James. (Said parcel being part of 420 acres given James by his father, James Sturdivant and conveyed to him by deed of gift dated 26 June 1753).
Wit: None
Rec: 28 Aug 1766
Elizabeth, wife of James Sturdivant, relinquishes her dower right.
Amelia County, VA, Deed Book 9, page 29
24 Feb 1769
Richard Smith of Amelia County to Thomas Tabb of same, in consideration £60, 112 acres in Amelia County adjacent lines of John GILLIAM, James Farley, and Daniel Farley, with all appurtenances.
Wit: John King, Rowlett Pride and Henry Jeter
Rec: 28 Sep 1769
Amelia County, VA, Deed Book 11, page 59
27 Jun 1771
John Tabb, Gent, of Amelia County, to John Norris, Sr., of same. in consideration £80, 112 acres adj lines of John GILLIAM, James Farley, and Daniel Farley.
Wit: None
Rec: 27 Jun 1771
Amelia County, VA, Deed Book 11, page 287
26 Jun 1772
Peter Jones of Raleigh Parish, Amelia County to William Jones, in consideration £800, 547 acres in Amelia County on southside of Deep Creek and is same land where Maj. Peter Jones, decd lived during his lifetime. Land is adj Deep Creek, which divides it from lands of John GILLIAM, William Osborne, and David Booth, "and is from said creek divided from lands of Peter Jones, commonly called Distinction Road Peter," and adj Spinners Branch, and line of John Jones.
Wit: Robert Lawson, Daniel Jones, Branch Jones, and Edward Jones
Rec: 26 Jun 1772
Amelia County, VA, Deed Book 11, page 453
4 Nov 1772
This Indenture made the fourth Day of November in the year of our Lord Christ One thousand seven hundred and seventy two Between Thomas Booth and Elizabeth, his wife, of the County of Amelia of the one part and John GILLIAM Sen. of the County of Prince George of the other Part . . . in Consideration of the sum of Five hundred Pounds Current Money . . . containing by Estimation Three hundred and Eighty two acres . . . lying and being in the Sweathouse Creek in the Parish of Raleigh and County of Amelia adjacent Long Branch above the bridge, Georges Branch, and line of George Booth. This is land where Thomas Booth now lives and is part of 1554 acres patented to his father, Thomas Book, on Sep 29, 1735, and conveyed by him to his son, Thomas on Apr 29, 1749.
Wit: John Clay, Sr., Archer Johnson, T. G. Peachy, Thomas Shore and Pleasant Roberts.
Rec: 24 Feb 1773.
Amelia County, VA, Deed Book 11, page 434
[Lucy Gilham Booth, daughter of Thomas Booth marries in Mecklenburg County in 1791.]
20 Jun 1774
James Harris of Amelia Co. to Field Clark of Dale Parish, Chesterfield Co. Consid 114 pounds. 114 acres in Nottoway Parish, Amelia Co., adj line of GILLIAM’s buildings, and lines of George & Haskins.
Also signed by Nancy Harris.
Wit: Caleb Butler, Silvanus Staton, & Micajah Madderra
Pro: 4 Nov 1774, by two witnesses
McConnaughey, Gibson Jefferson. Unrecorded Deeds and Other Documents of Amelia County, VA, 1750-1902. Athens, GA: Iberian Publishing, Co. Packet #1 Labeled “Deeds Not Proven, A to H”
25 Apr 1777
James Harris & Field Clark, both of Amelia co. to John Baldwin. Deed also signed by Nancy Harris, wife of John Harris 25 Apr 1777, 114 £, 114 1/2 acres in Amelia Co. round a spring formerly called Dix spring and on branches of West Creek, adj. lines of John Gilliam, William Baldwin and William George
Wit: George Baldwin, Alexander Roberts & William Baldwin
Rec. 22 May 1777
Amelia County, VA, Deed Book 14, p. 100
[Nancy Harris, wife of John Harris may be an error].
28 Jan 1785
John Blankenship of Amelia Co. to William Dison of same 28 Jan 1785, 5£ (sic) 114 1/2 a in Amelia Co. on branches of West Creek, but excepting 10a adj. William Baldwin’s line conveyed by deed to James Cook. The land is adj. lines of James Harris, John Gilliam and William Baldwin
Wit: George Baldwin, Nathaniel Farley & David (his X mark) Blankenship
Rec: 24 Feb 1785
Amelia County, VA, Deed Book 17, page 125
5 Dec 1795
Philip Booth of Amelia Co., to Henry Boles, Jr, of Chesterfield Co. deed 5 Dec 1795. Conside 5 shillings. 180 acres in Amelia Co on Butterwod Road adj. lines of Matthew Booth, Thomas Booth, Thomas F. Wells, William Harrison and William GILLIAM.
Wit: Wm Moseley, Henry [his X mark] Boles, Sr., and Thomas Boles.
McConnaughey, Gibson Jefferson. Unrecorded Deeds and Other Documents of Amelia County, VA, 1750-1902. Athens, GA: Iberian Publishing, Co., page 51.
9 Apr 1798
Matthew and Mary [her X mark] Wilson to William Wilson. Apr 9 1798, Consider 350 pounds, 160 acres in Amelia Co, adj. lands of William Wilson, William GILLIAM, & Peter Wilson, with al houses , buildings, yards, orchards, etc.,
Wit: Samuel A. Jackson, Joel Mann, James [his X mark] Bevill & John Baldwin.
Pro: 27 Sep 1798, by two witnesses and ordered cont’d.
McConnaughey, Gibson Jefferson. Unrecorded Deeds and Other Documents of Amelia County, VA, 1750-1902. Athens, GA: Iberian Publishing, Co., page 51.
Landowner's Directory of 1815
William Gilham, estate, 17SE
[Directions and distances are measured from the Courthouse.]
Ward, Roger G. 1815 Directory of Virginia Landowners (and Gazetteer) Volume 1, Central Region. Athens, GA: Iberian Pub. Co., 1997.
31 Mar 1756
George Forest and Frances Atwood, daughter of James Atwood.
Wit: John Forest, John GILLIAM. Surety: Richard Atwood.
20 Mar 1745
Richard Tunstall, Gent., 1,120 acs. 20 Mar 1745
Amelia Co on both sides of little Flatt Cr. in a valley adj. the land purchased of Mayes, Thomas Jones, now John Ellis’s line, Clark, Fitzgerrald now John GILLUMS line, Royall & Watson; 20 Mar. 1745 £1. 953 acs. part formerly gtd. John Mayes by Pat 9 Feb. 1737 and by him sold and conveyed to the sd. Richard Tunstall.
Cavaliers and Pioneers, Volume V, 156
20 Mar 1745
William Mackewin, 794 acs. 20 Mar 1745
between Deep Cr. and West’s Cr. on Deep Cr. just below the bridge adj. William Hayes & John GILLUM £1.S10, 122 acs. part formerly gtd. Thomas Satterwhite by Pat 24 Mar. 1725 the right & title is since become vested in sd. William Mackewin, 400 acs. other part formerly gtd. sd. William Mackewen by Pat 10 Sep. 1735 and the residue never before gtd.
Cavaliers and Pioneers, Volume V, 159
31 Aug 1753
John Foster, 10808 acs. 31 Aug 1753
Amelia Co. on both sides of Tossakia Cr. Adj. Robert Malone, GILHAM, Stovall, Pool, Baker & Stunk £5.S10.
[This land is in Lunenburg Co. where it was referred to as Irby’s property.]
Cavaliers and Pioneers, Volume VI, 138
Pension of Elizabeth GILLIAM Arthur
Publick Claims
At court held for the county of Amelia, the 16th day of April 1782 . . .
Jno. Booth assee of Wm. GILLIAM, 1 horse, 7 years old taken 28 May 1781, £72
William GILLIAM for 6 beeves 2270#, Sept. Contl. £28.7.6
28 Aug 1783
At a court held for Amelia County 28th Aug 1783. . .
John GILLIAM for 2 bu corn 4s
Sir agreeable to your excellencies request of 7th Sept we herewith transmit you a list of the several certificates by us given since our return of the 28th of the said month, the person names, the sums due him, and the date of the certificate
John GILLIAM £1206.
John GILLIAM £1706
John GILLIAM £1129, 22 Mar
John GILLIAM for 4 beeves 1005# Nov £12.11.3; 53 bu wheat Mar £13.5; for 145.5 bus. Sept £36.7.6; for 4 days hire of his waggon team & driver and finding provisions for them Sept £2.10; for 3 beeves 800# Sept £10
[Listed on this page, Irby, Pride and Stott, previous page is Thomas Griffin Peachy]
William GILLIAM for 3 beeves 985# Aug £12.3.9.
William GILLIAM for 2 beeves 650# Sept. £8.2.6
At a court held for the county of Amelia 23 May 1783 . . .
John GILLIAM for 50# beef 16s.8
Revolutionary War Public Service Claims
Court Booklet I, p 40, II, p 36, 41, Certificates 5, Lists I, p 3, II, p 3, 5, Commissioner’s Book I, p 56
John Bath, assignee,
Court Booklet I, p 2, 19, 46, 61, Certificates 4, Commissioner’s Book I, p 37, 57
William GILLIAM, Estate, Certificates 1
Library of Virginia, Revolutionary War Public Service Claims
1790 Personal
GILLIAM, James, 1 tithes, 2 blacks over 16, 0 blacks under 16, 3 horses
GILLIAM, William, ? tithes, 15 blacks over 16, 3 blacks under 16, 9 horses
Binns Genealogy. 1790/1800 County Tax Lists of Virginia.
1791 Land
GILLIAM, John, 330 acres, 6.4 rate, 508.16.11 valuation, 7.12.7 3/4 tax
GILLIAM, William, 1259 acres, 8.1 rate, 104.10.0 valuation, 1.11.4 1/2 tax
Binns Genealogy. 1790/1800 County Tax Lists of Virginia.
1800 Land
GILLIAM, John, 330 acres, __ rate, 104.10.6 valuation, 1.67 tax
GILLIAM, William, 1259 acres, 8.1 rate, 508.17 valuation, 8.4 tax
Binns Genealogy. 1790/1800 County Tax Lists of Virginia.
1800 Personal
GILLIAM, William, 1 tithes, 12 blacks over 16, 1 blacks under 16, 7 horses, 6.56 tax
Binns Genealogy. 1790/1800 County Tax Lists of Virginia.
List of Tithes Below Deep Creek, Amelia County
Jno GILLIAM at his Quarter, 1 tithe
Hall, an Indian
[It should be noted the Hugh Leaden also appears on this list with one tithe. See Charles City GILLIAMs: Mr. Robt. Bolling stands security for Mrs. GILLUM, she having the estate of orphan Hugh Leaden in her hands. 3 Dec 1678]
A List of Tithables Below Deep Creek Taken by Charles Irby for the Year
John GILLIAM Quarter, 4 tithes
Hal, Pompey, Tom, Mursear?
Kolbe, J. C. Amelia County Tithable List for 1737. Southside Virginian, Volume 1, page 16
by J.C.Kolbe
John GILLUM, 3 tithes
Hall, Pompey, Mursear?
John GILLUM, 4 tithes
Hall?, Pompey, Tom, Maria
John GILLIAM, 5 tithes
Charles Lewis
Tom, Dick, Merriah?, Noll
1746, Between Deep Creek and Flat Creek
Lawrence Smith
Cesar, Jemmy, Lucey
John GILLIAM, 8 tithes
Charles Lewis
Tom, Dick, Hannahball, Maria, Cesar, Janey, Leusey [Lucy]?
John Daniel? & GILLIAM's List?, 9 tithes
John GILLUM, 4 tithes
Seaver, Jeamy, Hannah, Aggy
John GILLIAM, 9 tithes
Benja Dison,
Tom, Dick, Bristo[l], Hannahbald, Maria, Lucy, Pegg, Hannah
John GILLUM, 4 tithes
Cesar, Jaemy, Sara, Nan
Binns Genealogy, Colonial Tithe Lists, Amelia, Image 1d
John GUILLIAMS, 10 tithes
Benjamin Dison
Tom, Dick, Hannibal, Bristol, Mariah, Lucy, Amber, Hanah, Pegg
Jno GUILLAMS, 17 tithes
Benja Dison
Cesar, Wappin, Tom, Hannibal, Peter, Bristol, Lucy, Peg, Hanah, Pat, Meriah, Frank, Amber, Mol, Willm Dison, Agge
BinnsGenealogy.com, Amelia Tithes, 1752, Image 12
John GILLUM, 3 tithes
Jaemy, Nan, Sarah
BinnsGenealogy.com, Amelia Tithes, 1752, Image 6
17 tithes
Ben Dison
Bristol, Sefar?, Mingo, Lucy, Patt, Meriah, Doll, Tom, Peter, Hannibal, Pegg, Hanah, Amber, Moll, Frank, Beck
John GULLIAM, 16 tithes
Benjamin Dison,
Bristol, Mingo, Wappin, Hannibal, Peter, Tom, Lucy, Meriah, Patt, Doll, Pegg, Hannah, Moll, Frank, Amber
John GILLUM, Sr.'s, 5 tithes
Leacar [?], Tom, Sarah, Beck, Cate
John GILLIAM, 17 tithes
Benja Dyson,
Bristol, Mingo, Wappin, Lucy, Patt, Doll, Murrear, Tom, Peter, Hannibal, Nan, Hannah, Pegg, Amber, Moll, Frank
BinnsGenealogy.com, Amelia Tithes, 1756, Image 4.
John GILLIAM, 6 tithes
Cesar, Tom, Cate, Nel__ [?], Beck & Sarah
BinnsGenealogy.com, Amelia Tithes, 1756, Image 15
No GILLIAMs listed
No Extant Lists
Raleigh Parish, Below Deep Creek
John GILLIAM, Sr., 11 tithes
Benjamin Dyson, overseer
Wappin, Noseer [?], Patt, Judah, Bristol, Tom, Hannaball, Bristol, Peter, Amber and Moll.
BinnsGenealogy.com, Amelia Tithes, 1762, Image 8
Nottoway Parish
John GILLIAM, Jr, Tithes 11
John Baldwin, Jr.
Mosses, Sela, James, Aron, Pegg, Hanah, Nan, Frank, Kate, and Sarah
BinnsGenealogy.com, Amelia Tithes, 1762, Image 13
John GILLIAM, 3 tithes
Mingo, Lucy and Doll
John GILLIAM, Sr., 14 tithes
Benja Dison
Bristoll, Mingo, Wapping, Lucy, Mariah, Patt, Doll, Jude, Tom, Peter, Hannibal, Moll, Amber
BinnsGenealogy.com, Amelia Tithes, 1763, Image 29
John GILLIAM, 4 Tithes
BinnsGenealogy.com, Amelia Tithes, 1763, Image 41
20 Jan 1735/1736
Will of Joseph Grainger of Rawleigh Parish,
Probated 20 Jun 1740.
Legatee; Cozen George Worsham, all my land in both surveys Miry Branch, the tract which Danniel [sic] Jackson lives on; Danniel Jackson, son of Danniel Jackson, tract of land which Francis Meryman lives on; John GILLUM, son of John GILLUM 200 acres at lower end tract I now live on, the said John GILLUM I give to his Father-in-law Thomas Reams; John Worsham remainder of tract where I now live; Wife Elizabeth 1/3 part of benefits of the mill and rest of movables of my estate; Daniel Jackson may have land of Spring on my plantation which he now makes use of.
Wit: Richard Eckols, John Chappell.
Executor, Wife. Friend, John Worsham.
Estate Inventory and Accounting, received 15 Aug 1740.
Appraised Walter Childs, Francis Man, William Green.
Executor John Worsham. Value 39.0.6
Estate Settlement, received Feb 1740 Court, returned 20 Feb 1740 by Thomas Tabb and Richard Booker.
Net value 7.14.4.
Names mentioned in settlement: Joseph Patterson, Thomas Brooks, Mr. Ford, Thomas Bevill, Mr. Bell, John West, John Scott (Attorney), Edward Booker, to Churchwardens for Elizabeth Tucker, paid Sheriff’s fees in Henrico County, VA.
[The Vestry of Bristol Parish orders "that John GILLIAM, orphan of John GILLIAM decsd be bound to Joseph Grainger and his heirs as the Law directs." Bristol Parish, Vestry at Ferry Chapel. 16 Feb 1728/29.]
Amelia County, VA, Will Book 1, 1735-1761, page ___.
Settlement of Will of John GILLIAM, 1775
Sep 1783
Will of William Booth
In the name of God, Amen. I, William Booth of Amelia County be sick and weak of body, but perfect mind and memory, and Calling to mind that it is appointed for all men once to die. Thereby make and appoint this my last Will and Testament and first I Recommend my Soul to almighty God Who Gave it me and my body to the Earth to be buried in a decent and Christian Like Manner and as for what temperial [sic] Estate it hath Please God to Bless me with, I Dispose of in manner and form following.
Item I Lend to my beloved wife, Phoebe Booth, the plantation where I now Live and one hundred and Twenty acres of Land, and Six Negroes. Namely, Sam, In, Dick, Jane, Doll, and Luck, and Ten Head of Choice Cattle during her Natural Life or Widowhood.
Item I give and bequeath to my son Mathew Booth one hundred and Fifty acres of Land to be taken off the upper part of the Land where I now live adjoining John Tucker and William GILLIAM to him and the Heirs of his body For Ever.
Item I give and bequeath unto my son Thomas Booth the remaining Part of the Tract of Land whereon I now Live, his mother to have a right to the one hundred and Twenty Acres as above mentioned till her death or marriage, the rest the said Thomas Booth To Take Possession at the age of Twenty one Which I give To him and the Heirs of his body for Ever.
Item It is my will and desire that my son, Philip Booth be entitled and Receive the sum of Fifty Pounds in Lue [sic] of Land to him and his heirs for Ever.
Item It is my desire that Archer Clardy and Sally Farley Cardy be entitled and Receive the sum of Twenty five Pounds each to be Raised out of my whole Estate before any Division.
Item I desire also that if my son, Mathew Booth, Should die without a Lawful heir that his Part of Land Shall Fall to my son, William Booth. Likewise if my son Thomas Booth dies Without a Lawful Heir, his part of Land shall Fall to my son, Philip Booth and their heirs of their bodies for ever.
The one hundred and Twenty acres of Land Lent to my wife Phebe Booth to fall to my son Thomas Booth at her death or marriage.
It is my Will and desire that When my son, Thomas Booth, arrives to the age of Twenty one that there may be an equal Division of all my Estate of what kind soever among all my Children them Living also if my Wife be Living Single at the time of Such Devision [sic], that She be allowed one choice Negro and a Child's Part during her Life or Widowhood.
Item I Lastly appoint my Friends Archer Johnson and William Wilson and my Wife Phoebe Booth Executors of this my Last Will and Testament.
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal This 21st day of May one thousand Seven hundred and Eighty Three. It is further my desire that if my Executors think that any thing can be spared from my wife and younger Children to be Lent, as They see Proper, to such of my children as may most need them and the Remainder part of Stock of Cattle and horses desiring to keep for the use of the Plantation, the Sorrell mare with a blaise face and gray horse Colt, bay mare with her Colt, Sorrell mare, Colt with Blase face, Such other Horses now remaining to be Sent to my sons by appraisement Reserving to make such allowances in the Tract at the Time of Division as such horse may be valued to and the Remaining of Stock Sent out to be in Like manner. If any Negroes Sent out they with their Increase to be Returned and Equally Divided.
Signed and delivered
William Booth (seal)
in presence of
Anderson Freeman
Daniel [his X mark] Tate
Cliborne [his X mark] Tucker
At a Court held in Amelia County the ____day of September 1783
This will was Proven by the Oath of Clairborne Tucker and Anderson Freeman, two of the witnesses thereto subscribed and was ordered to be recorded. And at another Court held for the Said County the 20th day of September 1794
The Executor _____ on the motion of Mathew Booth who took the oath and gave bond with Security as the Law Demands Certificate is ________ him for obtaining letters of administration on the said Estate and the will annexed.
Amelia County, VA, Will Book 3, Page 222
20 May 1797
Will of Phillip Booth
In the name of God Amen I Phillip Booth of Amelia County being sick of body but in my right mind doth make this my last will in manner following.
Item I give unto my sister, Phoebe Booth, one Negro Woman named Hannah also one Negro Boy named Fountain, my Blaze faced sorrel mare & Bridle To her and her Heirs forever. My desire is for my Negro man Sam to be sold to the highest bidder to discharge my debts.
Item I give unto my sister Judith Booth one Gray horse colt to her & her heirs for Ever.
Item I give unto my Niece, Sarah Clarady, my Bay horse Colt to her & her heirs for Ever.
I give unto my Brother, Thomas Booth, my saddle to him & his heirs for Ever.
Item I give unto my Brother, Mathew Booth, my Bed & furniture to him and his heirs for Ever. My desire is that the money arising from the sale of my Negro Sam & the Bond of Henry Boles & the money Due me from Mr. William GILLIAM & the money in my Brother Mathews hands after all my Just Debts are paid, if any balance is left, I Give it to my Brother, Mathew Booth To him and his heirs for Ever.
I also appoint my Brother Mathew Booth & Thomas T Wills to Execute my Will A Witness my hand and seal this Twentieth Day of May one thousand seven hundred and Ninety six.
In presence of
Thomas T Wills
An [her X mark] Mayes
Philip Booth
Elizabeth [her X mark] Mayes
At a court held for Amelia County the 28th day of July 1796
This last Will and Testament of Philip Booth decd was Returned into Court and Proved by the oaths of An Mayes & Elizabeth Mayes two of the witnesses thereto and ordered to be Recorded and at another court held for the said County the 23rd day of February 1797
On the motion of Matthew Booth, one of the Executors otherwise named who took the oath and entered into and acknowledged bond who together with Rice Newman and Thomas Booth, his securities in the penalty of 2000 Dollars
Certificate is granted him for obtaining probate in due form.
James Townes CC
Amelia County, VA, Will Book ___, page ___.
5 Feb 1787
Division of the Slaves in Prince George and Chesterfield Counties per residual clause in the Will of John GILLIAM, the Elder, decd of Prince George Co.: 1/5 part to William GILLIAM; 1/5 part to Thomas Griffin Peachy; 1/5 to Exec of Nathaniel Harrison, decd; 1/5 to Charles Duncan; 1/5 to Robert Turnbull in trust for Exec of Robert Boyd decd.
Ret: 5 Feb 1787
Amelia County, VA, Will Book 4, page 53.
Feb 1787
John Boyd attorney in fact for Charles Duncan acting Exec of the last Will and Testament of Robert Boyd decd and John Baird the other surviving Exec named in the Will of the said Robert
Plts vs William GILLIAM, Thomas Griffin Peachy, Charles Duncan and Jane his wife, and William GILLIAM, Robert GILLIAM and Edmund Harrison acting Exec of the last Will and Testament of Nathaniel Harrison, decd, Defts.
Feb Court 1787
Amelia County, VA, Will Book 4, page 55
17 Dec 1794
Will of John Wilson
Son Jeames [sic] Wilson land whereon he now lives in Nottoway co. 160 acres, a part of the tract of land that I live . . . on Brother William's line . . . William Gillums line. Son Peter Wilson. All my children and Granddaughter Nancey Coleman.
Exec: Brother Charles Wilson, son James Wilson, and Matthew Wilson.
Wit: William Barnes, Thomas Beaxdway [Broadway?], James Bevill.
Sig: John [his X mark] Wilson
Rec: 24 Sep 1795
Amelia County, Will Book 5, page 199
- Abercrombie, Janice L. and Slatten, Richard, comp. Virginia Revolutionary "Publick" Claims. 3 vols. Athens, Ga.: Iberian Pub. Co., 1992.
- Baker, Mary Ellen. Numerous Correspondences, 1998-present.
- Binns Genealogy. 1790/1800 County Tax Lists of Virginia.
- Kidd, Reiley. Amelia County Order Books, 17 & 18, June 1785 – March 1788, Amelia County Historical Society Amelia, VA 23002
- Library of Virginia, Revolutionary War Public Service Claims
- Light, Steve. A List of all the Titheables Below Deep Creek in 1736. (Amelia microfilm reel #55, Library of Virginia, 1736-1771.)
- McConnaughey, Gibson Jefferson. Will Book 1: Amelia County, Virginia: Wills 1735-1761 Bonds 1735-1754. Amelia, Va.: Mid-South Publishing Company, 1978.
- McConnaughey, Gibson Jefferson. Amelia County, Virginia: Deed Book 1, 1735-1743, Bonds 1735-1741. Amelia, Va.: Mid-South Publishing Company.
- McConnaughey, Gibson Jefferson. Amelia County, Virginia: Deed Book 2, 1742-1747. Amelia, Va.: Mid-South Publishing Company.
- McConnaughey, Gibson Jefferson. Amelia County, Virginia: Deed Books 3 & 4, 1747-1753. Amelia, Va.: Mid-South Publishing Company.
- McConnaughey, Gibson Jefferson. Amelia County, Virginia: Deed Books 5 & 6, 1753-1759. Amelia, Va.: Mid-South Publishing Company.
- McConnaughey, Gibson Jefferson. Amelia County, Virginia: Deed Books 7 & 8, 1759-1765. Amelia, Va.: Mid-South Publishing Company.
- McConnaughey, Gibson Jefferson. Unrecorded Deeds and Other Documents of Amelia County, VA, 1750-1902. Iberian Publishing Co. Athens, GA.
- Ward, Roger G. 1815 Directory of Virginia Landowners (and Gazetteer) Volume 1, Central Region. Athens, GA: Iberian Pub. Co., 1997.
- William & Mary Quarterly, Vol. 16 (1)