Updated November 25, 2022

Campbell County was named for William Campbell, one of the heroes of the Battle of Kings Mountain in 1780. The county was formed from Bedford County in 1781. The county seat is Rustburg.
Lynchburg, in Campbell County, was named for John Lynch, the owner of the original town site. It was established in 1786, was incorporated as a town in 1805, and became a city in 1852. Parts of Campbell and Bedford counties were annexed to the city in 1976.
Russell Parish, 1781
Charles, the son of William GILLIAM and Mary Jarratt settled in what became Campbell County where he served as an Ensign. He settled along Opossum Creek. His estate is listed in the 1815 Landowner's Directory along with that of his son, Charles, Jr., and James.
His son, James married in Campbell and settled in the City of Lynchburg where he owned several lots.
Another GILLIAM line that settled in Campbell is that of Dr. Glover Davenport GILLIAM of Buckingham County. Glover was the son of Richard Holland GILLIAM of Buckingham and his wife, Elizabeth Glover. Glover in 1848 received a grant for 217 acres on the water of Big Falling Water.
Epperson Family Bible
[Martha Virginia Glover GILLIAM married Joseph C. F. Epperson 14 Jun 1845]
Men of Mark in Virginia: Ideals of American life. A Collection of Biographies and Autobiographies of the Leading Men in the State. Ed. Lyon Gardener Tyler.
James Richard GILLIAM, James Richard Gilliam lived at 405 Madison Avenue.
Lynchburg and Its Neighbors
James Richard Gilliam
James Richard Gilliam was born in Campbell County, Virginia, October 26th 1854. His father was James Richard Gilliam, a teacher by profession, and his mother was Annie Slaughter Davenport. He was descended through both parents from people who had helped make Virginia history. Among his father’s ancestors were the Bollings and the Wests, including Captain John West, colonial governor. His mother’s family produced many eminent men in law, politics, and business. Just before the War Between the States the Davenports in Richmond and Lynchburg were chief owners of the packet line which played such an important part in the Virginia life of that day.
When Mr. Gilliam was sonly a year old his father died, and when he was six his mother moved to Amherst County. Here he received what education the country schools offered and five months at Mr. Strode’s school at Kenmore. Before he was fifteen, and prior to his term at Kenmore, he qualified as deputy sheriff of Amherst. Having lived an outdoor life, he had developed a physique of great strength and endurance, along with a remarkable energy and capacity for exacting labor.
After leaving Kenmore High School, he engaged in mercantile work for six months, and then was once more offered the position of deputy sheriff, which involved duties and responsibilities equal to those of sheriff. So well did he discharge the work of this office that he became know as one of the best county officials in the State.
While holding the position of deputy sheriff James Richard Gilliam acquired a half interest in the Amherst Enterprise, a weekly newspaper of which he was business manager. The little town, however, proved to e too small a field for his activities, and in 1878 Mr. Gilliam came to Lynchburg to live. He left behind the respect and affection of the entire Amherst community, which viewed his departure with regret.
Mr. Gilliam was married on October 25th 1887 to Jessie Belfield Johnson, whose father, Fontaine D. Johnson, was a prominent businessman of Lynchburg. Mr. and Mrs. Gilliam had four children: Annie (Mrs. Charles E. Conrad), James Richard, Junior, Frank Johnson, and Thomas West. For years Mr. Gilliam lived on Court Street, and later built a home on Madison Street. On locating in Lynchburg, Mr. Gilliam first became a partner in a wholesale grocery business, and also in a tobacco commission house. He organized a wholesale and retail furniture company, following that with a profitable venture in wholesale boots and shoes. For then years he applies himself to this enterprise, but at the end of that time he sold out to his partners in order to turn his attention exclusively to developing coal property and banking interests in which he was interested. From the original development of the coal mining interest in Southwest Virginia and West Virginia he realized the importance of this field, and began to increase his holdings or he had the nerve and intelligence to act at a time when a lesser man would have been afraid. He was president of the Gilliam, the Arlington, the Shawnee, the Glen Alum, and the Lee Coal and Coke Companies. He also became president of two banks in Lynchburg, and one each in Bedford, Jonesville, Monterey, Clifton Forge, and Lebanon. He was president of the Quinn Marshall Company, and a special partner in the Lynchburg Shoe Company, both large wholesale houses. In addition to these business activities he discharge his duty to the town with the same ability that he bestowed on the his own affairs being chairman of the Finance Committee of the upper branch of the City Council and president of the Board of Managers of the Home and Retreat (now Memorial) Hospital. He was for many years a member of the Board of Stewards of Court Street Methodist Church.
Mr. Gilliam came to Lynchburg in 1878, when the town was just beginning to recover from the shock of the war and Reconstruction. The citizens were then engage in the brace effort of remaking their town, and to them he added his able assistance and poured new energy and resource into the place at a time when these were vastly needed. His accuracy in judging men and his nerve in taking advantage of opportunities soon brought to the forefront every institution with which he was associated. Many of the enterprises he started then have remained up to the present time. At the time of his death in 1917, the directors of the Chamber of Commerce voiced the sentiment that “our city as it stands today in the business worlds is his product more than that of any other man.” He had qualities of goodness and honor that do not always accompany material success, and it was of these qualities that his friends loved him and his fellow citizens respected him. One of his gifts to the community, the chimes he had installed in Court Street Methodist Church, frequently and vividly recall him to the memory of those that knew him: a man who loved the best in literature, who lived to travel, and whose highest aim in life was to help those who could not help themselves.
The life of Mr. Gilliam was remarkable and won on his own ability alone. He had proved himself a man at an age when most boys are but children, and have yet to fact the real struggle of life. He was essentially a captain of industry but to him clung much of the old order, the ancient Virginia tradition. When he was growing up all rank had been leveled by warm and all the advantages of life which might have been his to count on had been swept away, yet he held always an honorable but modest pride in the knowledge of the greatness of those forbears to which he had so just a claim. His position in the community was one of personal achievement, but achievement resting upon a foundation of the best of Virginia birth and breeding.
Yancey, Rosa Faulkner. Lynchburg and Its Neighbors. J. W. Fergusson & Sons, Richmond, VA, 1935
Thomas West Gilliam
Mr. Thomas West Gilliam, a successful businessman and financier of Lynchburg, was the son of Dr. Glover Davenport Gilliam of Prince Edward County, who married Elizabeth Bolling Jones. Dr. Gilliam was born in 1800. He lived a Landover on Falling River, near Naruna, and was a large landowner. The branch of the Gilliam family came from Richard Gilliam, son of Epaphroditus Gilliam and Elizabeth Glover, and was close kin to Glover Davenport, after whom he named his son, Glover Davenport Gilliam.
Mr. T. West Gilliam married Frances Diuguid and had one child Elsie. Miss Elsie Gilliam was a missionary at one time, but now makes her home in Lynchburg. James Richard Gilliam, a brother of Mr. West Gilliam, married Annie Davenport, and was the father of Mr. James R. Gilliam, who was a prominent and successful citizen of Lynchburg and whose family still live here.
Yancey, Rosa Faulkner. Lynchburg and Its Neighbors. J. W. Fergusson & Sons, Richmond, VA, 1935
Chancery Suits
17 Dec 1814
Archelaus Gilliam v. Nathaniel Crenshaw
To the Honorable Creed Taylor Chancellor of the Lynchburg District
Archelaus Gilliam avers that he purchased a slave named Ned from John Bryan, Jr. for $550 in February 1813. He claims that he paid half in "ready money" and executed a bond for the remaining $275. Gilliam cites that Thomas Franklin asserted a claim to Ned in June 1813, holding a bill of sale that predated his own. He "charges the said Bryan with fraud in concealing the conveyance of said negro to Franklin, and with a deliberate design of deceiving and injuring your Orator;" Gilliam notes that Ned ran away to Franklin shortly thereafter. He states that he responded by filing suit against Franklin, whereupon it was decided that he should pay Franklin $119.83 and that Franklin "should deliver up the negro aforsd to your orator." Gilliam now informs the court that Bryan "hath assigned your orators Bond aforesaid to a certain Nathaniel Crenshaw, who instituted a suit thereon." The petitioner admits that he "was taken completely by surprise" when a judgment was "rendered agt him in his absence." Reporting that Bryan "is completely insolvent," the petitioner asks the court to "injoin the said Crenshaw from all further proceedings . . . until the matters herein set forth may be heard in equity."
Names Indexed: Brian, Bryan, Bryant, Crenshaw, Depriest, Fleming, Franklin, Gilliam, Jordan, Luster, Russell, Thompson, Tweedy, Williamson
Library of Virginia Chancery. 1818-01
Digital Library on American Slavery, Petition 21681410
Thomson's Mercantile and Professional Directory, 1851
Physicians: GILLIAM Glover D., Hot Creek
Thomson's Mercantile and Professional Directory, 1851
30 Sep 1848
GILLIAM, Glover D.
217 acres on waters of Big Falling River.
Land Office Grants No. 100, 1848, p. 777 (Reel 166).
Land Records
30 Apr 1805
Lynchburg, VA
Joseph Jackson and William Temple, attorneys in fact for Hodgson and Thompson to James GILLIAM. Joseph Jackson in consideration of sum received from Hodgson, Nicholson, Rothon, Thompson and Temple and $1.00; lot 38. Lines 40, formerly Jonathan Ward’s.
Wit. Samuel Anthony, James Mozeley, Micajah Davis, Jr.
Campbell County, VA, Deed Book ___, page ___.
13 Sep 1805
Lynchburg, VA
James GILLIAM to James Moseby to secure Hodgson, Micholson and Company $1.00, lot #28. Lines: second street at corner, fourth alley, $40, formerly that of Jonathan Ward, bought by firm; to advertise in a Lynchburg paper edited nearest GILLIAM’s residence.
Wit: Thomas S. McClelland, Thomas Nelle, Jonathan H. Trent.
Schedule of payments below; paid in full.
Campbell County, VA, Deed Book ___, page ___.
Archibald and Sarah Bolling to Richard GILLIAM 100 acres of land.
Campbell County, VA, Deed Book ___, page ___.
31 Oct 1807
Lynchburg, VA
William Norvell and wife, Nancy, to James GILLIAM, £420, lot at junction of third street and fourth alley. Bought from Isaac Pidgeon, 40, one-half acre.
Wit: Jonathan London, E. B. Norvell, Humphrey Stewart
Campbell County, VA, Deed Book ___, page ___.
31 Oct 1807
Lynchburg, VA
James GILLIAM to Thomas Wiatt and Thomas Higginbotham to secure William Norvell, $1.00
Witnesses: Jonathan London, E. B. Norvell, Humphrey Stewart.
Campbell County, VA, Deed Book ___, page ___.
28 Nov 1807
Lynchburg, VA
Allen Wade and Fanny McKinney, of age. Security, James GILLIAM.
Campbell County, VA, Deed Book ___, page ___.
24 Mar 1809
Lynchburg, VA
William Norvell and wife, Nancy, on 31 Oct 1807, to James GILLIAM. She relinquished dower to Jonathan Lynch, Jr., and James Mallory.
Campbell County, VA, Deed Book ___, page ___.
12 Aug 1809
Lynchburg, VA
Benjamin A. Winston to Thomas W. Cocke. Archibald Alexander of Amherst and George D. Winston, Campbell County, 17 Aug 1808, became his bondsman to secure Higginbotham Brown and Company, Cocke, Sergeant of Lynchburg, at Market House, 16 Sep 1808; also to secure Rives Higginbotham and Company. Benjamin A. Winston, defaulted, $2.00; slave, Charlotte from William Armistead, Amherst County.
Witnesses: William w. Morgan, James GILLIAM, Jacob Oglesby.
Campbell County, VA, Deed Book ___, page ___.
24 Aug 1809
Lynchburg, VA
William Wallace, presently of Lynchburg, power of attorney to William Norvell, business in Amherst, Campbell, Bedford.
Witness: Ethelbread Carrel, Jonathan S. Johnson, Christopher Winfree. List of bonds due from Joseph Needham, James Wade, William Burd, Thomas Wiatt, Phillip Rohr, William Davis, William Snead, Elijah Johnson, William Walcee owes Jonathan Roberts, Bedford, Joseph Needham, Daniel Hoffman, Isaac Pidgeon, Jonathan Burgess, Joseph Burgess, James GILLIAM, Christopher Clarke.
Campbell County, VA, Deed Book ___, page ___.
1 Mar 1811
Lynchburg, VA
James GILLIAMs [sic] and wife, Salley, to William Radford. £60 one-eighth acre next to William Radford and one-fourth of lot #__. Lines: 68, third street, GILLIAM, Samuel Scott.
Witnesses: Washington Lambeth, George K. Lambeth, Joseph Burgess.
Campbell County, VA, Deed Book ___, page ___.
20 Apr 1812
Lynchburg, VA
James GILLIAM to Edward Price to secure Charles Clay who is assignee of Jonathan Murrell, $1.00. Lines: third street and fourth alley; three-fourths of lot bought from William Norvell, #40. Lines: William Radford, 38.
Wit: Charles GILLIAM, Jonathan Vawter, Richard Powell, Thomas Higginbotham.
Campbell County, VA, Deed Book ___, page ___.
4 Jan 1813
Lynchburg, VA
Jno. W. and Henry M. Green, Wm. Crisp and wife, Eliz. and Abigail Green to Rich. GILLIAM, Buckingham . . . Jno. W. Green, 9 Oct 1813, £103.17.6, 138 1/2 acres in Buckingham. Lines: Jno Bundram, Moses Flood.
Wit: Arthur H. Pollard, Wm. Allen, Geo. Martin.
Campbell County, VA, Deed Book ___, page ___.
6 Dec 1824
Lynchburg, VA
Charles Y Johnson’s orphans. Guardian account by James Jones, Guardian from 6 Nov 1822.
Martha and Mary Johnson, William Johnson for lay-out of Charles, hat for Thomas, Irvinity?, mending shoes, board for Charles; Mary and Martha, Charles, board since 6 Oct 1823 till 6 Dec 1824. Irvinity? for board.
James GILLIAM, Samuel Lancaster, A. Liggatt.
Guardian states that law allows so much as “poorly paid at that.”
Campbell County, VA, Deed Book ___, page ___.
Glover D. GILLIAM purchases of William and Lucy F. Robinson several tracts of land lying on Falling river and its branches, one tract including a grist and saw mill, was bounded by the lands of Freeman Moore and John Cobbs.
Campbell County, VA, Deed Book ___, page ___.
1815 Landowner's Directory
GILLIAM, James, Lynchburg
GILLIAM, Charles, Estate, Opossum Creek, 8N
GILLIAM, Charles, Jr., Opossum Creek, 8N
GILLIAM, Eliza, Opossum Creek, 8N
[Directions and distances are measured from the Court]
Ward, Roger G. 1815 Directory of Virginia Landowners (and Gazetteer) Volume 2. Athens, GA: Iberian Pub. Co.
Local History
Embracing the History of CAMPBELL COUNTY, VIRGINIA
With Illustrations
First record of GILLIAM name in Brunswick County (divided to form Lunenburg) was in 1745.
John GILLIAM in 1756 patented land on the south side of Roanoke river (Staunton) adjoining property already in his possession. [16 Aug 1756, John GILLIAM, 343 acres in Lunenburg Co. on south side Roanoke River, beginning at his old line, where it crosses Reedy Branch. Patent Book 33, page 62] In 1780 Zachariah GILLIAM patented 562 acres on both sides of Difficult creek, the north branch of Goose creek. [Land Office Grants A, 1779-1780 (v.1 & 2 p.1-685), p. 203 (Reel 42). This grant was resurveyed by William Calloway and recorded in The Bedford Surveyor’s Book #2, Part 1. 1754-1795.]
In 1796 Charles GILLIAM was one of the administrators of Stephen Perrow's estate. In 1807 Archibald and Sarah Bolling sold Richard GILLIAM 100 acres of land.
GILLIAMs had settled in Buckingham and Prince Edward counties; Richard was the son of Epaphroditus and Elizabeth GILLIAM: Epaphroditus died in 1789; his son, Richard, born in 1760, married Elizabeth Glover, born in 1775, whose son, Dr. Glover D. GILLIAM was born in 1800. There is a family connection between these GILLIAMs and Glover Davenport who married Ann P. Slaughter. [The relationship between Glover Davenport and Ann Slaughter and the GILLIAMs is not known.]
In 1827 Dr. Glover Davenport GILLIAM of Prince Edward county married Elizabeth Bolling [Jones], the daughter of James S. Jones. In 1837 he purchased of William and Lucy F. Robinson several tracts of land lying on Falling river and its branches, one tract including a grist and saw mill, was bounded by the lands of Freeman Moore and John Cobbs. Another tract of 386 acres had been sold to Robinson by Publius Jones and Thomas Rudd, together with 98 adjoining acres; 4-18 acres lay on both sides of Hickory creek, a tract which had been sold Rudd by John Paul Redd, and 280 acres Rudd had bought of Samuel Morris' heirs, and Thomas and David Jones, formerly belonging to Harfield, on Hickory creek, a branch of Falling river. By various purchases Dr. GILLIAM acquired a large landed estate. His place of residence, about 2 miles from Naruna, is called Landover, and is situated on Falling river. Several generations of the family were born there. Dr. GILLIAM's will, recorded in 1852,
mentions daughters:
Eloise G., m. Richard Booker;
Eliza B. m. [Richard Nathaniel] Price of Texas;
Amanda J., m. Richard Adams;
Olivia F. m. Thos. Woodring; [Thomas Hill Wooding]
Martha Virginia m. [Joseph Calloway F.] Epperson; son, Glover E. Epperson, served in the C. S. army.
Emma m. George Gilbert.
James R., m. Annie Davenport, his son, James R., Jr., m. Jessie Johnson, was a successful financier of Lynchburg; whose son, James R., 3rd (Sec. and Treas. Lynchburg Trust and Savings Bank), resides in the Peakland addition of Lynchburg.
Edward G, m. Emma Gilbert.
Walter Floyd [Flood?] m. Virginia Hamlet [Jane Lewis Hamlet]; lived at Landover, near Naruna; his dau., Rosa, is the principal of Naruna High School.
Thomas West m. Fannie Diuguid; he was a successful financier of Lynchburg; his dau., Elsie, served as a missionary.
Early, R. H. Campbell Chronicles and Family Sketches: Embracing the History of Campbell County, VA 1782-1926
30 Jul 1800
James GILLIAM and Sally McKinney
10 Oct 1808
Walker Dejarnett and Nancy GILLIAM
23 Feb 1805
Patterson GILLIAM and Elizabeth Walrond
7 Jan 1807
Lynchburg, VA
Edwin D. Meredith and Polley Griffey, of age.
Security: James GILLIAM, Joseph McCarty
11 Oct 1825
Jarred [Jarrett] GILLIAM and Celia B. Perrow
18 Feb 1823
Samuel W. Hubbard and Elizabeth GILLIAM
28 May 1828
Lynchburg, VA
Thomas W. Devam and Catherine M. GILLIAM, daughter of C. GILLIAM.
Security Archibald Lewis.
28 Jun 1827
Lynchburg, VA
James M. GILLIAM and Margaret Lilly.
Security: Archibald Lewis.
17 Jan 1827
Married, on Jan. 17, at Oxford, N.C., Dr. _____ Baker, to Miss Mary Ann Richardina GILLIAM.
Virginian (Lynchburg, Va), p. 3, c. 5, Friday, February 16, 1827.
[See Obituary below, Miss Mary Ann Richardina GILLIAM was a native of Lynchburg]
30 Jun 1828
Lynchburg, VA
Charles M. GILLIAM and Sarah H. Baugh, of age.
Security: George L. Johnson
18 Dec 1828
Glover D. GILLIAM and Eliza B. Jones
On Wednesday, Dec. 24, 1828, by Rev. Samuel Armistead, Dr. G. GILLIAM, of Buckingham County, to Miss Eliza B. Jones, daughter of James Jones, of Campbell County.
(Virginian, p. 3, c. 5) Monday, January 5, 1829.
On December 24, 1828, by Rev. Samuel Armistead, Dr. G. GILLIAM, of Buckingham, to Miss Eliza B. Jones, daughter of James Jones, of Campbell County.
(Visitor and Telegraph. p. 3, c. 5) Saturday, January 24, 1829.
11 Feb 1830
Married on Feb. 11, by Rev. John S. Lee, Thomas Webster, to Miss Martha GILLIAM, first daughter of Mr. Patterson GILLIAM, both of Lynchburg.
Lynchburg Virginian, p. 3, c. 6, Monday, February 15, 1830.
13 Nov 1837
Anthony GILLIAM and Susan Burks
14 Jun 1847
Joseph C. F. Epperson and Martha V. GILLIAM
24 Sep 1838
Robert GILLIAM and Selina M. Hunter
James R. GILLIAM was a prominent businessman and banker.
Below is a copy of a Stock Certificate issued by Lynchburg Trust and Savings Bank in 1873

Charles GILLIAM, Ensign
From Campbell County Chronicles
"James Callaway who had been county-lieutenant of Bedford, now became a Campbell resident, received this highest office in the new county by commission from Governor Benjamin Harrison. Charles Lynch was appointed Colonel of Militia, John Callaway lieutenant colonel; and William Henderson, Major. Owen Franklin, Thomas McReynolds, William Jordan, John Irvine, Josias Bullock and Thomas Johnson were made captains; with Archelaus Moon, Benjamin Arthur, John Helm Charles Moile Talbot, lieutenants; and Joseph Stith, Plummer Thurston, Shelldrake Brown, Jr., James Stewart, and Charles GILLIAM, ensigns"
Court for Mch 7th 1782
Ordered that . . . John Ward, Jr., Henry Erdson, John McAllister, Joseph Stith, Plummer Thurston, Shildrake Brown, Jr, James Stewart, Charles GILLIAM and Thomas Johnson be recommended as proper person to hold office as Ensigns for this County. . .
Joseph Stith, Plummer Thurston, Shildrake Brown, Jr., and Charles GILLIAM produced Commissions and took the oath as Ensigns of militia for this County
Campbell County Chronicles
This is the list of subscribers for the publishing of
A Short History of The Methodists, In The United States Of America; Beginning In 1766, And Continued Till 1809. To Which Is Prefixed, A Brief Account Of Their Rise In England, In The Year 1729, &c. Jesse Lee. Baltimore: Magill and Clime. 1810
Samuel Peace, Lunenburg
Wm. Burd, Lynchburg
Christopher Drummond, Lynchb.
James GILLIAM, Lynchburg
Rev. William Heath, Lynchburg
Rev. S. K. Jennings, Lynchburg
John F. Lamb, Lynchburg
Rev. Wm. P. Martin, Lynchburg
David Mason, Lynchburg
James C. Moorman, Lynchburg
Benjamin Mosby, Lynchburg
Owen Owens, Lynchburg
John Pointer, Lynchburg
Henry Priddy, Lynchburg
Philip Rohr, Lynchburg
Robert Rutherford, Lynchburg
George See, Lynchburg
William Sumpter, Lynchburg
Rodirick Taliaferro, Lynchburg
William Tardy, Lynchburg
John C. Taylor, Lynchburg
Townsel Trustlow, Lynchburg
John Wiatt, Lynchburg
Thomas Wiatt, Lynchburg
Wulwell Williamson, Lynchburg
Christopher Winfree, Lynchburg
John E. Word, Lynchburg
Parson Wright, Lynchburg
25 Jun 1829
Died at Wilmington, N.C., Mrs. Mary Ann R. Baker, formerly Miss GILLIAM of Lynchburg.
Lynchburg Virginian, p. 3, c. 4, Thursday, June 25, 1829
[See marriage announcement above]
29 Mar 1830
Died on Tuesday, March 29, at his residence in Campbell County, Charles GILLIAM, age 45 years.
Lynchburg Virginian, p. 3, c. 4, Monday, April 5, 1830.
29 Mar 1830
Died, in Campbell County on March 29, Charles GILLIAM, age 45.
Southern Religious Telegraph, p. 3, c. 4, Saturday, April 10, 1830.
16 Nov 1837
Died, on Nov. 16, in Lynchburg, Mrs. Elizabeth GILLIAM, relict of Charles GILLIAM, in her 85th year.
Lynchburg Virginian, p. 3, c. 5, Monday, November 20, 1837.
23 Dec 1837
Died, on Dec. 23, 1837, Mrs. Sarah GILLIAM, consort of James GILLIAM, aged 65 years, of Lynchburg.
Lynchburg Virginian, p. 3, c. 3, Monday, January 1, 1838.
21 Jun 1838
Died on June 21, James GILLIAM of Lynchburg. His wife died a few weeks ago.
Lynchburg Virginian, p. 3, c. 3, Monday, June 25, 1838.
[James' wife was Sarah McKinney GILLIAM. Her death is was not a "few weeks ago," but rather a "few months ago." See above.]
17 May 1839
Died, on May 17, Mary Virginia Gillman, aged eleventh months, daughter of Dr. Glover D. and Eliza B. GILLIAM, all of Campbell County.
Lynchburg Virginian, p. 3, c. 2, Monday, May 27, 1839.
[Gillman should read GILLIAM]
Revolutionary War Pensions
Samuel Scott mentions a James Gilliam
Confederate Pension Rolls, Veterans and Widows
City of Lynchburg
Gilham, Alice K, Widow
Library of Virginia. Confederate Pension Rolls, Veterans and Widows
Confederate Disability Applications and Receipts, Acts of 1882, 1883, 1884, 1886-87.
19 Mar 1884
Confederate Disability Applications and Receipts, Acts of 1882, 1883, 1884, 1886-87.
Robert Wright, Campbell County, to Virginia Assembly, 1816
To the Honorable General Assembly of Virginia,
The Petition of Robert Wright a free man of Color resident in the County of Campbell respectfully sheweth:
That your petitioner in the year 1806 in pursuance of a license obtained for that purpose from the Clerk of Campbell County was married by a certain William Heath, a regularly licensed Minister of the Gospel, to a certain Mary Godsey, a free white woman—That since the said Intermarriage your petitioner hath allways demeaned himself towards the Said Mary as a kind and affectionate Husband—and for several years enjoyed great domestic comfort, and felicity in her society—That sometime in the year 1814 the said Mary became acquainted with a certain William Arthur a free white man who by his artful and insidious attentions entirely supplanted your petitioner in her affections—That on the 14th day of January 1815 the said Mary unknown to your petitioner secretly eloped with the said William Arthur carrying with her a negro girl and other property belonging to your petitioner—That on their route as is believed to the western country they were overtaken in the Town of Liberty, your petitioners property recovered, and the said Mary prevailed upon to return to the Home, and the Husband she had so ungratefully and cruelly abandoned—That notwithstanding this infidelity on the part of the said Mary, your petitioner after her return still continued to her that affection and protection which she had of right forfeited, and hoped that time, and a course of affectionate [care] on his part would reconcile her to her Situation and restore her to Happiness—But in this just expectation your petitioner was disappointed. That the Said Mary on the 30th day of November 1815 again Secretly, and unknown to your petitioner eloped with the said William Arthur, and as your petitioner is credibly informed and verily believes is now living in a state of adultery with the Said Arthur in the Town of Nashville, & State of Tennessee—That your petitioner is advised that although the Law inflicts a penalty on the minister of the Gospel who shall marry a white person with a negro or mulatto, and subjects the white person so married to fine, and imprisonment, yet such marriage is to all intents and purposes valid and binding between the parties—Your Petitioner under the circumstances herein allready set forth prays your Honorable Body for the passage of an act divorcing him from his said Wife Mary and as in duty bound &c &c
Stephen Perrow
Lewis Franklin
Petition of Robert Wright to the Virginia General Assembly, 16 November 1816, Legislative Petitions, Campbell County, VSA. Rejected. PAR #11681603.
[Charles GILLIAM, Jr., is the son of Charles GILLIAM, the son of William GILLIAM and Mary Jarratt, his wife. Stephen Perrow is a near relative of Daniel B. Perrow whose daughter Celia married Jarratt GILLIAM, the brother of Charles GILLIAM, Jr. See Will of Thomas Wright below, father of Robert Wright.]
Wooding and GILLIAM family.
History, 1950.
3 items.
Genealogical materials about the Wooding, GILLIAM, and related families of Virginia. Included are "The Woodings of Virginia" (1935) about the descendants of Robert and Elizabeth Hill Wooding of Halifax and Pittsylvania counties, including their Taylor, Williams, Carter, Booth, Crews, Neal, Grasty, and Schoolfield connections; "Landover" (1947) about the descendants of Glover Davenport GILLIAM (1800-1852) and Eliza Bolling Jones GILLIAM, whose daughter Olivia Ford GILLIAM (1844-1907) married Thomas H. Wooding; and a short genealogy of the Jones, West, GILLIAM, and Wooding families.
Manuscripts Department, Library of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, SOUTHERN HISTORICAL COLLECTION, #3176
1785 Personal Property, District 2
GILLIAM, William
1 White male >21
1 Blacks <16
1 Blacks >16
2 Total Blacks
6 Horses
3 Cattle
Binns Genealogy. 1790/1800 County Tax Lists of Virginia.
1785-1814 Personal Property Tax Lists
Binns Genealogy. Personal Property Tax Lists.
11 Jun 1798
Account of the estate of Andrew Moorman, decd, from 1793 lists:
Charles Moorman, Sr., George Fox, James Miller, Achilles Moorman, Jr., Micajah Moorman, Casper Webber, J. Vawl Tucker, Robert Clark, James Burges, Hart Brown, Thomas Reid. James Adams, Jacob Stemmons, Daniel Warren, Henry Edison, Joseph Reid, Peter Marks. Richard GILLOM, John Richardson, Thomas Jones, Bernard Hendricks, Richard Stith, Archibald Blankenship, Henry Candler, Micajah Davis, Capt. Barnet, Robert Stockson, Micajah Moorman, Jr., Conrade Speace, Payne Harrison, John Clark, Jr., James Butler, John Smithson for schooling James Moorman, Harrison Ratliff, David G. Talbot, Richard Fox, Widow Moorman, David Terrell, Jr., William Hunneycut. Mary Veer, John Depriest, Jr., Adam Clement, John Bradford, Mitchel Crawley, John Webb, Jr., Hording Chewning, Charles Moorman. William Moorman, Jesse Moorman, Charles Lynch, Jr., Bernard Hendrick, Joseph Curie and James Echols.
Campbell County, VA, Will Book 1, p 351
[An Andrew Moorman sold land to a Peter GILLIAM of Hanover in 1734]
15 Jul 1805
Will of Nathaniel Tate
Son Nathaniel G. Tate. Son Henry F. Tate. Son Richard H. L. Tate. Two daughters Sally H. Walker and Polly H Davise, Executors of Richard GILLIAM, deed. Brother Edmund Tate. Betsy Walden. My grandchildren viz Betsy Walden, Matildy Davis, Susanna Davis and John Tate.
Exors: Brother Edmund Tate and Zachariah G. Tate.
Wit: John Law, William Petty, John Lewis Crews and Samuel Poindexter.
Rec. 9 Sep 1805
Campbell County, VA, Will Book ___, page 211
[Nathaniel Tate married in Bedford, Susanna, the daughter of Richard GILLIAM on 26 Jan 1778]
24 Oct 1805
Will of Thomas Wright
Sylvia, a former slave, whith [sic] whom I have had children 2 acres of land and a house. My natural son, Robert Wright, by said Sylvia whom I have freed the 370 acres that I now live on (land issued to Charles Caffery on 10 Sep 1755 and by him conveyed to Thomas Wright).
Exors: Daniel B. Perrow, Charles GILLIAM and Lawrence W. George.
Wit: William B, Perrow, Stephen Perrow and Charles Perrow.
Rec. 9 Dec 1805
Campbell County, VA, Will Book 2, page 226
15 Oct 1805
Will of John McKinney
Wife Sally McKinney. My children viz Charles McKinney, John McKinney, Henry McKinney, William McKinney, James McKinney, Jordan McKinney, Barbara McKinney, Fanny McKinney and Nancy McKinney, My children viz Maryann Hubbard, Sally GILLIAM, Betsy Blankenship, Hannah Jennings and Daniel McKinney.
Exors: Elisha Smart, Charles McKinney, William McKinney and Sally McKinney.
Wit: Bernard G. Hendrick, Hugh Morgan, Archibald Blankenship and Hudson Blankenship.
Rec: 13 Jan 1806
Campbell County, VA, Will Book 2, page 243
[Sally McKinney married James GILLIAM, 30 Jul 1800, Campbell County]
17 Aug 1807
Will of Charles GILLIAM
To Son Archer GILLIAM 1000 dollars and slaves.
To son James GILLIAM the part of my land I formerly lived on adjoining the tract I now live on adjoining Line Branch, Opossum Creek and Mountain Spring Branch being 400 acres bounded by John Murrell, Daniel B. Perrow, David Ross and James Buckhannon.
To Son Patterson GILLIAM land in Franklin County on which he now lives and 20 dollars in cash.
To Daughter Nancy GILLIAM four slaves
To Son John GILLIAM three slaves
To Son William two slaves
To Wife Elizabeth GILLIAM the plantation I now live on for life and then to go to my youngest sons, William and Jarrett GILLIAM.
Exors: Wife and son James GILLIAM
Witness Daniel B. Perrow, Thomas North, Elizabeth Perrow and Susanna Cox.
Rec 14 Dec 1807
Campbell County, VA, Will Book 2, page 343
17 Aug 1807
Will of Charles GILLIAM
In the name of God amen, I Charles GILLIAM of the County of Campbell and State of Virginia and of sound mind and disposing memory do make and ordain this to be my last will and testament in manner and form to wit:
I give and bequeath to my son Archer GILLIAM negro man by name Jack, one Negro boy named Powhatan and one hundred dollars cash.
Secondly, I bequeath to my son James GILLIAM that part of my land I formerly lived on and adjoining the tract I now live on bordered as follows to wit: by the branch called the line branch thence along said branch to its junction with Opossum Creek thence to cross the creek and be a straight line along a ridge to the mountain spring branch thence up said branch to the lines which contains about four hundred acres more or less and bounded by the lands of john Murrell, Daniel B. Perrow, David Ross and James Buckhannon.
Thirdly, I give and bequeath to my son Patterson GILLIAM a tract of land in Franklin County on which he now resides and twenty dollars cash
Fourthly, I give and bequeath to my daughter Nancy GILLIAM four negroes to wit:| Rachel, Mary, Sampson, and Willis.
Fifthly, I give and bequeath to my son John Gilliam three negroes to with: Cooper, Joice, and Ann.
Sixthly I give and bequeath to my son Charles GILLIAM three negroes to wit: Celia, Rhoda and Sanders
Seventhly I give and bequeath to my son William GILLIAM two negroes to wit: Dorcus and Gabriel
Eighthly I give and bequeath to my son Jarrett GILLIAM two negroes, to wit: Creasy and George
To my beloved wife Elizabeth I give and bequeath during the term of her natural life only the land and plantation whereon I now live and after her death to be equally divided between my two youngest sons William and Jarrett GILLIAM, I also give and bequeath to my beloved wife during the term of her natural life, only three negroes to wit: Edom, Delphia, and Handy and after her death them and their increase to be equally divided amongst all my children or their legal representatives. It is my wish that all my just debts be paid, and that all my stock of every description, household and kitchen furniture, plantation tools, together with the whole of the crops be subject for the same, the residue after paying the debts I give and bequeath to my beloved wife during the term of her natural life only and at her death to be equally divided among all my children of their legal representatives and for the faithful execution of this my last will and testament, I do hereby constitute and appoint my beloved wife and my son James GILLIAM my executors, I testimony where of I have set my hand and seal this seventeenth day of August one thousand eight hundred and seven
Sig: Charles GILLIAM
Signed and sealed and acknowledged in the presence of
David B. Perrow, Thomas North, Elizabeth Perrow, Susanna Cox
At a court held for Campbell County December 14th 1807
The within last will and testament of Charles GILLIAM deceased was proved by the oaths of Thomas North and Susanna Cox two of the witnesses thereto subscribed and ordered to be recorded
And on the motion of Elizabeth GILLIAM the executrix and James GILLIAM the executor in the said Will named certificate is granted them for obtained probate there of in due form giving security whereupon they together with James Patterson, Stephen Perrow and Edward Lynch their securities entered into and acknowledged their bonds in the penalty of twenty thousand dollars conditioned according to law for the said executors due and faithful administration on the said decedents estates and performance of his Will.
Teste Ro. Alexander, CCC
Campbell County, VA, Will Book 2, page 343
13 Jun 1808
Inventory of Estate of Charles GILLIAM
Campbell County, VA, Will Book 2, page 361
10 Oct 1808
Account of estate of Thomas Wright, Jr. with Charles GILLIAM, executor, presented by Elizabeth GILLIAM and James GILLIAM who are executors of the Estate of Charles GILLIAM, decd. (They met at the house of Robert Wright.)
Campbell County, VA, Will Book 2, page 388
13 Jan 1812
Will of William GILLIAM
To my mother Elizabeth GILLIAM, my slaves
To brother Jerrard GILLIAM the lands given me by my father's will.
To Brother Charles the slaves given my by my mother.
Exors: brother Charles GILLIAM and Stephen Perrow
Witnesses: Charles Perrow, John Perrow and Samuel K. Jennings.
Campbell County, VA, Will Book 3, page 172
[Charles is not mentioned in Will of Charles GILLIAM, 1808].
11 Jan 1813
Inventory of estate of William GILLIAM, deceased.
Campbell County, VA, Will Book 3, page 209
14 Jul 1817
Inventory of Estate of John GILLIAM, deceased.
Campbell County, VA, Will Book 4, page 15
11 Jun 1825
Allotted to the legatees of William Bartee, decd., viz Frances Bartee 68 acres bounded by Preston and Thompson; William Bartee 68 acres bounded by Burch; Lucy Bartee 69 acres bounded by Bruce and the Richmond Road; Eliza Bartee 50 acres bounded by Preston and the Richmond Road; Neal Bartee 60 acres bounded by Opossum Creek, GILLIAM and Murrell; Ann Bartee 84 acres bounded by Ross' Estate and Jesse Bartee 84 acres bounded by Murrell and Ross' Estate.
Campbell County, VA, Will Book ___, page ___
13 Mar 1826
Robert Hunter, Sheriff states that he has administered the estates of A[r]chelaus GILLIAM during his term in office.
Campbell County, VA, Will Book 5, page 262
20 Feb 1830
Will of Charles GILLIAM
Pay debts out of the estates of my deceased father and deceased brother William, which will be mine at the death of my mother.
To Sister Nancy Dejurrett's children.
To Nephew Charles GILLIAM, son of Patterson GILLIAM, land I live on bought of A. GILLIAM and land on Opossum Creek bought of Christopher Todd
Exors: Allan L. Wyllie and Jonathan Johnson.
Witness: Charles A. Holcombe.
Rec: 12 Jul 1830
Campbell County, VA, Will Book 6, page 409
8 Jan 1838
Inventory of slaves of estate of Charles GILLIAM, deceased., for Richard L. Ligon, administrator.
Campbell County, VA, Will Book 8, page 182
13 Jan 1840
Account of the estate of Charles GILLIAM, deceased, with Richard L. Ligon, shows "German Jordan, jailor."
Campbell County, VA, Will Book 8, page 324
13 Jan 1840
Account of Dower estate of Elizabeth GILLIAM with Richard L. Ligon, administrator of Charles GILLIAM, deceased.
Campbell County, VA, Will Book 8, page 326
1 Jan 1841
Will of Elizabeth Holt
To Nancy Wallis,
Enclose the grave of my former husband, John Fielder.
Exor: Glover D. GILLIAM
Wit. Richard Cam, John M. McIver and James McIver
Rec: 13 Sep 1841
Campbell County, VA, Will Book 9, page 31
12 Jun 1843
Account of the estate of Charles GILLIAM, Jr., deceased, with Charles Scott shows $1841 cash received form Richard Liggin, former administrator.
Campbell County, VA, Will Book 9, page 231
14 Aug 1843
Account of estate of Charles GILLIAM, Sr., deceased with Richard L. Ligan, curator.
Campbell County, VA, Will Book 9, page 233
14 Jul 1845
Account of Estate of Elizabeth Holt, decd., with G. D. GILLIAM, executor.
Campbell County, VA, Will Book 9, page 418
5 Jul 1846
Will of Coleman Holt
To wife Mary Holt. My eight children viz George A. Holt, James H. Holt, Richard S. Holt, Branch W. Holt, Parthenia C. Holt, Mary E. Holt, Frances Holt and John P. Holt.
Exors: Sons George A. Holt and James H. Holt.
Wit: G. D. GILLIAM, Larkin Driskill and James F. Holt
Rec: 10 Aug 1846
Campbell County, VA, Will Book 9, page 494
21 Sep 1846
Will of James S. Jones
Wife Elizabeth Jones all my estate for life. Son James Jones (under 21) 210 acres of land purchased from Matthew B. Nowlin. Son William S. Jones the 1000 acres of land I live on including the mill. Son Thomas W. Jones. Land to be sold for the support of my son Edward Jones and daughter Pocahontas Jones. Slave willed to son, Edward Jones, by his grandfather. William Jones, deed. Son in law Thomas R. Marshall a trust for the use of Edward Jones and Pocahontas Jones. ". . . the children of my first wife (not named)." Daughter Amanda Jones. Daughter Eloisa Jones. Son in law Glover D. GILLIAM. Grandson William W. Jones. Granddaughter Eliza GILLIAM. Grandson James GILLIAM. Grandson James Ford. Grandson James Marshall. Granddaughter Eliza B. Marshall. My daughters viz Eliza B. GILLIAM, Mary Ann Marshall, Olivia W. Ford, Amanda Jones and Eloisa Jones.
Exor: Thomas R. Marshall.
Wit: M. B, Nowlin, Brice A. Martin, William Jones and Samuel Davidson.
Rec: 14 Dec 1846
Codicil dated 21 Sep 1846 shows new executor as son, Thomas W. Jones.
Wit: M. B. Nowlin and Benjamin Wyatt.
Campbell County, VA, Will Book 9, page 535
[Elizabeth, the daughter of James Saunders Jones, married Dr. Glover Davenport Gilliam.]
- Baber, Lucy Harrison Miller., et al. Marriages and Deaths from Lynchburg, Virginia Newspapers, 1794-1836. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, Inc., 1980.
- Binns Genealogy. 1790/1800 County Tax Lists of Virginia.
- Campbell County Will and Deed Books
- Early, R. H. Campbell chronicles and family sketches: embracing the history of Campbell County, Virginia, 1782-1926. Lynchburg, Va. J.P. Bell Co. 1927.
- Henley, Bernard J. Marriage and Obituary Citations compiled by Bernard J. Henley from Virginia newspapers on microfilm at the Library of Virginia.
- Hopkins, William Lindsay. Campbell County, Virginia, Wills and Inventories 1782-1847. Atlanta: Iberian Publishing Company, 1989.
- Jones, W. Mac. "Notes from Campbell County Court." William and Mary Quarterly Historical Magazine, Second Series, Volume 8, Issue 2, (April 1928), 119-123.
- Oklahoma Genealogical Society Quarterly Vol. 9, No. 4, December 1964; Vol. 10, No. 1, March 1965; and Vol. 10, No. 2, June 1965.
- Ward, Roger G. 1815 Directory of Virginia Landowners (and Gazetteer) Volume 2. Athens, GA: Iberian Pub. Co.
- Yancey, Rosa Faulkner. Lynchburg and Its Neighbors. J. W. Fergusson & Sons, Richmond, VA, 1935.