Updated December 25, 2023

Bedford County was probably named for John Russell, fourth duke of Bedford, who, as secretary for state for the southern department from 1748 to 1751, had general supervision of colonial affairs. It was formed from Lunenburg County in 1753. Parts of Albemarle County were added in 1754, and an additional part of Lunenburg County was added later. Its area is 746 square miles, and the county seat is Bedford.
Cumberland Parish, 1753-1756
Russell Parish, 1754

Some of the earliest Bedford residents bearing the name GILLIAM are Richard and Zachariah. In 1773 Zachariah receives a grant on Difficult Creek for 562 acres as an assignee of Edmund Donohoe. A few years later he serves as an Ensign in the Militia and Sheriff. Apparently in 1778 Zachariah dies for an account of his estate may be found in the Court Orders for that year. It also appears that he died without children of his own, for Richard GILLIAM, his father, according to one Chancery suit assumes Zachariah's debts and credits along with Zachariah's land on Difficult Creek.
Richard appears in the the Court Orders, Road Orders and Taxes of Bedford County. It appears he may have been married twice. Zachariah's and daughter Susannah who married Nathaniel Tate being from his first wife. His presumed second wife was Mary whom is mentioned in his Will of 1789. Richard may have been the Richard of Albemarle County, VA who lived along the Hardware with wife, Mary.
In addition to Zachariah and Richard, several children of William GILLIAM and Mary Jarratt settled in Bedford, namely Jarratt and Archelaus. A William died in Bedford around 1774 with wife Mary and William, Jr., as executors. This William [Sr.] may have been the William who married Mary Jarratt, but many researchers believe that William, Sr., died in Buckingham around 1792 for a widow GILLIAM is mentioned in the county records. However, it is believed that this widow GILLIAM is Susannah Richardson, widow of John GILLIAM. The tax records of Buckingham point toward Susannah being "widow GILLIAM." (See Roger G. Ward, Tax Summaries and Implied Deeds.)

Court Orders
Bedford Court Orders
27 Nov 1797
Barney Bozzell appeared in discharge of his Recogr. charged on the complaint of Henry Hook setting forth that he conceived himself in danger of some personal injury--on hearing It is the opinion of the Court that the Barne Bozzell be bound in the sum of Thirty dollars and two securities in the sum of fifteen dollars each--whereupon he the sd. Barne Bozzell with Archelaus GILLIAM & Charles Bozwell came into Court & acknowledged themselves severally indebted as aforesaid.
Charles Bozzell appeared Fr.--charged on the complaint of Henry Hook telling forth that he conceived himself in danger & on hearing it is the opinion of the Court he give security in the sum of $30.00 & the securities in the sum of $15 each.
Whereupon said Chas. Bozzell & John Mitchell & Barne Bozzell come into Court & acknowledged themselves severally indebted as aforesaid.
Bedford County, VA, Order Book, 11, page 225
Mary GILLIAM, one female >45, 5 slaves
Ancestry.com. Federal Census
No GILLIAMs Indexed
Bedford, Northern Division
Francis Gillian, age 30, Birthplace Ireland
May Gillian, age 24, Birthplace Ireland
Head of Household William Holen, age 40
[Not Virginian GILLIAMs.]
Ancestry.com. Federal Census
No GILLIAMs Indexed
No GILLIAMs Indexed
Bedford, Forest
Henry GILLIAM, age 40 Farmer, Black
Martha GILLIAM, age 35, Keeping House, Black
William GILLIAM, age 12, Labor Farms, Black
John GILLIAM, age 11, Labor Farm, Black
Amanda GILLIAM, age 10, At Home, Black
Walter GILLIAM, age 8, Black
Mary GILLIAM, age 7, Black
James GILLIAM, age 5, Black
Amy GILLIAM, age 4, Black
Laura GILLIAM, age 2, Black
Meems GILLIAM, age 1, Black
[Henry GILLIAM family has not been located in the 1870 Census]
Ancestry.com. Federal Census
Census not extant
Bedford, Forest
Morris GILLIAM, age 28, Harness maker, Virginia
Callie GILLIAM, age 17, At school
Etta GILLIAM, age 1
Bedford, Liberty
Boarder at School
Sally GILLIAM. Age 28, At School, Virginia
Bedford, Lisbon
Otis Wheat, age 41
Patrick Brazeal, age 71
Mary Shelton, age 85
Mary L Wheat, age 16
Stanhope Wheat, age 15
Charlie Wheat, age 11
Mary GILLIAM, age 23, Nurse, Virginia
Ancestry.com. Federal Census
28 Aug 1764
John Hunter of Buckingham to Nicholas Davis of Cumberland County, 270 acres on Falling River in Bedford.
Wit: William GILLIAM, Jr., Edward Hunter & Isaac Crews
Rec: 28 Aug 1764
Teste: Ben Howard
[John Hunter lived near Wreck Island Creek. 20 July 1768, Bedford County, 90 acres on the ridge between the head branches of Falling River and the head branches of Wreck Island Creek. Land Office Patents No. 37, 1767-1768, p. 377 (Reel 37).]
Bedford County, VA, Deed Book B-2, page 454
14 Mar 1767
Martin King to William Mead, northside of Otter and both sides Elk River
Indenture Martin King to William Mead £150, north of Otter including land bought of William Calloway, George Walton, Giles Williams
Bedford County, VA, Deed Book 3, page 59
22 Sep 1767
Martin King to John Woodroof of Amherst £80 on Elk Creek
Bedford County, VA, Deed Book 3, page 133
22 Mar 1768
Martin King to John Rucker, 285 acres on Elk Creek
Bedford County, VA, Deed Book 3, page 182
Pleasant Moorman to Richard GILLIAM, 200 acres on branches of Blackwater Creek near Fleming Mountain.
Bedford County, VA, Deed Book 4, page 165
1 Mar 1773
Wm. GILLAM and wife Eliz., Bedford County, to Benj. Wash, Albemarle County, for £55, 121 acres on N. branch of Horsley. Line of David Crawford.
Albemarle County, Deed Book, page 474.
[This appears to be William, son of William and Mary Jarratt GILLIAM. William is listed in Bedford Orders in May 1774 in Mary and William GILLIAM, Exors. of William GILLIAM vs. Walter Middleton and William Butler]
Richard Hardwick to Richard GILLIAM, 26 acres on branches of Ivy Creek.
Bedford County, VA, Deed Book 8, page 241
28 May 1804
Richard and Nancy GILLIAM to Manasses Lyle, 100 acres between branches of Difficult Creek.

28 May 1804
This indenture made and entered into 28th day of May one thousand eight hundred and four between Richard GILLIAM ad Nancy GILLIAM, his wife, of the County of Bedford of the one part and Manasses Lyles of the same county ad County of Virginia of the other part a witnesseth that the said Richard GILLIAM and Nancy GILLIAM his wife in consideration of the sum of one hundred and twenty pounds lawful money of Virginia to him in hand paid by said Manasses Lyles at or before the sealing and delivery of the present the receipts where of is hereby acknowledged have bargained and sold and by these presents do bargain and sell unto Manasses Lyles is heirs and assigns one certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the county of Bedford between the two branches of Difficult containing one hundred acres more or less and bounded as followeth:
Beginning a dead tree corner at the mouth of a small branch to said GILLIAMs and Manasses Lyles line, south eight, east ninety four poles to pointers corner to the said GILLIAMs and Stephen Martins and Manasses Lyles thence north eighty nine east one hundred and seventy poles to a white oak corner to said Lyles and GILLIAMs and thence north eighty east eighty four poles to pointers to Jehue Lewis line, thence north fifty nine west thirty, five poles to a white oak corner to said Lyles thence south, eighty nine west one hundred and fifty six poles to the beginning
To have and to hold the said Land with tenements, hereditaments and all and singular others the premises herein before mentioned or intended to be bargained and sold and part and parcel thereof with every of his rights members and appurtenances unto the said Masses Lyles his heirs and assigns forever, and the said Richard GILLIAM and Nancy GILLIAM, his wife, for themselves their heirs, the said land with all and singular, the premises and appurtenances before mentioned unto the said Manasses Lyles his heirs and assigns free from the claim or claims of the said Richard GILLIAM and Nancy GILLIAM, his wife their heirs and of all and every person or persons whosoever shall will and do warrant and forever defend by these presents for witness whereof the said Richard GILLIAM and Nancy GILLIAM his wife have hereunto set their hands the day and years first above written.
Signed, sealed and del'd: Richard GILLIAM, Nancy GILLIAM
In the presents of: Benjamin Turner, Micajah Davis, Junr., Stephen Preston
This indenture of bargain and sale between Richard GILLIAM and Nancy his wife of the one part, and Manasseh Leyle of the other was acknowledged by the said Richard GILLIAM and Nancy his wife. The said Nancy being first privily examined according to Law voluntarily relinquished her right of dower in & to the land and premises conveyed by this indenture which is ordered to be recorded.
Teste J. Steptoe, CBC

Richard and Nancy GILLIAM to James White, 508 acres on Difficult Creek, adj. Thos. Overstreet.
Bedford County, VA, Deed Book 12, page 66
Nancy GILLIAM relinquishes dower rights to the 508 acres sold to James White.
Bedford County, VA, Deed Book 12, page 67
Richard GILLIAM to Robert Hawkins 207 acres on Ivy Creek.
Bedford County, VA, Deed Book 15, page 315
Grants, Headrights and Bounds
12 Jan 1780
Grant to Zachariah GILLIAM, Assignee of Edward Donohoe
Thomas Jefferson, Esq. Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, to all to whom these present shall come
Greeting. Know ye, that in the consideration of the Ancient composition of three pounds sterling paid by Zacheriah GILLAM into the Treasury of this commonwealth there is granted by the said Commonwealth unto the said Zacheriah GILLAM assignee of Edward Donohoe a certain tract or parcel of land containing five hundred and sixty two acres by Survey bearing date the second day of December 1773 lying and being in the county of Bedford on both sides of Difficult Creek north branches of Goose Creek
beginning at Overstreet’s and Dabney’s Corner Dogwood thence along Overstreet’s line north eighty three east one hundred and fifty six poles to his Corner white oak south sixty east one hundred and ninety one poles to his corner white oak and thence new lines south nine west one hundred and four poles to pointers in Hailes’ thence along his line south thirty west fifty six poles to his corner white oak thence off south forty seven west two hundred and seventy six poles to a red oak north eighty one west forty poles to a white oak north sixty five west twenty poles crossing said Creek sixty poles to a white oak north twenty seven west eighty poles to pointers north thirty east thirty poles pointers north eighty east thirty two poles to pointers on Dabney’s line thence along his line south eighty four east forty two poles to his corner white oak on the Creek and thence north two hundred and twenty eight poles to the beginning with its appurtenances to have and to hold the said Tract or parcel of land with its appurtenances to the said Zacheriah GILLIAM and his heirs for ever.
In witness whereof the said Thomas Jefferson Esq. Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, hath hereunto set his hand and caused the seal of the said Commonwealth to be affixed at Williamsburg on the twelfth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty and of the Commonwealth, the fourth.
Thos. Jefferson.
Land Office Grants A, 1779-1780 (v.1 & 2 p.1-685), p. 203 (Reel 42)
[This grant was resurveyed by William Calloway and recorded in The Bedford Surveyor’s Book #2, Part 1. 1754-1795.]
[Dabney is likely William Dabney]
Daniel Chandler Land Grant, 1779
Thomas Jefferson Esq. Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia To all to whom these presents shall come Greeting Know ye that in consideration of the ancient composition of Forty Shillings sterling paid by Daniel Candler into the Treasury of this Commonwealth there is Granted by the said Commonwealth unto the said Daniel Candler Assignee of Archelaus GILLIAM a Certain Tract or parcel of Land Containing (by Survey bearing the date the Nineteenth day of January one Thousand Seven hundred and Seventy Three) 370 acres lying and being in the County of Bedford on both Sides of Flat Creek and Possum Creek Including their Heads and Bounded as followeth To Wit
Beginning at Stemmon's corner white oak on Glady branch of Flat Creek thence off North Two hundred and Six poles to a Spanish oak on the Brow of a hill on Possum Creek North Twenty five East crossing two Branches of Possum Creek Ninety poles to pointers North fifty five East crossing two Branches of Possum Creek one Hundred and sixteen poles to a pine South twenty West Eighty poles to a Black jack South forty five West Eighty poles to a Black jack South Twenty five West Sixty Six poles to Stemmons Corner white oak thence along his line crossing Flat Creek North fifty-five West Sixty poles to the first Station with its Appurtenances to have and to hold the said tract or parcel of Land with its Appurtenances to the said Daniel Candler and his Heirs forever In Witness whereof the said Thomas Jefferson Esq. Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia hath hereunto Set his hand and Caused the Seal of the Said Commonwealth to be affixed at Williamsburg on the first Day of Dec in the Year of our Lord one Thousand Seven hundred and Seventy nine and of the Commonwealth, the fourth
Thomas Jefferson
Legislative Petitions
24 May 1779
Freeholders Protest against the division of the county.
Sig: Zachariah GILLIAM and John GILLIAM
Library of Virginia, Legislative Petitions, Reel 17, Box, 23, Folder 13
Extracted from Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy, Volume VI.
26 Jan 1778
Susanna GILLIAM and Nathaniel Tate; Archelaus Moon, surety
5 Aug 1779
James Pritchard & Mary Airl; Wm. Moon, Jacob Moon, Jr. and Zach. GILLIAM, Sureties.
24 Mar 1787
Jarrett GILLIAM & Ann GILLIAM, daughter of Richard GILLIAM, Married by C. Clay
21 Dec 1789
Sally GILLIAM & George Steel; Richard GILLIAM surety
12 Dec 1791
Charlotte GILLIAM, daughter of Richard Gilliuam [sic] & William McGehee
4 Feb 1796
Elizabeth GILLIAM & Isham Davis, Richard GILLIAM, surety
18 Feb 1796
Jarratt GILLIAM & Theodosia Davis, daughter of Elizabeth Davis of Amherst County, James Davis, Surety
28 Mar 1796
Archelaus GILLIAM & Nancy Boswell; John Boswell, Jr., surety, Married by Nathaniel Shrewsbury, March 30, 1796
10 Mar 1832
Archibald GILLIAM & Elizabeth J. D. Reynolds; Archibald Reynolds, surety
28 Sep 1778
GILLIAM, Zachariah, Ensign
22 Nov 1779
GILLIAM, Zachariah, Second Lieut.
Publick Claims
See Court Orders, above
Richard GILLUM, 750# beef, 4 diets, 2 pecks of corn, 60 days pasturage
Return of Provisions collected 1781 by Christopher Irvine, Bedford County List I
Richard GILLUM, 2 beef, 4 diets, 2 pecks corn, 60 nights pasturage
[Is this the same claim as the one above?]
Richard GILLUM, 20 bu wheat
Revolutionary War Public Service Claims
Richard GILLIAM (GILLIAM, Gillum), Court Booklet, p 7, 9, Certificates, 1, Commissioner’s Book, I, p 2, 14
Library of Virginia, Revolutionary War Public Service Claims
Road Orders
22 Feb 1790
Ordered that the following hands of Benjamin Robertson, George Gaddy, William Gaddy, John Anthony, Ardson Perkins, William Jackson, Peter Forgueran, Pleasant Branch, Thomas Williams, Lance Woodward, John Reynolds, Elizabeth Hardwick, Edmond Winston, Mary Walker, James Scott, Reuben Slaughters, Jr., William Turpin, Joseph Poindexter, Richard GILLIAM, Isaac Jackson, and Masses Wethers hands be appointed to open the Road from Reuben Slaughters old place to the link on Thomas Ferry Road, according to the report of the___ and the hand of Reuben Slaughter, Jr., William Turpin, Joseph Poindexter, Richard GILLIAM and Isaac Jackson are ordered to work under Joseph Poindexter surveyor of said road to keep the same in repair.
Page 339
2 Dec 1773
Surveyed for Zachariah Gillam (Asse of Edmund Donohoe) 560 acres of land situated in Bedford County on both sides of Difficult Creek and bounded as follows to wit:
Beginning at Overstreets at dogwood on Dabney’s line then along Overstreet’s line up a br. N 83, E 156 poles his
at white oak S 60, E 191 poles to his at white oak
and thence new lines S 9, W 104 poles to pointers on Haile’s line,
thence along his line S 30, W 56 poles to his at white oak
and thence off S 47, W 226 poles to a red oak N 81, W 40 poles to a white oak, N 65, W 20 crossing the Creek 60 poles to a white oak N 27, W 80 poles to pointer N 30, E 30 poles to pointers N 8, E 32 poles to pointers on Dabney’s thence along his line S 84, E 42 poles to his corner white oak on the Creek thence N 5, W 2 poles to the first station.
By W. Callaway.

Personal Property Tax Lists
1783 Taxable Property and Tithes
Richard GILLIAM, 3 tithes, 1 white male over 21, 2 blacks over 16, 4 blacks under 16, 6 total blacks, 5 horses , 19 cattle
Binns Genealogy, Image 9
[It is not known who the 3 tithes living with Richard are. Son, Richard, Jr., was not born until 1780 and would be approximately three years old in 1783, and it does not appear that older married daughter Susannah Tate and her family is living with her father as Nathaniel Tate is listed separately].
1789, Personal Property Tax List B, page 6
1 White male tithables, over 21
0 White male tithables, ages 16-21
3 Black, over 16
1 Black, ages 12-16
5 Horses, mares, etc.
1800 Personal Property Tax List B
Richard GILLIAMs, (estate)
1 Number white tithes
4 Number black tithes
5 Number black over 12 years
3 Number Horses, etc.
0 Ordinary license
0 Number Carriage wheels
0 Number studs
0 _____ Covering
Tax dollars 2.56
Binns Genealogy. 1790/1800 County Tax Lists of Virginia.
Wills, Estates and Inventories
Summary of Wills, Estates and Inventories, Will Books 1-21
Accounts of George Callaway
Mentioned: James Buford, William Conaway, Philip Perkins, Jacob Anderson, Christopher Irvine, Thomas Williams, William Fleming, Francis Thorp, Spiers & Co., Amherst, John Leitch, Martin KING, Henry Fuqua, John Hook, William, Mead, William Callaway, Senr., Spiers & Co, Bedford Store, James Donald & Co, Samuel Calland, James Ker & Co., Colo. William Leftwich, William Buford, Sarah Thompson, Thomas Lumpkin, James Callaway & Co., Stephen Goggins, Zachariah GILLIAM, Caleb Tate, Absalom Lynch, John Hardwick, Sheriff, William Harris (for land tax), David Saunders (for land tax), Bennett Clark, David Wright for Quit rents, from 1772 till 1774, Benjamin Walker, John Patrick, Bourner Price, Joe.
Exe: William Callaway and Charles Gwatkins
Examined by: James Penn, Robert Bradfute, William Hudnall
Ret: 24 Jan 1791
Bedford County, VA, Will Book 2, Page 46-48
James Talbot Estate
John Gillion for Quarter Schooling of 2 children
Bedford County, VA, Will Book ___, Page ___
Richard Turner's Estate
Dev GILLIAM paid Richard Turners estate
Bedford County, VA, Will Book ___, Page ___
24 Jan 1778
Will of Richard Woodward,
Witnessed by Richard and Zacharias GILLIAM
Bedford County, VA, Will Book 1, page 505
23 May 1785
Appraisal of Estate of Edward Bright
Appraised by Richard GILLIAM, Reubin Slaughter, F. Trion
Teste James Steptoe
Bedford County, VA, Will Book 1, Page 493
[Two of Bright's daughters married Woodwards.]
26 Sep 1785
At the Sep 1785 Court, "Grizzel Smith's third" was allotted to her. "Ordered that Archelaus Hughes, John Dillard, Abraham Penn, and Devereau GILLIAM of Henry County or any 3 of them do lay off and allot to Grizzel Smith her dower in the estate of her late husband Samuel Smith decd." They reported that they had allotted her share "agreeable to the mutual consent of the aforesaid Grizzle Smith and James Taylor administrator of Samuel Smith dec'd and find the widow's third part to be £57."
Bedford County, VA, Will Book 1, page 497
2 Feb 1786
Account of the Estate of Samuel Smith
Administrator: James Taylor.
“ . . . Suit in Chancery;” “ . . . a suit instituted in Henry Court.”
Examined 2 Feb 1786, by John Dillard, Abrm Penn, Deverix GILLIAM
Ret: 24 Nov 1788
Teste James Steptoe
Bedford County, VA, Will Book 2, Page 11
1 Apr 1789
Division of Land Robert Hardwick
"April 1st 1789 survey'd 365 acres of land (it being the land will'd by Robert Hardwick dec'd to his sons Richard & Pleasant) on the Branches of Ivy Creek . . ."
Mentioned in boundary description: GILLIAM's line, Forqueron's line, Reynald's line, Slaughters' corner pointers, Turpin's corner.
Sig: 2 Apr 1789 by Ro. Burton, Reuben Slaughter, Richard GILLIAM
Ret: 22 Jun 1789
Bedford County, VA, Will Book 2, Page 17
9 Nov 1789
Will of Richard GILLIAM,
[This Richard, appears to be the Richard of Halifax County of the 1780s for the witnesses of his Will (John Gill and the Hobsons) are also involved with Richard in land transactions in Halifax. There is also another Richard of Halifax who left a Will in 1794 who married the Widow of Nicholas Hobson; this Richard appears to have been childless for he makes bequeaths to the his step-children, children of Nicholas Hobson, and nephews and nieces.]

25 Jul 1791
Inventory of James Fair
“Inventory of James Fair, deceased, Estate Administered on by Christopher Clark, Admin, etc., of the Goods and Chattles unadministered by Robert Donald, decd, Administrator, etc., of James Fair”
Names mentioned include: Richard GILLIAM, John Hook, William Woody, Robert Donald, Dudley Flanders, Sarah Callaway, Thomas Williams, Richd Woodward, Hannah Fear, Edward Bright, Samuel Brown, William Kerr.
Rec: 25 Jul 1791
Sig: Christopher Clark, administrator
Bedford County, VA, Will Book 2, page 64
20 Dec 1792
Accounts of Pleasant Moorman
Administrator: Zachariah Moorman
Mentioned: Doctr Flemin, Doctr Clements, Charles Lambert, Robert Donald, Micajah Moorman, John Aylett, John Mead, John Davis, Ross and Hook, Joshua Early, John Johnson, Joshua Brock, Secretary Nelson, Charles Moorman, Goody Smith, Clark Moorman, Richard GILLIAM, John Martin, Jacobus Early, Thomas Daugherty, John Kelly, Zed Candler, Christopher Anthony, Simon Miller, Thomas Daugherty for James Bryan, John Clark, James Johnson from William Johnson.
Examined: 20 Dec 1792 by Ro. Alexander, Richard Stith, Charles M. Talbot
Rec: 24 Dec 1792
Bedford County, VA, Will Book 2, page 90-93
10 Feb 1794
Appraisement of Estate of Daniel Morin
By Robert Burton, Sr., Richard GILLIAM, Benjamin Hobson
Rec: 24 Feb 1794
Teste James Steptoe
Bedford County, VA, Will Book 2, page 129
10 Feb 1794
Accounts of Simon Miller
Executor: Simon Miller
Accounts form 24 Jan 1780-Dec 1790
Mentioned: Zachariah GILLIAM, Jacob Moon, Dudley Gatewood, John Hardwick, Sheriff, Thomas Murray per bond for Woodward, Wilcox’s Executors, William Harris, Sheriff, George W. Parker, Joseph Cogswell, John W. Holt. George Hancock per Noel’s execution, Isaac Leanheart, Ambrus Goff, Henry Jeter for William Miller, James Penn, Andrew Hunter, Charles Callaway, Henry Jeter, John Miller, Thomas Fillips, Thomas Shannon, A. Robinson, Peyton Leftwich per Goldman’s execution
Examined 21 Oct 1794, by Thomas Longwood, Charles Gwatkin, David Saunders
Returned: 27 Oct 1794
Bedford County, VA, Will Book 2, page 144-146
16 May 1799
Account of Estate of Richard GILLIAM
Executrix: Mary GILLIAM
Negroes: Ned, Amy and child Maria, Creasy, Jenny, Betty
Mentions: household goods, livestock, farm equipment, 2 guns, 2 beehives, etc.
By: Richard Hobson, Richard Oglesby, John Gills
Rec: 24 Jun 1799
Teste: James Steptoe

21 May 1802
Account of Estate of Richard GILLIAM
Executrix: Mary GILLIAM
Mentioned: Hart Brown & Co, Cash paid John Forqueran for his attendance in time of small pox, John Mitchell for blacksmith work, Ben Johnson for cart, Arthur Robinson, Will Jackson, Richard GILLIAM, Dr. Cabell,
By: Benjn Hobson, John Bullock, E. Perkins
Rec: 28 Jun 1802
Teste: James Steptoe

8 Apr 1802
Will of Sherwood Gadde
In the of God Amen I Sherwood Gadde of Bedford County being imperfect of health and in sound mind and memory do make this my last Will and Testament that is to day Principally and first I give and recommend my soul into the hand of Almighty God who gave it and my boddy to Earth from whence it was to taken to be buried in a Christian like manner at the discretion of my Executors that at the general resurrection I shall receive the same by the mighty power of God and as touching such worldly Estate where with it hath pleased God to bless me with in this Life I give devise and bequeath in the following manner. Item I lend unto my loving wife Mary Gadde during her widowhood the Plantation & lands where on I now live also my Negroes James, Ben, Pat, & Nancy also my Horses Cattle Hogs & Sheep also my Beds & kitchen furniture also the whole of all the property I may decd possess with real and personal all the Plantation utensils all moneys on hand and due or may here after become due during her Life or widowhood and at her decease to be divided as follows. Item it is my desire that my Estate should be equally divided among my children charging each one with what they have had so to make & equal division it is my desire that my son Joseph should take James at valuation that is to say what two good men should say his worth at the time he received him also my daughter Hannah Buress should take Ben on the same terms also Polley Gadde Nancy on the same terms Also Elizabeth Gadde Martha on the same terms if it is her wish to take them on them terms Otherwise to be sold & the money to be equally divided _________ I do constitute & appoint my Dear Wife Mary Gadde Executrix and son Joseph & Charles Bright Jun my Executors of this my last Will & Testament
In Witness where I have here unto set my hand and Seal this eighth day of April eighteen hundred & two Signed Sealed & published
Sig: Shearwood Gadde
in presents of
E. Perkins
April 8th 1802 This day have charge each of my Children with what they have had
William Gadde to the Estate of Shearwood Gadde
To a Tract of Land 50.00.00
To a mare £5 Cow & calf £3 one Hog 20/ 9.00.00
To Pewter 15/Tools 15/ 1.00.00
Rebecker Barker
To accounts £4 To Cash £30 34.00.00
Joseph Gadde
To 1 Horse Colt £5 to 1 Heifer 20/ to Sow 15 06.15.00
To Pewter 15/ 15.00
Hannah Burress
To 1 Horse £12 To 1 Cow & Calf £3 15.00.00
To 1 Sheep 20/ To Pewter 15/ 01.15.00
Jenney Whiten
To 1 Horse £12 To 1 feather Bed £12 24.00.00
To 1 Cow & Calf £3 Heifer 20/ 4.00.00
To 2 Sheep 20/ To Pewter 15/ 1.15.00
Polley Gadde
To 1 mare 6.00.00
At a Court held for Bedford County at the Courthouse this 26th day of September 1803
This last Will & Testament of Shearwood Gadde was exhibited in Court by Joseph Gadde one of the Executors therein named and proved by the oath of Elisha Perkins & Richard GILLIAM & ordered to be recorded & on the motion of the said Exor who made Oath & together with Thomas Longwood Elisha Perkins & Isaac Otey his securities entered into & acknowledged their Bond in the penalty of five Thousand Dollars conditions according to Law certificate is granted him for obtaining a probate thereof in _____ form liberty being reserved the other Executor herein named to join in the same when they shall think fit.
Teste J. Steptoe CBC
[As Richard GILLIAM's Will was recorded 22 Apr 1799, this Richard appears to be Richard, Jr.]
Bedford County, VA, Will Book 3, page 10
8 Jun 1818
Appraisement of Estate of Mary GILLIAM,
Wife of Richard GILLIAM

25 Dec 1829
Will of Gilliam King
In the name of God Amen, I Gilliam, King of the County of Bedford and State of Virginia being weak in body but of sound mind and disposed understanding do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament hereby renouncing all others or former Wills or _______ form following, to wit
First I desire all my just debts to be paid and hereby subject the whole of my estate both real and personal to the discharge of the same
2ndly I desire that all my personal property of what _______ except that is herein after named e sold on a credit of twelve months together with the end of my tract of land on which my nephew William King formerly lived including the field in which his house stood thence up toward the mountain adjoining the land of Joseph Cruise and Ezekiel Tolly. I suppose about one hundred acre more or less to be sold in the same credit and the proceeds of which sales together with such debts as are due me to be collected are to be first applied to the payment of my just debts
3dly The debts shall not yet be absolved then I desire that my negro man Jacob the hired out till the debts are paid
4thly If there should remain a balance in the funds of my Exor after the above named sales take place, my dues collected and ___ paid of ____ it to be lawful heirs of my nephew William King now residing in the western country
5thly I give etc Willis Hensley the remainder of my tract of land on which _____ house now stand with all the appurtenances, rights attained except the ______
6thly Ito my wife Nancy King I give the privilege of continuing in my dwelling house _______ _______ during her natural life time or widowhood and she ________ to be dispose of ______ by her consent during the above named period
7thly I give to my wife Nancy King her choice of a cow and ______
8thly . . .
my debts of ____ be set at liberty and as a means of his support shall have his axe and his hoe and bread or corn enough to last one year and shall be permitted to occupy the house that Willis Hensley lately built and intended to occupy on my land. He shall also be permitted to cultivate as ______as will afford him a plentiful support during his lifetime and at this death all that is herein devised to him shall revert to Willis Hensley.
I desire and request ___ act for Jacob as an agent friend and protector ______ defrauded out of the lawful means of support nor be narrowed in his mean of support _______
9thly I do hereby constitute and appoint my friend Thomas Sale executor of my last Will and Testament
Sig: Gilliam King
Signed, sealed and acknowledged this _______ in the presence of
N. Sale
William Hudson,
Wm A. King
At a court called for Bedford County at the Courthouse ______ day of January 1830 this last will and Testament of Gilliam King deceased was exhibited in court, proved by the oaths of Nelson Sale, William A. King two subscribing witnesses. It was ordered to be recorded and on the motion of Thomas Sale the executor _______ made oath and gave bond _____
Certificate is granted him for obtaining a probate
Ro C. Milstead
[Gilliam King is the son of Martin and Martha King, and grandson of James Gilliam, Sr of Littleton Parish, Cumberland County, VA]
Bedford County, VA, Will Book G-7, page 237-238
- Abercrombie, Janice L. and Slatten, Richard, comp. Virginia Revolutionary "Publick" Claims. 3 vols. Athens, Ga.: Iberian Pub. Co., 1992.
- Ancestry.com. Federal Census
- Ancestry.com. Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy, Vol. 6 [database online]. Orem, UT: Ancestry.com, 1998.
- Ancestry.com. Virginia Militia in the Revolutionary War [database online]. Orem, UT: Ancestry.com, 1997.
- Binns Genealogy. 1790/1800 County Tax Lists of Virginia.
- Chilton, Ann. Bedford County, Virginia will book 3, 1794-1810. Signal Mountain, TN : Mountain Press, 1988.
- Gwathmey, John E. Historical Register of Virginians in the Revolution: Soldiers, Sailors and Marines, 1775-1783. Richmond, Va. 1938. (13, 872p.):308
- Hinshaw, William Wade. Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy, Volume 6. Ann Arbor, MI: Edwards Bros., 1938-.
- Library of Virginia, Revolutionary War Public Service Claims
- Library of Virginia, Legislative Petitions, Reel 17, Box, 23, Folder 13
- McAllister, J.T., Virginia Militia in the Revolutionary War, McAllister Publishing Co., Hot Springs, VA: 1913.
- Ward, Roger G. 1815 Directory of Virginia Landowners (and Gazetteer) Volume 1, Central Region. Athens, GA: Iberian Pub. Co., 1997.
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