Updated November 24, 2022

Petersburg was formed from parts of Dinwiddie, Prince George, and Chesterfield counties. A garrison and fur trading post called Fort Henry was established in 1645 on the site of the Indian village of Appamattuck. The present name, suggested in 1733 by William Byrd II, honors Peter Jones, Byrd's companion on expeditions into the Virginia backcountry. Petersburg was established in 1748 and incorporated as a town in 1784. In the latter year the towns of Blandford, Pocahontas, and Ravenscroft were added to Petersburg. It was incorporated as a city in 1850. Petersburg was enlarged by annexation from both Prince George and Dinwiddie counties in 1972.
The city is also significant for its role in African-American history. Petersburg had one of the oldest Free Black settlements in the state at Pocahontas Island. Two Baptist churches in the city, whose congregations were founded in the late 18th century, are among the oldest black congregations and churches in the nation. Among the Free Blacks of Petersburg is Esther Tinsley, the widow of Walter Boyd Gilliam, and her daughters Jane Henry Gilliam and Rebecca N. Gilliam. Rebecca was a shrewd business woman. Before she married James Z. Mathews she put her entire estate in trust with Robert Ritchie. She brought and sold real estate and even brought a chancery suit is 1849 against her husband. She left a Will in Petersburg. After the death of Walter Boyd Gilliam, Esther married John Smith.
Blandford Church was built in 1735 as the seat of worship for members of Bristol Parish.
The GILLIAMs of Petersburg were members of the Presbyterian Church. Several are listed as members in the manual published for The Members of the Presbyterian Church in Petersburg, Virginia, 1833.
Pannill family Bible record, 1794-1875.
Bible record: 6 leaves.
Loose papers: 5 leaves.
Transcript: 3 leaves.
Notes and Summaries:
Area covered is Petersburg, Va. Bible published in 1845. Other surnames mentioned: Carter, GILLIAM, Goodwyn, Jones, Meade, and Witherspoon. These records are from the Bible of Henry Pannill. This is a copy made from the Boyce family genealogical notes, Acc. 32860. Loose notes indicate dates from 1735-1873.
Library of Virginia. Pannill family Bible record, 1794-1875.
Jones family Bible record, 1630-1926.
Jones family Bible record, 1630-1926.
8 leaves.
Notes and Summaries:
Area covered is Petersburg and Dinwiddie Co., Va. Bible published in 1824. Other surnames mentioned: Bennet, Bland, Bolling, Bragg, Cox, GILLIAM, Hamner, Lundy, McKenney, Meacham, Mickelbrough, Poythress, Pryor, Randolph, Shore, and Yates. These records are from the Bible of Benjamin Jones.
Library of Virginia. Jones family Bible record, 1630-1926.
The Biography of Robert GILLIAM from
Lyon Gardiner Tyler, Encyclopedia of Virginia Biography, Richmond, VA, 1915.
Database of Gilliam burials at Blandford Cemetery
Tombstone images, Blandford Cemetery
Tombstone Inscriptions from Blandford Cemetery
In memory of
Agnes B. Stringfellow GILLIAM
Born Mar. 21, 1847
Died April 27, 1923
In the Lord have I put my trust.
In memory of
Thomas Shore GILLIAM
Born July 7, 1827 at Violet Bank
Died Nov. 6, 1885
Numbered with thy saints in glory everlasting.
Sue T.
Wife of Robert GILLIAM Jr.
and daughter of Dr. T.S. & A.R. Beckwith
Born Sept. 12, 1846
Died July 5, 1877
Grizzelle Mullen Wife of Robert GILLIAM, Jr.
Oct. 28, 1881
Oct. 6, 1931
Robert GILLIAM, Jr.
Oct. 6, 1881
Feb. 13, 1955
To the dear memory of Mrs. Anne F., Relict of John Peyton Bolling, Daughter of Dr. Jas. S. & Mrs. Mary F. GILLIAM Born March 28, 1796 Died Augt. 28, 1882
A mother in Israel of gifted intellect of sunny temperment of loving heart, her presence brightened her home. With her life work well done she sat waiting for her Lord, and went with Joy to Meet Him at His call. Her dying words Into Thy hands I commit My Spirit thou hast redeemed Me, O Lord God of Truth. Ps. 31:5 From a home of which her presence was the sunlight, She has passed to one where the shadows never fall.
In Sacred Memory of our Mother Mattie Boisseau GILLIAM Born July 31, 1839 Died Feb. 9, 1917. Peace perfect peace.
James Skelton GILLIAM Born Oct. 7, 1838 Died July 16, 1916 A Christian soldier of Lee. Taken prisoner at Gettysburg. Last Confederate at Point Look Out.
Eliza Shore
Wife of Robert Maitland Dunlop
and Daughter of Eliza Shore and John GILLIAM M.D. of Violet Bank, Chesterfield Co., Va.
Born at Violet Bank October 6, 1835
Died at New Orleans, La. February 23rd, 1907
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see god.
Theophilus Field GILLIAM M.D.
son of Eliza Shore and John GILLIAM M.D. of Violet Bank, Chesterfield Co., Va.
Born at Montalo, Price Geo. Co. Va. Nov. 24th 1890
Died at Arlington Nov. 29th 1904
In memory of
Mary Louise
Daughter of John GILLIAM M.D. and Eliza Smith Shore
Born at Violet Bank, Chesterfield Co., Va.
Entered into Rest New Orleans January 20, 1895
The sufferings of this present time are not to be compared with the glory which
shall be revealed.
In memory of
Wife of Richard D. GILLIAM
Daughter of Wm. C. & Mary Jones
born Nov. 27, 1864
Died April 21, 1926
In memory of
Jane Gray Shippen
Daughter of Dr. John GILLIAM and Elizabeth Smith Shore
wife of Thomas Lee Shippen
Born in Petersburg, Va. Dec. 11, 1823
Died in Petersburg, Va. Aug. 5, 1875
In Memory of
Dr. William Shippen
only son of Thomas Lee Shippen and Jane GILLIAM
Born at Violet Bank Chesterfield Co., VA. May 20, 1862
Died in Petersburg, Va. Nov. 17, 1913
John Arthur Johnson
Born in Petersburg, Va. Oct. 24, 1828
Died Aug. 3, 1899
Albertena GILLIAM
Wife of John A. Johnson
Born March 12, 1839
Died Dec. 30, 1928
Dr. Joseph Peterson GILLIAM
son of John & Mary E. GILLIAM of Dinwiddie, Va.
Born in Brunswick Co., Va. February 22, 1837
Died in Chesterfield Co., Va. Mar. 17, 1912
Co. A. 41 Va. Inf.
In memory of My beloved Husband
Born Mar. 7, 1895
Died Aug. 24, 1920
In Memory of
Janet Colquohown
Relict of Robert GILLIAM
and daughter of Walter & Claramond Colquohown
Born Jan. 23, 1806
Died June 3, 1860
Whose faith follows
James S Gilliam
Free White Persons - Males - Under 10: 2
Free White Persons - Males - 10 thru 15: 2
Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 25: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 26 thru 44 : 1
Free White Persons - Males - 45 and over: 1
Free White Persons - Females - Under 10: 3
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 15: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 16 thru 25: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 26 thru 44: 1
Numbers of Slaves: 12
Number of Household Members Under 16: 8
Number of Household Members Over 25: 3
Number of Household Members: 25
[Dr. James Skelton Gilliam, son of Robert Gilliam and Lucy Skelton]
Eddy Gilliam
Free Colored Persons - Males - Under 14: 1
Free Colored Persons - Females - 14 thru 25: 1
Free Colored Persons - Females - 26 thru 44: 1
Total Free Colored Persons: 3
Total All Persons - White, Slaves, Colored, Other: 3
[Most likely, Edy, the slave by the Will of Lucy Gilliam of Sussex County, the daughter of Hinchea Gilliam and Mary Johnson]
Polly Gilliam
Free Colored Persons - Females - 14 thru 25: 1
Total Free Colored Persons: 1
Total All Persons - White, Slaves, Colored, Other: 1
Wm B Gilliam [Walter B. Gilliam]
Free White Persons - Males - 26 thru 44: 1
Free Colored Persons - Females - 14 thru 25: 1
Slaves - Females - 14 thru 25: 2
Free White Persons - Over 25: 1
Total Free White Persons: 1
Total Slaves: 2
Total Free Colored Persons: 1
Total All Persons - White, Slaves, Colored, Other: 4
[Though enumerated as Wm B. Gilliam, this appears to be Walter B. Gilliam]
John Gilliam
Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 25: 2
Free White Persons - Males - 26 thru 44: 2
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 15: 2
Free White Persons - Females - 16 thru 25: 2
Free White Persons - Females - 26 thru 44: 2
Slaves - Males - Under 14: 4
Slaves - Males - 14 thru 25: 2
Slaves - Males - 26 thru 44: 3
Slaves - Females - Under 14: 4
Slaves - Females - 14 thru 25: 3
Slaves - Females - 26 thru 44: 2
Slaves - Females - 45 and over: 1
Free White Persons - Under 16: 2
Free White Persons - Over 25: 4
Total Free White Persons: 10
Total Slaves: 19
Total All Persons - White, Slaves, Colored, Other: 29
Eady Gilliam
Free Colored Persons - Males - 10 thru 23: 4
Free Colored Persons - Males - 24 thru 35: 1
Free Colored Persons - Females - 10 thru 23: 2
Free Colored Persons - Females - 24 thru 35: 1
Free Colored Persons - Females - 55 thru 99: 1
Total Free Colored Persons: 9
Total - All Persons (Free White, Slaves, Free Colored): 9
[Most likely, Edy, the slave by the Will of Lucy Gilliam of Sussex County, the daughter of Hinchea Gilliam and Mary Johnson]
Eady Gilliam
Free Colored Persons - Males - 10 thru 23: 4
Free Colored Persons - Females - 10 thru 23: 1
Free Colored Persons - Females - 36 thru 54: 1
Slaves - Males - 36 thru 54: 1
Total Slaves: 1
Total Free Colored Persons: 6
Total - All Persons (Free White, Slaves, Free Colored): 7
[It appears that Eady Gilliam was enumerated twice]
Esther Gilliam
Free White Persons - Females - 70 thru 79: 1
Free Colored Persons - Males - Under 10: 1
Free Colored Persons - Males - 10 thru 23: 2
Free Colored Persons - Males - 36 thru 54: 2
Free Colored Persons - Males - 55 thru 99: 1
Free Colored Persons - Females - Under 10: 1
Free Colored Persons - Females - 10 thru 23: 2
Free Colored Persons - Females - 36 thru 54: 1
Slaves - Females - Under 10: 4
Slaves - Females - 10 thru 23: 3
Slaves - Females - 100 and over: 1
Total Free White Persons: 1
Total Slaves: 8
Total Free Colored Persons: 10
Total - All Persons (Free White, Slaves, Free Colored): 19
[Widow of Walter Boyd Gilliam]
Mary Gilliam
Free White Persons - Males - 30 thru 39: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 60 thru 69: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 15 thru 19: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 20 thru 29: 2
Free White Persons - Females - 60 thru 69: 1
Slaves - Males - Under 10: 2
Slaves - Males - 10 thru 23: 1
Slaves - Males - 24 thru 35: 1
Slaves - Males - 36 thru 54: 1
Slaves - Males - 55 thru 99: 1
Slaves - Females - Under 10: 2
Slaves - Females - 24 thru 35: 1
Slaves - Females - 36 thru 54: 2
Free White Persons - Under 20: 1
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: 3
Total Free White Persons: 6
Total Slaves: 11
Total - All Persons (Free White, Slaves, Free Colored): 17
[Mary Field Gilliam, wife of James Skelton Gilliam and daughter of Theophilus Field and Nannie]
Nathaniel Gilliam
Free Colored Persons - Males - 24 thru 35: 1
Free Colored Persons - Females - Under 10: 1
Free Colored Persons - Females - 10 thru 23: 2
Free Colored Persons - Females - 36 thru 54: 1
Total Free Colored Persons: 5
Total - All Persons (Free White, Slaves, Free Colored): 5
Robt Gilliam Junior
Free White Persons - Males - 20 thru 29: 1
Free White Persons - Females - Under 5: 2
Free White Persons - Females - 20 thru 29: 3
Free White Persons - Females - 40 thru 49: 1
Free Colored Persons - Males - Under 10: 3
Slaves - Females - 10 thru 23: 1
Slaves - Females - 36 thru 54: 1
Free White Persons - Under 20: 2
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: 5
Total Free White Persons: 7
Total Slaves: 2
Total Free Colored Persons: 3
Total - All Persons (Free White, Slaves, Free Colored): 12
[Though referred to as Junior, most likely Robert Gilliam, son of Dr. James S. Gilliam and Mary Field. See Janet Gilliam, below. “Junior” was likely used to distinguish him from other Robert Gilliams of this family.]
Mary Gilliam
Petersburg South Ward, Dinwiddie, Virginia
Free Colored Persons - Females - 24 thru 35: 1
Total Free Colored Persons: 1
Total All Persons - Free White, Free Colored, Slaves: 1
Mary Gilliam
Petersburg West Ward, Dinwiddie, Virginia
Free White Persons - Males - 60 thru 69: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 60 thru 69: 1
Slaves - Males - 36 thru 54: 2
Slaves - Males - 55 thru 99: 1
Slaves - Females - 24 thru 35: 2
Slaves - Females - 36 thru 54: 1
Total Free White Persons: 2
Total Slaves: 6
Total All Persons - Free White, Free Colored, Slaves: 8
[Mary Field Gilliam, wife of James Skelton Gilliam and daughter of Theophilus Field and Nannie]
Susan Gilliam
Petersburg East Ward, Dinwiddie, Virginia
Free White Persons - Females - 40 thru 49: 1
Slaves - Females - 24 thru 35: 1
White Persons - Insane and Idiots at Private Charge: 1
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: 1
Total Free White Persons: 1
Total Slaves: 1
Total All Persons - Free White, Free Colored, Slaves: 2
[Most likely Susan P. Bolling wife of Samuel Gilliam and daughter of Robert Bolling and Clara Yates]
Wm Gilliam
Petersburg East Ward, Dinwiddie, Virginia
Free Colored Persons - Males - 24 thru 35: 1
Total Free Colored Persons: 1
Total All Persons - Free White, Free Colored, Slaves: 1
Jannett Gilliam
Petersburg South Ward, Dinwiddie, Virginia
Free White Persons - Males - Under 5: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 5 thru 9: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 14: 3
Free White Persons - Females - 20 thru 29: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 30 thru 39: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 50 thru 59: 1
Slaves - Males - 24 thru 35: 1
Slaves - Females - 10 thru 23: 2
Slaves - Females - 36 thru 54: 1
Slaves - Females - 55 thru 99: 1
Schools - Academies & Grammar Schools: 1
Schools - No. of Scholars (Acad/Gram): 48
Free White Persons - Under 20: 5
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: 2
Total Free White Persons: 8
Total Slaves: 5
Total All Persons - Free White, Free Colored, Slaves: 13
[Janet Gilliam, nee Colquhoun, widow of Robert Gilliam,]
John Smith
Petersburg South Ward, Dinwiddie, Virginia
Free Colored Persons - Males - 55 thru 99: 1
Free Colored Persons - Females - 10 thru 23: 1
Free Colored Persons - Females - 55 thru 99: 1
Slaves - Males - 10 thru 23: 3
Slaves - Males - 24 thru 35: 1
Slaves - Females - Under 10: 6
Slaves - Females - 10 thru 23: 1
Slaves - Females - 24 thru 35: 1
Slaves - Females - 55 thru 99: 2
Total Free Colored Persons: 3
Total Slaves: 14
Total All Persons - Free White, Free Colored, Slaves: 17
[Appears to be John Smith who married Esther Tinsley, widow of Walter Boyd Gilliam]
James Matthews
Home in 1840 (City, County, State): Petersburg South Ward, Dinwiddie, Virginia
Free Colored Persons - Males - Under 10: 1
Free Colored Persons - Males - 24 thru 35: 1
Free Colored Persons - Females - Under 10: 2
Free Colored Persons - Females - 24 thru 35: 1
Slaves - Females - 10 thru 23: 1
Slaves - Females - 24 thru 35: 1
Persons Employed in Manufacture and Trade: 2
Total Free Colored Persons: 5
Total Slaves: 2
Total All Persons - Free White, Free Colored, Slaves: 7
[Appears to be James Z. Mathews who married Rebecca N. Gilliam, daughter of Esther Tinsley]
A Gillam
Age: 35
Birth Year: abt 1815
Birthplace: Virginia
Race: Black
Gender: Male
Household Members:
A Gillam, age 35
E Gillam, age 21
G Andrews, age 65
E Gillam, age 50
W Cutler, age 13
L Jarrott, age 8
M Pettyfoot, age 21
Susan Gilliam
Age: 70
Birth Year: abt 1780
Gender: Female
Household Members:
Susan Gilliam, age 70
Lucy Murdan, age 60
Jane Dowell, age 25
Mary Dowell, age 20
[Most likely Susan P. Bolling wife of Samuel Gilliam and daughter of Robert Bolling and Clara Yates]
Willis Gilliam
Age: 47
Birth Year: abt 1803
Race: Mulatto
Household Members:
Willis Gilliam, age 47
Ann Gilliam, age 30
John Gilliam, age 12
Virginia Gilliam, age 11
Glidwell Gilliam, age 8
William Gilliam, age 13
Rebecca Gilliam, age 20
Disey Gilliam, age 19
Jeff Caster, age 17
Jane Gilliam
Age: 44
Birth Year: abt 1806
Gender: Female
Family Number: 745
Household Members:
Jane Gilliam 44
Clara Gilliam 24
Climan Gilliam 16
James Gilliam 15
[Janet Gilliam, nee Colquhoun, widow of Robert Gilliam, Jr.]
James S Gilliam
Age: 37
Birth Year: abt 1813
Gender: Male
Household Members:
James S Gilliam, age 37
James Gilliam, age 12
Ada Gilliam, age 10
Jane Gilliam, age 9
Hannah Gilliam, age 7
Carther Gilliam, age 1
[James S. Gilliam, son of John Gilliam and Hannah Sampson]
Sarah Gilliam
Age: 28
Birth Year: abt 1822
Gender: Female
Household Members:
Sarah Gilliam, age 28
Mary Boots, age 27
Dacilla Gilliam
Age: 20
Birth Year: abt 1830
Race: Mulatto
Gender: Female
Household Members:
George Skink, age 28
Virginia Skink, age 20
Dacilla Gilliam, age 20
Mary Gilliam
Age: 10
Birth Year: abt 1840
Gender: Female
Household Members:
Richd Batt, age 28
Emily Batt, age 24
Eliza Batt, age 3
Mary Gilliam, age 10
James Mathews
Age: 35
Birth Year: abt 1815
Gender: Male
Household Members:
James Mathews 35
John Mathews 11
Mary Mathews 4
Peggy Isbell 43
[James Z. Mathews, widower of Rebecca N. Gilliam]
Chancery Suits
31 Jan 1817
Moore v. GILLIAM
Library of Virginia. Chancery Suits.
Mar 1849
James Z. Mathews asks that his late wife's indebtedness to him be satisfied out of her estate. He attests that his wife Rebecca "was indebted to him in a very huge sum exceeding one thousand dollars . . . the whole of which remains still unpaid." Mathews notes that Rebecca entered their marriage with an estate in land and approximately thirty slaves that was held in trust "for her sole and separate use." He further asserts that Rebecca's will directed that he receive a house and a lot in Petersburg as means to satisfy a loan of $600 and "that her debts should be paid from the hires of her slaves." The petitioner cites, however, "that the said Rebecca N. Mathews died largely indebted, and to such an amount as, in the judgment of her Executor, to render necessary the sale of the whole of her real estate . . . including the House and Lot aforesaid devised to your Orator." Mathews therefore prays "that your Honor may decree to your orator satisfaction out of the estate of the said R. N. Mathews decd of his debts aforesaid" and "that he may be indemnified as devisee of the real estate aforesaid which has been sold to pay debts." The 1850 decree states that a group of slaves emancipated by Rebecca's wills be charged with a portion of the debt and thereby sold for a term of years.
Names mentioned: Jane Gilliam, Sarah Elizabeth Gilliam, John W. B. Mathews, Mary A. R. Mathews, Thomas Wallace, James Z. Mathews, William A. Blanton, Mr. Boyle, Thomas Byrns, R. R. Collier, Henry Davis, Alexander Dorman, Jane Ford, Sarah Ford, O. H. Hobson, Rebecca N. Gilliam Mathews, John F. May, Ruben Ragland.
Digital Library on American Slavery, Petition 21684913
Jennie M GILLIAM vs. Richard Curd GILLIAM (alias: Richard Curd Gillian)
The following is a verbatim transcription of the list of members taken from the Manual for The Members of The Presbyterian Church in Petersburg, Virginia. This pamphlet was published in 1833 and lists members of the congregation from its inception in 1812, including various remarks of genealogical interest.
Copies of this manual may be found at the Virginia State Library.
Presbyterian Church
1833 Membership
Arabella Gilliam, daughter of James S. Gilliam, MD
Lucy S. Gilliam, daughter of James S. Gilliam, MD
Hart, L. H. Members of the Presbyterian Church in Petersburg, Southside Virginian, Volume 4, page 70
[The church referred to above is Tabb Street Presbyterian Church]
Civil War
PETERSBURG, VA., May 27, 1864.
(Received 12.50 a. m. 28th.)
Captain JOHN M. OTEY,
Assistant Adjutant-General:
CAPTAIN: My courier arrived this a. m. from my scouts at Fort Boykin, and reported that since Sunday a number of transports have passed Fort Boykin with troops on board, estimated by them between 3,000 and 5,000. In my dispatch to the general I estimated them at about 4,000. You will perceive by the inclosed report to me that they are taking all they can from Norfolk and Portsmouth. Four transports went down the river on Monday with wounded, and one yesterday. Transports are continually passing up with stores, forage, and ordnance. Yesterday fourteen pontoon-boats left Old Point for Butler. They were towed up on canal barges by steamers. The canal barges are all of the same shape and dimensions. May they not use them as a pontoon also from Bermuda Hundred wharf to Shirley? It is but a short distance. I went out on our right with General Colston this p. m. and approached within 400 yards of their (the enemy's) pickets at Port Walthall. They have cleared the bluff on the east side of the Appomattox, below Red Bluff, and at Dr. Mason GILLIAM's place. A small force was only visible there, but below that, and in the rear of Broadway, a number of tents are visible--say about a regiment. The cleared bluff at Mason GILLIAM's commands the plateau as you approach that point from Dunn's. Neither breast-works nor artillery.
Respectfully, your obedient servant,
Major and Signal Officer.
The War of The Rebellion: A Compilation of The Official Records of The Union And Confederate Armies
11 Apr 1820
This indenture, made the eleventh day of April in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty between William Pace and Jane his wife on the one part and Walter Boyd Gilliam all of the Town of Petersburg, State of Virginia on the other part, Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sun of eight hundred dollars to them in hand paid by the said Walter Boyd Gilliam the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have given, granted, bargained, sold, aliened, enfeoffed, released and confirmed and by these presents do give, grant, bargain, sell alien, enfeoff, release, and confirm unto he said Walter Boyd Gilliam, one certain piece or lot of land situate and laying on Walnut street in the Town of Petersburg southwardly on said street, one hundred and sixty feet to William Pace’s line,
thence along the said line westwardly two hundred feet
thence northwardly one hundred and sixty feet to Wm Clack’s line,
thence eastwardly along the said line two hundred feet to the beginning.
To have and to hold the said lot of land above described with tits appurtenances unto he said Walter Boyd Gilliam, his heirs and assigns forever, and the said William Pace and Jane his wife, for themselves, their heirs, executors and administrator do hereby covenant and agree to and with the said Walter Boyd Gilliam his heirs and assigns in manner and form following to with that is to say that they the said William Pace and Jane his wife and their heirs will forever warrant and defend the above described lot of land with it appurtenances unto the said Walter Boyd Gilliam his heirs and assigns against the lawful claim and demand of them the said Pace and wife and their heirs and of any other person or persons claiming or to claim by through or under them or either or any of them and against the lawful claim and demand of every and all other person or persons whatsoever.
In witness whereof the said William Pace and Jane his wife have hereunto subscribed their names and affixed their seals on the day and year first above written
Sig: William Pace, Jane Pace
Petersburg, VA, Deed Book 6, page 280
11 Apr 1820
This indenture made the eleventh day of April in the year of Christ, one thousand eight hundred and twenty between Walter Boyd Gilliam on the first part, Wm Moore of the second part and Wm Pace of the third part, all of the Town of Petersburg and state of Virginia. Whereas the said Pace having sold unto the said Gilliam a certain lot in the Town of Petersburg aforesaid as by deed from said Pace to said Gilliam of same date with this Indenture will more fully appear and to which reference maybe had, and whereas the said Gilliam hath executed his bond to said Pace dated the 8th day of the present month (April) and payable in twelve months from the date for the sum of five hundred dollars being in part payment of said lot of land, and the said Gilliam being willing and desirous to secure the payment of said bond, now therefore this indenture witnesseth that for and in consideration of the premises and for in consideration of the sum of five dollars to said Moore in hand paid at and before the ensealing and delivery of these present the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledge the said Walter Boyd Gilliam hath granted, bargains and sold and doeth by these present grant, bargain ands ell unto the said William Moore all the lot, piece or parcel of ground as described in said deed from Pace to Gilliam together with all and singular appendages and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any manner appertaining to have and to hold the said lot with it appurtenances to him the said William Moore his heirs and assigns forever, and the said Walter Boyd Gilliam do by these present forever warrant and defend the title to the said lot to him the said William Moore his heirs and assigns forever against the claim and demand of any person or persons whatsoever
Upon Trust nevertheless that should the money due on said bond be unpaid on the day it become due it shall and may be lawful and the said Wm Moore is hereby required to proceed to sell for ready money the said lot of land having first given ten days notice of the time and place of such sale in either of the newspapers of this town aforesaid and out of the money arising form said sale having first paid the expenses attending the same shall pay and satisfy such sum as may remain due on said bond and the surplus if any to be paid to the said Walter Boyd Gilliam, his heirs, executors or administrator. But should the above bond named aforesaid be regularly paid by the said Walter Boyd Gilliam, his heirs executors or administrator at the time when it shall become due, that no default be made, then this indenture to be void or else to remain in full force and virtue.
In testimony whereof the said parties to these presents have hereunto set their hand and affixed their seals the day and year first above written
Sig: W. B. Gilliam
Petersburg, VA, Deed Book 6, page 281
15 May 1820
This indenture made this 15th day of May one thousand eight hundred and twenty between William Pace of the first part the creditors of the said William Pace of the second part and James and Francis Pace of the third part.
Whereas the said William Pace stands indebted to several persons by bonds bills and open accounts and as at this time it is impossible to pay them all without an entire sale of his property and to the utter ruin of himself and his family and being desirous of paying them all if possible I no in proportion to their just claims. Now this indenture witnesseth that for and in consideration of the premises and also from the further consideration of one dollar in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, they the said William Pace and Jane his wife, have given, granted, bargained and sold and by these presents do give, grant, bargain, sell to James and Francis Pace their following real property to wit
A lot purchased from Nollner and wife, situate in this town as may hereby reference to the records of the this town
A lot from Robert Bolling and wife as may be seen by reference to the records of the Hustings court and also
A lot from the estate of Joshua Vaughan as may be seen by reference to the records of the Hustings court and
A part of the unimproved lot which the said Pace bought of John Bell and
One fourth of the lot on Sycamore Street in occupancy of Woodward and Co and
A small piece of land between the lot bought of Henry Nollner and Walnut Street and
The following slaves to wit
A Negro man Richmond,
One named Mingo
A woman named Tamur
And all his household and kitchen furniture as per schedule hereto annexed and do assign transfer and sell over all his debts due to him by bond, bill, note or open acct.
To have and to hold to the said James and Francis Pace the aforesaid lands slaves household and kitchen furniture and all such other articles included in the schedule hereto annexed to them and their heirs forever upon this special trust and confidence nevertheless, that they the said trustees do sell for ready money so much of the property aforesaid as may be necessary to pay and satisfy any execution which is in the hands of any publick officer except that of John A. Aezell and all costs and charges of writing and recording this deed of Trust and that after the first day of January next they proceed to sell the remainder of the property hereby conveyed or intended to be conveyed on a credit of one, two, and three years after advertising in one of the newspapers printed in this town, the time and place of selling the same and that they distribute among the creditors of the said William Pace proportionably to their respective debts the proceeds of the said sale and to enable the said James and Francis Pace to recover the debts due to the said William Pace, he doth hereby ordain constitute and appoint he aforesd James and Francis Pace his true and lawful attorneys , to demand, receive and is necessary to institute suits for the recovery of the debts aforesaid and on receiving the same to give and grant discharges for the same. And the said William Pace for himself his heirs, exors, and admors doth warrant and defend the right, title, interest and claim in and to the said real and personal property to the said James and Francis Pace and their heirs against all persons whatsoever and it is further agreed that if either of the trustees aforesaid should depart this life before a complete execution of this trust, the survivor is fully authorized to act.
In testimony whereof the aforesaid parties have hereunto set their hands and affixed their seals the day and year being first above written.
Sig: William Pace, Jane Pace.
Petersburg, VA, Deed Book 6, page 210
[Apparently, William Pace, sells the above properties and the Walnut Street lot to Walter B. Gilliam to satisfy certain debts]
18 May 1820
This indenture made this eighteenth day of may in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty between Walter B. Gilliam of the County of Prince George of the one part and John Gilliam Senior of the Town of Petersburg of the other part, witnesseth that the said Walter B. Gilliam in order to secure the said John Gilliam Senior who became the security of the said Walter B. Gilliam as executor of John Gilliam deceased; now in order to secure indemnify and save free from injury the said John Gilliam Senior security as aforesaid and in the further consideration of the sum of one dollar to him in had paid by the said John Gilliam Senior at or before the ensealing and delivery of these present the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, he the said Walter B. Gilliam hath granted bargained and sold and by these presents doth grant bargain and sell unto the said John Gilliam senior the following negroes viz: Jemmy, Mingo, Sukey, Tommy, Mingo, Aggy, Jones, Esther, Hannah, Betsy, Silla, John, Lucy, Joe, George, Authur, Syphax, Peggy, Franky, Billy, Becky, Aggy, Mary, Sally, Sicily, Washington, Walter, Betsy, Beckey, and Pompey with all the estate, right, title, interest, trust, property, claim, and demand whatsoever, both at law and in equity of him the said Walter B. Gilliam
[copy is incomplete]
[It is interesting to note that Walter sells to John Gilliam, Sr., a woman named Esther. However, this Esther is likely not Esther Tinsley as she is listed as a Free Person of Color in the 1820 Census.]
Petersburg, VA, Deed Book 6, page 210
The following was provided to me as the second page of above Indenture of 18 May 1820. It has been included here, though its identification is in question as there is no page number nor date on the copy provided and seems to be an Indenture Walter Boyd Gilliam and William Moore. See Moore vs. Gilliam.
[copy is cut off along the top and right margins]
bargained and sold etc, doth by these presents unto the said William Moore all the lot piece or parcel of ground as described in said ____ with all and singular appendages and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any main____ the said lot with its appurtenances to him the said William Moore, his heirs and assigns forever ______ Gilliam do by these presents forever warrant and defend the title to the said lot to him ________ and assigns forever against the claim and demand of any person or persons whatsoever Upon ______ the money due on said bone be unpaid on the day it became due it shall and ____ is hereby required to proceed to sell for ready money the said lot of land having first ______ and place of such sale in either of the newspapers of this town aforesaid and out of the money ______ first paid the expenses attending the same shall pay and satisfy such sum as may _____ surplus if any to be paid to the said Walter Boyd Gilliam, his heirs, executors or _____ above bone named aforesaid be regularly paid by the said Walter Boyd Gilliam ______at the time when it shall become due that no default be made then this _____ remain in full force and virtue
In testimony whereof the said parties to these present ____ and affixed their seals the day and year first above written
Sig: Walter Boyd Gilliam
Town of Petersburg to wit
We John H. Brown and [blank in original] magistrates of said town do hereby____ a party to the annexed conveyance has duly acknowledged the same before us on the ______ one thousand eight hundred and twenty and desired us to certify the said acknowledged _____ court of Petersburg in order that the said conveyance may be recorded.
As witness ______ above written.
Sig: John ______
Town of Petersburg
In the Clerk’s Office of the Hustings court of the said Town the 26th day of January _____
An indenture of trust between Walter Boyd Gilliam of the one part William ____, William Pace of the third part was this day _____ in the said office with a _____ thereon endorsed in order to be accorded.
Teste John Grammar
21 Jun 1822
Know all Men by these present that I, Esther Tinsley of the Town of Petersburg, State of Virginia have this day bargained and sold and do hereby bargain and sell unto Sarah Burnett for the sum of one hundred and fifty Spanish dollars the receipt of which I do hereby acknowledge the hereafter mentioned slaves, which were willed to me by the late Walter Boyd Gilliam (also copy recorded in the Hustings Court of Petersburg) to say Sally, daughter of Agy, Precilla, daughter of Suky, and George son of Lucy, to her, her heirs, executors and administrators and assigns for ever, hereby binding myself, my heirs, executors and administrators to make good this my act and deed. Given under my hand and seal this twenty first day of June AD eighteen hundred and twenty two
Sig: Esther [her X mark] Tinsley
Signed, sealed and acknowledged in presence of Archd McNeil, Thomas B. Green (24th June 1822) Robert Finn.
Library of Virginia. Chancery Files, Petersburg, VA, John Smith and Wife, etc, vs. Administer of Walter Boyd Gilliam, etc. 1835-022, Image 57
[Esther TInsley, the widow of Walter Boyd Gilliam, married after the death of Walter, John Smith]
17 Oct 1827
Marius Gilliam to David May and John F. May
31 Oct 1833
Walter Boyd GILLIAM to Alden B. Spooner, lands in Goochland and Hanover.
2 Feb 1841
Know all men by these presents that I Marius Gilliam for and in consideration of the sum of one dollar to me in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hereby relinquished fully and forever to the children of my late brother Robert all right, title and interest which I now have or may hereafter have to a certain tract of land lying and situate in Dinwiddie County about ten miles from Petersburg called Hatchers Run Tract belonging formerly to the late Dr. James S. Gilliam and by him bequeathed to my late brother Theophilus F. Gilliam during his life. And in case a bill shall be presented to the Hustings Court of Petersburg in the name of the said children, I hereby authorize David May, Esq. as attorney for me to file an answer relinquishing any claim I may have in said land to the said children
In testimony where of I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this second day of February eighteen hundred and forty one, in the presence of
Sig: Marius Gilliam
Witness: W. Simpson
Town of Petersburg to wit, we John Pollard and George Jones, Justices of the Peace in the Corporation aforesaid in the state of Virginia do hereby certify that Marius Gilliam a party to a certain deed bearing date on the second day of February 1841 and hereto _______ personally appeared before us in our Corporation aforesaid and acknowledged same to be his act and deed and desired us to certify the said acknowledgement to be Clerk of the County Courts of Dinwiddie in order that the said deed may be recorded.
Given under our hands and seals this 4th day of February 1841
Wit: John Pollard, Geo H. Jones
Library of Virginia. Chancery Files. Petersburg, Clara G Gilliam &c by etc vs Admr Oof Theophilus F Gilliam etc, 1847-002, Images 34-35.
[Marius, the son of James Skelton Gilliam and Mary Field, married Rebecca Shute Dunnant. Marius lived in Prince George County.]
20 Jun 1845
This indenture made this 20th of June one thousand eight hundred and forty-five between Rebecca N. Matthews of the town of Petersburg of one part and James Z. Mathews of the other part also of the town of Petersburg. Witnesseth that the said Rebecca N. Matthews in consideration of six hundred dollars of the Commonwealth of Virginia in hand paid to her by the said James Z. Matthews at and before the ensealing and delivery of these present (the receipt whereof in hereby acknowledged) have bargained and sold and by these presents doth bargain and sell unto the said James Z Mathews, his heirs and assigns a certain piece of land in this town, situate in the town on Walnut Street and being part of the lot now occupied by the said Rebecca N. Matthews thirty feet in front and fifty four feet in the rear, on which the dwelling house and other houses attached to the dwelling house are situate to have and to hold the said land with the houses thereon as aforesaid to the said James Z. Matthews, shall and will warrant the said land with all the houses aforesaid to the said James Z. Matthews against all persons whatsoever. In testimony whereof the said Rebecca N. Matthews hath hereunto set his and affixed her seal the day and year first above written.
Sig: Rebecca N. Matthews
Corporation of the town of Petersburg to wit
We, Justices of the Peace in the corporation aforesaid do hereby certify that Rebecca N. Matthews a party to a certain deed bearing date on the 20th of June one thousand and eight hundred and forty-five and hereunto annexed personally appeared before us in our corporation aforesaid and acknowledged the same to be her act and deed and desired unto certify hers and acknowledgement to the clerk of the corporation court of Petersburg in order that the said deed maybe recorded.
Given under our hands this day.
In the Clerk’s office of the Hustings Court of the town of Petersburg, the 21st day of June 1845.
This indenture of bargain and sale from Rebecca N. Matthews to James Z. Matthews was this day acknowledged in the said office by the said Rebecca N. Matthews to be her act and deed and admitted to record, the tax on same being first paid.
Teste French S. Ashby, CD
Library of Virginia. Chancery Files, Petersburg, VA
Thomson's Mercantile and Professional Directory, 1851
Grocers: GILLIAM, J. S., Bolingbroke
Thomson's Mercantile and Professional Directory, 1851
Marius Gilliam vs William Noble
Register of Students of William and Mary College, 1827-1881
James S. GILLIAM, Janet GILLIAM, Petersburg, VA, 17, College, Episcopal
Register of Students of William and Mary College, 1827-1881, William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine, 2nd Ser., Vol. 5, No. 1. (Jan., 1925), pp. 39-52.
Historic Buildings
GILLIAM Row Houses, (VA-643)
also known as John B. Read's Row Houses
102-04 W. Old St.
Brick with stone window and door dressings and belt courses, 46'9" (six-bay front, three bays per unit) x 44'3", three stories, gable roof, four interior end chimneys, arched entrance doorways with stone archivolts and keystones, shop fronts on ground floor; side-hall plan on second- and third-floor living quarters.
Built 1815-18; later alterations and additions. 9 sheets
Historic American Building Survey
Virginia Catalog, 1968, including plot plans, plans, elevations, sections, details); 5 ext. photos (1935, 1968), 4 int. photos (1935, 1968); 7 data pages (1968); HABSI (1959).
[According to the Survey this building was owned by Willis GILLIAM who purchased 102 W. Old Street from August Gerecke on 13 Dec 1887, and 104 W. Old Street on 4 Sep 1900 from Thomas Garnes. It appears that Willis is the son of Priscilla GILLIAM. Willis, appears in the 1880 Census, age 22.]
132 E. Fillmore Street
Bolingbrook Hotel

[James S. Gilliam was the proprietor of the Bollingbrook Hotel.]
Edwards, Richard. Statistical gazetteer of the state of Virginia: embracing important topographical and historical information from recent and original sources, together with the results of the last census population, in most cases, to 1854.
1815 Landowner's Directory
GILLIAM, James S., estate, High Street
GILLIAM, Robert, estate, Old Blandford
GILLIAM, William, estate, Old Blandford
[Directions and distances are measured from the Courthouse. James L. GILLIAM should read James S. GILLIAM.]
Ward, Roger G. 1815 Directory of Virginia Landowners (and Gazetteer) Volume 1, Central Region. Athens, GA: Iberian Pub. Co., 1997.
15 Sep 1803
Ellyson CURRIE married Anne GILLIAM
Married, on July 25, by Rev. Andrew Syme, Marius GILLIAM, to Mrs. Rebecca G. Dumant.
Intelligencer, & Petersburg Commercial Advertiser, p. 3, c. 3, Friday, July 28, 1826.
[Rebecca G. Dumant should read Rebecca S. Dunant, daughter of Edward Dunant, see below.]
28 Jul 1826
Married, At Petersburg, on July 28, by Rev. Andrew Syme, Marius GILLIAM of Petersburg, to Miss Rebecca S. Dunant, daughter of the late Edward Dunant, merchant of Philadelphia.
Richmond Enquirer, p. 3, c. 4, Tuesday, August 1, 1826.
3 Jun 1852
Married in Manchester, Jun 3d [1852] by the Rev. Francis J. Boggs, Mr. William A. Gilman of Petersburg, and Miss Ardenia Ann Pilkinton, youngest dau. of Mr. David Pilkinton, Chesterfield.
RDW, June 12, 1852, page 2.
[Though there are numerous GILLIAMs of Petersburg, William appears to be a Gilman from census records]
World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918
Robert Skelton GILLIAM
Herbert Bragg GILLIAM
Library of Virginia. World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918
10 Jun 1820
The Obituary of James S. GILLIAM, Esq.
10 Jun 1820
Died, On Saturday, June 10, in Philadelphia, Pa., James S. GILLIAM, of Petersburg, in his 26th year. A graduate of William and Mary College, he became a lawyer. He had left Petersburg on May 11, going to Philadelphia for his health.
American Commercial Beacon and Norfolk & Portsmouth Daily Advertiser, p. 3, c. 1, Saturday, June 24, 1820.
10 Jun 1820
Died, At Philadelphia on Saturday, June 10, on his way to Ballstown Springs, N.Y., James S. GILLIAM, in the 26th year of his age, son of the late Dr. GILLIAM, of Petersburg.
Richmond Commercial Compiler, p. 3, c. 2, Thursday, June 16, 1820.
10 Jun 1820
Died, At Philadelphia, on Saturday, June 10, on his way to the Ballown Springs, James S. GILLIAM, in the 26th year of his age, son of the late Dr. GILLIAM, of Petersburg.
Richmond Enquirer, p. 3, c. 5, Friday, June 16, 1820.
10 Jun 1820
Life of Dr. GILLIAM
Richmond Enquirer, p. 3, c. 6, Friday, June 13, 1820.
10 Jun 1820
Died, At Philadelphia on Saturday, June 10, on his way to the Ball-Town Springs for his health, James S. GILLIAM, in his 26th year, son of the late Dr. GILLIAM, of Petersburg.
Virginia Patriot, and Richmond Daily Mercantile Advertiser, p. 3, c. 1, Friday, June 16, 1820.
10 Jun 1820
Died. James S. GILLIAM was educated at the Petersburg Academy, attended the College of William and Mary, where he graduated in 1812. He then studied law and obtained a license to practice law in 1814. He spent a large part of his time to the estate of his late father’s estate and family matters. He had gone to Philadelphia for his health where he died. no date.
Virginia Patriot, and Richmond Daily Mercantile Advertiser, p. 3, c. 1, Friday, June 23, 1820.
20 Oct 1848
Died in Petersburg on Oct. 20, in her 78th year, Mrs. Mary GILLIAM, widow of Dr. James S. GILLIAM, dec’d.
Richmond Whig & Public Advertiser, p. 1, c. 6, Friday, October 27, 1848.
22 May 1908
Gillam's Injuries
Dies in Petersburg Hospital Following Fall From Trestle
Petersburg, VA, May 22—Samuel Y. GILLIAM, of Dinwiddie County, died at the Petersburg Hospital this morning from injuries received yesterday by falling from a trolley car while it was passing over the bridge of the Virginia Passenger and Power Company across the Appomattox River in this city.
GILLIAM was a prominent citizen of Dinwiddie county and one of the leading Republicans in the State. He married Miss Martha Cox of Chesterfield County, who, with one child survives him. He also leaves two sisters and two brothers.
[Samuel is the son of John William GILLIAM, Sr. and Mary Elizabeth Coleman Goodwyn. Samuel's surviving son is Joseph Peterson Goodwyn GILLIAM. Samuel's widow married Harry G. Wheeler. Samuel was survived by brothers Joseph Peterson Goodwyn GILLIAM and John William Henry GILLIAM.]
28 Jan 1976
Charles Edgar Gilliam was born 30 May 1894 in Petersburg, Virginia. He received a bachelor’s degree from the University of Virginia in 1915. Gilliam served as a second lieutenant in the Army Air Corps in France during World War I. He attended law school at the University of Virginia from 1920-1921, when he was admitted to the Virginia Bar. Gilliam was appointed U.S. Magistrate in 1938. Apart from his legal career Gilliam was known as a local historian and authority on the Powhatan Confederacy. He died 28 January 1976 in Atlanta, Georgia.
[A partial list of Charles Edgar Gilliam’s publications include:
- Charles Edgar GILLIAM, Lt. John Gilliam, Continental Line, in: William and Mary Quarterly, 2nd Ser., 19, 1939, p. 76-78
- Charles Edgar GILLIAM, "Mr." in Virginia Records before 1776, in: William and Mary Quarterly, 2nd Ser., 19, 1939, p. 142-145
- Charles Edgar GILLIAM, “Harrican” in Colonial Virginia Records. Virginia Magazine of History and Biography. Volume 50, pages 337-344. 1942. Cites variant spellings of hurricane as a place name in colonial records.
- Charles Edgar GILLIAM, Geoethnology: Apamatuck (Mattica) and/or Appamattucks: the chief villages of the Appomattoc, 1607-1691. Archeological Society of Virginia Quarterly Bulletin. Volume 4, pages 8-9. 1950. Discusses early spellings and meaning of name Appomattox.
- Charles Edgar GILLIAM, Ethnic Signifiance of the Term: Appomatoc. Archaeologial Society of Virginia Quarterly Bulletins. Volume 7, pages 7-11. 1953.
- Charles Edgar GILLIAM, Indicated portals of safe entry into Appomattox. Archeological Society of Virginia Quarterly Bulletin. Volume 7, pages 14-15. 1953.
- Charles Edgar GILLIAM, Tsenakcommacah. Archeological Society of Virginia Quarterly Bulletin. Volume 9, page 4-7. 1955.
- Charles Edgar GILLIAM, The Algonquian Term: Ajacan, Its Indian and Spanish Meaning. Archeological Society of Virginia Quarterly Bulletin. Volume 12, pages 2-11. 1957.
- Charles Edgar GILLIAM, Ajacan, the Algonkian Name for Hampton Roads, Virginia. Names. Volume 6, pages 57-59. 1958.
- Charles Edgar GILLIAM, Pagan Creek: Ethnology of Names. Archeological Society of Virginia Quarterly Bulletin. Volume 14, page 9. 1960.
- Charles Edgar GILLIAM, Yellow Jacket Town. Virginia Place NameSociety Occasional Paper. Volume 5, pages 7-9. June 18, 1962. Charlottesville: University of Virginia.
- Charles Edgar GILLIAM, The Potomac Debate. Extracts from his letter, September 1966. Names. Volume 15, page 242. Disagrees with etymologies for river name meaning “emporium” or “place of trade” especially if trade along river was in steatite or buffalo skins.
- Charles Edgar GILLIAM, “‘Mount Malado.” Tyler’s Quarterly, Volume 20, (1938-39) pages 138-42. (Virginia’s earliest hospital).
- Charles Edgar GILLIAM, “His Dearest Daughters Names.” William and Mary Quarterly, Series 2, Volume 21, Number 3 (July 1941), pages 239-42.
- Charles Edgar GILLIAM, “Powhatan Algonkian Bird Names: The Aushouetta (Topsell) or the Ahshowcutters (Strachey); Richmondena Cardinalis.” Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences, Volume 37, Number 1 (1947) pages 1-2.
- Charles Edgar GILLIAM, “Powhatan’s Dearest Bird.” Garden Gossip, Volume 25, Number 5 (1950), page 11, 25.
- Charles Edgar GILLIAM, “Notes on Monocan.” Names, Volume 18 (1970), pages 324.]
Arabella GILLIAM, D. Jas. S. G. (dec'd) M.D.
Lucy S. GILLIAM, D. Jas. S. G. (dec'd) M.D.
The Members of the Presbyterian Church in Petersburg, Virginia, 1833. Southside Virginian. Volume 4, page 70, Oct 1985-July 1986.
[Jas. S. G. is Dr. James Skelton GILLIAM. Arabella and Lucy both married clergy. Arabella married Rev. William H. Foote and Lucy married Rev. James Doughen.]
Confederate Pension Rolls, Veterans and Widows
GILLIAM, Ada, Widow
LIbrary of Virginia. Confederate Pension Rolls, Veterans and Widows
12 Sep 1771
To be rented, for a term of years,
A lot in the Town of Blandford, lying on the main Street, and adjoining the River. There are on the said lot a House with a brick Chimney, well calculated for a dry or wet store, with a slush cellar well bricked, and a lumberchute, at the River side, underpinned and cellared as above. For Terms apply to John GILLIAM, John GILLIAM, Junior, or Robert GILLIAM.
Virginia Gazette, Publisher: Purdie & Dixon, Page: 3, Column: 2, 1771-09-12
26 Sep 1777
On freight to France, in a good vessel, about 70 or 80 hogsheads of tobacco. For terms apply to Robert GILLIAM in Blandford.
[Sept 17 1777]
Virginia Gazette, Publisher: Dixon, Page: 3, Column: 2, 1777-09-26
1 May 1778
For sale, the brig Gentil, about one hundred and eighty hogsheads burthen, now lying a Broadway’s on Appamattox. She is completely fitted with new sails and rigging. And fits to a proceed to sea. For terms, apply to Mr. Robert GILLIAM, near Petersburg.
Virginia Gazette, Publisher: Purdie, Page: 4, Column: 1, 1778-05-01
2 Oct 1779
Reward of Trade, October 2, 1779
The Commission of Trade having been empowered to establish a publick tannery for the better and more regular supplying the army with shoes and leather do give this publick notice that t highest prices upon the delivery thereof, to Mr. Powell Reins at Portsmouth, Mr. John Stringer on the Eastern Shore, Mr. Hugh Walker at Urbanna, Mr. Thomas pierce at Smithfield, Mr. Moss Armistead at Hampton, Mr. William Cary at York, Mr. William Goodson at Williamsburg, Mr. James Hunter, Jun. At Fredericksburg, Mr. Zachariah Clarke, at Hanover town, Mr. Smyth Tandy at Richmond, Mr. Robert GILLIAM at Petersburg, or Capt Charles Thomas at Warwick.
By order of the Board,
William Russell, CBT
Virginia Gazette, Publisher: Dixon, Page: 3, Column: 1, 1779-10-09
23 Feb 1779
February 23, 1779
Just opened and for sale, for ready money, at our store in Blandford, a fine assortment of Irish linen, diaper, cambrick, etc.
GILLIAM & Shelton.
Virginia Gazette, Publisher: Dixon, Page: 3, Column: 2, 1779-02-26
Registry of Free Negroes & Mulattoes, made & entered in the Clerk’s office of the Hustings Court of the Town of Petersburg Posterior to 1st January 1819
Journal kept during a tour through some of the northern states, 1816 June 13-September 6.
GILLIAM, James Skeleton.
1 volume.
Notes and Summaries:
This journal covers James Skelton GILLIAM's travels from Philadelphia to Saratoga, New York, and his return to New York City. Interspersed are watercolor and pencil sketches of local scenes of the Schuylkill River at Philadelphia, Niagara Falls, Lake George, the site of Burgoyne's Surrender, and The Waterford Beauty.
James Skelton GILLIAM Journal, 1816, Accession 13946, Personal Papers Collection, Virginia State Library and Archives, Richmond, Va.
The journal has been abstracted in Tyler's Quarterly (July 1920): 294-309.
[James Skelton GILLIAM was a native of Petersburg, Virginia, son of Dr. James Skelton GILLIAM and Mary Field GILLIAM.]
Account book and notebook, c. 1786-1787.
1 volume (73 p.)
Physician practicing in Petersburg, Virginia, and its vicinity. He is probably the same James Skelton GILLIAM (1763-1814) who received his medical degree from Edinburgh in 1786.
Volume entitled “Practical remarks” containing notes on medical reading and patient accounts of Dr. James Skelton GILLIAM of Petersburg, VA. The 12 pages of notes primarily relate to fever and the diseases of tropical climates. There are quotes from Huxham, Lind, Lomnius, Pringle, Sydenham, and van Swieten.
The remainder of the volume contains GILLIAM’s patient accounts. Entries are inconsistent but always include the patient name and the treatment rendered (often simply described as “of a visit”). Prescriptions and fees are sometimes listed, but dates are rarely given.
Columbia University Health Sciences Library
[This James Skelton GILLIAM was the son of Robert GILLIAM and Lucy Skeleton, his wife.]
1790 Land B
GILLIAM, Doctor, page 15
Gilman, Samuel, page 17
1790 Land C
GILLIAM, Robert, page 3
GILLIAM, William, page 3
1790 Personal Property B
GILLIAM, James S., page 7
1799 Personal Property B
GILLIAM, James S., page 5
GILLIAM, Meriweather, page 5 [Indexed as Monouth]
Binns Genealogy. 1790/1800 County Tax Lists of Virginia.
4 May 1793
Will of James A. Russell
In the name of God Amen.
I James A. Russell of the County of Chesterfield and Town of Petersburg being of Sound Sense and memory and now of age and in possession of my Lott in that part of the Town of Petersburg called Pocohantas do make & ordain this my last Will and Testament viz. having no property at present but my lot before mentioned, I do give and bequeath the same to my beloved Sister Elizabeth GILLIAM Russell, now an apprentice to Wm. Steger in case of my death or never returning. In case the said Sister Elizabeth should die before she arrives to the age of Twenty One years or having no child lawfully begotten of her Body then and in that case I give and bequeath the same to Henry Morriss my late Guardian for services already render'd me to more than the value of five shillings which services I do now acknowledge As witness my hand and Seal this fourth day of May 1793.
James A. Russell (Seal)
Signed Sealed & Delivered
in presence of}
Moary Allen,
Charles Corling,
Charles (his x mark) Wise,
Henry Morriss.
At a Hustings Court held for the Town of Petersburg at the Courthouse of the said Town Monday the fourth day of April 1796.
The last Will and Testament of James A.Russell was proved in open Court by the oath of Charles Wise one of the witnesses thereto, and the same having been before proved by the oath of Charles Corling another witness thereto, is ordered to be recorded.
Attest. J. Grammer C.H.C.
Petersburg, VA, Will Book 1, page 243
18 Mar 1803
Will of Nanny Feild
In the Name of God Amen I Nanny Feild of the County of Dinwiddie and the Town of Petersburg being sick and weak in body but of sound and perfect sense & memory thanks be to God; do hereby make and ordain this to be my Last Will and Testament in manner & form following viz.
Item. I give and bequeath to my son George Feild Five hundred pounds which his brother Theophilus Feild is to pay for the relinquishment of my Dower Estate, also my Chest of Drawers to him and his heirs forever.
Item. I give and bequeath to my Daughter Sarah Strachan my Bed & Furniture of every description, likewise all my wearing apparel of every kind to her and her heirs forever.
Item. It is my will and desire that my son Theophilus Feild should have my Silver Tankard provided he will pay its full value in specie to my daughter Sarah Strachan, should he not chuse to do so, the said Tankard I give and bequeath to my daughter Sarah Strachan to her and her heirs forever.
Item. My will and desire is that the negroes I have heretofore given with their increase, be continued to my following children viz. Eliza, to my daughter Sarah Strachan, Patsey to my son Richard Feild, Sucky to my daughter Mary GILLIAM and York to my son George Feild to them and their heirs forever.
Lastly I appoint my son Richard Feild Executor of this my Last Will and Testament revoking all other wills heretofore made by me as witness my hand & seal this 18th day of March 1803.
Nanny Feild (Seal)
Signed Sealed and acknowledged in presence of us-
Jos. Whitehead,
George Blick Junr.,
John B. Strachan.
At a Hustings Court held for the Town of Petersburg at the Courthouse of the said Town Monday the 3rd day of December 1804.
The Last Will and Testament of Nanny Feild dece'd. was proved in open Court by the oaths of Joseph Whitehead and George Blick Junr. two of the witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded.
Attest. J. Grammer C. H. C.
Petersburg, VA, Will Book 1, page 383
[Mary Feild, the daughter of Theolphilus Feild and Nanny, his wife, married Dr. James Skelton GILLIAM]
Dec 1813
Will of James Skelton Gilliam
16 Nov 1814
Settlement of Estate of Dr. James S. GILLIAM
17 May 1821
Will of Walter Boyd GILLIAM
13 Oct 1838
Will of Dr. Theophilus Feild Gilliam
In the name of God Amen, I Theophilus F. Gilliam in my most perfect senses do ordain this to be my last Will and Testament.
Imprimis I direct all my just debts to be paid that in collection of my medical accounts every proper mercy and indulgence be extended that no person suffer any ___ that may distress him from his confidence in me and that when the accounts are to large as to exceed the means of meeting them, that my executor make suitable deductions. I desire that the commissioners appointed by the legislature make such a deed from my Hatcher’s Run plantation as my executor may request and that my executor be empowered to sell such property and the proceeds shall be invested either in the house and lot on High Street where my mother now resides or in some other lot in town as they may deem advisable. I desire that the collection of debts be first appropriated to pay off all claims against me and in the event of their inadequacy to make up the deficiency by a sale of some of my stocks.
2nd I give to my uncle Meriwether Skelton Gilliam, Old Jack and his wife Lucy.
3rd I give to my beloved mother my gold watch and request that a similar one be purchased for my sister Arabella Gilliam. I request the balance of my property be vested in stocks and the said stock conjointly with my Matoacs stock and railroad stocks be held in trust by my executor Charles F. Osborne and James W. Pegram. Who I request to act as his co-trustee, for the following purposes.
In the first place to pay to my mother from the dividends the among of 6 per cent interest on what may be deficient in her dower right in the estate of my father. I hereby direct that Coll. Wilder’s report and the continuation of it by Robt Ritchie master commissioner be the criterion by which to ascertain the deficiency if any which may have accrued from the nonpayment of her thirds of the said estate. And I moreover direct by said trustees to pay annually the said amounts during the natural life of my mother.
I give the annual excess of the dividends of my stocks after paying the balance due to my mother and the way of interest to my late brother Robert Gilliam’s children to be appropriated for their support, maintenance, and education.
I direct the amount allowed my mother during her natural life to be appropriated at her death to that same purposes and that as they marry or come of age that they may be allowed to draw their respective proportions and more over I particularly empower the trustees before mentioned to dispose of the interest of my late Brother Robert’s son James if it should be necessary to give him an education.
I direct that the said trustees may change the stocks from time to time if necessary.
I bequeath my medical books to my brother John’s eldest son James S. Gilliam and the balance of my library to my brother Robert’s son James S. Gilliam and in the event of his death to my brother John’s son Theo Gilliam.
I desire my executor to pay the full cost of the piano forte now at my mother’s to Mary P. Bolling and to purchase a similar one for her sister Seigniora Bolling, my nieces as presents from me.
I give to my friend Mrs. Mary J. Birchett wife of Robert Birchett, the medical accounts that is due to me from him.
I give to my nephew Theophilus Gilliam my lots in the town of Dubuque and other lands in Wisconsin Territory to be sold or exchanged for good stocks if thought advisable by my executor. I direct that my executor Charles F. Osborne pay himself the among of money which I have received at his hand for medical services with interest to the time of my death as a legacy from me and I give and bequeath to him the balance due for medical services rendered his family.
It is my wish that the widow of my brother Robt have the same estate of dower in my Blackwater plantation as she would have had if the said plantation had never been conveyed to me.
I give the rest and residue of my property real and personal to my brother Robert’s four children.
I appoint my friend Charles F. Osborne my executor and wish him to act in conjunction with James W. Pegram as trustee of the first for the benefit on my brother Robert’s children for greater certainty and to prevent confusion.
I wish it to be understood that the said fund is to be wholly under the management of said trustees free from the control of any persons whatever. As witness my hand and seal this 13th October 1838.
Sig: Theo F. Gilliam
In presence of
Robt S. Field, J. Gilliam, Thos Wallace, Anth. Smith
Codicil 1st
I direct my executor to rent out my Hatcher’s Run plantation in order that the discounts on the two notes now in Bank one of $3000 on which I am an endorser be punctually met. He is to do this until these debts are satisfied or arranged
Signed, sealed and delivered
Sig: Theo F Gilliam
In presence of
Robt S. Field, J. Gilliam, Thos Wallace, Anth. Smith
I direct that a tombstone be erected over my father’s remains at my expense by my executor. Octr 13, 1838
Sig: Theo F Gilliam
Teste: Thos Wallace, Anth Smith.
I cancel the gift of my books bequeathed to my brother Robert’s son, James and give them to my nephew Theophilus, son of my brother, John Gilliam.
Witness my hand and seal. Petersburg 13th October 1838
Sig: Theo F. Gilliam
Thos Wallace, Anth. Smith
At a Hustings Court held for the town of Petersburg at the Courthouse on the 17th day of November AD 1838
The last will and Testament of Theophilus F. Gilliam deceased and the several codicils thereto were this day presented in open Court, proved by the oaths of Robert S. Field, Thomas Wallace and Anthony Smith, three of the subscribing witnesses to the same and ordered to be recorded.
Sig: D. M. Bernard, Clk
A copy teste
Sig: D. M. Bernard, Clk
February 23, 1839
Town of Petersburg, February Hustings Court 1839
Theophilus F. Gilliam deceased having been dead upwards of three months and no person having applied for administration of his estate and Charles F. Osborne, the executor named in his last Will and testament having declared in open court that he would not take upon himself the burden of executing the same, the court doth on motion order that the estate of the said Theo F. Gilliam decd be committed to the sergeant of this town to be by him administered with reference to the said Will, according to law.
A copy
Teste D. M. Bernard, Clk
Library of Virginia. Chancery Files. Petersburg, 1847-002, Clara G Gilliam &c by etc Admr of Theophilus F Gilliam, etc
[Dr. Theophilus Feild Gilliam, was the son of Dr. James Skelton Gilliam and Mary Feild, the daughter of Theophilus Feild, his namesake. He attended the University of Pennsylvania, receiving his MD in 1819. It appears, after graduating that he settled for a time in Rutherford County, NC as a Theophilus Gilliam is listed in the 1820 Rutherford County, NC Census. It also appears the he owned land in Wisconsin.]
6 Dec 1844
Will of Rebecca N. Mathews, the daughter of Walter Boyd Gilliam and Esther TInsley.
- Binns Genealogy. 1790/1800 County Tax Lists of Virginia.
- Columbia University Health Sciences Library. James Skelton Gilliam. Account book and notebook, c. 1786-1787.
- Edwards, Richard. Statistical gazetteer of the state of Virginia: embracing important topographical and historical information from recent and original sources, together with the results of the last census population, in most cases, to 1854.
- Historic American Building Survey. Virginia Catalog, 1968, including plot plans, plans, elevations, sections, details); 5 ext. photos (1935, 1968), 4 int. photos (1935, 1968); 7 data pages (1968); HABSI (1959).
- James Skelton GILLIAM Journal, 1816, Accession 13946, Personal Papers Collection, Virginia State Library and Archives, Richmond, Va. The journal has been abstracted in Tyler's Quarterly (July 1920): 294-309.
- Library of Virginia. Chancery Suits.
- Library of Virginia. Confederate Pension Rolls, Veterans and Widows
- Library of Virginia. World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918
- Library of Virginia. Pannill family Bible record, 1794-1875.
- Library of Virginia. Jones family Bible record, 1630-1926.
- The Members of the Presbyterian Church in Petersburg, Virginia, 1833. Southside Virginian. Volume 4, page 70, Oct 1985-July 1986.
- Petersburg, VA, Will Book.
- Register of Students of William and Mary College, 1827-1881, William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine, 2nd Ser., Vol. 5, No. 1. (Jan., 1925), pp. 39-52.
- Thomson's Mercantile and Professional Directory, 1851
- Lyon Gardiner Tyler, Encyclopedia of Virginia Biography, Richmond, VA, 1915.
- Virginia Gazette
- The War of The Rebellion: A Compilation of The Official Records of The Union And Confederate Armies
- Ward, Roger G. 1815 Directory of Virginia Landowners (and Gazetteer) Volume 1, Central Region. Athens, GA: Iberian Pub. Co., 1997.