Updated November 25, 2022

Lunenburg County was named for George II, duke of Brunswick-Lünenburg, a German possession of the Hanoverian kings of England. It was formed from Brunswick County in 1745. Its area is 443 square miles, and the county seat is Lunenburg.
Cornwall Parish, 1757-1764
Cumberland Parish, 1745
Saint James Parish, 1761-1764
Lunenburg County is the crossroad for several distinct GILLIAM lines. The following GILLIAM lines either settled in or owned land in Lunenburg County:
Thomas GILLIAM and Hincha GILLIAM of Albemarle Parish owned land along Couches Creek. Though HIncha never appears in the Tax Records; he does sign a religious petition in 1786.
James Jones, the Executor of Capt. William GILLIAM, Jr., of Sussex who left a Will in Sussex dated 1764 is sued in Lunenburg by Robert Ravenscroft and Anthony Street.
Richard GILLIAM who married Agnes, the widow of Nicholas Hobson, appears in the records of Cumberland Parish. Richard is the son of Jeffrey GILLIAM of Charles City County. Richard and Agnes were being supported by the parish throughout the 1760's and 1770's and 1780's chiefly by an Nancy Kelly, whose identify is unknown. Apparently, Richard was childless for he leaves his estate to his nephews. His Will is dated 9 Dec 1794, and filed in Halifax County, VA.
John GILLIAM, the elder of Prince George is referred to alongside the Isbells, the Ellises, Edward Harris, Robert and William GILLIAM. John owned land on Twitty's Creek. It is believed that John's sister, Elizabeth, married John Ellis. John's will refers to land purchased of James GILLIAM. One must assume that James is not a son of John. It is believed that this James is rather, a son of Harris GILLIAM, also of Prince George. James married Martha Isbell, and served in the French and Indian War. James left a Will in Charlotte County, dated 1792. Allen Gilliam, the son of James Gilliam and Martha Isbell owns a Mill on the Meherrin for a short time in Lunenburg.
A John GILLIAM is mentioned in the early tithables of Lunenburg. In 1748, John GILLIAM and wife Frances, now of Granville County, sell land in Lunenburg. This John removes to Granville County, NC. Purchasers of his estate include John, Robert, Peter, Amy and Elizabeth GILLIAM. At the marriage of Frances GILLIAM and William Dodson, John and Frances GILLAM were Bondsman, Peter GILLAM and Edward Roberson were witnesses, and Charles GILLAM was also a Bondsman.

Cameron Cemetery
Survey Report, The Cameron Cemetery:
8 Nov 1937
Research made by Pattie B. Seay
Cemetery Location:
Southwest of Kenbridge, Virginia, 3.4 miles. Go 2.2 miles on Route #40 to the junction of Routes #40 and #652, thence 1.2 of a mile south on Route #652, thence about one hundred yards west across a field to cemetery.
Bought by James Craig from Hinchia GILLIAM of Brunswick County, Virginia, 1793, 400 acres, for one hundred and forty pounds current money of Virginia.
Lunenburg County, VA, Deed Book 16, page 349.
George Craig, 1809, 175 acres, for seventy pounds, described as a part of the Hinchia GILLIAM tract.
Lunenburg County, VA, Deed Book 22, page 250.
Library of Virginia Digital Collection
Court Orders
April Court 1751
On motion of John GILLUM, ear mark: slit in right, cross & underkeel in left
Lunenburg County, VA, Order Book 2, page ___
2 Nov 1756
James Parriot, James Doat (X), John Gillium (I), Michael Satterwhite, Jonas Parker, John Hanna, John Mitchell, William Townson (W) are indebted to the King.
Lunenburg County, VA, Order Book 4, page 233.
8 Nov 1756
Jonas Parker, John Mitchell, James Parrott, James Dohe, John Hanna, John Gillium, Michael Satterwhite, William Townson are sworn to hear the case of John Catlet, Orwell Adams, and Peter Schen prisoners committed with having stolen a horse, the property of Jonas Parker.
Lunenburg County, VA, Order Book 4, page 255
July Court, 1757
Peter Johnson against James Mitchell, late Sheriff, Deft; Jury: William Hodgens, William White, William Read, Foreman. Richard Palmer, John Ballard, Joel Chandler, Benjamin Whitehead, Joseph Gill, William GILLIAM, Jas. Spratlin, John Robinson, Edmund Gross; Jury finds for Deft. Pltf. moves for new trial; verdict set aside; new Jury, next court.
Lunenburg County, VA, Order Book 4, Page 315
[Joseph Gill is found in Halifax and Bedford Counties with Richard GILLIAM]
12 May 1763
John Hinton, assignee of William Griffin, Plt.
Charles GILLIAM and Robert GILLIAM, Deft.
In Debt
Ordered that this suit be dismissed.
Lunenburg County, VA, Order Book ___, page 55.
11 Aug 1763
Richard GILLIAM, guardian of William Hobson, orphan of Nicholas Hobson, decd, exhibited and made oath to an account against sd orphan's estate, which is or[dered].
Lunenburg County, VA, Order Book __, page 145.
11 Aug 1763
Lewis Burwell, Plt,
Godfrey Jones and Clement Read, Deft.
In Debt.
This day came the Plt by his atty., and the Defts being again called, come not. Judgement for the Plt. against the Defts and John Foster and James GILLIAM for the Plt against bails, for £24.9.0, the debt in the declaration mentioned, and his costs. But this judgment is to be discharged by the payment of £12.4.6, with five percent interest, from October 1, 1762, and the costs.
Lunenburg County, VA, Order Book __, page 173-174.
[This appears to be James GILLIAM that married Martha Isbell, in 1761 in Lunenburg.]
8 Dec 1763
Hix and Friend, Petitioners,
William GILLIAM, Deft.
On a Petition. The Deft. not appearing, judgment for the petitioners for £2.13.2, to be discharged by the payment of £1.6.7, with interest from last August 27, and the costs and fee.
Lunenburg County, VA, Order Book ___, page ___
May 1764
Daniel Hankins, Petitioner,
William GILLIAM, Deft.
On a Petition. Sd Deft not appearing, judgment for £2.16.0, to be discharged by the payment of £1.8.0 with interest from Jan 1, 1763, and the costs.
Lunenburg County, VA, Order Book ____, page 27.
May 1764
John Sebley [Sibley], Petitioner,
Charles Estis and William GILLIAM, Defts
On a Petition. Sd Defts not appearing, judgment for the petitioner for £1.8.6, and the costs.
Lunenburg County, VA, Order Book ____, page 45.
May 1764
Thomas Nance, executor of John Nance, decd, Plt,
William Thomason and William GILLIAM, Defts,
In Debt. Sd Defts came not, but made default, nor replevied [sic] the attached effects. Judgment of the Plt for £5.16.6 to be discharged by the payment of £2.18.3, with interest from Aug 14, 1762 and the costs. Ordered that the attached effects be released.
Lunenburg County, VA, Order Book ___, page 57.
May 1764
Charles Turnbull and Company, Plts,
William GILLIAM and Joseph Williams, Defts,
In Case. This day came the Plts by their atty, and thereupon came a jury, to wit, Jonathan Patteson, Jr., etc. Judgment for the Plts for £5.0.2, damages and costs.
Lunenburg County, VA, Order Book ____, page 74.
August 1764
Richard GILLIAM, guardian to William Hobson, orphan of Nicholas Hobson, decd, exhibited and made oath to an account against sd orphan's estate, which is OR[dered].
Lunenburg County, VA, Order Book ____, page 121.
October 1764
A deed, John Hobson, and Agness GILLIAM, to Jonathan Patteson, Jr., was ack. and OR[dered]
Lunenburg County, VA, Order Book ____, page 170.
1 Dec 1764
A deed, John Bacon and Obedience, his wife, Richard GILLIAM and Agness GILLIAM, his wife, to Jonathan Patteson, Jr., was proved by the oaths of the Witnesses as to Bacon, and ack. by sd. Richard GILLIAM and wife, and OR[dered].
Lunenburg County, VA, Order Book ____, page 200.
[An abstract of this deed appears in The Edward Pleasant Valentine Papers and incorrectly reads William GILLIAM and Agness. But upon inspection of the original, it clearly reads "Richd GILLIAM and his wife Agness." The widow Agnes Hobson married Richard GILLIAM. Richard's will mentions his Hobson stepsons.]
The Valentine Papers, Vol 1-4, 1864-1908
Bacon Family
Lunenburg County Records
John Bacon and Obedience, his wife, and William GILLIAM and Agness , his wife having sold to Jonathan Patterson on Dec. 1, 1764. 400 acres in Lunenburg Co., Va. and the said Obedience Bacon not being able to come to the Court, Edward Barnard and John Francis Williams take her acknowledgment to the said deed at Augusta in St. Paul's Parish, Georgia Province. Recorded April 9, 1772. Aug. 20, 1776, Ibid. p. 110.]
April 1765
Daniel Mitchell, assignee of John Mitchell, who was assignee of Charles GILLIAM, Plaintiff,
Abel Thackston, Defendant,
In Debt.
This day came the Plaintiff by his attorney, and the Defendant being again called, came not. Ordered that the Plaintiff recover against the Defendant, £50, the debt in the declaration mentioned, and his costs. But this judgment, except the costs, is to be discharged by the payment of £25, with interest on £8 from December 25, 1761, and on £9 form December 25, 1762, and on £8, the balance thereof from December 25,1763, deducting £8.10.0 paid April 9, 1762, and 20 shillings paid January 13, 1764.
Lunenburg County, VA, Order Book __, page 12-13.
April 1765
William Thomason, Plaintiff
William GILLIAM, Defendant,
In Case. For reasons appearing to the Court, suit dismissed.
Lunenburg County, VA, Order Book ___, page 45.
June 1765
Edmund Bacon, Plaintiff,
Richard GILLIAM, Defendant,
In Debt. Matthew Hay came into Court, and by consent of the parties makes himself a party to this suit, and by agreement of the parties, and for reasons appearing to the Court, this suit is ordered to be dismissed as to the Defendant GILLIAM. This day came the Plaintiff by his attorney, and the Defendant Hay in his proper person, and the said Defendant acknowledges the Plaintiff's action. Ordered that the Plaintiff recover against the Defendant aforesaid £24, the debt in the declaration mentioned, and his costs. But his judgment except the costs, is to be discharged by the payment of £12, with interest from the last January 2, By agreement of the Plaintiff, execution of this judgment is ordered to be stayed 3 months.
Lunenburg County, VA, Order Book ___, page 74-75.
July 1765
Robert Hastie and Company, Plaintiffs
Charles Estis, Defendant,
In Case. This day came the Plaintiffs by their attorney, and thereupon cam also a jury, to wit, Jonathan Patteson, etc., who say that the plaintiffs have sustained damages by occasion of the Defendant's non-performance of the assumption in the declaration specified, to £5.9.11, besides their costs. Ordered that the Plaintiffs recover against the Defendants and William GILLIAM who was returned security for his appearance, their damages aforesaid and their costs.
Lunenburg County, VA, Order Book ___, page ___.
July 1765
An account of the profits of the estate of William Hobson, an infant, was exhibited ands sworn to be Richard GILLIAM, guardian, and ordered to be recorded.
Lunenburg County, VA, Order Book ___, page ___.
August 1766
Richard GILLIAM. Guardian of William Hobson, the same order as last.
Lunenburg County, VA, Order Book ___, page 181.
September 1766
David Mitchell, assignee of John Mitchell, who was assignee of Charles GILLIAM, Plt,
James Clarke, Special Bail for Abel Thaxton, Deft, on a Write of scire facias upon a recognizance of Special bail.
The Deft. not appearing, on the motion of the Plt, by his atty, ordered that Plt have execution against the deft in the several sums in the write afd specified, amounting to _____ [blank], according to his recognizance afd, and that the Plt recover his costs.
Lunenburg County, VA, Order Book ____, page 5
13 Feb 1767
David Garland, Plt,
Richard GILLIAM, Deft,
In Debt. This day came the Plt by his atty and the Deft. in his proper person, and the Deft acknowledges the Plt's action. Therefore it is ordered that the Plt recover against the Deft £43.12.2 half penny, the debt in the declaration mentioned, and his costs, to be discharged by the payment of £21.16.1 farthing, with interests from Mar 20, 1766.
Lunenburg County, VA, Order Book ___, page 30
August 1767
Richard GILLIAM, guardian of William Hobson, orphan, exhibited and made oath to an acct vs the sd orphan's estate, which was OR[dered].
Lunenburg County, VA, Order Book ___, page ___
August 1767
Francis Lightfoot, a witness for Anthony Street at the suit of the executors of William GILLIAM, decd. Ordered that the sd Street pay him for 2 days attendance and twice coming and returning 30 miles.
Lunenburg County, VA, Order Book ___, page 92.
[See below, William GILLIAM, decd, appears to be Capt. William GILLIAM, Jr., of Sussex]
March 1768
James Jones, executor of William GILLIAM, decd, Plt
Robert Ravenscroft and Anthony Street, Defts,
In debt. Deft Ravenscroft being returned no inhabitant, this suit abates as to him. This day came the parties by their attys, and Deft Street relinquishing his former plea, ack. the Plt's action. Ordered that the Plt recover against Deft Street £119.16.8, the debt in the declaration mentioned, and his costs, to be discharged by the payment of £64.13.4, with interest from Jun 15, 1763, deducting £11 paid Nov 21 following.
Lunenburg County, VA, Order Book ___, page 137
[Capt. William GILLIAM, Jr., who left a Will dated 21 Feb 1765, Sussex County, VA, had as his executor, James Jones.]
March 1768
On the motion of Anthony Street, an injunction is granted him to stay execution on the judgment obtained at Common Law by James Jones, executor of William GILLIAM, decd, 'til the matter thereof be heard in equity, he giving bond with security and filing his Bill of Complaint at next Court.
Lunenburg County, VA, Order Book ___, page 137
September 1768
On the motion of Agness GILLIAM a witness for Daniel Mackey vs John Murphy, it is ordered that the sd Mackey pay her for four days attendance. Memo: the above attendance is not to be taxed in the bill of costs.
Lunenburg County, VA, Order Book ___, page 178.
[Agnes GILLIAM is widow of Nicholas Hobson and wife of Richard GILLIAM, see guardianships below.]
10 August 1769
Richard GILLIAM, guardian of William Hobson, orphan of Nicholas Hobson, decd, the same as last.
Lunenburg County, VA, Order Book ___, page 234.
5 May 1746
David Liles of Lunenburg to Thomas Dupray of Goochland a tract on the south branches of Couches creek, ____, Stovall's Corner, ____, GILLIAM's line, _____ [Colwell's/Caldwell's] line, being 304 acres.
Wit: John Stovall, Lazaries [Lazarus] Williams, Richard Williams
Rec: 4 Aug 1746
Lunenburg County, VA, Deed Book 1, 1746-1751, page 44.
[The original is difficult to read, but it appears from Patents that the name following GILLIAM should be Colwell/Caldwell.]
Kolbe, J. C. Lunenburg County Deed Book 1, 1746-1751 Southside Virginian. Volume 6, page 122
6 Jun 1746
Thomas GILLIAM of Albemarle Parish, Surry Co., to Nicholas Edmunds of Brunswick, St. Andrew's Parish, 577 acres on both sides of the great branch of Couches Creek formerly granted to Thomas GILLIAM by patent dated 13 Aug 1744
Wit: Clem Read, James Parish, John Twitty, ___ Scott
Rec: 7 Jul 1746

Kolbe, J. C. Lunenburg County Deed Book 1, 1746-1751 Southside Virginian. Volume 6, page 120-121
10 Jan. 1747
Clement Read of Brunswick Co. to Nicholas Edmunds 577 acres on both sides of the Great branch of Couche's Creek. The same being part of a patent granted 30 Aug. 1744 to Thomas Gilliam. The tract sold to Edmunds 8 next to Clement Read.
Wit. John Ingram, Nicho. Lanier, John Moutray.
Rec: 7 March 1747
Kolbe, J. C. Lunenburg County Deed Book, Southside Virginian. Volume 7, page 86
21 Jul 1753
Thomas Smith of Brunswick to James Daniel of Albemarle 21 Jul 1753, 2 Jan 1754, £30, 100a, land in Lunenburg on the south side of Roanoke River and bounded as followeth to wit Beginning on the River Bank on John GILLUM Line Thence on the said GILLUMs Line to a Corner Joining Thomas Stephen's Line thence along the said Stephen's Line to a Corner of John Macline's Line thence along the said Macline's Line to the River thence up the River as it Manders [sic] to the begining [sic] Containing one hundred acres of Land.
Wit William Love, Andrew Troughten, George Cane.
Sig: Thomas (his X mark) Smith
Lunenburg County, VA, Deed Book 3, page 406
21 Apr 1755
Hugh Miller by indenture of feoffment bearing date the twenty first day of April 1755 hath sold and conveyed unto John GILLIAM fifteen hundred and eighty eight acres of land lying and being in the county of Lunenburgh on both sides of Twitty’s Creek.
Lunenburg County, VA, Deed Book __, page __
1 Nov 1757
Samuel Comer of Lunenburg sold to William Tommerson of same, land on the westernmost side of Twitty's Creek bounded by Shelton, GILHAM.
Witnesses: George Walton; John Towns; Daniel Hankins.
Lunenburg County, VA, Deed Book 5, page 58
4 Jul 1758
John GILLIAM of the county of Granville of the Province of North Carolina and Frances, his wife, of the one part and Francis Taylor of the county of Caroline in the Colony of Virginia of the other part . . . assigns forever all that tract or parcel of land situated on the southside of the Roanoake River in the County of Lunenburgh containing 728 acres now in tenure & occupation of the said Francis Taylor 343 acres part thereof being granted to the said John GILLIAM by patent bearing date the 16 Aug 1756, 185 acres other part and 200 acres residue of the said land being granted by patent to John Matthews & by him sold to William Fletcher who sold the same to the said John GILLIAM . . .
Sig: John (I) GILLIAM, Francis (F) GILLIAM
Wit: William Taylor, Moses Street, John Platt
At a court held for Lunenburgh County, the fourth day of July 1758
Lunenburg County, VA, Deed Book 5, pages 259-261.
[Supposedly this tract of land is in present-day Mecklenburg County.
It should be noted that a Robert GILLIAM on 3 Aug 1768 takes out an Administrator's Bond for the estate John GILLIAM of Granville County. Surety, David Mitchell, John Walker. The Inventory was returned August Court 1768. Among the items were "eleven bound books, and a inkstand," and three negroes. A Return of Sale was recorded August Court 1768 in the amount of £255.0.5. Among the purchasers are: John, Robert, Peter, Amy and Elizabeth GILLIAM.
It should also be noted that Robert GILLIAM of Granville County, NC sells to Edmund Taylor of Mecklenburg County, VA, 150 pd. VA money for 1220 acres adj. Brickle, Bullock, Glover, Kennon, Crawley and the Country line.
Wit: John Doswell, Nat. Robinson, and Joseph Taylor. It is believed that Francis Taylor above and Edmund Taylor are near relatives.
It also appears that this Robert GILLIAM is Major Robert GILLIAM of Newberry District, SC, whose son was born in Granville County on the 11 Jan 1760.]
4 Jul 1758
John GILLIAM of Granville Co, NC and Frances, his wife, to Francis Taylor of Caroline Co, Va all that tract of land on the south side of the Roanoke River 728 acres now in tenure by Francis Taylor; 343 acres a patent to John GILLIAM in 1756; another patent for 185 acres in 1757; 200 acres residue patented to John Matthew sold to William Fletcher and sold to John GILLIAM.
Witnesses: William Taylor; Moses Street; John Platt.
Frances, wife of John GILLIAM, relinquished her right of dower.

[This is a different abstraction of the above deed. This one mentions Frances, relinquishing her right of dower.]
William Tommerson of Lunenburg to Abraham Vaughan of same for 23 pds, 107 acres on the west of upper side of Twitty's Creek bounded by Skelton; Samuel Comer; Jones; GILHAM; 84 acres part of a larger tract conveyed by Henry Isbell to Samuel Comer.
No witnesses.
Lunenburg County, VA, Deed Book 6, page 130
Samuel Comer of the Parish of Cornwall Lunenburg County, VA to James Taylor and William Goode, Gent, church wardens of the said parish for 182 pds, 512 acres bounded by Childress; Friend; GILLIAM; and Isbell. No witnesses.
Lunenburg County, VA, Deed Book 6, page 417
2 Feb 1761?
This indenture made the day of, [date not in original] in the first year of the right of our Sovereign Lord King George the Third, and in the year of our Lord Christ one thousand seven hundred and sixty one between John GILLIAM, the Elder of the Parrish [sic] of Bristol & County of Prince George of the one part and Robert GILLIAM, son of the said John of the other part
Witnesseth that the said John GILLIAM as will for and in consideration of the natural love and affection which he hath and beareth unto the said Robert, his son, and also for the better maintenance and preferment of the said Robert, hath given, granted, aliened, enfeoffed and confirmed and by these presents doth give, grant, align, enfeoff, and confirm unto the said Robert GILLIAM his heirs and assigns forever one certain tract or parcel of land containing one thousand, five hundred and eighty eight acres, situate lying and being in the county of Lunenburgh on both sides of Twitty’s Creek being the same tract of Land which was granted to Robert Stobo by patent bearing date the Twenty eighth day of April 1752 and was sold & conveyed unto the said John GILLIAM by deed bearing date the twenty first day of April 1755 and also another tract or parcel of land containing one hundred and eighty acres lying and being in the County of Lunenburg aforesaid on the branches of Twitty’s Creek adjoining the above tract of land and Isbell’s (formerly Carrington’s) lines being that tract of land granted to Hugh Miller by patent dated the first day of February 1755 and by the said Miller conveyed to the said John GILLIAM by the deed last above mentioned which said patents and deeds may more fully and at large appear recorded in the Secretary’s office of this colony
To have and to hold, accept, possess and enjoy this above two tract or parcels of land with their and every of their appurtenances & all the lesseth commodities, advantages, & heritaments whatsoever to be same or any part thereof belonging or in anywise appertaining with all the estate right and title of him the said John GILLIAM and his heirs unto the said Robert GILLIAM and his heirs and assigns forever and the said John GILLIAM the before granted Lands and premises with their and every of their appurtenances to the said Robert GILLIAM his heirs and assignees against him the said John GILLIAM and his heirs and against all and every other person or persons whatsoever having or claiming any right or title in & to the same or any art thereof shall and will by these presents warrant and forever defend provided always and it is hereby covenanted & agree by & between the parties to these presents that the said Robert GILLIAM of his heirs shall whenever hereafter required by good and sufficient deeds in ____ convey unto Edward Harriss four hundred acres the aforementioned tract of fifteen hundred and eighty eight acres including and adjoining the plantation whereon the said Edward now lives in such manner as it shall appear that Robert Stobo, the patentee hath engaged to lay off & convey the same and that the said Robert GILLIAM on his heirs shall in like manner convey unto James GILLIAM the upper half of the residue of the said two tracts of land hereby conveyed to the said Robert joining Isbells (Formerly Carrington’s) lines agreeable to the condition of a bond from said John GILLIAM to the said James for conveying the same and the said Robert in consideration of the lands hereby granted him doth for himself and his heirs covenant and agree to an with the said John that he will for ever hereafter save harmless & indemnify the said John, his heirs, executors and administrators of and from the said bond given by them to the said James GILLIAM and all sums of money therein mentioned & from all actions, suits, cash damages & payments which the said James may be intitled [sic] to by reason of the nonperformance of the condition of the said bond and also that he will indemnify and save harmless the said John of and from all actions such costs, damages, demand & payment which the said Edward Harriss maybe entitled to by reason of the nonperformance of a certain provision I the deed from Hugh Miller to the said John for the land aforementioned
In Witness whereof the parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands and affixed their seal the day and year first above written
Sig: John GILLIAM, Sen., Robert GILLIAM
Sealed and delivered in presence of Thomas Smith, Maynard (X) Harriss, Arnold Thomasson.
At a court held for Lunenburgh County the second day of February 1761.
The within written indenture was proved by the oaths of the three witnesses thereunto subscribed, and the same are ordered to be recorded
Teste Clement Read.

15 Feb 1761
This Indenture made the fifteen day of February in the first year of the Reign of our sovereign Lord king George, the Third and in the year of you Lord Christ one thousand seven hundred and sixty one between Robert GILLIAM of the county of Prince George of the one part and Edward Harris of the county of Lunenburg of the other part whereas Hugh Miller by indenture of feoffment bearing date the twenty first day of April 1755 hath sold and conveyed unto John GILLIAM fifteen hundred and eighty eight acres of land lying and being in the county of Lunenburgh on both sides of Twitty’s Creek in which said Indenture it is provided always and it is therein covenanted, intended and declared by and between the parties that the said John do lay off and convey unto the aforesaid Edward Harris when thereto required by good and lawful deeds at the said Harris costs four hundred acres of the above tract of fifteen hundred and eighty eight acres including and adjoining the plantation whereon the said Edward lives in such manner as it shall appear that Robert Stobo the patentee hath engaged to lay off and convey the same and whereas the said John GILLIAM by deed bearing date the twenty first day of December hath conveyed unto the aforesaid Robert GILLIAM this fee simple estate in of and to the said fifteen hundred and eighty eight acres of land with the like proviso and condition as herein before recited now this indenture witnesseth that the aforesaid Robert GILLIAM for the causes and consideration aforesaid but more especially for and in consideration of the sum of five shillings to him in hand paid by the said Edward Harris the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge hath granted, bargained, sold, aliened, enfeoffed and confirmed and by these present doth grant bargains, sell, alien, enfeoffed, confirmed unto the said Edward Harris and to heirs and assignees forever all that the before mentioned tract or parcel of land and premises with the appurtenances containing four hundred acres lying on both sides of Reece’s Creek in the County Lunenburgh and bounded as followeth (to wit)
Beginning at a white oak from thence runing [sic] a line south twenty six degrees west, one hundred and sixty poles crossing Reece’s Creek to another white oak
Thence south seventy-eight degrees east two hundred and seventy five poles to a red oak
Thence north twenty degrees, east ninety-six poles to another red oak
Thence south eighty-four degrees east sixty-three poles to an hickory
Thence north twenty six degrees east one hundred and twenty six poles crossing the creek to a pine
Thence north eighty degrees west four hundred poles to the beginning
With all woods, underwoods, way waters, water courses, profits, commodities, and heriditaments whatsoever to the said tract or parcel of land belonging or in anywise appertaining and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents issues and profits thereof and of every part and parcel thereof and all the estate right ___ interest, property, claim and demand whatsoever of him the said Robert GILLIAM land his heirs of in or to the same
To have and to hold the said four hundred acres of land and premises with the appurtenances unto the said Edward Harris and to his heirs and assignees forever and the said Robert GILLIAM the said four hundred acres of land and premises with the appurtenances unto the said Edward Harris, his heirs, and assignees against him the said Robert and his heirs and against all and every other person or persons whatsoever having or claiming any right of title in and to the same or any part thereof shall and will be these presents warrant and forever defended
In witness where of the said Robert GILLIAM hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal the day and year first above written, Robert GILLIAM S. & sealed and delivered in presence of Henry Isbell, William (X) GILLIAM, Richard Ellis.
Memorandum that on this fifteen day of February 1761 full possession and seizen was had and taking of the four hundred acres of land and premise within granted by the within named Robert GILLIAM and by him delivered to the within named Edward Harris to hold to him, his heirs, and assigns forever according to the contents and true meaning of this within written indenture.
Sig: Robt. GILLIAM
In presence of Henry Isbell, William (his X mark) GILLIAM, Richard Ellis
At a Court held for Lunenburgh County, the second day of march 1762 the within written indenture and the memorandum of livery of seizen hereon ____ were proved by the oaths of two of the witnesses thereto subscribed and the same ordered to be certified.
Clement Read
At a court held for Lunenburgh County the first day of June 1762, the within written indenture and the memorandum of livery and seizen hereon ____ were further proved by the oath of Richard Ellis, the other witness thereto subscribed and the same are ordered to be recorded.
Clement Read

[Robert Stobo received a grant dated 28 April 1752. According to the Virginia Encyclopedia of Biography, Robert Stobo born in Glasgow, Scotland, in 1727, son of William Stobo, merchant. He attended a Latin school, and then the University of Glasgow. In 1742 his friends sent him to Virginia to serve in a store conducted by Glasgow merchants. Later he went into business for himself. He was held in esteem by Gov. Dinwiddie, who appointed him captain in a regiment raised in 1754 to oppose the French. He proved an efficient officer in the campaign, and superintended the construction of the fortification at Fort Necessity, and bore a gallant part in the battle of Great Meadows. He was one of the hostages delivered to the French when Fort Necessity capitulated. While in confinement at Fort Duquesne, he drew plans of the fort and its approaches, and wrote suggestions for its successful assault. This paper was conveyed by a friendly Indian to the commanding officer at Wills' Creek, but fell into the hands of the enemy in the battle of Monongahela, and he was closely confined in the fortress at Quebec. He escaped, was retaken, and after a year's confinement again regained his freedom and joined Gen. Wolfe at Louisburg. He was made a confidential messenger to Gen. Amherst, who sent him to the governor of Virginia, by whom he was well received. He received the thanks of the house of burgesses, and was awarded £1,000 as a reward for his zeal and the great hardships he had endured as a hostage. He went to England in 1760, and in June of that year was commissioned captain in Amherst's regiment, and served in the West Indies. He left the army in 1770, and died soon afterwards.
Patent To Robert Stobo
Description: 1588 acres on both sides of Twitty’s Creek adjoining John Bentley.
Land Office Patents No. 30, 1750-1752, p. 497 (Reel 28).
George the Second by the grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, etc.
To all to whom these presents shall come greetings
Know ye that for divers good causes and considerations but more especially for and in consideration of the sum of eight pounds of good and lawful money of for our now paid to our received general of our revenues in this our colony and Dominion of Virginia
We have given, granted, and confirmed and by these presents for______ and
Do give grant and confirm unto Robert Stobo one certain tract or parcel of land containing one thousand five hundred and eighty eight acres lying and being in the county of Lunenburgh on both sides of Twitty’s Creek and bounded as followeth, to wit.
Beginning at John Bentley’s upper corner sweet gum on the creek thence along his line north sixteen degrees, west sixty poles to a pine
Thence north seventy degrees east, three hundred and twelve poles to a pine
Thence south thirty-eight degrees east eighteen poles to Hugh Boston’s corner pine
Thence along his line south fifth one degrees east forty two poles to his corner popular on Twitty’s creek
Thence up the said Creek as it meanders to Boston’s corner as on the same
Thence along his line south forty-one degrees east one hundred and thirty two poles to his corner white oak
Thence along the said line north seventy-three degrees east sixty-two poles to a pine
Thence south fifty-two degrees east sixty-six poles to a small white oak
Thence south thirteen degrees east two hundred and forty poles to a shrub white oak
Thence south thirteen degrees west ninety-eight poles to a white oak on Rees’s Fork
Thence down the said fork as it meanders to a popular on the same
Thence north eighty-one degrees west one hundred and thirty six poles to a Spanish oak
Thence south seventy-two degrees west ninety-two poles to a small red oak
Thence north seventy-eight degrees west two hundred and eighty to poles to a great pine
Thence north forty degrees west two hundred and fourteen poles to a white oak
Thence north seven degrees east forty-four poles to a pine
Thence north seventy eight degrees west two hundred and twenty poles to three trees choped [sic] onwards on Henry Fitz’s line
Thence along his line north twenty-seven degrees east eighty-four poles to a hickory on Twitty’s Creek aforesaid
Thence up the said Creek as it meanders to the beginning
With all woods, underwoods, swamps, marshes, longwoods, meadows, feedings and his due share of all veins, mines, and quarries as well discovered as not discovered within the bounds aforesaid and being part of the said quantity of one thousand five hundred and eighty eight acres of land and the rivers, waters and waters courses therein combined together with the privileges of hunting, hawking, fishing, fowling and all other profits, commodities and hereditaments whatsoever to be same or any part thereof belonging or in anywise appertaining to have hold possess and enjoy the said tract of parcel of land and all other the before granted, premises and every part thereof with their and every of their appurtenances unto the said Robert Stobo and to his heirs and assignees for ever to the only use and behalf of him the said Robert Stobo his heirs and assignees forever . . . Robert Dinwiddie, Esq., our Lieutenant Governor and commander in Chief of our said Colony and Dominion at Williamsburgh under the seal of our said Colony, the twenty-eighth day of April one thousand seven hundred and fifty two, in the twenty-fifth year of our reign. Robt. Dinwiddie]
23 Jul 1764
Between John Hobson, Richard Gilliam, and Agness, his wife, of the county Lunenburg of the one part and Jonathan Patteson of the same county of the other part, £185, a certain tract lying on branches of Maherrin River containing 400 acres, bounded by Moses Cockerham’s, Philip Cockerham’s, John Bacons, John Hix, John Patterson’s land bought of Wm Brooks, and John Patterson’s land bought of John Price.
Sig: John Hobson, Richard Gilliam, Agness Gilliam
Wit: Robert Hawkins, Benja Hatcher, John Bacon
Rec: 11 Oct 1764

1 Dec 1764
John Bacon and Obedience, his wife, and Richard GILLIAM and Agness, his wife having sold to Jonathan Patterson on Dec. 1, 1764, 400 acres in Lunenburg Co., Va. and the said Obedience Bacon not being able to come to the Court, Edward Barnard and John Francis Williams take her acknowledgment to the said deed at Augusta in St. Paul's Parish, Georgia Province.
Sig: John Bacon, Obedience Bacon, Richd Gilliam, Agness Gilliam
Wit: John Hobson, Richard Gilliam, Matt Hobson
Rec: April 9, 1772, Aug. 20, 1776

Ancestry.com. Valentine Papers (Virginia), Vol. 1-4, 1864-1908. [database online] Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 2001. Original data: Edward P. Valentine ,The Edward Pleasants Valentine Papers, Vol. 1-4, 1864-1908. Richmond, VA: The Valentine Museum
[An abstract of this deed appears in The Edward Pleasant Valentine Papers and incorrectly reads William GILLIAM and Agness. But upon inspection of the original, it clearly reads "Richd GILLIAM and his wife Agness." The widow Agnes Hobson married Richard GILLIAM. Richard's will mentions his Hobson stepsons.]
20 Apr 1765
George Crymes to Edmund Elliss, both of Cumberland Parish, Lun. Co, for £20, 120 acres in Lun. Co, adjacent to Robert Melone, GILHAM.
Wit: Jno. Williams, Jr., Edward Jordan, Jr., Langston Bacon.
Lunenburg County, VA, Deed Book 10, pp 157-158
7 Nov 1774
Between Nicholas Hobson of the County of Lunenburg of the one part and Richard Gilliam of the same, convey by power of Attorney made by Matthew Hobson, 200 acres, on branches of North Meherrin River.
Sig: Nicholas Hobson
Rec: 10 Nov 1774

31 Mar 1775
Nicholas Hobson to Thomas Drake,
Witnessed by Agnes and Richard GILLIAM.
Lunenburg County, VA, Deed Book 12, pages 453-455
6 Oct 1783
Samuel and Ann Rudder to William Walker, 100 acres, £11.00
Security to John Gillum of Brunswick Co for a debt owed
Wit: William Matthis, Menford Rudder
Rec: 8 Apr 1784
Lunenburg County, VA, Deed Book ___, pages ____
__ Feb 1785
Between Richard Gillam of the county of Lunenburg on the one part and Joel Boothe of the same County on the other part , £80, lying in the county of Lunenburg containing 200 acres of land adjacent Thomas Foster, Reubin Medley, Thomas Lenears [?], John Hawkins, Claiborne Johnson, Abraham Estes.
Sig: Richard Gillam
Wit: none
Rec: 10th Feb 1785

11 May 1786
This indenture made this 11th day of May one thousand seven hundred and eighty six between Robert Chappell of the county of Lunenburg on the one part and Hincha GILLIAM of the county of Brunswick of the other part, Witnesseth that the said Robert Chappell for and in consideration of the just and full sum of one hundred pounds current money of Virginia to him in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have granted, bargained, sold, aliened, enfeoffed and confirmed any by these presents doth grant bargain sell alien enfeoff & confirm unto the said Hincha GILLIAM his heirs and assigns forever one certain tract of parcel of land lying in the said county of Lunenburg contain by estimation four hundred acres, be the same more or less and bounded as followeth viz,
beginning at a corner white oak,
thence south twelve poles to a pines,
thence south eighty three degree west forty eight pole to pointers
thence south two hundred and twenty two poles to a white oak,
thence south eighty five degrees east two hundred and fifty four poles to a white oak thence north fifteen degrees east one hundred and fifty five poles to pointers,
thence north seventy five degrees west, four poles to a white oak,
thence north fifteen degrees east forty four poles to pointers,
thence north seventy five degrees west two hundred and sixty four poles to the beginning which said land was granted to George Walton by patent bearing date the 10 day of September one thousand seven hundred and sixty, reference being thereunto had ____ more fully appear.
To have and to hold the said tract or parcel of land with the appurtenances unto the said Hincha GILLIAM his heirs and assigns forever to the only proper use and behoof of him the said Hincha GILLIAM his heirs an s assigns forever, and the said Robert Chappell for himself and his heirs doeth covenant and agree to and with the said Hincha GILLIAM and his heirs that the said Robert Chappell the above mentioned land and premises with the appurtenances unto the said Hincha GILLIAM his heirs and assigns forever against the claim and demand of him the said Robert Chappell and his heirs and against the claim and demand of all and every other person or person, shall and will warrant and forever defend by these presents
In Witness whereof the said Robert Chappell hath hereunto set his hand an seal the day and year above written.
In presence of: Sam Garland, Anderson Bagby, Gallanus? Winn
Rec: 11 Dec 1788
Sig: Robert Chappell

[This tract was originally patented (400 acres on the head branches of Bears Elliment [Element] Creek and branches of Flat Rock Creek adjoining Evans, Wilson, Hawkins, Taylor &c.) in Lunenburg County to Walton, George on 10 September 1760. Virginia State Land Office. Patents 1-42, reels 1-41. Land Office Patents No. 34, 1756-1765, p. 711 (Reel 33-34).]
9 Jan 1793
Hinchia GILLIAM of Brunswick County and James Craig,
400 acres, for one hundred and forty pounds current money of Virginia
Sig: Hincha Gilliam
Wit: John Stevenson, Thomas Stevenson, John Ragsdale, Thomas Lowry

20 Mar 1793
Between Robert Chappell and Agness his wife of the county of Lunenburg and Hincha Gilliam of the county of Brunswick, £100, 400 acres, on the branches of Bear Element Creek and branches of Flatt Rock Creek, bounded Taylor’s corner, Evan’s line, Wilson’s corner.
Sig: Robert Chappell, Agness Chappell
Wit: James Macfarland, John Ragsdale, Edward Jordan, Edward Tarry

21 Mar 1793
Between Hincha Gilliam of County of Brunswick and Parish of St. _____ and James Craig of the county of Lunenburg and Parish of Cumberland of the other part. £140, one certain tract which James Craig bought of Robert Chappell of Lunenburg, 400 acres, on head branches of Bears Elements and branches of Flatt Rock Creek, bounded Taylor’s corner, Evan’s line, Wilson.
Sig: Hincha Gilliam
Wit: James Macfarland, John Ragsdale, Edward Jordan, Edward Tarry
Rec: 11 Jul 1793

12 Oct 1796
Between Thomas Ladd of the County of Lunenburg of the one part and Allen Gilliam of the County aforesaid of the other part, 275 acres, bounded as followeth, lines of John Cureton, lines of the estate of John Irwin, Thackston’s line, Swinney’s line, estate of Gideon Moon.
Sig: Thomas Ladd
Wit: John Cureton, John Farmer, William Thackston
Rec: 13 April 1797
Elizabeth, wife of said Thomas, right of dower

12 Oct 1796
Between John Farmer of the County of Lunenburg of the one part and Allen Gilliam of the County of Lunenburg of the other part, that for £15.10, 7.75 acres, bounded by Mill and spring run, joining on Meherrin River.
Sig: John Farmer
Rec: 18 Dec 1796

11 Oct 1798
Between Jeremiah Farmer and Polly Farmer, his wife, of the County of Lunenburg of the one part and Allen Gilliam of the aforesaid County of the other part, £400, an Mill with two acres of land on the Meherrin River formerly the property of Lodowick Farmer, decd.
Sig: Jeremiah Farmer andPolly Farmer
Wit: Francis Barrus, Richd Hudson, George Farmer
Rec: 11 Oct 1798

21 Jul 1800
Between Allen Gilliam and Martha Cox, his wife, on the one part and James Smith of the second part, £1000, on the north Meherrin River, 280.75 acres, adjacent, Peachy and Rutledges, north fork of Hurricanes Creek, William Thackstons, Richard Lock, Abner T. Moon, John Farmer.
Sig: Allen Gilliam, Martha C. Gilliam
Wit: Medley Street, Peter Stokes, William Thackston, Richard Lock.
Rec: 21 Jul 1800
8 Jan 1801, Martha C. Gilliam, relinquishes her dower.

4 Sep 1800
Between William Gilliam of Sussex County heir at law of HInchey Gilliam decd of the one part and Ellick Moore of the County of Lunenburg of the other part, $800, as directed by a deed from Mr. Newsum to William Petty in the year 1756.
Sig: William Gilliam
Wit: David Smith, Miles Hardy, James Hungerford, Andrew McQueen[?].
11 Aug 1800

George Craig, 175 acres, for seventy pounds, described as a part of the Hinchia GILLIAM tract.
1 Dec 1761
James GILLIAM and Martha Isbell, married 1 Dec 1761. Bond Henry Isbell.
Know all men by these presents that we Jas. Guilliam and Henry Isbell are held and firmly bound unto our sovereign Lord George the Third by the Grace of God and in the sum of fifty pounds Current Money to be paid to our said Lord the King his Heirs and Successors, to the which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves our heirs, executors, and administrators jointly and severally firmly by these presents, sealed with our seals and dated this 1st day of December 1761.
The condition of the above obligation is such that whereas there is a marriage suddenly intended to be solemnized between the above bound Jas. Guilliam and Martha Isbell.
If therefore, there be no lawfull cause to obstruct the same then this obligation to be void else to remain in full force.
Sealed and delivered
James Gilliam
Henry Isbell
In presence of Thos. .Read
Lunenburg County, VA, Marriage Bonds.
14 Sep 1758
French and Indian War
James GUILLUM Ens. Lunenburg Co.
Virginia Colonial Militia, page 74.
[This is James who married Martha Isbell. He served under Maj. William Caldwell, and Lt. William Mitchell]
Cumberland Parish Vestry
30 Oct 1761
To Ann Barns, to the care of Richard GILLIAM ____
To Nancy Kelly to the care of Richard GILLIAM ____
3 Nov 1760
To Nancy Kelly to the care of Agness. GILLIAM 600 lbs tobo.
8 Nov 1763
To Nancy Kelly to Richd GILLIAM 400 lbs tobo.
To Edwd Parham to Richd. GILLIAM, 590 lbs tobo
23 Nov 1764
To Nancy Kelly to Richd GILLIAM, 650 lbs tobo.
12 Nov 1765
To Richd GILLIAM for sundrys for James Shelborn 2.10.0
15 Jan 1766
To Nancy Kelly to the church Wardens, or Mrs. GILLIAM 500 lbs tobo.
A coppy [sic] of John Ballards Accot. Collector for the year 1766
By pd. Richd. GILLIAM 0.15.0
28 Nov 1769
For Nancy Kelly to the church Wardens, or Mrs. GILLIAM 500 lbs tobo.
26 Nov 1770
For Nancy Kelly to the church Wardens, or Mrs. GILLIAM 500 lbs tobo.
13 Dec 1771
For Nancey Kelley to the church Wardens, or Mrs. GILLIAM 500 lbs tobo.
15 Nov 1772
For Nancy Kelly to the church Wardens, or Mrs. GILLIAM 500 lbs tobo.
9 Dec 1773
For Nancey Kelley to the church Wardens, or Mrs. GILLIAM 800 lbs tobo.
15 Nov 1774
For Nancey Kelley to the church Wardens, or Mrs. GILLIAM 966 lbs tobo.
26 Feb 1776
For Nancy Kelly to the church Wardens, or Mr. GILLIAM 966 lbs tobo.
8 Apr 1776
Processioning No 6.
. . . Thomas Loury, Daniel Mason, Winfield Mason and Richard GILLIAM present James Gee, Richard GILLIAM and William Turbyfill.
2 Apr 1777
For Nancy Kelly to the church Wardens, or Mrs. GILLIAM £8
28 Jan 1778
For Nancey Kelly to the church Wardens, or Mrs. GILLIAM £10
10 Feb 1780
For Nancy Kelly to the church Wardens, or Mrs. GILLIAM £150
13 Dec 1781
For Nancy Kelly to the church Wardens, or Mrs. GILLIAM 750 lbs tobo.
10 May 1782
For Nancy Kelly to the church Wardens, or Richd GILLIAM, 750 lbs tobo.
8 Jan 1784
For Nancy Kelly to the church Wardens, or Mrs. GILLIAM 750 lbs tobo.
11 Nov 1784
For Nancy Kelly to the church Wardens, or Mrs. GILLIAM 750 lbs tobo.
Patents, Headrights and Bounds
30 Aug 1744
Thomas GILLIAM 577 acs. Brunswick Co on both sides of the Great Br. of Couches Cr, 30 Aug. 1744, £3.
Cavaliers and Pioneers, V, 124
30 Aug 1744
Edward Booker, 401 acs. Brunswick, on both sides of Couches Cr. Down the great br. adj. Colwell, Briggs, & GUILLIAM, £2.
Cavaliers and Pioneers, V, p123
20 Jun 1753
William PettyPool, 904 acs. On both sides of the great br. of Couches Creek adj. GILHAM, Robert Melone [Malone], Jordon, his own old lines & Dupree £45.10
Cavaliers and Pioneers, VI, 134
20 Jun 1753
Henry Blackgrove, 620 acs. on the S side of Meherrin Riv. ,beg at the Mouth of Juniper Cr. down Lile’s Creek adj. Irby & GILHAM £2S5 (180 acs. part gtd. Thomas Briggs by pat 5 Jul. 1741 the right and title is since become vested in the sd. Henry Blackgrove and 440 acs. the Residue never bef. gtd.)
Cavaliers and Pioneers, VI, p134
20 Jun 1753
John Bacon 400 acs. on the N side of Couches Creek adj. David Liles & GILLIAM, £2.
Cavaliers and Pioneers, VI, p134
John Bacon, Patent, 400 acres in Lunenburg Co., on Couches Creek, adjoining Lyle and GILLIAM. June 20, 1753
Patent Book 32, p. 133.
Ancestry.com. Valentine Papers (Virginia), Vol. 1-4, 1864-1908. [database online] Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 2001. Original data: Edward P. Valentine,The Edward Pleasants Valentine Papers, Vol. 1-4, 1864-1908. Richmond, VA: The Valentine Museum., circa 19xx.
[GILLIAM here should not be confused with Samuel GILLIAM, see will of Samuel GILLIAM 16 Jun 1767, Surry County who inherited land on the Crouches Creek.]
16 Aug 1756
Robert Malone, 830 acs. Lunenburg Co. on the East or lower side of Tossakia Cr. Up Irby’s br. To his C., adj. GILHAM & Michaux, £4.S5.
Cavaliers and Pioneers, VI, p317
16 Aug 1756
John GILLIAM, 343 acs. Lunenburgh Co. on the S. side of Roanoak Riv. On his own old line where it Crosses the Reedy br. Adj. John Robinson, £1.S15.
Cavaliers and Pioneers, VI, p192
[On 4 July 1758 this patent, 343 acres, was sold by John GILLIAM of Granville County, NC, and Frances, his wife, to Francis Taylor of Caroline County, VA, Deed Book ___, pages 259-261.]
19 May 1757
John GILHAM, 185 acs. Lunenburgh Co. on GILHAMS br. Adj. his own line Robinson & Stephen’s £1. [S. of Roanoak Riv. See his adj. 343 acs. on Reedy Br.]
Cavaliers and Pioneers, VI, p220
[On 4 July 1758 this patent, 185 acres, was sold by John GILLIAM of Granville County, NC, and Frances, his wife, to Francis Taylor of Caroline County, VA, Deed Book ___, pages 259-261.]
3 Mar 1757
James Lewis, 376 acs. Lunenburg Co. on the S side of Roanoak Riv adj. GILHAM, Mitchel & Nathaniel Robinson, £2.
Cavaliers and Pioneers, VI, p243
[John GILLIAM's (see above) daughter Frances married William Dodson whose sister married Nathaniel Robinson. It is believed William Dodson's mother was Frances Mitchell.]
12 Feb 1757
William Anglin, 94 acs. Lunenburgh C., Beg. On the N side of Smith’s Riv. Opposite the Mouth of Bowings Cr.; 10 Shill.
[Regranted to James GILLIAM in Halifax Co. PB 34]
[Originally surveyed for Edmund Gray, et. al.
Survey’d 21st March 1748
for Edmd Gray, James Gray, James Power, Ben Hutchins[?] ____ Aylett & Ben Cocke, 94 ac
A Land on both sides Smith on James River beginning at a Locust on the No side, the sd River thence new lines from
A to B —N 29, E 13 p to a Dogwood,
B to C —N 42, W 80 p to a red oak,
C to D —N 9, W 72 poles to a poplar
D to E —S 68, W 37 p to a red Oak
E to F —S 84, W 40 p to a poplar on the S side the River thence
F to G —up the River 96 poles to a Sycamore thence off
G to H —S 2, E 100 p to a red oak
H to I —S 14, W 52 p to a red oak
J to K —S 28, E 40 p to a maple and Bowings Creek
K to L —down the stream as it meanders to the River &
L to A —down the River as it meanders to the beginning
P. J. Terry]
Pittsylvania Surveyor Book
Cavaliers and Pioneers, VI, p155
30 Aug 1763
Chesley Daniel, 200 acs. On the S. side of Roanoak Riv. adj John GILLIAM, James Stephens & his own line.
Cavaliers and Pioneers, VII, p35
5 Jul 1774
Nicholas Edmunds, 886 acs. On the Brs. Of Couches Cr, up the great be adj. GILLIAMs Patent & Gideon Moon, £1.S15. 577 acs part gtd. Thomas GILLIAM by Pat 13 Aug 1744 [30 Aug 1744 I PB 23, p756] the right & title where of is since become vested in the sd Nicholas Edmunds and 309 acs the residue never before gtd.
Cavaliers and Pioneers, VII, p345
Publick Claims
Richard GILLIAM for 300# beef
Lunenburg County, VA, Virginia Publick Claims 1780-1784
15 Mar 1782
At a court held for Lunenburg County the 15th day of March 1782 agreeable to an act for adjusting claims for property impressed or taken for public use.
Benjamin Estes for furnishing Continental soldiers with 6 diets, for horse hire & damages Richard GILLIAM for a gun furnished the militia ordered to assistance of the Marquis not returned.
Lunenburg County, VA, Virginia Publick Claims 1780-1784, page 18
Religious Petitions
6 Nov 1786
Oppose to Repeal
Early Virginia Religious Petitions. http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.ndlpcoop/relpet.285
Revolutionary War Public Service Claims
Richard GILLIAM, Court Booklet, p 17, 18, Certificates, 1, Lists, Commissioner's Book, IV, p 12, 13
Library of Virginia, Revolutionary Was Public Service Claims
Road Orders
6 Oct 1746 O. S., Page 78
On the Motion of John GILLIAM it is Ordered that a Road be laid off and cleared from Mitchells Ford to Kings Ford and from thence to the Church And the said John GILLIAM is appointed Surveyor thereof And it is Ordered that the said GILLIAM with all the Male Labouring Tithable Persons Convenient to the said Road forthwith Clear and keep the same in Repair according to Law.
Pawlett, Nathaniel Mason. Lunenburg County Road Orders 1746-1764
31 Oct 1753 N. S., Page 470
Nathaniel Robertson & Jacob Mitchell are appointed Surveyors of the Road Whereof John GILLIAM was late Surveyor. And Henry Delony is appointed and desired to Nominate such hands to work on the said road as he shall think Proper, And it is Ordered that they (together with such hands as the said Delony shall appoint) do forthwith Clear & keep the same in Repair According to Law.
Pawlett, Nathaniel Mason. Lunenburg County Road Orders 1746-1764
1 Nov 1757, Page 3
Ordered that a Road be laid Open and Cleared the best and most Convenient Way from the Road opposite to Abraham Martins House to Kings Road, and the said Abraham Martin is Appointed Surveyor thereof, and it is Ordered that he together with his Own Male Labouring Tithables, Abraham Vaughn, Robert Davis and his Son, Benjamin Adkins, Richard Ellis, William Ellis, John Sansum, Joshua Wharton, John Silcock, Edward Harris & William GILLUM, do forthwith lay open Clear and keep the same in Repair According to Law.
Pawlett, Nathaniel Mason. Lunenburg County Road Orders 1746-1764
Lunenburg Personal Property Taxes
1748 Tithes, Lewis Delany’s List
Barnaby Bird, 3 Tithes
1749 Tithes, William Howard’s List
John GILLUM, 2 tithes, 12 H & scalps
1750 Tithes, List of William Howard
Robert GILLUM, 3 tithes
1751 Tithes, Lyddall Bacon’s List
Tscharner Degraffendreade, 16 tithes
1752 Tithes, List of Field Jefferson
Robt GILLIAM, 3 Tithes
1752 Tithes, List of Lyddall Bacon
Tscharner Degraffenreid
John GILLIAM, 17 tithes
1764 Tithes
Richard GILLUM, 4 tithes, 480
[NB This is for the estate of Nichls Hobson, decd.]
1764 Tithes, Thomas Bedford’s List, Cornwall Parish
Robt GILLIAM’s List
Henry Clay, 6 tithes, 666 acres land
James GILLIAM, 5 tithes, 666 acres land
William Gilleam, 2 tithes
Edward Harris, 1 tithe, 400 acres
10 Jun 1769
Tithes taken in Cumberland Parish, Lunenburg County, page 272
GILLIAM, Richard, 3 tithes, 440 acres
1772 Tithes
A List of Tithes Taken by Lodowick Farmer, Gent.
Richd GILLIAM, 2 tithes
A List of Tithes for the Year 1774 Lunenburg County, VA, page 335
Richard GILLIAM, 3 tithes
1783 Tythables
Richard GILLIAM, 3 tithables, 4 white, 8 black
Duda, Thomas Walter. Sunlight on the Southside.
Wills, Estates and Inventories
22 Aug 1761
Estate Wm Dobbyns, decd,
John Guillam, Edwd Goode, etc.
Rec: 2 Nov 1761
Sig: Clement Read, James Taylor, commrs
Lunenburg County, VA, Will Book 2, page 110
21 Mar 1765, 11 Oct 1765
Account of Jas. Cunningham, Decd
Richd Gilm
Rec: 12 Jun 1766
Lunenburg County, VA, Will Book 2, page 291.
10 Oct 1765
Accounting of the Estate of Jos Johnson, decd, Shd Walton, exor,
To: pd Frs Smithson, wagoning, &c
Thos Nance, crying/appraising
Woods judgment
Isaac Johnson judgment
David Johnson Judgment
John Ward, Edwd Self, Sarah Ragsdale (& to Marables), Jno Thomason, Isaac Johnson attending court as witnesses
Stephen Wood going to Goochland,
Jno Williams schooling Sisly & Elizabeth
Womacks judgment
Jno Williams attendance
Jno Brown a/c
Pd sheriff Peter Hudsons, exor a witness
Jno Brown attendance with wife Marables as . . .[copy cut off]
Jos Williams attendance
Jas Breedlove carriage &c parsel tobacco, 9 clarks at selling estate
Sillvs Walker crying estate
Chs Swillivant a/c
Elizabeth Rivers 7 days attendance
Blagrave apprs estate,
1 pt brand at sale
Read for advise for use of estate
Michael Johnson
Jacob Womacks judgment
Issac Johnson judgment
Paul Carrington fees
Jno Hays’s attendance
Owen Sullivant attendance
Wm Swittever attendance
WM Chandler appr
Quear paper for Elizabeth Johnson
Stephen Wood his gargin [?]
a/c Blagraves exor
Robt Sander, tobacco
Sam Wimbush tobacco,
Iron &c settling estate 4 yrs 6 months
By: sundry sold Chas Swillivant
Negroe man Tom to sd Swillivant
2 Negroes sold Jack Womack
Sundry sold Jos Williams
Horse sold Willy Sims
Abra Youghn judgment
Cornet [ffremin?] judgment
Martin Parmer, Isbel
Jno Hunt, horse
Nathl Williams, mare
Negro boy York sold
Isaac Johnson bond
David Johnson mare
Stephen Woods bond
Jno Samons mare
Jno Hays bellows
Thom Crenshaw, 3 hhds tobacco
Lodowick Farmer
Henry Williams horse
John Brown
Henry Blagrave, Jr
Michael Johnson
Chas Gravet
Josiah Ship
Wm Stokes
Jno Tankersley
Jno Mason
Thom Foster
Wm Irwin
Jas Breedlove
Saml Harris
Richd Thomason
Benja Tatum
Sils Stokes
Jos Johnson
Hen Cox
Jno Williams
Wm Ellis
Rd Coleman
Gid Moon
Joshua Irby
Jos Heley
Wm Thomason
Wm Chandler
Jno Smith
Jno Thomason
Thos Brewas
Chs Swillivant, horse
Henry Blagrove
M Marable tobacco
Silvs Walker, Jr
Clemt Read
Jas Gilhom,
judgmt agst Jno Pamplet
Henry Coats [?]
Jno Williams constable
Judgment agst Jno Glen & Michl John
Rec: 10 Oct 1765
Sig: Lyddal Bacon, Henry Blagrave, Jonathan Patteson, Jr commrs
Lunenburg County, VA, Will Book 2, page 273
2 Mar 1771
Estate of Henry Chiles, decd, David Garland Exor (from Aug 1756)
Richd GILLIAM: wool, rifle, iron pott
Rec: 11 Apr 1771
Sig: Thos. Chambers, John Ragsdale, Charles Hamlin, commrs.
Lunenburg County, VA, Will Book 2, page 367
14 May 1774
Inventory estate of John Moss, decd
Rec: 13 Oct 1774
Sig: John Booker, Richard GILLUM, Richard Booker, apprs.
Lunenburg County, VA, Will Book 2, page 406
9 Feb 1782
Will of Matthew Hobson of Lunenburg County
Wit: Agnes Gilem [sic], Sarah Edwards, Faney Gregory, Mary Loury, N. Hobson.
Sig: Matthew Hobson
Rec: 11 Jul 1782, by sd wife; Nicholas & Wm. Hobson, exors.
Lunenburg County, VA, Will Book 3, page 117.
Oct 1783
Inventory and Appraisal Estate of William Johnson, decd
Rec: 13 Nov 1783
Apprssrs: Richard GILLIAM, John Hawkins, John Hawkins, Jr.
Lunenburg County, VA, Will Book ____, page ____.
4 Apr 1878
Will of Martha P. Gilliam
I, Martha P. Gilliam of the county of Lunenburg and State of Virginia claiming the right under a marriage contract between my husband William T. Gilliam and myself to dispose of my property as I may think proper, do make this my last Will and Testament as follows:
First, I desire that all just debts arising from farming operations or in account of family expenses to be paid
Next, I give unto my husband Wm T. Gilliam the lot of land purchased of Samuel F. Barnes and deeded by ___ as Commissioner to my said husband as trustee forever to him and his heirs forever.
Next, My land in Charlotte County, I desire to be divided into two lots of equal value and the part adjoining the lot of my sister Frances W. Lee I give to her and her heirs forever.
The other part adjoining the lot of my sister Melissa F. Lee, I give to her and her heirs forever.
Next, My personal or perishable property I give to my husband Wm T. Gilliam to him and his heirs forever.
I hereby appoint my husband Wm. T. Gilliam, executor of this my will respectfully requesting the court to require no security of him. In testimony whereof witness my signature and seal this the 4th day of April 1878.
Sig: Martha P. Gilliam
Wit: G. A. Wood
T. W. Crawford.

4 July 1902
Will of Samuel Y. GILLIAM, of Burnt Quarter, Dinwiddie County

- Ancestry.com. Valentine Papers (Virginia), Vol. 1-4, 1864-1908. [database online] Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 2001. Original data: Edward P. Valentine, The Edward Pleasants Valentine Papers, Vol. 1-4, 1864-1908. Richmond, VA: The Valentine Museum.
- Cavaliers and Pioneers
- Cumberland Parish Vestry
- Duda, Thomas Walter. Sunlight on the Southside.
- Henings Statutes
- Kolbe, J. C. Lunenburg County Deed Book 1, 1746-1751 Southside Virginian. Volume 6, page 120-121
- Library of Virginia, Revolutionary Was Public Service Claims
- Lunenburg County, Virginia Publick Claims 1780-1784
- Lunenburg County Deed Books.
- Lunenburg County, Will Books.
- Pawlett, Nathaniel Mason. Lunenburg County Road Orders 1746-1764