Updated December 24, 2023

Westmoreland County was named for the English county. It was formed from Northumberland County in 1653, and part of King George County was added in 1777. Its area is 229 square miles, and the county seat is Montross. An order book for the period 1764-1776 was lost to theft, and many loose papers were damaged during both the Revolutionary War and the Civil War.
Appomattox Parish, aft 1653-1664
Cople Parish, abt 1664
Machodick Parish, aft 1653- by 1660
Nomini Parish, aft 1653-1664
Potomac Parish, aft 1653-1664
Washington Parish, aft 1653-1664
Westbury Parish, 1664- abt 1680

Shortly after resigning his military commission, George Washington wed Martha Dandridge Custis, a wealthy young widow, on January 6, 1759. The Rev. David Mossum of Saint Peter's, New Kent, recorded the marriage. It has been said the George and Martha were married at St. Peter's, but it is more likely that they married at Martha's home. (A Bible record dated November 28, 1806 supports this assumption: "Margaret Anderson was united in marriage to Richard Young, Parson Blair officiating. The marriage ceremony was performed in the very room where Washington was married to the charming Widow Custis." Margaret Anderson was the daughter of James Anderson who was employed at Mt. Vernon. He was a friend of George Washington and was with him when he died.)
Though GILLUMs were in Westmoreland County, in the 1600's it is possible that Mr. GILLIAM, Overseer for George Washington, was from New Kent. It is very likely that the GILLIAMs of Saint Peter's worshipped alongside Martha Custis as her first husband was a vestry man.
9 Nov 1670
Mr. Henry Brett, list of debts not paid: . . . John GILLUM
Dorman, John Frederick. Westmoreland County, Virginia. Deeds, Patents, Etc. 1665-1677, Part Two. Washington D. C., 1973.
29 Jul 1695
John Williams of Cople Parish, Westmoreland County, planter, and Jane his wife, to Roger Tilson of same, bricklayer. For 4000 pounds of tobacco. 60 acres resurveyed by Mr. Wm. Thornton and bounded . . . land of said John Williams . . . by GILLIAM's Springs . . . on the branches of Youcomoco.
John Williams
Jane Williams
Wit: John Tucker, Thos. Diviant, Simon Robinson.
Sig: by Jane in presence of Simon Robinson and Saml. Earle, the Elder.
28 Aug 1695. Acknowledged by John Williams and Jane his wife who relinquished her right of dower.
Page 17a
Dorman, John Frederick. Westmoreland County, Virginia. Deeds, Patents, Etc. 1665-1677, Part Two. Washington D. C., 1973.
The following GILLIAMs are mentioned in the Papers of George Washington.
Jan 1761-Jun 1767
GILLIAM, ____ (overseer), 7:317-18, 320
W.W. Abbot and Dorothy Twohig, eds., The Papers of George Washington: Colonial Series volume 7, January 1761 – June 1767. Charlottesville and London: University Press of Virginia, 1990.
June 1767-Dec 1771
GILLAM (Killiam), Joseph, 8:393, 394
W.W. Abbot and Dorothy Twohig, eds., The Papers of George Washington: Colonial Series volume 8, June 1767 – December 1771. Charlottesville and London: University Press of Virginia, 1993.
[From the index it is not clear whether the above reference is to a GILLIAM or a Killiam].
- Abbot, W. W. and Dorothy Twohig, eds., The Papers of George Washington: Colonial Series volume 7, January 1761 – June 1767. Charlottesville and London: University Press of Virginia, 1990.
- Abbot, W. W. and Dorothy Twohig, eds., The Papers of George Washington: Colonial Series volume 8, June 1767 – December 1771. Charlottesville and London: University Press of Virginia, 1993.
- Dorman, John Frederick. Westmoreland County, Virginia. Deeds, Patents, Etc. 1665-1677, Part Two. Washington D. C., 1973.