Updated November 25, 2022

Henry County was named for Patrick Henry, revolutionary leader and the first governor of the commonwealth of Virginia. It was formed from Pittsylvania County in 1776. Its area is 385 square miles, and the county seat is Martinsville.
Camden Parish, 1776-1778
Patrick Parish, 1778-
Henry County was settled by the Edgecomb Guilliams of North Farnham Parish, Richmond County, VA and the sons of William GILLIAM and his wife, Mary Jarratt, in particular, Devereaux, Peter, and later William and Charles.
Edgecomb served as a soldier under Captain James Gunn in Colonel Byrd's regiment in 1760 and states that he did not receive his bounty. His family may be found in Franklin County, VA.
A Rev. Lewis Gwilliam, who immigrated in 1768 to Virginia also settled in Henry County. He served as minister of Camden Parish and was involved in numerous civil suits. Being a Loyalist, he soon found himself at odds with many of his parishioners and left the county. He, later, sued for back pay and was awarded by the parish approximately two years of back pay.
Court Orders
Deveriux GILLIAM is appointed Surveyor of the road from John Cameron's to the road at the Horse Pasture.
Henry County, VA, Court Order Book ___, page ___.
Shelton vs. GILLIAM
Henry County, VA, Court Order Book ___, page ___.
Deborix GILLIAM Joseph Cameron, Josiah Smith and John Shelton are appointed to view the road round Jacob Goldin's plantation.
Henry County, VA, Court Order Book ___, page ___.
25 Mar 1779
Deed from Deborix GILLIAM to Samuel Street
Henry County, VA, Court Order Book ___, page ___.
27 May 1779
Eda, wife of Deborix GILLIAM, relinquished her dower to 400 acres conveyed by her husband to Samuel Street
Henry County, VA, Court Order Book ___, page ___.
27 May 1779
Shelton vs. GILLIAM, deposition of Frederick Farmer is sought.
Henry County, VA, Court Order Book ___, page ___.
27 May 1779
The administration of the estate of William Dabney, deceased, is granted to Anna Dabney, with Jesse Heard and James Harris her securities. James Cowden, Peter GILLIAM, John Heard and Thomas Heard are appointed to appraise the estate.
Henry County, VA, Court Order Book ___, page ___.
27 May 1779
The Last Will and Testament of Lilleyan Hampton, deceased, was exhibited in Court by Deborix GILLIAM, one of the executors therein named. He as named executor by the court, with James East his security. John Shelton, William Smith, Richard Dickins, and Jacob Golden are named to appraised the estate.
Henry County, VA, Court Order Book ___, page ___.
24 Jun 1779
Deed from Jessee Rentfro to Deborix GILLIAM
Henry County, VA, Court Order Book ___, page ___.
25 Jun 1779
Shelton vs. GILLIAM
Henry County, VA, Court Order Book ___, page ___.
27 Aug 1779
Shelton vs. GILLIAM
Henry County, VA, Court Order Book ___, page ___.
27 Aug 1779
Shelton vs. Gwilliams
[This is separate listing from above, see below also]
Henry County, VA, Court Order Book ___, page ___.
29 Oct 1779
Shelton vs. GILLIAM
Henry County, VA, Court Order Book ___, page ___.
29 Oct 1779
Shelton vs. Gwilliam
Henry County, VA, Court Order Book ___, page ___.
26 Nov 1779
Shelton vs. Gwilliams
Henry County, VA, Court Order Book ___, page ___.
26 Nov 1779
Shelton vs. Gwilliams
Henry County, VA, Court Order Book ___, page ___.
24 Mar 1780
Shelton vs. Gwilliams
Henry County, VA, Court Order Book ___, page ___.
Samuel Cox is allowed 4 days attendance as a witness for Shelton against GILLIAM
Henry County, VA, Court Order Book ___, page ___.
John Childress is allowed 2 days attendance as a witness for Shelton against GILLIAM and once coming and returning 20 miles.
Henry County, VA, Court Order Book ___, page ___.
Shelton vs. GILLIAM
Henry County, VA, Court Order Book ___, page ___.
Edgecomb Gwilliams came into Court and made oath that he served as a soldier under Captain James Gunn in Colonel Byrd's regiment in the year 1760 and has not received his bounty.
Henry County, VA, Court Order Book ___, page ___.
6 Oct 1777
Shem Cook of Henry County to William Hunter of same for the sum of five hundred pounds conveys land on Buham Town Creek of Smith River by estimate 303 acres, it being land granted Shem Cook by patent bearing date 16 Feb 1771, adjoining William Stanley.
Sig: Shem Cook
Wit: Hugh Innes, Edgecomb Gwilliams, William Jameson
Henry County, VA, Deed Book ___, Pages 94-95
3 Mar 1779
Devereaux & Edy GILLIAM, his wife of the county of Henry to Samuel Street for the sum of two hundred fifty pounds convey a parcel of land lying on Homes Creek being by estimate 400 acres.
Sig: Deverix GILLIAM, Ede GILLIAMs
Wit: James East, Josiah Smith, Thomas Hamilton
Henry County, VA, Deed Book ___, Pages 203-204
24 Jun 1779
Jesse Rentfro of the county of Bedford to Devrix GILLIAM of the county of Henry conveys to him for the sum of two hundred fifty pounds land, 444 acres in county of Henry on both sides of the North Fork of the Mayo River, it being a tract laid off by Randolph, Harmer & King and given by them to John Stone. Beginning at Hamon Crite's (Critz?) upper cross line . . . lower cross line of land laid off by Randolph & Company to John Frederick Miller and now in possession of Deverix GILLIAM.
Sig: Jesse Rentfro, Susanna (X) Rentfro
Wit: John Rentfro, Isaac Jones, Thomas Hill.
Henry County, VA, Deed Book ___, Page 244-245
27 Apr 1780
Thomas Hill of the county of Henry to Thomas Ray sells for the sum of seventeen pounds sells land being 70 acres more or less on the east fork of Town Creek of Smith River, being part of a tract granted William Mullins by patent 1 Mar 1773.
Sig: Thomas Hill
Wit: William Hunter, Edgcome Gwillmes, John (X) Kisterson
Henry County, VA, Deed Book ___, Pages 55-56
13 Nov 1780
Thomas Ray of the county of Henry to William Mullings for the sum of fifteen pounds sells 70 acres of land, it being the upper part of the land granted to William Mullings, by patent 1 Mar 1773 on both sides of Town Creek, beginning at a dividing line between Ray and Mullings, it being the land Ray now lives on.
Sig: Thomas Ray
Wit: John Hunter, Thomas (X) Roberts, Edgcome Guilliams
Henry County, VA, Deed Book ___, Pages 112-113
12 Jan 1783
This indenture, Made this 12th day of January one Thousand Seven Hundred & Eighty Three between John Nowland of Washington County North Carolina of the one part & Richard Sharp of Bedford County of the other part Witnesseth that the said John Nowland for & In Consideration of the some of Seven Pounds, To him the said John Nowland in hand paid the Receipt We doth hereby Acknowledge hath Granted Bargained & Sold & by these Presents doth Grant & Sell unto the said Richard Sharp, one Certain Track or Parseil of Land Containing five Acres more or Less Lying in Henry County on South Side of Blackwater River and Bounded as Wit, Beginning at a white oake, on the Said Nowland's South line. Thence New Lines North Read Oke, Thence New marked Lines a South Course to White to white Oak, Thence South Line then a Long the said line to the Beginning.
To have & to hold the above Granted Land & Premises with the appurtenances of the Said Parties Belonging with Reversion & Reversions Remainder & Remainders & Every Part & Parsil unto him the said Richard Sharp his Heirs and assigns for Ever & the said John Nowland Convey Grant & agree to & with the said Richard Sharp his Heirs & Assigns that he the Nowland for him & his Heirs the above Grant, sell these premises unto the Said Richard Sharp Heirs & Assigns Shall & will by these present & for Ever Defend In Witness whereof the John Nowland hath Hereunto set his hand & affixed his Seal the day & year above Ritten.
Sig: John Nowlin
Wit: Jesse Heard, Peter Gillum, John Sharp
Henry County, VA, Deed Book 3, page 25
12 Jan 1783
This Indenture, Made this 12th day of January one Thousand Seven hundred & Eighty Three Between John Nowland of Washington County, North Carolina of the one part & Peter GILLIAM of the Other Part, Witnesseth that The said John Nowland for & in Consideration of Two Hundred To him in hand Paid the Receipt hereof he doth hereby Acknowledge hath granted Bargained by these Presence doth Grant Bargain & Sell unto the said Peter GILLIAM one Certain Parcel of Land Containing Three hundred and Seventy Acres More or Less Lying in Henry County, the South Side of Blackwater River & Bounded as follows. To wit, Beginning at A poplar side of the said River Thence off & South Nineteen Degrees, West Seventy Four Poles Oak, North Eighty fore Degrees West one Hundred & Two Poles to a White Oak, South five Degrees West forty Eight Poles to a White Oak. North eighty five Degrees West, one Hundred fifty Eight Poles to a White Oak North Six Degrees west Seventy Two Poles to a Read Oak, forty Seven Degrees East forty Poles to a Read Oak, North Eleven Degrees East Ninety Degrees to a White Oak, North Sixty Eight Degrees East one Hundred & Seventy Poles to a Read Oak and North Seventy Nine Degrees East Seventy four Poles to Blackwater River & there direct Same as Is Meanders to the first Station,
To have & to hold the above Granted Land & Premises with the appertunances of the said party belonging with the Reversion and Reversions, Remainder and Remainders & Every Part & thereof unto him the said Peter GILLIAM, his Heirs and Assigns for Ever & the said John Nowland Convey, grant & agree to & with this said Peter GILLIAM his Heirs and Assigns that he John Nowland for him and his Heirs the above Grant, sell the premises unto the said Peter GILLIAM his Heirs & Assigns Shall and will by these Presents warrant and for Ever Defend in whereof the said John Nowland hath unto Set his hand and affrext his Seal. The Day above Ritin.
N.B. Richard Sharps Land which I gave him a Deed for this day Excepted agreeable to & Lines.
Sig: John Nowlin
Wit: Jesse Heard, John Sharp, John Lumsden, Jr.
At a Court held for Henry County on the 27th Day of March 1783 The within Indenture Acknowledged by the within Named John Nowlin to be his Act & Deed & the same was ordered Recorded By the Court.
Henry County, VA, Deed Book 3, pp. 24-25
17 Sep 1783
John Heard to William Boyd both of Henry county for the sum of forty five pounds. Heard sells land on Foul Ground Creek on the south side of Blackwater River joining GILLIAM's line in the amount of 125 acres.
Sig: John Heard
Wit: Peter Gillum, Stephen Heard, Jesse Heard
Henry County, VA, Deed Book ___, Page 373
5 Mar 1784
Deverix GILLIAM and Eadia, his wife, in consideration of two Negroes sells 250 acres of land more or less on the south side of Little Mayo River, beginning at the mouth of Thomas Smith's spring branch. Hamon Critz line.
Sig: Deverix GILLIAM
Henry County, VA, Deed Book ___, Page 459
24 Feb 1787
Dedimus for relinquishment of dower. Edey GILLIAM, wife of Deverix GILLIAM relinquishes dower right to a deed of 250 acres to William Banks.
Proved 14 May 1787 at Ab. Penn's
Henry County, VA, Deed Book ___, Pages 318-319
25 Feb 1789
Thomas Smith and Sarah his wife of Henry County to Deverix GILLIAM of the same for ten pounds conveys 50 acres of land on the south side of the North Mayo River with Chiles old line (now Farris), Rackoon Branch, it being a parcel of land said Smith exchanges with GILLIAM. Payment received this date.
Sig: Thomas Smith
Wit: A. Hughes, Thomas Stovall, Brett Stovall.
Henry County, VA, Deed Book ___, Page 172
30 Mar 1789
Devarix GILLIAM and Eady GILLIAM his wife of Henry County to Joseph Stovall of the same for the consideration of Two hundred pounds sells and conveys 336 acres of both sides of the North Mayo River on Raccoon Branch.
Rec: 30 Mar 1789
Henry County, VA, Deed Book ___, Pages 490-491
13 Mar 1789
Deverix GILLIAM of Henry County to Hamon Critz, Sr., of the same for and in consideration of thirty pounds, conveys 100 acres it being part of a tract patented on 12 Jul 1780 to Deverix GILLIAM for 202 acres; this transaction is for 100 acres more or less.
Rec: 30 Mar 1789
Henry County, VA, Deed Book ___, Pages 492-493
26 Apr 1790
Munford Smith of Henry County to James Landers of the same, for fifty pounds sells 70 acres of land on both sides of Burds Run, a south fork of Ararott River.
Sig: Munford Smith
Wit: Samuel Staples, James Pigg, David Clark, Richard Stockton, Deverix GILLIAM
Henry County, VA, Deed Book ___, Pages 119-120
8 Jun 1791
John Lindsay of Wilks [sic] County, Georgia to John Marr of Henry County for the sum of eight hundred sells and conveys a tract of land containing 650 acres on the north fork of the Mayo River and on both sides of Horsepasture Creek joins lines of Phillip Penn.
Sig: John Lindsay
Wit: Caleb May, Charles GILLIAM, Polley Scales, James (his X mark) Dikes
Rec: 25 Jul 1791
Henry County, VA, Deed Book ___, Pages 284-285
27 Nov 1785
Burwell Rives and Mary GILLIAM
[It is likely that Mary is the daughter of Peter GILLIAM, though a Mary is not mentioned in Peter's Will.]
10 Dec 1808
John B. GILLIAM and Jane Anthony
Edgecomb Gwilliams came into Court and made oath that he served as a soldier under Captain James Gunn in Colonel Byrd's regiment in the year 1760 and has not received his bounty.
25 May 1780
Edgecomb Gwilliams, Cert. #1158
Edgecomb Gwilliams being for several years last past an inhabitant of this county, came into Court and make oath that he inlisted [sic] in this State and Served as a solider under Capt Nathaniel Gist in Colonel Adam Stephens Regiment in the year 1762 . . . .
John Cox CHC
Virginia Genealogical Society Quarterly. Land Office Warrants Volume XXXIII, Number 1

20 Oct 1779
Peter GILLIM patented in Henry County, VA 112 acres on the Blackwater River adjoining Chitwoods land,
Thomas Jefferson Esqr Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, To all to whom these Presents shall come Greeting: Know ye that in consideration of the amount Composition of fifteen Shillings Sterling paid by Peter Gillim into the Treasury of this Commonwealth there is Granted by the said Commonwealth unto the said Peter Gillim certain Tract or parcel of Land containing one hundred and twelve Acres lying in Henry County on black water River and bounded as followeth (to wit) Beginning at a Sorrel-wood on the South Side of the said River thence new lines north Seventy three East Seventy poles to a Red oak North thirty Six East Sixty Six poles to a Red oak Chitwoods line thence with his line north Eighty five East Eighteen poles to a Red oak ____ white oak thence new lines south forty three and a half East fifty four poles to a Red oak in his old line South Sixty five and a half West one hundred & Sixty one Poles to a post oak South Eleven Degrees West one hundred and Sixty three poles to a post oak at a Meadow thence new lines North Eighty one Degrees West Sixty Six Poles to a Gray Rock North Eight West one hundred and fifty Six poles to a Locust tree in Chitwoods line thence with his line South Sixty Nine East twelve poles to black water River thence down the Same as it Meanders to the first Station with its Appurtenances; to have and to hold the said Tract or Parcel of Land with its Appurtenances, to the said Peter Gillim and his Heirs for ever. In Witness whereof the said Thomas Jefferson Esq. Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, hath hereunto Set his hand and Caused the seal of the said Commonwealth to be affixed at Williamsburg on the twentieth day of October in the Year of our Lord one Thousand Seven hundred and Seventy Nine and of the Commonwealth the fourth
Th Jefferson
Virginia Patents Patent Book A, pages 36-37
10 Apr 1781,
Devereaux GILLIAM
202 acres, North branches of North Mayo adjoining Randolph and Company
Land Office Grants D, 1780-1781 (v.1 & 2 p.1-930), p. 883 (Reel 45). Virginia State Land Office. Grants A-Z, 1-124, reels 42-190; Virginia State Land Office. Grants 125- , reels 369-.
27 Oct 1785
Early Virginia Religious Petitions
Against assessment bill of Henry County
Deverise GILLIAM [Devereaux GILLIAM], page 9
Edgcome Guilames [Edgecomb Guilliams], page 17
Library of Virginia. Early Virginia Religious Petitions
Publick Service Claims
In 1782,
Peter GILLIAM makes a Public Service Claim in Court held at Henry County for £5.6.6 for 330 pasturage, 22 diets, 1 bu corn of same.
Henry County Public Service Claims, Court Booklet, 24, 25, 27. Commissioner’s Book 3, page 138.
[Peter’s Claim is preceded by that of George Heard and immediately followed by that of Thomas Heard.]
May 1782
Peter GILLIAM, £2.3.6 for 30 pasturages, 3 bus. Corn & 30 diets to same.
Peter GILLIAM, £6.5.0 for 625 lbs beef to same.
Peter GILLIAM, 24 for 120 lbs beef to same.
Peter GILLIAM £1.11.6 for 30 pasturages, 1 bus. corn & 22 diets to same. Also £5.6.6 for 330 pasturages, 22 diets 1 bus. corn to same.
Bryant, C. B. Henry County: From Its Formation in 1776 to the End of the Eighteenth Century, et Seq. (Continued). The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, Virginia Historical Society. Vol. 10, No. 2 (Oct., 1902), pp. 139-144.
24 May 1782
53s for 9 hhds, 2 bu wheat for same
Abercrombie, Janice L. and Slatten, Richard, comp. Virginia Revolutionary "Publick" Claims. 3 vols. Athens, Ga.: Iberian Pub. Co., 1992.
Revolutionary War Public Service Claims
Peter GILLIAM, Court Booklet, p 24, 25, 27, Certificates, 3, Commissioner's Book, III, p 138
Library of Virginia, Revolutionary War Public Service Claims
12 Jan 1779
Surveys by John Dickinson
Peter Gillium on Blackwater River
1790 Personal Property Taxes
Dehix [Devereaux] GILLIAM
Binns Genealogy. 1790/1800 County Tax Lists of Virginia.
2 Jun 1779
Inventory of estate of William Dabney
By Peter GILLIAM, Thomas Heard, John Heard
Cattle, horses, furniture, 1 negro, plantation tools . . .
No Total
Proved 26 Aug 1779
Henry County, VA, Will Book ___, page ___.
14 Apr 1779
Lilyan Hampton, Being very sick and weak
To son John Russel one sorrell mare
To his daughter Susannah Russel one haffer yearling
To my son Samuel Parker one cow and yearling
To my daughter Lillayan Flewd one cow and all my clothes and side saddle All my house furniture equally to son John Russel and Samuel Parker and Lillayan Flewd. My cash accounts due me from David Right and William Bowman equally to son John Russel and Samuel Parker.
Executors: Diverix GILLIAM and Thomas Stockton
Lilleyan (her mark) Hamton
Wit: Deverix GILLIAM, Elizabeth Hutcheson, Eda GILLIAM
[One published abstract of this Will reads incorrectly Edward GILLIAM, instead of Eda GILLIAM.]
Dec. 27, 1779;
Exhibited by Deverix GILLIAM who gave bond with James East his security.
Henry County, VA, Will Book 1, Pages 22-23
24 Oct 1782
Inventory and Appraisal of Richard Nowland
By Peter GILLIAM, Isham Blankenship, Jr., and Henry Laster.
No Total.
Henry County, VA, Will Book 1, page 72
2 Nov 1809
Division of Estate and Accounts of Joseph Anthony
Division Negroes:
To Betsy Anthony, Negroes Milly and Sally
To Samuel Anthony Negroes, George and Jim
To John B. GILLIAM, Negro Judy
To Joseph Anthony, Negro Jack
To William Anthony, Negroes Betty and Dolly
To Jacob Anthony, Negro Cela
To Josiah Anthony, Negro Fanny
To each legatee bonds including total of 111.7.1
Accts: Bouldin & Hunter, Maupin & Meredith, Robert James, B. Woodson, William Lovell, William Holt, Fortune P. Bouldin, Thomas Graves, Green Bouldin, Isham Nance, J. Cahill, Pyrtle & Rowland.
Henry County, VA, Will Book 2, page 201
[John B. GILLIAM married Jane Anthony]
- Abercrombie, Janice L. and Slatten, Richard, comp. Virginia Revolutionary "Publick" Claims. 3 vols. Athens, Ga.: Iberian Pub. Co., 1992.
- Binns Genealogy. 1790/1800 County Tax Lists of Virginia.
- Bryant, C. B. Henry County: From Its Formation in 1776 to the End of the Eighteenth Century, et Seq. (Continued). The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, Virginia Historical Society. Vol. 10, No. 2 (Oct., 1902), pp. 139-144.
- Davis, Bailey Fulton. The Deeds of Amherst County, Virginia. Southern Historical Press, 1985.
- Davis, Bailey Fulton. The Deeds of Amherst County, Virginia, 1761-1807 and Albemarle County, Virginia, 1748-1763 Southern Historical Press, 1979.
- Davis, Bailey Fulton. The Wills of Amherst County, Virginia, 1761-1865
- Davis, Bailey Fulton. Southern Historical Press, 1985.
- Library of Virginia, Revolutionary War Public Service Claims
- McLeRoy, Sherrie. More Passages: a New History of Amherst County, Virginia. Heritage Books, 1995
- Sweeny, Lenora Higginbotham. Amherst County, Virginia in the Revolution: Including Extracts from the "Lost Order Book", 1773-1782 Reprinted for Clearfield Co. by Genealogical Publishing Co., 1998.
- Sweeny, Lenora Higginbotham. Marriage Bonds and Other Marriage Records of Amherst County, Virginia, 1763-1800 Clearfield Company, 1980.