Updated December 24, 2023

Surry County was named for the county of Surrey in England, and was formed from James City County about 1652. Its area is 306 square miles, and the county seat is Surry. The deeds for 1835-1838 and order books for 1718-1741 have been lost and various other early record books are fragmentary.
Albemarle Parish, 1738-1753
Lawnes Creek Parish, 1652-1738
Southwark Parish, 1652

The GILLIAMs of Surry County are well documented. See Southside Virginia Genealogies (formerly Virginians.com).
Who is Margary wife of John GILLIAM and Henry Briggs?
It has been thought that Margary's maiden name was either Henshaw or Randolph. The Henshaw association arose because the name Henshaw/Hinchea was passed down in this GILLIAM and a William Henshaw, age 20, arrived with John and Thomas GILLIAM in 1635. The Randolph association arose from Henry Randolph and his son securing land for Margary that once was in the hands of John.
Thomas Drew, the executor of Henry GILLIAM mentioned in Charles City County records, also appears in relation to the widow, Margary GILLIAM. Henry Briggs and his wife, Margary, made over their rights in the estate of Richard Blunt to Thomas Drew. (Henry Brigg's first wife had previously been married to Richard Blunt). Could Hen-ry above really be Hen-chy? If that is the case, the name Henshaw/Hinchea may have roots in the Old Country.
Court Orders
Jun 1745
Hinchia Mabry plt agst Richard Hamlin. Parties came by their attornies. The deft comes & defends the force & injury, etc. and says he did not undertake in manner & form as the plt complains against him. He puts himself upon the Country & plt. Let a Jury come on 3rd Wed in July next. p.98/300
Mar 1745/46
Phillip Lightfoot Junr Gent & witness for Richard Hamlin at the Suit of Hincia Mabry was called and did not appear.
Surry County, VA, Court Records, 1741-1745, Book VIII, page 120/381
On the motion of Edward Farrington a witness for Hinchia Mabry against Richard Hamlin it is ordered he pay him 200#'s of tobacco for 8 days.
Surry County, VA, Court Records, 1741-1745, Book VIII, page 121, 382
On the motion of William GILLIAM a witness for Hinchia Mabry against Richard Hamlin it is ordered that he pay him 200#'s of tobacco for 8 days attendance according to Law
Surry County, VA, Court Records, 1741-1745, Book VIII, page ____
On the motion of Thomas Addison a witness for Hinchia Mabry agst Richard Hamlin it is ordered that he pay him 175#'s tobacco for 7 days attendance
Surry County, VA, Court Records, 1741-1745, Book VIII, page ____
June 1752:
Ordered that William Gillam, John Tyus, and James Jones and John Wellburn or any three of them being first sworn before a justice of the peace of this county do appraise in current money the slaves and personal estate of Catherine Williams deceased and return appraisement to the Court.
Surry County, VA, Court Records, 1752-1753, Book XI, [36]-69
Nov 1701
William Hunt of Southwarke Parish to John Bentley of the same for 4000 pounds of tobacco . . . 100 acres in Southwarke Parish bounded by said Hunt, William Knott, David Phillips, decd, and Thomas Sidway, dcd. Land was bought from Thomas Hux (Hay?) late of the parish dec on 2 Dec 1695. (Sarah Hunt wife of William Hunt, relinquished her right of Dower).
Sig: William Hunt, Sarah [her X mark] Hunt
Wit: Nathaniel Harrison and Hinshaw [his x mark] Gilliam.
Rec 4 Nov 1701
Surry County, VA, Deed & Will Book 5, p.227
3 Nov 1701
Nathaniel Harrison, Gent., of Southwark Parish to Hinchea Gilliam of the same for 3000 pounds, 329 acres on south side of main Blackwater Swamp in Southwarke Parish (being 1/2 land patented by Harrison and Gilliam on 25 Apr 1701)
Sig: Nathaniel Harrison
Wit: Henry Floyd, Thomas Beckitt, John Skelton
Rec 4 Nov 1701
Surry County, VA, Deed & Will Book 5, p.230
3 Nov 1701
Hinsha Gilliam of Southwarke Parish to William Hunt of the same for 3000 pounds of tobacco, 348 acres on southside of main Blackwater Swamp near Nottoway River. Land was patented on 25 Apr 1701. (Fortune Gilliam, wife of Hinsha Gilliam, relinquished her right of Dower.)
Sig: Hinsha [his X mark] Gilliam, Fortune [her X mark] Gilliam
Wit: Nathaniel Harrison and John [his X mark] Bentley
Rec: 4 Nov 1701
Surry County, VA, Deed & Will Book 5, p.231
1 Sep 1702
Mary Harrison appoints Francis Clements, Gent., as her attorney in the deed of her husband to Hinshaw Gilliam.
Sig: Mary Harrison
Wit: John Skelton
Rec: 1 Sep 1702
Rec 4 Nov 1701
Surry County, VA, Deed & Will Book 5, p.246
[NB This deed has been misread to read Mary Harrison is the wife of Hinchae Gilliam]
16 Jan 1718
Hinchia Gilliam of Isle of Wight sold 125 acres on Cattail Branch to William Briggs of Surry, adjacent Thomas Blunt.
Wit: Henry Harrison, Samuel Briggs
Surry County, VA, Wills and Deeds, Book 7, p161
Hinchia Gilliam of Isle of Wight County sold 150 acres on Cattail Swamp to Henry Briggs
Surry County, VA, Wills, Deeds, Book 7, p171
19 May 1719
Charles GILLIAM & wife Frances of Bristol Parish, Prince Geo to Hencher Mayberry of Southwarke Parish in Surry for 600# tobacco and 10sh. 100a in Southwarke on N side of Nottoway R adj Marmaduke Brown.
Sig: Charles [his X mark] GILLIAM, Frances [her X mark] GILLIAM.
Wit: Lewis Green Jr, Jane [her X mark] Mathews, Mary Green. Rec. 20 May 1719
Surry County, VA, Wills and Deeds, Book 7, p.104/186
Hopkins, William Lindsay, Surry County, VA Deeds, 1684-1733 and Other Court Papers.
[This is a significant deed in tying the family of Charles and Frances GILLIAM of Bristol Parish as neighbors of the Marmaduke Brown and Lewis Green families.]
18 Sep 1723
Lewis Green, Sr. of Parish of Bristol in Prince George County, VA sold to William Richardson of Surry Co., VA 212 acres on north side of Nottoway River.
Wit: Lewis Green Jr.; Henry Tatum; Thomas Hood.
Rec: 18 Sept 1723
Surry County, VA Will and Deed Book 2, page 470
13 Sep 1725
Lewis Green Sr. of Prince George Co., VA – GIFT to son William Green, tract of land where he lives in Surry Co., VA, Southwark Parish, North side of Nottoway River adj. William Jones, William Richardson, Mire Meadow, Jonakin Swamp, and Gleeb line.
Wit. Henry Tatum, Charles Gilliam, Sr., Robert Winfield.
Sig: Lewis Green
Surry County, VA Will and Deed Book 2, page 599
15 Sep 1725
Lewis Green, Sr. for love and affection, etc. to son William, land where William now dwells in Southwark Parish
Wit: Henry Tatum, Char. Gilliam Sr., and Robert Wynfield.
Rec: 15 Sept 1725
Surry County, VA Will and Deed Book 2, page 599
13 Sep 1725
Lewis Green Sr. of Prince George Co., VA – GIFT to son Nathaniel Green, land where he lives in Southwark Parish, Surry Co., VA, N side of Nottoway River, adj. Gleeb land, being 145 acres.
Sig: Lewis Green, Sept 13, 1725.
Wit. Henry Tatum, Charles Gilliam, Sr., Robert Winfield
Surry County, VA Will and Deed Book 2, page 600
15 Sep 1725
Lewis Green, Sr. to Edward Farrington, north side of Nottoway River and being the plantation where Edward now dwells.
Wit: Henry Tatum, Char. Gilliam Sr., and Robert Wynfield.
Rec: 15 Sept 1725
Surry County, VA Will and Deed Book 2, page 600
15 Sep 1725
Lewis Green, Sr. for love and affection, etc. to son William, land where William now dwells 145 acres.
Wit: Henry Tatum, Char. Gilliam Sr., and Robert Wynfield.
Rec: 15 Sept 1725
Surry County, VA Will and Deed Book 2, page 600
18 Jun 1728
John Carter to Benjamin Willard 190 acres S side of Nottoway [bound by Geo Reeves, John Brooks, Hinshaw Maybray & the College Land) and 400 a on S side of Nottoway (bounded by John Gillum, Hinshaw Maybray, Moores Swamp & sd Carter).
Sig: John [his X mark] Carter
Wit: James Baker & John Chapman. Rec. 19 Jun 1728
Surry County, VA, Deed & Will Book 7, p.145/890
9 Jan 1738
Edward Clanton of Brunswick County and wife, Sarah Clanton, to John Gillum of Surry County, Two tracts of land with one containing 400 acres and the other 150 acres with both being on the southside of Nottoway river as Appears in patents dated 1729 and 1725. The 400 acres is bounded by said John Gillum, said Clanton, Nathaniel Phillips and Robert Magee. The other 150 acres is bounded by said John Gillum.
Sig: Edward Clanton
Wit: John Mason, Jr., Nicholas Partridge and Joseph Mason
Rec: 17 Jan 1738
Surry County, VA, Deeds & Will, Book 8, page 908
[Clanton, Edward, 27 September 1729. 400 acres on the South side of Nottaway River. Beginning and extending on the South side of a branch, a corner of John Guillams land. Land Office Patents No. 13, 1725-1730 (v.1 & 2 p.1-540), p. 422 (Reel 12).
Clanton, Edward. 24 March 1725. 150 acres on the South side of Nottaway river, Adjoins land of John Guillums. Land Office Patents No. 12, 1724-1726, p. 431 (Reel 11).]
20 Mar 1738
William Malone of Albemarle Parish in Surry County to John Malone of Bristol Parish in Prince George County, 100 acres on south side of Southwestern Swamp and bounded by James Ellis and William Malone, Jr. (being part of a patent granted said William Malone on 5 Sep 1723).
Sig: William [his X mark] Malone
Wit: Robert Wynne and William GILLIAM
Rec: 21 Mar 1738
[Maloon, William. 5 September 1723. Surry County. 195 acres on the north side of Nottaway River. Beginning and extending on the south east side of South Wester Swamp. Land Office Patents No. 11, 1719-1724, p. 270 (Reel 10).]
5 Sep 1739
Lewis Green of Prince George County to William GILLIAM of Surry County . . . 200 acres which Lewis Green decd, willed to his dauther [sic] Susana Green (being part of 400 acres patented on 22 Feb 1724) on the north side of Nottoway River and bounded by Stoney Creek. Lewis Green is selling the land as heir-at-law of Lewis Green, decd.
Wit: Charles GILLIAM, John Sturdivant and William Sturdivant
Rec: 21 May 1740
Surry County, VA, Deeds, Wills, Etc., Book 9, page 169
16 Mar 1740
Mathew Sturdivant and wife Sarah Sturdivant, of Albemarle Parish to Stith Parham of the same . . . 150 acres on southside of Nottoway River and bounded by Thomas Eldridge, Robert Wynne, Mathew Sturdivant decd, and the Cabinstick Swamp.
Sig: Mathew [his X mark] Sturdivant and Sarah [her X mark] Sturdivant
Wit: Robert Wynne, William Raines, and John Gillum
Rec: 18 Mar 1740
Surry County, VA, Deed, Wills, Etc., Book 9, age 270
18 Mar 1740
William Dancy of Albemarle Parish to Montfort Eelbeck of Southwarke Parish of 55 pounds current money . . . 500 acres on northside of Nottoway River in Albemarle Parish and bounded by Philip Lightfoot, Esq., said Dancy, John Weaver, the Pine Swamp, Henry Meacham and Henry Lee (being all of the land said Dancy bought from William Bridges and Joseph Bridges on 19 Jun 1738). (Mary Dancy, wife of William Dancy, relinquished her right of Dower.)
Sig: William [his X mark] Dancy
Wit: Robert Wynne, John Gillum, and James Chappell
Rec: 18 Mar 1740
Surry County, VA, Deeds, Wills, Etc., Book 9, page 278
25 Aug 1742
John Weaver, Jr., to John Hunt for 20 pounds current money, 250 acres on south side of Hunting Quarter Swamp and bounded by John Stevens. Also household furniture and livestock.
Sig: John [his X mark] Weaver, Jr.
Wit: Thomas Eldridge, Warrick [his X mark] Gillman and Edward [his X mark] Ellis.
Surry County, VA, Deed Book 4, page 77.
16 Nov 1742
William GILLIAM of Albemarle Parish to his daughter Margery Hill and her husband Richard Hill for Love and Affection, 200 acres bounded by John GILLIAM, Lewis Green, Col. Bolling, and the Mirey Meadow. Should Richard Hill and Margery Hill die without issue, the land is to go to William GILLIAM’s son, William GILLIAM.
Sig: William GILLIAM
Wit: William Green, Peter Green, and William Green, Jr.
Surry County, VA, Deed Book 4, page 64.
21 Mar 1743
Thomas Dunn, Sr and wife, Elizabeth Dunn, to Thomas Dunn, Jr., for 10 pounds, 150 acres on south side of Nottoway River and bounded by Thomas Dunn, Sr., and the Widow GILLIAM’s Mill Branch (being part of a patent granted said Thomas Dunn, Sr. in 1742)
Sig: Thomas [his X mark] Dunn
Rec: 21 Mar 1743
Note: This deed should have been record with the 1743 deeds
Surry County, VA, Deed Book 4, page 302.
[The Mill Branch mentioned above is the land Willed by John GILLIAM in 1738 to his son Hinchea. Widow GILLIAM is Sarah GILLIAM, wife of John]
20 Apr 1743
James Murray, Gent. of Prince George County and his wife, Ann Murray, to Henry Robinson, of Prince George County for 30 pounds current money, 320 acres on south side of Southwester Swamp and bounded by William Gillum and John Pearcey.
Sig: James Murray
Rec: 20 Apr 1743
Surry County, VA, Deed Book 4, page 114.
14 Jan 1745
John Weaver, carpenter, to Jesse GILLIAM, yeoman, for 25 pounds current money, 250 acres on south side of Nottoway River and south side of Hunting Quarter Swamp and bounded by John Stevens (being land granted to said Weaver by the name of “John Weaver son of Henry Weaver” on 20 May 1742).
Sig: John [his X mark] Weaver, Jr.
Wit: Augustine Claiborne, Robert Tucker, William Shands and James Claiborne
Rec: 16 Apr 1746
Surry County, VA, Deed Book 4, page 425
2 Mar 1746
Henry Robertson of Prince George County to Richard Hill of Surry County for 34 pounds current money . . . _____ acres on south side of Southwester Swamp and bounded by William GILLIAM and John Pearcey.
Wit: William GILLIAM, William GILLIAM, Jr., and Nathaniel Green, Jr.
Rec: 18 Aug 1747
Surry County, VA, Deed Book 5, page 90
2 Mar 1746
Richard Hill to John Hill for 36 pounds current money . . . 160 acres (being part of a tract sold by Henry Robertson of Prince George County to said Richard Hill) bounded by Southwester Swamp and John Pearcey.
Wit: William GILLIAM, William GILLIAM, Jr., Nathaniel Green, Jr.
Rec: 18 Aug 1747
Surry County, VA, Deed Book 5, page 92
6 Jun 1746
Thomas GILLIAM of Albemarle Parish, Surry Co., to Nicholas Edmunds of Brunswick, St. Andrew's Parish, 577 acres on both sides of the great branch of Couches Creek formerly granted to Thomas GILLIAM by patent dated 13 Aug 1744
Wit: Clem Read, James Parish, John Twitty, ___ Scott
Rec: 7 Jul 1746
Recorded in Lunenburg Deed Book 1, 1746-1751, page 19
[GILLIAM, Thomas. 30 August 1744. Brunswick County. 577 acres on both sides of the Great Branch of Couche Creek. Land Office Patents No. 23, 1743-1745 (v.1 & 2 p.567-1147), p. 756 (Reel 21).]
5 Aug 1746
Jesse [his X mark] GILLUM of Surrey Co. to John Worsham
Consid: 9 pounds, 13 shillings, 6 pence. "A certain tract on Beaver Pond Branch” (no acreage given) beginning at Joseph Grainger’s lower line; also to include 200 acres according to Joseph Grainger's will.
Possession obtained by John Worsham in presence of William Crawley, William Worsham & William Neale on Aug. 15, 1746.
Wit: William Crawley, William Worsham & William Neale, page 432
Deed ackn. by Jesse GILLUM on Feb. 20, 1746 & pro. by oaths of William Worsham & William Neale; further pro. by oath of William Crawley on Mar. 20, 1746, & ordered rec.
Recorded in Amelia Deed Book ____, page ____.
16 Sep 1746
William Green, Sr., of Albemarle Parish to Richard Hill of the same for 11 pound 13 shillings and 4 pence, ________ acres (being land sold by Mr. Lewis Green of Prince George to Mr. William GILLIAM, Sr., of Surry County who sold it to Richard Hill and Margery Hill on 16 Nov 1742).
Sig: William Green, Sr.
Wit: John Johnston, Burrill Bell, and Jones Longbottom
Rec: 17 Sep 1746
Surry County, VA, Deed Book 4, page 473
19 Jan 1747
Hezekiah Thrower and wife Frances Thrower, of Brunswick County to John Tyus of Surry County for 130 pounds current money . . . 295 acres on southside of Honey Creek and bounded by the land of William GILLIAM and formerly Lewis Green’s, George Booth, and Southwest Swamp.
Sig: Hezekiah Thrower
Rec 19 Jan 1747
Surry County, VA, Deed Book 5, page 198
10 Aug 1747
John GILLON of Brunswick County to James GILLON of Albemarle Parish in Surry County for Love and Affection, 190 acres on north side of Nottoway River and bounded by Allens Branch, Nathaniel Malone and William Harper.
Wit: Augustine Claiborne, Leonard Clairborne, Jr., and James Claiborne.
Rec: 18 Aug 1747
Surry County, VA, Deed Book 5, page 85.
19 Oct 1747
John GILLIAM and wife Ann GILLIAM of Northampton County in North Carolina to John Hargrove of Surry County . . . 400 acres bounded by said GILLIAM, Clanton, Nathaniel Phillips, the Nottoway Road and Robert Magee (being land granted Edward Clanton in 1729).
Rec: 20 Oct 1747
Surry County, VA, Deed Book 5, page 132.
18 Mar 1748
James GILLION of Albemarle Parish and wife, Amey GILLION, to William Harper of the same for £35 current money, 190 acres on south side of Honey Creek (being land granted by patent to John GILLION on 27 Jan 1733) and bounded by Nathaniel Malone, William Harper, and Allens Branch.
Wit: John Bonner, Nathaniel Malone and Peter Harris.
Rec. 21 Mar 1748.
Surry County, VA, Deed Book 5, page 358
[Gillion, John. 27 January 1734. Surry County. 190 acres on the north side of Nottaway River; beginning and extending on the east side of Allen’s Branch. Land Office Patents No. 15, 1732-1735 (v.1 & 2 p.1-522), p. 403 (Reel 13).]
15 Nov 1748
Edward Ellis and wife Elizabeth Ellis to William Wiggins for 31 pounds current money . . .145 acres in Albemarle Parish (being a patent granted said Edward Ellis on 13 Jul 1743) and bounded by Popular Swamp.
Sig: Edward [his X mark] Ellis, Elizabeth [her X mark] Ellis
Wit: Timothy Ezell, Jr., Joseph Wheless, and Warrick Gillmon.
Rec: 15 Nov 1748
Surry County, VA, Deed Book 5, page 318
16 May 1749
Francis Hutchings to William Longbottom for 20 pounds current money . . . 70 acres in Albemarle Parish and bounded by Raccoon Swamp and Robert Webb, Jr.
Sig: Francis [his X mark] Hutchings
Wit: Silvanus Stokes, Burrell Gillam, and Benjamin Wyche
Rec: 16 May 1749
Surry County, VA, Deed Book 5, page 391
20 Jun 1749
Hinchia Mabry of Brunswick County to William Hewett of Surry County for 100 pounds current money . . . 100 acres on north side of Nottoway River and bounded by Marmaduke Browne (being land granted to Charles Gillium on 23 Mar 1715).
Sig: HInchia [his X mark] Mabry
Wit: William Gray, Christopher Mason, and John Paynter
Rec: 21 Jun 1749
Surry County, VA, Deed Book 5, page 403
20 Jun 1749
James Hearn and wife, Mary Hearn, to HInchia GILLIAM of the same for 16 pounds current money . . . 254 acres in Albemarle Parish on the south side of Nottoway River and bounded by Thomas Dunn, Richard Clanton, and William Felts.
Sig: James Hearn
Wit: William Gray, William Johnson, and Charles Mabry
Rec: 21 Jun 1749
Surry County, VA, Deed Book 5, page 411
30 Jun 1749 [should this read 1752, per other dates on same page]
Martha GILLIAM and Amey GILLIAM, Spinsters of St. Andrew’s Parish in Brunswick County to their brother, William GILLIAM, Gent., of Surry County for Love and Affection . . . 45 acres in Albemarle Parish bounded by said William GILLIAM, Richard Hill, and William Winfield. Also 18 negro slaves and some personal estate.
Sig: Martha [her X mark] GILLIAM, Ame [her X mark] GILLIAM
Wit: John Mabry, Ephraim Mabry, Nathaniel Mabrey, and William [his X mark] GILLIAM
Rec: 17 Oct 1752
Surry County, VA, Deed Book 6, page 548
17 Jul 1749
Nathaniel Green of Albemarle Parish to Richard Hill of the same for 11 pounds 13 shillings and 4 pence . . . ____ acres (being the land said Hill now lives on which Lewis Green of Prince George County sold to William GILLIAM, Sr., of Surry County who then sold it to Richard Hill on 16 Nov 1742).
Sig: Nathaniel Green, Phoebe [her X mark] Green
Wit: Thomas Oliver, William Oliver, and Henry [his X mark] Freeman, Sr.
Rec: 15 Aug 1749
Surry County, VA, Deed Book 5, page 436
9 Dec 1749
Jesse GILLIAM and wife Jane GILLIAM, of Surry County to Matthew Sturdivant of Prince George County for 30 pounds current money . . . 250 acres in Albemarle Parish and bounded by Hunting Quarter Swamp and John Stevens.
Sig: Jesse [his X mark] GILLIAM, Jane [her X mark] GILLIAM
Wit: John Stevens, John [his X mark] Sturdivant, and Thomas [his X mark] Brewer
Rec: 16 Jan 1749
Surry County, VA, Deed Book 6, page 47
22 Dec 1749
Levi GILLIAM of Albemarle Parish of Surry County and John GILLIAM of Northampton County in North Carolina to Nathaniel Clanton of Albemarle Parish in Surry County . . . 190 acres in Albemarle Parish bounded by Little Swamp, Cornelius Loftin and John Battle. . .
Wit: John Hargrove, John Southworth and Burrell GILLIAM
Rec: 16 Jan 1749
Surry County, VA, Deed Book 6, page 51
8 Jan 1751
John Macklemore, Jr., and wife Elizabeth Macklemore, of Southampton County to John Macklemore, Sr., of Surry County for 10 pound current money . . . _____ acres on south side of Popular Swamp and bounded by Reedy Branch.
Sig: John Macklemore, Elizabeth Macklemore
Wit: Burnell Macklemore, Charles GILLIAM, Edmond GILLIAM
Rec: 19 Mar 1750
Surry County, VA, Deed Book 6, page 179
28 Jun 1751
John Bonner, Jr., of Martin’s Brandon Parish in Prince George County to his son John Bonner of Albemarle Parish in Surry County for Love and Affection . . . 200 acres on south side of Sappony Creek in Albemarle Parish and bounded by John Gillion.
Sig: John Bonner
Wit: Wyke Hunnicutt, and Peter Hawthorne
Rec: 21 Apr 1752
Surry County, VA, Deed Book 6, page 443
16 Jul 1751
John Ellis and wife, Mary Ellis, to Jesse GILLIAM, for 35 pounds current money . . . 18- acres in Albemarle Parish, on south side of Nottoway River and Bounded by John Hill and Jeremiah Bullock.
Sig: John Ellis
Wit: Nicholas Massenburg, and Matthias Marriott
Rec: 16 Jul 1751
Surry County, VA, Deed Book 6, page 242
15 Oct 1751
John Passmore and wife, Sarah Passmore, of Albemarle Parish to William GILLIAM of the same for 120 pounds current money . . . 225 acres on south side of Nottoway River in Albemarle Parish and bounded by Island Swamp.
Sig: John Pasmore, and Sarah [her X mark] Pasmore
Rec: 19 Nov 1751
Surry County, VA, Deed Book 6, page 362
13 Nov 1751
William Land of Southampton County to Thomas Hines of Surry County for 35 pounds current money . . . 200 acres of south side of Nottoway River and bounded by Gillums Branch, Thomas Dunn, Richard Felt, Col. Benjamin Harrison, and Ralph Magee (being land granted said William Land in 1742)
Sig: William [his X mark] Land
Wit: John Carter, Levi GILLIAM, and Richard Hines
Rec 19 Nov 1751
Surry County, VA, Deed Book 6, page 377
19 Apr 1752
Jones Longbottom of Northampton County in North Carolina and William Longbottom of Surry County to John Rachel of Surry County for 20 pounds of current money . . . 173 acres on south side of Nottoway River and North side of Raccoon Swamp in Albemarle Parish and bounded by the Spring Branch, Henry Freeman, Jr., Robert Webb, Jr., the Great Branch, Robert Land and said Rachel.
Sig: Jones Longbottom
Wit: Robert Webb, Jr. Ansel GILLIAM and William [his X mark] Longbottom, Charles [his X mark] GILLIAM, Jr.
Rec: 21 Apr 1752
Surry County, VA, Deed Book 6, page 440
15 Jun 1752
Jesse GILLIAM and wife, Jane GILLIAM, of Albemarle Parish in Surry County to John Barnes of Martins Brandon Parish in Prince George County for 37 pounds current money . . . 180 acres on southside of Nottoway River in Albemarle Parish and bounded by John Hill and Jeremiah Bullock (being land granted to John Ellis on 20 Aug 1747).
Sig: Jesse [his X mark] GILLIAM and Jane [her X mark] GILLIAM
Wit: Henry Watkins, Richard Fletcher, and Joseph Carter
Rec: 16 Jun 1752
Surry County, VA, Deed Book 6, page 450
16 Jun 1752
Richard Woodroof, Jr., of Brunswick County to Jesse GILLIAM of Surry County for 30 pounds current money . . .100 acres in Albemarle Parish bounded by Hunting Quarter Swamp, Mr. Robert Jones, Jr., (formerly Richard Woodroof’s land), Howell Briggs, and said Jones.
Sig: Richard Woodroof, Jr.
Wit: John Edmunds, Thomas Simmons, William Simmons, and William Jarrell
Rec: 16 Jun 1752
Surry County, VA, Deed Book 6, page 454
30 Jun 1752
William GILLIAM, the Elder of Surry County to his sisters, Martha GILLIAM and Amey GILLIAM of Brunswick County for love and affection . . . the use of 13 Negro slaves and all of the stock and belongings on the plantation whereon they now live. Also, “my plantation lying in Brunswick County where the now lives as long as they shall live.
Sig: William GILLIAM
Rec: 21 Nov 1752
Surry County, VA, Deed Book 6, page 551
7 Aug 1752
Nathaniel Clanton to Benjamin Soesberry for 50 pounds current money . . . two tracts of land in Albemarle Parish with one for 95 acres (being a patent dated 24 Mar 1725 granted to Nathaniel Philips and sold by him to Nathaniel Clanton) bounded by Col. Henry Harrison, John GILLIAM, and Charles Mabry. The other tract is 150 acres (being the lower part of 400 acres granted Edward Clanton on 27 Sep 1729) which Nathaniel Clanton bought from Edward Clanton on 21 Apr 1731.
Sig: Nathaniel Clanton
Wit: Thomas Oliver, William Green, and John Bishop
Rec: 26 Sep 1752
Surry County, VA, Deed Book 6, page 504
20 Mar 1753
William Hewitt and wife, Elizabeth Hewitt, to Joseph Newsum for 60 pounds current money, 100 acres on north side of Nottoway River and bounded by Marmaduke Brown (being land granted by patent to Charles GILLIAM on 23 Mar 1715). A 20 foot square is excepted out of the deed as it contains the graves of the wife and child of Hinchia Mabry.
Rec. 20 Mar 1753
Surry County, VA, Deed book 6, page 608.
[Gillum, Charles. 23 March 1715. Surry County. 100 acres on the north side of Nottaway River. Beginning and extending on the extending on the river’s bank a corner of Marmaduke Brown. Land Office Patents No. 10, 1710-1719, p. 266 (Reel 10)]
[Charles and Frances GILLIAM of Bristol Parish (see above) sold this tract to their nephew, Hinchia Mabry in 1719. Hinchia Mabry was the son of Francis Mabry and Elizabeth GILLIAM, his wife. Elizabeth being the sister of Charles GILLIAM who married Frances.]
19 May 1753
David Mason of Surry County and John GILLIAM of North Carolina to William Brewer of Brunswick County for 64 pounds, 10 shillings, one Negro wench called Dinah and her son named Simon.
Sig: David Mason and John GILLIAM
Wit: John Mason, Joseph Coates, and Ann [her X mark] Coates
Rec: 19 Jun 1753
Surry County, VA, Deed Book 7, page 41
[John GILLIAM married Ann Mason, the sister of David and John Mason. John removed to Northampton County, NC by 1750 where he witnesses the Will of Edward Reavis.]
19 May 1753
David Mason of Surry County and John GILLIAM of North Carolina to Thomas Williams of Brunswick county for 50 pounds current money, a Negro wench called Pheb.
Sig: David Mason and John GILLIAM
Wit: John Mason, Joseph Coates, and Ann [her X mark] Coates
Rec: 19 Jun 1753
Surry County, VA, Deed Book 7, page 42
20 May 1753
Robert Boling of Dinwiddie County to Richard Hill of Surry County for 53 pounds current money . . . 111 acres on north side of Nottoway River and bounded by Mirey Meadow Branch, the Goose Pond and John Mitchell.
Sig: Robert Bolling
Wit: John Tyus, William GILLIAM, Jr., Solomon Graves and Lewis Tyus
Rec: 18 Dec 1753
Surry County, VA, Deed Book 7, page 80
4 Aug 1753
Jesse Gilliam and wife Jane Gilliam of St. Andrew’s Parish in Brunswick County to Robert Jones, Jr. of Albemarle Parish, Attorney at Law, for 3 pounds . . . 100 acres in Albemarle Parish of Surry County on north sides of Hunting Quarter Swamp and bounded by Robert Jones’ other land and Howell Briggs
Sig: Jesse [his X mark] Gilliam, Jane [her X mark] Gilliam
Wit: Ben Weldon, James Wall, William Edwards, James Hicks, Gray Briggs, John Verell
Rec 11 Mar 1754
Sussex County, VA, Deed Book A, page 5
20 Nov 1753
Thomas Dunn, Jr. of Albemarle Parish to John Dunn of the same for 30 pounds current money, 150 acres in Albemarle Parish bounded by GILLIAMs Branch, Richard Felt, and Thomas Dunn, Sr. (being part of 300 acres granted by patent to Thomas Dunn, Sr., on 20 May 1742).
Surry County, VA, Deed Book 7, page 76
[Dunn, Thomas. 20 May 1742. Surry County. 350 acres on the south side of Nottaway River; beginning and extending on the west side of Guillum’s Branch. Land Office Patents No. 20, 1741-1743 (v.1 & 2 p.1-566), p. 305 (Reel 18).]
[As early as 1742, the water course that bounded Thomas Dunn's land was known as GILLIAM's Branch. GILLIAM's Branch is also mentioned as one of the bounds in John Pope Sr. of Pitt County, North Carolina to John Pope, Jr. dated 1764: 50 acres on the south side of the Nottoway River adj. GILLIAM Branch, Thomas Everitt, and the county line (patent to Lewis Davis on 16 Jan 1727 for 300 acres). In the patent of Lewis Davis/David, GILLIAM's Branch is not mentioned, but that patent was located near Cypress Swamp in Isle of Wight. On 16 Jun 1714 Hinshea GUILLAM, patented 550 acres on the southside of Nottaway Riv. on east side of the Cyprus Swamp. It seems likely that GILLIAM's Branch was named after Hinchea or one of his sons. This GILLIAM's Branch should not be confused with GILLIAM's Branch in Lunenburg.]
[The relationship, if any, between the GILLIAMs and the Dunns is not known. Charles GILLIAM and Martha named a son Benjamin Dunn GILLIAM. One of the witnesses of the Charles' Will dated 1767 was John Dunn. Martha is mentioned in the Will of Lewis Dunn. Benjamin names his first born after Lewis.
John GILLIAM's Will dated 1738 was witnessed by John and Thomas Dunn.
Several GILLIAM and Dunns together served as godparents:
- Patty Felts, daughter of Richard and Mary, born 24 Sep 1760 had as godparents: Lewis Dunn, Amy Felts, Agnes GILLIAM.
- Sarah Felts, daughter of Richard and Mary, born 10 Jun 1758 had as godparents: Nathaniel Felts, Sarah GILLIAM, Lucy Dun.
- Jordan GILLIAM son of Charles and Mary GILLIAM, born 2 Oct 1757 had as godparents David Clanton, David Magee, Lucy Dun
- Peggy GILLIAM, daughter of Hinchea and Mary GILLIAM, born 23 Mar 1759 had as godparents Lewis Dunn, Lydia Pennington, Elizabeth Johnson
- Becky GILLIAM, daughter of Charles and Martha GILLIAM, born 20 Jul 1763 had as godparents Lewis Dunn, Fortune GILLIAM, Elisa Roe.
- Martha Loftin, daughter of William and Mary Loftin born 17 Sep 1739 had as godparents William Dun, Any GILLUM, Lucy Dun
- Anne Magee, daughter of Ralph and Anne Magee born 14 Apr 1747 had as godparents Burrill GILLIAM, ________, May Dun
- Charles Southworth, son of Mary Southworth, born 22 Feb 1765 had as godparents William Lofting Jr., Lewis Dunn, Mary GILLIAM]
Family Histories
John Bennett Boddie's, Historical Southern Families, Volume 1.
20 Feb 1739
Know all men by these present that we, Thomas GILLIAM, James Chappell and William GILLIAM of the county of Surry are holders and firmly do stand bound unto his majesties Justices of Peace for the said County in the sum of one hundred pounds sterling to which payment well and to be made to the said justices and their successors we bind and every of us our and everyone of our heirs, executors and administrations, firmly by these presents, sealed with our seals and dated, the twelfth day of ____
The condition of this obligation is such that where as the above bound Thomas GILLIAM is guardian of Elizabeth GILLIAM, orphan, if therefore the said Thomas GILLIAM shall take care of and educate the said Elizabeth GILLIAM according to her estate and pay the same to the said Elizabeth when she shall arrive to the age of twenty-one years without abatement or allowance other than of the profitts of the said estate for dyett [sic], cloathing [sic], or any other matter whatsoever and in case of death of the said Elizabeth GILLIAM before she arrived at the age aforesaid shall pay the estate to such other person as shall have right thereto that then this obligation to be void otherwise to remain in full force and power.
Sig: Thomas GILLIAM
Sealed and delivered in presence of:
Thomas Eldredge
At a court held for Surry County, February 20, 1739
Wit: James Chappell, William GILLIAM.
Surry County, VA, Deeds, Wills, Etc., Book 9, (1738-1754), page 114
[It is believed that the above Elizabeth is the daughter of Hinchea GILLIAM who left a Will dated 3 Jan 1736/37 in Surry and that Thomas and William are his brothers.]
1815 Landowner's Directory
William GILLIAM, decd, Estate, Otter Dam, Blackwater, 20W, 16SW.
William GILLIAM, trustee for Ro. Smith and Ro. Ruffin and assignee on the trust, 16W
[Directions and distances are measured from the Courthouse.]
Ward, Roger G. 1815 Directory of Virginia Landowners (and Gazetteer) Volume 3. Athens, GA: Iberian Pub. Co.
17 Jan 1744
Willot Roberts married Faith, exx. of Hinchia Gilliam
Surry County, VA, Order Book 1744-1749, page 21
Hart, L. H. Surry County Marriages, 1713-17, 1744-49, 1757-74, Southside Virginian. Volume 5, page 63
20 Mar 1759
William Gilliam married Mary Lucas
Surry County, VA, Order Book 1757-1763, page 162
Hart, L. H. Surry County Marriages, 1713-17, 1744-49, 1757-74, Southside Virginian. Volume 5, page 64
At a meeting of his Maj'ties Justices of the Peace for the county of Surry Xber 19, 1687 . . . This court having consdiered the Capacitie & abilities of the severall Freehlders and Inhabitants of this county doe most humbly prsent his Excellency the following persons for horse and ffoott as they are here severall set downe (viz't)
For Foot
Extracts from the Records of Surry County, William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine, Vol. 11, No. 2. (Oct., 1902), pp. 79-87.
Dec 1702
List of troops under Capt Wm Browne, Surry County
Hinta GILLAM Sgt.
Florence Macklemore Sgt.
Virginia Colonial Soldiers, p222
GILLIAMs are found in the Register and Vestry of Albemarle Parish.
Many served as Godparents for their near relatives: Register of Albemarle Parish.
Albemarle Parish Vestry
Quaker Records
Blackwater Monthly Meeting
23 Apr 1806
Joseph Sebrell rpd had taken from him by William Harrison 2 wool hats under the militia law, also taken by Burwell Gillham another 2 wool hats for the same reason.
Rent Rolls
GILLHAM Hinche, Surry County
A List of Tithables from Upper Sunken Marsh Upwards taken by ordr of cort [sic]
Mr. Hen. Briggs, Hen: Briggs, Junr, Hintia GILLAM, Charles GILLAM, Ch: Briggs, Jno Rivers
6 Tithes
MacDonald, Edgar. Surry County Virginia tithables, 1668-1703, Baltimore : Clearfield, 2007. [Lists originally published in the Magazine of Virginia Genealogy, February 1984-August 1986]
Wills, Estates and Inventories
24 Jan 1686/87,
April 1687, Pasquotank County, NC
Will of William Jennings [formerly of Surry County, VA]
bequeathed to a son-in-law “my gun that I bought of Cpt: GILLAM.”
[Because William Jennings patented 350 acres of land in Surry County, VA, in 1657, it is believed that the Capt. GILLIAM he refers to in his Will is Capt. Hinchea GILLIAM; however, it is more likely that Capt. GILLAM is Capt. Zachariah GILLIAM for in 1663, Jennings was granted 550 acres on New Begun Creek in Albemarle County, NC. Although there is little definite information about Jennings, it seems that he was fairly active in Culpeper’s Rebellion as was Zachariah GILLIAM who was known to transport munitions.]
Pasquotank County, NC, Will Book ___, page ___.
Will of Francis Maybury, 1711
[Husband of Elizabeth GILLIAM West Bevin Mabry, below]
Elizabeth [GILLIAM] West Bevin Mabry, 1713
Will of Nathaniel Malone of the Parish of Southwark and the County of Surry
Jan 1732
Rec: 21 Mar 1732
Exec: Drury and Nathaniel Malone.
Wit: Robert Wynne, John GILLIAM, Jr.
Surry County, VA Deed Book 8, Vol. I, pg 268
Will of Hinchea GILLIAM, 1736
Will of Samuel Briggs
26 Mar 1736
In the Name of God Amen I Samuel Briggs of Surry County being Sick and weak in body but of good Sound and perfect mind and memory and calling to mind the uncertainty of this transitory Life do make and ordain this to be my last Will
and Testament in manner following:
Item. I give my Son William Briggs on half of what Land I have in Brunswick County upon the Creek called Waqua and I desire he may have the lower half of the said Land to him and his heirs forever, I give my said son William Briggs one Negro Man called Hannabal to him and his heirs forever.
Item. I give to my Son Henry Briggs one Negro Man called Cupit to him & his Heirs forever.
Item I give my Daughter Faith GILLIAM Five pounds Sterling to and her Heirs.
Item I give my Daughter Sarah Collier five pounds Sterling to her & her Heirs.
Item I give my Daughter Mary Edmunds one Negro Boy called Danll she has now in her possession. I give her also five pounds Sterling all [which] I give to her and her heirs for ever.
Item I give my Son Thos. Briggs all my Land on Hunting Quarter and all the Stock thereunto belonging (except two Cows and Calves [which] I give to my son Robt. Briggs) all which Land and Stock I give to my Son Thomas Briggs & his Heirs for ever.
Item I give my Son Robert Briggs one half of my Land in Brunswick County on Waqua Creek with the Plantation and Stock thereunto belonging and one Negro Man call’d Nedd only I desire my Wife may have the labour of the said Nedd until my Son Robert comes of ye age of twenty one years old. I give my said Son Robert one Negro Girl called Sall all which I give to him and his heirs for ever.
Item I give my Son Nathaniel Briggs one Plantation lying on Bly’s Branch with all the Stock thereunto belonging and nine Hogs which uses on the Beaver Dam and one Negro Girl called Sue & one Negro man call’d Sharper only. I desire my Wife may have the Labour of the said Sharper until my Son Nathaniel shall be twenty one years old all which I give my said Son Nathaniel Briggs to him & his heirs forever.
Item I give my Son Benja. Briggs all the land whereon I now live to him and heirs for ever. I give my said son Benja. One Negro Wench call’d Judy and her
increase only I desire my Wife may have the labour of the sd Judy during her natural Life or Widowhood all the aforesaid Legacies I give my Son Benja. And his heirs for and I desire he may receive his estate at the age of Eighteen years old.
Item I give my Daughter Anne Briggs one Negro Girl called Agge and her increase only I desire my Wife may have ye labour of the said Girl during her natural Life all which I give my Daughter Anne & her heirs for ever.
Item I give my Daughter Lucy Briggs two Negro Girls namely Patt and Cate and their increase to her and her heirs for ever.
Item I give my Daughter Hannah Briggs two Negroes namely Jack and Jain to her and her heirs for ever & if my Daughter Lucy should dye before she comes of age or is married I desire her Legacies may be given to my Daughter Hannah and if they both dye before they are of age or married I desire their Estates may fall to my Son Benja. Briggs & his heirs for ever.
Item I give my Loving Wife Mary Briggs on Feather Bed and furniture and one Side Saddle and one Horse call’d Plunder and the remainder of my Estate. I desire may be equally divided betwixt my Wife & my four youngest Children and I further desire that my three youngest daughters may Receive their Estates as soon as they are eighteen years old or married and I do appoint my Loving Wife Mary Briggs to be my whole & sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament and desire my Loving friend Thos. Edmunds and my Son William Briggs my see to the faithful performance of this my last Will and Testament. In Witness where of I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this twenty sixth day of March One thousand Seven hundred & thirty-six.
Sig: Samll. Briggs
Signed & Sealed in the Presence of Thos. Edmunds, Richd. Blunt, Jas. Anderson
At a Court held for Surry County September the 21st 1737. The above mentioned Will of Samuel Briggs decd. was presented in Court by Mary Briggs Executrix thereof who made Oath thereto and gave Bond with Security according to Law & being proved by the Oaths of Richard Blunt and James Anderson. Witnesses thereto the same is Ordered to be Recorded & is Recorded by ?.
Surry County, VA, Deed & Will Book 8, pp 731-2
[Daughter Faith Briggs, married Hinchea GILLIAM. After Hinchea’s death, Faith married secondly Willard “Willut” Roberts.]
Will of John GILLIAM, 1738
13 Nov 1738
Will of Edward Thrower
To my wife Tabitha, the use of my Plantation for her life, and my children.
Pay my brother's estate, which Wm GILLIAM is bound for.
To my three sons, William Thrower, John Thrower, and Edward Thrower, after their mother's death, all land and housing to be equally divided, when of age.
Wit: David Sinckler, Fra Walker
Rec: 21 Feb 1738
Surry County, VA, Deed and Will Book 9, pg 6
Estate Inventory of Tabitha Thrower
Appraisers: Peter Green and Wm Winfield.
Wit: Thomas Avent and George B. Booth
Surry County, VA, Deeds, Wills, etc. 1738-1754, Book 9, page 171
18 Jul 1744
Account of Estate of George Randall, decd
Lists William Rainey, Jr., William GILLIAM, Mary Randall, William Dailey, Mr. Theophilius Field, Alexander Hamilton, Ephraim Parham, William Green, Robert Webb, Jr., Mr. Claiborne and Maj. Wynne.
Administratrix: Mary Randall
Surry County, VA, Deeds, Wills, Etc., Book 9, Part 2, page 475
21 Jul 1752
Account of Estate of Richard Clanton, Decd
Lists John Rachel, Col. Richard Cocke, Cornelius Loftin, Ralph McGee, Hinchia GILLIAM, Dr. Peete, John Painter, Thomas Byran, Richard Phelps, Edward Carter, John Hargrave, Henry Pritchard, the widow, and Howell Briggs, administrator.
Sig: Samuel Peete, and Peter Warren.
Surry County, VA, Deeds, Wills, Etc., Book 9, page 806
20 Mar 1753
Account of the Estate of Charles Mabry, decd
Lists Samuel Peete, William Mabry for legacy, Rebecca Mabry, Elizabeth Mabry for legacy, William Loftin, Mary Battle, Thomas Battle, George Long, Sarah GILLIAM and David Turner for legacy.
Surry County, VA, Deeds, Wills, Etc., Book 9, page 859
19 Nov 1754
Account of the Estate of James Mason, decd,by John Jenkins, and his wife, Mary Jenkins, administratrix
Lists: Mrs. Elizabeth Moore, Timothy Ezell, the Younger, Edward Lee, David Mason, John Jenkins, John Mason, Nathaniel Tomlinson, Isaac Mason, Jr. Edward Petway, Gent., John Moss, Henry Moss, John Edwards, John Butler, Merchant, Rev. Mr. William Willie, Thomas Shands, Nicholas Massenburg, Gent., John Hay, Richard Rieves, Thomas Briggs, Benjamin Harrison, Esq., Thomas Eldridge, Merchant, John Ezell, Maj. William Eppes, Thomas Hollinsworth, John Bates, Warwick Gilman, David Hunter, John Jenkins, Robert Petway, John Perkins, John Bates, and John Atkins.
Surry County, VA, Deeds, Wills, Etc., Book 10, page 22.
Will of Samuel GILLIAM, 1767
14 Aug 1767
Inventory of Charles GILLIAM
Adminstrator, Patty GILLIAM
Sig: Hinchea GILLIAM, John Dunn, Ralph Magget [Magee?]
Surry County, VA, Will Book 9, page 134
- Register of Albemarle Parish, Surry County, VA
- MacDonald, Edgar. Surry County Virginia tithables, 1668-1703, Baltimore : Clearfield, 2007. [Lists originally published in the Magazine of Virginia Genealogy, February 1984-August 1986]
- Virginia Colonial Soldiers, Militia Miscellany-Virginia Records, Public Record Office, London, Page 222
- Extracts from the Records of Surry County, William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine, Vol. 11, No. 2. (Oct., 1902), pp. 79-87.
- Pasquotank County, NC, Will Book.
- Surry County, VA, Deeds
- Surry County, VA, Wills
- Ward, Roger G. 1815 Directory of Virginia Landowners (and Gazetteer) Volume 3. Athens, GA: Iberian Pub. Co.