Updated November 24, 2022

Middlesex County probably was named for the English county. It was formed from Lancaster County about 1669. The county seat is Saluda.
Christ Church Parish, abt 1669
A Robert GILLAM/GUILLAMS and wife Ann [note spellings of name] settle in Christ Church Parish, Middlesex before 1681. Tradition places Robert as one of the three brothers that arrived in 1680 along with John of Puddledock and William, of Charles City. However, the 1680 date is late for both William and John.
While in Middlesex Robert and Ann record the births of four sons and two daughters. Also during this time Robert is involved in a prolonged suit with Peter Chilton.
It appears Robert, a carpenter, is in Salem County, NJ by 1699, when he was reimbursed for carpentry work on the Salem Meeting. The wording of the Men's Minutes of Salem Meeting, shows that Robert was not a Friend.
30th day, 11 month, 1698-9 "At this meeting john Thompson, Isaac Smart, Rothrah morrise, and Richard Darkin brought in their repoart that they had put out the meetinghouse to be built, the brickworke to Richard Woodnut and the woodworke to Robert GILLAM. This meeting appointed Joseph White and bartholmew Wiat to speak to hester herrison consarning Robart Gillham that frindes hath no Eunity with him as a friend to the truth . . . |
In 1703 we find Robert Gillham recorded in the Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Court of Bucks County, PA, viz:
24 Nov 1703 Robert GILHAM, plaintiff vs James Ackerman, defendant Arrest granted thereupon-wothdrawn by plaintiff 8 Dec 1703 Minute Book, Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions Courts, Bucks County, PA, page 397. |
Robert marries a second time, the widow Constant Gambell and by whom he had three daughters: Elizabeth, Avis and Ann. In his Will, Robert, calls himself Robert GILLAM of Salem Town, New Jersey, carpenter. His Will was dated 17 Feb 1705/06 and proved 16 Mar 1705/06.
Will of Robert GILHAM/GILLIAM of Salem Town Date: 17 Feb 1705/06 Carpenter; Wife Constant. Sons: William and Lucus, both under 20. Daughters: Elizabeth, Evis and Ann, all under 18. A lot of 8 1/2 acres in Salem, bought of Hugh Middleton. Personal property. Executors: the wife and Samuel Hedge junior. Witnesses: Wm. Grifin, Nathaniel Dogles and Ann Sirridge. Proved 16 Mar 1705-6. Lib. 1, p. 137 15 Mar 1705/06 Inventory of the personal estate (£62.0.3); made by Richard Johnson and William Folwell. 3 Sep 1707 Inventory of the personal estate of the Widow GILLAM, lately deceased (£51.19.0); made by Richard Johnson and Wm. Grifin. |
Constant leaves a Will that was recorded in 1708.
Will of Constant GILHAM of Salem Town Widow; Daughters: Elizabeth Gambell, Elizabeth GILHAM and Avis GILHAM, all under 18. Lot in Salem of 8 1/2 acres. Personal property. Executor: Hugh Middleton, who is to have daughter Elizabeth Gambell, until she is 18. Witnesses: Roger Milton, Alexander Grant and Ann Sireg (Surridge) widow. Proved 31 Mar 1708. Lib. 1, p. 190 |
While neither the Will of Robert nor Constant mentions Peter, it is possible that he is the Peter found in Hanover County in the 1730's, but this seems unlikely since it appears his family settled in New Jersey and Pennsylvania
14 Dec 1685
The deposition of Robert Gillum aged about thirty three years did Sarah Williamson come up unto the porch of Richard Robinson & there say unto Thomas Stapleton Ah you Bonge [sic] have you gott him & then violently take the said Stapleton by the haire of the head & with the glaziered knife make hard stabs at him and further the deponent saith not this being done on the first day of December 1685 further the deponent saith he tooke her in his armes & carried her away lest further injuries might ensue.
Robert Gillum
Sworne in courte ye 14th day of December 1685
[This suggests that Robert was born about 1652. Sarah Williamson, a resident of Middlesex County, Virginia. Following the birth of her twelfth child, "Sarah exhibited a pattern of behavior that can only be categorized as hysterical animosity. Eldridge, Larry D. "Crazy Brained": Mental Illness in Colonial America" Bulletin of the History of Medicine - Volume 70, Number 3, Fall 1996, pp. 361-386 The Johns Hopkins University Press]
2 Jul 1692
Mr. Randolph Seager as Marying [sic] ye administratrix of ye Estate of Capt. Oswald Cary to part of ye Estate of Capt. Oswald Cary appraised in money one hundred seventy one pounds four shilings [sic] eleven pence in obedience to an ordr of Court bearing date ye 7th of June 1692 wee [sic] ye subscribers have audited and stated the account of ye Estate of Capt. Oswald Cary exhibited to us by Mr. Randolph Seager this second of July 1692
errors excepted p us
Richard Parrot
John Smith
Ca: Whelling
Sumes [sic] disallowedd in this Accot.
Robert Boodle Accot; Mr. Stapleton for rum to ye Appr Steevens
Cr contra; by Dr. Whitaker paid, paid Mr. William Churchill, pd Mr. Chr Robinson; pd Maurice Cock, by a Neggro woman & child; to Capt. Purvis; by Dr. Robert Boodle; by Mr. Willm Podd assignee of Waller; by Mr. Jno. Head by Order of Mr. Wm Wormeley; by Mr Richd Willis pr ord Mr. Churchill; by 4 gall. run & 20 lb sugar for ye appraismt; by Mr. Segars account of charges paid for ye decent ffunerall; by Dr. Stapleton for phisick to ye family before administration; by Doctor Whitaker for ditto; by Doctor Boodle; by Doctor Stevens; by his trouble & charge in paying ye severall debts; by Doctr Richd Stevens; by Mr John Vause; p clerks fees; by Mr. Chr. Robinson; by Wm Johnson; by Robert GILLIAM; by Richd Pew; by Tho. Read; by Robert Dudley; by John Spireing; by clerks & sherriff fees; by Wm. Briscoe for summon appraisers and attendance.
Recordat Edwin Thacker, Cl Cur.
Middlesex County, VA, Deed Book 2, 1688-1694, page 636-637
23 Nov 1687
The following men are to provide a man, horse, ad armes:
. . . Peter Chelton . . . Robert Gillam, George Woodley, Augustine Scarborow, John Scarborow, James Dudley, William Dudley, Thomas Dudley, John Sutton, David Barwick . . .
Middlesex County, VA, Order Book 2, page 317
12 Nov 1688
Payments to: Mr. Christopher Robinson as Burgess, Robert Dudley as Burgess, Jeremy Overy, James Ingram, Dr. Boodle, Henry Nichols, Mr. John Cant, Mr. Richard Robinson, Richard Farrell, Mr. Richard Willis, John Vause, John Smith, Mrs. Petty, Robert Gillham, Mr. Kemp, and Mr. Thomas Howard.
Middlesex County, VA, Order Book 2, page 375
10 Nov 1690
Robert GILLIAM vs Peter Chelton
Middlesex County, VA, Order Book 2, page 484
7 Sep 1691
Work done by Robert GILLAM at the house of Capt [Oswald] Carey, decd.
Middlesex County, VA, Order Book 2, page 513
7 Sep 1691
Work done by Robert GILLAM at the house of Capt. Carey, decd.
Essex County, VA, Order Book, 2, 1680-1694
Oct 1691
Suit involving Peter Chilton
Middlesex County, VA, Order Book 2, page 524
Dec 1691
Peter Chelton vs Augustine Scarbrough, Robert GILLIAM called as witness.
Middlesex County, VA, Order Book 2, pages 531-532
5 Sep 1692
Robert GILHAM against Peter Chilton and his wife Abigall Chilton
Middlesex County, VA, Order Book 2, page 564
Middlesex County Militia
14 Oct 1687
The following men are to provide a man, a horse and armes:
Peter Chelton . . .
Robert GILLAM . . .
Augustine Scarborow . . .
David Barwick . . .
Middlesex County, VA, Order Book 2, 1680-1694, page 317
Register of Christ Church
Robert GUILLIAMS Sone of Robert & Ann GUILLIAMS borne 22nd Aug bapt. 18, Sept. 1681
Ffrances GILLIAMS ye daughter of Robert & Ann GILLIAMS bapt. 26th Xemb. 1683
Peter GUILLIAMS sone of Ann & Robt. GUILLAMS bapt. At home 29th of March, 1687
Elizabeth daughter to Robert & Ann GILLIAM bapt. April 14, 1689
Lucas the sone of Robert & Ann GILHAM bapt. 27th March 1692
John the sone of Robert & Ann GILHAM bapt. 19th July, 1694
Register of Christ Church
Will of Phillip Grimes of Brandon
Dated 18 Dec. 1756, recorded 2 Feb. 1762
Items include a will (copy) written in Middlesex County, witnessed by Charles Carter, John GILLIAM, Peter Robinson, and John Skinker and accounts.
Virginia Historical Society, Temple Family Papers, 1675-1901. Mss1 T2478 b 14-17
[The Grimes via marriage are related to John GILLIAM of Prince George and his wife Elizabeth. Peter Robinson married a daughter of Phillip Grimes.]
- Ancestry.com. Calendar of New Jersey Wills, 1670-1760. [database online] Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 2000
- Baker, Mary Ellen. Numerous Correspondences, 1998-2012.
- Middlesex County, VA, Order Book 2
- Middlesex County, VA, Deed Book 2
- Middlesex County, VA, Will Book E
- Middlesex County, VA, Deed Book 2
- National Society of the Colonial Dames of America in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Parish Register of Christ Church, Middlesex County, Virginia from 1653 to 1812. Richmond, VA: Christ Church, 1897.
- New Jersey Historical Society. Calendar of New Jersey Wills, Administrations, etc. Newark, NJ: New Jersey Historical Society, 1901.
- Register of Christ Church
- Virginia Historical Society, Temple Family Papers, 1675-1901. Mss1 T2478 b 14-17