Updated November 25, 2023

Fluvanna County was named after the eighteenth-century term for the upper James River. The name, meaning river of Anne, was given in honor of Queen Anne of England. The county was formed from Albemarle County in 1777. Its area is 282 square miles, and the county seat is Palmyra.
Fluvanna Parish, 1777
Given that Fluvanna was taken from Albemarle, it saw relatively few Gilliams. James Skelton Gilliam of Prince George owned a tract of land in Fluvanna. His Will directed that this tract be sold. Also Elizabeth Woodson the widow Charles Manning Gilliam of Cumberland married thirdly Thomas Shores and left her Will in Fluvanna mentioning her Gilliam children.
July 27, 1779
From William & Hannah Brett of the Co. of Goochland to James Carter of Fluvanna for 250 pounds on certain tract of land in Fluvanna containing about 250 acres bounded by Adams, the dry branch, a corner between Stone line and Adams, thence to Lisle's corner.
Signed: William Brett, Hann (her X mark) Brett.
Wit: Richard Fulcher, James GILLIUM, Colin Roberson.
Rec. Sept. 2, 1779
Fluvanna County, VA, Deed Book. 1, pg. 219
10 Nov 1827
This indenture made the 10th of November in the year eighteen hundred twenty seven between John Gilliam and Theophilus F. Gilliam executors of the ____ of James S. Gilliam of the Town of Petersburg of the one part and Overton B. Pettit of the County of Fluvanna of the other part. Witnesseth that whereas the late ______ James S. Gilliam died seized and possessed of an undivided moiety of a certain tract or parcel of land in the County of Fluvanna as is hereinafter described and by his Last Will and Testament which is duly recorded in the Hustings Court of Petersburg required that the said land should be sold by his executors by virtue whereas executors have sold the same to Overton B. Pettit of the said County. Now that this Indenture witnesseth that the said John Gilliam and Theophilus F. Gilliam executors of James S. Gilliam in consideration of the sum of five dollars to them ___ hand paid by the said Overton B. Pettit at or on before ensealing and delivery of _____ presents (the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged) have bargained and sold and by these presents do and each of them doth bargain and sell to the said Overton B. Pettit his heirs and assigns one undivided moiety of a certain parcel of land, situate in the County of Fluvanna and bounded by the lands of Overton B. Pettit and others supposed to contain 340 to 400 acres with all and singular the appurtenances etc. and the reversion ___ to have and to hold the said moiety with the tenements, hereditaments and all and singular other the ____hereinafter mentioned or intended to be bargained and sold and every part and parcel therein to the said Overton B. Pettit his heirs and assigns forever and the said John Gilliam and Theophilus F. Gilliam executors of James S. Gilliam for themselves and their heirs the _____ moiety with all and singular the premises and appurtenances before mentioned to the said Overton B. Pettit his heirs and assigns free from the claim or claims of them or either of them, the said John Gilliam and Theo F. Gilliam, their or either of their ___ of all and every person or persons whatsoever, shall will and do warrant and forever defend _____ presents. In witness whereof the said John Gilliam and Theophilus F. Gilliam executors of James S. Gilliam have hereunto set their hands and affixed their seals the day and year first above written.
Sig: Jno Gilliam, Theo F. Gilliam, Executors of James S. Gilliam, decd.
Town of Petersburg, to wit
We Samuel Winfree and Thos Wallace, Justices of the Peace in the corporation aforesaid, in the State of Virginia do hereby certify that John Gilliam and Theophilus F. Gilliam parties to a certain deed bearing date on the ___ day of November of the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and twenty seven and here to amend personally appeared before us in our corporation aforesaid and acknowledged the same to be their act and deed and desired us to certify the said acknowledgement the same to be their act and deed and desired us to certify the said acknowledgement to the clerk of the County of Fluvanna in order that the said deed may be recorded. Given under our hands and seals this 14th day of November eighteen hundred and twenty seven.
Sig: Samuel Winfree, Recorder, Thos Wallace, Ald.
Court of Monthly session held for Fluvanna County on more or less the 5th day of February 1828. This deed was this day presented in Court ___ together with certificate thereon endorsed relative to the acknowledgment ___ by John Gilliam and Theophilus F. Gilliam, executors of James S. Gilliam ___ before two Justices of the peace for the corporation of Petersburg ordered to be recorded.
Teste John Timberlake, C Fl
Fluvanna County, VA, Deed Book ____, page 289-290.
[The Codicil of the Will of James Skelton Gilliam directs that his Fluvanna Plantation be sold. John and Theophilus are the executors and sons of James.]
1815 Landowner's Directory
GILLIAM, Robert, of Cumberland County, Bryant's Road, 9SE
[This appears at first glance to be Robert GILLIAM, grandson, of James GILLIAM, Sr., of Cumberland who lived along Cannon's Branch in Cumberland (In October 1781, Richard Omohondro was appointed road surveyor for the road from Bryant's Road to Cannon's Ferry.) However, Robert appears to have been in Georgia by this time. Robert leaves a Will in Greene County, GA recorded 9 Mar 1821.]
[Directions and distances are measured from the Courthouse.]
Ward, Roger G. 1815 Directory of Virginia Landowners (and Gazetteer) Volume 1, Central Region. Athens, GA: Iberian Pub. Co., 1997.
2 Feb 1831
Johnson, Francis and GILLIAM, Elizabeth
[Francis Johnson is Charles Francis Johnson, son of John Jedidah Johnson and Catherine Moore. Elizabeth GILLIAM is Elizabeth Woodson GILLIAM, daughter of Charles Manning GILLIAM and Elizabeth Woodson.]
GILLUM, Frederick and Jones, Martha
18 Mar 1857
GILLIAM, Charles and Johnson, Nannie
[Charles GILLIAM is Dr. Charles Daniel GILLIAM, son of James C. GILLIAM and Harriet Bagby. Nannie Johnson is Ann Smith Johnson, daughter of John M. Johnson and Edith Jane Omohundro.]
The Pension Application of Thomas Shores W6021
State of Virginia Fluvanna County to wit
On this 27th day of August 1832 personally appeared before the Court of Fluvanna County State aforesaid Thomas Shores aged Seventy Seven years a resident of the County of Fluvanna, who being duly sworn accord’g to Law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the provision made by the act of Congress passed 7th June 1832 that he enlisted in the army of the United States.
That he enlisted in Feby 1776 in the Company Commanded by Capt Mathew Jewitt [sic: Matthew Jouett, BLWt1126-300] in the County of Albemarle in the Regiment Commanded by Cols. Lewis & McClanahan [sic: by Alexander McClanachan] that the Lieutenants were John [John Thompson, pension application S31415] & L Thompson [Leonard Thompson]. That the troops marched to Williamsburg & Gwinns Island [sic: Gwynn Island] remained in Service two or three months at Williamsbg & neighborhood Marched through Fredericksburg and joind the Continental army near white marsh hills in the State of Pensylvania & was under the command of Genl [William] Woodford. that he served until March 1778 when he was discharged at the Valley Forge by Genl Woodford that his discharge is lost or not now in his possession that he hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension except the present and he declares that his name is not on the pension roll of any agency in any state Sworn to & subscribed the day & year first herein written
Sig: Thos Shores
[Thomas Shores married Elizabeth Woodson, the widow of Charles Manning Gilliam and Ellis Putney. On 9 Dec 1853 Elizabeth Shores, about 78, applied for a pension stating that she married Thomas Shores on 4 June 1828, and he died 15 Oct 1841. The file includes a copy of the marriage record as follows: “Tho’s Shores married Elizabeth Putney widow of Ellis Putney dec’d on the 4 day of June 1828, In 17 days after paying his first respects to her.”]
Transcribed and annotated by C. Leon Harris, www.southerncampaign.org
Prenuptial Agreements
18 June 1828
This indenture between Thomas Shores and Elizabeth Putney widow of Ellis Putney dec'd of Buckingham Co. Whereas a marriage is intended shortly to take place between the said Thomas Shores and said Elizabeth Putney. It is agreed that in case the said Elizabeth Putney should survive the said Thomas Shores she should not have or claim any part of the real or personal estate of the said Thomas Shores by virtue of her dower or by virtue of her being administrator, nor shall she be entitled to the administration of the goods and chattels of her dec'd husband, but in lieu thereof she shall have the use of the dwelling house and curtelages where the said Thomas Shores now resides without any hindrance or molestation together with the household and kitchen furniture and the use or two Negroes (male and female) to with Daniel and Sophis and one horse and the annual pension of $100 cash to be paid to her regularly on the final day of January successively by the executor named in any last will and testament during her natural life or during her widowhood and no longer, and then the said hereby granted property of every description shall return to my estate and be disposed of agreeable to my last will and testament now in the hands of John Timberlake, Jr. It is further distinctly understood that in case the said Elizabeth should survive the said Thomas Shores and be in possession of the house and curtelages before named she is not to deprive the person or his family to whom I have given the said houses and curtelages, garden in my last will and testament now in the hands of John Timberlake, Jr., from an equal part a portion in the use of said houses together with herself and the said Thomas Shores doth hereby relinquish any claim to any property the said Elizabeth Putney may possess or be entitled to on the day their marriage may be solemnized.
Witness, Albert N. GILLIAM
Fluvanna County, VA, Deed Book 9, page 698
Wills, Estates and Inventories
Will of Thomas Shore
22 Apr 1841
I, Thomas Shores being of sound mind an disposing memory but in a feeble state of bodily health and over mindful of the uncertainty of life and wishing before I am called away to make such disposition of the worldly goods wherewith a kind providence haws blessed me, as to me seemth just and right, do make and constitute this my last Will and Testament (hereby revoking all former wills by me heretofore made and published) to Wit.
First, It is my will and desire that all my just debts shall be speedily paid out of any money on hand at my death or from the sale of any of my personal property not otherwise herein disposed of.
Secondly, I loan to my wife Elizabeth Shores during her natural life or widowhood the following real and personal property to Wit; The tract of land whereon I now reside embracing all the buildings except the mill and the buildings adjacent thereto and so much of the land as she may not require for cultivation with her own negroes. Also all the household and kitchen furniture, stock of hogs, corn, wheat, oats, fodder hay, plantation utensils on the plantation at my death. Three of the best horses, four of the best milch cows, one yoke best oxen, one ox cart, twenty; best sheep, one gig, all the geese, turkeys and fowls. Also the interest which may be due or accrues upon $2000 of Virginia State Stock during her natural life of widowhood. The above negroes and other property not specified in the marriage settlement entered into with my wife at the time of our marriage to be in addition to the property secured to her by that instrument. It is my will and desire that such portion of the land as shall not be required for cultivation by my wife with her own negroes she shall permit my daughter Mariah to cultivate without paying rent for the same. It is also my Will and desire that my wife Elizabeth Shores shall be allowed to cut and sued whatever Timber and Fire wood that may be necessary for the purpose of the plantation, but in other respects to hold the property herein bequeathed to her subject to the superintendance and control of m executors herein after named and appointed; in order that they may see that its is preserved from waste and managed in such manner as in their opinion shall best preserve its value and enhance its profits and convenience.
Thirdly. I give and devise to my daughter Maria, wife of Martin Tutwiler and her heirs forever the tract of land whereon I now reside it being the same herein loaned to my wife Elizabeth Shores with all the appurtances thereto belonging subject only tot he life estate herein given and including all the lands within the following boundaries to wit. Beginning at the mouth of Little Rock Fish Creek thence running up said Creek according to its meanders to a back line called Perry’s line to the land late the property of John Pettus dec’d, thence on the line of the last mentioned land crossing Big Rockfish for such distance as that a new Short line to be run one south to the James River, shall include fifth acres of land on that side of the said last mention3ed Creek thence on said meanders to the beginning. I also give and devise to my said daughter Maria and her heirs forever a small island in James River which I purchased of Peter Guerrant supposed to contain about seven acres.
Fourthly. I devise and bequeath to my executors herein after named and appointed as Trustees for the use and benefit of my son Wilson Shores and family all the lands now owned by me know as Ware’s Old Tract, Containing by estimation 410 acres bounded by the land of James Stratton and Catherine Johnson. Also an island in James River called Piney Island containing about 15 acres and another island called Fishing Island containing about three acres. Also the Tact of land adjoining the above named tract which I purchased of Perry bounded on the lines of Mrs. Johnson, John Pettus dec’d and John Blackburn. Also the tract of land lately purchased by me for John M. Johnson adjacent the lands above first named devised to my executors as aforesaid for the benefit of the said Wilson Shores and family. I also bequeath to my executors in like manner and for the same purpose ten shares of the Capital Stock of the James River and Kanawha Co., now owned by me, all of which lands and stock to be held by my said executors as Trustees as aforesaid and the profits at their discretion to be applied to the use and benefit of my said son Wilson and his family during the term of the natural lives of the said Wilson Shores and his wife or either of them and after their death I give and devise the same lands and stock to William Shores son of the said Wilson Shores if he be living at the time of my death, otherwise to the next oldest son of the said Wilson Shores then living forever.
Fifthly, I confirm unto my son Chastaine Shores all the property heretofore given him which is all I intend him to receive from my estate.
Sixthly. I give unto my daughter Nancy Steger Widow of the late Thomas Steger, $1000 to be paid out of any property left by me at my death not otherwise disposed of.
Seventhly. I to grandson Eli S. Tutwiler son of Martin Tutwiler I give devise and bequeath all the lands now belonging to me included within the following boundaries to wit. From the point at which the new line mentioned in the third article of this instrument intersects James River, up said River to Hardware River to Goolsbys line thence to Gilmer’s line and Dawson’s line and Pettus lien to the before mentioned new line and on that line to the beginning, to him and his heirs forever. I also bequeath to the said Eli S. Tutwiler the $2000 of Virginia State Stock now held by me the interest of which I herein bequeathed to my wife during her life. The said Eli to take said stock at the death or marriage of said Elizabeth Shores.
Eighthly, it is my will and desire that all the balance of any property should be sold by my executors and that my slaves shall be allowed to select such masters as they may wish to serve, subject to the discretion and approbation of my executors herein named to whom they shall be sold at reasonable prices, and after the payment of my debts and the legacy to by Daughter Nancy, the balance I bequeath to be equally divided between my daughters Lucy Perkins, wife of Richard Perkins, and Alley Stone wife of Daniel Stone, or their heirs should they or either of them die before me. This last bequest is intended to embrace all of my estate and other debts due me and all the property given to my wife during her life either by this instrument or our marriage settlement except the real estate.
Ninthly. I hereby appoint my sons-in-law, Martin Tutwiler and Daniel Stone and my nephew William Tompkins executors of this my last will and testament and trustees as before mentioned for my son Wilson Shores and family. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 22nd day of April 1841.
Fluvanna County, VA, Will Book 5, p65
Will of Elizabeth Woodson GILLIAM Putney Shores, 1847
- Fluvanna County, VA, Deed Book
- Fluvanna County, VA, Will Book 5, p65
- Southern Campaigns Revolutionary War Pension Statements & Rosters, Transcribed and annotated by C. Leon Harris, www.southerncampaign.org
- Ward, Roger G. 1815 Directory of Virginia Landowners (and Gazetteer) Volume 1, Central Region. Athens, GA: Iberian Pub. Co., 1997.