Updated December 25, 2023

Halifax County was named for George Montague Dunk, second earl of Halifax, who was president of the Board of Trade from 1748 to 1761. It was formed from Lunenburg County in 1752. Its area is 805.7 square miles, and the county seat is Halifax. The city of South Boston reverted to the county in 1995.
Antrim Parish, 1752

There are several GILLIAMs lines present in the early days of Halifax County. Richard GILLIAM, who married the widow of Nicholas Hobson and deeds land to the sons of Nicholas, appears to be the same Richard GILLIAM who appears in the Cumberland Parish, tithes of Lunenburg County listed with the estate of Nicholas Hobson. Richard dies in 1794 Halifax leaving his estate to his nephews, brother and sister, the Hobsons and a few friends.
Another GILLIAM is James GILLIAM who receives a grant for 94 acres on Smith's River in 1761 which was previously granted to William Anglin. This grant appears to be adjacent to 200 acres already entered by James GILLIAM along Beaver Creek of the Smith River. The 94 acre tract which ends up in Pittsylvania is later sold by "James GILLIAM of Cumberland" to David Hailey.
A Robert GILLIAM is mentioned in the Accounts of Matthew Sims. It is likely that this Robert is related to the GILLIAMs of Union County, SC, for that is where many of Matthew Sim's relatives settled.

18 Aug 1786
We, William Hobson, Richard GILLIAM, and Joseph Hobson, give bond of £350 to the gentleman justices of H this Aug 18 1786, to warrant that sd William Hobson, who, agreeable to an order of the H [Halifax] Court, has undertaken to build a bridge over Hico [Creek] at McCartry's ford and to keep the same in good repair sufficient for wagons &c to pass over sd bridge for the term of 5 years, will truly build sd bridge by next Dec 1, and keep the same in good repair 5 years.
Sig: Wm Hobson, Richard GILLIAM, Joseph Hobson
Wit: N. Hobson
Rec: 18 Oct 1787
Halifax County, VA, Deed Book 14, page 185
26 Oct 1787
From Joseph Gill, Jr., of H, to Richard GILLIAM & Nicholas Hobson, for £300, during the natural life of sd Richard GILLIAM and after his death to sd Nicholas Hobson, about 250 acres in H on the lower or east side of Mayo Cr, and bounded by Wm Hobson, the afd. N. Hobson, it being the same land the sd Jo. Gill purchased of William Gill by H deed.
Sig: Jo Gill, Jr.
Wit: Jos (his I mark) Gill, Sr., John Goode, John Fitts, Wm Terry, Jno Walsh, Geo Isbell, Hampton Wade, Joseph Glenn.
Rec: 26 Jul 1790.
Halifax County, VA, Deed Book 14, page 680
26 Jul 1790
I, Richard GILLIAM, of H, for the affection I have for William Hobson, son of Nichs Hobson of H[alifax], I give sd Wm 2 Negroes, to wit, Kit and Alice, with the increase of sd Alice, after my death.
Sig: Richard GILLIAM
Wit: Jno. Walsh
Rec: 26 Jul 1790
Halifax County, VA, Deed Book 14, page 684
[NB Richard GILLIAM married the widow of Nicholas Hobson.]
31 Mar 1792
From Nicholas Hobson of H, to Samuel Garland of Lunenburg County, for £150, about 250 acres in H on the lower or east side of Mayo Creek, bounded by William Hobson on the afd. Cr, thence to the afd. N. Hobson, A. Hobson, the same being the lands which sd Hobson purchased of Joseph G[ill] Jr. by H deed wherein it is printed that Richard GILLIAM, now living on sd land, shall have the use of the sd land and premises during his natural life.
N. Hobson
Wit: Robert Parish, W. Hobson, Jr., Danl (X) Good, Charles Bruce, Geo. Craghead, H. Lownes?, Nathl Jones.
Rec: 23 Apr 1792
Halifax County, VA, Deed Book 15, page 340
[NB published transcription of this deed reads Joseph Gee, Jr., however, in light of deed of 26 Oct 1787, above, it is believed the Joseph Gee, Jr. should read Joseph Gill, Jr.]
Grants, Bounds and Headrights
William Anglin, 94 acs. 12 Feb 1755
Lunenburgh C., Beg. On the N side of Smith’s Riv. Opposite the Mouth of Bowings Cr.; 10 Shill.
[Regranted to James GILLIAM in Halifax Co. PB 34]

John Fargeson, 404 acs. 10 Aug 1759
Halifax Co. on GILHAMS Br. The S side of Roanoak Riv. adj. GILHAM & the sd. Stephens, £2.

James GILLIAM, 94 acs. 7 Aug 1761
Halifax Co. on both sides of Smith’s River & down Bowings Cr. ,10 Shill, Whereas by pat 12 Feb. 1755 gtd. William Anglin then in Lunenburgh Co. now Halifax and whereas William Anglin hath failed to pay Quitrents and to make Cultiv. & Improv. And James GILLIAM hath made humble suit and obtained a G. for the same,

Richard Gilliam

Richard Gillum


Richard GILLIM

Richard Gilliam

Richard Gilliam

Richard Guilliam

26 Mar 1792
Accounts of Matthews Sims, Paul Carrington, Admr
Among accounts is Ro GUILLIAM, cash.
"On the above accounts current of Paul Carrington Admr, Est. of Mat. Sims dec'd find a bal. of £30/17/2.5 due the Admr from the est. to this day.
Rec: 26 Mar 1792
9 Dec 1794
Will of Richard GILLAM
In the name of God Amen, I Richard GILLAM of Halifax County & State of Virginia being sick & weak of body but of a disposing mind & memory do hereby make my last will & testament in manner and form following viz
I give unto my nephew John Smith of New Kent County & his heirs one Negro boy named Sam.
I give unto my nephew Lewis Smith & his heirs one Negro boy named Brister.
I desire to give one Negro woman named Biddy unto the children of William Hobson of Chatham County and state of North Carolina
But there must twenty pounds be first raised out of her which I desire may be left to the ____ and management of Jonathan Patteson of Lunenburg County and the money thus raised to _____ to my estate & then for the said Negro to be given to them and their heirs
I given unto David Brooks of Pearson County & State of North Carolina & to his heirs twenty pounds Virginia currency
I also desire that he be well satisfied & paid out of my estate for his trouble and taking care of my stock and my desire is after my just debts funeral expenses be paid for the rest of my estate real and personal to be equally divided between the following persons and their heirs (to both my nephews John and Lewis Smith above named, my brother Jeffrey GILLIAM of Charles City County, my sister Ann GILLIAM now living with me, my nephew Francis Drake of New Kent County and my friend John Hobson, Sr., of Halifax County & William Hobson of South Carolina ____________________________ of Wilkes County and State of Georgia
and I do hereby appoint my nephew John Smith and Lewis Smith of New Kent County and my friend Edward Garlington of Halifax County executor of my last Will & Testament herby revoking all former wills by me heretofore made in witness whereof I hereunto set my hand and seal this ninth day of December 1794.
Signed, sealed, published and declared to be the last will and testament of the sd Richard GILLAM in presence of Frances Foard, Braxton Foard, John Brooks, Junr
Sig: Richard [his mark] GILLAM
At a court held for the Halifax County the 22nd day of December 1794 the within written last Will & Testament of Richard GILLAM, dec’d was presented in Court & proved by the oaths of 2 witnesses thereunto subscribed and ordered to be recorded and on the motion of Edwin Garlington one of the Executors therein named who made oath according to law together with Marmaduke Stanfield, Thomas Watkins, John Ragland his security entered into & acknowledged bond in the penalty of ten thousand dollars condition according to law certificate for obtain probate thereof in due form, liberty being reserved to the other executors to join in the probate when he shall see cause.
Teste George Carrington, CHC
Truly Recorded
Teste Wm Thompson DCHC
Rec: 22 Dec 1794

January Court 1795
Inventory & Appraisement of the Estate of Richard GILLIAM Deceased

July Court 1795
An Account of the Sale of the Estate of Richard GILLAM, dec'd
Among the purchasers is Ann GILLAM, 1 feather bed and furniture, 7.0.6
[It is assumed that Ann is the sister of Richard]

- Binns Genealogy. County Tax Lists of Virginia.
- Halifax County, VA, Deed Books
- Halifax County, VA, Will Books
- Nugent, Nell Marion. Cavaliers and Pioneers: A Calendar of Virginia Land Grants, 1623-1800. Vol. 1:1-7. Richmond, VA: Dietz Printing Co.