Updated December 25, 2023

Frederick County was named for Frederick Louis, Prince of Wales and eldest son of George II. It was formed from Orange County in 1738, but the county government was not organized until 1743. Part of Augusta County was added later. Its area is 426 square miles, and the county seat is Winchester.
Beckford Parish, 1769-1772
Frederick Parish, 1738
Norborne Parish, 1769-1772

Frederick County was populated at roughly the same time by two distinct GILLIAM lines: Peter GILHAM and William GILLIAM. It is likely that both migrated to Virginia from Pennsylvania or Delaware. There is no indication that they are related. Peter appears to associate with those of Germanic descent whereas, William appears to associate with Quakers.
William married Hannah Milburn and is said to have migrated to Newberry District, SC where he leaves a Will, recorded 4 Mar 1789.
Peter is said to have married Mary Ann Kline, the widow of Jacob Marker. It appears that he was married earlier to possibly a Sarah. For a time Peter owned "The Glebe, often called the Glade." It was a celebrated tract of land lying on the West side of the old Cartmell and Froman roads. When the first Vestry was formed in Frederick County, a certain survey was designated as the Glebeland, to be known as the property of the Established Church. All revenues to be for the use of the Vestry towards the "living of the Minister."
In 1754, Nathaniel Carr obtained a grant from Fairfax. Carr's grant lapped over into the Glebe. He and the vestry compromised, Carr paying a nominal rent, and was virtually owner. He sold a portion of his grant and included part of the Glebe, to Peter GILHAM on 2 Sep 1777. At this time the Vestry was so demoralized by changed conditions in their Church, brought about by the war then in progress, that the tenants were forgotten; and the Glebe was regarded for many years as the property of GILHAM's estate. Titles to the Glebe tract were disputed for many years. Some of Peter's descendants settled in Perry County, IN.
Though a son named Peter has not been attributed to the above Peter Gilham, a Peter was married by Rev. John B. Tilden on 1 Oct 1822, to an Elizabeth Jackson in Frederick. This Peter continues in Frederick census records for numerous years. It should be noted that Mary, the daughter of Peter was also married by Rev. Tilden. Peter "Jr." if not a son or Peter Gilham, appears to be a near relative.
Peter Gillum
Ancestry.com. Census Place: Stephensburg, Frederick, Virginia; Roll: M33_138; Page: 16; Image: 24.
Peter Gillum
Ancestry.com. Census Place: Western District, Frederick, Virginia; Roll: 190; Page: 113.
Peter Gilham
Ancestry.com. Census Place: Frederick, Virginia; Roll: 555; Page: 95.
[By 1850, Peter was living in District 58, Shenandoah, VA]
2 Sept 1755
William GILLIAM to Joseph Horner of Monmouth County, East New Jersey
Frederick County, VA, Deed Book 4, page 64
12 Oct 1763
William Gillum of Frederick Co set forth there are 167 A. in Opeckon in said Co. 380 A. granted John Frost 12 Nov 1735. Frost said Peter Faulkner by estimation 200 A. by deeds of Lease & Release 10 & 11 Jan 1737 recorded in Co. Ct of Orange. Peter Faulkner died interstate without known heirs. Land escheated. Certificate by Mr. James Keith Clerk of Frederick Co. Ct 167 A. to Gillum. Surv. Mr. Thomas Rutherford. Adj. Hugh Parrell, Lick Br., Jonathan Taylor, John Milburn. 12 Oct 1763
Virginia Northern Neck Land Grants, Volume II 1742-1775, page 153.
[William GILLIAM received a Fairfax Grant for 167 acres which was part of the land John Frost sold to Peter Faulkner in 1737. Faulkner died intestate without known heirs. Will and his wife, Hannah, lived on this tract, #64A, map 7.]
Pioneers of Old Frederick County, VA
[Pioneers contains sketch of family of Hannah Milburn.]

Hofstra, Warren R., The Planting of New Virginia: Settlement and Landscape in The Shenandoah Valley.
7 Dec 1763
William & Hannah GILLIAM to Thomas Helms, land corner of John Milburn
Wit: Henry Heth, John McMachen, George Cunningham and John Reed.
Frederick County, VA, Deed Book 9, page 173
6 Aug 1765
William & Hannah GILLIAM to Daniel Bush 83 acres, drains on the Opeckon.
Frederick County, VA, Deed Book 10, page 457
22 May 1766
Jacob & Margaret Ragen land by Mary Littler, Hugh Haynes, Thomas Hyatt, Patrick Coyle, Doct. John Briscoe, and Joseph Carter.
Wit: John Niell, Thomas Helm, Edward Dood and James Carpenter.
Frederick County, VA, Deed Book 11, page 199
1 Sep 1766
Daniel & Dinah Bush to Philip Bush, payment of 389 pnds to John Bell city of Phila, PA, land Daniel purchased from Robert Lemon 7 may 1765, land by John Baylis and William GILLIAM
wit: none
Frederick County, VA, Deed Book 11, page 167
2 Mar 1768
Thomas Helm to Henry Heth 83 acres land granted to William & Hannah GILLIAM, corner of John Milburn.
Wit: Luke Collins
Frederick County, VA, Deed Book 12, page 180
2 Mar 1768
Between Thomas Helm of county of Frederick to Henry Heth of said county . . . consideration of five shillings . . . tract or dividend of land lying on the Drains of the Opeckon . . . eight three acres and two rood the same being part of one hundred and sixty seven acres of land Granted to William Gillum as escheated land by deed under the hand & seal of the right honourable Thomas Lord Fairfax the xii October MDCCLXIII . . . by Said William gillum and Hannah his wife conveyed to said Thomas Helm by deeds of L & R the 7th and 8th Dec MDCCLXIII corner to John Millburn . . . rent of one pepper corn on Lady day next. . .
Sig: Thomas Helm
Wit: Enoch Innis, Bryan Bruin, Luke Collins
Rec: 3 Mar 1768
Frederick County, VA, Deed Book 12, page 180
23 Jan 1770
Henry & Agnes Heth to Philip Bush, land granted to William & Hannah GILLIAM.
Wit: William Hansill, John Homann and Alexander White
Frederick County, VA, Deed Book 13, page 192
23 Jan 1770
Between Henry Heth of Frederick County to Philip Bush of Winchester in the said County . . . consideration of five shillings . . . tract of land situate on the drains of Opeckon . . . containing one hundred and sixty seven acres of land granted to William Gillum as escheated land by Deed from the Proprietor of Northern Neck the 12th Oct 1763 & by said William Gillum & Hannah his wife conveyed to Thomas Helm & by said Thomas Helm convey to Henry Heth by Deeds of L & R the 2nd and 3rd march 1768 . . . rent one pepper corn on Lady Day of said Term . . .
Sig: Henry Heth
Wit: Alex White, William Hansill, John Homman
Rec: 7 Feb 1770
Frederick County, VA, Deed Book 13, page 192
1 Aug 1778
Philp & Catherine Bush to Thomas Edmonson 83 acres, land granted to William & Hannah GILLIAM.
Wit: Jon. Taylor, Thomas Helm, John Millburn and George Mauk/Mock?
1 Sep 1777
[Lease] Between Nathaniel Carr of Frederick County [to] Peter Gilham of the same place . . . consideration of five pounds . . . Tract of Land cont aining One Hundred Acres situate Lying and being on a Drain of Cedar joining to lands of John Schnepp & Richard Fawcett . . . Yielding and pay ing one Ear of Indian Corn upon the feast day of Christmas . . .
Wit: Joseph Longacre Nathaniel Carr
Jacob Havely
Re: 2 Sep 1777
Gilreath, Amelia C. Deed Books 17 and 18, Page 56
Frederick County, VA, Book 17, page 326
2 June 1777
[Release] Between Nathaniel Carr & Sarah his wife of Frederick County [to] Peter Gilham of the same place . . . consideration of Fifty Pounds . . . 100 Acres
Wit. same as above Nathaniel Carr
Rec: 2 Sept 1777 Sarah Carr
Frederick County, VA, Book 17, page 329
19 Aug, 1780
Articles of agreement Between Peter Gilham of Frederick County and Nathaniel Carr of the same place . . . said Peter Gilham for and in consi deration of privileges and agreements hereafter mentioned hath agreed to let the said Nathaniel Carr and Sarah his wife have free privilege to live in his southern most dwelling house which he is to kepp in good repa ir during his natural life . . . also one third part of the ledger that c an be made of the produce . . . said Peter Gilham to pay unto Aaron Mercer Adm. the sum of forty pounds in Gold or Silver also the sum of ten pounds in gold or silver to Alice Vance daughter of sd Nathaniel Carr . . . Above mentioned benefits of of said Land the said Nathaniel Carr doth here by oblige himself in his last Will and Testament to give the Land above me ntioned unto said Peter Gilham during his natural life & then it devolve to his son David Carr Gilham.
Wit: Joseph Longacre Peter Gilham
Jno. Taylor Nathaniel (C) Carr
Henry Moor
Recorded: 5 Feb. 1798
Deed Books 25 and 26, 1796-1800, Page 57
Frederick County, VA, Book 25, p 321
3 Sep 1784
Joseph & Margaery Horner to John Tremble, land formerly of William GILLIAM, corner of Joseph Carter, Robert Stewart, John Littler Dec'd and John Briscoe
Wit: none
Frederick County, VA, Deed Book ___, page ___
15 Dec 1797
Between Peter Gilham of the County of Frederick to David Carr Gilham and William Gilham of the same place . . . WHEREAS said Peter Gilham is possessed on 100 acres of land in County of Frederick . . . one moiety of a Tract Granted by Thomas Lord Fairfax to Nathaniel Carr by patent the 8th Nov. 1754 . . . on the south east side of the Great road leading to Winchest er containg 100 acres for and during the natural life of said Peter Gilham with the remainder to his son the said David Carr Gilham . . . NOW this Indenture for and in consideration of the premises and one Dollar paid by said David Carr Gilham and William Gilham the tract of Land herein before mentioned . . .
Wit: Obed Waite Peter Gilham
William Hollliday
William Gossett
Nathl Cartmill
Rec: 5 Feb 1798
Deed Books 25 and 26, 1796-1800, Pg. 46
Frederick County, VA, Book 25, p 260
___ 1800
Between Peter Senseney and Mary his wife of county of Frederick [to] George Pfleager of County aforesaid . . . consideration of one hundred dollars . . . a certain tract or Lott of land situate lying & being in the county aforesaid . . . corner to Jacob Danners late survey . . . containing five acres which said lott is part of a larger tract of land conveyed by deeds of L & R from George Worth to said Peter Senseney . . . and it being part of a tract which was grnated to Robert Worth by deeds L & R from Jost Hite & Mary his wife the 25th & 26th March 1736 . . . and being part of a tract granted the said Jost Hite by Patent the 3rd Oct 1734 for two thousand one hundred & sixty acres . . .
Sig: Peter Senseney, Mary (+) Senseney
Wit: Jacob Danner, William GILHAM
Rec: 3 Feb 1800
Frederick County, VA, Deed Book ___, page ___
31 Mar 1800
Between Peter Senseney and Mary his wife of county of Frederick [to] John Smith of county aforesaid . . . consideration of one dollar . . . a certain lot of land situate lying in the county aforesaid in Middletown which lot is known by No. 20 . . . corner to William GILHAM . . . containing one half acre . . .
Sig: Peter Senseney, Mary (x) Senseney
Wit: Jacob Danner, John Senseney
Rec: 31 Mar 1800
Frederick County, VA, Deed Book 26, page 319

15 Jun 1754
GILLIAM, William.
276 acres on a branch of Opeckon called Littler’s Branch adjoining John Littler’s patent land.
Northern Neck Grants, reels 288-311.
Northern Neck Grants H, p. 445 (Reel 293).
12 Oct 1763
William Gillum
167 acres ajoining Hugh Parrels patent land and Johathan Tayler.
Northern Neck Grants M, 1762-1765, p. 202 (Reel 295).
24 Aug 1831
Joseph Snapp
5 1/4 acres joining Clevenger, GILHAM and others.
Northern Neck Grants, reels 288-311.
Northern Neck Surveys, 1-6, A-E, reels 312-320.
Northern Neck Grants D, No. 2, 1820-1829, p. 113-114 (Reel 309).
Recorded survey available. Northern Neck Surveys No. C, 1827-1833, p. 240-241 (Reel 319).
30 Oct 1830
Part 1: Philip P. Bucher & Margaret his wife Part 2: John J., Moses, and Samuel Bucher $100 Following tracts of land: 343 acres on which Philip P. now resides which he purchased of Fredk Strosnider 32-33 acres adjoining the first mentioned tracted granted by patent from the Governor of Virginia 160 acres also granted by patent by Governor of Virginia. And to pay after the death of Philip P and Margaret Bucher, the following: $100 to Catherine Carr, wife of James Carr $100 to Elizabeth GILHAM, wife of Levy GILHAM $100 to Leah Bucher $100 to Philip A. Bucher $50 to Abraham Bucher $15 to Ellis Bucher About 10 acres of land on the North West side of the 160 acre tract to Leah Bucher for during her natural life.
Signed: Saml Kercheval Moses Russell Alexander Briton Philip P. Bucher John J. Bucher Moses Bucher Samuel Bucher
1815 Landowner's Directory
David C. GILHAM, 8SW
Peter GILHAM, heirs, 9SW
[Directions and distances are measured from the Courthouse.]
Ward, Roger G. 1815 Directory of Virginia Landowners (and Gazetteer) Volume 4. Athens, GA: Iberian Pub. Co.
6 Jun 1763
William GILLIAM and Hannah Milburn
22 Jul 1792
Peter GILHAM and Mary Ann [Klyne/Kline] Marker, Minister Christian Streit
11 Dec 1794
Sarah GILHAM and Benjamin Ober, Minister Christian Streit
2 Sep 1801
Mary GILHAM and Jacob Hoffman, Bond Joseph Venable
6 Oct 1801
William GILHAM and Mary Goodycunts, Bond George Goodycunts
28 Aug 1811
Mary GILHAM and Benjamin Richard, Minister John B. Tilden
23 Sep 1813
Ezekiel GILHAM and Isabelle McMillan, Minister Andrew A. Shannon
10 Dec 1814
Levi Carr GILHAM and Elizabeth Boucher, Bond Elias Boucher
29 Apr 1817
Martha GILHAM and William Clevenger, Minister Andrew A. Shannon
30 Jan 1822
Hannah GILHAM and John Harper, Minister George Reed
1 Oct 1822
Peter GILHAM and Elizabeth Jackson, Minister John B. Tilden
10 Feb 1823
Martha GILHAM and James Fry, Bond Henry Brill
12 Feb 1823
Eliza GILHAM and Alfred Garrett, Bond Benjamin King
2 Dec 1824
Lucy GILHAM and David Pitcock, Bond Wm Clevenger
9 Jun 1827
Maria GILHAM and John Garrett, Minister Thomas Coterell
Davis, Eliza Timberlake. Frederick County, Virginia Marriages 1771-1825. Smithfield, VA, 1941.
William GILHAM of the company commanded by Captain Isaac Parkins . . . ten shillings . . . one private . . .
Frederick County VA, Militia Records, 1755-1761
Personal Property Taxes
Year | Name | Source |
1783 | Peter Gilham | Image 13 |
1783 | Peter Gilham | Image 3 |
1784 | Peter Gilham | Image 4 |
1785 | Peter Gilham | Image 5 |
1786 | Peter Gilham | List B, Image 7 |
19 Mar 1787 | Peter Gilham | List B, Image 14 |
9 Jun 1787 | David Gilham | List B, Image 15 |
18 Mar 1788 | Peter Gilham | List B, Image 8 |
31 May 1788 | David Gilham | List B, Image 8 |
17 Mar 1789 | Peter Gilham | List B, Image 12 |
19 Mar 1790 | David Gilham | List B, Image 11 |
1790 | Peter Gilham | List B, Image 12 |
18 Mar 1791 | Peter Gilham | List B, Image 11 |
1792 | Not Available | |
19 Mar 1793 | Peter Gilham | List B, Image 10 |
19 Mar 1793 | David Gilham | List B, Image 10 |
19 Mar 1794 | Peter Gilham | List B, Image 9 |
19 Mar 1794 | David Gilham | List B, Image 9 |
15 Jun 1795 | Peter Gilham | List B, Image 12 |
5 Apr 1796 | David Gilham | List B, Image 6 |
5 Apr 1796 | Peter Gilham | List B, Image 6 |
30 Mar 1797 | Peter Gilham | List A, Image 6 |
1798 | David Gilham | List B, Image 7 |
1799 | William Gilham | List B, Image 6 |
1799 | David Gilham | List B, Image 6 |
1800 | David C. Gilham | List B, Image 7 |
1800 | William Gilham | List B, Image 7 |
1801 | David C. Gilham | List B, Image 7 |
1801 | William Gilham | List B, Image 7 |
1802 | David C. Gilham | List B, Image 11 |
1802 | William Gilham | List B, Image 11 |
10 Nov 1771
Will of Elizabeth Milburn
Sons: John, William, Andrew
Daughters: Patience Perkins, Hannah GILLIM, Elizabeth Perkins, Phebe Perkins
Exr: Son, Andrew, Thomas McClure
Wit: Thmas and Hannah McClure
Rec: 7 Sep 1773
[Sister of Hannah Milburn GILLIAM. Alternative date for will is 9 Oct 1771]
Frederick County, VA, Will Book ___, pages ___.
1 May 1815
Nuncupative Will
To wife Martha entire estate, she to raise children and at her death children to share equally.
Attested by Ezekiel GILHAM, Thomas GILHAM.
Frederick County, VA, Will Book ___, pages 393-394
- BinnsGenealogy.com. Personal Property Taxes. Frederick County, VA.
- Cartmell, Thomas K. Shenandoah Valley Pioneers and Their Descendants, A History of Frederick County, Virginia, 1909, page 282
- Davis, Eliza Timberlake. Frederick County, Virginia Marriages 1771-1825. Smithfield, VA, 1941.
- Frederick County VA, Militia Records, 1755-1761
- Gray, Gertrude E. Virginia Northern Neck Land Grants, Volume II, 1742-1775, page 153.
- Hofstra, Warren R., The Planting of New Virginia: Settlement and Landscape in The Shenandoah Valley.
- O'Dell, Cecil, Pioneers of Old Frederick County, Virginia, Marceline, MO: Walsworth Publishing Company, 1995, pp. 244.
- Ward, Roger G. 1815 Directory of Virginia Landowners (and Gazetteer) Volume 4. Athens, GA: Iberian Pub. Co.