Updated December 25, 2023


Bristol Parish, abt 1643-1735
Dale Parish, 1734-1739
Henrico Parish, abt 1611
King William Parish, 1700-1749
Saint James Parish, 1720-1728
Varina Parish, abt 1680-1714

Some of the first GILLIAMs settled in Henrico. John GILLIAM who married Margery appears in records as early as 1663 as Mr. John GILLAM. From available records one may conclude that he had the following children: Hinchea and Elizabeth who settled in Surry, and John and Charles who settled in Prince George.
Some have suggested that there is a Randolph connection:
John GILLIAM owned land both in Henrico. He was granted 244 acres on Swift Creek in Henrico County in 1663. GILLIAM later deserted this land and ownership returned to the Colony. The same land was then granted to Henry Randolph on 21 Sep 1671, who apparently had in mind returning the land to the GILLIAMs. However, John GILLIAM died in 1673 after which Randolph decided to transfer the land to John GILLIAM's widow, Margery. But before he completed the transaction, Randolph himself died but not before making his intention a part of his will. Some of the provisions of Randolph's will were delayed until 1687 when Henry Randolph II, only eight years old at the time of his father's death, reached the age of majority. Thus it was Henry Randolph II who, by means of a deed executed in 1687, finally accomplished the actual transfer of the 244 acres to Margery GILLIAM Briggs.
In Charles City on 25 Feb 1663/64 Henry Randolph and John GILLUM witness the Power of Attorney of Thomas Lowe of Bristol Parish to "father in law" John Wilson. And also, on that same day Henry Randolph and John GILLUM witness an Acknowledgment between John Wilson, Sr., and Thomas Lowe. [It should be noted that the above name GILLUM appears to be spelt Cillum, but doubtless it is GILLUM.]
Jeffrey of Charles City makes an appearance as a witness in the 1690's. Jeffrey GILLIAM, Jr., witnesses the Will of William Garrett in 1724 along with Bevills (relations of Elizabeth above) and in the 1740's in regard to a deed Richard Dickenson.
The name Burrell/Burrill/Burwell is passed down in the GILLIAMs of Albemarle Parish. (It makes its first known appearance in 1720 when John and Sarah name a child Burrill.) The first connection between the name Burrell and the GILLIAMs occurs here in Henrico in 1663 when Mr. John GILLIAM appraised the goods of Francis Burrell. It should be noted that Henry Randolph and John Wilson, mentioned above, are Burrell's surety. It should also be noted that there is some debate as to whether the name mentioned in regard to Francis is Burrell or Burnell/Burnoll. Due to the Randolph and Wilson connection, as well as that of Sturdivant, combined with John GILLIAM and the naming GILLIAM children Burrell, I prefer Burrell.
A Margery GILLIAM in 1699 receives a legacy from her godfather, Anthony Knight, along with a Burrell Gordon. (There's that name again!) It is believed that Margery is a grand daughter instead of a daughter of John and Margery. Son, Charles, gives his age in 1693 as 26 (born about 1666). It is very likely that there were grandchildren of John and Margery by the time of Knight's will in 1699. It is believed that Margery is the daughter of John and Ann of Bristol Parish. See Amelia County GILLIAMs.
In the 1740's and 1750's a John GILLIAM appears in the records of Henrico. In 1744 John GILLIAM along with Mary Baugh, Peter Ashbrook, Peter Ashbrook, Jr., John Baugh, Joseph Ashbrook witness the deed of Thomas Nibb of Henrico County and William Baugh, Jr. of Goochland County to William Pride of Henrico County.
In 1754 a John and Sarah witness the Will of Samuel Butler. It is likely that this John is the John above mentioned in regard to the Nibbs and Baughs. It has been suggested that John and Sarah are the John and Sarah (Faris) GILLIAM of St. James Northam Parish, Goochland. Others have suggested that they are the John and Sarah of Albemarle Parish, however, this is impossible since John's Will was recorded in Surry in 1738.
On 14 Nov 1757, a John of Henrico purchases land from Obadiah Patterson in Goochland on the Branches of the Great Lickinghole.
Obadiah Patterson sells to John Gilliham of Henrico Co. For 200 pounds, 400 acres of land on branches of Great Lickinghole. Bounded by Edward New, Charles Christian.
Wit: Alex Fowler, John Payne, Jos. Davis.
Rec: Nov. 16, 1757
Court Orders
31 Aug 1663
Francis Burrell, in consideration that Henry Randolph & John Wilson are bound with me to keep harmless and indemnify the Henrico Court, because of any damage to them by reason of Robinson, decd., whose relict I married; and I assign all my good, etc., in an inventory taken and valued this day by Mr. Thomas Bats, Mr. John GILLAM, Mr. John Sturdivant, and Mr. Barthollmew Chandler,
31 Aug 1663
Wit: Wm. Walthall, Bat. Chandler
Signed: Fran. Burwell
Francis Burwell appoints Mr. William Baugh his attorney.
Wit: Wm. Walthall
Sig: Fran Burwell
Henrico County, VA, Court Orders, Book ___, page ___
1 Feb 1697/98
I appoint Dionisious Wright my attorney in Henrico County Court.
Sig: Rich'd Bradford
Wit: Jeffrey (I) GILLAM
Henrico County, VA, Court Orders, Book ___, page ___
21 Sep 1671
To all to whom these presents shall come Greetings:
Whereas Henry Randolph, late of this county of Henrico, deceased, did, by virtue of the General Court bearing date ye 21 of September 1671, make out and patent a tract formerly deserted by Mr. John GILLIAM as by ye patent for ye same dated at James City ye May 17, 1673 may plainly appear; and the said Randolph did assign over ye said land unto Mrs. Margery Guyllam, relict of ye said John, her heirs and assigns forever on 16 July 1673, but before ye same was acknowledged in Court or ratified according did depart this life.
Now I, Henry Randolph, son and heir of ye before mentioned deceased Henry Randolph, out of filial duty and reverence I bear to ye memory of my said deceased father, do grant unto Margery Briggs, late relict of ye aforesaid John Guilliam and assignee of Mr. Henry Randolph and assign forever that piece, parcel and tract of land situated, lying or being in Bristol Parish in ye county of Charles Citty on ye southside of Appomattox River as in contained herein ye bounds in ye before mentioned patent granted ye said Henry Randolph.
Henrico County, VA, Deed Book ___, page ___
1 Feb 1693
Ages as given by deposition
John West, age 20
Charles Gillom, age 26
Henrico County, VA, Deed Book ___, page ___
Deeds, 1673-1705
Dec 1717
Robert Napier of Henrico County to Nicholas Cox of Charles City County, for £25, a tract bounded by Peter's branch of Tuckahoe Creek, Ellises line, Hardings branch and land of Francis Chumley bought of Thomas Harding; being land said Napier bought of John Ellis of Henrico County.
Wit: Jones? [sic in Weisiger] GILLIAM, Michall Thomas, Sam'l (S) Hix, John Spear, James (I) Spear.
Signed R. Napier
Rec: 7 apr 1718
Henrico County, VA, Deed Book ___, page ___
April 1742 Court
Jeffery GILLUM to Richard Dickenson
Henrico County, VA, Deed Book ___, page ___
18 Mar 1744
Thomas Nibb of Henrico County and William Baugh, Jr. of Goochland County to William Pride of Henrico County for £50, 104 acres bounded by north side of main road along Peter Ashbrook's line. Tanner's line and Joseph Wilkinson.
Wit: Mary (X) Baugh, Peter Ashbrook, John GILLIAM, Peter Ashbrook, Jr., John Baugh, Joseph Ashbrook.
Signed: Thomas Knibb, William Baugh,
Recorded 1 Monday of July 1745
Ann wife of Thomas relinquished her dower right.
Henrico County, VA, Deed Book ___, page ___
Thomson's Mercantile and Professional Directory, 1851
Tobacco Manufacturers
GILLIAM & Matthews, cor. Cary and 11th.
Thomson's Mercantile and Professional Directory, 1851
13 Nov 1799
Dudley Gilman and Polley Ford, daughter of Samuel
23 Jun 1809
Dudley Gilman and Mahaly Tharp
26 Jun 1828
Carter M. GILLIAM and Elizabeth M. Fulton
Patents, Headrights and Bounds
11 Jun 1637
William Farrar, sonne and heire to William Farrar, late of Henrico, dec’d. 2000 acs. Henrico Co, 11 June 1637
Abutting El-y upon the Gleab land of Varina, extending W-ly to the bottome of Island, S-ly upon the maine river & N-ly into the woods. Trans at his owne cost of 40 pers: Tho. Williams, Rich. Johnson, Jon Hely, Jon Frame, Eustace Downes, Jon Pead, Edwd. Fewson, Rich. Greeke, James Rigsby, Jon Pratt, Eliza Foster, Jon Hues, Hen. GYLLOM, Wm. Thomas, Jon Baker, Patrick Robinson, Christo. Penhorne, Math Waraner, Jon Smith Wm. Towers, Wm. Baker, Edwd. Hooke, Mary Heynes, John Garner, Wm. Richardson, Jon Howman, Math Brownridge, Rich. Lewd, Jon Gibson, Jon Price, Fr. Posey, James Roberts, Robert Turner, William Dawson, Giles Crump, Richard Garner, Howell Edmonds, Martin Dimock, Henry Howell, Robert Coleman.
Cavaliers and Pioneers, Volume I, 60
Confederate Pension Rolls, Veterans and Widows
Act of 1902
GILLIAM, John W, Soldier
Library of Virginia. Confederate Pension Rolls, Veterans and Widows
Wills, Estates and Inventories
Will of Anthony Knight
To Maj. Thomas Chamberlayne, my ____ George to age of 30
to god daughter Margery GILLAM, 1 shilling
To god son Burrell Gordon, 20 shillings
John Oliver to live on plantation I possess for 6 years, paying yearly 400 lbs tobacco
Maj. Thomas Chamberlayne to be executor
Date 1 ___ 1699
Wit: James Sanford, Mary Ludson, Charles Roberts
Rec: 1 May 1700
[Margery is likely a grand daughter of John GILLIAM and his wife Margery. If so, she died relatively young, since she is not mentioned in the Wills of either John, Hinchea. (It appears Charles' Will has been lost.) Since Hinchea was having children in the 1690's and there is a Hinchea Knight that appears later, I have posited Margery as a daughter of Hinchea. Also, note the early mention of the name Burrell in connections to the GILLIAMs.]
Henrico County, VA, Will Book ___, page ___
3 Aug 1724 Court
Will of William Garret
Presented by Jeffrey GILLAM, Jr. his executor and George Robertson and John Bevill, two witnesses.
John Bevill and Robert Bevill, Security.
Henrico County, VA, Will Book ___, page ___
4 Aug 1756
Will of Samuel Butler
His wife Mary Butler was to have the whole estate unless she married; then she was to keep "her one part which came by her." If she died "without heir of her body then the hole estate shall return back again as I shall bequeath it." He gave "to my 1 sister in law Judah Butler one pound ten shillings" and also stated "if my said loving wife should marry then my own proper estate which I was possest with when I married her may revert to my three loving brothers which is to say Thomas Butler, Isaac Butler and Rubin Butler both rial and personal besides the legase before giving to my sister in law Judah Butler to be equally divided among them." "If my wife should dey without heir . . . then the hole estate or remainder part should revert to my loving brothers and sisters to be equally divided among them and their heirs."
John Archer of Chesterfield County and "my loving brother Thomas Butler" were named his executors.
Wit: Ezekiel Slaughter, John GILLUM and Sarah GILLUM.
Rec: 4 Feb 1757
Mary, widow was granted administration with the will annexed.
Henrico County, VA, Will Book ___, page ___
- Dennstedt, Alberta Marjorie. "Relations of Ezekiel Slaughter," Virginia Genealogist, Volume 16. 1971-1972, pages 222-228.
- Wassell, Randolph. Henry Randolph I (1623-1773) [sic] of Henrico County, Virginia and his descendants : preceded by short review of the Randolph family in early England and elsewhere. Memphis, Tenn. Distributed by Cosset Library. 1985.
- Weisiger, Benjamin B. III. Colonial Wills of Henrico County, Virginia: Part One 1677-1737. Athens, Ga.: Iberian Publishing Company, 1995.
- Weisiger, Benjamin B. III. Henrico County Virginia Deeds 1677-1705. Athens, Ga.: Iberian Publishing Company, 1986.