Updated December 24, 2023

Pittsylvania County was named in honor of William Pitt, earl of Chatham, a great English statesman. It was formed from Halifax County in 1766. Its area is 1,012 square miles, and the county seat is Chatham.
Camden Parish, 1766

The family of Peter GILLIAM and his wife, Ann Heard, and the family of Devereaux GILLIAM both lived in Pittsylvania County for a time. James GILLIAM, Sr., of Cumberland County, VA owned land on the Smith River at Bowings Creek (this land ended up in Henry County).
The Rev. Lewis GILLAM of Bedford is also found in Pittsylvania.
Noble family Bible Record, 1785-1885. published 1816
Robert Ballard Gilliam married Ann Maria Noble, the 10th of December 1829
Ann Maria Noble, born the 6 Feb 1808
Robert B. Gilliam born 20 Nov 1805
[Areas covered are Pittsylvania County and Danville, Virginia. Bible printed in 1816. Other surnames mentioned: GILLIAM, Nagel, Payre, Wilson, and Wyllie. Family of John Noble.]
Library of Virginia. Bible of John Noble.
Grove Street Cemetery, Danville, VA
Sacred to the memory of
Ann Martha
wife of Robert B. GILLIAM of Oxford, N.C.
and eldest daughter of Jno. & Frances Noble
of Danville, Va.
Born Feb. 6, 1808
Died Oct. 13th, 1842
This monument erected by a bereaved husband as a token
of his grateful remembrance of her many virtues. Bears
only the impress of her name. Her deeds of charity
and benevolence by which she was endeared to the hearts
of all that knew her are recorded in her Heaven.
WPA Survey Report, Grove Street Cemetery, 1 Oct 1937, Mabel Moses
[Ann Martha Noble is the wife of Robert Ballard GILLIAM, the son of Lesley GILLIAM and Elizabeth Ballard, his wife.]
Committee on Safety
Gabriel Shelton was ordered to summon Samuel Calland and the Rev’d Lewis GUILLIAM to appear before the court on 5 Feb 1777 to answer “why they do not depart the colony, they being natives of Great Britain.”
The Rev’d Mr. GUILLIAM, minister of [Camden Parish of] the Church of England, did not appear before the court as ordered, and he and Alex Cummins, were ordered to appear before the next court, “to give reason why they do not depart this country, being natives of Great Britain.
Court Orders
10 Nov 1747
John Robinson, 400 acres on his own line between John GILHAM & Cap. Jas. Mitchells lines running out for complt.
Pittsylvania County, VA, Court Order Book, ___, page ___
Nov 1747
Jas. Stephens 400 joyning his own line toward Jno. GILHAM’s horse path.
Pittsylvania County, VA, Court Order Book, ___, page ___
21 Dec 1751
John GILLAM 200 ac, begin: at James Stephen’s corner in the said GILLAM’s line on the south side Roanoke River thence on sd Stephen’s & GILLAMs lines.
Pittsylvania County, VA, Court Order Book, ___, page ___
Nov 1757
James GILHAM enters 200 acres of land on Beaver Creek of Smiths Rr. Joining a survey of about 95 acres of Edmd. Grays purchas’d by sd GILHAM of Anglen thence up both sides.
Pittsylvania County, VA, Court Order Book, ___, page ___
2 Sep 1770
This indenture made this second day of September in the year of our Lord Christ, one thousand, seven hundred and seventy between
James GILLIAM of County of Cumberland of one part and David Hailey of County of Pittsylvania of other part
Witnesseth that the said James GILLIAM for and in consideration of fifteen pounds current money to him in hand, paid by the said David Hailey the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged, has granted, bargained, and sold and by these presents do grant, bargain and sell unto the said David Hailey, his heirs and assigns forever one certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County of Pittsylvania containing ninety four acres bounded as followeth to wit:
Beginning on north side Smith's River opposite to mouth of Bowings Creek, thence and over the said river as it meanders to a locust tree standing on the north side of the River
North seventy degrees, east thirteen poles to a dogwood.
North forty-two degrees, west eighty poles crossing a branch to a popular
South sixty-eight degrees, west thirty-seven poles to a red oak
South eighty-four degrees, west forty poles crossing the River to a popular up the river as it meanders to a sycamore,
Thence South two degrees, east one hundred poles, crossing a branch to a red oak,
South fourteen degrees west fifty-two poles to a red oak
South twenty eight degrees, east forty poles to a maple on the said Bowing Creek and
Down the same as it meanders to the first station.
Together with all houses, buildings, woods, Underwood ways [sic], waters, and watercourses. Profits, commodities, hereditaments, and appurtenances of whatsoever to the same as any part thereof in any wise belonging as appertaining and the reversions and reversions. Remainder and remainders thereof and of every part thereof with the appurtenances and all the estate right title interest property claim and demand whatsoever of him the said James GILLIAM every of them of and in and to all and singular the herein before granted premises with the appurtenances to have and to hold all and singular the premises aforesaid with t appurtenances to the said David Haley his heirs and assigns forever to the only use and behoof of him the said David Haley his heirs and assigns forever and the said James GILLIAM and his heirs all and singular the said premises with the appurtenances against and all every other person and persons whatsoever unto the said David Haley his heirs and assigns shall and will warrant and forever defend by these present and further that the said James GILLIAM or his heirs will and any time hereafter when required by the said David Haley, his heirs or assigns exceeds any further or other deed or deed for the better and most effectual conveying the tract as parcel of land and premises unto the said David Haley his heirs and assigns in fee simile in Witness
Whereof the said James GILLIAM have hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year first above written.
Signed, sealed and delivered in the presents of us
Michael Rowland, Annan [sic] Bates, Thomas (X) Smith
Received the 22nd day of September 1770 of David Haley, the sum of fifteen pounds, the consideration money for the land and premises within bargained and sold.
Sig: James GILLIAM
Wit: John Bates
At a court for Pittsylvania County on the 28th day of Sepr 1770. This indenture together with the receipt _______ was proved by the oaths of the witnesses hereto to be the acts and deed of the within named James GWILLIAM [sic] and the same was ordered to be recorded by the court.
Teste. Will. Tunstall, Ck
Pittsylvania County, VA, Book 2, pages 10-12

28 Mar 1771
James Dunkin of county of Pittsylvania of one part and Thomas Owen of same County, of the other Part . . . for £150 current money of Virginia . . . 103 acres on north side Dan River . . . on river bank in Henry Stones line by a branch . . . in William McDaniel’s line
Wit: Elizabeth Yates, Thos Shelton, Martha Yates, William Shelton, Benjamin GWILLIAMS
Memorandum signed by Hannah Shelton,
James Dunkin
Rec 28 Mar 1771
Pittsylvania County, VA, Deed Book 2, page 137
16 Sep 1773
William Mead of Bedford county of one part and Daniel Ward of Pittsylvania county of the other part . . . for £15 to him in hand paid . . . 150 acres on Simmons Run . . . beginning at Whittens and Meads.
Wit: W. Dabney, Stephen Hoard [Heard] Jr., Peter GILLUM
Rec 24 Mar 1774
Pittsylvania County, VA, Deed Book 3, page 503
10 Oct 1773
Peter GILLUM purchased 165 acres on the south branch of Black Water River from John Heard.
Pittsylvania County, VA, Deed Book, Page 321
15 Nov 1773
Zachariah Waller of Pittsylvania county on one part and James Smith and Company on other part . . . for £20 current money of Virginia . . . land in Pittsylvania County . . . in Isaac Certains line . . . . along John Gees line . . . 100 acres
Wit: Archd Smith, Edgcome GWILLMES, [sic] Richd Prewett
Sig: Zachariah Waller
Cer 23 Nov 1773
Rec 24 Mar 1774
Pittsylvania County, VA, Deed Book 3, page 467
10 Dec 1773
John Heard and his wife of County of Bedford on one part and Peter GILLAM of county of Pittsylvania of other part . . . for £70 current money of Virginia . . . 165 acres on south branches of Black Water River . . . along Stephen Heards.
Wit: Wm Dabney, Stephen Heard, Jr., Jesse Heard
Sig: John Heard
Rec 24 mar 1774
Pittsylvania County, VA, Deed Book 3, page 481
10 Dec 1773
This Indenture made this Tenth day of October in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred seventy three Between John Heard and his wife the County of Bedford of the one part and Peter GILLUM of the County of Pittsylvania of the other part Witnesseth that the said John Heard and his wife for and in Consideration of the Sum of Seventy Pounds Current Money of Virginia unto him the said Heard by the said GILLUM in hand paid the Receipt whereof the said Heard doth hereby acknowledge hath bargained sold alienated enfeoff and Confirmed and by these Presents doth for himself his Heirs Executors and Administrators Bargain Sell alienate enfeoff and confirm unto the said Peter GILLUM his Heirs and assigns forever a certain Tract or parcel of land Containing one hundred and Sixtyfive acres situate and being in the County of Pittsylvania and on the south Branched of black Water River Beginning at a corner Hicory Runing thence south thirtinine degrees west thirtieight Poles to a Corner red oak thence North thirty-two degrees West one hundred and fortisix poles along Stephen Heards line to a Corner thence east Eight Poles to a oak thence north fiftione degrees East fiftione poles to a Locust thence North Twenty degrees East fortione poles to a chestnut oak thence north twentytwo degrees east one hundred and Twenty poles to a red oak --- thence north fifty six degrees East seventyfour poles to Pointers thence sough _____ forty degrees east one hundred poles to pointers thence south thirty three degrees west sixty poles to a red oak thence south Eighty five degrees West Sixtythree poles to a Hicory thence north thirtisix degrees west sixteen poles to a red oak thence north Eighty-four degrees west one hundred Poles to pointers thence south fortythree degrees west Eightynine poles to the first station To have and to hold the said Tract of land within the bounds above mentioned together with all Woods Waters meadows feeding and all other Priviledges and appurtenances whatsoever unto the said land in any wise belonging or appertaining unto the said Peter GILLIAM his Heirs assigns forever to the only ___ use and behoof of him the said Peter GILLUM his Heirs and assigns forever and the said John Heard doth for himself his Heirs Executors and Administrators Covenant and agree with the said GILLUM his Heirs and assigns that he will at all times whensoever thereunto Reasonably acquired be ____ to acknowledged this deed in the County Court of Pittsylvania & further to make unto the said Peter Gillium his Heirs or assigns any other assurance or Security by Conveyance or otherwise which shall be Councel learned in the Law be thought needfull to confirm and secure unto the said Peter GILLUM his Heirs or assigns a Good legal and Sufficient Title in fee simple unto the above mentioned Tract of Land and its appurtenances and the said Jn Heard doth for himself, his Heirs Executors and administrators Warrant and engage to Defend the above Tract of Land and Premises against all and every Person or Persons whatsoever Pretending any legal right, clame or Title thereunto to the said Peter GILLUM his Heirs or assigns forever In Witness whereof the said John Heard hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his Seal the Day and year above Written
Signd Seald & Delivered ________ _____ ____ Signed
in Presence of
Wm Dabney Stephen Heard Jr
Jesse Heard
John Heard LS
Memorandum That Peaceable and quite Possession by Livery & Seizen was had and taken of the within land and Premises by the within Named John Heard and by him Delivered unto the said Peter GILLUM according to the true intent and meaning of the within Deed on the day and year within Written
In Presence of
Wm Dabney Stephen Heard Jr Jesse Heard
John Heard LS
Recd on the day & year within mentioned the full sum of Seventy Pounds being the Consideration within mentioned I say Recd of the within named Peter GILLUM ___ me
In Presence of Wm Dabney
Stephen Heard Jr Jesse Heard
John Heard LS
Pittsylvania County, VA, Deed Book 3, pages 481-482
24 Feb 1774
Deed of Trust. James Stewart Junr of one part and James Smith & Company of other part . . . sum of £42.19.02 current money of Virginia which James Steward Jr is justly indebted unto them and honestly desire to pay . . . 5s like money . . . 100 acres on both sides Chestnut Creek being the land that was convey’d to me by my father James Steward Senr. as by Deed recorded in Pittsylvania County and is the plantation whereon I now live being part of tract my father purchased of Tully Choice by Deed recorded in Pittsylvania . . . after 1 Jan 1776 sell for best price giving ten days publick notice . . . lawfull interest until fully discharged.
Wit: Archd Smith, James Steward, Ls GWILLIM, Don’d McNicole
Sig: James Steward Junr
No Rec. date
Pittsylvania County, VA, Deed Book 3, page 420
24 Feb 1774
James Stewart Senr. of Pittsylvania County on one part & James Smith & Company of said county on other part . . . sum of £76.11.04 current money of Virginia which James Stewart Senr. is justly indebted unto James Smith & Company and honestly desires to pay . . . farther sum of 5s like money . . . land on both sides Chesnutt Creek being part of tract James Stewart purchased of Tully Choice as per deed recorded in Pittsylvania county containing 120 acres, whereon her now lives and whereon his plantation is . . . after 1 Jan 1776, sell for best price after ten days publick notice . . . lawfull interest.
Wit: Arch’d Smith, James Steward Junr, Ls. GWILLIM, Don’d McNicole
Sig: James Stewart
No rec date
Pittsylvania County, VA, Deed Book 3, page 422
24 Mar 1774
Peter Gilliam to John Heard and wife
Pittsylvania County, VA, Deed Book 3, page 481
26 May 1774
Deed of Trust. 15 Jan 1774 from Bullock of P to Henry and Edmond Lyne of P for £12 17 shillings and 3 pence which Bullock owes Henry and Edmond Lyne and want to secure and pay to them 5 shillings, one certain tract of land on Smith’s River, about 77 acres bounded by the county line. This deed is upon trust that Henry and Edmond Lyne shall, after 1 Jan 1775, sell for the best price, after giving 10 days public notice, the land and premises, and out of the money arising form such sale, pay themselves the above sum of money, with lawful interest from 27 May 1773.
Sig: Thomas Bullock,
Wit: Lewis GWILLAM, Thomas Bullock, Jr., Daniel Bullock.
Rec. 26 May 1774
Pittsylvania County, VA, Deed Book, 1774-1778, Page 2
22 Aug 1774
From William Wynne, Jr of P. to John Worsham of P, for £165, all that tract of land in P on the south side of Dan River, and bounded by the mouth of Rutliges Cr., Jacksons Cr, about 500 acres, it being the land given to the said William Wynne, Jr., by Wm Wynne Sr. dec’d, thereof recorded in Halifax County
Sig: William Wynne, Jr.
Wit: L. GWILEM, Robert Payne, George Southerland, John Dix
Rec. 25 Aug 1774
Pittsylvania County, VA, Deed Book, 1774-1778. Page 66
24 Nov 1774
Ann Gwilin to Stephen Heard’s estate
Pittsylvania County, VA, Deed Book 5, page 412
23 Mar 1776
From Benjamin Neal and Elizabeth, his wife, of P, to William Stephens of P, for £50, one certain tract of land in P on both sides of Home Creek, containing about 175 acres, bounded by [trees].
Sig: Benjamin Neal, Elizabeth Neal
Wit: Peter Perkins, John Dickinson, Nicholas Perkins, Deverix GILLIAM, James Macbee
Rec 22 Aug 1776
Pittsylvania County, VA, Deed Book, 1774-1778, page 299
2 Mar 1776
from Benjamin Neal and Elizabeth, his wife, to Debrix GILLUM of P, for £200, 400 acres in P on both sides of Home Creek & Walton’s fork, and bounded by [trees].
Sig: Benjamin Neal, Elizabeth Neal
Wit: Peter Perkins, John Dickinson, Nicholas Perkins, William Stephens, Jr., James Mackbee
Rec 22 Aug 1776
Pittsylvania County, VA, Deed Book 4, 1774-1778, Page 231
9 May 1776
From John Cox and Frances, his wife, of Fincastle County, to Charles Finch of P, for £75 about 180 acres in P on the north side of Irvin River, and bounded by the mouth of Rugg Cr. Randolph Harmer, & King’s line, the Little Creek
Sig: John Cox, Frances Cox
Wit: Lewis GWILIM, Edmund Lyne, Jno MacMahon
Red. 23 May 1776
Pittsylvania County, VA, Deed Book, 1774-1778, Page 209
Local Histories
History of Pittsylvania County
“Mr. Stevenson was succeed in 1771 by the Rev. Lewis GUILLIAM, a native Scotchman whose unsavory conduct brought shame upon both himself and his calling. In the record of the court are many petty law suits in which he figure sand in which he was invariable the loser. As no hone had been provided for the minister of the Parish, Mr. GUILLIAM was boarded in the home of Mr. John Pigg at a charge of 340 lbs of tobacco a month, which was paid in addition to his salary of 16,000 pounds of tobacco. Two years later the vestry purchased land for a glebe for the parish of Richard Chamberlayne of New Kent, through his attorney John Pigg, buying 588 acres for 180 pounds current money. This land lay near the Sandy River Meeting House and the building of the glebe house and out buildings was begun at once.”
History of Pittsylvania County
1 Dec 1869
GILLIAM, Edward G., age 29, single, occupation Farmer, son of Glover and Eliza B. Gilliam to Emma P. Gilbert, age 24, single, daughter of Cornelius and Eliza C. Gilbert.
1 December 1869. Married by John H. Lacy.
Pittsylvania County, VA, Marriages, 1860-1869
The Obituary of Ann Maria Noble Gilliam
Died in Danville, on the 13th of October, at the resident of her father, Capt. John Noble, Mrs. Ann Maria Gilliam, wife of the Hon. Robert B. Gilliam of Oxford, NC. In the departure of the deceased, society has lost one of its dearest ornaments, and a devoted and affectionate husband, the most valued of earthly friends. But this afflicting loss, we doubt not, is her greatest gain. She left the strongest consolation that her bereaved friends could desire, that she was prepared to "prosecute the journey, without dread or apprehension, to that far distant country from whose bourne no traveller returns." She was for some time before he death a living member of Christ's Church on earth, and evinced by her outward conduct that she possessed that faith which works by love and purifies the heart. She bore her protracted illness with entire resignation, and, although the ties, which bound her to earth, were as strong as they well could be, yet she expressed perfect willingness to break them, is such should be God's will. Whilst confined to her bed, during her last illness, she frequently spoke of death, and of her willingness to meet God in judgment, relying, with full confidence upon the means of God in Christ. It was evident to those, who so kindly and attentively waited upon her, during the closing scenes of her life that although in such seasons of trial the flesh and the heart will fail, yet God is the strength of the heart of his children, and gives the strongest evidence to believe that He will be their portion forever. Mrs. G's faith in Christ was very strong; and she was permitted to enjoy so much of the fruits of it, that from the time she first believed, she was never troubled with a doubt of her acceptance with God. Whilst lying, too week to converse with those around her, she would spend her time in sweet communion with God and her own soul, and was sometimes almost overpowered by the views she was permitted to have of the Love of the blessed Saviour to guilty sinners. She was deeply humbled on account of her unworthiness and would say—can it be possible that I can say—my Saviour! She was fully apprize of the nature of her disease; and knew that a few days wold close her probation. Speaking of her speedy dissolution, she remarked that "the kingdom of heaven seemed as near to her as one of the kingdoms of the earth." On the evening on which she closed her eyes in death, a kind friend who was waiting upon her said: "I hope Maria, that you are ready" to which she replied with much more strength than she was believed to possess. I am. I am.
Thus lived and thus died, at the age of 34 years and 8 months, a lady who adorned every situation of life in which she was placed, was a charm to every society, and the center of attraction in every circle of which she was a member. Intelligent and refined in manners and deportment, her loss cannot easily be replaced.
May the firmness of her faith in Christ and the happiness she derived from it, induce those that she loved and who so deeply mourn her loss, to seek their happiness from the same Eternal Source of comfort.

Library of Virginia. Bible of John Noble.
Virginia Gazette
11 Feb 1775
“The freeholders of the county of Pittsylvania, being duly summoned, convened at the Courthouse of the said county on Thursday the 16th day of January 1775, and there proceeded to make choice of a committee, agreeable to the direction of the General Congress, for enforcing and putting into execution the Association, when the following gentlemen were chosen members of the same, viz: Abraham Shelton, Robert Williams, Thomas Dillard, William Todd, Abraham Penn, Peter Perkins, Benjamin Lankford, Thomas Terry, James Walker, William Peters Martin, Daniel Shelton, William Ward, Edmund Taylor, Isaac Clement, Gabriel Shelton, Peter Wilson, William Short, Henry Conway, John Payne, Sr., Joseph Roberts, William Witcher, Henry Williams, John Salmon, Rev’d Lewis GUILLIAM, Richard Walden, Peter Saunders, John Wilson and Crispen Shelton.
The Committee then proceeded to make choice of Robert Williams for their Chairman and William Peters Martin their clerk.
During the time of choosing the said committee, the utmost general order and harmony was observed, and all the inhabitants of the county then present (which was very numerous) seemed determined and resolute in defending their liberties and properties, at the risk of their lives, and if required, to die by their follow suffers, (the Bostonians) whose cause they consider their own, and it being mentioned in committee that this county had never contributed their proportionable part toward defraying the expenses of the Delegates who attended on our behalf at the Gen’l Congress, that sum was immediately and cheerfully raised and deposited in the hand of Peter Perkins, and Benjamin Lankford, Esquires, the Representatives for the said county, to be transmitted by them to whom it ought to have been paid, after which the committee rose, and several loyal and patriotic toasts were drunk, and the company dispersed, well pleased with the behavior of those people they had put their confidence in.
Ordered that a copy of the above proceeding be inserted in the Virginia newspapers.
William Peters Martin, Clerk of the committee
Virginia Gazette
1800 Personal Property, List A
GUILLIAMS, William, page 11
Binns Genealogy. 1790/1800 County Tax Lists of Virginia.
Wills, Estates and Inventories
29 Oct 1774
Will of Stephen Heard of Pittsylvania County
I Stephen Heard being very sick and weak but of perfect memory
All my personal estate to my well beloved wife Mary Heard also well beloved son Jesse Heard also well beloved son Stephen Heard, to well beloved so George Heard who I appoint as executor.
To well beloved daughter Mary Heard the tract of land, 229 acres more or less on Blackwater River.
To well beloved son Jesse Heard the tract of land whereon I now live, after the decease of my wife.
If God should call Mary Heard without heirs, I will said tract of land bequeathed to her to be sold and the funds divided between my well beloved daughter Ann GWILIM and well beloved daughter, Susannah Standefer.
To my wife Mary Heard all my personal estate.
Stephen Heard
Wit: Peter GILLAM, Isam (X) Belcher, Chedle Cockerham, Richard Hughes, George Heard
Excutor: Jesse Heard with Israel Standefer and William Tunstall, security.
Probated 24 Nov 1774
- Binns Genealogy. 1790/1800 County Tax Lists of Virginia.
- History of Pittsylvania County
- Library of Virginia. Bible of John Noble.
- McGhan, Virginia. Virginia Will Records
- Pittsylvania County, Virginia Deed Book 4, 1774-1778. Miami Beach, FL : T.L.C. Genealogy, 1991.
- Pittsylvania County Marriages 1860-1869
- Virginia Gazette
- WPA Survey Report, Grove Street Cemetery, 1 Oct 1937, Mabel Moses