Updated December 24, 2023

Albemarle County was named for William Anne Keppel, second earl of Albemarle and governor of the Virginia colony from 1737 to 1754. It was formed from Goochland County in 1744, and part of Louisa County and certain islands in the Fluvanna River, now called the James, were added in 1762 and 1838. As originally created, the western section of Louisa County included the northern third of modern-day Albemarle County. In 1762, this region was cut from Louisa County and added to Albemarle County. Prior to 1762, the Louisa County line extended from about where the Fluvanna-Louisa line intersects the eastern boundary of Albemarle in the northwesterly direction, across the point where Ivy Creek enters the Rivanna River, to the crest of the Blue Ridge just south of Brown's Cove. (Before 1742 this area had been the westernmost part of Hanover County.) As a result of this legislative action of 3 Jun 1777 Fluvanna County was formed from Albemarle County and Fluvanna parish was formed from the Albemarle parish of St. Anne. Albemarle has an area 740 square miles, and the county seat is Charlottesville. Albemarle County is distinct from Albemarle Parish, Surry County.
Fredericksville Parish, 1742
Saint Anne's Parish, 1744

In 1785 there were three adult John GILLIAM’s in Albemarle County, each who had sons named John. In addition to these lines there were several Williams, a Peter, Charles and Richard.
Richard GILLIAM first appears in Albemarle records in 1769 when he witnesses a deed between Benjamin White of St. Ann’s Parish and John Old and John Wilkinson. (Old and Wilkinson operate a forge on land previously owned by a John GILLIAM, see below.) Richard is mentioned in conjunction with an “Auther” GILLIAM. Auther could possibly be Archer/Archelaus son of William and Mary, but it does not appear he is, for according to Archelaus' pension he was born in 1752 making him a mere 15 at the signing of this Indenture. This is the only known reference to Auther GILLIAM.
By the 1770’s Richard with wife, Mary, are purchasing lands in Albemarle County. Richard and Mary live in St. Ann’s Parish, on the east side of Ragged Mountain, along a branch of Moore’s Creek. In 1774 they sell this tract to Thomas Jones.
It is possible that this Richard is the Richard, born in St. Peter’s Parish, New Kent in 1724 to William and Elizabeth, and the Richard who leaves a will in Bedford County in dated 1789, which mentions wife Mary.
There are several John GILLIAM’s of Albemarle, each whom had sons named John (see Wills below). To complicate matters, two of the John’s married Elizabeth’s and one had a daughter and son who married of a son and daughter of a William Watson and another’s sister’s (Elizabeth) Will was witnessed by William Watson.
One John married Elizabeth Murrell on 27 Sep 1764 in Goochland. (Elizabeth had previously been married to Richard Fields). On 27 Nov 1767, John Wilkinson agreed to purchase 10 acres of land “whereon John GILLIAM now lives” supposing there was iron ore. John GILLIAM of Saint Ann’s Parish & wife, Elizabeth, sell to John Wilkinson, Nathaniel Giles & John D. Webster 10 acres for 20 pounds. The deed was witnessed by Charles Lambert, Jacob Moon, Chas. Martin, Jas. Turner, Wm Watson. John Wilkinson, in partnership with John Old, an emigrant from Lancaster County, PA, soon built a forge and began to manufacture iron.
In 1768 having sold the “land where he lived” John purchases in 139 acres on Branches of Byrd and Fork Creeks, on both sides of Three Notched Rd., Albemarle County, tangent to the Louisa County Line.
John and Elizabeth then sell 13 acres on the north side of the James at the head of Fork Creek in 1770 to her brother, Drury Murrell. In 1772 John refers to himself as "of Albemarle" when he sells another 119 acres to Drury Murrell bounded by David Melton’s (Shelton?), the Louisa County line, Humphrey Parrish, Three Notched Rd., James Massie, Byrd Creek, Thomas Emerson’s, and Fork Creek.
John had numerous land dealing with the Moons. It appears the association has its roots in New Kent and continued beyond Albemarle: a granddaughter of John, Mary J. GILLUM, married Jesse Moon on 2 Mar 1828 in Cooper County, MO.
From John’s Will we know he had the following children: Epaphroditus, John, Cornelius, William and Tabitha.
John had several land dealings with Bradley Berry. Bradley married Elizabeth Fields, the daughter of Richard Fields and Elizabeth Murrell, John’s wife. Several of Elizabeth’s children from her first marriage and Epaphroditus remove to Wilkes County, NC and environs, before heading West. It has been said that both sons, John and Cornelius, followed their elder brother West on the 1790’s; however, both John and Cornelius may be found in the 1815 Landowner’s Directory:
Cornelius GILLIAM, Whitesides Creek, 18 SW
John GILLIAM, brother of Cornelius, Meacham’s 18SW
It does appear that Cornelius did eventually head West for a Cornelius GILLIAM leaves a Will in 1832 in Barren County, KY, executors: John Wood, Jesse Wood, Sr., John Field; witnessed by Henry McLain, Jr., Samuel Wood, and Jesse Wood, Jr. (John Field is likely a relative of Cornelius’, mother’s first husband, Richard Field).
John leaves a Will in Albemarle dated 1792 mentioning his second wife Sarah and his children.
A second John, also married an Elizabeth, Elizabeth Dickinson, and after her death married Rebecca Wingfield. It does not appear that John moved into Albemarle into the 1790’s when he purchased land on Southwest Mountain from John R. Ragland and his wife, Judith. This John had been living in Louisa; in fact, several of his children married there and continued to reside in Louisa after John’s move to Albemarle.
John left a Will in Albemarle, dated 1809 mentioning his second wife, Rebecca Wingfield and their one child Susannah and his nine children by his first wife, Elizabeth: Elisha, William, Betsy, Molly, James, Patsy, John, Nancy and Frederick. Joshua Key, Thomas Trevillion, Micajah Carr, and W. E. Key witnessed his Will. [W. E. Key is likely Walter who was the surety for the guardianship for John’s daughter Susannah.]
John was involved in several land transactions with the Watson’s since two of his children—William and Molly both married Watson’s.
Elisha, the son of John, witnesses a deed in Albemarle in the 1790’s between John Key and Thomas Trevillian.
A third John along with William Tooley witnessed a deed between John Wood of Amherst County and Rezin Porter in 1787. It is believe that this John is distinct from the other John’s of Albemarle and that he is a son of William GILLIAM and Mary Jarratt since John, the son of William and Mary, married Mary Tooley in Albemarle in 1785, that that John later settled in Amherst County and that that John had a grandson named Rezin Porter GILLIAM. Also, the above tract was along Ballenger’s Creek, which is in the region of Totier Creek which is also known as Tooley’s Creek according to Albemarle Historic Roads.
[It should be noted that an Arthur Hopkins receives a patent for 2288 acres in Albemarle on the Branches of Totier Creek, adjoining: James Tuleys and John Lewis's corner pine, Matthew Harris's 2 corner white oak saplings, Charles Lynchs line, Lynches and Merriwethers Corner, Meriwethers and Scotts pointers, Clarks corner on 20 Jul 1748. In addition, an Arthur Hopkins along with David McCormicks cares for by order of the Vestry of St. James Northam, a sickly John GILLIAM in 1752.]
William GILLIAM and Mary Jarratt lived briefly in Albemarle County along the branches of the Pedlar. On 14 Jun 1759 Peter Bayse of Halifax County sells to William GILLIAM for 70 pounds, 400 acres Pedlar Branches, then one year later 13 Dec 1760 William sells to Nicholas Davis for 80 pounds, the 400 acres on the Pedlar. The witnesses included Matthew Whiting, Bathurst Skelton, Charles Barker, Alex Mullis?, and Margaret Barnard.
It is believe that William and Mary removed to Buckingham County and settled on Wreck Island Creek, but William may have settled in Bedford County, VA for in the Bedford Court Orders for May 1774 Mary and William GILLIAM, Executors of William GILLIAM file suit against Walter Middleton and William Butler.
The fourth John is mentioned in the Will of his sister, Elizabeth. Elizabeth’s Will mentions siblings: Winnifred, Charles, Ann, Mary and Peter and niece and Aly and nephew John.
This John lived in the North/South Garden of Albemarle near Ivy Creek on the Branches of the Meacham’s River.
This John leaves a Will dated 1808, which names his children: Aly, Fannie, John, Jr., Bennett, Betsy, Pleasant, and James.
Sons, Bennett and James are involved in land transactions with the Cleveland’s and Burnley's. Tracts mentioned include land along Lickinghole Creek and Beaver Creek (see below, Callam Bailey). Bennett married Elizabeth Cleveland, the daughter of Jeremiah Cleveland.
Son, John, Jr., married Elizabeth Bailey, the daughter of Callam Bailey. John is found in the 1815 Landowner’s Directory with brother, Pleasant, living on the Meacham’s River.
In 1771 Callam Bailey sold the property on Little Licking Hole Creek and brought a plantation on Ivy Creek. John GILLIAM and Aly GILLIAM witnessed Callam’s will. He leaves to son Charles a “certain Tract or parcel of land lying to the west side of the rode that extends from James Stephensen’s to Richard Woods’ and joining John GILHAM’s and William Shelton’s lines.”
[There are numerous GILLIAM/Shelton connections: in Hanover tax records for 1785 a William GILMAN is listed as overseer for John Shelton and in 1787 a Richard GILMAN is listed as overseer, Epaphroditus GILLIAM in 1754 witnessed a deed between William McCormick of Fredericksville Parish, Louisa County and David Shelton and that James GILLIAM was an overseer for William Shelton in Louisa in 1772.]
Also mentioned in the Will of Elizabeth GILLIAM, sister of John GILLIAM, are siblings Peter and Charles.
Charles purchases from Daniel Holliday 300 acres on the northside of the Rivanna in 1750. He is still living there in 1767 for he is mentioned in the bounds of Daniel Hammack as being on the northside of the Rivanna. This tract appears to be on or near the Louisa County line. Robert Dalton witnessed this indenture. This Charles appears to be the Charles mentioned in 1758 in Fredericksville Parish, Louisa, as a neighbor of Martin Key and Gideon Carr. [David Watts of Fredericksville Parish, Louisa County conveys to my son-in-law Thomas Terry of Fredericksville Parish, 200 acres in Louisa Co., bounded by Martin Key's, Charles GILLIAM's and Gideon Carr’s, it being the plantation where he now lives.]
Charles died before 24 Sep 1773 (Elizabeth mentioned in her Will that he was deceased).
A Peter GILLIAM is mentioned in numerous records with the Heard's and the Hardware River. Peter married Ann Heard, the daughter of Stephen Heard. It is believed that this Peter was formerly the overseer of John Hudson and not the Peter who was one of the Executors of William GILLIAM of Louisa mentioned in the Louisa County Orders on May 10, 1791.
Other individuals mentioned in regard to Peter are William Burris (Burgess?), and David Nowlin.
Peter later owns land in Henry and Pittsylvania Counties. He finally settles in Wilkes County, GA. On 15 Jul 1794 Jesse Heard is appointed his administrator.
[It has been said that this Peter is the brother of William GILLIAM, son of William GILLIAM and Mary Jarratt, who in 1798 also leaves an estate in Wilkes County.]
In addition to the several John GILLIAM’s there were several Williams. We have seen that William GILLIAM and Mary Jarratt lived briefly in Albemarle County in 1759 and 1760.
Another William is found along the North and South Forks of the Hardware River. In 1772 William purchases from Col. Charles Lewis and William Watson, 167 acres. This land formerly belonged to Claudius and John Buster and was bordered by Hugh Morris. William Watson purchased land in 1772 from Thomas Terry, the son-in-law of David Watts (David is supposedly the father-in-law of William Watson). William GILLIAM, William Hammock, Martin Key, and Gideon Carr bordered Watson’s tract.
In 1778 Charles Hudson of St. Anne’s Parish sells to William GILLIAM for 400 pounds, 395 acres on south fork of Hardware River, previously granted to Stephen Heard by virtue of two different patents. This tract was in South Garden. The deed was witnessed by among others Charles Lewis.
Three years later, in 1781 William GILLIAM then styled as being “of Augusta County” sells to Benjamin Nowell of Albemarle County, St. Anne’s Parish for 1010 pounds, land containing 395 acres on south fork of Hardware River.
A case could be made that William is a near relative of John mentioned in the Will of Elizabeth due to the association with the Busters and Hugh Morris who witnessed the Will of Elizabeth, and the association with Peter GILLIAM and the Hudson’s and the Heard’s, yet the given name is not commonly used in this line.
There are basically three GILLIAM lines of Albemarle:
1. John GILLIAM and first wife, Elizabeth Murrell and second wife, Sarah Christy. John married in Goochland and is later found in Albemarle. Iron ore was discovered on the land where he lived. He sold this tract to John Wilkinson. Wilkinson and Old operated a forge on the site. John buys land on Byrd and Fork Creeks. His children settled on Meacham’s. He is likely the son of Epaphroditus GILLIAM, since John names a son Epaphroditus and in Charles City County, the Murrells and GILLIAMs have several interactions. GILLIAMs Mountain, near the Mecham is named after John GILLIAM. It is not far from Israel Gap and Israel Mountain. (Epaphroditus married Sarah Israel.) John and Elizabeth lived in Saint Anne’s Parish.
2. John GILLIAM and first wife, Elizabeth Dickinson, and second wife, Rebecca Wingfield. It appears John hailed from Louisa County. He lived along the Southwest Mountains. He is associated with the Keys, and Carrs. John and Elizabeth lived in Fredericksville Parish.
3. John GILLIAM, the brother of Peter, Charles, Ann, Elisabeth, Mary and Winnifred, left a Will dated 1808. This line is associated with the line of Callam Bailey and lived in the Ivy Creek area. Peter married Ann Heard and lived along the Hardware. Also, living along the Hardware was a William GILLIAM. John, Peter, etc. lived in Saint Anne’s Parish.
4. John, the son of William GILLIAM and Mary Jarratt lived for a time in Albemarle. He married Mary Tooley.
Dr. and Mrs. Hugh Thomas Nelson
GILLIAM, John 11 whites, 1 dwelling, 4 other
GILLIAM, John, 7 whites, 1 dwelling, 2 other
GILLIAM, John, 4 whites, 1 dwelling, 3 other
Heads of Families, Records of the State Enumerations: 1782-1785, Washington: Government Printing Office, 1908
Pleasant Gillam
St Anns, Albemarle, Virginia
Free White Persons - Males - Under 10: 3
Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 25: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 26 thru 44 : 1
Free White Persons - Males - 45 and over: 1
Free White Persons - Females - Under 10: 2
Free White Persons - Females - 26 thru 44: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 45 and over : 2
Numbers of Slaves: 8
Number of Household Members Under 16: 5
Number of Household Members Over 25: 5
Number of Household Members: 19
Cornelius Gillum
St Anns, Albemarle, Virginia
Free White Persons - Males - 26 thru 44 : 1
Free White Persons - Females - 45 and over : 1
Numbers of Slaves: 8
Number of Household Members Over 25: 2
Number of Household Members: 10
Elisha D Gillum
Fredericksville, Albemarle, Virginia
Free White Persons - Males - 10 thru 15: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 25: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 45 and over: 1
Free White Persons - Females - Under 10: 5
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 15: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 26 thru 44: 1
Numbers of Slaves: 8
Number of Household Members Under 16: 7
Number of Household Members Over 25: 2
Number of Household Members: 18
Frederick Gillum
Fredericksville, Albemarle, Virginia
Free White Persons - Males - 26 thru 44 : 1
Free White Persons - Females - 16 thru 25: 1
Numbers of Slaves: 5
Number of Household Members Over 25: 1
Number of Household Members: 7
James Gillum
Fredericksville, Albemarle, Virginia
Free White Persons - Males - Under 10: 2
Free White Persons - Males - 10 thru 15: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 45 and over: 1
Free White Persons - Females - Under 10: 2
Free White Persons - Females - 16 thru 25: 2
Free White Persons - Females - 26 thru 44: 1
Numbers of Slaves: 12
Number of Household Members Under 16: 5
Number of Household Members Over 25: 2
Number of Household Members: 21
John Gillum
Fredericksville, Albemarle, Virginia
Free White Persons - Males - Under 10: 3
Free White Persons - Males - 26 thru 44 : 1
Free White Persons - Females - Under 10: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 26 thru 44: 1
Numbers of Slaves: 3
Number of Household Members Under 16: 4
Number of Household Members Over 25: 2
Number of Household Members: 9
Rebecca Gillum
Fredericksville, Albemarle, Virginia
Free White Persons - Males - Under 10: 1
Free White Persons - Females - Under 10: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 45 and over : 1
Numbers of Slaves: 6
Number of Household Members Under 16: 2
Number of Household Members Over 25: 1
Number of Household Members: 9
John Gillum
St Anns, Albemarle, Virginia
Free White Persons - Males - Under 10: 2
Free White Persons - Males - 10 thru 15: 2
Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 25: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 45 and over: 1
Free White Persons - Females - Under 10: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 16 thru 25: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 26 thru 44: 2
Numbers of Slaves: 1
Number of Household Members Under 16: 5
Number of Household Members Over 25: 3
Number of Household Members: 11
John Gilliam
Albemarle, Virginia
Enumeration Date: August 7, 1820
Free White Persons - Males - Under 10: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 26 thru 44: 1
Free White Persons - Females - Under 10: 3
Free White Persons - Females - 26 thru 44: 1
Number of Persons - Engaged in Manufactures: 1
Free White Persons - Under 16: 4
Free White Persons - Over 25: 2
Total Free White Persons: 6
Total All Persons - White, Slaves, Colored, Other: 6
Pleasant Gilliam
Albemarle, Virginia
Enumeration Date: August 7, 1820
Free White Persons - Males - 10 thru 15: 2
Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 25: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 45 and over: 1
Free White Persons - Females - Under 10: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 15: 2
Free White Persons - Females - 45 and over : 1
Slaves - Males - Under 14: 5
Slaves - Males - 26 thru 44: 1
Slaves - Females - Under 14: 4
Slaves - Females - 26 thru 44: 2
Slaves - Females - 45 and over: 1
Number of Persons - Engaged in Agriculture: 9
Free White Persons - Under 16: 5
Free White Persons - Over 25: 2
Total Free White Persons: 8
Total Slaves: 13
Total All Persons - White, Slaves, Colored, Other: 21
Henry Gillum
St Anns Parish, Albemarle, Virginia
Enumeration Date: August 7, 1820
Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 25: 1
Free White Persons - Females - Under 10: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 16 thru 25: 1
Slaves - Males - Under 14: 2
Slaves - Males - 26 thru 44: 1
Slaves - Females - 14 thru 25: 1
Number of Persons - Engaged in Agriculture: 3
Free White Persons - Under 16: 1
Total Free White Persons: 3
Total Slaves: 4
Total All Persons - White, Slaves, Colored, Other: 7
Frederich Gillum
Fredericksville Parish, Albemarle, Virginia
Enumeration Date: August 7, 1820
Free White Persons - Males - Under 10: 3
Free White Persons - Males - 26 thru 44: 1
Free White Persons - Females - Under 10: 2
Free White Persons - Females - 26 thru 44: 1
Slaves - Males - Under 14: 5
Slaves - Males - 26 thru 44: 1
Slaves - Males - 45 and over: 1
Slaves - Females - Under 14: 1
Slaves - Females - 14 thru 25: 1
Slaves - Females - 26 thru 44: 1
Number of Persons - Engaged in Agriculture: 4
Free White Persons - Under 16: 5
Free White Persons - Over 25: 2
Total Free White Persons: 7
Total Slaves: 10
Total All Persons - White, Slaves, Colored, Other: 17
Rebecca Gillam
Fredericksville Parish, Albemarle, Virginia
Enumeration Date: August 7, 1820
Free White Persons - Females - 16 thru 25: 2
Free White Persons - Females - 45 and over : 1
Slaves - Males - Under 14: 2
Slaves - Males - 14 thru 25: 2
Slaves - Males - 26 thru 44: 2
Slaves - Females - Under 14: 1
Slaves - Females - 14 thru 25: 2
Slaves - Females - 45 and over: 1
Number of Persons - Engaged in Agriculture: 5
Free White Persons - Over 25: 1
Total Free White Persons: 3
Total Slaves: 10
Total All Persons - White, Slaves, Colored, Other: 13
Ira S Gillum
Fredericksville Parish, Albemarle, Virginia
Enumeration Date: August 7, 1820
Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 25: 1
Number of Persons - Engaged in Manufactures: 1
Total Free White Persons: 1
Total All Persons - White, Slaves, Colored, Other: 1
James Gillum
Fredericksville Parish, Albemarle, Virginia
Enumeration Date: August 7, 1820
Free White Persons - Males - Under 10: 3
Free White Persons - Males - 10 thru 15: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 45 and over: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 15: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 16 thru 25: 2
Free White Persons - Females - 45 and over : 1
Slaves - Males - Under 14: 6
Slaves - Males - 14 thru 25: 1
Slaves - Males - 26 thru 44: 3
Slaves - Females - Under 14: 4
Slaves - Females - 14 thru 25: 2
Slaves - Females - 26 thru 44: 2
Number of Persons - Engaged in Agriculture: 8
Free White Persons - Under 16: 5
Free White Persons - Over 25: 2
Total Free White Persons: 9
Total Slaves: 18
Total All Persons - White, Slaves, Colored, Other: 27
John Gillum
St Anns Parish, Albemarle, Virginia
Enumeration Date: August 7, 1820
Free White Persons - Males - Under 10: 2
Free White Persons - Males - 10 thru 15: 2
Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 18: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 26 thru 44: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 15: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 26 thru 44: 1
Slaves - Males - Under 14: 5
Slaves - Males - 26 thru 44: 1
Slaves - Females - Under 14: 1
Slaves - Females - 14 thru 25: 1
Slaves - Females - 26 thru 44: 1
Number of Persons - Engaged in Agriculture: 7
Free White Persons - Under 16: 5
Free White Persons - Over 25: 2
Total Free White Persons: 7
Total Slaves: 9
Total All Persons - White, Slaves, Colored, Other: 16
Granville Gillum
Albemarle, Virginia
Free White Persons - Males - 30 thru 39: 1
Slaves - Males - 10 thru 23: 1
Slaves - Females - 24 thru 35: 1
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: 1
Total Free White Persons: 1
Total Slaves: 2
Total - All Persons (Free White, Slaves, Free Colored): 3
James Gillum
Albemarle, Virginia
Free White Persons - Males - 10 thru 14: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 15 thru 19: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 20 thru 29: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 60 thru 69: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 20 thru 29: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 50 thru 59: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 70 thru 79: 1
Slaves - Males - Under 10: 6
Slaves - Males - 10 thru 23: 2
Slaves - Males - 36 thru 54: 3
Slaves - Females - Under 10: 1
Slaves - Females - 10 thru 23: 4
Slaves - Females - 24 thru 35: 1
Slaves - Females - 36 thru 54: 1
Free White Persons - Under 20: 2
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: 2
Total Free White Persons: 7
Total Slaves: 18
Total - All Persons (Free White, Slaves, Free Colored): 25
Jno W Gillum
Albemarle, Virginia
Free White Persons - Males - 20 thru 29: 1
Slaves - Males - 10 thru 23: 1
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: 1
Total Free White Persons: 1
Total Slaves: 1
Total - All Persons (Free White, Slaves, Free Colored): 2
John Gillum
Albemarle, Virginia
Free White Persons - Males - 10 thru 14: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 40 thru 49: 1
Free White Persons - Females - Under 5: 3
Free White Persons - Females - 5 thru 9: 2
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 14: 2
Free White Persons - Females - 15 thru 19: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 60 thru 69: 1
Slaves - Males - 10 thru 23: 1
Free White Persons - Under 20: 9
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: 1
Total Free White Persons: 11
Total Slaves: 1
Total - All Persons (Free White, Slaves, Free Colored): 12
John Gillum
Albemarle, Virginia
Free White Persons - Males - 15 thru 19: 2
Free White Persons - Males - 40 thru 49: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 5 thru 9: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 50 thru 59: 1
Slaves - Males - Under 10: 3
Slaves - Males - 10 thru 23: 3
Slaves - Females - Under 10: 1
Slaves - Females - 10 thru 23: 1
Free White Persons - Under 20: 3
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: 1
Total Free White Persons: 5
Total Slaves: 8
Total - All Persons (Free White, Slaves, Free Colored): 13
Pleasant Gillum
Albemarle, Virginia
Free White Persons - Males - 20 thru 29: 2
Free White Persons - Males - 50 thru 59: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 15 thru 19: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 20 thru 29: 2
Free White Persons - Females - 50 thru 59: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 70 thru 79: 1
Slaves - Males - Under 10: 1
Slaves - Males - 36 thru 54: 1
Slaves - Females - Under 10: 1
Slaves - Females - 10 thru 23: 1
Slaves - Females - 36 thru 54: 1
Free White Persons - Under 20: 1
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: 4
Total Free White Persons: 8
Total Slaves: 5
Total - All Persons (Free White, Slaves, Free Colored): 13
Frederick Gillum
Home in 1830 (City, County, State): Albemarle, Virginia
Free White Persons - Males - Under 5: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 5 thru 9: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 10 thru 14: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 15 thru 19: 2
Free White Persons - Males - 40 thru 49: 1
Free White Persons - Females - Under 5: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 14: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 15 thru 19: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 30 thru 39: 1
Slaves - Males - Under 10: 1
Slaves - Males - 10 thru 23: 4
Slaves - Males - 24 thru 35: 1
Slaves - Males - 55 thru 99: 1
Slaves - Females - Under 10: 2
Slaves - Females - 10 thru 23: 2
Slaves - Females - 24 thru 35: 1
Slaves - Females - 36 thru 54: 1
Free White Persons - Under 20: 8
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: 2
Total Free White Persons: 10
Total Slaves: 13
Total - All Persons (Free White, Slaves, Free Colored): 23
Frederick Gillum
Fredericksville, Albemarle, Virginia
Free White Persons - Males - 15 thru 19: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 20 thru 29: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 50 thru 59: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 14: 2
Free White Persons - Females - 20 thru 29: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 40 thru 49: 1
Slaves - Males - Under 10: 4
Slaves - Males - 10 thru 23: 2
Slaves - Males - 55 thru 99: 1
Slaves - Females - 10 thru 23: 1
Slaves - Females - 24 thru 35: 1
Slaves - Females - 36 thru 54: 1
Persons Employed in Agriculture: 6
Free White Persons - Under 20: 3
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: 3
Total Free White Persons: 7
Total Slaves: 10
Total All Persons - Free White, Free Colored, Slaves: 17
Jas S Gillum
Fredericksville, Albemarle, Virginia
Free White Persons - Males - 60 thru 69: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 20 thru 29: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 50 thru 59: 1
Slaves - Males - Under 10: 8
Slaves - Males - 10 thru 23: 2
Slaves - Males - 24 thru 35: 1
Slaves - Females - Under 10: 5
Slaves - Females - 10 thru 23: 4
Slaves - Females - 24 thru 35: 1
Persons Employed in Agriculture: 8
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: 1
Total Free White Persons: 3
Total Slaves: 21
Total All Persons - Free White, Free Colored, Slaves: 24
John Gillum
Fredericksville, Albemarle, Virginia
Free White Persons - Males - Under 5: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 5 thru 9: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 20 thru 29: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 50 thru 59: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 5 thru 9: 2
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 14: 2
Free White Persons - Females - 15 thru 19: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 20 thru 29: 2
Free White Persons - Females - 40 thru 49: 1
Persons Employed in Manufacture and Trade: 2
Free White Persons - Under 20: 7
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: 4
Total Free White Persons: 12
Total All Persons - Free White, Free Colored, Slaves: 12
Pleasant Gillum
St Annes, Albemarle, Virginia
Free White Persons - Males - 30 thru 39: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 60 thru 69: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 15 thru 19: 2
Free White Persons - Females - 60 thru 69: 1
Slaves - Males - Under 10: 2
Slaves - Males - 36 thru 54: 1
Slaves - Females - Under 10: 3
Slaves - Females - 24 thru 35: 1
Slaves - Females - 36 thru 54: 1
Persons Employed in Agriculture: 3
Free White Persons - Under 20: 2
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: 1
Total Free White Persons: 5
Total Slaves: 8
Total All Persons - Free White, Free Colored, Slaves: 13
Wm N Gillum
Fredericksville, Albemarle, Virginia
Free White Persons - Males - Under 5: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 20 thru 29: 1
Free White Persons - Females - Under 5: 2
Free White Persons - Females - 20 thru 29: 1
Slaves - Males - 10 thru 23: 2
Slaves - Females - Under 10: 1
Persons Employed in Agriculture: 3
Free White Persons - Under 20: 3
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: 2
Total Free White Persons: 5
Total Slaves: 3
Total All Persons - Free White, Free Colored, Slaves: 8
Name: John Gilliam
Age: 63
Birth Year: abt 1787
Birthplace: Virginia
Home in 1850: Albemarle, Virginia
Gender: Male
Household Members:
John Gilliam, age 63
Elizabeth Gilliam, age 53
Elmyra Gilliam, age 31
Martha Gilliam, age 28
Elizabeth Gilliam, age 20
Laura Gilliam, age 19
John Gilliam, age 16
James Gilliam, age 12
John N Gilliam
Age: 35
Birth Year: abt 1815
Home in 1850: Albemarle, Virginia
Gender: Male
Household Members:
John N Gilliam, age 35
Susan Gilliam, age 21
James Gilliam, age 5
Alexander Gilliam, age 3
Sally Gilliam, age 2
Felix Gilliam, age 0
Pleasant Gillum
Age: 79
Birth Year: abt 1771
Birthplace: Virginia
Albemarle, Virginia
Gender: Male
Household Members:
Pleasant Gillum, age 79
John Gillum, age 48
Fredk Gillum
Age: 67
Birth Year: abt 1783
Birthplace: Virginia
Albemarle, Virginia
Gender: Male
Household Members:
Fredk Gillum, age 67
Kitty Gillum, age 59
Thomas M Gillum, age 27
Mary A H Gillum, age 18
F W Gillum
Age: 30
Birth Year: abt 1820
Birthplace: Goochland
Albemarle, Virginia
Gender: Male
Household Members:
F W Gillum, age 30
M J Gillum, age 24
Alice M Gillum, age 2
O T Gillum, age 0
H N Trevillian, age 2
T T Gillum
University of Virginia Student
Age: 21
Birth Year: abt 1829
Home in 1850: Albemarle, Virginia
Gender: Male
Chancery Suits
4 Oct 1830
Chancery Case 571 23
To the worshipful court of Albemarle county in Chancery sitting.
Your orator David Humphrey by leave respectfully to represent that some years ago his father Isaiah Humphrey late of Albemarle county departed this life intestate leaving a widow to with, Mary Humphrey and the following children, who, together with your Orator are his legal heirs and representatives, to wit,
George W. Humphrey, William Humphrey, Lewis Humphrey and Andrew J. Humphrey.
That the said Isaiah Humphrey decd seized and possessed of a certain tract of land situated in said county of Albemarle and upon which his said widow has continued to reside ever since his death. What by the laws of the county your orator is entitled to the one-fifth part of said real estate which however is subject to the widow down in the same.
Your orator would further represent that all of the aforesaid children have attained the age of twenty-one years except the said Andrew J Humphrey, who is an infant within that age.
Your orator therefor pray that a guardian ad litem be appointed by the court to protect his interests in this suit and that he together with the said Mary Humphrey widow and the said George, William and Lewis Humphrey be made defendants to this bill and required to make the same and that your worships will decree unto your Orator and the other parties such portions of said tract of land . . .
and justly entitled to and that commissioners may be appointed by your worships for purpose of laying off and assigning unto the said widow her dower in the aforesaid tract of land and dividing the balance thereof
amongst your orator and the other parties aforesaid, according to law. And that your worships will grant such other and further relief in the premises as may be just and equitable and the nature of the case may require __ will every party
Sig: Spiew PJ?
At a court held for Albemarle County the 4th October, 1830
David Humphrey against George W. Humphrey, William Humphrey, Lewis Humphrey and Andrew Humphrey In Chancery
George W. Kingsolving? is appointed guardian ad litem to the infant defendant Andrew J Humphrey. Thereupon this cause came on to be heard this 4th day of October 1830 upon the bill, answer, exhibits __ and were argued by council whereupon it appearing to the court that the Plaintiff David Humphrey and the other children of Isaiah Humphrey decd one are each entitled to their proportionable part of the tract of land of which he _______ and possessed, as mentioned and referred to in the Plts bill, subject however to the widows dower in the same. It is therefore adjudged, ordered and decreed, that Benj Ficklin, James Gillman, Henry Pemberton, John Jones and Chapman W. Maupin be and they are hereby appointed commissioners who or any three of whom shall enter upon the said tract of land and lay off and assign according to law unto Mary Humphrey widow of said Isaiah Humphrey decd her dower therein and shall also divide the balance thereof between the parties legally entitled thereto to wit George W. Humphrey,
David Humphrey, the Plt, William Humphrey, Lewis Humphrey and Andrew J Humphrey children of said Isaiah Humphrey decd allotting and assigning to each one equal portion of the same according to law and that the said commissioners do report their proceedings to this court in order to a final decree. ____ Teste Alex Garnett CC
Humphrey vs Humphrey In Chancery __________ Decree
This cause came on to be heard this 4th day of October 1830, upon the bill, answer, exhibited and was argued by Council whereupon it appearing to the court that the plaintiff David Humphrey and the other children of Isaiah Humphrey decd are each entitled to their proportionable part of the tract of land of which
_____ and possessed as _________ and referred to in the plaintiffs bill subject however to the widows dower in the same.
It is therefore adjudged, ordered and decreed that Benj Ficklin?, James GILLIAM, Henry Pemberton, Jno Jones and Chapman W. Maupin be and they are hereby appointed commissioners who or any there of them shall enter upon the said tract of land and lay off and assign unto Mary Humphrey widow of said Isaiah Humphrey decd the dower therein and shall also divide the balance thereof between the parties legally entitled to wit, George W. Humphrey, David Humphrey (the plaintiff), William Humphrey, Lewis Humphrey, and Andrew J Humphrey children of said Isaiah Humphrey, decd allotting unto each one an equal portion of the same according to law and that the said commissioners do report their proceedings to this court in order to a final decree.
To the worshipful court of Albemarle County in Chancery sitting
The separate answer of Mary Humphrey widow of Isaiah Humphrey deceased to a bill in Chancery exhibited against her and others in said court by David Humphrey as plaintiff.
This respondent saving and reserving to herself the benefit of all legal and proper exceptions to said bill for answer thereto or to so much thereof as she is advised it is material for her to answer—answer to and saith that she cannot gainsay the truth of the allegation contained therein and that she as the widow of said Isaiah Humphrey decd, assents and claims her right of dower in the tract of land of which he _____ and possessed as referred to in the plaintiffs bill _____ that the same be allotted and laid off unto her according to law and she has no objection to the said ___ decreeing agreeably to the ____ of said bill and further she answereth not but pray to be hence dismissed. In witness whereof she has hereunto set her hand
B. Ficklin?
Sig: Mary F (her X mark) Humphrey
To the worshipful Court of Albemarle County in Chancery Sitting
The joint answer of George W. Humphrey, William Humphrey and Lewis Humphrey to a
bill in chancery exhibited against them in said court by David Humphrey
plaintiff vs. them and other defendants.
There respondents saving and reserving to themselves the benefit of all legal and proper exceptions to said bill for answer thereto __ to so much thereof as they are advised it is material for them to answer— answereth saith, That they cannot gainsay the truth of the Plaintiffs allegations contained in said bill and that they have no objections to the court decreeing agreeably to the prayer of the same and further they answereth not but pray to be hence dismissed. In witness whereof they have hereunto set their hands
Sig. G. W. Humphrey, William Humphrey, Lewis __ Humphrey
To the worshipful Court of Albemarle County in Chancery Sitting
The answer of George W. _________ guardian ad litem for Andrew J. Humphrey to a bill in chancery exhibited him and others in said court by David Humphrey Pltf.
This respondent saving and reserving to himself the benefit of all legal and proper exceptions to said bill for answer thereto or to so much thereof as he is advised it is material for him to answer—answereth and saith, That he cannot gainsay the truth of the allegations contained in said bill and therefore is not aware that he has any ___ of objection __ the court decreeing agreeably to the prayer thereof, but the said Andrew J. Humphrey being an infant under the age of twenty-one years, ____________ rights to the court to be by them protected and further answereth not but pray to be hence dismissed.
Agreeably to a decree of the chancery court of Albemarle County, made the fourth day of October 1830 and unto us directed to divide the land whereof Isaiah Humphrey decd _____ and appointing us commissioners we accordingly met on the 22nd of October 1830 and after assigning the widow Mary Humphrey her dower of sixty acres around the dwelling we laid off the balance in five lots assigning to each legatee one lot with the number of acres as stated in the plot hereto affixed viz to David Humphrey s Lot No 1 to Lewis Humphreys Lot No 2, to Andrew Humphreys Lot No 3, to George W. Humphrey Lot No 4 and to William Humphreys lot No 5 given under our hand this day and date above written.
Chapman W. Maupin
John Jones
Henry Pemberton
Library of Virginia. Chancery Files. Albemarle County. "David Humphrey vs George W. Humphrey, etc." Index Number 1830-046.
William A. White, etc., vs. James C. Rothwell, etc.
Library of Virginia. Chancery Files. Albemarle County. "William A. White, etc., vx. James C. Rothwell, etc." Index Number 1895-186CC
[This suit provides the heirs of James GILLIAM]
"The same prudence which in private life would forbid our paying our own money for unexplained projects, forbids it in the disposition of the public moneys. It is not enough that an individual and an unknown one says and even thinks he has made a discovery of [great] magnitude . . . Not only explanation, but the actual experiment must be required before we can cease to doubt whether the inventor is not deceived by some false or imperfect view of his subject."
Thomas Jefferson to Shelton GILLIAM, 1808.
To Shelton GILLIAM, Esq.
Washington, June 19, 1808.
SIR, Your favor of the 4th was received on my return to this place, and the proposition of your correspondent on the subject of fortification was referred to the Secretary of War, where office and qualifications make him the proper judge of it. I enclose you his answer. The same prudence which in private life would forbid our paying our own money for unexplained projects, forbids it in the dispensation of the public moneys. It is not enough that an individual and an unknown one says and even thinks he has made a discovery of the magnitude announced on this occasion. Not only explanation, but the actual experiment must be required before we can cease to doubt whether the inventor is not deceived by -some false or imperfect view of his subject. Still your patriotic attention to bring such a proposition under our notice, that it might be applied to the public good, if susceptible of it, is praiseworthy, and I return you thanks for it with the assurances of my esteem and respect.
[It is likely that Shelton GILLIAM is Skelton GILLIAM, whose family owned nearby Elk Island.]
Jefferson, Thomas. "To Shelton GILLIAM, Esq." The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 12.
Court Orders
From 1754-1767, the Albemarle Court hears GILLUM vs [John] Hudson’s Executors. 35 Items are mentioned. Peter GILLUM acted as the Overseer for John Hudson. Among the accounts Peter held are those of Thomas and Henry Heard. Entries are similar to the following
1. Received of Peter GILLUM 4 HHds Tob. For John Hudson, signed Charles Hood
2. Received of Peter GILLUM for rolling tob. Signed Willibe Pue [Willoughby Pue]
3. 26 April 1770 Put in estate of John Hudson tob. Rec. of Peter GILLUM signed David Burnett
4. William Garrett says tob. Delivered to Mr. John Hudson for Peter GILLUM, 24 April 1754
5. Request to John Hudson to pay money to GILLUM for Burger
6. Account of Stephen Heard with Thomas Reid, Aug 1761, mentions: Richard Woods, George Brackenridge, Charles Huberts “for schooling” (Labelled GILLUM’s account)
7. Receipts to Peter Gypsum from Thomas Heard 10 April 1764 from David Burnett 8 Feb 1765
8. Receipt to Pater GILLUM from Thomas Fitzpatrick, July 24, 1765, witnessed by Thos. Heard.
9. Receipt of Peter GILLUM for rolling from Hudson’s Quarter to Page’s
10. Letter of John Hudson to Peter GILLUM re sending supplies
11. Receipt to Peter GILLUM from John Maxwell, 1765
12. Receipt to Peter GILLUM 4 Dec 1765, signed George Douglass
13. Account of Peter GILLUM with John Hudson, 1753 to July 1762, mentions Capt. Jennings, George Hudson, Hugh Morris, Orlando Jones and Charles Martin.
14. April 15, 1770 List of Money put into estate of
15. Receipt of Peter GILLUM, signed Alexander Baine
16. Receipt of Peter GILLUM, 8 June 1768, signed Henry Heard
17. Nov 1765 to March 1766 Account of Peter GILLUM with Neill Campbell, Received in full by James Old, for Campbell, 26 May
18. Statement of Robert Donald, John Hudson, charged to Peter GILLUM 15 pounds, 14 shillings, 3 pence on Oct 26, 1764, and on July 29, 1763 William Hudson charged to GILLUM 4 pounds, 10 shillings and that Mr. Hudson settled the account. Sworn before me 7 Sept 1773, Turner Southern
19. Receipt to Peter GILLUM, 290 Nov 1766, signed John Anderson
20. May 10, 1765, receipt to Peter GILLUM from George Douglass
21. Deposition of Samuel Emmerson, of full age, says that in lifetime of John Hudson he was ordered to give Peter GILLUM notice to settle his account with John Hudson and he didn’t do it. Nov 13, 1772, Signed. Ro. Thompson.
22. Received of Peter GILLUM, 7 Feb 1763, for shoemaker, signed. Jean Bready
23. To Sheriff of Bedford County, summon Charles Lambert to testify for Peter GILLUM in case Hudson’s Executors agst GILLUM, 3 Jan
24. Hudson’s Executors agst Hudson
25. Order to arrest Hudson’s executors on suit of Peter GILLUM, 15 April
26. Account of Peter GILLUM with John Hudson
27. Receipt of Peter GILLUM (received by hand of Willoughby Pue), signed Charles Woods, Aug 14, 1766
28. Received from Mr. Peter GILLUM, money he had by me when he was overseer for Mr. John Hudson, signed: Charles Martin
29. Receipt, July 31, 1765 from Peter GILLUM, signed Charles Hood
30. Appeal by Defendant
31. Defendant’s appear for stay overruled
32. Pleas before the Justices of the Peace Albemarle Co. for Peter GILLUM by John Harvie, Gent., agst Ann Hudson, John Scott, and William Burton, executors of the will of John Hudson, dec’d, by Dabney Carr, Gent., their attorney. Proceedings were continued to December Court. One of the jurors left and another jury impaneled in June 1773, but case continue until September and found for plaintiff 60 pounds, 5 shillings, 9 pence and costs. John Scott entered bond with Tucker Woodson, Jr. his security
33. Complaint of Peter GILLUM agst. Tucker Woodson, Jr., 6 Oct 1773
34. Bond of John Scott and Tucker Woodson, Jr. 6 Oct 1773
35. Account of Peter GILLUM, with John Hudson, 1754-1767.
Weisiger, Benjamin B. III, Albemarle County Court Papers, 1744-1783
31 Mar 1760
Order to arrest William GILLUM to answer Carter & Trent for debt, dated 31 March 1760
[In 1769, there is another Carter and Trent interaction: Bond from Edward Carter & Peterfield Trent to John GILLIAM for 1000 pounds. Condition was that Edward Carter & Peterfield Trent will warrant & defend John GILLIAM’s purchase of negro woman Paty or Porty.]
Weisiger, Benjamin B. III, Albemarle County Court Papers, 1744-1783
6 Jul 1762
Hezekiah Jones, assignee of Peter GILLAM, says that William Lifflee is indebted to him, Promissory note: William Lifflee to Peter GILLUM dated 20 Jan 1762, witnessed by Hezekiah Jones and Benjamin Lifflee. Summons to Lifflee to answer petition of Hezekiah Jones, 6 July.
Weisiger, Benjamin B. III, Albemarle County Court Papers, 1744-1783
23 Jul 1762
David Lewis of St. Ann’s Parish, Albemarle Co., appointed Alexander Baine of Henrico Co., his attorney to recover from several persons the sums of money or tobacco listed by their names which are now due and owed to him
David Lewis Junr. seal
Samuel Arnall, Albemarle, 11£/15sh/10p/3f
William Beck, Albemarle, 3£/16sh/1/2p
David Branham, Goochland, 6sh/4p
Alexander Patten, Goochland, 5sh/5p
Joseph Alley, Amherst, 3£/6sh/10 1/2p
Alexander Wallace, Amherst, 12sh/5 1/2p
Thos. Alexander, Albemarle, 6sh/1p 1/2 p
Richard Dollins, Albemarle, 1£/3sh/1 1/2p
Geo. Brackanridg, Albemarle, 11sh
Richard GILLIAM, Albemarle, 1£/8sh/11p
10 Dec ___
Order to summon Richard GILLUM at suit of William Thompson
Weisiger, Benjamin B. III, Albemarle County Court Papers, 1744-1783
Albemarle County Deeds
Bettie Martin Iron Mine
1 May 1833
Humphrey to Gillium Executed and delivered the 1 May 1833
This indenture made the 1st day of Sept in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty two, between D. W. Humphrey and Mary Humphrey his wife, of Albemarle County, state of VA of the ____ James L. Gillem of the said county and state of the other part, Witness ___ the said D. W. Humphrey and Mary, his wife, in consideration ____ hundred and thirty dollars of lawful money of this commonwealth _____ them in hand paid by the said GILLUM at a before the _____Delivery of these presents (the receipt whereof is ___ ack) hand____ sold and by these presents do and each of them doth bargain ___ the said GILLUM his heirs and assigns, a certain tract or parcel of land adjoining the land of Lewis Humphrey, Mary Humphrey ______ others, together with all and singular the appurtenances ____ appertaining to the said tract or parcel of land. To have ___hold the said tract of land with the tenements, here determined singular other the premises herein before mentioned or intended _____ bargained and sold and every part and parcel though, ____ their rights , members and appurtenances unto the said GILLUM and his heirs and assigns forever (to and for the only ___ use ___of heir the said GILLUM, his heirs and assigns forever) ____ David Humphrey and Mary his wife, for themselves and their _____ said tract of land with all and singular the premises and ap_____ before mentioned unto the said GILLUM his heirs and ?assigns forever? the claim or claims of them the said Humphrey and his wife___ either of them or either of their heirs, and of all and every _____ persons whatsoever, shall, will and do warrant and ______ these presents, in witness whereof the said Humphrey ____ have hereunto set their hands and seals this day and year ___ above written.
David W. (his X mark) Humphrey
Mary Humphrey
M. Benjamin Ficklin and M. Pilson Justices ___ in the county afore said, in the state of Virginia do hereby ___ that David W. Humphrey a party to a certain ____ date on the 1st day of Sept 1832 thereto annexed personally ___ before us in our county aforesaid, and acknowledged ____ to be his act and deed and desired us to certify the said ___ to the Clerk of the County Court of Albemarle ____ that the said deed may be recorded. Given _____ our hands and seals this
1st day
of September
Benj Ficklin
John Pilson
We Benjamin Ficklin and Mr. Pilson Justices of the peace in the county aforesaid in the state of VA do hereby certify that Mary Humphrey wife of David W. Humphrey parties to a certain deed _____ date the 1st day of September 1832 and hereunto ____ personally appeared before us in our county aforesaid and having the deed aforesaid fully explained to her, she, the said Mary Humphrey ask the same to be her act and deed and declared that she had willingly signed, sealed and delivered the same and that she wished not to retract it. Given under our hand and seals this 1st day of September 1832. Benjamin Ficklin, John Pilson
At a court held for Albemarle County 5 Nov 1832. This Indenture was produced into Court and being duly certified admitted to record.
Teste. Ira Garrett
Albemarle County, Deed Book 30, pg 200
Principal Farmers: James A. GILLIAM, Charlottesville and Eastham
Principal Farmers: J. L. GILLIAM, Stony Point
Chataigne's Virginia Gazetteer and Classified Business Directory, 1888-89
Guardian Bonds
Loose Bonds, page 16
Orphan: Sarah, & Nancy GILLUM
Guardian: Thomas Travillion
Date: March 6, 1797
AmountAmount of bond:
Security: Benj. [?] Thurmond
Murphy, Mary Catherine. Guardians’ Bond of Albemarle County, Virginia, 1783-1852. 1968.
Loose Bonds, page 32
Orphan: Susannah GILLUM
Parent: John GILLUM
Guardian: Rebecca GILLUM
Date: Oct. 2, 1809
Amount of bond: $2,000
Security: Walter Key, Joshua Key
Murphy, Mary Catherine. Guardians’ Bond of Albemarle County, Virginia, 1783-1852. 1968.
Loose Bonds, page 40
Orphan: Jeremiah, & Siotha GILLUM
Parent: Bennett GILLUM
Guardian: Elisha Sowell
Date: Sept. 7, 1812
Amount of bond: $1,000
Security: James B. Watson
Murphy, Mary Catherine. Guardians’ Bond of Albemarle County, Virginia, 1783-1852. 1968.
Loose Bonds, page 48
Orphan: Elizabeth Moore
Parent: William Moore
Guardian: John GILLUM
Date: May 2, 1814
Amount of bond: $200
Security: John Moyer
Murphy, Mary Catherine. Guardians’ Bond of Albemarle County, Virginia, 1783-1852. 1968.
Loose Bonds, page 51
Orphan: Benjamin, & Robert Wheeler
Parent: Robert Wheeler
Guardian: Micajah Wheeler
Date: March 6, 1815
Amount of bond: $500
Security: Pleasant GILLUM
Murphy, Mary Catherine. Guardians’ Bond of Albemarle County, Virginia, 1783-1852. 1968.
Loose Bonds, page 52
Orphan: Malinda Roberts
Parent: Richard Roberts
Guardian: James Roberts
Date: Aug. 7, 1815
Amount of bond: $2,000
Security: Frederick GILLUM
Murphy, Mary Catherine. Guardians’ Bond of Albemarle County, Virginia, 1783-1852. 1968.
Loose Bonds, page 80
Orphan: Frances C., & David Hutchens
Parent: David Hutchens
Guardian: John Pilson
Date: Aug. 2, 1824
Amount of bond: $500
Security: James GILLUM
Murphy, Mary Catherine. Guardians’ Bond of Albemarle County, Virginia, 1783-1852. 1968.
II, page 315
Orphan: John, William, Henry, & Mary Wren
Parent: William Wren
Guardian: Stapleton C. Sneed
Date: Oct. 2, 1837
Amount of bond: $1,000
Security: Frederick GILLUM
Murphy, Mary Catherine. Guardians’ Bond of Albemarle County, Virginia, 1783-1852. 1968.
Walnut Lawn

[Dr. Randolph Moore GILLIAM, son of Richard James GILLIAM and Marion Mildred Perkins stated that he was born at Walnut Lawn, Albemarle.]
13 Dec 1795 Mildred Watson, legatee of William Watson, decd., for 100/5/5 pounds released unto John Watson, also a legatee, all right, title, and interest in the dower of Susannah Watson.
Wit: John and William GILLUM and Philip Buckner.
Albemarle County, Deed Book 12, p. 96.
23 Jan 1797
Ann Perkins deeds 197 acres adjoining the land of Charles Bailey, James Kingsolving, William Rogers, William Shelton and Matthew Maury, John GILLUM, Jr., and John GILLUM Sr., to Robert Woodson Wheeler.
Albemarle County, Deed Book 12, page 181
2 Oct 1797
Ann Perkins and William Perkins sell to James Bishop 200 acres bounded by William Rogers, James Kingsolving, John GILLUM, William Shelton, Phillip Aria, and Berryman Taylor.
Albemarle County, Deed Book 13, page 348
30 July 1812
Albemarle County to wit John Watson and David I. Lewis justices of the peace for the sd county, to the Sheriff thereof greeting. Whereas by an inquisition taken before us on the lands between the town of Milton and the Rivanna river heretofore held by Elizabeth Henderson widow, and John, James L. & Charles Henderson sons of the late Bennet Henderson, situate in the parish of St. Anne's and county aforesd on the 30 day of July 1812 upon the oaths of Charles Huckstep, William Crenshaw, James Clark, John Rogers, Wm. Ballard, Benjamin Thurmond, Frederick GILLUM, Jesse B. Rey, Peter Minor, John Kelly, James Lutch, James Barksdale, Abraham Johnson, Nicholas H. Leary, John Watson (LM.) Joel Shiflet, William Suttle, William Wood, and Reuben Grade good and lawful men of the said county and by virtue of the statute made and provided in cases of forcible entry and detainer, it is found that David Michie of the parish of Fredericksville & county aforesaid with others unknown to the jurors aforesd into the sd lands with the appurtenances being in the siesin and actual profession and occupation of Thomas Jefferson of Monticello in the said parish of St. Anne; and county aforesd, situate lying & being in the sd parish of St Anne; & county aforesd, did enter, & him the sd Thomas Jefferson, thereof did disseise & put out, and him the sd Thomas Jefferson thus disseised & put out from the aforesd lands from the 23rd day of this present month of July, to the day of the taking of the said Inquisition with strong hand, did keep out, & do yet keep out, as by the Inquisition aforesd move fully appeareth of record: Therefore on behalf of the Commonwealth, we charge & command you that taking with you the power of the county, if needful, you go to the sd lands, & the same with the appurtenances, you cause to be resiesed, & that you cause the sd Thomas Jefferson to be restored & put into his full profession thereof, according as he before the entry aforesd was seised, according to the form of the sd statute: and this you shall in no wise omit. Given under our hands and seals at the county aforesd the 30th day of July in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred & twelve - John Watson David I Lewis." Includes the outer folded leaf which has the phrase "Warrant for restitution" also in Jefferson's hand, and the following: "Agreeable to the within warrant for restitution to me disited, I have delivered to David Higginbotham Tenant and Attorney in fact for the witness named Thomas Jefferson profession of the written named premises, and I do by virtue as aforesaid make restitution resies and repossess the said lands, and premises, unto the said David Higginbotham, as aforesaid. Wm. Garth."
Calendar of The Jefferson Papers of the University of Virginia Jefferson Papers of the University of Virginia,
Landowner's Directory of 1815
James GILLIAM, 14 W
Cornelius GILLIAM, Whitesides Creek, 18 SW
John GILLIAM, brother of Cornelius, Mechams 18SW
Pleasant GILLIAM, Mechams 12SW
John GILLIAM, Jr., Mechams, 12SW
Elisha D GILLIAM, Carter's Mountain, 4SE
John GILLIAM, Carter's Mountain, 4SE
Mrs. Rebecca GILLIAM’s Dower, 7SE
Frederick GILLIAM, 7E
[Directions and distances are measured from the Courthouse.]
Ward, Roger G. 1815 Directory of Virginia Landowners (and Gazetteer). Volume 1, Central Region. Athens, GA: Iberian Pub. Co., 1997.
Albemarle County Marriages
2 Nov 1789
John GILLUM was a surety for the marriage of David __auley and Susannah Gaulding, spinster.
Albemarle County Historical Society, Volume 9, page 50.
7 Oct 1819
Married on Thursday last by Rev. Davis, Mr. James GILLIAM, to Miss Ann Lolban, all of Albemarle county.
Lexington News-letter, p. 3, c. 4, Saturday, October 9, 1819.
30 Dec 1845
Married at Cocke's Tavern, dec. 30, 1845, by Rev. Samuel W. Blain, Mr. Robert GILLUM to Miss Mary Diggs, all of Albemarle.
Watchman and Observer, 7 Jan 1846, page 2.
[The identity of this Robert GILLUM, is not yet known. Cocke's Tavern in the National Register of Historical Places. It is located in Greenwood, VA]
27 Mar 1906
Charlottesville, March 26—Dr. Hugh T. Nelson, aged sixty years, one of the most prominent physicians and surgeons in this section of the State, and former president of the Virginia State Medical Society, died this afternoon. After one week’s illness of pneumonia. His wife, who was Miss Polly GILLIAM, of Powhatan, and two children survive him. He served throughout the civil War in the confederate army. He was an instructor in the medical department of the University of Virginia, member of the National Association of Railway Surgeons, and of the Southern Surgical and Gynecological Society, and was a frequent contributor to medical journals.
Washington Post
[Mary "Polly" GILLIAM is the daughter of Richard James GILLIAM of Powhatan and Catherine Elizabeth Thornton, his wife.]
Funeral Rites for Mrs. H. T. Nelson
22 Aug 1927
Funeral services of Mrs. Polly Nelson will be held tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock from Christ Episcopal church and the interment will take place in Riverview Cemetery.
Mrs. Nelson was born in Powhatan County, 75 years ago and, before marriage was Miss Polly GILLIAM, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James GILLIAM. She had been living here since 1882.
Mrs. Nelson is survived by two children, one son and a daughter—Dr. Hugh T. Nelson of this city and Mrs. Wilson Chamberlain of Diego, CA.
Charlottesville Daily Progress, August 22 and 23, 1927
[Polly was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard James GILLIAM, not James GILLIAM. Mrs. Wilson Chamberlain was of San Diego, CA.]
15 Jan 1939
Dr. Gilliam Rites Today at Charlottesville
Physician Was Graduate of U. of V. Medical School
Charlottesville, VA, Jan 15
Dr. Randolph M. Gilliam, 43, prominent physician, died yesterday at University of Virginia Hospital. He was a son of the late Richard J. Gilliam, of Powhatan County, and was born in Charlottesville. His education was obtained at Augusta Military Academy, William and Mary College and the University of Virginia.
After graduating from the medical school at the university, he served internships at Kings County Hospital, Brooklyn, and at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. Before entering surgical practice in Chicago, where he became head surgeon of Midwest of Maryland Casualty Co., he took up the study of law and was admitted to practice in Illinois. His health failing, he came to Charlottesville three years ago, making his home at 414 Venable Lane, near the University.
Dr. Gilliam married Miss Frances McLaine of Scranton, Pa. who survives. He also leaves his mother Mrs. Marion Perkins Morecock of Richmond; two sisters, Mrs. C. H. Kauffman, of the University of Virginia, and Mrs. F. R. Chamberlain, of Fortress Monroe, and two half-brothers, Edlow Morecock, of Richmond and William Morecock or Williamsburg.
The funeral will beheld at 2 o’clock tomorrow afternoon at the university chapel, the service to be conducted by the Rev. William H. Laird, rector of St. Paul’s Memorial church, at the university. Interment will take place in the cemetery at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church at Ivy, this county.
The Washington Post, January 16, 1939, page 13.

Patents, Headrights and Bounds

22 Sep 1766
Peter GILLIAM, 166 acs.
On the Brs. of South Hardware, adj. Stephen Heard; £1.
Cavaliers and Pioneers, Volume VII, 103
Virginia Patents, No. 36, 1764-1767, page 1017
14 Aug 1772
Peter GILHAM, 60 acs.
On both sides a br. of South Hardware; adj. Henry Heard, David Barnet & Stephen Heard. 10 Shill
Cavaliers and Pioneers, Volume VII, 282
John GILLIAM, Revolutionary War Pension Application
Confederate Pension Rolls, Veterans and Widows
Act of 1924
GILLIAM, Jas L., Soldier
27 Apr 1774
Lost, or stolen, from the subscriber, in the lower end of Louisa, on the 27th of April last, a pocketbook, with cash and bonds, and other papers, viz, a bond on William GILLIAM, the sum of which I cannot ascertain, but is between fifty and one hundred pounds, a note of hand on John Swann for 81.12s, a penal note on Robert Powell for 2£ with three years interest thereon, an order form Charles Irvin to William Mitchell for 10£. an order for ten hogsheads of tobacco of John Jones’s and an order from Archer Moore to John Farris for 3£. There were upwards of seventy-five pounds in cash. All persons are forewarned from taking the above mentioned bond, or any of the notes of hands or orders, from any persons who may offer them. Whoever will bring the said pocketbook, with the above contents, shall receive 10£ from me, in Albemarle county. There were several other papers that I cannot recollect.
William Watson
Virginia Gazette, Page: 2, Column: 2
Petition from Albemarle for Emission of Paper Money
Publick Claims
8 Apr 1784
At a court held for Albemarle County 8th April 1784
John GILLIAM for 467# meal for same £; for 450# meal for same £
[also in list is Micajah Carr]
Abercrombie, Janice L. and Slatten, Richard, comp. Virginia Revolutionary "Publick" Claims. 3 vols. Athens, Ga.: Iberian Pub. Co., 1992.
John GILLIAM for 205# beef taken by the Cpl. £1.114.4S
John GILLIAM for 195# beef taken by Cpl £1.12.6S; also from removing same 1s.6S
[also listed are Micajah Carr, Woods, Rodes, Brown Ragland and Menan Mills]
Abercrombie, Janice L. and Slatten, Richard, comp. Virginia Revolutionary "Publick" Claims. 3 vols. Athens, Ga.: Iberian Pub. Co., 1992.
Sep 1780
Certificates granted by the commissioners of Provision Law in Albemarle County 1780, September
John GILLIAM 50 bu oats £751
[also listed are Carrs, Michie, Pulliam, Rodes, Dalton, Dickenson, Hudson, Bolling, Watson, Wood and Berry]
Abercrombie, Janice L. and Slatten, Richard, comp. Virginia Revolutionary "Publick" Claims. 3 vols. Athens, Ga.: Iberian Pub. Co., 1992.
Dec 1822
James GILLUM [5 dollars], Pleasant GILLUM [5 dollars], and Henry L. GILLUM [3 dollars] were member of Mountain Plains Church, December 1822. The promised to pay the sums annexed to Rev. Francis Bowman for his services in preaching at the Mountain Plains Meeting House for the term of one year commencing in November.
Albemarle County Historical Society, Volume 2, page 35.
[There was a Mountain Plains Presbyterian and Baptist Churches. This is clearly the Presbyterian one for Rev. Bowman, a Presbyterian minister from Vermont and a graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary, became the first permanent pastor of First Presbyterian, Charlottesville in 1824. Rev. Bowman was also a Chaplain for the University of Virginia].
Revolutionary War Public Service Claims
John GILLIAM, Court Booklet, p 24, 32, 44, Certificates, 4, Lists, p 5
Library of Virginia, Revolutionary War Public Service Claims
Road Orders
Road Orders
Surveyor's Plat Books
6 Dec 1760
Henry Heard; 60 ac; 6 Xber (December) 1760; on both sides _____ Branch of South Hardware River; by John Staples; joining Stephen Heard, Henry Heard, Da'd Barnet; Transferred to Peter GILHAM.
Surveyor's Book, page 59;
Grundset, Eric G. "Land lying in the County of Albemarle" Albemarle County, Virginia Surveyor's Plat Books, Vol. 1, Parts 1 and 2 and Vol. 2, 1744-1853 (and 1892), page 91.
27 Oct 1773
John Wilkinson and Company; 12 ac; October 27, 1773; on a mountain in the north Garden; by Dan'l Smith; joining Hugh Rice Morris, David Cook, John GILHAM.
Surveyor's Book, page 102;
Grundset, Eric G. "Land lying in the County of Albemarle" Albemarle County, Virginia Surveyor's Plat Books, Vol. 1, Parts 1 and 2 and Vol. 2, 1744-1853 (and 1892), page 102.
John Wilkinson and Company; 65 ac; on some mountains in the north Garden; by Dan'l Smith; joining Mr. Nelson, Wm. Wood, a new line, William GILHAM.
Surveyor's Book, page ?;
Grundset, Eric G. "Land lying in the County of Albemarle" Albemarle County, Virginia Surveyor's Plat Books, Vol. 1, Parts 1 and 2 and Vol. 2, 1744-1853 (and 1892), page 102
19 Oct 1779
William Shelton; 20 1/2 ac; October, 19, 1779; lying on the South side Mechum's river; by A. S. Bryant; joining Jno GILLAM, Jas Coleman, a new line.
Surveyor's Book, page 127;
Grundset, Eric G. "Land lying in the County of Albemarle" Albemarle County, Virginia Surveyor's Plat Books, Vol. 1, Parts 1 and 2 and Vol. 2, 1744-1853 (and 1892), page 108.
20 Oct 1779
William Shelton; 92 1/2 ac; October 20, 1779; lying on the South side Mechum's river and on the waters thereof; by A. S. Bryan; adjoining his own line, Wm. Shelton, Gam'l Bailey, Jno GILLAM, a new line, Jno Elliot (?), Josiah Wallace.
Surveyor's Book, page 127;
Grundset, Eric G. "Land lying in the County of Albemarle" Albemarle County, Virginia Surveyor's Plat Books, Vol. 1, Parts 1 and 2 and Vol. 2, 1744-1853 (and 1892), page 108
No Date
Richard Woods; acreage is not given; date not given; on waters of Ivy Creek; by William Woods; joining J. GILLUM senr, James Coleman, Maury. "This survey was made wrong and has since been surveyed for Richard Woods.
Next survey is for Richard Wood, 3 1/2 ac; November 9, 1790; on the Waters of Ivy Creek, surveyed for Richard Wood by virtue of a Land Office Treasury Warrant No. 13777 dated 10 Aug't 1782; by William Woods; joining Maury, Jas Coleman, and his own line.
Surveyor's Book, page 19;
Grundset, Eric G. "Land lying in the County of Albemarle" Albemarle County, Virginia Surveyor's Plat Books, Vol. 1, Parts 1 and 2 and Vol. 2, 1744-1853 (and 1892), Part 2, page 127
2 Sep 1797
William Woods; 38 ac; September 2nd, 1797; on the waters of Ivy Creek, surveyed by virtue of two Land Office Treasury Warrants, first No. 15503 dated 16th April 1783, second No. 777 dated 10th August 1782; by William Woods; joining R woods, John GILLUM junr, John GILLUM sen, Francis Syms. "This plat of land transferred to R. Woods by Wm Woods Ex'r of Jno Bailey dec'd Nov'r 4th, 1797.
Surveyor's Book, page 33;
Grundset, Eric G. "Land lying in the County of Albemarle" Albemarle County, Virginia Surveyor's Plat Books, Vol. 1, Parts 1 and 2 and Vol. 2, 1744-1853 (and 1892), Part 2, page 132-133
11 Dec 1797
Richard Woods; 10 ac; Dec'r 11th, 1797; on the waters of Ivy Creek; surveyed by virtue of a Land Office Treasury Warrant No. 13,770 dated 10th August 1782; by William Woods; joining Francis Syms, his own line, John GILLUM.
Surveyor's Book, page 35;
Grundset, Eric G. "Land lying in the County of Albemarle" Albemarle County, Virginia Surveyor's Plat Books, Vol. 1, Parts 1 and 2 and Vol. 2, 1744-1853 (and 1892), Part 2, page 133
15 Mar 1798
Elisha D. GILLUM, 12 1/2 ac; March 15th 1798; on the south side of Pritty's creek being part of a tract of land formerly belonging to John Talliferro sold by Tarlton Woodson Sheriff for the payment of Taxes to Achilles Douglass and from sd Douglass to Elisha D. GILLUM; by William Woods; joining his own lines. "Pointer on the road" shown.
Surveyor's Book, page 42;
Grundset, Eric G. "Land lying in the County of Albemarle" Albemarle County, Virginia Surveyor's Plat Books, Vol. 1, Parts 1 and 2 and Vol. 2, 1744-1853 (and 1892), Part 2, page 136
16 Dec 1802
Mahlon Clemens; 40 1/2 ac; December 16th, 1802; on both sides the three notched road and on the waters of Ivy creek and Mechums river; by William Woods; joining Jas Bishop, Jno GILLUM, Chas Benley.
Surveyor's Book, page 83;
Grundset, Eric G. "Land lying in the County of Albemarle" Albemarle County, Virginia Surveyor's Plat Books, Vol. 1, Parts 1 and 2 and Vol. 2, 1744-1853 (and 1892), Part 2, page 149
11 Jan 1814
John Field; 106 ac; Jan'y 11th, 1814; on the waters of Whitesides creek; surveyed by virtue of a Land Office Treasury Warrant No. 3992 dated May 18th, 1804; by Richard Woods; joining Overton Garland, his own line, Cornelius GILLUM.
Surveyor's Book, page 101;
Grundset, Eric G. "Land lying in the County of Albemarle" Albemarle County, Virginia Surveyor's Plat Books, Vol. 1, Parts 1 and 2 and Vol. 2, 1744-1853 (and 1892), Part 2, page 154
28 Sep 1837
William N. GILLUM; 15 1/2 ac; September 28th, 1837; on Beaver creek mountain and some of the headwaters of Lickinghole creek, surveyed by virtue of a Land Office Treasury Warrant No. 12818(?) Dated 22nd February 1836; by Peter McGee; joining his own lines, Samuel H. Powel, Wm Humphrey.
Surveyor's Book, page 172;
Grundset, Eric G. "Land lying in the County of Albemarle" Albemarle County, Virginia Surveyor's Plat Books, Vol. 1, Parts 1 and 2 and Vol. 2, 1744-1853 (and 1892), Part 2, page 173
See also Albemarle Tithes and Taxes
1782 Personal Property Taxes, District 1
John GILLIAM, 1 white tithe, 8 black tithes, 23 cattle, 3 horses, Tax 5.1.9
Flythe, Bonnie. Albemarle County, Virginia, Personal Property Tax Lists, 07770 Roll 167
1782 Personal Property Taxes, District 3
John GILLIAM, 1 white tithe, 12 black tithes, 9 cattle, 3 horses, Tax 6.18.3
Flythe, Bonnie. Albemarle County, Virginia, Personal Property Tax Lists, 07770 Roll 167
1782 Personal Property Taxes, District 5
John GILLIAM, 1 white tithe, 0 black tithes, 5 cattle, 2 horses, Tax 0.15.3
Flythe, Bonnie. Albemarle County, Virginia, Personal Property Tax Lists, 07770 Roll 167
1782 Personal Property Taxes, District 6
John GILLIAM, 1 white tithe, 2 black tithes, 3 cattle, 2 horses, Tax 1.14.9
Flythe, Bonnie. Albemarle County, Virginia, Personal Property Tax Lists, 07770 Roll 167
St. Anne's Parish
March 11
April 13
John Bolling, Esq.
Danl. Joblin
John Randell . . .
April 18
Bailey, Callum
Bailey, Charles
Bailey, John
Garland, Nathaniel
GILLIAM, John, Jr.;
Laine, Robert
Lewis, Mills
Randell, Rogers
April 20
John GILLIAM, Sr. [John GILLIAM, Sr. had one white male 16-21 in his household.]
1789 Personal Property Taxes, List A
John GILHAM, Jr., 1 white male, 1 negro over 16, 0 negroes 12-16, 1 horse
John GILHAM, Sr., 3 white male, 5 negroes over 16, 2 negroes 12-16, 4 horses
John GILHAM, 1 white male, 0 negroes over 16, 0 negroes 12-16, 1 horse
Binns Genealogy. 1790/1800 Virginia Tax List Censuses
1789 Personal Property Taxes, List B
Elisha GILLUM, 1 white male, 0 negro over 16, 0 negroes 12-16, 1 horse
James GILLUM, 1 white male, 0 negro over 16, 0 negroes 12-16, 0 horse
John GILLUM, 3 white males, 3 negroes over 16, 2 negroes 12-16, 5 horses
Binns Genealogy. 1790/1800 Virginia Tax List Censuses
1802 Personal Property Taxes, List A
John GILLUM, 1 white male, 4 negroes over 16, 0 negroes 12-16, 5 horses, taxes $2.36
John GILLUM, Sr., 1 white male, 4 negroes over 16, 0 negroes 12-16, 4 horses, taxes $2.24
Binns Genealogy. 1790/1800 Virginia Tax List Censuses
1802 Personal Property Taxes, List B
John GILLUM, 3 white male, 9 negroes over 16, 2 negroes 12-16, 6 horses, taxes $5.56
Elisha GILLUM, 1 white male, 3 negroes over 16, 0 negroes 12-16, 3 horses, taxes $1.68
Binns Genealogy. 1790/1800 Virginia Tax List Censuses
Appraisal of the Estate of Lazarus Dameron
24 Jul 1750
An account of the appraisement of the personal estate of Lazarus Dameron deceased according to order of court taken 24 day of July 1750. Witness our hands James GILLIAM, James Hilton, Charles Bond
Albemarle County, Deeds and Wills, Book 1, 1748-1752
Appraisal of the Estate of Lazarus Dameron
12 Feb 1750
An Account of the Appraisement of the personal Estate of Lazarus Dameron deceased according to order of Court taken the 24th day of July 1750. Witness our hands JAMES GILLIAM, James Hilton, Charles Bond
To one Sorrell Horse, To one Rifle Gun; To & Still, raft trap, coopers tools & reap hook; To three iron potts. To 2 Chizels, a frying pan, a + cut saw, To 1 Auger & Gimblet, a pair of money scales, two Juggs, To 6 spoon moulds, a foot wheel, a Black Walnut Chest, a Table Do; an old Chest & nails; 2 barrels & Tubbs, Cows, calves & yearlings, a Bay horse and Saddle, a Grind stone, two bells one of them without a Clapper; old books, do hand saw, one old Gun, a bed rugg blanket & sheet; a bed and furniture, an old bed and furniture, 1 mare &c 2 colts
Total 48...15...9
This Inventory & appraisement was returned to Albemarle County Court the 12th day of February 1750 and ordered to be recorded
Albemarle County, Deed and Will Abstracts of Albemarle County, VA, 1748-1752
Accounts of Charles Burks
abt 1757
By cash received to James Scruggs; By James Christian, by William GILLUM, By cash of Sarah Burks for cows sold, by my promise on account of land; by cash to Sarah Burks, by the Negro taken back; by eight hundred pounds of tobacco at two pence per pound; by cash received of John Trent, by Mrs. Freeland, by amount of sale of this estate £37.6.0
By balance of my account with Charles Burks Total £112.9.1
[It appears by comparison of totals etc., that this is the account of Charles Burks, decd, Richard Taylor, Administrator]
Albemarle County, VA, Will Book 2, 1752-1785, page 30.
Appraisal of the Estate of James Christian
12 Jul 1759
Appraisement of the Estate of James Christian, deceased, as taken by us the subscribers in pursuance of an Order of the Worshipfull the Court of Albemarle County dates 12th July 1759.
Appraised July the 28th 1759 by Jeremiah Whitney, John Coleman, William GILLIAM.
The appraisement of the Estate of James Christian, deceased, was returned into Albemarle County Court the ninth day of August 1759 and ordered to be recorded
Teste John Nicholas, Clk.
Albemarle County, VA, Will Book 2, 1752-1785, page 54.
Appraisal of the Estate of Charles Christian
11 Dec 1760
Appraisement of the Estate of Charles Christian as appraised by us the subscribers in pursuance of an order of Albemarle Court dated the 11th of December 1760
March 19th day 1761 William GILLIAM, John Spears, Joseph Crews.
Albemarle June Court 1767
This inventory and appraisement were returned to Court and ordered to be recorded.
Albemarle County, VA, Will Book 2, 1752-1785, page 225
Appraisal of the Estate of John Cox
25 Nov 1762
Pursuant to an Order of Albemarle Court, we the Subscribers being first sworn have appraised in current money all the slaves and personal estate of John Cox, deceased, which was to us produced of what the following is an Inventory
George Miller, Richard GILLIAM, Martin Dawson, William Harris
At a Court held for Albemarle County the XVth day of November 1762.
Albemarle County, VA, Will Book 2, 1752-1785, page 139-140
An Inventory of the Estate of Obadiah Moor, deceased
29 Mar 1768
We the appraisers being first sworn do appraise the above articles to the amount of three hundred fifty seven pound, eleven shillings and eleven pence. Given under our hands this 29th of March 1768
Jacob Moon, James Suddarth, John Gillium
At a court held for Albemarle County the XII day of May 1768. This inventory and appraisement wee returned to court and ordered to be recorded.
Albemarle County, VA, Will Book 2, 1752-1785, page 229
14 Sep 1773
Will of Elizabeth GILLIAM
Albemarle County, VA, Will Book B, pages 301-302
Will of Mourning Harris
8 May 1775
In the name of God Amen, I Mourning Harris of the county of Albemarle, being in perfect mind and memory, do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following. First and principally I recommend my soul to God who gave it to me, not doubting but this the merits of my redeemer to have full pardon and remission of all my sins and my body I recommend to the earth from whence it came, to be buried in such manner as my Executor hereinafter named shall think fit and touching such temporal Estate as have pleased God to bless me with, I give and devise in manner and form following. Imprimis, whereas by a will made the eighteenth day of June, one thousand seven hundred and sixty five by Robert Harris, my deceased husband, was given by a clause in the will was given to me all his lawful debts and all residue of his Estate be it of what nature or quality so ever to me and my heirs forever. Item, As to the remainder of my Estate, I give and bequeath to all my Children, to be equally divided amongst them or their legal representatives be it of what nature or quality so ever, I do constitute and appoint John Rodes and William Shelton to be my Executors of this my last will and testament as witness my hand and seal this eighth day of May 1775.
Mourning Harris
Test. James Woodson, John GILLIAM, William Tomberlin
[Mourning Glenn married Robert Harris. An earlier Robert Harris and William GILLIAM were neighbors in New Kent on the Ware.]
Albemarle County, VA, Will Book 2, page 338
31 Jan 1788
Will of James Coleman of Albemarle County
In the name of God Amen I, James Coleman, of the County of Albemarle being weak in body but of sound judgment and memory do constitute and appoint this my last will and testament, in the first place I commit my soul into the hands of Almighty God that gave it my body to the earth to be buried in a decent Christian-like manner at the discretion of my Executors hereafter mentioned and touching my worldly affairs, in the first place my desire is that all my just debts be first paid and as touching my worldly estate I give and dispose of it in manner following.
To wit: I give and bequeath unto my two daughters Judith Coleman and Jane Coleman two hundred and ten acres of land so extending the plantation whereon I now live joining Richard Woods Maureys John Baileys and John GILLUMs lines also all my plantation tools to them and their heirs forever. . .
Rec: September 1796
Albemarle County, VA, Will Book 3, p. 323
31 Jan 1788
Will of James Coleman of Albemarle County
In the name of God Amen I, James Coleman, of the County of Albemarle being weak in body but of sound judgment and memory do constitute and appoint this my last will and testament, in the first place I commit my soul into the hands of Almighty God that gave it my body to the earth to be buried in a decent Christian like manner at the discretion of my Executors hereafter mentioned and touching my worldly affairs, in the first place my desire is that all my just debts be first paid and as touching my worldly estate I give and dispose of it in manner following. To wit: I give and bequeath unto my two daughters Judith Coleman and Jane Coleman two hundred and ten acres of land so extending the plantation whereon I now live joining Richard Woods Maureys John Baileys and John GILLUMs lines also all my plantation tools to them and their heirs forever.
Item – I give and bequeath unto my son Samuel Coleman two hundred acres of land lying joining Benjamin Taylor, Edwin Gibson, James Cumbling and John GILLUM also fifty six acres joining Col. Woods and Taylor also one hundred acres of land lying joining Robert Layne and John Baileys line to him and his heirs forever.
Item – I give and bequeath unto my son Samuel Coleman and Judith Coleman my bed and furniture to be equally divided between them to them and their heirs forever.
Item – I give and bequeath unto Mary Hatter one hundred thirty acres of land more or less lying in Amherst on Tye river so extending the plantation on which she now lives to her and her heirs forever.
Item – I give and bequeath to my daughter Lucy Watson one hundred and forty six acres of land being part of the tract of land whereon Bartlot Jerrol now lives on to her and her heirs forever.
Item – I give and bequeath to my daughter Susannah Johnson one hundred and forty six acres of land being part of the aforesaid tract of land on which the aforesaid Jerroll lives to her and her heirs forever.
Item – I lend unto my daughter Maskey Jerrol one hundred and forty six acres of land enclosing the plantation whereon she now lives during her life and then to be equally divided among all her children to them and their heirs forever.
Item – I lend to my daughter Ann Bunnfield one hundred and forty six acres of land being part of aforesaid tract whereon the said Jerroll now lives on to her during her life and then to the issue of her body and to their heirs forever, and if she is without issues then my will and desire is that their legacy should be equally divided among all the children included in this will.
Item – I give and bequeath unto my granddaughter Nancy Isbell one hundred acres of land lying joining of James Reid and being part of the aforesaid tract that Jerroll now lives on to her and her heirs forever.
Also my desire and will is that the two entries that I have in Amherst County be sold and the money equally divided among all the children included in this will and farther my will and desire is that my still and blacksmith tools be sold and the money applied to pay my debts and the money arising from the sale of my Negroes that I sold to my son Samuel Coleman be applied to discharge my debts then my will and desire is that it be equally divided among all the children included in this will.
I do hereby constitute and appoint Samuel Coleman, John Hatter and John Bunnfield my sole executors of this my last will and testament and I do disavow and revoke all other wills and testaments whatsoever in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this thirty first day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight.
Signed and delivered in presence of:
Talton Woodson Joseph Hobb Edwin Gibson
Proved at Albemarle Court Sept. 1796 by oath of Talton Woodson and further at Albemarle June 1797 by oath of Edwin Gibson a second witness thereto and ordered to be recorded.
Genealogies of Virginia Families, Vol. II, p. 280-285
14 Apr 1791
Will of Martin Key
In the name of God, Amen, I, Martin Key of Fredericksville Parish and County of Albemarle, being of weak body but in my perfect senses and memory, do make this my last will and testament. I commend my soul unto the hands of Almighty God who gave it hoping through the meritorious cross and passion of my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, to receive a free and full pardon of all my sins.
Secondly, I give my body to the earth to be decently buried, according to the will of my executors hereafter to be mentioned and as for my estate which it has pleased Almighty God to endow me with, I give and bequeath as follows:
I give and bequeath to my son, Martin Key, the negro woman Dinah he has now in his possession, to him and his heirs forever.
I give and bequeath to my son John Key four hundred and nine acres of land (lying in Albemarle County) I purchased of Eller Clark. Also two hundred and four acres of land adjoining the above tract, and also two hundred acres adjoining the latter tract, and also one hundred and fifty acres I purchased of my father, to him and his heirs forever.
I give and bequeath to my son Tandy Key three hundred pounds to be raised from the sale of the land I purchased of Jesse Burton to him and his heirs forever.
I give and bequeath to my son Joshua Key four hundred and nine acres of land (lying in Albemarle County) I purchased of William Tandy, and also one hundred acres adjoining, to be taken from the tract of land I purchased from Thomas Meriwether and to be laid off by running down the Rivanna river a sufficient distance to make the quantity by a straight line to the back line, to him and his heirs forever, but if he should die without a lawful heir of his own body, then I give the said land to my son Walter Key, to him and his heirs forever.
I give and bequeath to my William Bibb Key the six negroes he has now in his possession, viz: Sam Aggy, Bob, Charles, Thiney and Lucy to him and his heirs forever.
I give and bequeath to my son Henry Key two hundred acres of land (lying in Albemarle County) for which I received a deed from Aron Kinsey, to him and his heirs forever. I also will him one hundred and forty acres of land it being part of the tract I purchased of Thomas Meriwether, which I laid off for him on condition he entirely declines the vicious practices of gaming and excessive drinking and applies himself closely to business, but he shall in no wise dispose of the latter tract of land without the consent of my executor, and if he should die without an heir lawfully begotten of his own body, then I give the said tract to my son Walter Key to him and his heirs forever.
I give and bequeath to my son Jesse Key two hundred and forty acres of land (lying in Albemarle County) patented in my own name, also two hundred and eighty-seven acres of land adjoining the above tract patented in Joseph Smith's name, and also one hundred and twenty-nine acres surveyed by and patented in my own name to him and his heirs forever.
I give and bequeath to my son James Key one hundred and forty acres of land (lying in Albemarle County) I purchased of Henry Fry and also four hundred and sixty acres of land it being part of the tract I purchased of Thomas Meriwether to him and his heirs forever; but if he should die without a lawful heir of his own body I give and bequeath the said lands to my son Joshua Key to him and his heirs forever.
I give and bequeath to my son Walter Key four hundred and ten acres of land (lying in Albemarle County) I purchased of Col. John Fry on which I now live; also that tract of two hundred acres on which my father lived to him and his heirs forever; but if he should die without a lawful heir of his own body, then I give the said tract to my son Joshua Key, to him and his heirs forever.
I will that all the lands (I purchased from Jesse Burton) lying in Fluvanna County should be sold by my executors as soon as convenient for the best price and the monies
I give and bequeath to my daughter, Martha Key, three hundred pounds to be raised from the sale of the lands I purchased of Jesse Burton, also a negro girl named Suckey (daughter of Grace) also a horse, bridle and saddle, one feather bed and furniture, to her and her heirs forever.
I give and bequeath to my daughter, Elizabeth Daniel, the three negroes she has in her possession, viz: Leadie, Teller and Hannah to her and her heirs forever.
I give and bequeath to my only and beloved wife, Anne Key, a good negro woman, man, boy and girl, one-fifth of all the stock, two feather beds and furniture two tables, six chairs, one chest, one trunk, cupboard and necessary quantity of kitchen furniture to be disposed of by her.
I will that my son Walter Key's education be particularly attended to at the expense of my estate until the division.
I will that as soon as my lawful debts are paid that my estate may be divided between my sons Thomas Key, John Key, Tandy Key, Joshua Key, Jesse Key, James Key, and Walter Key, and that the negro girl named Tiller, worth sixty pounds in the possession of my son Tandy Key, and a negro boy named Phill worth forty-five pounds in the possession of my son John Key, and a negro girl named Patt, worth fifty pounds and in the possession of my son Tandy Key and three negroes viz: Frank, Tab and Dice, worth two hundred and fifty pounds, in the possession of my son Joshua Key, all of which negroes I have conveyed to them and their heirs forever, but to be considered in the division of my estate at the prices they are severally fixed.
And lastly I constitute and appoint my only and beloved wife, Anne Key executrix, my trusty and much esteemed friend Richard Morris, Esq. and my sons John, Tandy and Joshua Key my whole and sole executors of this my last will and testament, revoking and making void all former wills made by me heretofore, as witness my hand and seal this 24th day of November in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-five.
Signed, sealed, published, acknowledged and delivered in the presence of John Bent, John GILLUM, William GILLUM and James Daniel.
At a court held in Albemarle County the 14th day of April, 1791 this last will and testament of Martin Key, deceased, was produced into court and proved by the oath of John Bent and John GILLUM, two of the witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded, and on the motion of John and Joshua Key, two of the executors therein named who made oath according to law, certificate is granted them for obtaining a probate in due form upon their giving bond and security, whereupon they enter into and acknowledge their bond accordingly.
John Nicholas C.C.
This instrument writing I add to my last will and testament as a codicil:
I give and bequeath to my grandson, Jesse Key, son on John Key two hundred and eighty acres of land whereon Lawrence Carver now lives, to him and his heirs forever.
I give and bequeath to my daughter, Martha Key, two hundred pounds in money in addition to what I have already willed her in my last will and testament whenever my executors can find it convenient for the estate to pay it to her.
This codicil I wish to be added to my last will and testament, given under my hand and seal this the thirteenth day of April, one thousand seven hundred and ninety.
Sig: Martin Key (seal)
Signed, sealed and delivered at the express request of the testators, Walter Key, Mildred Watson, John Key.
At a court held for Albemarle County the 14th day of April 1791 this codicil was produced into the court and proved by the oaths of Walter Key and John Key, two of the witnesses thereto, and ordered to be probated.
John Nicholas, C.C.
Will of John GILLIAM, Sr., 1792
Albemarle County, VA, Will Book 3, page 157
Will of Joel Perkins
24 Jun 1793
Wit: John GILLUM, William Rodgers, Pleasant GILLUM
Rec: Sep 1793
Albemarle County, VA, Will Book 3, page 200.
[Joel Perkins married Ann Bailey, daughter of Callam Bailey. Ann is also the sister of Callam Holman Bailey who married Judith Ann GILLIAM. William Rogers married Fannie GILLIAM, sister of John and Pleasant GILLUM]
9 Apr 1798
Will of Benjamin Thacker, Sr.
In the name of God amen
I Benjamin Thacker Sen.r of Albemarle County being of Sound mind and memory at present do make the following my last will and testament (to Wit) first it is my will and desire that all my Just debts be paid
Item I Lend unto my Wife Martha Thacker during her natural life the plantation whereon I now live with all the Movable property thereon provided she does not make any un necessary waist [sic] to be Judged by my Executors hereafter Mentioned
Item I give to my son Ambrose Thacker two Pounds.
Item I give to my son William Thacker seven pounds
Item I give to my son Benjamin Thacker Jun.r four pounds
Item I give to my son Nathaniel Thacker my set of Blacksmiths tools provided he does all my Blacksmiths Work during my & my wifes lifetime for nothing, -
Item I give to my son Daniel Thacker fifty acres of Land more or less and including the plantation whereon he now lives and the Sum of five Pounds to him and his heirs forever,
Item I give to my son Jesse Thacker four pounds,
Item I give to my son Ezikel Thacker Eight pounds -
Item I give to my daughter Ann Harlow one Dollar,
Item I give to my daughter Christian Sprouce two Dollars -
Item I Give to my Daughter Mary Sprouce three Pounds
Item I lend to my Daughter Elenton Thacker Sprouce during her life two Negroes by name Pleasant and fanny with all future increase and my and my [sic] will and Desire at the Death of my ["Said" inserted] Daughter Elenton I give the Said two Negroes &c to the issues of her body to them and their heirs forever also I Give to my Daughter Elenton one feather bed and furniture
Item I Lend to my daughter Jerusha Thacker two Negroes (to wit) By name Sam and Doll during her life with all the Said Doll futer increas [sic] and at the death of my Said daughter Jerusha I give the Said negroes with all futer increas to the Issues of her body to be equally Divided amongst them to them and their heirs forever also I give to my Said daughter Jerusha one feather bed and furniture.
Item I Give to my two Daughters Elenton Thacker Sprouce and Jerusha Thacker one hundred and twenty four Acres of land more or less so including the plantation whereon I now live to them and their heirs forever.
further my will is that my Executors Sell one hundred acres of Land lying and being in the County of fluvanna a Joing [sic] the lands of David Ross and John Allmay on the waters of Balinger's Creek and the money rising from the Sale of the Said land be applied to discharge the aforesaid Legacies that; [sic] left in Money and if the Said Land Should not raise money enough to dischare [sic] them there must be as much of the Stock and household furniture sold as will raise the Sum; and all the Stock & household & kitchen furniture that is left must be equally Divided between my two Daughters last Mentioned and further my will is that none of the afore mentioned legacies are to be paid till the death of my Said Wife
I do Hereby Revoke and disannul all other wills heretofore made by me and I do hereby appoint my friends Talton Woodson Howell Lewis and Thomas Bell Executors of this my last will and Testament given under my hand and Seal this 9.th day of April 179eight
Sig: Rich.d Woods
Elizabeth Woods
Judith Coleman, Benjamin [his X mark] Thacker Sen, Bennett Gillum
At Albemarle July Court 1799 This last will and testament of Benjamin Thacker Deceased was Produced into Court and Proved by the oaths of Richard Woods
Elizabeth Woods and Bennett Gillum three Witnesses thereto and ordered to be Recorded,
Teste John Nicholas C Al.
Albemarle County, VA, Will Book 4 (1798-1809), pp. 28-29
30 Sep 1799
Estate of Bennett Gillum
Names mentioned: Charles Blount, Samuel Smithson, Gideon Ceuve [?], Jos Wingfield.
Sig: Elizabeth Gillum
Albemarle County, VA, Will Book 4, page 95
8 Jul 1804
Will of John Wingfield, Sr
In the name of God. Amen. I John Wingfield of Albemarle County being weak of body but of perfect sense and sound memory do make my last will and Testament in manner following. viz.
First I desire that all my just debts shall be paid & the residue of my estate I give my loving wife Robina Wingfield during her life.
Item I give my daughter Rebekah GILLIAM her choice of my Beds and furniture.
I give the tract of land whereon I live to my three Daughters Viz. Mary, Elizabeth and Martha for them to have quick possession thereof while they remain single and each of them one feather Bed and furniture
also I give my Daughter Mary one sorrel horse colt,
also I give each of my last mentioned Daughters Viz. Mary, Elizabeth and Martha Wingfield one cow a piece.
Item After the marriage of the above named three Daughters I give the above tract of land to either of my sons that thinks proper to keep it. After he pays each of his Brothers and Sisters the sum of eighteen pounds Six Shillings and eight pence but if more than one of my sons should be desirous of keeping this the said land I desire that they should cast lots for it and which ever of them gains it by lot shall pay to the other eleven the above mentioned Sums.
and as to the rest of my Estate Viz. My stock house hold furniture & I desire after my wife’s Death that it may be sold and the money to be equally divided among each of my Children.
I appoint my Sons Robert Wingfield & Mathew Wingfield Executors of this my last will and Testament
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 8th day of July 1804.
Sig: John Wingfield (Seal)
Sealed and acknowledged
in presence of
Benjamin Sowell
Thomas Sowell
Elisha Sowell
At a Court held for Albemarle County the 7th of February 1814
This Instrument of writing purporting to be the last will and Testament of John Wingfield Deceased was produced into Court and proved by the Oaths of Benjamin Sowell, Thomas Sowell and Elisha Sowell Witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded
John Nicholas CC
Albemarle County, Will Book 5, 1807-1814, pp. 328, 329
[Rebeckah Wingfield married John GILLIAM 20 May 1802]
Will of John GILLIAM, Sr., 1808
Albemarle County Will Book 5, page 224
Will of John GILLIAM, Sr., 1809
Albemarle County Will Book 5, page 26
Will of Mary Woodfolk
Albemarle County, VA, Will Book 5, page 226
Will of James Bishop
6 Jun 1821
In the name of God, Amen. I James Bishop of the county of Albemarle being of sound mind and disposing memory do name and ordain this my last will and testament revoking all others heretofore made.
Item. I give and bequeath to my son Isack Bishop ten dollars to him and his heirs forever.
Item. I give and bequeath to my daughter Rachel McKnight five dollars to her and her heirs forever.
Item. I give and bequeath to my son Thomas Bishop five dollars to him his heirs forever.
Item. I give and bequeath to my son William Bishop five dollars to him and his heirs forever.
Item. I give and bequeath to my son James Bishop fifty dollars to him his heirs forever.
Item. I give and bequeath to my son Samuel Bishop one bead and furniture which he has in possession to him and his heirs forever.
Item. I give and bequeath to my two daughters Polly Bishop and Rebecca Bishop all of my household and kitchen furniture also four hundred dollars to them and their heirs forever.
My will and desire is that my wife shall the hole of my estate during her life. And after her death my will is that my Executors sell my land wherever I now live on and stock of all kind and after all my just debts be paid and after paying to each of my children what I have devised to them the balance of the money arising from the sale I give to my son Samuel Bishop to him and his heirs forever. I do hereby constitute and appoint Charles Harper and Pleasant GILLIAM my Executors to this my last will and testament in Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this twenty six day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty one
Sig: James Bishop
Teste: Gerard Yates, John P GILLIAM, William B GILLIAM
At a Court held for Albemarle county 6 May 1833. This Instrument of writing purporting to be the last will and testament of James Bishop decd was this day produced into court and proved by the oaths of John P & Wm B GILLIAM and ordered to be recorded.
Aleop, Teste Ira Garrett C. C.
Albemarle County, VA, Will Book 11, page 210
[John P(leasant) GILLUM and William B. GILLUM were the sons of Pleasant GILLUM and Polly Petty.]
Will of William B. GILLIAM, 1839
Albemarle County, VA, Will Book 13, page 469.
Will of Mary T. GILLUM, 1844
Albemarle County, VA, Will Book 15, page 365
Will of Elizabeth Ann Gillum, 1844
Albemarle County, VA, Will Book 16, page 134-135
Will of James GILLUM, circa 1845
Library of Virginia, Chancery Files, From William A. White, etc. vs. James C. Rothwell, etc. Albemarle County, Chancery Cause, Circuit Court. It is stated that James GILLUM “died in the County of Albemarle about the year 1845 . . .” and that the Executors “of the said James GILLUM were Wm. W. Rothwell and Fred GILLIAM both of whom are dead . . .”
Will of Frederick GILLUM, 1859
Albemarle County, VA, Deed Book, 27, page 333.
- Abercrombie, Janice L. and Slatten, Richard, comp. Virginia Revolutionary "Publick" Claims. 3 vols. Athens, Ga.: Iberian Pub. Co., 1992.
- Albemarle County Historical Society, Volume 2, page 35.
- Albemarle County Historical Society, Volume 9, page 50.
- Albemarle County Will Books.
- Ancestry.com, Edward Pleasant Valentine Papers, Volume 1, page 528
- Baker, Mary Ellen. Numerous correspondences
- Davis, Rev. Bailey Fulton. The Deeds of Amherst County, Virginia, 1761-1807, and Albemarle County, Virginia, 1748-1763. Easley, S.C.: Southern Historical Press, 1979.
- Flythe, Bonnie. Numerous correspondences including Deed abstractions.
- Flythe, Bonnie. Albemarle County, Virginia, Personal Property Tax Lists, 07770 Roll 167
- Grundset, Eric G. Land Lying in the County of Albemarle. Albemarle County, Virginia Surveyor's Plat Books, Vol. 1, Parts 1 and 2 and Vol. 2, 1744-1853 (and 1892).
- Heads of Families, Records of the State Enumerations: 1782-1785, Washington: Government Printing Office, 1908
- Henley, Bernard J. Marriage and Obituary Citations compiled by Bernard J. Henley from Virginia newspapers on microfilm at the Library of Virginia.
- Jefferson, Thomas. "To Shelton GILLIAM, Esq." The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 12.
- Israel, Kenneth D. The Children of Israel. Jacksonville, FL.
- Library of Virginia, Chancery Files.
- Library of Virginia, Revolutionary War Public Service Claims
- Murphy, Mary Catherine. Guardians’ Bond of Albemarle County, Virginia, 1783-1852. 1968.
- Pawlett, Nathaniel Mason. Albemarle County, Virginia, Road Orders 1725-1816. Charlottesville: Virginia Transportation Research Council, 1981.
- Pawlett, Nathaniel Mason. Albemarle County, Virginia, Road Orders 1744-1748. Charlottesville: Virginia Transportation Research Council, 1975.
- Pawlett, Nathaniel Mason. Albemarle County, Virginia, Road Orders 1783-1816. Charlottesville: Virginia Transportation Research Council, 1975.
- Sparacio, Lydia. Albemarle County, Virginia Will Books, 1752-1764. Springfield, VA: Antient Press.
- Sparacio, Lydia. Albemarle County, Virginia Will Books, 1764-1775. Springfield, VA: Antient Press.
- Sparacio, Lydia. Albemarle County, Virginia Will Books, 1752-1756, 1775-1783. Springfield, VA: Antient Press.
- Sparacio, Ruth and Sam. Deed Abstracts of Albemarle County, Virginia. Springfield, VA: Antient Press.
- Vogt, John, and T. William Kethley Jr. Albemarle County Marriages, 1780-1853. 3 vols. Athens, Ga.: Iberian Publishing Company, 1991.
- The Wingfields of Albemarle County, Virginia: A Correction. Virginia Genealogical Society Quarterly. Volume XXVI, number 2 (01-MAY-1988)
- Ward, Charles M. Numerous correspondences regarding William GILLIAM and Mary Jarratt.
- Ward, Roger G. 1815 Directory of Virginia Landowners (and Gazetteer). Volume 1, Central Region. Athens, GA: Iberian Pub. Co., 1997.
- Weisiger, Benjamin B. III. Albemarle County, Virginia, Court Papers 1744-1783. Richmond: Weisiger, 1987.
- Weatherford, Linda S. Information from Albemarle County Historical Society.
- Woods, Rev. Edgar. Albemarle County in Virginia. Bowie, Md.: Heritage Books, 1989