Updated December 23, 2023

Goochland County was named for Sir William Gooch, lieutenant governor of Virginia from 1727 to 1749. It was formed from Henrico County in 1728. Its area is 289 square miles, and the county seat is Goochland. Albemarle was cut off from Goochland in 1744 and Cumberland in 1749.
King William Parish, 1728-1749
Saint James Northam Parish, 1744
Saint James Southam Parish, 1744-1749
Saint James Parish, 1728-1744

Goochland saw many GILLIAMs. GILLIAMs designated as "of Henrico," "of Albemarle," "of Louisa," and "of Prince George" all make appearance, as well as, Martha of New Kent.
John GILLIAM "of Henrico" and wife, Sarah, settled on Great Lickinghole in 1757 when they buy 400 acres from Obadiah Patterson. This landed is bounded by Charles Christian. Later, John purchases more land with Charles Christian as an adjacency. This John is identified as the son of Batt Gilliam in a Chancery suit.
The above John may be the John who married Sarah Faris. For later their son, Jacob, named after his uncle, Jacob Faris or possibly a Jacob GILLIAM, is baptized at St. James, Northam. Jacob later owns land on Lickinghole.
The above John appears in the processioning for the year 1764. He is listed as being near Lickinghole Creek.
It should be noted that also listed in the same processioning is a William Roundtree. William's daughter, Dorcas, married in 1763, Drury Murrell. Drury's sister as you will see below married another John GILLIAM. William left a will in Goochland dated 1 Oct 1762. His inventory mentions John GILLIAM:
Inventory of William Roundtree
16 Sep 1766
Ordinary Accts
Jno GILHAM 4/9
Though it is believed the John of the processioning is John of Henrico, it is very likely that the John of the Inventory of William Roundtree is John who married Elizabeth Murrell, since Elizabeth's brother married William's daughter.
Another Gilliam in St. James, Northam is Jacob. In 1769, Jacob GILLIAM marries a Sarah Horn. It is likely this Jacob is related to the Jacob of later New Kent tithes.
John and Sarah's son, John, Jr., purchases land on Carter's Ferry Road in 1800. In December of 1800 John as "John, Jr." purchases land and water rights from Paul Meacham who had removed to Stokes County, NC. In 1802 more adjacent land (on the northside of Byrd Creek) is purchased by John, Jr., from Tarleton Payne and wife Elizabeth.
Another son of John and Sarah, James, married Frances Hopkins, daughter of John Hopkins. John GILLIAM, makes several Publick Claims. Since John Hopkins certifies these claims, it is believed that the claims were made by John who married Sarah.
Earlier, in 1749, Epaphroditus GILLIAM of St. Martin's Parish, Louisa, settles for a short while on Lickinghole. After a couple years, Epaphroditus sells this tract to John Mackquarry and returns to Louisa, only to eventually settle in what is Buckingham County.
Even earlier (1744) a William GILLIAM witnesses a deed from Isaac Bates to Stephen Hughes. To date, this William has not identified.
Another John GILLIAM appears in Goochland. The marriage of John GILLIAM and Elizabeth Morrell/Murrell occurs in 1764 and is recorded in St. James, Northam Register. In 1768 Humphrey Parrish sells to John 139 acres on Branches of Byrd and Fork Creeks, on both sides of Three Notched Rd., touching the Louisa County Line.
John and Elizabeth sell 13 acres on the northside of the James at the head of Fork Creek in 1770 to her brother, Drury Murrell. In 1772 John refers to himself as "of Albemarle" when he sells another 119 acres to Drury Murrell bounded by David Melton’s line, Louisa County, Humphrey Parrish, Three Notched Rd., James Massie, Byrd Creek, Thomas Emersons, Fork Creek. This appears to be 139 acres John purchased in 1768 from Humphrey Parrish (though the total is only 132, 13+119).
What makes matters confusing is that in 1796 nearly thirty years after John (and Elizabeth) purchased land on the Branches of Byrd and Fork Creeks, that Peter Parrish & Sophia his wife sell to a John GILLIAM, 84.5 acres on Little Byrd Creek. This deed is witnessed by none other than Humphrey Parrish, who sold the tract to John and Elizabeth. However, it appears that this John is John, Jr., above, son of John and Sarah.
[It is believed that there were two distinct John GILLIAMs living at different times on Byrd Creek and Little Byrd Creek. It appears the John and Elizabeth divest themselves of that land and by 1772 are calling themselves "of Albemarle." John and Sarah GILLIAM purchase from John Moss and Elizabeth, his wife, 150 acres on 4 April 1776. On 21 December 1801 John GILLIAM and his wife Sary, sold 144 3/4 acres to Joseph DuVal, listed as a resident of Goochland. The price paid was $723.75.]
There is yet another John GILLIAM who is in all likelihood ill and possibly aged. The Vestry pays David McCormack and Arthur Hopkins for his care. The McCormacks are associated with Epaphroditus who was living in Goochland during part of the time that John was being cared for by the Vestry.
[It should be noted that an Arthur Hopkins receives a patent for 2288 acres in Albemarle on the Branches of Totier Creek, adjoining: James Tuley and John Lewis' corner pine, Matthew Harris' 2 corner white oak saplings, Charles Lynch's line, Lynches and Merriwether's Corner, Meriwether's and Scott's pointers, Clark's corner on 20 Jul 1748. The connection to the Tuley's is interesting.]
A fifth John GILLIAM is mentioned in 1781. He is referred to as John GILLIAM of Prince George. This John is John who married Jane Henry. John received land from the Rev. Patrick Henry on the Branches of Allan’s Creek containing about five hundred acres, part whereof is in Goochland County and part in Hanover County. Robert, the brother of John appears in the Personal Property Tax Lists, his wife being Lucy Skelton, the heiress of Elk Island, Goochland.
One last GILLIAM line of Goochland is that of Martha GILLIAM, daughter of James GILLIAM, Sr., of Cumberland. Martha married Martin King before 21 Apr 1756, the date of the birth of their son Martin King, Jr. Martin King Jr.'s birth and baptism, along with those of some of his siblings, are recorded in the Register of St. James, Northam. Martin King, Sr., lived for a time in Albemarle County—Martin King Highway in present-day Albemarle County, bears his name. Martin King, Sr., is mentioned numerous times in the Albemarle County Road Orders.
Martha's grandniece, Mary Louisa GILLIAM marries on the 7 Feb 1829 in Powhatan John B. Pemberton. John and Mary lived at "Clover Forest," Goochland. John is found in the 1830 and 1840 Goochland Census. Mary is found in the 1850, 1860 and 1870 Census. She dies on 15 Sep 1873 and is buried at Clover Forest, Goochland. Clover Forest is open to the public as a country inn.
John GILLIAM [Jr.]
Ancestry.com. Federal Census.
Ancestry.com. Federal Census.
No GILLIAMs indexed
Ancestry.com. Federal Census.
No GILLIAMs indexed
Ancestry.com. Federal Census.
No GILLIAMs indexed
Ancestry.com. Federal Census.
A summary of Goochland Deeds may be found at the Grantor and Grantee Index.
31 Dec 1744
Isaac Bates of Goochland to Stephen Hughes of same, 5 shillings, a tract on both sides of Randolph Creek in Goochland, about 2050 acres bounded northwardly by Joseph Price and Gideon Martin, eastwardly by Thomas Bassett & westwardly by Samuel Bridgewater, sd Bates and Joseph Dabbs, part of a tract of 3167 acres granted to Bates on 1 Mar 1743.
Wit: William Cannon, John Woodson, William GILLIAM
Rec: 15 Jan 1744/5
[This land is found in modern-day western Cumberland. James Gilliam, Sr., lived near the Bates Tract.]
Goochland County, VA, Deed Book 4, page 479.
2 Aug 1748
William Atkinson of Goochland Co., VA to Jeremiah Parker Reach 50 acres, being in Goochland Co., VA
Goochland County, VA, Deed Book 5, page 479
3 Aug 1749
Between Jeremiah Parker Reach of the Parish of St. James in the county of Albemarle Black Smith of the one part & Epaphroditus GILLIAM of the Parish of St. Martin's in the county of Louisa planter of the other part a parcel in Parish of St. James Northam in the County of Goochland on the branches of Lickinghole Creek & bounded William Atkinson's . . .
Goochland County, VA, Deed Book 6, page 16.
16 Jun 1752
Epaphroditus GILLIAM to John Mackquarry
[This tract was purchased three years earlier by Epaphroditus on 3 Aug 1749 for £23 from Jeremiah Parker Rich. Epaphroditus at purchase refers to himself as of St. Martin's Parish, Louisa.]
Goochland County, VA, Deed Book 6, page 209.
14 Nov 1757
Obadiah Patterson sells to John Gilliham of Henrico Co. For 200 pounds, 400 acres of land on branches of Great Lickinghole. Bounded by Edward New, Charles Christian.
Wit: Alex Fowler, John Payne, Jos. Davis.
Rec: Nov. 16, 1757
Goochland County, VA, Deed Book 7, page 215
26 Jul 1768
Humphrey Parrish sells to John GILLAM of Goochland for 27 pounds, 139 acres on Branches of Byrd and Fork Creeks. On both sides of Three Notched Rd., touching Louisa co. Line.
Wit: Wm. Rutherford, Moses Parrish, Aron Parrish, Humphrey Parrish, Jr.
Rec. Feb. 20, 1769
Goochland County, VA, Deed Book 9, p. 183
10 Apr 1770
Goochland County, Parish of St. James, John GILLUM sells to Drury Murrell of Fredericksville Parish, Louisa Co. For 3 pounds, 13 acres on north side of James River at the head branch of Fork Creek. Bounded by John GILLUM, David Melton, county line.
Wit: Francis Clark, Thomas Clark, John Williamson.
Signed: John (his X mark) GILLUM, Elizabeth (her X mark) GILLUM.
Rec. Apr. 16, 1770
Goochland County, VA, Deed Book 10, p. 38
30 Nov 1772
John GILLAM of Albemarle Co. Sells to Drury Murrell for 70 pounds, 119 acres. Bounded by David Melton’s line, Louisa Co., Humphrey Parrish, Three Notched Rd., James Massie, Byrd Creek, Thomas Emersons, Fork Creek.
Wit: Anthony Haden, David Melton, John Will, John Emmerson.
Signed: John (his X mark) GILLAM
Rec. June 21, 1773
Goochland County, VA, Deed Book 10, p. 355
1 Oct 1774
James Gresham of Cumberland Co. Sells to John GILLIAM for 100 pounds, 143 acres. Bounded by sd. John GILLIAM, Charles Christian, John Humber.
Wit: Nath. G. Morris, Philip Pleasants, Isaac Oakes, Tho. Pleasants.
Signed: James Gresham, Mary Gresham.
Rec: Jan. 16, 1775
Goochland County, VA, Deed Book 10, page 508
[Elizabeth Christian married John Humber per the Will of Charles Christian. The Christians, Gilliams and Humbers are mentioned in John Pewit vs. John Humber, 1771. Surnames mentioned: Christian, Croom, Edwards, Gillam, Gilliam, Humber, McKenzie, McKinzey, Pewit, Potter, Pruet, Pruitt, Library of Virginia Chancery Files.]
5 Apr 1776
John Moss and Elizabeth, his wife, sell 150 acres to John GILLIAM on Little Byrd Creek
Goochland County, VA, Deed Book 11, page 104
Goochland County Historical Society Magazine, Volume 6, Number 2, page 3, Autumn 1974.
8 Feb 1790
John Brumfield and his wife Anna sold 114 A. in Goochland Co. and Hanover . . . bounded by Wm. Hughes, John GILLIAM, John Dandridge, Wm. Powers & Thomas Watkins.
Sig: John Brumfield
Wit: John Tate, Anna (+) Brumfield, Francis (-) Turner, Manoah Johnson
Goochland County, VA, Deed Book 15, page 351
21 Jan 1793
Humphrey Parrish and Elizabeth to Taylor Gilliam, 183 acres on Byrd Creek bounded by Moss
Goochland County, VA, Deed Book 15, page 79_?
22 Oct 1793
John GILLIAM made a Deed of Gift to his son James GILLIAM for a slave named Bristol. Bristol was listed on James GILLIAM's VA tax lists after this date.
[According to p. 311 Bristol Parish Register for Henrico, Prince George, and Dinwiddie Co., VA "Bristol, son of Betty, a Negro slave belonging to John GILLIAM, was born March 14 and baptized May 20, 1792." This Bristol was listed in James GILLIAM's estate when he died in 1821 in Sumner Co., TN.]
Goochland County, VA, Deed Book 16, page 235-236
22 May 1795
John Gilliam, Catherine Ronald's Dower and Elk Island.
Goochland County, VA, Deed Book 17, page 500.
21 Nov 1796
Peter Parrish & Sophia his wife to John GILLIAM, for £105.12.6, land on waters of Little Byrd Creek, 84 & 1⁄2 acres. Bounded by Byrd Creek, [unreadable],
Wit. Fleming Payne, Humphrey Parrish, Stephen Grange.
Signed: Peter Parrish.
Proved: Jan. 15, 1797.
Rec. April 17, 1797
Goochland County, VA, Deed Book 17, p 96
27 Feb 1797
George Underwood & wife Elizabeth to Jacob GILLIAM for 100 pounds, land on waters of Lickinghole Creek, 100 acres. Bounded by John GILLIAM dec., Thomas Riddle, John Layne & Humphrey Parrish. Wit: Thos. Miller, Smith Payne, John L. Harris, William Drumwright.
Signed: George Underwood, Elizabeth Underwood.
Rec. June 19, 1797
Goochland County, VA, Deed Book 17, p 114
18 Sep 1797
Estate of Taylor GILLIAM decd.
In act with Humphrey Parrish admin.
Rec. Feb 19, 1798
Goochland County, VA, Deed Book, 17, p 190
29 Jul 1800
Daniel Ford of Louisa Co. to John GILLIAM for 94 pounds 10 shillings sells land on Carter’s Ferry Road, 63 acres. Bounded by Gideon Bowles & John Haden.
Wit: Dabney Parrish, John Green, George Parrish.
Signed: Dan Ford.
Proven & recorded: Oct. 20, 1800
Goochland County, VA, Deed Book 18, p 130
11 Dec 1800
Paul Meacham of Stocks (Stokes?) County, NC & Susanna his wife sell to John GILLIAM, Jr., for 110 pounds, 2 acres laid off by John Holland to sd. Meacham . . . together with privilege of . . . a dam sufficient to hold 16 feet grinding water.
Wit: J. Payne, Finch Ragland, George Goodloe, Charles Massie.
Signed: Paul Meacham, Susanna (her X mark) Meacham.
Rec. June 2, 1802
Goochland County, VA, Deed Book 18, p 372
May 18, 1801
Lucy Riddle, John Riddle, Archer Riddle, David Riddle & Elizabeth his wife, William Riddle & Rachel his wife, Peyton Riddle & Patsey his wife, Joseph Watkins Riddle, Daniel Johnson & Jane his wife, Mary Riddle & Thomas Miller her guardian & John Underwood sell to Jacob Gilliam for 266 pounds, 15 shillings, & 1 p., land on Lickinghole Creek, 86 & 3/4 acres. Bounded by Layne, Miller, Lickinghole Creek & land lately purchased by Mims & Underwoods land (the words John Underwood interlined three times before signed)
Wit: Edward Bolling, James Satterwhite, & William James.
Rec: Sept. 21, 1801
Goochland County, VA, Deed Book 18, pg. 247
21 Dec 1801
John GILLIAM and his wife Sary, sold 144 3/4 acres to Joseph DuVal, resident of Goochland for $723.75.
Goochland County Historical Society Magazine, Volume 6, Number 2, page 3, Autumn 1974.
Goochland County, VA, Deed Book ___, page ___.
3 Mar 1802
Tarlton Payne and his wife Elizabeth sell to John GILLIAM land on north side of Byrd Creek. Bounded by Paul Meacham’s old Mill, old fish trap, fence between Tarlton Payne & John GILLIAM for 19.7.6.
Wit: Wm Turner, Chas. Massie, Josiah (his X mark) Payne.
Signed: Tarlton Payne.
Rec.: Sept. 20, 1802
Goochland County, VA, Deed Book 18, p 240
7 Mar 1814
This indenture made this 7th day of March in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and fourteen betwixt W. B. Gilliam of the county of Prince George of the one part and William Woodson of the County of Goochland of the other part as witness that the said W. B. Gilliam for the in consideration of the sum of one dollar in hand paid hath granted bargained sold and delivered unto the said Wm Woodson a certain tract of land or parcel of land situate lying and being in the low end of Goochland County on the head Allen’s Creek containing one hundred and twenty acres be the same more or less and bounded as followeth to wit by the land of Bouth Woodson, William Childress and Spotwood [?] Childress, and Samuel Mosby and thence to Bouth Woodson line so to include one hundred and twenty acres together with all singuler [sic] the ______ corses [sic] woods, underwoods, and profits avantages [sic], hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever to the said track of land belonging or in any manner appertaining and the reversion and reversions and remainders and remainders, rents, issues and profits of the said tract of land and all the late rites, titles, interest, claims and demands whatsoever of him the said B W. [sic] Gilliam of in and to the said tract of land or any part thereof to have and to hold the said tract of land, sale the singulars, the premises above mentioned and every part and parcel of land thereof with the appurtenances to the said Wm Woodson his heirs and assigns to the only proper use benefit and behoof of him the said Wm Woodson, his heirs and assigns forever and the said Gilliam for himself and his heirs the said tract of land every part thereof against himself and his heirs and against all and every other person whatsoever to the said Wm Woodson and his heirs and assigns shall and will warrant and forever defend by these presents
In witness whereof they hath hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year thereof above written.
Sig: W. B. Gilliam
Sealed and delivered in the presents of
Bouth Woodson
Charles (his X mark) Nuchols
Thomas (his X mark) Frudare
At monthly session Court held for Goochland County at the Courthouse on Monday the 17th day of Octr 1814
This indenture was present in Court and proved by the oaths of Charles Nuchols, and Thomas Faudre to be the act and deed of W. B. Gilliam or party thereto and ordered to be certified
And at a monthly session Court held for Goochland County at the Courthouse on Monday the 16th day of June 1817
This indenture was again presented in Court a fully proved by the oath of Bouth Woodson to be the act and deed of Walter B. Gilliam, a party thereto and ordered to be recorded.
Teste: W. Miller, CGC
Goochland County, VA, Deed Book 22, page 441-442.
[A tract of land of 560 acres on Allen's Creek was Willed to Patrick Henry Gilliam by the Rev. Patrick Henry. Upon the death of Patrick Henry Gilliam, the lands reverted to Patrick's father, John Gilliam. John leaves the tract in his Will to his son Walter Boyd Gilliam upon the death of Jane, Walter's mother. In 1814 Walter sells the above 120 acres. In 1821 Walter sells 192.5 acres to James Underwood. In 1833, Walter's administrator sells the remaining 247 acres of the Allen's Creek tract.]
7 Mar 1814
W. B. Gilham, Prince George Co. to William Woodson, Goochland Co. 120 a. in Goochland Co. on Allen's Creek bounded by land of Bouth Woodson. Dat. Mar. 7, 1814
Valentine Papers, Vol. 1-4, 1864-1908
Goochland County, VA, Deed Book 22, page 441-442.
[W. B. Gilham is Walter Boyd Gilliam]
William O. Payne purchased 56 acres from the estate of John GILLIAM "on waters of Little Byrd Creek"
Goochland County Historical Society Magazine, Volume 9, Number 2, pages 3, Autumn 1977
Goochland County, VA, Deed Book 26, page 421
31 Oct 1833
Walter Boyd Gilliam to Alden B. Spooner, lands in Goochland and Hanover.
Goochland County, VA, Deed Book 30, page 162.
Chataigne's Virginia Gazetteer and Classified Business Directory, 1888-89
General Merchants, W. T. GILLIAM at Lee
Principal Farmers, J. R. GILLIAM at Lee
Chataigne's Virginia Gazetteer and Classified Business Directory, 1888-89
Douglas Register
Martin King and Martha GUILLAM a son Martin King born 21 Apl. 1756. Baptized 1756 Jun 27.
(also listed are the births of Hermon, Harmon, GILLIAM and James King.)
John GILLAM & Sarah Faris a son named Jacob born Ap. 27 1761. Baptized 1761 Jul. 5, p. 60.
John GUILLAM & Sarah Fairies a Daughter named Elizabeth Mar 1, 1763. Baptized 1763 Jun. 5, p. 64.
GUILLAM, John & Elizabeth Morell, both of this parish, married, 1764, Sep 27, p. 8.
John GUILLAM & Sarah Faries a Daughter named Martha born Mar 3 1766. Baptized Jun. 27 1766 p. 74
GUILLAM, Cecily & Edward Cox, both in this parish married Dec. 10 1767, p. 10
GUILLAM, Mary of this parish and Charles Snead in Henrico, married Dec. 22 1767, p. 10
John GUILLAM & Sarah Fairies a son named Taylor born Jul. 23 1768. Baptized Oct. 23 1768 p. 82.
GILLAM, Jacob & Sarah Horn, both of this parish married 1769, Dec. 27, p. 11.
John GUILLAM & Sarah Fairies a Daughter named Susannah born Jan 31 1771, Baptized Mar 29 1771. p. 89.
GUILLAM, Ja. & Frances Hopkins, both in Goochland married 1772, Dec. 16 p. 13
GUILLAM Judith & Callum Bailey, both of ye parish married Jul. 25 1776, p. 17.
GUILLAM, Jos. & Conney Parish, both of Goochland married 1779, Nov. 6 p. 19.
Jo. GUILLAM & Conny Parish a child named Elizabeth born Nov. 20 1780. Baptized Mar 16 1782, p. 105.
Jo. GUILLAM & Annie Parish, a son Robert born Jul. 6, 1782. Baptized Sep 30, 1782. p. 107.
Will GUILLAM & Ann Symes a son James born Ap. 14, 1782, Baptized June 15, 1782, p. 107.
GILLAM, James & Susannah Smith, both of Louisa married 1791______ 22, p. 27
Jo. GUILLAM died, 15 Sep 1794, p. 39.
Son Taylor GUILLAM died, 32 [sic] Sep 1794 p. 39.
Historic Homes
Mount Airy is situated in the upper end of Goochland County near the Fluvanna and Louisa County lines on State Route No. 646, 2 miles from its intersections with U. S. 250
The earliest mention of this land in Goochland Deed Books was for 400 acres on Little Byrd Creek, sold for 20 pounds, to John Moss by Charles Massie of New Kent County on 27 November 1740. Charles Massie had patented this land on 27 Sept. 1729, see Patent Vol. 13, p. 401. John Moss and Elizabeth, his wife, sold 150 acres to John GILLIAM on 4 April 1776. [Goochland County Deed Book #11, p. 104] This piece of land included a house built in 1768, about 100 yards from the present structure. On 21 December 1801 John GILLIAM and his wife Sary, sold 144 3/4 acres to Joseph DuVal, listed as a resident of Goochland. The price paid was $723.75.
Goochland County Historical Society Magazine, Volume 6, Number 2, page 3, Autumn 1974
Historical Society
Gilliams of Goochland County Historical Society Magazine
Landowner's Directory of 1815
James S. GILLIAM, dec'd, lower part of Elk Island, 16SW
John GILLIAM, of Prince George County, upper part of Elk Island, 16SW
Mary GILLIAM, dower, 26NW
Taylor GILLIAM, 26NW
[Directions and distances are measured from the Courthouse.]
Ward, Roger G. 1815 Directory of Virginia Landowners (and Gazetteer) Volume 1, Central Region. Athens, GA: Iberian Pub. Co., 1997.
3 Jan 1778
Turner Christian to Anna Payne; sec., Wm. Gilliam; Charles Christian consents to son's m'ge to Anna Payne, dau. of George Payne, Jr.; witnesses, James Gresham, Mary Gresham and Morning Christian.
“Marriage Bonds in Goochland County,” William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine, Vol. 7, No. 3 (Jan., 1899), pp. 197-200.
16 Nov 1762
Beginning November 16, 1762, with George Kippen & Co. at their store in Goochland, Virginia, lists John GILLIAM as having ordered a dozen flints, 3/4 yard of bearskin, and a dozen pipes.
Guide to the Irvine-Saunders Family Papers Irvine-Saunders Family. University of Virginia.
1788 Roster of Captain Sherwood (Sherrard) Parrish's Militia
Goochland County Historical Society Magazine, Volume 4, Number 2, pages 13-14, Autumn 1972.
Payne, Tarlton, Captain.
Service: Army.
Certificate: John Overton, late Captain.
Certificate: John GILLIAM & J. Pryor.
Certificate: Learner Bradshaw.
Certificate: John Guerrantz.
Revolutionary War Bounty Warrants, reels 1-29.
Saint James Northam
6 Feb. 1752, Arthur Hopkins for Goods delivered Alexander Grant for the use of John GILLIAM
6 Feb. 1752, Alexander Grant for doctoring and providing for John GILHAM.
6 Feb. 1752, Edward Jones for doctoring John GILHAM
6 Feb. 1752, David McCormack for keeping John GILHAM
Vestry of Saint James Northam, page 40-41
6 Dec. 1752, David McCormack for keeping John GILHAM
6 Dec. 1752, Arthur Hopkins for his care of John GILHAM
Vestry of Saint James Northam, page 43
17 Jan 1754, John Sandlin for keeping John GILHAM to be paid to Josias Payne
17 Jan 1754, James George for goods delivered to John GILHAM
Vestry of Saint James Northam, page 46
26 Feb 1764
Processioners: William Royster and John Johnson.
Tarlton Woodson and Nathaniel Webster . . . Joseph Lewis’ Plantation at the head of Janito [Genito] Creek.
Abraham Perkins and Edward McBride
John Woodson and Thomas Bayley . . . To William Roundtree
John GILLIUM and John Woodson To William Robard’s Bridge on Lickinghole Creek
Vestry of Saint James Northam, page ___
31 Aug 1767
Humphrey Parrish and Thomas Drumwright where John GILLIAM and John Woodson did in 1764.
Vestry of Saint James Northam, page ___
18 Mar 1781
Processioners Report
David Jarret and Deverise [Devereaux] Jarret
William Miller and John Perkins
Pouncey Nuckels and Richard Johnson . . . all except two lines round the lands of John Red . . . a line between Capt. Elisha Leake and Benjamin Woodson . . . a line between John GILLAM of Prince George [County] and William Hughes.
Vestry of Saint James Northam, page ___
14 Dec 1782 and 21 Dec 1782
Guilliam, William, tax sale in Buckingham
Virginia Gazette Or The American Advertiser, December 22, 1781-December 28, 1782, John Hayes, Printer, Richmond Virginia. 14 Dec 1782, page 4, column 3; 21 Dec 1782, page 4, column 3.
2 Nov 1785
Early Virginia Religious Petitions
November 2, 1785, Goochland, Against assessment bill, 6 pages,
John Gilliam
Library of Congress.
2 Nov 1785
Early Virginia Religious Petitions
November 2, 1785, Goochland, Against assessment bill, 19 pages
John Gilliam follows James Cocke, Sr.
Library of Congress.
Publick Claims
19 Mar 1782
Court of Public Claims for Goochland County
pg. 2: John GILLIAM for 35# bacon £15 Cont.; 3 days 2 horses to carry baggage for Pennsylvania troops 15s. Cont.; 325# beef, 250# beef £7-3-9 Cont.; 54# bacon, 50 bu. wheat, Carriage £14-16-6, State.
John GILLUM for 100 bu wheat
page 2
pg. 4: John GILLIAM 1025 # beef State.
John GILLIAM 30 1/2 bu. wheat, Carriage £6-17-3 State.
page 6
pg. 27: List 1 Goochland:
Cert. granted by John Hopkins-a commissioner for Goochland Co., to sundry persons for grain for the year 1780-81
John GILLUM, 100 bu. wheat.
pg. 31
Jno. GILLUM 1 beaf
pg. 32: List 2 for grain
John GILLUM 100 bu. wheat.
Revolutionary War Public Service Claims
John Gilliam, Court Booklet, p 2, 46, Certificates 8, Lists, II, p 1, 7, 16, III, p 1, 2, 14, Commissioner’s Book, III, p 63, IV, p 314
John Gilliam, Jr., Certificates 1, Commissioner’s Book, III, p 64
John Gilliam, Sr., Certificates 2, Commissioner’s Book, III, p 64
Library of Virginia, Revolutionary War Public Service Claims
Land Taxes
A slate of the Land Tax in Goochland County for the Sheriff's Collection in specie, etc.
John GILLIAM, 546 acres
Robert GILLIAM, Esq., 691.75 acres, resident of Prince George County
Robert GILLIAM, for Mrs. Jefferson's dower, 330 acres
Goochland County Historical Society Magazine, Volume 35, page 25, 2003
[Bathurst Skelton, the brother of Lucy Skelton GILLIAM, who was the wife of Robert GILLIAM of Prince George, married Martha Wayles. After Bathurst's death, Martha married Thomas Jefferson. It should be noted that if one takes Robert 1783 tract of 691.75 and Mrs. Jefferson's dower tract of 330 acres one gets the 1021.75 acres charged to Robert GILLIAM in 1785.]
According to Christian-Skelton History and Genealogy, page 204, "Dower in her former husband's (Bathurst Skelton) lands had been assigned to Mrs. Skelton (Martha Wayles Skelton), and these came to Mr. Jefferson, under the law as it was then in the right of his wife (Martha Wayles Skelton Jefferson). (In) The land books of Goochland County . . . under the name of Robert GILLIAM, an entry for Thos. Jefferson, of 490 acres (appears). In the year 1783, in the place of the entry of Mr. Jefferson, appears Robert GILLIAM, 'on account of Mrs. Jefferson's dower' 130 acres—Lucy's share of this dower, which, on Mrs. Jefferson's death had passed to the heirs of Bathurst Skelton."]
13 July 1785
A slate of the Land Tax in Goochland County for the the Sheriff's Collection in specie, etc.
John GILLIAM, Gent., 546 acres
John GILLIAM, 500 acres, resident of Prince George County
Robert GILLIAM, Esq., 1021.75 acres, a resident of Prince George County
Goochland County Historical Society Magazine, Volume 2, Number 1, page 8, Spring 1970.
Land Tax, List A.
John GILLIAM, Sen. 546 acres
Robert GILLIAM, Esq. 1021, resident of Prince George County
John GILLIAM, 121 acres, living in Richmond City
Goochland County Historical Society Magazine, Volume 3, Number 2, pages 8, Autumn 1971.
Land Tax, List B (East Goochland)
John GILLIAM, 500 acres
Goochland County Historical Society Magazine, Volume 3, Number 2, pages 8, Autumn 1971.
Land Tax
Date | Name | Acres |
1782 | John Gillam | 546 |
1782 | Robert Gillam | 691.75 |
1782 | John Gillam of Prince Geo | 500 |
1783 | John Gilliam of Prince Geo | 500 |
1783 | John Gilliam | 546 |
1783 | Robert Gilliam | 691 .75 |
1783 | Robert Gilliam for Mrs. Jefferson’s Dower | 330 |
1784 | John Gillam of Prince Geo | 500 |
1784 | John Gilliam | 546 |
1784 | Robert Gilliam of Prince Geo Esqr | 1021.75 |
1785 | John Gillam of Prince Geo | 500 |
1785 | John Gilliam of Prince Geo | 500 |
1785 | John Gilliam, Senr | 546 |
1785 | Robert Gilliam Esqr | 1021.75 |
1786 | John Gillam, Prince Geo | 500 |
1786 | John Gillam, Sen | 546 |
1786 | Robert Gilliam, Prince Geo | 1021.75 |
1787 | John Gilliam, Prince Geo | 500 |
1787 | John Gillam, Sen | 546 |
1787 | Robert Gillam, Prince Geo | 1021.75 |
1788 | John Gillam Pr | 500 |
1788 | John Gillam, Sen | 546 |
1788 | Robert Gillam, Prince Geo | 1021.75 |
1789 | John Gillam, Prince Geo | 500 |
1789 | John Gilliam, Sen. | 546 |
1789 | Robert Gilliam, Prince Geo | 1021.75 |
1790 | John Gillam, Sen | 546 |
1790 | Robert Gillam, Prince Geo | 1021.75 |
1790 | John Gillam | 500 |
1791 | John Gillam | 500 |
1791 | William Ronald Esqr of John Gilliam | 515 |
1791 | John Gilliam other district Transfers Wm Ronald | 515 |
1791 | John Gilliam, Senr | 546 |
1791 | Robert Gilliam, Prince Geo | 506.75 |
1791 | John Gilliam, Jr. | 121 |
1792 | John Gillam | 500 |
1792 | John Gilliam, Sen. | 546 |
1792 | Robert Gilliam, Prince Geo | 506.75 |
1792 | John Gilliam, Jr. | 121 |
1793 | John Gilliam, Sen. | 546 |
1793 | Robert Gilliam, Prince Geo | 506.75 |
1793 | John Gilliam, Jr. | 121 |
1793 | John Gilliam, Jr. of Charles Massie | 80 |
1794 | John Gillam | 500 |
1794 | John Gilliam, Decd Estate | 546 |
1794 | Robert Gillam, Prince Geo | 338 |
1794 | Taylor Gilliam, Decd Estate | 183 |
1794 | John Gilliam, Jr. of Charles Massie | 80 |
1794 | John Gilliam, Jr. | 121 |
Sparacio, Sam and Ruth. Goochland County, VA Land Tax Books, 1782-1788 and 1789-1794. The Antient Press.
Personal Property Tax Lists
Personal Property Tax Lists
GILLIAM, John, Jr.
GILLIAM, John, Sr.
GILLIAM, Robert (P. George)
Binns Genealogy. 1790/1800 County Tax Lists of Virginia.
Personal Property
GILLIAM, [Walter] Boyde (P George)
Binns Genealogy. 1790/1800 County Tax Lists of Virginia.
Personal Property
Binns Genealogy. 1790/1800 County Tax Lists of Virginia.
Goochland County Historical Society Magazine, Volume 5, Number 1, page 18, Spring 1973.
Wills, Estates and Inventories
18 Oct 1763
George Weldy Drumwright to Thomas Riddle, £11 to Archelaus Jarratt, £5, to Shaderack Mims, 15 shillings, Uncle David Mims, all that I am indebted to him, rest equally divided between Uncle David Mims, Uncle Thomas Drumwright.
Exor Uncle David Mims
Wit: Charles Christian, John GILIHAM, Judy Mims, Mary Woodson, Susan Mims.
Rec. 20 Dec 1763
Goochland County, VA, Deed Book 8, page 374
16 Jan 1794
Thos. Massie, John Richards, John GILLIAM, Thos. Farmer & Sam'l Pryor to appraise the est. of Wm. Martin, dec'd.
Goochland County, VA, Will Book ___, page ___
7 Jan 1794
Will of John GILLIAM
Goochland County, VA, Will Book 16, page 362
Inventory of John Gilliam
Goochland County, VA, Will Book 16, page 442
18 Sep 1797
Estate of Taylor GILLIAM
Goochland County, VA, Will Book 16, page 372
Will of Sarah Taylor
Goochland County, VA, Will Book 20, page 400
Will of Jacob Gilliam
In the name of God, amen. I Jacob Gilliam do make this my last will & Testament, revoking all others here before made. After paying my just debts I give the whole of my estate both personal and real to my sister Susanna Gilliam to her and heirs and assigns forever. I constitute and appoint my said sister Susanna sole executrix of this my last will.
As witnesses my land and seal this 7th Augt 1809
Sig: Jacob Gilliam
Jacob Leake, signed testator’s name by his direction.
Richard C. Bowles
At a monthly Superior Court held for Goochland County at the Courthouse on Monday the 21st day of August 1809
This writing was presented in Court and proved by the oaths of Josiah Leake & Richard C. Bowles to be the last will and Testament of Jacob Gilliam decd and ordered to be recorded
Then on the motion of Susanna Gilliam the executrix therein named probate thereof was granted her in due form, she having made oath according to Laws and acknowledged a bond in the penalty of six thousand dollars, conditioned as the law requires.
Teste: Wm Miller, CGC
Goochland County, VA, Will Book 20, page 389
20 Dec 1821
Will of John GILLIAM
Goochland County, VA, Will Book 26, page 160
26 May 1832
Will of Susanna [GILLIAM] Parrish
Leaves lands in Goochland and Louisa “to my nephew-in-law, Dabney Parrish,” and named him sole executor, without bond.
Goochland County, VA, Deed Book 31, Page 238-239
[Susanna GILLIAM is the daughter of John GILLIAM and Sarah Faris and the wife of George Parrish]
- Abercrombie, Janice L. and Slatten, Richard, comp. Virginia Revolutionary "Publick" Claims. 3 vols.
- Ancestry.com. Christian-Skelton History and Genealogy. Provo, UT. MyFamily.com, Inc., 2005. Athens, Ga.: Iberian Pub. Co., 1992.
- Baker, Mary Ellen. Numerous correspondences
- Binns Genealogy. 1790/1800 County Tax Lists of Virginia.
- Flythe, Bonnie. Transcription of Deeds, etc.
- Goochland County, Virginia, Deeds 1741-1745. Miami Beach: T.L.C. Genealogy, 1990.
- Goochland County Historical Society Magazine, Volume 2, Number 1, page 8, Spring 1970.
- Goochland County Historical Society Magazine, Volume 3, Number 2, pages 8, Autumn 1971.
- Goochland County Historical Society Magazine, Volume 4, Number 2, pages 13-14, Autumn 1972.
- Goochland County Historical Society Magazine, Volume 5, Number 1, page 18, Spring 1973.
- Goochland County Historical Society Magazine, Volume 6, Number 2, page 3, Autumn 1974.
- Goochland County Historical Society Magazine, Volume 9, Number 2, pages 3, Autumn 1977.
- Goochland County Historical Society Magazine, Volume 35, page 25, 2003
- Hopkins, William Lindsay. St. James Northam Parish Vestry Book 1744-1850. Athens, Ga.: Iberian Publishing Company, 1987.
- Jones, W. Mac (Editor) The Douglas Register (Being a Detailed Record of Births, Marriages and Deaths together with other Interesting Notes, as Kept by Rev. William Douglas, From 1750 to 1797). Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1996.
- Library of Virginia, Revolutionary War Public Service Claims
- Sills, Helen. Numerous correspondences.
- Sparacio, Sam and Ruth. Goochland County, VA Land Tax Books, 1782-1788 and 1789-1794. The Antient Press.
- Ward, Roger G. 1815 Directory of Virginia Landowners (and Gazetteer) Volume 1, Central Region. Athens, GA: Iberian Pub. Co., 1997.
- Weatherford, Linda S. Information from Goochland County Historical Society Magazine.
- Wood, Nancy Webb. Numerous correspondences.