Updated November 24, 2022

Scott County was named for Winfield Scott, a native of Virginia, in recognition of his victories during the War of 1812. It was formed from Lee, Russell, and Washington counties in 1814. Its area is 539 square miles, and the county seat is Gate City.
Scott County was formed after the Disestablishment.
The GILLIAMs of Scott County, VA had their roots in Buckingham County, VA. After leaving Buckingham they settled in what was then Russell County. Later they are found in Lee County and later in Scott County. It is most likely that these Gilliams did not relocate but found themselves in Lee after it was formed from Russell and then in Scott after it was formed from Lee.
Chancery Suits
George McConnell vs. Heirs of Samuel Casteel
Gillam and wife vs. Casteel, etc.
John Williams vs Rhoda Williams
10 Aug 1831
James Gillum, and Agness his wife, who was Agness Casteel, wife and widow of Samuel Casteel: Hiram Lawson and Sally, his wife who was Sally Casteel, daughter and heir of Samuel Casteel, dec'd: Obediah Casteel and William Joseph Casteel, sons and heirs of Samuel Casteel, all of Scott County, Virginia, sell to John Strong, land which is part of a tract granted to John Wood in 1795 and conveyed by John and Nancy Wood to Joseph Casteel, dec'd 29 July 1797 in Russell County, Virginia and which was bequeathed to Samuel Casteel, by his father, Joseph Casteel dec'd: also on record in Russell County containing 40 acres.
Signed and witnessed by: James and Agness Gillam, Hiram and Sally Lawson, Obediah Casteel and William Casteel.
Scott County, VA, Deed Book 2, pages 182-183
[This deed proves that James Gilliam married Agnes, the widow of Samuel Casteel.]
[Though the following deeds were recorded in Madison County, TN, they mention Scott County, VA Gilliams.]
19 Mar 1853
James Head and wife, Ann, Scott Co., Va. sold to Cyntha GILLIAM, Madison Co., Tenn. their interest in 380 acres, for $28.57, from the estate of John GILLIAM, who had died without bodily hrs; the Heads were hrs at law of said John through her mother, Elizabeth Lewis, formerly Gilliam, a sister of John Gilliam, dec.
Sig: Ann [her X mark] Head.
Rec: 23 Apr 1853.
Wit: Martin Lewis, Arthur Williams.
Madison County, TN, Deed Book 16, pages 419-421.
18 Mar 1853
William Falin and wife, Mary, formerly Gilliam, Scott Co., Va. sold to Cyntha GILLIAM, Madison Co., Tenn. their interest in 380 acres in Madison Co., land of the late John GILLIAM, for $200.
Sig: William [his X mark] Falin, Mary [her X mark] Falin
Rec: 23 Apr 1853.
Wit: Martin Lewis, Arthur Williams.
Madison County, TN, Deed Book 16, pages 419-421.
18 Mar 1853
Andrew Riley and wife, Rhody, formerly Gilliam, Scott Co., Va. sold their interest in 380 acres in estate of John GILLIAM, dec to Cyntha GILLIAM, for $100.
Sig: Andrew [his X mark] Riley, Rhody [her X mark] Riley
Rec: 23 Apr 1853.
Wit: Martin Lewis, Arthur Williams.
Madison County, TN, Deed Book 16, pages 422-424
18 Mar 1853
Willis Lewis and wife, Nancy, formerly Gilliam, Hancock Co., Tenn. sold their interest in 380 acres in the estate of John GILLIAM, dec to Cyntha GILLIAM, Madison Co., Tenn. for $200.
Sig: Willis [his X mark] Lewis and Nancy [her X mark]Lewis
Rec: 23 Apr 1853.
Wit: Arthur Williams, Martin Lewis.
Madison County, TN, Deed Book 16, pages 424-426
18 Mar 1853
John Lewis, Hancock Co., Tenn. sold to Cyntha GILLIAM, Madison Co., Tenn. his interest in the 380 acres in John GILLIAM, dec estate. Gilliam "having lately departed this life without heirs of his body." John Lewis was an hr at law through his mother, Elizabeth Lewis, formerly Gilliam, for $28.50.
Wit: Arthur Williams, James Head.
Sig: John [his X mark] Lewis
Madison County, TN, Deed Book 16, pages 426-427
18 Mar 1853
William GILLIAM, Scott Co., Va. sold to Cyntha GILLIAM, Madison Co., Tenn. his interest in 380 acres in John GILLIAM, dec estate for $200.
Wit: Martin Lewis, Arthur Williams.
Sig: W. [his X mark] Gilliam
Madison County, TN, Deed Book 16, pages 427-428
17 Mar 1853
Martha and Enoch Lewis, Scott Co., Va. sold their interest in 380 acres formerly the property of John GILLIAM, dec to Cyntha GILLIAM, for $28.50. Right of interest through their mother, Elizabeth Lewis, a sister of the said John Gilliam, dec.
Rec: 23 Apr 1853.
No wit.
Madison County, TN, Deed Book 16, pages 429-430
28 Apr 1853
George Rogers and wife, Lucy Rogers, daughter of John GILLIAM, Sr., sold her undivided interest in Gilliam's estate to his widow, Cyntha GILLIAM for $200. John GILLIAM being John GILLIAM, Jr.
Sig: George [his X mark] Rogers, Lucy [her X marks] Rogers
Rec: May 6, 1854.
No wits.
Madison County, TN, Deed Book 17, pages 487.
Chataigne's Gazetteer and Business Directory, 1888-89
Principal Farmers
Clinch River: Joseph Epperson, Levi Head, James Alley, John Faber, John Palmer, William Hunley, George Towers, Haburn Neely, Claburn Neeley, Isaac Wolfe, Peter GILLIAM
Flag Pond: A. F. GILLIAM, M. L. Fannon, Jackson Stuart, Solomon Robinett, E. Johnston, James Stuart, David Noell, Wm. Noell, E. Noell, Ro. GILLIAM, Elijah Bledsoe, Tilman Bledsoe, Bishop Bledsoe, Nathan Collinsworth, H. Burchett, John Burchett, Thomas Burchett, Jos. Eastridge, Jno. Eastridge, David Osborn, Robert A. GILLIAM, John Legg, L. A. Joyner, David Robbins, William GILLIAM
Chataigne's Gazetteer and Business Directory, 1888-89
Legislative Petitions
8 Dec 1819
Taylor, James & Stewart, Joseph
Ask for a law prohibiting the Commonwealth from collecting $500 from petitioners as securities in a recognizance of Joseph Jones who was charged with feloniously biting off the ear of Richard GILLIAM.
Library of Virginia. Legislative Petitions
1815 Landowner's Directory
Richard GILLAM, both sides of Copper Creek, 7NE
David Gillum, Clinch River, 20W
[Directions and distances are measured from the Courthouse.]
Ward, Roger G. 1815 Directory of Virginia Landowners (and Gazetteer) Volume 6. Athens, GA: Iberian Pub. Co.
2 Jul 1821
GILLIAM, William and Adams, Elizabeth
16 Oct 1822
GILLIAM, Jesse and Lewis, Ruth
21 Dec 1827
GILLIAM, Isom and Phipps, Rebecah
2 May 1832
GILLIAM, Jessee and Slone, Catharine
6 Mar 1833
GILLIAM, Sally and Williams, Thomas
18 Feb 1834
GILLIAM, Anderson and Donalson, Nancy
23 Apr 1835
GILLIAM, Polly and Gibson, William
8 Jan 1837
GILLIAM, Lennis and Head, George
14 May 1838
GILLIAM, Judith and Dulaney, Bonerger
25 Jun 1838
GILLIAM, Delilah and McCurry, James A
31 Jan 1839
GILLIAM, Chesley and Elliott, Sarah
18 Jul 1839
GILLIAM, Richard Jr., and Edwards, Polly
Confederate Pension Rolls, Veterans and Widows
Act of 1888
GILLIAM, Thomas H.
Act of 1900
GILLIAM, Thomas H.
Act of 1902
GILLIAM, Elizabeth
[The State of Virginia enacted its first pension law for Confederate Veterans in 1888. It was restricted to those who were residents of Virginia as of April, 1861, and who had also resided in Virginia for at least five years prior to filing of application. An applicant must have been indigent to the extent that he did not earn more than $200 per year, and had no property value of more than $1,000. He must also have been disabled due to wounds or disease suffered while in service.]
Library of Virginia. Confederate Pension Rolls, Veterans and Widows
Will of David GILLIAM
Dated 5 Nov 1833, Presented 12 Mar 1834
In the name of God amen, the 25th day of November, 1833 I David GILLAM of the County of Scott, VA, being in right reason of mind and memory do make this my last will and testament the same ____attively revoking all former wills made by me declaring this to be my last will and testament.
1st I give and bequeath to my son Jesse GILLAM one shilling, to my son Richard GILLAM the sum of one shilling, to my son Joshua GILLAM the sum of one shilling, to my son Jackson GILLAM the sum of one shilling, to my daughter Elizabeth Ash the sum of one shilling, to my daughter Polly Webb the sum of one shilling, and to my executor one dollar to him for his trouble, and last after all my just debts are paid I give and bequeath the whole rest and residue of my estate whether real or personal, my tract of land where I now reside on to my son Wriley GILLAM but the land to remain in possession of my wife Patsy GILLAM during her lifetime until the said son is come to lawful age at the said time I do appoint Mr Andrew Ash mercer of the said county executor of this my last will and testament to which I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 5th day of November in the year of our Lord 1833
signed sealed and delivered
in the presence of us
Sig: David (his X mark) GILLAM
Wit: Randolph Dillon, Joseph Williams, Neri Williams
At a court heretofore Scott County the 12th day of March 1834
This last will and Testament of David GILLAM deceased was proven by the oaths of Randolph Dillan, Joseph Williams and Neri Williams, subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded.
John S Martin, CSW
Scott County, VA, Will Book 2, Page 149-150
- Chataigne's Gazetteer and Business Directory, 1888-89
- Library of Virginia. Legislative Petitions
- Library of Virginia. Confederate Pension Rolls, Veterans and Widows
- Scott County, VA, Will Book.
- Ward, Roger G. 1815 Directory of Virginia Landowners (and Gazetteer) Volume 6. Athens, GA: Iberian Pub. Co.