Updated December 25, 2023

Essex County was named for the English county. It was formed from Old Rappahannock County in 1692. The county seat is Tappahannock.
[Old Rappahannock County was formed in 1656 from Lancaster County. It became extinct in 1692 when it was divided in into Essex and Richmond Counties. Information on the GILLIAMs of Old Rappahannock County may be found on both the Essex and Richmond County GILLIAM pages.]
Saint Anne's Parish, 1704
Saint George's Parish, 1714-1720
Saint Mary's Parish, 1692-1713
Sittenburne Parish, 1692-1732
South Farnham Parish, 1692

The GILLIAMs of Essex County prove to be confusing. It appears that a Robert GILLIAM marries a Ann and has a son, Richard. It then appears that Robert dies and Ann marries Robert's fellow militia man, David Barwick. During this time Richard also marries an Ann. On 16 Nov 1725 Ann makes an oath stating that David died with out a Will. Ann is then appointed the administer of his estate. Ann, as Ann Barwick, writes a Will dated 18 Jul 1732, mentioning her several children, including her "well loved son," Richard who receives one pound sterling.
Note: Care should be taken not to confuse this Robert with the Robert Guilliams of Middlesex who also had a wife Ann.
By 1742 a William GILLIAM writes a Will mentioning wife, Elizabeth, and son, Richard. William, since he named a son Richard, may be a son of Richard above. Tradition has given William's wife as Elizabeth Boulware. Several men named Boulware may be found in the election poll listings with William.
Court Orders
23 Nov 1687
The following men are to provide a man, horse and armes:
Among those listed is Robert GILLAM and David Barwick
Essex County, VA, Order Book, 2, 1680-1694, page ___.
Richard Gwillam payment to Thomas Ley,
Essex County, VA, Order Book 4, page 250
Richard Gwillam & wife Ann vs. James Boughon & Mary dismissed,
Essex County, VA, Order Book 4, page 271
Ann Gwillim gives evidence for James Boughon
Essex County, VA, Order Book 4, page 473
In 1716 Thomas Coleman purchased 542 acres in Essex County adjoining GILLIAM's Swamp from James Boughan.
Essex County, VA, Order Book ___, page ___.
18 Feb 1723
The last will & testament of John Shepard deced being present in court by Jane Shepard his Executrix. Its ordered ye Sherif summon David Barrick & Ann Barrick Witnesses to the sd Will to appear at next Court in order to prove the same.
Essex County, VA, Order Book, 1723-1725, page ___.
17 Aug 1725
Ann Berwick with Thomas Evett & William Smith acknowledged their Bond for ye sd Ann’s faithful admon. Of ye estate of Davis Lewis deced which is ordered to be recorded.
Essex County, VA, Order Book, 1723-1725, page ___.
16 Nov 1725
Ann Berwick relict of David Berwick made oath that the said David departed this life without making nay will so farr [sic] as she knows or believes and on her motion & giving security for her just & faithful adminon of sd decendents estate. Certificate is granted her for obtaining letters of Admincon in due form
Ann Berwick, John Griggs & Thomas Crittenden acknowd their bond for the sd Ann’s Admon of David Berwick’s estate wch is ordered to be recorded
It is ordered that Henry Reeves, William Greenhilll, Spilsbee Coleman, James Griffin or any three of them (being first sworn before a Justice of the peace for this County) do appraise the estate of David Berwick deced & return their proceedings therein to next court.
Essex County, VA, Order Book, 1723-1725, page ___.
Wm. GILLIAM to Carroll James,
Essex County, VA, Deed Book D, Volume 27, pg. 186
[Old] Rappahannock
Mr. Thomas Pattison, 400 acs. 8 Nov 1667
S. side of Rappa Co. upon branches of Killman’s Creek, by land of Evin Davis & Thomas Williams. Trans. Of 8 pers: rich. Kathericke, Wm. Clubbs, Alice Long, Edward Joanes, Joane Hannock, Jno. GILLAM, John Norton, Margaret Vackham.
Cavaliers and Pioneers, Volume II, page 25
[Southside of Old Rappahannock County would appear to be present-day Essex County.]
20 Nov 1741
A true and exact poll of the election of Burgesses taken for the county of Essex at the Court House of the sd county the 20th day of November 1741
For William Beverly:
For James Garnett
Essex County, VA, Deed Book, 1738-1741
Sweeney, William Montgomery, True and Exact Poll of the Election of Burgesses, Essex County, Virginia, November 20, 174. William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine, 2nd Ser., Vol. 22, No. 1. (Jan., 1942), pp. 54-60.
Will of Ann Berrick
18 July 1732
Febry the ninth day 1731/2
In the name of God Amen, I Ann Berrick of the county of Essex and Parrish of South Farnham being sick and weak of body but of perfect mind & memory thanks be to almighty God for the same and calling to mind the uncertainty of this transitory life have made and appointed this my last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say Imprimis I give & bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God who gave it and my body to the earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executors hereafter named and as touching such temporal estate as it hath please Almighty God to bestow upon me I give devise and dispose of the same in the following manner & form.
Item I give & bequeath to my well beloved daughter Elizabeth Fogg after my just debts being paid the reminder parte of my estate.
Item I give & bequeath to my well beloved daughter Elizabeth Parsons one sute of callicoe coaths [sic].
Item I give and bequeath to my well beloved daughter Catherine Jones my side saddle.
Item I give & bequeath to my well beloved son Richard GWILLIAM one shilling sterling.
Item I give and bequeath to my well beloved daughter Aggatha Nash one shilling sterl.
I do hereby appoint my beloved son Edward Lewis my hole and sole executor of this my last will and testament and do hearby [sic] revoke all other wills made by me.
In presence of James Griffing, Wm Smith
Sig: Ann Barrick
At a court held for Essex county at Tappa on the xviiith day of July MDCCXXXII. The last will and testament of Ann Barrick decd was presented in Court by the Execr therein named who made oath thereto & being further proved by the oaths of all the witnesses thereto was admitted to record.
In obedience to an order of Essex County court dated the 18th of July 1732. We the subscribers being sworn before Capt Alexander Parker have inventoried & appraised all the estate of Ann Barrick decd that was brot [sic] to our view as followeth Vizt items listed and valued to total Fifth seven pounds 19/3 1/2 . . . which inventory includes animals, beds, and furniture, one white servant man named Richard Fouracre, a small trunk & Looking glass, a parcill [sic] of old books, one old horse one negro fellow named Sambo; thirteen hundred and fifth three pounds of Tobacco. . .
Edward Lewis Execr
William Greenhill
W. Bourne
John Armstrong
At a Court held for Essex County on the xvth day of August MDCCXXXII
This inventory and appraisement of the estate of Ann Barrick decd being this day returned is ordered to be recorded.
Essex County, VA, Will Book 5, page ___.
Will of William GILLIAM
19 Feb 1742
William GILLIAM of Essex County, Virginia, being sick & weak, 19 Feb 1742 . . . bequeaths "to my son Richard my horse, saddle, bridle and gun when he is 21 years of age, provided he continues on the plantation with my wife untill he comes to that age and works both in corn and tobacco and other things for the family's use and takes diligent care of the stock and all other things on the plantations according to the directions of my wife) . . .
All the residue of my estate to my wife Elizabeth" [Executrix].
William Gilliam [his W mark]
Wit: Saml. Hopkins, Bartho. Clark & Jean Clark.
Essex County, VA, Will Book 7, page 47-49
Inventory ordered
20 Sep 1743; proved 15 Nov 1743.
Essex County, VA, Will Book ___, page ___.
Inventory of William GILLIAM
19 Dec 1743
Signed by Elizabeth GILLIAM.
Returned 20 Dec 1743
Essex County, VA, Will Book ___, page ___.
28 Nov 1771
Will of John Clark
Executors: Hedrick and William Clark
Wit: Samuel Davis, William GILLIAM and Betty Clark.
Essex County, VA, Will Book ___, page ___.
- Genealogies of Virginia Families, Volume III, Towles and Clark Families, page 600.
- Sweeney, William Montgomery, True and Exact Poll of the Election of Burgesses, Essex County, Virginia, November 20, 1741. William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine, 2nd Ser., Vol. 22, No. 1. (Jan., 1942), pp. 54-60.