Updated November 24, 2022
The records on this site, Gilliams of Virginia, are currently being compiled into a Public Member Tree on Ancestry.com entitled Gilliams of Virginia and Beyond. To view this tree one needs an Ancestry.com membership.

Public Member Trees are trees submitted to Ancestry by users who have indicated that their tree can be viewed by all Ancestry members. These trees can change over time as users edit, remove, or otherwise modify the data in their trees. Owners of the tree can be contacted for more information.
Records of the Gilliams who settled in New Kent, Charles City, Hanover, Cumberland and Albemarle Counties, VA will be the first to added to Ancestry. Included are . . .
- Descendants of William Gilliam, Constable of Weyanoke, Charles City County, VA
- Descendants of James Gilliam, VA of Cumberland County, VA
- Gilliams of Albemarle County, VA, including Peter Gilliam who married Ann Heard
- Descendants of William Gilliam and Mary Jarratt of Albemarle, Buckingham and Bedford Counties, VA
- Descendants of John Gilliam and Susannah Richardson of Buckingham County, VA
- Descendants of John Gilliam and Sarah Faris of Goochland County, VA
- Descendants of William Gilliam and wife Mary of Wilkes County, NC
- Descendants of William Gilliam and wife Jane of Chatham County, NC
- Descendants of Sampson Gilliam and Drucilla Hill of Union County, SC
- Descendants of Walter Boyd Gilliam and Esther Tinsley of Petersburg, VA
- Richard Gilliam of Bedford County, VA
Every effort will be made to be as accurate as possible using primary sources. Individuals will be traced through the tax and census records. Wills when available will be attached.