Gilliams of Fincastle County
Updated November 25, 2022
Fincastle County, VA, 1772

Dissolution of Fincastle County, VA, 1776
Fincastle County, Virginia, was created in 1772 from Botetourt County, the boundaries of which extended all the way to the Mississippi River. Fincastle County was abolished in 1776, and divided into three new counties—Montgomery County, Washington County, and Kentucky County (which in 1792 became the 15th state, the Commonwealth of Kentucky) by acts of the Virginia General Assembly.
Although no county seat was designated by the act creating the county, the colonial governor ordered it to be placed at the "Lead Mines" of Wythe County, where Austinville, Virginia, is now located.


Since Fincastle County existed only four years, there are few records that mentions Gilliams. One is a grant for service during the French and Indian War to John Gilliam and his brothers, deceased. Since Fincastle County extended to the Mississippi the exact location of the grant has yet to be determined. The grant mentions that the land was on the "Western Water."

French and Indian War
“Page 51 - I do hereby certify the JOHN GILLIAM is entitled to six hundred acres of land agreeable to his Mjesty’s Proclamation in the year 1763 & being for his own claim and his two brothers dec’d and being desirous to locate the same in the County of Fincastle on some of the western waters if he can lay it on any land that have not been surveyed by Order of Council and patented since the above Proclamation. You are hereby authorized and required to survey the land. Given under my hand and seal this 11th day of March 1774. Dunmore.” 
