Updated November 25, 2022

The Christian family is associated at various times with the Gilliams.
In Goochland John Gilliam apparently lived for several years “in the neighborhood” of John Christian. This John Gilliam appears to be the son of Batte [?] Gilliam. The identity of Batte Gilliam is not known. John gives a testimony with Alexander Grant and Rebecca Weldy. Before John gives his deposition it is said that he might not be able to do so due to sickness. It appears that this John is the “sick John” mentioned in the records of Saint James Northam (below):
Saint James Northam
6 Feb. 1752, Arthur Hopkins for Goods delivered Alexander Grant for the use of John GILLIAM
6 Feb. 1752, Alexander Grant for doctoring and providing for John GILHAM.
6 Feb. 1752, Edward Jones for doctoring John GILHAM
6 Feb. 1752, David McCormack for keeping John GILHAM
Vestry of Saint James Northam, page 40-41
An Alexander Grant (above) married on 27 Dec 1751 in Goochland, Agnes Jarratt, the daughter of Devereaux Jarratt and Elizabeth Wingfield. Since Agnes’ sister Mary married William Gilliam it is highly likely that this Gilliam family is related to the family of William and Mary.
It should also be noted that David McCormack (above) points to New Kent (David was born in St Peter’s 3 Feb 1724) and to the Buckingham Gilliams where the family of William and Mary Gilliam settled according to the pensions of several of their sons.
6 Apr 1769
David McCormack, 282 acs.
On the head br. of Willis’s River. Adj. His own line, Lambeth Blackbourn & Epaphroditus GILLIAM. £1.S10.
Cavaliers and Pioneers, Volume VII, 159
In addition to Alexander Grant, Rebecca Weldy also gave a deposition. It appears that Rebecca is the wife of William Weldy. It appears these families lived along the branches of Lickinghole Creek.
18 Oct 1763
George Weldy Drumwright to Thomas Riddle, £11 to Archelaus Jarratt, £5, to Shaderack Mims, 15 shillings, Uncle David Mims, all that I am indebted to him, rest equally divided between Uncle David Mims, Uncle Thomas Drumwright.
Exor Uncle David Mims
Wit: Charles Christian, John GILIHAM, Judy Mims, Mary Woodson, Susan Mims.
Rec. 20 Dec 1763
Goochland County, VA, Deed Book 8, page 374
Goochland County to wit
This day David Grantum came before me, one of his majesty’s justices for the said county & made oath that he believes Jno Gillum (son of Batt Gillum), Alexr Grant & Rebecca Weldy to be material witnesses for him in his two suits in chancery now depending before the worshipful court of the county aforesd against the Executors of Jno Christian decd; that he verily believe the sd Jno Gillum & Rebecca Weldy to be infirm & sickly persons & that he has reason to apprehend that the said Alexr Grant will remove to parts perhaps remote & unknown to him the sd Grantum before the sd suits in the ordinary course of proceeding will be ripe for taking depositions.
Given under my hand this 19th day March 1770
Jesse Payne
George, the Third, by the Grace of God of Great Britain, France & Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, & etc
To Jno Bolling and Jesse Payne
Gentlemen justices of the peace of the county of Goochland,
Greeting, know ye that we trusting to your fidelity and provident circumspection in diligently examining John Gilliam, a witness on behalf of David Grantum, Plt agst
William Christian, executr etc of John Christian decd, Deft
Command you or any two of you that at such certain day and place as you shall appoint you assemble yourselves and the witnesses aforesaid before you or any two of you, you call cause to come & diligently examine on the holy Evangelists of Almighty God and his examination into our County Court of Goochland distinctly and plainly without delay you shall send certified & inclosed [sic] also returning to us this writ
Witness Valentine Wood, Clerk of our said Court, at the court house aforesaid the xiiith day of June in the xth year of our reign.
Val Wood
The deposition of Jno Gilliam of full age taken in two suits in chancery depending in the court of Goochland between David Grantum and Wm Christian, exor of Jno Christian decd
This deponent being first sworn, deposeth & saith that being in company with the sd Jno Christian, well as this deponent remembers about six year ago he asked the said John what he gave the said David Grantum who then was for some considerable time before had been an overseer for the said Grantum at a plantation of his on Wild Boar Creek in the county of Goochland
To which the said Jno Christian answered that by the bargain he had made with the said Grantum upon first employing him as an overseer which they had never altered he was to give him one fourth part of the tobacco that was made and one fourth part of the stock that was raised upon the said plantation & that the said Grantum was to give up his share of corn for the advantage aforesd of a share of the stock, that for four years the time the said deponent lived in the neighborhood of the sd plantation there were as this deponent understood three shares besides the said Grantum thereon, that the said deponent was some times upon the sd plantation & has seen very likely corn & tobacco growing upon it ,m but cannot say what crops of either were made, that there was a large stock for the number of hand upon the sd place and that the said Grantum for every ear of time aforesaid drove down hoggs & cattle as this deponent understood to his employer the sd Jno Christian that he four years this sd deponent was acquainted with the sd plantation were immediately preceding the conversation aforesd with the sd Jno Christian and further this deponent saith not
Sig: John [his X mark] Gilliam
The above deposition sworn to before us the 16th June 1770 certified under own hands
Jesse Payne
John Bolling
Library of Virginia Chancery, Goochland County, VA