Updated December 28, 2011

Many Quakers from North Carolina were Orange County, Indiana pioneers. In 1809 Jonathan Lindley visited Indiana Territory with a land-seeking party, and purchased land in what is now Vigo Co. In 1811, under his leadership, a party of thirty or more left North Carolina, and arrived in the Indiana Territory, where they stopped at the stockade at Half Moon Spring, near Lick Creek, in what is now Orange Co. It seemed inadvisable, due to unsettled conditions, to push on to the Wabash Country, as had been planned, so they remained at the Lick Creek settlement.
In 1813, Lick Creek Monthly Meeting of Friends was set up by West Branch Quarterly Meeting of Ohio. It grew rapidly. Members were admitted to the meeting from meetings in North Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee and Ohio.
Among the early settled of Orange County, Indiana were Quakers John and Susannah Gilliam of Orange County, North Carolina and Guilford Counties, North Carolina. They were transferred to the Lick Creek Monthly Meeting in 1826 from the Spring Monthly Meeting. The Gilliams were disowned by the Quakers of Lick Creek Monthly Meeting for marrying “contrary to discipline” beginning in 1831.
It has been said that John was the son of Edmund Gilliam of Orange County, NC. who left a Will dated 11 Aug 1810. However a close reading of Edmund’s Will reveals no son John. Some of Edmund’s children did migrate to Indiana, but they did not settle in Orange County, Indiana. It should also be noted that Edmund’s wife has been misidentified as Sarah Clark. It is more likely that she is Sarah Magee, daughter of Ralph Magee.
Family Histories
Osborn Gillum, farmer and stock raiser, Harveysburg, was born in Chatham county, North Carolina, July 22, 1817, and is a son of John and Susana (Martin) Gillum, both natives of the same state. The Gillums came from England to Virginia, then settled in North Carolina. John and Susana, with their family, moved, in 1828, to Orange county, Indiana, where both died, he March 20, 1848, aged sixty-four years, and she January 3, 1864, aged seventy-nine years. They were Quakers, or Friends. He was a whig. They had five boys and five girls. Each boy was set at liberty by the father at eighteen years of with the admonition to "go, select an occupation, push ahead, be honest, tell the truth, and be temperate." This was all the fortune he had for them. Four boys became farmers, and one, John W., studied law, and was a member of the state convention when the constitution was revised. Osborn Gillum left home and engaged on a farm at $11 per month for two years, saving a part of his wages until he was able to pay $400 for the 180 acres of land on which he now lives. He eame to Fountain county in 1839 and secured his place, built a cabin, and began to clear, and soon planted an orchard. August 26, 1841, he was married to Emiline Sowers, daughter of George and Elizabeth Sowers, who came from North Carolina in an early day. She was born in that state July 31, 1821. Mr. and Mrs. Gillum settled on their woody farm, and began in earnest their pioneer labors. He cleared three acres and planted an orchard. He owns 120 acres. Politically he was a whig, and later a radical republican. He is also a strong Mason. Their children are John, Ira H., Howard S., William B. and Charles W. John enlisted in the 31st Ind. reg., and was badly wounded at Donelson. Ira H. enlisted in the 63d reg., and served through the war, and is a physician in Parke county. Howard S. enlisted three different times. He was afterward a student at Wabash College, and becoming overheated in walking home from school took sick and died. Ira H. was elected to the state legislature in 1880.
[The above family history gives Osborn’s mother’s name as Susanna Martin. Traditionally has been given as Rachael Susannah Worthington. I have found no evidence that she was a Worthington. It is more likely that she was a Martin as Martins were living in the the same county and married Gillams around the same time in neighboring counties.]
Beckwith, H. W. History of Fountain County, Indiana, H. H. Hill and N. Iddings, Chicago, 1881
Obituaries and Death Notices
"This neighborhood was shocked when they received the news of the death of Uncle Taylor Gillum, a highly respected citizen of Orange County, formerly a resident of this neighborhood, but he has lived at French Lick the past year. He leaves to mourn his death a wife, three daughters, and one son, besides his grandchildren and a host of other relatives and friends. His friends were numbered with his acquaintances. He was known to many by the name Uncle Taylor. The bereaved family have the sympathy of the entire community. Mr. Tom Gillum was called from Indianapolis Sunday on the account of the death of his father. Mrs. Mary Gillum and Mr. Tom Gillum spent Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Lashbrook. Mrs. George Moore was unable to attend the funeral of her father, Mr. Gillum, on the account of poor health."
"Taylor Gillum, an old resident of this county and a veteran of the civil war passed away at his home in this city Sunday forenoon, about ten o'clock. He suffered a stroke of paralysis about seven o'clock Sunday morning and lingered only a few hours. He had been in his usual health and had arisen Sunday morning and built a fire in the range for his wife to get breakfast as was his usual custom and then went back to bed. When breakfast was about ready his wife went to his room and called him to get ready for breakfast. He did not answer and she entered the room and found him sitting on the bed with his underwear partly off as he had been changing it, but he was unconscious. She called some of the neighbor men who completed the change in underwear and laid him down in his bed. He never regained consciousness, nor spoke again. He was a member of the Bazil B. Decker Post of the GAR and a well known and highly respected citizen. His former home was on a farm near Moore's Ridge, but he had resided in this city for a number of years. The funeral and interment was at Moore's Ridge Monday at 2:00 p.m. Rev. Porter Walls of the U.B. Church conducting the services. He was seventy-six years old."
"Zachary Taylor Gillum, son of Thomas E. and Catherine Gillum was born in Paoli Township, on the 28th day of December, 1846, died the 15th day of April, 1923, aged 76 years, 3 months and 17 days. He was the oldest of four children, Lot Walters, Matilda and Ahijah, all of whom have preceded him to the better world, with the exception of his brother Lot, who moved west and has not been heard of for some time. He was united in marriage to Christiana Daugherty, the 28th day of March, 1867. To this union eleven children were born: Andrew, Mary Ellen, John, Marion, Della, Wesley and one who died in infancy - have preceded their father to the Great Beyond. Alice Moore, Lydia Lashbrook, Lucy Lashbrook and Thomas are left to mourn the sudden death of their father. He gave up the companion of his youth and mother of his children the 18th day of October, 1900. Aunt Ann, as many of us knew her, was a good mother and faithful companion. He was again united in marriage to Mary Elizabeth Smith, daughter of Levi and Nancy Smith, the 23th day of April, 1903. This widow is left to mourn the loss of her companion in her declining years. At his country's call, he volunteered and enlisted in the Union Army at Jefferson, Ind., on the 1st day of March, 1865 and was mustered out September 1st, 1865. He served as a private in Company D. Captain William Howard, 53rd Volunteer Regiment, Army of the Potomac. He was in the Grand Review at Washington City at close of the war. He was a member of the Army Post at French Lick, Ind. Uncle Taylor, as many of us knew him, was of old Quaker stock, and through his parents, Uncle Thomas and Aunt Catherine, he had a birthright in the Quaker or Friends Church, but early in life, he joined the United Brethren church at Sulphur Creek, near French Lick, being among the early members but not a charter member of that class. Later moving to the vicinity of Moores Ridge, he joined the Methodist Church at that place, and for many years was a familiar figure in the office of janitor there. He spoke of the many times he had tolled the bell for funerals at Moores Ridge of both old and young, and with tears in his eyes spoke of the many little babes and children he had lovingly tolled the bell for, and expressed an eager desire to gaze upon the wonderful sight of all of them around the Father's throne. A few years ago Uncle Taylor placed his membership at Sulphur Creek, but as his Pastor I can truthfully say he loved both churches. He was stricken early Sunday morning and Jesus in a few hours took him home to spend Sunday afternoon with loved ones gone ahead waiting at the Eastern Gate. A good man has gone to his reward, a kind man, a friend to all who would be friends, honest, upright standing squarely for Christianity and right living, he will be missed not only by his widow and children, but by so many who call him Friend. The funeral service was conducted by his Pastor whom he had known from childhood, Rev. S. P. Walls, at Moores Ridge, and the body laid to rest."
16 Apr 1831
Cameliza Ray (formerly GILLAM) married contrary to discipline. She is disowned.
18 Apr 1835
Arianna Robbins (formerly GILLUM), Lick Creek PM reports she married contrary to discipline. She condemns her misconduct.
20 Jun 1835
James GILLAM, Lick Creek PM reports he married contrary to discipline. He is disowned.
20 Jul 1839
William GILLAM, Lick Creek PM reports he married contrary to discipline. He is disowned.
18 Jun 1842
Leah Walters (formerly GILLAM), Lick Creek PM reports she married contrary to discipline with her 1st cousin. She is disowned.
18 Aug 1842
Osborne GILLAM, Bloomfield MM complains that he married contrary to discipline, is non-attending, and dropped plain dress and/or speech. He is disowned.
26 Oct 1843
John Wesley GILLAM, Lick Creek PM reports he is non-attending, dropped plain dress and/or speech, and married contrary to discipline. He is disowned.
18 Apr 1846
Thomas E. GILLAM, Lick Creek PM reports he married contrary to discipline. He condemns his misconduct.
15 Nov 1851
John Wesley GILLAM condemns his marriage contrary to discipline for which he had been disowned and is received back in membership.
17 Dec 1853
John W. GILLAM, Lick Creek PM reports he married contrary to discipline. He condemns his misconduct.
21 Dec 1867
Frances M. J. Glover (formerly GILLAM), Lick Creek PM reports she married contrary to discipline.
16 Jul 1870
Polly Ann Ballard (formerly GILLAM), Lick Creek PM reports she married contrary to discipline.
20 Jun 1874
Miriam Hill (formerly GILLAM), Lick Creek PM reports she married contrary to discipline.
17 Oct 1874
William P. GILLAM, Lick Creek PM complains that he married contrary to discipline.
Hinshaw, Volume 7
3 Dec 1847
Will of John Gillum
Wife: Susannah
Children: Mahala, Areana, Cameliza, Leah, Seth, Thomas, James, Osborn, William, John Wesley.
Wit: Thomas Newlin and Michael Mavity
Rec: 16 Apr 1848
[Copy is incomplete, but the Will is apparently that of John Gillam who married Susannah and their children see Quaker records above and Quaker records of Guilford County, NC]