GILLIAMs of Camden District, SC
Updated July 20, 2009
The boundaries of the original Camden District remained the same from inception in 1768 until 1791, when the new Pinckney District was carved out of the Camden District and the Ninety-Six District. In 1785, seven newly-defined "counties" were created wholly within the existing Camden District - Chester, Claremont, Clarendon, Fairfield, Lancaster, Richland, and York - but, the overarching Camden District remained intact. The town of Camden was always its district seat. In 1798, some of the Districts were re-defined with updated boundaries, and Camden District was again reduced in size, giving up lands to carve out a newly-defined Salem County in 1792 (which was later abolished).
Since its abolishment in 1800, there has been no Camden District or Camden County in South Caroina since.
Camden District Grand Jury List:
Will’m Gillium – Grand Jurors to the Eastward of Wataree.
Thomas Gilham – Petit Jurors for the New Acquisition.
Ezek’l Gilliam [Gillham] – Petit Jurors for the New Acquisition.