Updated June 23, 2009
The South Carolina Magazine of Ancestral Research mentions the following Gilliams.
Marriage and Obituary Notices from the Columbia Free Press and Hive Married on the 16th instant by the Rev. John Porter, Dr. William Moore of Newberry to Miss Susan Caroline Gillam, daughter of Capt. James Gillam of Abbeville District (Aug. 27, 1831). | SCMAR, Vol. I, Spring 1973, No. 2, p.98 |
Pendleton County, South Carolina, Conveyance Book A, 1790-1792 Sworn in York County 16 Sept. 1789 by Jacob Black before Thomas Gilham, J. P. | SCMAR, Vol. III, Spring 1975, No. 2, p.83 |
Pendleton County, South Carolina, Conveyance Book A, 1790-1792 Pages 143-145. 2 Sept. 1789. Robert Pickens of Pendleton County, S. C., Planter, conveys to Jacob Gilham of the said state and county, Planter, for £.37.10 sterling, a part of a tract of land containing 150 acres in Ninety-Six District on Branches of Twenty-three-mile Creek, waters of Savannah River . . . along John Hamilton's line. | SCMAR, Vol. III, Spring 1975, No. 2, p.80 |
Pendleton County, South Carolina, Conveyance Book A, 1790-1792 Jacob Gilham | SCMAR, Vol. III, Spring 1975, No. 2, p.74 |
Pendleton County, South Carolina, Conveyance Book A, 1790-1792 Sworn 9 Aug. 1790 before John Wilsonn, J. P., by Jacob Gilham. | SCMAR, Vol. III, Spring 1975, No. 2, p.75 |
Estate Partitions in the Washington District Court of Equity, 1803-1826 Petitioner prays a Writ of Partition, to be directed to Capt. William Caldwell, George Caldwell, William Gillam, James Gillam, and Charles Gillam as commissioners to divide these lands. | SCMAR, Vol. III, Winter 1975, No. 1, p.17 |
1784 Tax Returns Robert Gillam | SCMAR, Vol. III, Winter 1975, No. 1, p.26 |
Laurens County Estate Book A-1 Page 6: An appraisement of the estate of Col. James Williams Decd, produced to us by Joseph Griffin and Mary Griffin, Extrs to the said Estate. . . includes 33 Negroes (named) . . . 17 July 1788, Robert Gillam, Richard Griffin, Wm Caldwell, appraisers. | SCMAR, Vol. VI, Winter 1978, No. 1, p.26 |
Pendleton County Court Minutes (Continued from Vol. 6, p.22) Wm. Gillam vs John Wilkinson Pro. & Ass. Contd. | SCMAR, Vol. VI, Spring 1978, No. 2, p.90 |
Pendleton County Court Minutes (Continued from Vol. 6, p.150) James Gillam [stricken] | SCMAR, Vol. VI, Fall 1978, No. 4, p.217 |
Pendleton County Court Minutes (Continued from Vol. 6, p.150) 7. Jacob Gillam | SCMAR, Vol. VI, Fall 1978, No. 4, p.219 |
Pendleton County Court Minutes (Continued from Vol. 7, p.108) 4. James Hamilton vs Joseph Erwin. Attachment. Summons Jacob Gilham upon Generostee, near Col. Moffet. | SCMAR, Vol. VII, Summer 1979, No. 3, p.180 |
In memory of BARSHABA GILHAM who died May 18, 1865 aged 69 years | SCMAR, Vol. VII, Fall 1979, No. 4, p.206 |
Laurens County Estate Book A-1 (Continued from Vol. 6, p.29) Inventory 25 Oct 1790 by Richd Griffin, Antoney Griffin, Total £ 91.1.10. Purchasers at sale, Oct. 25, 1790: Robt Gillam, Samson Butler, Rebecah Armstrong, James Goodman, James Williams, Isaac Grant, Samuel Martin. | SCMAR, Vol. VI, Fall 1978, No. 4, p.225 |
Pendleton County Court Minutes (Continued from Vol. 6, p.223) Wm. Gillam vs John Wilkinson Settled according to Award at Mutual costs. | SCMAR, Vol. VII, Winter 1979, No. 1, p.45 |
Pendleton County Court Minutes (Continued from Vol. 8, p.59) Wm. Gillam vs John Wilkinson. Sum. & Pet. Pro. & Ass. Da. 4: 10 45 Bushel corn 2 heifers in calf. valued at 4: 10 | SCMAR, Vol. VIII, Spring 1980, No. 2, p.92 |
Extracts from the Diary of Rev. John McLees Tuesday 26 Nov 1850 Genl. Gillam married Miss L. Caruth by Mr. Humphrey at Pendleton | SCMAR, Vol. VIII, Fall 1980, No. 4, p.201 |
Marriage and Death Notices from the Southern Enterprise Also at Greenwood on the 6th inst., by Rev. E. T. Buist, M. G. Anderson Esq. of Spartanburg Dist. to Miss Sallie, daughter of Gen. James Gillam of Abbeville Dist. (Ibid.) | SCMAR, Vol. IX, Spring 1981, No. 2, p.89 |
Marriage, Death, and Estate Notices from the Lancaster Ledger (Continued from Vol. IX, p.66) On Thursday evening, 3d inst., by Rev. F. W. Brazington, Mr. T. Gillam, to Miss R. E. Russell, all of Lancaster District. (Ibid.) | SCMAR, Vol. X, Winter 1982, No. 1, p.28 |
Page 16: Will of Nathaniel Harris of the State of South Carolina, Ninety-Six District, Newberry County. . . to my wife Mary Harris, my whole estate real & personal during her natural life & after her death to be divided as follows; negro Jack to son Mosley; negro Cloe to daughter Rebecca Ann a strip of land crossing the Mill Creek joining Caldwell, Turner, Bounty, and myself containing 50 acres called the mill seat to be sold by my exrs. to pay my debts if my son Richard who is absent & should return some acknowledgement made & if not it is a dead legacy, several legatees hereafter named do pay their proportions to amount to £ 20 to him after the deceased of my wife children to equally divide estate both real & personal after my wife's death Jemima, Samuel, LittleBery, Clough if slaves Jack & Cloe die or are unhealthy, then son Mosley & daughter Rebecca Ann have liberty to throw up their _____ into the estate & have their portion with the other children fifty shillings to be paid to my grandson David Gillam. . . 30 Dec 1787 son in law Samuel Harris, Little Berry Harris, Nat Harris (Seal) and Mosley Harris as exrs. SCMAR, Vol. X, Spring 1982, No. 2, p.96 Wit: Moseley Harris, Sims his X mark Mitchell, George his X mark Elliott, Jemima her X mark Gillam. | SCMAR, Vol. X, Spring 1982, No. 2, p.96 |
Abstracts of Newberry County Will Book A (Continued from Vol. X, p.161) Page 66: Court held for Newberry County 4 March 1789. Will of William Gillam decd. presented by Samuel Pearson a witness thereto which was proved by his confirmation. Harman Davis took the oath of executor. Warrant of appraisment issued to Mercer Babb, Samuel Pearson, David Jinkins. William Gilliam of State of South Carolina and Newberry County. To daughter Ann 15 acres adjoining the place she now lives, 1 sorrel horse, and ½ the rent of the tenement where on I now live for the maintainance of my son John. To son William tenement where I live for maintainance of son John, also all that tennement on Bush River consisting of 160 acres whereon I now live. To son William carpenter's and plantation tools like wise one saw, five shotes. To daughter Hannah all my household furniture except 1 pewter dish, 1 bason, 3 plates. To daughter Mary 1 featherbed, 1 pewter dish, 1 bason, 3 plates. Cattle given to Harman Davis Jr. and Daniel Perkins to dispose of as they see fit and to equally divide the money among my daughters. Daniel Perkins and Harman Davis my executors. Wit: Samuel Pearson Sr., Thomas Reid Sr., William M. Daniel. William Gilliam (Seal) Page 67: 4 March 1789. Will of William Gilliam proved. Letters of administration granted to Harman Davis and Daniel Perkins Executors. Inventory to be made. Page 68: Mercer Babb. Samuel Pearson, David Jinkins to make inventory of estate of William Gilliam decd. 4 March 1789. Qualified by Thos. W. Waters. Inventory of William Gilliam decd. 4 May 1789. Total £ 34 12 8. Certified by: Mercer Babb, Samuel Pearson, David Jinkins. Recorded 22 July 1789 | SCMAR, Vol. XI, Winter 1983, No. 1, p.12 |
Page 362: At a Court held for Newberry County 29 Feb. 1796, will of Robert Gillam decd. was executed and recorded. Robert Gillam of South Carolina, Newberry County, 1. land to wife Mary during her natural life: 1 negro wench Sinder, 1 negro girl dau. of Sinder, named Sin, and remainder part of Edmon Ellises tract to north side of Pages Ck., 1 feather bed and furniture, 1 chest, proportionable part of kitchen furniture, 2 cows and calves, 1 bay horse Glass Eyed, 2. to son Joshua Gillam, a tract of land whereon he now lives, including a small piece of land which Col. Mayson is to make Rites to, 1 negro boy named Dove and another Sam; 3. to son Robert Gillam, 1 negro fellow Simon and the blacksmiths tools, 1 negro boy Sharper, 4. to dau. Susanna Martin, £10; 5. to grandson James Finlay £35 when 21 ys. old. If James Finlay die before age 21, the SCMAR, Vol. XII, Spring 1984, No. 2, p.81 Page 362: legacy to be divided between his brothers and sisters 6. to grand dau. Colley Martin £35 stg. when she comes of age; 7. to dau. Martha Smith, 1 negro fellow brave boy, 1 negro boy Jack, 1 bay mare; 8. to dau. Francis Gillam 2 negroes Isum and Phillis, a young sorrel mare and saddle, 1 bed and furniture; 9. Sinder and Sin at wife's death to be sold and equally divided among legatees and also remainder of my est. not mentioned to be sold and divided among legates. 10. Robert Gillam, John Wallace, Isaac Mitchell Sen. ex. 22 Jan. 1796. Fields his x mark Red Robert Gillam (Seal) Harris Gillam Susanna her x mark Red Negroes and horses to remain to finish present crop. True record 6 June 1796. Page 363: By the judges of the county court of Newberry, 29 Feb. 1796, will of Robert Gillam Senr. decd. was proven letters of adm. granted to Robert Gillam, John Wallace, Isaac Mitchell Senr. executors and inventory of est. to be made. Page 364: By the judges of the County Court of Newberry, est. of Robert Gillam decd. to be appraised by John Satterwhite, Sen., John Satterwhite Junr., Thomas Farrow. Inventory of est. of Robert Gillam decd. 7 May 1796. Ephraim Ramsay's note; Fields Red note; Harris Gillam and John Floyd's notes; to James Reddins note; to Asa Griffins note; to James Goodmans note; to Samuel Martins note. Robert Gillam Junr. on open account. John Satterwhite Sen., John Satterwhite Junr., Thomas Farrow. True record appraisal bill 6 June 1796. | SCMAR, Vol. XII, Spring 1984, No. 2, p.81-82 |
Marriage and Death Notices from the Greenville Patriot and Mountaineer Married at Greenwood, on the 6th inst., by Rev. E. T. Buist, M. G. Anderson, Esq., of Spartanburg District, to Miss Sallie, daughter of Gen. James Gillam, of Abbeville District. (November 13, 1856) | SCMAR, Vol. XV, Spring 1987, No. 2, p.67 |
Marriage, Death, and Estate Notices from the Lancaster Ledger (Continued from Vol. XVI, p.109) State of South Carolina, Lancaster District. Martha E. Gillam has applied for administration on the estate of Tignal Gillam, late of the District aforesaid deceased, 31 Sept 1863. (Ibid.) | SCMAR, Vol. XVII, Winter 1989, No. 1, p.39 |
1840 Tax Return for Newberry District Gillam, James S., 1.43 Gillam, John, 8.13 Gillam, Mary, 6.60 Gillam, Wm, 3.00 | SCMAR, Vol. XVIII, Winter, 1990 No. 1 |
Union County Coroner's Inquisitions, 1806-1869 (Continued from Volume XIX, p.206) Union Dist. - An Inquisition indented and taken at the house of Benjamin Landrum in the district aforesaid on 24 April 1832 before Saml. Davis, Coroner, upon view of the body of an infant child then and there lying dead upon the oaths of Bird Murphy, Gideon Jackson, John Prater, James White, Isaac P. Murphy, Sherard Duke, John Lawson, Robert Gillam, Leon Lawson, Jur., James Lawson, Wm. Lawson, Senr., Jeremiah Wix, Jason Boatman, good and lawfull men of said District, who being charged and sworn do say that the said infant on 21 April 1832 was found dead and that it had no marks of Violence upon it and died by the visitation of God in a natural way and not otherwise. | SCMAR, Vol. XX, Winter 1992, No. 1, p.34 |
Marriage and Death Notices from the Up-Country of South Carolina as taken from Greenville Newspapers, 1826-1863 Southern Entreprise, page 223 Marriages & Deaths, Greenville Newspapers, 1826-1863, p.223 Also at Greenwood on the 6th inst., by Rev. E. T. Buist, M. G. Anderson, Esq., of Spartanburg Dist., to Miss Sallie, daughter of Gen. James Gillam of Abbeville Dist. (ibid.) | |
Marriage and Death Notices from Baptist Newspapers of South Carolina, 1866-1887 The Working Christian Issue of March 17, 1887, page 121 Marriages & Deaths, Baptist Newspapers, SC, 1866-1887 At the residence of the bride's uncle, near Lee's, S. C., on the 23d January 1887, by Rev. W. D. Rice, Mr. J. B. Gillam and Miss Lizzie Conneif, all of Barnwell County, S. C. | |
Marriage and Death Notices from Columbia, South Carolina Newspapers, 1838-1860 South-Carolina Temperance Advocate Issue of March 27, 1845, page 234 Married, on the 11th inst., by the Rev. Edwin Cater, Dr. John Holland, to Miss Cornelia Gillam, daughter of General James Gillam, all of Abbeville District, S. C. | |
Marriage Notices from The Southern Christian Advocate, 1867-1878 Issue of February 18, 1870, page 214 By Rev. John W. McRoy, Jan. 6, 1870, Middleton Lake and Miss Drusilla Ann Gillam of Union co., S. C. | |
Death and Obituary Notices from The Southern Christian Advocate, 1867-1878 Issue of January 16, 1877, page 214 Mary A. Gilham was born November 1, 1837 in Oglethorpe county, Ga., and died November 30, 1876. Her Brother. | |
Death and Obituary Notices from The Southern Christian Advocate, 1867-1878 Issue of September 2, 1874, page 214 Nancy Ann Gilham, wife of Robert Gilham of Troup county, Georgia, died August 16th 1874. She was born in Oglethorpe county, Georgia, in 1811, and moved to Troup county in 1838. She joined the Presbyterian Church in 1846. H. J. Ellis | |
Marriage and Death Notices from The Charleston Observer, 1827-1845 Issue of December 3, 1831, page 58 Died in Jasper co., Ga., Mary Rowan, daughter of Thomas Gilham, and the wife of William B. Richards (long account and eulogy) |