Updated August 20, 2011
Ninety Six District was created as an original Judicial District in 1769. It superceded the old County system that had been in place since the 1600's. In 1785 Ninety-Six District was divided into six counties: Abbeville, Edgefield, Laurens, Newberry, Spartanburg and Union. These counties coexisted within Ninety-Six District, and were non-functional (no government), and served only as geographical divisions until later on. Greenville County was formed as a division of Ninety Six District in 1786. Pendleton County was formed as a division of Ninety Six District in 1789. Pinkney District was formed from part of Ninety Six District in 1791, taking the "counties" of Spartanburg and Union with it. Washington District was formed from part of Ninety Six District in 1791, taking the "counties" of Greenville and Pendleton with it. In 1798, all Judicial Districts were abolished, and their county divisions became Districts, so at that time, Ninety Six was abolished by being divided into Abbeville, Edgefield, Laurens and Newberry Districts.

Ninety-Six District Grand Jury List:
William Gillum – Part of Lower District, between the Broad and Saluda rivers.
John Gillum – Little River, between the Broad and Saluda rivers.
Robert Gillum – Part of Lower District, between the Broad and Saluda rivers.
William Gillam – Spartan District (Petit Jury)
1 Oct 1785
South Carolina Ninety Six District
This Indenture made this 12th Day of October Anno Dommo one thousand Seven hundred and Eighty four Between Joseph Kellet of the province and District aforesaid of the one part and Harris Gilliam of the province and District aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth for and in Consideration of the Sum of ten Shillings Current money of the province aforesaid. To him the Said Joseph Kellet will and truly paid by him the Said Harris Gilliam and before the Sealing and Delivery hereof, the Receipt whereof is hereby Acknowledged, to be well and Truly paid, the Said Joseph Kellet hath Bargained and Sold and by these presents doth Bargain and Sell Unto the Said Harris Gilliam his Heirs Extr Administrators Assigns a Certain plantation or Tract of Land Containing two hundred Acres it being a Tract of Land Originally Granted to James Burges by a Grant bareing Date the 23d Day of January 1773 Situate in Craven County on the warters of Mudlick Creek - and from the Said James Burges Conveyd to Robert Sims - and from thence to James Hall by leas and Releas Bareing Date the 23d Day of Novembr 1774 and from thence to the above said Joseph Kellet by Leas and Releas bearing Date the 5th Day of Novr 1776 & Said two hundred Acres of Land is Situate as aforesaid and Bounded No. and N. E. On John Donhoes Land So on Land of James Burges Joseph Babs & Allen Browns - all other Sides on Vacant Land at the time it was laid out - and hath Such Shape form and marks as a plat thereof annexed to the above Said Grant Represents Reference being had will make the Same fully appear Togather with all and Singular the ways Wills - Warters - and warter courses Easments profits - Commodities - Advantages -Emoluments - Hereditaments & appurtenances whatsoever - to the Said plantation belonging or in anywise appertaining - & the Reversion & Reversions - Remainder & Remainders thereof and every part and parcel thereof To have & to hold the Said plantation and other the premises unto the Said Harris Gilliam his heirs Executrs Administrs and Assigns from the Day of the date of these presents - for and Dureing the term of one whole year from thence Next Ensuing - and fully to be Compleat and Ended Yiealding and paying therefore Unto the Said Joseph Kellet the Rent of one peper Corn - on the last Day of the Said term if the Same Shall be lawfully Demanded - to the Intent and purpose that the Said Harris Gilliam by Virtue hereof and by force of the Statute for Transfering of Use into possession of the premises before mentioned And be hereby Enabled to Except and take a Grant and Releas of the Reversion and Inheritance of the Same to him and his heirs forever in Witness whereof the Said Joseph Keller hath hereunto Set his hand & Affixed his Seal the Day and year above Written
Sig: Joseph Keller
Signed Sealed and Delivered
in presents of us: John Ritchey, Ester Keller, Claugh Harris
Received the Day and year first above within written from the within Named Harris Gillam the Sum of ten Shillings Curent money of South Carolina it being the full Consideration money within mentioned I say Recd by me
Sig: Joseph Kallet
Records of the Clerk of Court as Register of Mesne Conveyance: Roll 4: 1791-1800 Vol. A-D: South Carolina State Archives: Vol. A: Page 366
Transcribed by 1918copies.com

12 Oct 1784
South Carolina
Ninety Six District
This Indenture made this 12th Day of October Ano Dom one thousand Seven hundred and Eighty four Between Joseph Keller planter of the Province and District aforesaid of the one part and Harris Gilliam of Said State and District of the
other part Witnesseth that the Said Joseph Keller for and in Consideration of the Sum of one hundred pounds Current Money of the State aforesaid - to him in hand paid at and before the Sealing and Delivery of these presents the Receipt whereof he Doth acknowledge have Granted Bargained and Sold - and by these presents Doth Grant Bargain and Sell unto the Said Harris Gillam in his actual possession now being by Virtue of a Bargain and Sale thereof to him made for one whole year by Indenture of leas bareing Date the Day next before the Day of the Date of these presents and by fore of the Statute for Transfering uses into possession to him his Heirs and assigns forever - all that certain plantation of Tract of Land Containing two hundred acres - Situate in Craven County province and District aforesaid on a branch of Mudlick Creek bounded No. and N. E. On John Donhoes Land So on Land of James Burnsides Joseph Babbs & Allen Browns - all other Sides on Vacant land at the time of the original Survey - and hath Such Shape form and marks as appears by a platt thereof to the original annexed - bareing Date under the hand of the Hon. Lord Charles Granvill Montiague Capt general Governor and Commander in Chief in and Our the Said province the twenty third Day of January one thousand Seven hundred and Seventy three - and is the Same land then Granted to James Burges by the above Said Grant And Conveyed by said Burges to Robert Sims - at from thence Conveyed to James Hall by leas and Releas Bareing Date the 23d Day Novembr 1774 from thence Conveyed to the above Said Joseph Keller - by lease and Release bareing Date the 5th day of Novembr 1776 Evidence being had to the above said plat Grant And Release will make the Same fully and amply appear togather with all And Singular the ways wells warter and warter courses Easments - profits & appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywis appertaining and also all the right Tittle Claim and Demand either in Law or Equity - of him the Said Keller of into or out of the Said premises to have and to hold the plantation or Tract of Land hereby granted and Released with every the Premises and appurtenances unto the Said Harris Gillam and his Heirs and Assigns by these presents - that it Shall and may be Lawfull to and for the Said Harris Gillam - his heirs and Assigns at any time hereafter to Enter into hold or accept the Said plantation and premises without hindrance or interruption of him the Said Joseph Keller his heirs or any Other person - Claiming from him or any other person whatsoever and also the said Joseph Keller and his heirs Shall and will from time to time and at all times hereafter at the Reasonable Request and proper Charges at or in the law of the Said Joseph Keller his heirs and Assigns make and acknowledge or Cause to be maid and acknowledged - all Such further Reasonable and Actual Conveyance in the law - as Shall be Requested for the assuring Said Land and premises unto Said Harris Gillam his heirs and Assigns as by him the Said his heirs or Assigns or by their Counsel Learned in the law Shall be Reasonably Requested and Lastly the Said Joseph Keller and his heirs the Said plantation or Tract of Land Containing Two hundred Acres as before mentioned and the premises hereunto belonging unto the Said Harris Gillam his heirs and Assigns against him the Said Joseph Kellet his heirs and every other person Lawfully Claiming Or to Claim - by from under him or any of them Shall and will warrant and forever Defend by these presents in witness whereof the Said Joseph Kellet hath hereunto Set his hand and affixed his Seal the Day and year above Written Signed sealed and Delivered
Sig: Joseph Keller
in presents of us John Ritchey, Easter Keller, Claugh Harris
Received the Day and year within written of the within Harris Gillam the Sum of one Hundred pounds Current money of South Carolina it being the full Consideration money within mentioned
I say Recd by me Joseph Kallet
Records of the Clerk of Court as Register of Mesne Conveyance: Roll 4: 1791-1800 Vol. A-D: South Carolina State Archives: Vol. A: Page 368
Transcribed by 1918copies.com

25 Aug 1789
Robert Pickens of Pendleton County, S. C., Planter, conveys to John Hamilton of the said state and county, Planter, for £37.10, a part of a tract of land containing 150 acres in Ninety-Six District on the Branches of Twenty-three mile Creek, waters of Savannah River, (adjoining) Jacob Gilham's line. Pages 78-80.
SCMAR, Vol. III, Spring 1975, No. 2, p. 74
2 Jan 1775
Description: John GILLIAM, Memorial for 100 acres on Mudlick Creek, Ninety-Six District
Names Indexed: John GILLIAM, Charles GILLIAM, Robert GILLIAM
22 Jun 1784
Description: James GILLIAM, Plat for 100 acres on Six Mile Creek, Ninety Six District, Surveyed by David Hopkins.,
Names Indexed: James GILLIAM
Locations: Six Mile Creek and Keowee River
Roster of Patriot Soldiers at the Battles of Ninety Six (1775 & 1781)
Gillham, John, 1781, Lt under Col William Farr
Gilliam, Doverix, 1781, Unknown rank in Harmon Critz’s Co
[Doverix Gilliam is Devereux Gilliam, the son of William Gilliam and Mary Jarratt]
Moss, Bobby G. Roster of South Carolina Patriots in the American Revolution
Moss, Bobby G. Patriots at Cowpens
Lumpkin, Henry, Savannah: From Savannah to Yorktown
22 Jun 1784
James GILLIAM, Plat for 100 acres on Six Mile Creek, Ninety Six District
Names indexed: David Hopkins
Locations: Keowee River; Ninety Six District; Six Mile Creek
Robert Gillam
South Carolina Land Plats: Vol. B: 1785-1787, Ninety-Six District: North Side of the Saluda River
Robert Gillam
South Carolina Land Plats: Vol. B: 1785-1787, Ninety-Six District: North Side of the Saluda River
William Gilliam
South Carolina Land Plats: Vol. B: 1785-1787, Ninety-Six District: North Side of the Saluda River
Robert Gillum
South Carolina Land Plats: Vol. B: 1785-1787, Ninety-Six District: North Side of the Saluda River
Joshua Gillom
South Carolina Land Plats: Vol. C: 1786-1788, Ninety-Six District: North Side of Saluda River
Robert Gillam
South Carolina Land Plats: Vol. C: 1786-1788, Ninety-Six District: North Side of Saluda River:
Wills, Estates and Inventories
24 Sep 1783
Appraisement of the estate of John Gillam
An appraisement bill of the estate of John Gillum decd
Late of Ninety Six District this 24th day of Sep 1783
6 head hogs | 37.4 | 1 horse | 5.10 | 7.7.4 |
1 by filley | 10.0.0 | 1bay horse | 8.0.0 | 18.0.0 |
2 cows and calves | 3.10.0 | 3 heifers | 2.5.0 | 5.15.0 |
1 cow and calf | 1.5.0 | 1steer | 1.10.0 | 3.15.0 |
1 cow and steer | 3.10.0 | 1 cow and calf | 35 | 5.15.0 |
1 heifer | 20 | Plantation tools | 44.4 | 3.4.4 |
1 syth | 4.8 | Bed and furniture | 30 | 1.14.8 |
Pewter | 20 | Knives and forks | 2 | 1.2.0 |
5 chairs | 10 | 1 cotton wheel and cards | 6 | 0.16.0 |
1 sifter and 2 books | 2 | 1 pine chest | 4 | 0.16.0 |
1 bedstead and cord | 6 | 1 negro man | 55 | 55.6.0 |
1 drawn knife | 2 | Sundrys | 53 | 2.13.0 |
We the subscribers do hereby certify that the above is a just and true appraisement bill of to the best of our judgment given under our hands this 24th Dec 1783
Wm Caldwell
James Caldwell
John Satterwhite
South Carolina
Ninety Six District
Know all men by these presents that we Robert Gillam Esq & Robert Richey are jointly and several holden and firmly bound and obliged unto John Thomas Junr Esq ordinary for the District of Ninety six in the state aforesaid, in the sum of two thousand pound sterling to be paid unto the said John Thomas Junr or his successors in the sd office or his attorney or assigns to which payment will & truly to be made, we bind ourselves and each of us jointly and severally firmly by these presents sealed with our seals and dated the 6th day of September one thousand seven hundred and eighty three and in the eighth year of American Independence
Whereas administration of all and singular the goods and chattels rights and credits which were of John Gillam late of the District aforesaid deceased was lately committed by the said John Thomas Junr unto said Robert Gillam Esq & Robert Richey.
The condition of the foregoing obligation is such that is the said Robert Gillam Esq and Robt Richey do and shall will & truly administer all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits which were of the said deceased which shall come into the hands, possession or knowledge of the said Robert Gillam Esq & Robert Richey to be administrators and make distribution of what shall remain after all the debts and funeral expenses of the said John Gillam in a due course of law.
Then this obligation to be void & of none effects otherwise to remain in full force and virtue.
Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of
Sig: Robert Gillam, Robert Ritchey
A memberandum [sic] of the sail [sic] of the Estate of John Gillam, deceased
4 Oct 1783
Robert Ritchey | 6 hogs | 30. |
Thomas Pitts | 1 roan horse | 27.10 |
Robert Ritchey | 1 brown colt | 40. |
Joshua Gillam | 1 filley | 80. |
Robert Ritchey | A cow & calf | 18.10 |
Robert Ritchey | 1 heifer | 12. |
Robert Ritchey | 4 heifers | 31.5 |
Robert Ritchey | 1 shears & colter | 14. |
Robert Dunlap | 2 plows | 6.15 |
Isaac Dyson | 2 iron wedges | 4. |
James Caldwell | 1 hoe | 1.10 |
Thomas Eastland | 1 powl ax | 3.5 |
John Wylds | 1 broad ax | 3.15 |
Isaac Dyson | 1 drawing knife | 1.10 |
Joseph Armstrong | 1 sithe blade | 2.10 |
Robert Ritchey | For pewter | 3.10 |
Robert Ritchey | 15. | |
Robert Ritchey | For pewter knives and forks | 3.5 |
Robert Ritchey | 1 wheel and cards | 1.12.6 |
Robert Ritchey | 1 chest | 5.5 |
Robert Ritchey | 1 feather bed | 30.5 |
Marmaduke Maples | 1.5 | |
Robert Ritchey | 1 negro fellow | 655. |
Robert Gillam | 1 horse bell | 1.1 |
Robert Ritchey | 1 hog | 3.10 |
Robert Gillam | 10 hogs | 8.15 |
Certified by Robert Gillam and Robt Ritchey Administrators
South Carolina Probate Records, Files and Loose Papers, 1732-1964, Abbeville Probate Court, Probate records1782-1958, Box 039, Packages 829-867, Image 100 of 282.
29 Nov 1783
Estate of Charles Gillam
- Wells, Lawrence K, and Brent H. Holcomb, ed. South Carolina Magazine of Ancestral Research, Vol. 1-20 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 1999. Original data: Wells, Lawrence K., ed. The South Carolina Magazine of Ancestral Research. Vol. I-XX. Columbia, SC, USA: SCMAR, 1973-1992.