Updated December 20, 2011

The origin of the name Newberry is unknown. The county was formed in 1785 as a part of Ninety Six District, and the county seat is the town of Newberry. This part of the upcountry was settled largely by Scotch-Irish, English, and German immigrants in the mid-eighteenth century. Germans were so prevalent in part of Newberry County that it become known as Dutch Fork, with Dutch meaning Deutsch (German). Large scale cotton farming replaced small farms in the nineteenth century, and the coming of the railroad made Newberry a leading cotton market.
The Saluda River, Beaverdam Bush Creek, Broad River area of Newberry District was settled by William and Hannah Milburn Gilliam of Frederick County VA. William and Hannah were Quakers. William left a Will dated 4 May 1789.
The Page Creek area, Newberry District was settled by Major Robert Gillam family of Granville County NC. Names associated with these Gillams include Davenport, Satterwhite, and Caldwell. Robert Gillam, Sr., left a Will dated 22 Jan 1796.
Bush River Baptist Church Cemetery, 10 miles west of Newberry
Cummings, Ruth GILLIAM
w/o J. W. Smith & d/o W. P. & Letty GILLIAM
Smith, J. W.
Smith, Mary Elizabeth GILLIAM
w/o J. W. Smith & d/o W. P. & Letty GILLIAM
Bush River Quaker Cemetery, 3 ½ miles south of Newberry,
b. Oct. 5, 1800 d. Feb. 2, 1886
b. Nov. 17, 1824 d. Feb. 13 (12?), 1847
Additional information obtained from Newberry County Cemetery Book, Volume One, pg. 22-23
GILLIAM Family Cemetery, 3.5 miles southwest of Newberry
James S. Gilliam
14 Apr 1782-20 Mar 1865
Keren Happuck Gilliam
wife of James S.
1780-20 Sep 1823
Keren Happuck Gilliam
dau. of James S. & Keren H.
15 Sep 1823-10 Oct 1825
Newton Brumfelt Gilliam
son of Jas. S. & Keren H.
22 Jul 1815-2 Jul 1816
William James Gilliam
twin son of Jas. S. & Keren H.
8 Oct 1810-15 Oct 1811
Francis Sims Gilliam
son of Jas. & Keren H.
20 Jan 1813-9 Jan 1839
John Gaulden Gilliam
son of Jas. S. & Keren H.
8 Oct 1810-20 Oct 1840
Susannah Elizabeth Boyd
dau. of James S. & Keren H.
wife of James Boyd
12 Jan 1808-22 Mar 1825
Newberry County Cemeteries, Vol. Two by The Newberry County Historical Society
GILLAM-Wallace Cemetery, 4 miles north of Chappells heading toward Joanna off Hwy 56
Names include: Boozer, Emerson, Brown, Wallace, Jamison, Adams, Col. William Sheppard, Rebecca GILLAM, Sarah GILLAM, Robert GILLAM, Mary E. GILLAM, Wm. L. GILLAM, Calhoun GILLAM, T. O. GILLAM, Mary F. GILLAM
[This cemetery is in poor condition.]
GILLIAM/Noland/Neel Cemetery, 14 miles northeast of Newberry

Ann Gilliam
b. unknown d. Jun. 11, 1832
Jacob F. R. H. Gilliam
b. unknown d. unknown
James R. J. S. Gilliam
b. unknown d. unknown
Nathan S. Gilliam
b. Nov. 4, 1806 d. Sep. 10, 1827
Newton H. Gilliam
b. unknown d. Dec. 21, 1815
William Gilliam, Sr
b. abt 1755 d. Sep. 25, 1822
William Gilliam, Jr
b. unknown d. Aug. 10, 1815
Druciller A. G. Neel
b. Oct. 24, 1801 d. Aug., 1827
Sarah Ann Sims Neel
b. Mar. 2, 1825 d. Sep. 5, 1825
Rueben T. Noland
b. Mar. 2, 1829 d. Oct. 4, 1829
Ths. J. Noland
b. Feb. 13, 1803 d. Mar. 12, 1833
Sarah Thompson [Gilliam] Goree
d 3 Mar 1843

[The family of William Gilliam, Sr., and Ann "Nancy" Sims is buried in the Gilliam Noland Neel Cemetery]
Mount, Pleasant Cemetery, 7 miles northeast of Newberry
James Newton GILLIAM
Sadie Lucie GILLIAM
d/o J. T. & Lula GILLIAM
SC Pfc. 23 Inf. 2 Inf. Div WWII
Lula [Berley] GILLIAM
John Thomas GILLIAM
Christine E. GILLIAM
Infant Son
s/o Thomas & Katherine
Lonnie Edward GILLIAM
Old Tranquil Methodist Cemetery 8 miles NW of Newberry, SC
Thomas B. GILLIAM,
s/o Jacob F. & Mary GILLIAM
d 8/6/1836, 48 y, 1 m, 10 d
[born 26 Jun 1788]
d 9/19/1843, 55 yrs.
[born about 1788]
Sarah J. L. GILLIAM,
d 4/28/1837, 12 y, 2 m, 27 d
[born 1 Feb 1825]
Newton H. GILLIAM,
s/o Jacob F. & Mary GILLIAM
Infant of P. W. & H. GILLIAM,
Rosemont Cemetery
GILLIAM, Elizabeth Duckett, Section A-1
s/o J. R. & M. E., Section A-1
GILLIAM, John R., Section A-1
Burial information may be obtained from "Newberry County Cemeteries, Vol. Two" by The Newberry County Historical Society
Jemima Gillum, 10010-00111-0-0
Robert Gillum, 11010-21111-0-10
Joshua Gillum, 11101- 40010-0-0
Siloam Baptist Church
James Gillam Member
Slaves of James Gillam mentioned in the Siloam Baptist rolls:
Harry, Button, George, Hall, David, Harris Y., Meary, Patunia (14 May 1830), Patience (sold to Dr. Wm. Moon),
Patience received a letter of dismission 30 Dec 1832.
Milly, Christa, Mima, Fanny, Margaret, Isabel
4 Jul 1835
James Gillam appointed New Building Agent
Paid $91.32 for paint oil used in the new church construction.
Free White Members of Siloam Church 1833-1844 Roll:
David Gillam
Harris Y. Gillam
Louanna Gillam
Elizabeth Gillam
South Carolina Connections
Court Minutes
Mar court 1787
William Dawkins Plntf agnst Maryann Land Admx of Edw'd dec'd Case.
By consent of parties and assent of the court all matters and things in controversy between the parties are ref'd to Robt Rutherford, Robt GILLAM, Edward Finch & William Gilreath whose awards ret'd to this court shall be the judgement of the court.
Newberry Minutes of County Court, 1785-98, page 93
25 Dec 1788
Deed: Joseph Davenport, wife Margaret, to James Davenport, planter, all of Newberry County, 100 acres on Little River, bounded in part by said James and said Joseph—part of a grant to Daniel Goggans on 7 Apr 1770, who conveyed said 100 acres to Francis Davenport, who conveyed same to said Joseph on 15 Feb 1786 . . .
Sig: Joseph Davenport, Margaret "X" Davenport.
Wit: William Caldwell, James Caldwell, Harris GILLIAM.
Proved by Harris GILLIAM before William Caldwell, JP, 26 Dec 1789.
Rec: 6 May 1794
Deed Book B: page 678
29 Oct 1792
Moses Embree of Washington Co., of the Territories South of the Ohio River, planter to Robert GILLIAM of Newberry Co., SC., planter for 45 lbs. South Carolina money, 100 acres on the North side of the Saluda River on waters of Mudlick Creek adjacent to John Towls which was granted to James McCool 13 Oct 1769 and conveyed by James McCool to Moses Embree 19 Sep 1771.
Rec: 23 Aug 1793
Deed Book B, pages 503-504
10 Dec 1794
Deed of Gift: Francis Davenport to Isaac Davenport, both of Newberry County, gift, one slave . . .
Sig: Francis Davenport.
Wit: John Kennedy, David Davenport, William (X) Margin.
Proved by David Davenport before Robert GILLIAM, JP, 3 Mar 1795.
Deed Book C: page 203
28 Nov 1808
John Satterwhite, plat For 650 acres on Pages Creek, Newberry District, Surveyed By Thomas Anderson.
Names Indexed: John Satterwhite, Thomas Anderson, Drewry Satterwhite, Isaac Mitchell, Robert Gilliam
Locations: Pages Creek, Newberry District
13 Aug 1831
Joseph Keller, Plat for 7.9 acres on South Side of Enoree River, Newberry District, surveyed by James N. Crosson.
Names Indexed: Joseph Keller, James N. Crosson, William Darby, Jacob Keller, Ann Gilliam, William Noland
Locations: Newberry District, Enoree River, Broad River
27 Aug 1831
James Wadlington, Plat for 394 acres on Enoree River, Newberry District, Surveyed by James N. Crosson.
Names Indexed: James Wadlington, James N. Crosson, William Noland, Nancy Gilliam
Locations: Newberry District, Enoree River
12 Sep 1831
William Noland, Plat for 67 Acres on Branches of Enoree River, Newberry District, Surveyed By James N. Crosson.
Names Indexed: William Noland, James N. Crosson, James Wadlington, Mrs. Gilliam
Locations: Newberry District, Enoree River
Equity Records
6 Jul 1853
Mary B. Schoppert by her next friend Henry Summer
James GILLAM, William GILLAM, Philip Schoppert, Arthur Dozier, and Sarah
Dozier his wife, Philemon Waters, Bennet Perry and Caroline Perry his wife.
Philip Schoppert lived in Alabama.
Bill for construction of will, account filed July 6, 1853. Attorney: Jones.
Robert GILLAM died leaving a will written Oct. 27, 1813 and appointed his widow Elizabeth GILLAM as executrix and his two sons, William GILLAM and James GILLAM, executors. James GILLAM took the burden as executor. Elizabeth GILLAM was given three slaves for her lifetime and she died 1851. Philomen B. Waters was named in the will of Robert GILLAM and he died leaving three children: Mary B. Schoppert, Philomen B. Waters Jr. and Robert G. Waters. Philomen B. Waters Jr. died leaving as survivors his widow, Caroline Waters, who remarried and was now Caroline Waters Perry, wife of Bennet Perry, and two children Sarah Waters Dozier who was the wife of Arthur Dozier and Philomen Water 3rd. Robert G. Waters died intestate leaving his sister Margaret [sic?] Schoppert and his niece and nephew Sarah Dozier and Philomen Waters 3rd as his survivors. Mary B. Schoppert requested James GILLAM to give her the share due her but he refused without Court direction. Margaret [sic?] Schoppert claimed her husband Philip Schoppert was completely insolvent and the share was desperately needed. Mary Schoppert received $976.14 as her share. William GILLAM sold to his son, Lew M. GILLAM, for
$1000 his rights to the estate of his parents Robert GILLAM and Elizabeth GILLAM.
Equity Records 1845-1867 by Edith Greisser, 2002.
Box 42, No. 5
Family Histories
James Gillam
5 Mar 1791 - 28 Jul 1878
James Gillam was born at Page's Creek, Newberry County, SC and was a student at the Newberry Academy. During the War of 1812, James enlisted in Newberry 1 Mar 1814 and was discharged 5 Apr 1814 as a private in the Light Horse Dragoons commanded by Capt. William Caldwell, his cousin, and was then honorably discharged according to official documents in Washington DC. He was described as 5 feet 8 inches tall, fair complexion, dark hair, grey eyes, weighing about 146 pounds. In an affidavit written by James Gillam on 26 Feb 1851 he stated he volunteered in Newberry in 1813 and was recruited into service 22 Feb 1814 for the term of three months. He stated his actual service was for ten weeks and he was honorably discharged at Camp Alston May 1814 which appears on the muster rolls of that period. No formal discharge papers were ever given to him. By an act of Congress James became eligible for 40 acres of land as bounty for his military service. [Bounty Claim 36025-40-50]
James became a successful farmer and merchant in Newberry. According to his pension application papers in Washington DC., he lived in Newberry for six years after the War, or to about 1820. He then lived at "Cow Grove," Abbeville, South Carolina, later moving to "Sweetwater Place" and lastly building a large home in Greenwood which was destroyed by fire many years ago. He taught school for some years and was a Major General in command of State Militia for Old Ninety Six District. He was a Mason and in 1839 became an Elder at Rock Presbyterian Church in Greenwood, SC. He also served as Clerk of the Session. His first wife was Sarah Carolina Satterwhite, daughter of John Satterwhite and Susan McKie, who died 20 Jun 1849 aged 52 years. Sarah Satterwhite was mentioned as the wife of James Gillam in the will of her grandfather, Michael McKie who died 1 Nov 1814.
Prior to his membership in Rock Presbyterian Church, James Gillam was a member of Siloam Baptist Church, which still exists on Siloam Church Road, Greenwood County, SC., just east of Wilson Creek. By today's standards it seems to be about halfway between the town of "96" and Rock Creek Church of today in Greenwood.
South Carolina Connections
Gilliams and their Neighbors Along Pages Creek and Saluda River
Local Histories
The Annals of Newberry in Two Parts: Part First by John Belton O’Neall, Part Second by John A. Chapman.
Robert GILLAM, Jr. served under his father, Maj. Robert GILLAM, in the expedition against the Cherokee in 1776 when only sixteen years old. In the Revolutionary War he saw action at the following battles:
Battle of Stono, 20 Jun 1780
Musgrove's Mill, Aug 1780
Blackstock's, 20 Nov 1780
Cowpens, 17 Jan 1781
His widow, Elizabeth Caldwell GILLIAM received a pension.
9 Mar 1796
City Gazette
Robert Gillam, 800 acres of land in Newberry-county, Ninety Six District, composed of three tracts, adjoining each other, bounded to the west on Samuel Proctor, to the west on Nathaniel Harris, to the north on Isaac Mitchell, to the south east and on all other sides by lands of William Burgess.

Newsbank, City Gazette, 9 Mar 1796, page 2
Pension of Elizabeth Caldwell Gillam, wife of Robert Gillam
Wills and Estates
30 Dec 1787
Will of Nathaniel Harris of the State of South Carolina, Ninety-Six District, Newberry County
to my wife Mary Harris, my whole estate real & personal during her natural life & after her death to be divided as follows; negro Jack to son Mosley; negro Cloe to daughter Rebecca Ann a strip of land crossing the Mill Creek joining Caldwell, Turner, Bounty, and myself containing 50 acres called the mill seat to be sold by my exrs. to pay my debts if my son Richard who is absent & should return some acknowledgement made & if not it is a dead legacy,several legatees hereafter named do pay their proportions to amount to £ 20 to him after the deceased of my wife children to equally divide estate both real & personal after my wife's death Jemima, Samuel, LittleBery, Clough if slaves Jack & Cloe die or are unhealthy, then son Mosley & daughter Rebecca Ann have liberty to throw up their _____ into the estate & have their portion with the other children fifty shillings to be paid to my grandson David GILLAM . . .
30 Dec 1787 son in law Samuel Harris, Little Berry Harris, Nat Harris (Seal) and Mosley Harris as exrs.
Wit: Moseley Harris, Sims [his X mark] Mitchell, George [his X mark] Elliott, Jemima [her X mark] GILLAM.
2 June 1788 will of Nat Harris proved.
Page 16:
SCMAR, Vol. X, Spring 1982, No. 2, p. 96
[Jemima Harris, daughter of Nathaniel Harris married Charles GILLIAM]
5 Aug 1788
Last Will & Testament of Joseph Davenport, made this date, probated 16 May 1791.
Named daughter Rebecca Satterwhite to have 200 acres where she lives, Negro Dick, and bed; Jemima Satterwhite, daughter to Bartlett Satterwhite and Rebecca Satterwhite, to have Negro girl Annekey; daughter Amy Phillips to have Negroes James and Aggy, and certain chattel; granddaughters Edna and Jemina Goode, daughters of Samuel and Jemima Goode, to have Negroes Dina and Silva when Jemima shall arrive at age 16; grandson Joseph Phillips, son of John and Amy Phillips, to have Mulatto boy Bob; grandson Joseph Davenport, son of David and Hannah Davenport, to have £80 from Robert GILLIAM and Benjamin Cobb, and 250 acres including the east side of the land whereon I now live, a bed, and a horse; Violet Welch [no identification], to have £3 per year for her natural life, a cow, a calf, and beef—to live in a small room in my house for as long she lives, and 250 pounds of flour and 100 pounds of beef and pork yearly; everything else to son David.
Executors Son David Davenport, friends William Moore, James Caldwell...
Sig: Joseph Davenport.
Wit: John Thomas Scott, Starling Dixon, Alexander McMullen.
Will Book A, page 112
27 Feb 1789
Will of William GILLIAM
In the Name of God Amen; I William GILLIAM of the State of South Carolina and County of Newberry being weak in body but of sound memory (Blessed be God) do this twenty seventh day of February in the year of Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty nine make and publish this my last Will & Testament in manner following, (that is to say)
First, I give to my daughter Ann fifteen acres of land adjoining the place whereon she now liveth, also one sorrel horse and half the rent of the messuage or tenement whereon I now live for the maintainance of my son John.
Also I give and bequeath to my son William all that messuage or tenement situate on Bush River in ye county aforesaid consisting of one hundred and sixty five acres wherein I now live to hold to him forever,
Also I give to my said son all my carpenters and plantation tools likewise one sow and five shotes
Also I give to my daughter Hannah all my housel forneture except one pewter dish, one bason & three plates, I also give to my daughter Mary, one fether bed, one puter dish, one bason & three plates,
I also leave all my cattle to Harmon Davis Jr. and Daniel Perkins to dispose of as they may see fit, and equally to divide the money among my daughters, and I make and ordain them the said Harmon Davis and Daniel Perkins sole executors of this my last Will and Testament in trust for the intents and purposes in this my Will contained
And I do hereby utterly disallow, revoke & disannull all and every other former testaments Wills and Legacies & executors by me in any ways before this time named Willed & bequeathed ratifying and confirming this and, and no other to be my Last Will & Testament,
in Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written
Signed, sealed, and delivered by the said William GILLIAM as and for his Last Will and Testament in the presence of us who were present at the signing and sealing thereof
Sig: William GILLIAM
Wit: Samuel Pearson, Snr, Thomas Reed, Snr, William Mc Dowel
Pro: 4 Mar 1789
Will Book A, page 67
17 May 1791
Estate of Joseph Davenport, late of Newberry County, Decd.
Inventory by Warrant of Appraisement filed by Starling Dixon, Robert GILLIAM, and Alexander McKee.
Estates, Box 355, Pkg. 38
30 Sep 1795
Will of William Gilliam
Administered by John Justis
Read by James Galbreath at 3 public meetings of people called Quakers at Bush River.
19 Oct. 1795
Estate of William Gilliam
100 Pounds;
John Justis, Wm. Murdock, John Duncan.
Will Book A, page 340
19 Oct 1795
At a court held for Newberry County 19 Oct. 1795, letters of adm. for est. of William Gilliam decd. granted to John Justis. By the Judges of county court of Newberry - John Justis adm. of est. of William Gilliam decd. to have est. appraised.
By judges of county court of Newberry
Mercer Babb, Samuel Brown, Joseph Furnar, William Murdock to appraise est. of William Gilliam decd.
Inventory of goods of William Gilliam decd. above is a true inventory, certified by us 16 Nov. 1795.
Saml. Brown, Joseph Furnass, William Murdock.
True account of notes belonging to est. of William Gilliam decd.
Note on: William Jay, Jacob Balinger, Daniel Clary, John Allison, John Wright, and William Jay, Jesse Palmer, and Wright Coate.
SCMAR, Vol. XII, Spring 1984, No. 2, p.77
Estate of William Gilliam
Feb. Term 1796
Order of Sale
19 Oct 1795
Estate of William Gilliam
to Saml. Brown, Joseph Furnas, Wm. Murdock.
Will Book A, page 340
16 Nov 1795
Appraisal of Estate of William Gilliam
Sam. Brown, Jos. Furnas, Wm. Murdock, Appraisers.
corn, carpenter tools, buckles, clothes.
List of Notes due estate.
Will Book A, page 340
24 Mar 1796
Sale of Estate of William Gilliam
Jonathan Neal, Hamilton Murdock, Wm. Murrow, Charles ONeal, Jesse Justis, Wm. Dodgin, Aron Inman, Wm. Goggans, Stephen Williams, Daniel McGee, Sol. Reese, Wm. Gary, Thomas Gary, Sam. Johnston, Sam. Hughen, Sam. Peachey [?], Benj. Wood, Andrew Maxwell, Harmon Davis, Barnet Hoyber.
1 Oct 1795
Will of Henry Wilson, of Newberry County, Ninety Six District,
Names Indexed: Henry Wilson, Nancy Wilson, Mary Wilson, Tapphenas Wilson, Edna Wilson, James Wilson, James Caldwell, Robert Gilliam, Jr., Philip Proctor, Margaret Proctor
Estate Record Book A, page 284
22 Jan 1796
Will of Robert Gillam
17 Dec 1800
Will of John Gillam
9 Aug 1800
Will of John Wallace
In the name of God Amen. I John Wallace Sr. of Newberry District in the State of South Carolina being infirm in body but of sound mind & memory, thanks be given unto God, calling into mind the mortality of my body, & knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain this my last will & Testament, and principally & first of all I give & recommend my soul into the hands of Almighty God that gave it my body. I recommend to the earth to be decently entered at the discretion of executors, not doubting but at the general resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God, and as touching such worldly estate where with it hath pleased God to bless me in this life I give devise and dispose of the same in the following manner,
Impremis, First it is my will and desire that all my just debts & funeral charges be respectfully paid.
Item I lend to my beloved wife, Amy Wallace, during her natural life, all my dwelling plantation & land on the north side of the Goosepond Creek as far as the track, that I purchased from Squire Gilliam, Also three Negroes (to wit) Jack, Del & Phil, and all my stock of horses, cattle, hogs, sheep, household, kitchen furniture & plantation tools except those here after bequeathed.
Item I give & bequeath to m y son John Wallace his heirs & Assigns forever, one negro boy named Phill, one cow & calf, one feather bed & furniture, the said Negros to remain with his mother Amy Wallace during her life.
Item, I give & bequeath to my son James Wallace his heirs and assigns forever, one Negro girl named Easter, one cow & calf one feather bed & furniture. Item I giv e & bequeath to my son William Wallace, his heirs & Assigns forever, all my plantation & land on the North side of the Goosepond creek where I now live as far as the line between the said track and the track which I purchased from Robert Gillam Esqr. Also one negro boy named Ned, one sorrel mare one cow & calf, one feather bed & furniture, he not to take possession of the land til after the death of his Mot her.
Item I give & bequeath to my son Joseph Wallace his heirs & Assigns forever, all my plantation & land on the South side of the Goosepond Creek, one negro wench named Vernus & her child named June, one year old hose colt, one co w & calf, one feather bed & furniture.
Item I give & bequeath to my daughter Frances Wallace her heir and assigns forever, one negro girl name June, one boy Filly called the Gausling, and one hundred dollars cash to be raised out of m y crop that is now growing (to be put out to interest during her minority) one cow & calf one feather bed & furniture.
Item I give & bequeath to my sons John & James Wallace their heirs & Assigns forever all that plantation or tract of land containing 310 acres which I purchased from Robert Gillam Esqr. to be equally divided betwixt them. The Negros which I have bequeath to remain in possession of my wife aforesaid until they have made another crop.
Item lastly my will & desire, and I do hereby bequeath, that after the death of my wife aforesaid that all the residue and remainder part of my estate be sold at public auction and the moneys arising from the said sale to be equally divided betwixt my sons & daughters here after named (to wit). Elizabeth Payne, John Wallace, James Wallace, William Wallace, Joseph Wallace & Frances Wallace. each to share & share alike, and I do hereby constitute and appoint my beloved wife Amy Wallace my son James Wallace and my son-in-law Richard Payne, executors and executrix, revoking making null & void all former wills by me at any time here to fore made, ratifying and confirming this & no other to be my Last Will & Testament. In witness where of I have here unto sit my hand & seal this ninth of August in the year of our Lord Eighteen hundred.
Enterlined before assigned
Sig: John Wallace
Signed Sealed & Delivered in the Presence of us:
James Dyson, W. W. Moon, Dermis Lark
Proved 1 Dec 1800
Rec 11 Apr, 1801
Samuel Lindsey
Newberry County, SC, Will C, Page 146
27 Apr 1803
Will of Field Rudd
In the name of God amen. I Fields Rudd of Newberry District being infirm in body but in perfect memory, do make and ordain this my last will and testament in form following that is to say I give and recommend my Soul to the hand of Almighty God who gave it and my body I recommend to the earth to decently entered at the discretion of my Executors, and touching such Worldly Estate as it hath pleased God to bless me with; I will and bequeath in the following manner and form.
I give and bequeath to my son John Rudd the tract of land whereon he now lives containing three hundred and ninety five acres more or less lying on Page Creek. It is to be laid off of the upper end of the said land from Whites line down the line of said land till it makes the amount of two hundred acres, also one horse by the name of Vip and one feather bed and furniture in hand and
I also give and bequeath to my son Thomas Rudd the remainder part of the above mentioned tract of land and one mare called Hartell and one feather bed and furniture.
I also give and bequeath to my son Robert Rudd the tract of land whereon I now live at the decease of his mother and also one feather bed and furniture to be delivered to him when called for.
I also give and bequeath to my daughters as they shall come to the years of maturity one feather bed and furniture and also one cow and calf and also one horse to each daughter if it is in the power of their mother so to do . . .
And the remainder part of my estate to my Wife during her natural life and at her death each daughter to have a young Negro and each as equally proportioned in value to each daughter as it can be done.
And I also give my Executors power to sell a tract of land that is not heretofore mentioned containing two hundred and fifteen acres and also all the crop of cotton and tobacco that is now in my possession in order to pay my debts with and if there should be anything of this land or crop remaining after paying my debts it is to be at the disposal of my wife to dispose of as she thinks proper.
And I likewise constitute make and ordain Sussannah Rudd and Thomas Rudd my lawfull executors of this My last Will and Testament in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 27th day of April 1803.
Being sealed and delivered in the presence of us
Sig: Fields (X) Rudd
Wit: Robert GILLIAM, P. B. Waters, John Watson
Proved 1 Aug 1803
Rec: 3 Sep 1817
Tes. Jas Farnandis
Will Book E, pages 250-251
[Field Rudd is the grandfather of Daniel Rudd, son of John. Daniel marries Susan Caroline GILLIAM, the daughter of James GILLIAM and Sarah Caroline Satterwhite. Susan has previously been married to Dr. William Meredith Moon and Thomas G. Williamson. Daniel had previously been married to Elizabeth GILLIAM Davenport, the daughter of Jonathan Davenport.]
15 Nov 1803
Estate of David Davenport, late of Newberry County, Decd.
Warrant of Appraisal filed and sworn to by Bartlett Satterwhite, Sr., James Davenport, John Satterwhite, Jr., Robert GILLIAM.
Estates, Box 5, Pkg. 12
3 Feb 1806
Account of William Satterwhite
Bartlette Satterwhite, Jr.;
A B., 3 Feb 1806, $500.00; Bartlette Satterwhite, Jr., John Dyson, James Insco.;
W. A.; 3 Feb 1806; John Satterwhite, Sr., John Satterwhite, Jr., Thomas Farrow, John Davidson
Order of Sale; 14 Feb 1806; On premises of John Satterwhite, Sr., on 8 Mar.; App.; 7 Feb 1806; saddle, bridle, books, clothes, bed.; Sale; 8 Mar 1806; John Satterwhite, B. Satterwhite, Sam. Farrow, Drury Satterwhite
Accounts Due deceased for schooling: Robert GILLIAM, Wm. Caldwell, John Satterwhite, James Syth, Jane Towls, Daniel Towls, L. B. Harris, Wm. Turner, Job Colven, Francis Pettepool, John Turner, Thomas Farrow, Jesse Deas, Sam. Bratcher, John Butler, James Caldwell, mary Pitts, Richard Brooks, John Glove, Elenor Moore, Harris GILLIAM, Jos. Goodman, John Davidson.
Note due from Thomas Farrow and Robert Porterfield Paid by Estate: Sam. Lindsey, OND; 1806; E. Brenan, Direct Tax; 1806
Box 19, Pkg. 1. 1806
14 Apr 1807
Estate of Bartlett Satterwhite, Sr., late of Newberry County, Decd.
Warrant of Appraisement issued to John Satterwhite, Robert GILLIAM, Bartlett Satterwhite, and Joseph Davenport.
Estates, Box 18, Pkg. 4
27 Oct 1813
Will of Robert Gillam
17 Nov 1814
Will of Jemima Gilliam
Estates of Elizabeth Ann Caldwell and William Caldwell
The Petition of John Caldwell, for himself and as guardian of James Caldwell, Patrick Caldwell, and Elizabeth Anne Caldwell, sheweth that Elizabeth Anne Caldwell, late of Newberry District, in the year 1814 departed this life intestate, leaving five children, to wit,
i. John Caldwell (the petitioner),
ii. William Caldwell, since dead without issue,
iii. James Caldwell,
iv. Patrick Calhoun Caldwell
v. Elizabeth Anne Caldwell.
Elizabeth Anne Caldwell owned a tract of land containing 555 acres in Newberry District, bounded by lands of the Estate of William Caldwell, dec'd, Littleberry Turner, Thomas Goodman, and others.
William Caldwell, late of Newberry District, in the year 1815 departed this life intestate, leaving the above named brothers and sisters. William Caldwell owned a tract of land containing 378 acres, bounded by lands belonging to the Estate of James Caldwell, John Moore, and the Estate of Elizabeth Anne Caldwell.
Petitioner prays a Writ of Partition, to be directed to Capt. William Caldwell, George Caldwell, William GILLAM, James GILLAM, and Charles GILLAM as commissioners to divide these lands.
Commission dated (month and day not given) 1815 to the commissioners named above described the 555 acre tract as being on Mill and Mudlick Creeks and mentions Elizabeth Ann Caldwell the younger as an adjacent owner. The 378 acre tract is described as being on Mill Creek and Neely's Branch.
Commissioners recommend sale of the 378 acre tract. Plat shews one (combined?) tract of 933 acres.
Estate Partitions in the Washington District Court of Equity, 1803-1826, Pages 34a-36.
SCMAR, Vol. III, Winter 1975, No. 1, p.17
7 Jan 1816
Will of William GILLIAM
8 Aug 1821
Will of Patrick Henry Sims of Newberry District
Names Indexed:
Mary Gilliam, Elizabeth Kelly, Lucy Sims, William Sims, Anna G. Sims, Benard SIms, James Sims, Reuben Sims, Benjamin F. Sims, Jenny Sims, Reuben Gilliam, Samuel Hardy, C. B. Attwood, John Shelton, Samuel Hardy
Slaves: Nicey, Jenny, Sealy, Hanner
Exec: Ruebin Gilliam, Sam Hardy & wife Lucy
Rec: 1 Oct 1821
Estate Record H, pages 443-444
[Mary Gilliam, wife of Reuben, was the daughter of Patrick Henry Sims]
2 Mar 1832
Will of Martha Gillam Smith
[Daughter of Maj. Robert and Mary Gillam. Included is the Will of James Smyth, Martha’s husband.]
2 May 1836
Will of Elizabeth Gillam
12 Mar 1838
Will of David GILLAM
19 Sep 1848
Will of Polly GILLIAM
Estate left to son, William P GILLIAM, except two negroes (Caroline & Charlotte) left to granddaughters: Mary E GILLIAM and Libby Drucilla GILLIAM.
Wit: B I Ramage, W F Robertson, and P B Ruff.
Newberry County Unrecorded Wills and Deeds, Abstracted by Mary DeVore Dawkin
27 Jul 1858
Will of Reuben G. Gilliam
30 Sep 1854
Will of Frances P. Gilliam
23 Apr 1878
Will of William Pinckney GILLIAM
Codicil 27 Apr 1880
Two-thirds of exceedingly large estate left to only surviving daughter, Libby Drucilla GILLIAM Cromer wife of John A. Cromer. Onethird of two plantations left to grandchildren Ellen E. P. Smith Suber, Robert GILLIAM Smith, William Pinckney Smith, children of deceased daughter, Mary E. GILLIAM Smith whose husband, James N. Smith, to be guardian of boys. One son of Libby and John A. Cromer was William Pinckney Cromer.
Exe: John A. Cromer, Dr. George A Setzler.
Wit: Lewis W Simkins, Mary E Hinson, Thomas S Moorman.
Between 1878-1880, sold "Polly GILLIAM" plantation and his "mother's place" and bought John Glymph place and Dr. Brennan place.
Wit: William R. Hentz, I. C. Bowler, Thomas Moorman. Division the same.
Newberry County Unrecorded Wills and Deeds, Abstracted by Mary DeVore Dawkins
- Wells, Lawrence K, and Brent H. Holcomb, Ed.. South Carolina Magazine of Ancestral Research, Vol. 1-20 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 1999. Original data: Wells, Lawrence K., Ed.. The South Carolina Magazine of Ancestral Research. Vol. I-XX. Columbia, SC, USA: SCMAR, 1973-1992.