Updated June 4, 2011

Craven County was created by the Carolina Proprietors in 1664 as an original county. At first it consisted of everything south of Cape Fear, North Carolina, but starting in 1682 other counties began to be carved out of its territory.
From 1664 to 1768 this original Craven County was never surveyed or properly laid out. Its boundaries were ambiguous and changed over time. Its county government never became functional. Most records were kept at the parish level; none were kept at the county level. There was no county seat. There were no political connotations to the county's existence. In this case the term "county" had no meaning other than to describe an approximate geographical area. It was a county in name only.
Craven County was abolished in 1768.

St. James Santee Parish, since 1706
Prince George Parish, since 1721
Prince Frederick Parish, since 1734
St. Stephen's Parish, since 1754
St. Mark's Parish, since 1757
All Saints Parish, since 1767
St. David's Parish, since 1768
16 Sep 1769
Richard Gilliam 150 acres High Hills of Santee, Craven County
Pursuant to a precept directed by Egerton Leigh Esq, Surveyor General, dated the 9th day of June 1768, I have admeasured and laid out unto Richard Gillam a tract of land containing one hundred and fifth acres, situate lying and being in Craven County ,on the High HIlls of Santee, butting and bounded by NW on land laid out unto Peter Mellet, and vacant land on NE on vact. land SE on vacant land and land laid out to Richd Gillam and on the SW on laid laid out out to Richd Gillam and Campden Town Road and hath such shape from and make as appears by the above delineated plat. Certified by me this 15th day of June AD 1768.
J Francis Buttel DS

2 Nov 1769
Richard Gillam 100 acres High Hills of Santee, Craven County
Pursuant to a precept from Jno Troup, Esqr, D S. Genl dated the 1st day of June 1765, admeasured unto Richard Gillam a tract of land containing 100 acres in Craven County on School House branch, the waters of Bl river between Peedee of Santee Waters bounded on the northwest by land laid out for Jacob Wirth & ln all other sides by vacant land & hath such form & marks as the above platt represents
Certified by me this 21 day of May 1765
Samuel Wyly DS

4 Apr 1775
Richard Gilliam 200 acres St. Marks Parish, Craven County
South Carolina Archives. S111001
20 Sep 1771
Richard Gilliam. Three Tracts, 250 acres High Hills of Santee, Craven County
South Carolina Archives. S111001