Updated January 8, 2012
Charles Gilliam hails from Granville County, NC and is most likely a son of John Gilliam of Virginia who removed to Granville. Charles married Jemima Harris, the daughter of Nathaniel Harris and his wife Mary on 27 July 1762 in Granville County, NC. Nathaniel left a Will dated 30 Dec 1787 mentions daughter Jemima and grandson David Gillam. From Jemima’s Will we learn that Charles and Jemima had the following children: Harris, David, Cicely who married John Rodgers, a daughter who married a Mr. Nichols, Mary who married Samuel Goodman and Martha who married a Mr. Goodman.

Estate of Chas Gilliam, dec’d
Box 40, Packet 874

The Inventory of the Estate of Chas Gilliam, decd
No 99
Box 40, Packet 874
South Carolina
Ninety Six District
By John Thomas Junr Esquire, Ordinary of the said District
To John Satterwhite, Thomas Tuner and John Caldwell
These are to authorize and impower you or any three of you to repair to all such places in this district as you shall be directed unto by Jemimah Gillam, administratrix of all and singular the good and chattels of Charles Gillam, deceased wheresoever any of the goods and chattels of the said deceased are within the said ____ and which shall be shown unto you by said adminstratrix and then view and appraise the same being first sworn to make a true and perfect inventory, appraisement thereof and cause the same to be returned under the hands of any three of you unto the said Jemimah Gillam in sixty days from the date here of
Given under my hand and seal the twenty ninth day of November 1783 and in the eighth year of American Independence Recorded in book _____

Ninety Six District
Personally appeared before me Barttlett Satterwhite being of the appraisers appointed to appraise the goods and chattel and credits of Chas Gillum late of said District decd before me and being duly sworn made oath that they would make a just and due appraisement of all and singular the good and chattels, rights and credits of the said decd as shall be produced by Jemima Gillum administratix of the estate of the sd decd and that she would return the sum _____ under their hands unto the said Jemima Gillum within the time _______
By _____
Bartlett Satterwhite JP
An Appraisement of the estate of Charles Gillum decd
1 hore | £35.00.0 |
Pewter | 1.10.0 |
1 wheal | 1.5.0 |
1 pail and tubb | 1.0.0 |
1 bed and furniture | 1.15.0 |
1 chest | 1.12.6 |
2 books | 0.2.6 |
1 chair | 0.7.6 |
South Carolina currency
We the subscribers do hereby certify
That the above is a just and true appraisement of the estate of Chas Gillum decd to the best of our judgment give under our hands
Sig: John Satterwhite, Thomas Turner, John Caldwell
This 19th day of Febry 1782

Ninety Six District
Know all men by these presents that We Jemima Gillam, William Caldwell and Gibson Jones are jointly and severally bound and obliged unto John Thomas Junr Ordinary for said District in the sum of two thousand pound sterling to be paid to the said John Thomas Junr or his successors for the time being in said office of his attorney or his assigns to which payment will and hereby to be made we bond ourselves and each of us jointly and severally firmly by these presents, sealed with our seals and dated this 29th day of November 1783
Whereas administration of al and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits of which were of Charles Gilliam _____ were lately committed by the said John Thomas Junr unto the said Jemimah Gilliam, the condition of the foregoing obligation is such that is the said Jemimah Gillam do and shall will and faithfully administer all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits which were of the said deceased and which shall come to the hand or knowledge of her the said Jemima Gillam to be administered and made distribution of what shall remain after payment of the debts and funeral expenses of the said Charles Gillam, in due ____ of law, then this obligation to be void or remain in full force.
Sig: Jemima Gillam, Wm Caldwell, Gibson [his x mark] Jones

20 February 1784
Memorandum of the Sale of Goods of Chas Gillam decd
1 chest | £1.5.0 |
1 pail and tub | 0.12.6 |
parcel of old puter [sic] | 1.5.0 |
1 bed and furniture | 3.0.0 |
1 old wheal carts | 1.5.0 |
1 chair and ______ | 0.2.6 |
3 books | 0.6.0 |
1 horse | 30.0.0 |
1 pr of stirrup irons | 0.10.0 |
South Carolina Currency
Sig: Jemima Gillam, administratix
12 months from 17 Novbr 1783

Memorandum, March 12, 1787
Two hundred acres of land being in dispute and now recovered, ten pounds per hundred, £20.0.0
Small debt come in
John Thomas, Colo
Sig: Jemima Gilliam
- South Carolina Probate Records, Files and Loose Papers, 1732-1964, Abbeville, Probate Court, Probate records, 1782-1958, Box 040, Packages 868-898, Image 36 of 184