Pension Jacob Gilham

Pension Application of Jacob Gillham S3397
State of Tennessee, Maury County

Updated July 4, 2008

Jacob Gilham, the son of Ezekiel Gilham was born 8 Aug 1761 in Augusta County, VA. Jacob accompanied his family on the move to York District, South Carolina when about three years old. Various land transactions show him in Pendleton Co., South Carolina in the 1790's.

His father moved to Georgia at about this time, and Jacob may haveaccompanied or followed him. After the war, Jacob started moving west. He first settled in what was then Pendleton District, South Carolina, and it was there he married Mary Greer, the daughter of James Greer, who made his will in Pendleton District and named his "son-in-law Jacob Gilliam and his wife Mary." Greer's will was dated January 26, 1792. So the marriage took place prior to that date.

The 1820 census shows Jacob in Lincoln County, Tennessee, and afterthat, he was in Maury County, Tennessee. Jacob left a Will in Maury County, TN, dated 25 Jul 1840.

Brief in the case of Jacob Gillham
County of Maury in the State of Tennessee

(Act 7th June, 1832)

1. Was the declaration made before a court or judge? Open court

2. If before a judge, does it appear that the applicant is disabled by bodily infirmities?

3. How old is he? 71

4. State his service. in 1778

5. In what battles was he engaged? Rocky Mount, Hanging Rock

6. Where did he reside when he entered the service? York Dist. S. Carolina

7. Is his statement supported by living witnesses, by documentary proof, by traditionary evidence, by incidental evidence, or by the rolls?

8. Are the papers defective as to form or authentication? and if so, in what respect?

On the 4th day of September 1832 personally appeared in the open court before the honorable Wm. B. Reese one of the justices of the court of pleas of Maury County in the state of Tennessee now sitting, Jacob Gillham, a resident of the said county, aged seventy one years, who being first duly sworn, according to law, doth on his oath make the following declarations in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed
June 7th 1832.

That he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers and served as here in stated—during the Revolutionary War. That some time very soon after the war broke out in the state of South Carolina, he, this applicant, was drafted to serve a three month tour in the Militia of that state. That he went out under the command of Colonel Thomas Neal [sic, Thomas Neel], and was in the company commanded by Captain Saddler [probably Richard Sadler]—That expedition in which he was engaged was to protect the frontier of South Carolina against the Indians that the Regiment in which he served was drawn from York District in that state, and was engaged at or near the mouth of Seneca & Tugaloo Rivers. That not long after their above service was performed he was again engaged in the public service for a time, the length of which he cannot now remember but thinks it was what is called the Stono Campaign—that he lay some time in Orangeburg under the command of Colonel Neel the name of the Subaltern officers this applicant has forgotten—he thinks this tour of service could not have been less than three months. That the next service in which he was engaged, was a volunteer service under General Sumpter [sic, Thomas Sumter]. One Major Moore of York District was in the Regiment to which this applicant was attached. That during this tour he was engaged in the siege of Friday's Fort on the Wateree River. There, in an attack made on Thompson's Fort on the Congaree River. After leaving Thompson's Fort the Army fell in with a British Guard and twelve wagons which were taken, & all the contents of the wagons were put on board of boats, flats, and canoes & sent across the River (Santee) which though were again recaptured by the British. The Regiment then marched on below Camden and the High Hills of Santee back again to York District—upon this tour the applicant was absent near three months—This tour was made after the British had taken possession of Charleston.

The next tour performed by this applicant was under General Sumter—young Thomas Neel was the Colonel, his brother-in-law—Hawthorn the Major, and James Jamison the Captain. During this tour he was in the Battle at Rocky Mount, in which Colonel Neel was killed—the Battle was fought on the Sabbath Day—and on the next Sabbath Day this applicant was in the Battle of the Hanging Rock—after which he was detailed to go with the wounded to Charlotte in North Carolina where he remained until after Sumter's defeat. This was volunteer service—the duration of which this applicant cannot state with accuracy, but remembers that he did not return home until after the Battle of Kings Mountain—and thinks that this tour was not less than six months.

This applicant further states that he entered in the Dragoon Service under Captain Jacob Barnett, and served regularly & in succession for ten months—that he was engaged in this service at—the time the Battle at Eutaw [Eutaw Springs] was fought tho he was not in the Battle—that besides the service above rendered he was often, nay almost constantly engaged in scouting parties during the whole period of the contest & that his services are all considerably encased the term of two years. That this applicant has no papers or documents to which to refer in order to establish these facts—that he removed from South Carolina about twenty four years since to the State of Tennessee—that he has no neighbor who knows anything of his services, nor does he know of anyone now living in his old settlement in York, South Carolina by whom he can establish the above facts.

The applicant states that whilst in the Dragoon Service, the Company to which he belonged was divided, that half of it to which he was attached was placed under the command of General Wane [sic, Anthony Wayne] and marched on near to Savannah in Georgia where he was discharged.

That from the copy of a record taken from his father's Bible he was born the 8th day of August 1761 in Augusta County, Virginia—that he is informed and believes that his father removed to York District, South Carolina when this applicant was about three years old—where he resided until about 24 years since, when he emigrated to this state where he has resided since—that he is known to Colonel Edward H. Chafin & D. B. Frierson—who can testify as to his character for veracity and their belief as to his service as a soldier in the Revolutionary War—And he does hereby relinquish every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any state.
Sworn to and subscribed the day and year aforesaid.

W. E. Gillespie Clk & Master
Jacob Gillham

We Edward H. Chafin and Duncan Frierson residing in Maury County do hereby certify that we are well acquainted with Jacob Gillham who has subscribed and sworn to the above declaration that we believe him to be about seventy one years old. That he is respected and believed in the neighborhood where he resides, to have been a soldier of the Revolution and that we concur in the opinions.

Sworn to & subscribed the day and year aforesaid
W .E. Gillespie, Clk & Master
Edw'd H. Chaffin
D. B. Frierson

And the said William B. Reese, Judge or aforesaid doth hereby declare his opinion after the investigation of the matter, and after putting the interrogatories prescribed by the war department that the above applicant was a Revolutionary Soldier and served as he states.

And the said judge further certifies that it appears to his satisfaction that E. H. Chafin and D. B. Frierson, who have also signed the preceding certificate are residents of Maury County and are credible persons and that their statement is entitled to credit.

Will B. Reese
