Updated November 25, 2022

Lamar County was created by the Alabama legislature on 1867 Feb. 4, and was originally named Jones County after E. P. Jones, a resident of Fayette County. On 1867 Nov. 13, the county was abolished. On 1868 Oct. 8, the county was re-created under the name of Sanford County. On 1877 Feb. 8, the name was changed to Lamar in honor of Senator L.Q.C. Lamar of Mississippi. Lamar County is bordered by Marion, Fayette, and Pickens counties in Alabama, and by Lowndes and Monroe counties in Mississippi. It currently encompasses 605 square miles. The county is drained by the Tombigbee River.
In 1866, the community known as Swayne Courthouse, named for Gen. Wager Swayne, military governor of the Chattahoochee District of the state, was designated as the county seat. In 1868 the name was changed to Vernon, after Edmund Vernon, an immigrant from Vernon, England. Other towns and communities include Sulligent, Beaverton, and Millport.
15 Oct 1884
Peter Gilliam Heirs Sale of Property
State of Alabama, Lamar County
Know all men by these presents that we Mary A. Gilliam, D. C. Gilliam, W. H. Gilliam, [Hiram] Gilliam, R. E. Mitchell, M. J. Cline, widow and children of Peter Gilliam late of Said County Deceased and heirs at Law of said Peter Gilliams estate for and in Consideration of the Sum of One hundred and twenty five dollars to us in hand paid by J.P. Gilliam at and before the Sealing and Delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged we do hereby Sell transfer and Convey to Said J. P. Gilliam the following tract of Land to wit W 1/2 of NE 1/4 & NW 1/4 of SE 1/4 & 30 acres in NE 1/4 of NW 1/4 Sec 8. T. 16 R 14 Less twenty acres on the North end of Said W 1/2 of Said NE 1/4 Said Sec 8 T 16 R 14 Containing one hundred and thirty acres more or less to have and to hold unto the Said J.P. Gilliam his heirs and assignes forever and this Conveyance is upon this express understanding that our Mother Mary A. Gilliam Shall remain in full possession of Said Lands until her death then the title to Said Lands so far as we as heirs at Law of Said Peter Gilliam Deceased Can make Said J. P. Gilliam is to have the same . . . our Hands and Seals this 15th day of October 1884.
D. C. Gilliam (seal)
Rachel E. Mitchell (seal)
W. H. Gilliam (seal)
M.J. Cline (seal)
the State of Ala. Lamar County.
I, N. L. Truss T. P. hereby certify that Rachel E. Mitchell & W. H. Gilliam M. J. Cline & D.C. Gilliam whose names is signed to the foregoing Conveyance and who is Known to me acknowledged before me on this day that being informed of the contents of the conveyance they executed the Same voluntarily on the day the Same bears date.
Given under my hand this the 21st day of November AD 1884. N. L. Trull (JP)
The State of Alabama Lamar County. I, Alexander Cobb, Judge of Probate in and or said county hereby certify that the foregoing deed was this day filed in my office for record and duly recorded in Vol. 10 page 21 of the Book of record of deeds of my said office. Given under my hand this 2nd day September 1884.
Sig: Alexander Cobb, Judge of Probate