Updated November 24, 2022
The KINGs are chiefly found in New Kent, Spotsylvania, Goochland, Albemarle, Halifax and Bedford counties. Records relating to the KING family are listed below in chronological order.
Martha, likely the oldest daughter of James GILLIAM of Littleton Parish, Cumberland County married Martin KING. The births of their children are listed in the Douglas Register: Martin KING and Martha GUILLAM a son Martin KING born 21 Apl. 1756. Baptized 1756 Jun 27.
Martha's son GILLIAM KING is mentioned in the Will of his grandfather, James GILLIAM.
Martha and Martin KING are of great interest as they give early insight into James Gilliam for whom there is very little known before he appears in Cumberland in the late 1750's.
It should be noted that in 1729 there is a Martin KING living on the Great Licking Hole and that on 14 Nov 1757, a John Gilliham of Henrico purchases land from Obadiah Patterson in Goochland on the Branches of the Great Lickinghole. Obadiah Patterson sells to John Gilliham of Henrico Co. For 200 pounds, 400 acres of land on branches of Great Lickinghole. Bounded by Edward New, Charles Christian.
Wit: Alex Fowler, John Payne, Jos. Davis.
Rec: Nov. 16, 1757
From the Orders, some of the same families (Pattisons, Paynes and Christians) that were associated with Martin KING was also associated with this John Gilliham.
KING research is made difficult by the presence of numerous Martin KINGs, some apparently, nearly the same age (likely first cousins) living near one another. The KINGs of Albemarle are referred to as Martin KING, "the elder," "the younger," "Senior," and "Junior." One of the earliest ones married a Mary. Another one married Martha, too early to be Martha Gilliam. Later it appears that one married a Nancy that should not be confused with Martin KING that married Ann Dennis (Nancy is mentioned with Martin prior to the recorded marriage of Martin KING and Ann Dennis.)
On the Rivanna associated with one Martin KING is a Joseph KING. Joseph KINGs may be found in Stafford County, Patents and Orange County Road Orders.

Records relating to the Martin KING family, the Robert KING Family and the KINGs of Bedford County, VA
12 Dec 1706
Joseph KING receives in Stafford County, 338 acres on the south side of Machotick Dam, adjoining land of Benjamin KING.
Northern Neck Grants No. 3, 1703-1710, p. 151 (Reel 288).
3 April 1705
Sarah H. Calvert and Ann Calvert receive a grant in Stafford containing 1/2 acres beginning at the head of a small branch or swamp in Joseph KINGs line.
Northern Neck Grants No. 3, 1703-1710, p. 91 (Reel 288).
[It should be noted that in Cumberland Deeds a Joseph Calvert is listed as living adjacent to James Gilliam, Sr. and buys land in Cumberland on 22 Nov 1762 from Wm Rowland. Calvert, in 1763, summons David Reynolds.]
4 April 1705.
Charles Calvert patents in Stafford County. 200 acres beginning at or near the mouth of a branch running into Howsens Dam, adjoining Richd. Ayleff, and Joseph KING.
Northern Neck Grants No. 3, 1703-1710, p. 94 (Reel 288).
24 Sep 1710
Joseph KING receives in Stafford County 100 acres on the south side of the road that goes to Jordans Bridge adjoining John Lilley, and William Fitzhugh.
28 Nov 1728
Pattison vs. KING. In the action of trespass between David Pattison Plt & Martin KING Deft. An imparlance is granted the defendant.
Goochland County, VA, Order Book 1, page 46
Blomquist, Ann K. Goochland County, VA, Court Order Books 1 & 2, 1728-1731, page 41
Nov Court 1728
KING vs Pattison. In the action of trespass on the case between Martin KING Plt & David Pattison, Junr, Deft. An imparlance is granted the deft.
Goochland County, VA, Order Book 1, page 48
Blomquist, Ann K. Goochland County, VA, Court Order Books 1 & 2, 1728-1731, page 43
Dec Court 1728
Pattison vs. KING. In the action of trespass between David Pattison Plt & Martin KING Deft., the Deft failing to plead Judgment is granted against him by nihil dicit for what damages shall be recovered in this suit to be discharge if the Deft pleads at the next Court.
Goochland County, VA, Order Book 1, page 59
Blomquist, Ann K. Goochland County, VA, Court Order Books 1 & 2, 1728-1731, page 53
Nov Court 1728
KING vs Pattison. In the action of trespass on the case between Martin KING Plt & David Pattison, Deft. The Deft pleads not guilty and for tryal put himself upon the Country and the Plt likewise.
Goochland County, VA, Order Book 1, page 60
Blomquist, Ann K. Goochland County, VA, Court Order Books 1 & 2, 1728-1731, page 54
Feb Court 1728 [1729]
Pattison vs KING. In the action of trespass on the case between David Pattison, Plt. and Martin KING, Deft. The Deft pleads not guilty and for tryall put himself upon the Country and the Plt likewise.
Goochland County, VA, Order Book 1, page 70
Blomquist, Ann K. Goochland County, VA, Court Order Books 1 & 2, 1728-1731, page 63
Feb Court 1728 [1729]
KING vs Pattison. The action of trespass on the case between Martin KING Plt. and David Pattison Deft is continued.
Goochland County, VA, Order Book 1, page 71
Blomquist, Ann K. Goochland County, VA, Court Order Books 1 & 2, 1728-1731, page 64
Mar Court 1728 [1729]
Pattison vs KING. The action of trespass between David Pattison Plt and Martin KING Deft is continued at the Plts Cost.
Goochland County, VA, Order Book 1, page 89
Blomquist, Ann K. Goochland County, VA, Court Order Books 1 & 2, 1728-1731, page 80
Mar Court 1728 [1729]
KING vs Pattison. The action of Trespass on the case between Martin KING Plt, and David Pattison, Junr, Deft is continued at the Defts Costs.
Goochland County, VA, Order Book 1, page 92
Blomquist, Ann K. Goochland County, VA, Court Order Books 1 & 2, 1728-1731, page 82
June Court 1729
Pattsion vs KING. In action of trespass between David Pattison Plt and Martin KING Deft, the following Jury are sworn. Anthony Hoggat, Peter Ware, Nowel Burton, George Marchbanks, Leonard Ballew, William Womack, Robert Burton, John Harriss, Nathll Bassett, Richard Oglesby, Fredorick Cox, who after some time return with their verdict which on the Plts motion is ordered to be recorded and is as followeth: Wee find for the Plt ten shillings currant money. Anthony Hoggat, Foreman." whereupon it is considered that the Plt do recover against the Defendant ten shillings currant money with costs to the value of ten shillings currant money.
Goochland County, VA, Order Book 1, page 118
Blomquist, Ann K. Goochland County, VA, Court Order Books 1 & 2, 1728-1731, page 107
June Court 1729
KING vs Pattison. In action of trespass on the case between Martin KING, Plt and David Pattison Junr Deft, the following Jury are sworn. Anthony Hoggat, Peter Ware, Nowel Burton, George Marchbanks, Leonard Ballew, William Womack, Robert Burton, John Harriss, Nathll Bassett, William Woodson, Richard Oglesby, Fredorick Cox, who after some time return with their verdict in these words: "Wee find for the Deft, Anthony Hoggat, Foreman." which verdict on the Defts motion is ordered to be recorded and it is thereupon considered by the Court that the Deft go hence without day and that he recover against the Plt his costs by him in this behalf expended and a Lawyers Fee.
Goochland County, VA, Order Book 1, page 120
Blomquist, Ann K. Goochland County, VA, Court Order Books 1 & 2, 1728-1731, page 108
June Court 1729
Christian vs Pattison. On the motion of John Christian a witness for David Pattison, Junr. vs Martin KING it is ordered that the said David do pay him for three days attendance to Law with costs.
Goochland County, VA, Order Book 1, page 120
Blomquist, Ann K. Goochland County, VA, Court Order Books 1 & 2, 1728-1731, page 109
June Court 1729
Webb vs Pattison. On the motion of Henry Webb a witness for David Pattison, Junr. vs Martin KING it is ordered that the said David do pay him for five days attendance to Law with costs.
Goochland County, VA, Order Book 1, page 120
Blomquist, Ann K. Goochland County, VA, Court Order Books 1, 1728-1731, page 109
June Court 1729
Dickinson vs KING. Frances Dickinson a witness for Martin KING ads David Pattison, Junr. having attended seven days it is ordered that the said Martin do pay her for the same according to Law with costs.
Goochland County, VA, Order Book 1, page 120
Blomquist, Ann K. Goochland County, VA, Court Order Books 1, 1728-1731, page 109
March Court 1729 [1730]
Surveyor of the Roads. On the Motion of Ebenezer Adams on behalf of himself and others it is ordered that a road be cleared from Bever dam Bridge near John Priers to pass by John Rights Plantation cross wild Board swamp near Elk lick by William Owens Plantation cross the N branch of the Bird to Elk ford on the Bird to end at Martin KINGs. John Prier, is appointed surveyor of the said road from Bever dam Bridge to John Rights, John Laine from John Rights to Great Lickinghole, Martin Dunkin from Great Lickinghole to the south branch of the Bird, John Bostick from the South Branch of the Bird to Elk ford, Martin KING from Elk ford to the River.
Goochland County, VA, Order Book 1, page 221
Blomquist, Ann K. Goochland County, VA, Court Order Books 1 & 2, 1728-1731, page 198
18 Aug 1730
Wiles vs Highes. In the action of trespass on the case between Luke Wiles Plt and Stephen Hughes, Defendt. the following Jury are sworn Peter Ware, Amos Lad, Stephen Woodson, Martin KING, George Southerland, Henry Harper, Joseph Jackson, John Taylor, Nicholas Cox, Thomas Locket, Thomas Turpin, Peter Jefferson, [after] which by consent of [the] parties Nicholas Cox a Juror is withdrawn and the suit is continued.
Goochland County, VA, Order Book 2, page 22
Blomquist, Ann K. Goochland County, VA, Court Order Books 1 & 2, 1728-1731, page 258
Feb Court 1730 [1731]
[KING vs Christian] The action of trespass between Martin KING Plaintiff and James Christian Defendant is dismist neither party appearing.
Goochland County, VA, Order Book 2, page 69
Blomquist, Ann K. Goochland County, VA, Court Order Books 1 & 2, 1728-1731, page 300
Feb Court 1730 [1731]
[Scot vs KING] The action of trespass between Edward Scot Plt and Martin KING Defendant is dismist neither party appearing.
Goochland County, VA, Order Book 2, page 69
Blomquist, Ann K. Goochland County, VA, Court Order Books 1 & 2, 1728-1731, page 300
Feb Court 1730 [1731]
KING vs Medlock. The action of trespass on the case between Martin KING Plaintiff and William Medlock Defendant is continued.
Goochland County, VA, Order Book 2, page 78
Blomquist, Ann K. Goochland County, VA, Court Order Books 1 & 2, 1728-1731, page 308
Feb Court 1730 [1731]
KING vs Medlock. The action of trespass on the case between Martin KING Plt and William Medlock Deft is dismist, the Plt not prosecuting the same.
Goochland County, VA, Order Book 2, page 78
Blomquist, Ann K. Goochland County, VA, Court Order Books 1 & 2, 1728-1731, page 308
In 1731 came Charles Lewis, Martin KING and others, and in 1732 Thomas Goolsby, Edward Scott,
The Peopling of Virginia, Crescendo Pub. Co., 1938
21 Jun 1731
George Defender etc to all etc know ye etc of for divers good cause and consideration but more especially for and in consideration of the sum of forty shillings of good and lawfull money for our use paid to our Receiver General of our Revenues of this our Colony and a dominion of Virginia
We have given and granted and confirmed and by these present for us our ____ and _____ to give grant and confirm unto Martin KING one certain tract or parcel of land containing four hundred acres lying and being on the north side of the River Rivanna in the county of Goochland and bounded as followeth (to wit)
Beginning of a _____ about the mouth of Horsleys Creek running thence on Robert Horsleys line North fifty degrees east one hundred seventy three poles crossing Horsleys Creek to a white oak ___ on ___ lines south thirty degrees east four hundred fifty poles to a white oak in a broad ____ south seventy nine degrees west one hundred seventy poles to a white oak north west forty six poles to a sycamore by the River thence up the ___ ___ to its meanders four hundred thirty poles to the first station
With all etc to have hold etc to be held etc yielding and paying etc provided etc in witnesses, witness _____ and well beloved William Gooch Esq. our Lieut Governor and commander in ___ of our said Colony and Dominion at Williamsburgh under the seal of our said Colony, the twenty-first day of June one thousand seven hundred and thirty one in the fifth year of our reign.
William Gooch
Library of Virginia, Patent Book 14, page 173
[26? Jun 1731, KING, Martin. Goochland County, 400 acres on the north side of the Rivanna. River, beginning above the mouth of Horsleys Creek.]
Mar 1732
William Mayo vs Martin King
Aug 1732
Thomas Dickins vs Martin King, trespass
Oct 1732
Martin King, 200 lbs wolves heads
22 Jan 1734
Martin KING of St. James Parish Goochland Co. to William Medlock of same for 10 lbs 200 acres on North Side of North Fork of James River, part of a patent dated 26 June 1731
Witness Robt. Payne Jno. Webb, James Daniel.
Signed Martin KING, wife of Martin KING relinquished her right of dower.
Weisiger, Goochland County, VA, Deeds, page 38
Jan 1734
Martin King to ____ Webb
Apr 1735
Martin King earmark recorded
June 1735
Martin King vs Darby Conner
16 Jul 1735
Martin Slaughter and wife, Jane; Robert KING and wife, Susanna; Samuel MacGeehee and wife Elizabeth, deed to Isaac Winston for the sum of £70: 217 acres, being the land which George Alvis (by deed 6 Oct 1688, among the records of New Kent County) did convey to Susanna Ellite, which on the death of Susanna Ellite did descend to her three daughters and co-heirs named above, etc.
Hanover County, VA, Records, 1733-1735
[Some believe that Martin KING was named after Martin Slaughter.]
18 Aug 1735
Joseph KING receives in Goochland County 400 acres adjacent to the south side of the Rivanna River adjoining the land of Daniel Jones.
Land Office Patents No. 16, 1735, p. 154 (Reel 14).
10 Feb 1739/40
George Scaman of Goochland County, to Martin KING of same, for 5 pounds, 50 acres on south side of James River, bounded by Joseph KING and the river; with all houses, etc.
Wit: Josias Payne, Jonas (X) Lason [Lawson] and John Hodges.
Sig: George Scaman.
Rec: 19 Feb 1739/40
Goochland County, VA, Wills and Deeds, 1737-1742, Book 3, Page 270
[This land may be a portion of or adjacent to the 150 acres Scaman patents in 1738: Seayman, George, 1 Feb 1738, in Goochland, 150 acres adjacent to the south side of the Rivanna River adjoin'g Joseph KING. Virginia State Land Office. Patents 1-42, reels 1-41.]
17 Jun 1740
The Will of Robert Adams
In the name of God Amen, I Robert Adams being of Sound mind and memory do make this my last will and testament in manner and form following. I give and bequeath all my land and plantation on the River where I now live to my Son James and to his heirs forever after the death of my Wife Mourning, to whom I give the said Land and Plantation during her natural Life.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my son Robert all my land on the Creek where I live and the mill to him and his heirs forever the ridge back of my stone house is to be the dividing line between my said two sons.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Judith Clark and Mary Moreman 800 acres of land lying at the foot of the Sugarloaf Mountain to them and their heirs forever to be equally divided between them according to quantity and quality and if they can't agree on the division that the same be done by a surveyor at the of my daughter Mary.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Eliz. Moorman and to her heirs forever four hundred acres of land lying on the Mychunk Creek joining the County line.
Item: I give and bequeath to my daughter Agnes Farguson 400 acres of land lying in a fork of Licking Hole Creek lying on the Northeast side of Tho. Sanders land to her and her heirs forever.
Item: I give and bequeath to my daughter Susanna and her heirs forever 400 acres of land lying on the Southwest side of Frances Coley's line on land John Miles now lives.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Susy and to her heirs forever 550 acres of land lying where the mine was dug and where Mark Lively lived.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Anne the Younger and to her heirs forever 400 acres of land lying on Mychunk Creek joining my great tract up the Creek and is a separate patent.
Item: I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Sally and to her heirs forever 398 acres of land lying on both sides Dover Mill Creek where I lately dwelt.
Item: My will is that if any of my maiden daughters die before they are married then the land hereby given shall be equally divided between my two sons and their heirs.
Item: I give and bequeath all the rest of my estate of what kind or nature so ever both real and personal to my Wife Mourning to be enjoyed and possessed by her during her life and to be disposed by her among my children as she shall think fit provided my said Wife remain a Widow, but if she should marry then my will is that she shall be only to such part as the Law will give her and the remainder in that case given to my two sons to be equally divided between them.
In witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and seal this 22nd day of February 1738.
Hereby also appointing my said Wife my Executrix and revoking all other wills.
Signed by Robert Addams (Seal) Signed, Sealed and Published and declared to be his Last Will.
Witnessed by Henry Wood and Martin KING (his X mark).
At a Court held Goochland County, June 17, 1740, this Will was proved by the oaths of Henry Wood and Martin KING to be the Act and Deed of Robert Adams and which was ordered to be recorded.
Goochland County, VA, Will Book 3, page 305
[This Robert Adams appears to be the one who received a patent on 16 June 1727 containing 400 acres on Licking Hole Creek in Henrico.]
4 Oct 1740
Hugh Sanders sold to Dudley Gatewood 235 acres.
Witnessed by Robert KING, JR., William Long and William Malding.
Recorded on 7 October, 1740.
Spotsylvania County, VA, Deed Book C. See William Armstrong Crozier, Virginia County Records, Spotsylvania County 1721-1800, page 153.
15 Jul 1742
Robert KING gave to his son Robert KING 150 acres.
Witnessed by William Johnston, James Taylor, Thomas Minor and William Logan.
Recorded on 7 September, 1742.
Spotsylvania County, VA, Deed Book D. See William Armstrong Crozier, Virginia County Records, Spotsylvania County 1721-1800, page 160.
21 Sept. 1742
Surveyor of Road.
Ordered that Howard Cash be Surveyor of the road from Buffelo Quarter to Tye River, Thomas Jones from Tye River to Rock fish. John Jones from Rock fish to Hardware River. And that Peter Jefferson and Charles Lynch Gent. do settle their several Gangs.
Ordered that Thomas Martin be Surveyor of the road from Martin KINGs to the Mountain ridge road all the Titheables between the two roads as high as Robert Adam's and as long as William Witts are appointed his gang to Clear the same.
page 111.
Oct 1742
Payne vs Martin King
16 Nov 1742
This indenture made the sixteenth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand, seven hundred and forty two between Martin KING and George Scaman of the county of Goochland, planters of the one part and Arthur Hopkins of the same county Gent. of the other part witnesseth that the said Martin KING for and in consideration of the sum of nine pounds curt money of Virginia to him in hand paid before the ensealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge, hath liven, granted, bargained, sold, aliened, enfeoffed and confirmed and by these presents doth sell alien, enfeoff, and confirm unto the said Arthur Hopkins and to his heirs and assigns forever, one certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County of Goochland aforesaid on the south side the Rivanna containing by estimation fifty acres more or less the same being conveyed to the said Martin KING by George Scaman by deed acknowledged and recorded in Goochland county Court the xix day of February MCDCCXXXIX and is part of a greater tract or parcel of land granted unto the said George Scaman by patent bearing date the first day of February one thousand seven hundred and thirty eight and that the said George Scaman for and in consideration of the sum of eighteen pounds curt money of Virginia to him in hand paid by the said Arthur Hopkins at and before the ensealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge hath given, granted, bargained, sold, aliened, enfeoffed and confirmed and by these presents doth give grant, bargain, sell, alien, enfeoff and confirm unto the said Arthur Hopkins and to his heirs and assigns forever one certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the county aforesaid on the south side the Rivanna containing by estimate one hundred acres be the same more or less and being the remaining part of the patent aforesaid together with all houses, orchards, gardens, fences, ways, waters, and water courses profits commodities advantages and appurtenances to the same belonging or in any wise appertaining and the reversion and reversions remainder and remainders thereof and of every part and parcel thereof to have and unto hold the said two tracts of parcels of land with their ad every of their appurtances unto the said Arthur Hopkins his heirs and assigns for ever and the said Martin KING and George Scaman for themselves their heirs, executors and administrators and every of them do covenant grant and agree to and with the said Arthur Hopkins his heirs and assigns that they the said Martin KING and George Scaman and their heirs and every of them the said two tracts of land and premises with appurtenances unto the said Arthur Hopkins his heirs and assigns shall and will warrant and forever defend by these presents. In witness whereof the said Martin KING and George Scaman have hereunto put their hands and seals the day and year first afore written
Sealed and delivered in the presents of
Sig: Martin KING and George Scaman
Novem 16 1742. Thou received of Arthur Hopkins the sum of nine pounds curt money in being in full for the consideration money in this deed mentioned. I say Rcrd
By mo. Martin KING
Novem 16 1742 Thou received of Arthur Hopkins the sum of eighteen pounds curt money it being in full for the consideration money in this deed mentioned. I say rcrd.
By mo. George Scaman
At a Court held for Goochland County Novem 16 1742. Martin KING and George Scaman acknowledged this deed and ____ endorsed to be their acts and deed which were ordered to be recorded.
Test. How. Woodfolk?
Goochland County, VA, Deed Book, 4, page 103.
[The patent referred to above may be found under the name Seayman, George, 1 February 1738. Virginia State Land Office. Patents 1-42, reels 1-41.
Goochland County. Description: 150 acres adjacent to the south side of the Rivanna River adjoining Joseph KING. Land Office Patents No. 18, 1738-1739, p. 182 (Reel 16).
It should be noted that the land was adjacent to Joseph KING and that Arthur Hopkins doctored in Goochland a John Gilham.]
Nov 1742
John Payne vs Martin King
Mar 1743
William Cabell vs Martin King
3 May 1743
Robert KING and his wife Mary KING of St. Peter's Parish, Orange County sold to John Carter 140 acres for 35.
Witnessed by Robert KING, Jr., George Moore and John Parrish.
Recorded on 3 May, 1743.
Spotsylvania County, VA, Deed Book D. See William Armstrong Crozier, Virginia County Records, Spotsylvania County 1721-1800, page 162.
20 Jun 1743
Charles Filks Pigg sold to William Johnston 94 acres on for 35.
Witnessed by Robert KING, Jr., Thomas Estes, Jr., Larkin Johnston, Robert Farish and Samuel Warren.
Recorded on 5 July, 1743.
Spotsylvania County, VA, Deed Book D. See William Armstrong Crozier, Virginia County Records, Spotsylvania County 1721-1800, page 163.
6 Sep 1743
Robert KING, Jr. and his wife Mary KING sold to John Carter 150 acres on for 80.
Witnessed by Robert Dudley, George Moore and Thomas Watts.
Recorded on 6 September, 1743.
Spotsylvania County, VA, Deed Book D. See William Armstrong Crozier, Virginia County Records, Spotsylvania County 1721-1800, page 164.
Dec 1743
William Cabell vs Martin King, continued
4 Mar 1744
Robert KING, Jr. and his wife Mary KING returned to Edward Cason several negroes which by said Cason by Deed of Gift, dated 16 July, 1729 gave to his daughter Mary Cason to be effective after the death of said Cason. Since maKING the deed said Mary on 28 February, 1741 married with said Robert. Witnessed by William Waller, William Johnston, Edmund Foster and John Mitchell.
Recorded on 5 March, 1744.
Spotsylvania County, VA, Deed Book D. See William Armstrong Crozier, Virginia County Records, Spotsylvania County 1721-1800, page 168.
28 Mar 1745
Court present: Joshua Fry, Peter Jefferson, William Cabell, & Thomas Bellew, Gent. Justices . . . Ordered Joseph Thomson, Gent. Sheriff take Martin KING into custody for Misbehaving in court
Albemarle County, VA, Court Orders 1744/45-1748, page 8
27 Jun 1745
John Anthony appointed surveyor of the highway (to be laid off by Charles Lynch) from the Court House to Martin KINGs Road. All male tithables from the mouth of Hardware to the Court House (not already appointed) are to assist.
Ordered that a road be cleared from the place Martin KINGs Road came into the Three notched Road by Ellis Hues to the county line towards Lousia Court House. All male tithables of capt. Thomas Meriwether, Jno. Edmonds, & Samuel Crawley be added to Jno Anthony's Gang, etc.
Albemarle County, VA, Court Orders 1744/45-1748, page 23
23 Aug 1745
Petition of Arthur Hopkins, Gent. Agst. Martin KING cont. till next court.
Albemarle County, VA, Court Orders 1744/45-1748, page 53
Virginia Genealogical Society Quarterly, Volume 26, Number 3, Pg. 200
27 Sep 1745
On petition of Arthur Hopkins, Gent. Agst. Martin KING, deft. by ally Wm. Battersby says he owes nothing, plt. requests enquiry, cont. till next court.
Albemarle County, VA, Court Orders 1744/45-1748, page 72
Virginia Genealogical Society Quarterly, Volume 26, Number 4, Pg. 271
28 Nov 1745
Grand Jury sworn viz James Nevels, Robert Bever, David Patteson, Lazerus Damrel, James Watkins, Thomas Patteson, John Anthony, John Hunter, Hugh Moor, Thomas Joblin, Henry Trent, Hugh Morris, Manus Burgoe, Richard Hall, Samuel Bell, William Miller, Stephen Heard, David Lewis, Robert Napier, Junr, John Morris, John Henderson, Jno Reid & William Wood, who having withdrawn returned with the following: Martin KING for profane swearing, Daniel McLoughlin for same.
Albemarle County, VA, Court Orders 1744/45-1748, page 79
Virginia Genealogical Society Quarterly, Volume 27, Number 1, Pg. 25
[Lazarus Dameron is mentioned here in connection with Martin KING. In 1750, a James Gilliam witnesses a deed for a Lazarus Dameron.]
28 Nov 1745
Grand Jury ordered the Sheriff put Martin KING, the younger, in the stocks for one hour for misbehaving in court.
Albemarle County, VA, Court Orders 1744/45-1748, page 81
Virginia Genealogical Society Quarterly, Volume 27, Number 1, Pg. 26
The Court was mindful to protect its own dignity. For misbehavior in its presence, Martin KING was ordered into custody, and bound over for a year, and Martin KING Jr. and James Fenly were placed in the stocks.
Woods, Edgar. History of Albemarle County, VA, 1901, page 12
29 Nov 1745
Grand jury ordered the Sheriff take Martin KING, having misbehaved & broken the peace, into custody till he enters into recognizance to be of good behavior for 12 months & a day. Sd. KING comes to court & acknowledges himself bound to Lord George, the second, now KING of Great Britain, etc. For £10 to be levied on his goods, chattels, lands & tenements, on condition sd KING keep the peace, the obligation to be void or else to remain in force.
Albemarle County, VA, Court Orders 1744/45-1748, page 83
Virginia Genealogical Society Quarterly, Volume 27, Number 1, Pg. 27
29 Nov 1745
On petition of Arthur Hopkins, Gent. agst Martin KING deft. confesses himself indebted to Hopkins for £3.5.5 plt. so recover plus costs, exec to stay by agreement till June
Albemarle County, VA, Court Orders 1744/45-1748, page 83
28 Mar 1746
At a Court continued for Albemarle Co., cont. from court session, March 28, 1746. Presentment of Grand Jury of Martin KING for profane swearing is dismist.
Albemarle County, VA, Court Orders 1744/45-1748, page 116
Virginia Genealogical Society Quarterly, Volume 27, Number 2, Pg. 120
12 Jun 1746
Deed with livery, seisen & receipt from Martin KING, Junr. to John Anthony ordered recorded. Martha, wife of sd KING, relinquishes dower.
Albemarle County, VA, Court Orders 1744/45-1748, page 121
Virginia Genealogical Society Quarterly, Volume 27, Number 2, Pg. 123
12 Jun 1746
In debt case of Martin KING, Junr. agst Jonathan Woodson, Charles Lynch & Castleton Harper undertook for the deft. that if he be cast in this cause he shall pay the condemnation or render his body to prison or sd Lynch & Harper will do it for him. Deft. by att. William Battersby granted Imparle & Oyer of the proceedings
Albemarle County, VA, Court Orders 1744/45-1748, page 122
Virginia Genealogical Society Quarterly, Volume 27, Number 2, Pg. 123
12 Jun 1746
In debt case of THE KING agst Martin KING, cont. by motion of Gideon Marr who prosecutes for THE KING.
Albemarle County, VA, Court Orders 1744/45-1748, page 125
14 Aug 1746
At a Court continued for Albemarle Co., August 14, 1746, On motion of Martin KING Junr churchwardens to bind Susannah Cole (a poor mulatto girl)
Albemarle County, VA, Court Orders 1744/45-1748, page 143
Virginia Genealogical Society Quarterly, Volume 27, Number 2, Pg 130
15 Aug 1746
In debt case of Martin KING, junr. agst. Jonathan Woodson, deft. by atty William Battersby says he has already paid the debt in the Declaration & puts himself upon the country, deferred to Jury on the second Thursday in September.
Albemarle County, VA, Court Orders 1744/45-1748, page 153
16 Aug 1746
James Taylor with hands formerly appointed to clear a road from his road to Martin KINGs Road.
Albemarle County, VA, Court Orders 1744/45-1748, page 165
16 Aug 1746
In debt case of The KING agst. Martin KING, deft. granted further time.
Albemarle County, VA, Court Orders 1744/45-1748, page 168
11 Sep 1746
At a Court continued for Albemarle Co., Sept. 11, 1746, In the debt case of The KING against Martin KING, deft. Granter further time.
Virginia Genealogical Society Quarterly, Volume 27, Number 3, Pg. 170
12 Sep 1746
In debt case of Martin KING, Junr. agst. Jonathan Woodson, deft. by atty William Bettersby relinquishes his Plea of Payment, pit. to recover
Albemarle County, VA, Court Orders 1744/45-1748, page 175
13 Sep 1746
In debt case of Thomas Atchinson agst. Martin KING, the elder, Sheriff returns Capias not served, plt. granted Alias Capias.
Albemarle County, VA, Court Orders 1744/45-1748, page 185
9 Oct 1746
In debt case THE KING agst. Martin KING, deft. by atty William Battersby files his plea, atty for the THE KING
granted time.
Albemarle County, VA, Court Orders 1744/45-1748, page 195
15 Nov 1746
In case of Thomas Atchison agst Martin KING, the elder, deft fails to appear, judgment agst said Martin KING, Senr., John Smith & Martin KING, Junr., for £21 and costs discharged by paying £11 with interest from 1 Sep 1744.
Albemarle County, VA, Court Orders 1744/45-1748, page 211
[Martin KING, the "Elder" appears to Martin KING, Senr. . . . "agst said Martin KING, Senr."]
12 Feb 1746
Martin KING makes oath to 6 days attendance as evidence for Ann Evans.
Albemarle County, VA, Court Orders 1744/45-1748, page 215
14 Feb 1746
Petition of William Hopkins agst Martin KING, cont.
Albemarle County, VA, Court Orders 1744/45-1748, page 223
14 Feb 1746
In debt cast of THE KING, agst Martin KING, Gideon Marr, prosecuting atty granted leaved to amend his declaration.
Albemarle County, VA, Court Orders 1744/45-1748, page 225
12 Mar 1746
In debt case Thomas Atchison agst Martin KING, the elder, John Anthony undertakes for the deft who says he owes the Plt £21, Plt to recover plus fees & costs discharged by payment of £10.10 with interest form 1 Sep 1744.
Albemarle County, VA, Court Orders 1744/45-1748, page 234
14 Mar 1746
Martin KING awarded 300 lbs to by Christopher Bingham for 12 days as evidence in case agst John Hardwick.
Albemarle County, VA, Court Orders 1744/45-1748, page 254
14 Mar 1746
Petition of William Hopkins agst Martin KING is cont. by Plt.
Albemarle County, VA, Court Orders 1744/45-1748, page 261
14 Mar 1746
In debt case of THE KING agst Martin KING, deft. by atty William Battersby, granted imparle till next court.
Albemarle County, VA, Court Orders 1744/45-1748, page 261
14 Mar 1747
Deed with livery, seisen & receipt from Martin KING to John Witt was acknowledged & ordered recorded.
Albemarle County, VA, Court Orders 1744/45-1748, page 271
15 May 1747
Petition of William Hopkins agst Martin KING is cont. with Plt paying costs.
Albemarle County, VA, Court Orders 1744/45-1748, page 287
10 Jul 1747
In case of Robert Lewis, Executor, etc. of Nich. Meriwether decd. agst John Austin, parties appear by their attys as does a Jury, to wit: John Biby, John Hays (foreman) Jacob Moon, William Witt, John Switt, William Barnett, Martin KING, Junr., Samuel Hollingshead, George Mc Daniel, John Adam Corn who find the deft guilty. Plt to recover £8.2.11 plus fees & costs.
Albemarle County, VA, Court Orders 1744/45-1748, page 299
13 May 1748
Scire facias case of Martin KING Junr agst Charles Lynch & Castleton Harper, service is adjudged insufficient, quashed with costs, etc.
Albemarle County, VA, Court Orders 1744/45-1748, page 366
10 Jun 1748
Petition of William Hopkins agst Martin KING court divided cont.
Albemarle County, VA, Court Orders 1744/45-1748, page 383
10 July 1747 [1748]
In debt case of THE KING agst. Martin KING deft by atty James Meredith demurrs to the charges, Gideon Marr acting for the Kind asks that declaration not be quashed.
Albemarle County, VA, Court Orders 1744/45-1748, page 346
15 Jul 1748
On petition of William Hopkins agst Martin KING Clerk is allowed to add words by account, Plt. then fails to prove his account, dismist.
Albemarle County, VA, Court Orders 1744/45-1748, page 387
16 Jul 1748
In debt case of KING agst. Martin KING judgment entered for the deft his Majesty to take nothing.
Albemarle County, VA, Court Orders 1744/45-1748, page 396
7 Jun 1749
Samuel Glover sold to Samuel, of Amelia County 376 acres on Fork of Slate River for 5 sh.
Wit: Robert KING, Thomas Davis and John Darby Shahorn.
Rec: August 1749.
[Patent granted said Glover 21 Aug 1747.]
Albemarle County, VA, Deed Book 1, Page 103.
The Antient Press, Deed & Will Abstracts of Albemarle County, VA, 1748-1752, page 44.
9 Aug 1749
George Homes Gwin sold to Richard Gwin 350 acres on both sides of Slate River Crossing Greet? Creek and along James River for 35£. Elizabeth Gwin released her dower rights.
Wit: Robert KING, Anthony Christian and John Watkins.
Rec: August 1749.
Albemarle County, VA, Deed Book 1, Page 106.
The Antient Press, Deed & Will Abstracts of Albemarle County, VA, 17481752, page 45.
9 Aug 1749
Richard Gwin sold to George Homes Gwin 400 acres on both sides of Great Buffillo Creek of Willises River for 35£ adjacent Major John Bolling. Mildred Gwin released her dower rights.
Wit: Robert KING, Anthony Christian and John Watkins
Rec: on August 1749.
Albemarle County, VA, Deed Book 1, Page 107.
The Antient Press, Deed & Will Abstracts of Albemarle County, VA, 1748-1752, page 46.
Joseph KING deceased running thence on said KINGs South East to Rockfish Creek, thence new lines South West to a white Oak on South side of a run, North West crossing Rockfish Creek to pointers, North East to a Pine, thence on Robert Adams North East to a Hickory by the River, thence down the South side of the River to the first station. Likewise Two hundred acres of land transferred by Deed from Martin KING Junior
30 Jan 1750
This indenture made this thirtieth day of January in year of our Lord One Thousand seven hundred and fifty between William Hill of County of Albemarle of one part and Giles Allegre of other part witnesseth that William Hill for sum of eight pounds ___ shillings current money of Virginia to him paid doth sell unto Giles Allegre and to his heirs once certain parcel of land being in County of Albemarle above the Woods, upper corner on Buck Island Creek, which was surveyed about thirteen years ago by Majr Wm Mayo & is bounded according to a patent granted the ____ day of ____ and contains three hundred and forty give acres together with all houses, orchards, gardens to the same belonging to have and to hold said parcel of land together with the premises unto said Giles Allegre his heirs and assigns forever in Witness whereof William Hill hath set his hand and seal
Sig: William Hill
in presence of John Hopkins, Martin KING, Judith Allegre, Giles Allegre, Junr.
At a court held for Albemarle County the 14th day of May 1751
This indenture receipt & memorandum of livery of seisin were proved by the oaths of John Hopkins, Martin KING & Giles Allegre Junr three of the witnesses thereto, and ordered to be recorded.
Albemarle County, VA, Wills and Deeds, Number 1, 1748-1752, page 329-330.
14 Aug 1750
This Indenture made 14th day of August One thousand seven hundred & Fifty Between John Anthony of Parish of St. Anns in County of Albemarle of one part & Henry Martin of same County & Parish of other part Witnesseth that John Anthony for sum of One hundred & fifty pounds current money of Virginia to him paid hath sold unto Henry Martin his heirs one certain parcel of land containing Four hundred acres which parcel of land was granted to Arthur Osborn by Letters Patent bearing date the Tenth day of June One thousand seven hundred & Forty being in County of Albemarle & conveyed by Deed in Albemarle Court by Arthur Osborn to John Anthony & bounded beginning at a Hickory on South side of Fluvanna River by the River the upper Corner of Joseph KING deceased running thence on said KING’s South East to Rockfish Creek, thence new lines South West to a white Oak on South side of a run, North West crossing Rockfish Creek to pointers, North East to a Pine, thence on Robert Adams North East to a Hickory by the River, thence down the South side of the River to the first station.
Likewise Two hundred acres of land transferred by Deed from Martin KING Junior in Albemarle Court to said John Anthony the said Two hundred acres of land being in County of Albemarle on South side of North River & bounded beginning at a Hickory on the River bank at a corner of Martin KING, thence on a new line South West to pointers, thence another old line South East to pointers on side of a hill, thence on a new line North East to a small branch at a marked black Gum and white Oak the same Course continued to a red Oak & Ash marked three ways on the River bank, thence up the said River according to its meanders to the beginning. Together with all woods, ways & water courses to same above mentioned Four hundred acres of land & also the last mentioned Two hundred acres of land belonging to have and to hold to Henry Martin his heirs & assigns forever. In Witness whereof John Anthony hath set his hand & seal.
In presence of John Anthony
At a Court held for Albemarle County the 14th day of August 1750.
This Indenture Memorandum of Livery of Seizin & Receipt were acknowledged by John Anthony one of the parties thereto & ordered to be recorded.
Albemarle County, VA, Wills and Deeds, Number 1, 1748-1752, page 223-224.
20 Nov 1753
Charles Talbot and his wife Drusillar Talbot sold to Robert KING of Albemarle County 150 acres on both sides of Straitstone Creek for 15£ bounded by Isaac Allen and Robert Handcock
Wit: Thomas Dillard, Jr., William Thomas and Robert Sheffell
Rec: 20 Nov 1753.
Halifax County, VA, Deed Book 1, Page 70.
Marian Dodson Chiarito, Halifax County, VA, Deed Book 1, 1752 - 1759, Page 7.
29 Feb 1756
John Owen sold to Richard Caldwell 362 acres on both sides of Reedy Creek for 21£. His wife Elizabeth relinquished her dower rights.
Wit: by Thomas Dillard, Jr., Robert KING and James Dillard.
Rec: 19 Feb 1756.
[Granted to John Owen by patent dated 10 September, 1755, adjacent Tredaway]
Halifax County, VA, Deed Book 1, Page 160.
Marian Dodson Chiarito, Halifax County, VA, Deed Book 1, 1752 - 1759, Page 15.
15 Jul 1756
Redmon Fallon sold to John Hickey 540 acres on upper Sandy Creek of Dan River for 50£.
Wit: George Currie, Robert Wade, Jr., William Wright and Robert KING.
Rec: 19 Aug 1756.
[Part of a greater tract granted to Redmon Fallon by patent dated 4 July, 1755.]
Halifax County, VA, Deed Book 1, Page 204.
Marian Dodson Chiarito, Halifax County, VA, Deed Book 1, 1752 1759, Page 19.
18 Nov 1756
Sheriffs Bond for Hugh Moore.
Surety: Thomas Dillard, Robert KING, Thomas Dillard, Jr., and James Dillard.
Rec: 19 Nov 1756.
Halifax County, VA, Deed Book 1, Page 224.
Marian Dodson Chiarito, Halifax County, VA, Deed Book 1, 1752 - 1759, Page 21.
__ Nov 1756
Robert KING was chosen to serve as a Vestryman for Antrim Parish, Halifax County, Virginia.
Marian Dodson Chiarito, Vestry Book of Antrim Parish, Halifax County, VA, 1752-1817, page 30.
28 Feb 1757
Samuel Harris mortgaged to Robert KING three slaves and other personal property to secure a loan of 198.
Wit: Thomas Harris, William Cornelius and John Langford.
Rec: 21 October, 1757.
Halifax County, VA, Deed Book 1, Page 320. Marian Dodson Chiarito, Halifax County, VA, Deed Book 1, 1752 - 1759, Page 29.
16 Jun 1757
Mary KING, administratrix of the estate of Robert KING, deceased filed Inventory & Appraisement made by Samuel Parks, James Collins and Charles Dean.
Halifax County, VA, Will Book 0, Page 73. See Marian Dodson Chiarito, Halifax County, VA, Will Book 0, 1752-1773, Page 8.
2 Mar 1758
Martin KING to John Rucker
14 Sep 1758
Mary KING, widow and relict of Robert KING, deceased of Halifax County, sold to John Cook 290 acres on both sides of Little Buffalow Creek, branch of Willises for £15
Wit: G. Marr, John Moore and William Hudgins.
Rec: 14 September, 1758.
Description: Formerly conveyed by ROBERT KING, deceased her then husband.

[The Little Buffalo Creek is just inside present day Buckingham County from Cumberland County, just north of Highway 60.]
14 Sep 1758
This indenture made this fourteenth day of September in the year [of] our Lord, one thousand seven hundred & fifty eight
Between Mary KING widow and relict of Robert KING, decd of the County of Hallifax [sic] of the one part and John Cock of the County of Albemarle of the other part witnesseth that the said Mary KING for & in consideration of fifteen pound currt money of Virginia to have in hand paid before the ensealing and delivery of these present the rect. whereof the said Mary KING doth hereby acknowledge, hath acknowledged, released and assigned and by these present doth acknowledge, release and forever quit claims unto the said John Cock his heirs and her right of Dower in a certain tract of land containing two hundred and ninety acres formerly sold & conveyed by Robt KING decd (her then husband) unto the said John Cock lying and being in Albemarle County on both sides of Little Buffalo Creek, a branch of Willises and bound as in the said deed is expressed.
In Witness whereof the said Mary have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal the day, month, & year above written
Sig: Mary KING
Received of John Cock, fifteen pounds current money being full satisfaction of my wright [sic] of dower above mentioned witnesses my hand the day, year above written
Sig: Mary KING
Seal'd & Delivered in presence of
G. Marr, Jo Moore, Wm Hudgins
At a Court held for Albemarle county the fourteenth day of September 1758. This indenture was acknowledged by Mary KING party hereto & ordered to be recorded
Teste John Nicholas

17 May 1759
Mary KING, administratrix of the estate of Robert KING, conducted an estate sale.
Recorded 9 June, 1759.
Halifax County, VA, Will Book 0, Page 76. See Marian Dodson Chiarito, Halifax County, VA, Will Book 0, 1752-1773, Page 8.
29 May 1760
John Fry, 390 acres, Albemarle County on the N side of and adjoining Tye River, beginning at the Mouth of a large Br, adj. Harman & KING, 40 shill.
Page 809
Magazine of Virginia Genealogy, Volume 33, Number 1, page 56.
4 Jul 1761
This indenture made this fourth day of July in the year of Our Lord Christ one thousand seven hundred and sixty one
Between Martin KING of Albemarle County of the one part and Geo Robinson, Merchant of the said County of the other part
Witnesseth that the said Martin KING for and in consideration of the sum of seven pound curt money to him in hand paid by the said George Robinson the receipts whereof he doth hereby acknowledge and thereof and of every part thereof doth fully and absolutely requit and discharge him the said George Robinsons his heirs, forever, hath bargained and sold and by these present doth bargain and sell unto the said George Robinson
Two cows and calves, Twelve head of hoggs all mark’d, two smooth horses, One sorrel mare branded CC together with all my household furniture viz one bed and furniture, two chests, one table five chairs, two iron pots, one frying pan, two pewter dishes, two bassons, half a dozen plates, two axes, two broad, two narrow hoes a sett of wedges, two spinning wheels, one saddle and bridle
To have and to hold the said two cows & calves, twelve head of hoggs, bed & furniture, two chest, one table, five chairs, two iron potts, one frying pan, two pewter dishes, two basons, half a dozen plates, two axes, two broad, two narrow hoes, a set of wedges, two spinning wheels, saddle & bridle to him the said George Robinson free & discharged of any mortgage or encumbrance whatsoever and that the said Martin KING will warrant and defend the said two cows & calves, twelve head of hoggs, bed and furniture, two chest, one table, five chairs, two iron potts, one frying pan, two pewter dishes, two basons, half a dozen plates, two axes, two broad, two narrow hoes, sett of wedges, two spinning wheels, saddle & bridle unto the said
George Robinson and his assigns forever.
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed by seal the day and year above written
Sig: Martin [his X mark] KING
Signed seal’d and delivered in presence of
John Bybee, Junr
David Shepherd
Giles Letcher
Memorandum that this agreed between the parties above mentioned that if the aforesaid Martin KING shall pay unto the said George Robinson or his assigns the sum of seven pound within nine months after the date hereof with lawfull interest that then the said George Robinson shall release to him the above cows & calves, twelve head of hogs, bed & furniture, two chests, one table, five chairs, two iron potts, one frying pan, two dishes, two basons, half a dozen plates, two axes, two broad, two narrow hoes, sett of wedges, two spinning wheels, saddle and bridle
Geo Robinson

Joseph KING to John Price, cow and calf
Amherst County, Deed Book. A, page 66
29 Sep 1762
George Walton of the County of Lunenburg, to Thomas Pullin of B, for 30 £ 1 shilling, one certain tract of land in B on the east side of Otter River and on both sides of Elk Cr, containing about 531 acres, and bounded by Tilly, Walker, Pullin's own lines, KING's line.
Signed: Geo Walton.
Wit: Martin KING, John Stovall, Thomas (his X mark) Embre.
Recorded Sep 29, 1762.
Bedford County, VA, Deed Book B-2, Page 96.
Martin KING appointed Road Surveyor
Bedford County, VA, Order Book 3, page 330
Martin KING exempt from work on Woods Road
Bedford County, VA, Order Book 3, page 505
Martin KING appointed to view way for road
Bedford County, VA, Order Book 3, page 603
Jul 2_, 1763
George Walton of the County of Lunenburg, to Martin KING of Goochland County, for 9 £, one certain tract of land in B on both sides of Elk Cr, containing about 145 acres, bounded by Otter River, the lines of Thomas Pullin, Giles Williams, Thomas Woods, and the said KING's own land purchased of William Callaway.
Signed: Geo Walton.
Wit: William Stamps, Thomas Pullen, Gross Scruggs.
Rec: Aug 28, 1764.
Rec: Oct. 15, 1763
Bedford County, VA, Deed Book B-2, Page 448.
22 Oct 1764
Lunsford Lomax, Caroline County, to William Bibb, Amherst County, 62 pds,, 10 sh, for 192 acres, patent to Lomax 3 Nov 1750. Lines: Harmer King, Rucker’s Run,
Wit: John Loving, Richard Tankersley, Ralph Lomax, Thomas Lomax
Amherst County Deed Book A, page 326.
[Harmer King should not be confused with Harmon and King, Company]
26 Aug 1766
Giles Williams to Martin KING, 342 acres on North side of Otter River
Rec: 26 Aug 1766
Teste Ben Howard
Bedford County, VA, Deed Book C-3, page 15
[15 Jul 1760 Giles Williams, Lunenburg County. 342 acres on the north side of Otter River. Land Office Patents No. 34, 1756-1765, p. 620 (Reel 33-34).]
27 Jan 1767
Richard Callaway to Martin KING, 495 acres on Elk Creek
Bedford County, VA, Deed Book 3, page 17
26 Feb 1767
William Collins and his wife Mary Collins sold to Edmund KING 150 acres on Straitstone Creek for 20£ adjacent Isaac Allen and Robert Handcock.
Wit: Robin Bowman? and Francis Luck.
Rec: 26 February, 1768.
Pittsylvania County, VA, Deed Book 1, Page 87. Lucille C. Payne and Neil G. Payne, Pittsylvania County, VA, Deed Books 1, 2 and 3, page 11.
[This is the same land bought by Robert KING in 1753. Apparently, Mary KING had married William Collins.]
26 Feb 1767
William Callaway to Martin KING, 460 acres lying in Bedford on Elk Creek
Rec: 26 Feb 1767
Teste Ben Howard
Bedford County, VA, Deed Book C-3, page 48
24 Mar 1767
Martin KING to Wm Mead, 150 acres on North side of Otter River and both sides of Elk Creek,
Rec: 24 Mar 1767
Teste: Ben Howard
Bedford County, VA, Deed Book C-3, page 59
24 Mar 1767
Indenture Martin KING to William Mead 150 acres, north of Otter including land bought of William Calloway, George Walton, Giles Williams
Bedford County, VA, Deed Book C-3, Page 59
22 Sep 1767
Martin KING to John Woodruff of Amherst, 210 acres on Elk Creek part of Grassy Low ground
Rec: 22 Sep 1767
Teste Ben Howard
Bedford County, VA, Deed Book C-3, page 133
22 Sep 1767
Martin KING to John Woodroof of Amherst £80 on Elk Creek
Bedford County, VA, Deed Book C-3, page 133
22 Mar 1768
Martin KING to John Rucker 285 acres on Elk Creek
Rec: 22 Mar 1768
Teste: Ben Howard
Bedford County, VA, Deed Book C-3, page 182
21 Jul 1769
Zachariah Waller mortgaged to George Muter mortgaged to Benjamin Lankford two slaves for 23£.
Wit: Edmund KING, Joseph Farris and Abraham Shelton.
Rec: 28 July, 1770.
Pittsylvania County, VA, Deed Book 1, Page 457.
Lucille C. Payne and Neil G. Payne, Pittsylvania County, VA, Deed Books 1, 2 and 3, page 45.
24 Oct 1769
John Jackson of the County of Goochland to Charles Camel [Campbell] of County of Augusta 100 acres on Hurricane Creek, branch of Otter River.
Wit: Martha KING, Susanna Jackson, Jos Jackson.
Rec. 24 Oct. 1769
Teste Benjamin Howard
Bedford County, VA, Deed Book C-3, page 355
12 Feb 1770
Edward Hubbard and his wife Elesabeth Hubbard sold to Solaman Stott 240 acres on Little Straitstone Creek for 30£. adjacent Isaac Eskhels.
Wit: Thomas Dillard Jr, John Vaughan, Edmund KING and William Collins.
Rec: 25 May 1770.
Pittsylvania County, VA, Deed Book 1, Page 483.
Lucille C. Payne and Neil G. Payne, Pittsylvania County, VA, Deed Books 1, 2 and 3, page 47.
27 Aug 1770
Martin KING received a land grant for 380 a. in Bedford Co. on the west branches of Auslins Creek beginning at Jackson's and Calloway's corner . . .
Patents 39, 1770-71, pg 156
Martin KING's hands to work on Road
Bedford County, VA, Order Book 4, page 30
Martin KING appointed to view way for Road
Bedford County, VA, Order Book 4, page 88
Martin KING vs. Barrett
Bedford County, VA, Order Book 4
15 Aug 1772
Joseph Echols sold to Edmund KING 370 acres on Staunton River opposite the lower end of the long island for 100£. His wife Betty Echols released her dower rights. Bounded by Charles Talbot and Nathaniel Denniss.
Witnessed by None.
Rec: 15 Oct 1772.
Halifax County, VA, Deed Book 8, Page 466.
T.L.C. Genealogy, Halifax County, VA, Deeds 1767-1772, Page 85.
23 Dec 1772
John Harness sold to Thomas Dillard personal property.
Witnessed by Don McNicoll, Abraham Shelton, Edmund KING, R. Williams, H. Morgan
and Nathaniel Williams.
Rec: 26 March, 1773.
Pittsylvania County, VA, Deed Book 3, Page 194.
Lucille C. Payne and Neil G. Payne, Pittsylvania County, VA, Deed Books 1, 2 and 3, page 138.
13 Jul 1773
William Collins sold to James KING 300 acres on east branch of Great Straitstone on west side of Allen’s Mountain for 30£.
Wit: by Edmund KING, Hermon KING and Joel Short.
Rec: 22 Jul 1773.
Pittsylvania County, VA, Deed Book 3, Page 317.
Lucille C. Payne and Neil G. Payne, Pittsylvania County, VA, Deed Books 1, 2 and 3, page 155.
Martin KING surveyor
Bedford County, VA, Order Book 6, page 328
19 Apr 1774
Survey for Harmon KING 75 acres on Camp Branch. Adjacent Collins, Tribble, Booker Donalson and Davis.
Marian Dodson Chiarito, Old Survey Book 1, 17461782, Pittsylvania County, VA, Page 302.
18 May 1775
Thomas Kersey sold to William Jones of Bedford County 170 acres on Tinsley’s Creek for 100£. His wife Elizabeth released her dower rights. adjoining William East, William Thomas, Edmond KING and John Hurt.
Witnessed by none.
Rec: 18 May 1774
Halifax County, VA, Deed Book 9, Page 434.
T.L.C. Genealogy, Halifax County, VA, Deed Book 9 (1773-1775), Page 67.
10,000 Name Petition
Martin KING . . .
Hermon KING
31 Jan 1777
Francis Luck, John East and Stephen Rollings made inventory of the estate of James KING, deceased,
Rec: 23 February, 1777.
Pittsylvania County, VA, Accounts Current 1, Page 32.
Lucille C. Payne, Pittsylvania County Inventories & Accounts Current, 1770-1797, Page 11.
Signers of the Oath of Allegiance in Pittsylvania County, Virginia
Elisha KING . . .
Harmon KING . . .
James KING
Chiarito, Marian Dodson. The Magazine of VA Genealogy, Volume 23, #1 (Feb. 1985)
8 Mar 1777
Menoah Dyer sold to Benjamin Lankford of Pittsylvania County 200 acres on both sides of Childree Creek for 50£. bounded by Branham.
Wit: James Dejernatt, Jacob Kelly, Edmund KING, Spilsbe Trible and John Short.
Rec: 19 June, 1777.
Halifax County, VA, Deed Book 10, Page 221.
T.L.C. Genealogy, Halifax County, VA, Deed Book 10 (1775-1778), Page 31.
1 Sep 1777
Signers of the Oath of Allegiance in Bedford County, Virginia
Martin KING, Jr
Daughters of the American Revolution Magazine, December 1957, Vol. 91, p 1343
27 Apr 1778
Appraisement of Estate of John Hampton
By: John Kelly, Martin KING, Charles Lambert
Rec: 27 Apr 1778
Teste: James Steptoe
Bedford County, VA, Will Book 1, page 288
23 Jul 1778
William Chick filed his guardian account as guardian of the (unnamed) orphans of James KING.
Pittsylvania County, VA, Accounts Current 1, Page 90. Lucille C.
Payne, Pittsylvania County Inventories & Accounts Current, 1770-1797, Page 27.
20 May 1779
Edmund KING was obligee on bond.
Halifax County, VA, Deed Book 11, Page 276.
T.L.C. Genealogy, Halifax County, VA, Deeds 1778-1784, Page 38.
29 Sep 1779
To James Bates, Elijah Hunt and Edmund KING of Halifax, Gent, Greetings. James Farris Sr., by his deed dated 14 Aug 1779, has conveyed to William Wyatt 200 acres in Halifax, Susanna Farris, the wife of the said James Farris Sr., cannot conveniently travel to our County Court to acknowledge the conveyance. You are therefore given the power to receive her acknowledgement by personally going to her.
Signed: 29 Sep 1779, George Carrington.
The said Susanna Farris fully and voluntarily acknowledges before us.
Signed: 2 Sep 1779, James Bates, Eli Hunt.
Rec. 18 Nov 1779.
Halifax County, VA, Deed Book 11, Page 383.
T.L.C. Genealogy, Halifax County, VA, Deeds 1778-1784, Page 52.
23 May 1780
415 acres on Strait Stone Creek were surveyed for Edmund KING by Joshua Stone, surveyor. Adjacent Thomas Dillard, William Chick, said KING former line and James Dillard.
Pittsylvania County Deed Book 5, page 542. T.L.C. Genealogy, Pittsylvania County, VA, Deeds , 1778-1780 (Deed Book 5 and part of Deed Book 6), page 45.
[See also Marian Dodson Chiarito, Old Survey Book 1, 1746-1782, Pittsylvania County, VA, Page 342.]
5 Jun 1780
Edmund KING had a dispute with Joseph West for the sale of 550 acres on Straightstone Creek (Acreage and sales price in dispute).
[See naming of Arbitrators William Pollard, John Craddock and Edmund Butler at Pittsylvania County, VA, Deed Book 6, Page 366; Arbitrators award at Pittsylvania County, VA, Deed Book 6, Page 364; and deed from Edmund KING and his wife Elizabeth KING to Joseph West for 150 acres at Pittsylvania County, VA, Deed Book 6, Page 369. Land was adjacent Isaac Allen old line, now William Cheek and Henkson Hasbert? The deed was witnessed by John Vaughan, William Cheek and John Pemberton]
14 Jun 1780
45 acres on Strait Stone Creek were surveyed for Owen West. Adjacent Thomas Dillard, Hubbard old line and Edmund KING.
Marian Dodson Chiarito, Old Survey Book 1, 1746-1782, Pittsylvania County, VA, Page 342.
1 Aug 1780
Indenture Martin KING Jr. and wife Nancy 1st part to Hezekiah Hargrove. Hargrove paid 1000 for 306 acres on Ruckers Run.
Amherst County, VA, Deed Book E, page 258-259.
Aug 1780
William Chick filed his account for the estate of JAMES KING.
Pittsylvania County, VA, Accounts Current 1, Page 91.
Lucille C. Payne, Pittsylvania County Inventories & Accounts Current, 1770-1797, Page 27.
21 Nov 1781
Petition for division of Bedford County
James KING
Martin KING hands to work on Road
Bedford County, VA, Order Book 7, page 58
Martin KING appointed commissioner to view Road
Bedford County, VA, Order Book 7, page 58
1782 Taxable Property and Tithes
Avory KING, 1 free male over 21, 5 horses, 7 cattle, 1 white over 16
James KING, 1 free male over 21, 2 horses, 2 cattle, 1 white over 16
John KING, 1 free male over 21, 2 horses, 9 cattle, 1 white over 16
Martin KING with GILLIAM KING and James KING with negroes Hampton, Phoebe, and Sarah and 3 children, 1 free male over 21, 6 slaves, 2 horses, 10 cattle, 3 whites over 16, 3 blacks over 16
16 May 1782
Edmund KING was obligee on bond.
Halifax County, VA, Deed Book 12, Page 203.
T.L.C. Genealogy, Halifax County, VA, Deeds 1778-1784, Page 90.
20 Nov 1782
James Kersey sold to John Word 100 acres on branches of Buffelow Creek for 100£. Bounded by John Word, Thomas Kersey, Edmund KING and Sarah Luck.
Wit: R. Weakley Jr., John Word and William Card.
Rec: 21 Nov 1782.
Halifax County, VA, Deed Book 12, Page 258.
T.L.C. Genealogy, Halifax County, VA, Deeds 1778-1784, Page 98.
1783 Taxable Property and Tithes
Martin KING, 6 tithes, 1 white male over 21, 3 blacks over 16, 3 blacks under 16, 6 total blacks, 3 horses , 7 cattle
[The six tithes are likely would be Martin Sr, Martin Jr., Herman, Gilliam, James, Archibald and John KING].
Harman KING, 1 tithe, 1 white male over 21, 1 horse
Binns Genealogy, Image 11
2 Dec 1784
William Thomas of Pittsylvania County gave bond for title to Edmund KING in the amount of 5,000, to warrant his conveyance of his claim to the slaves of George Thomas, deceased, to wit, Tom, Arthur, Ben and Jacob.
Wit: James Sanders and Asa Thomas.
Rec: 18 August, 1785.
Halifax County, VA, Deed Book 13, Page 256. T.L.C. Genealogy, Halifax County, VA, Deeds 1784-1790, Page 31.
[Edmund KING married Mary Thomas on 23 Aug 1770, in Pittsylvania County. Mary signed her own consent.]
2 Dec 1784
Edmund KING gave bond for title to William Thomas of Pittsylvania County in the amount of 5,000, to warrant his conveyance of his claim to the slaves of George Thomas, deceased, to wit, Amey, Jam, Patsey, Cresey and Isam.
Wit: James Sanders and Asa Thomas.
Rec: 18 August, 1785.
Halifax County, VA, Deed Book 13, Page 300. T.L.C. Genealogy, Halifax County, VA, Deeds 1784-1790, Page 35.
[Edmund KING married Mary Thomas on 23 August 1770, in Pittsylvania County. Mary signed her own consent.]
31 Jan 1785
John Boram and his wife Catharine Boram sold to Edmund KING 400 acres on both sides of little Pole Cat Creek for 800,.
Wit: Daniel Parker, Moses Hendrick, Beverly Borum and William Echols.
Rec: 16 June, 1785.
Halifax County, VA, Deed Book 13, Page 211. T.L.C. Genealogy, Halifax County, VA, Deeds 1784-1790, Page 26.
[Being the land and plantation whereon said John Boram formerly lived, bounded by Wall, Burk, Barrot, and Echols]
19 May 1785
Moses Terry sold to Keeble Terry 100 acres on south side of Banister River and on little Polecat Creek for 150
Witnessed by none.
Rec: 19 May, 1785.
Halifax County, VA, Deed Book 13, Page 173. T.L.C. Genealogy, Halifax County, VA, Deeds 1784-1790, Page 22.
[Bounded by John Epps, Capt. Edmund KING and Henry Terry.]
20 May 1785
Ed[mund] KING received a bond.
Halifax County, VA, Deed Book 13, Page 166.
T.L.C. Genealogy, Halifax County, VA, Deeds 1784-1790, Page 21.
abt Jul 1785
William Chick filed his guardian account as guardian of the (unnamed) orphans of James KING.
Pittsylvania County, VA, Accounts Current 1, Page 205.
Lucille C. Payne, Pittsylvania County Inventories & Accounts Current, 1770-1797, Page 56.
30 Jan 1786
John Arnold of Randolph County, North Carolina sold to George Camp 412 acres on Mire Creek for 300£. bounded by Bird, Miller's road and Jonson.
Wit: Edmund KING, James Gent, John Show and Richard Brown.
Rec: 20 July, 1786
Halifax County, VA, Deed Book 13, Page 451. T.L.C.
Genealogy, Halifax County, VA, Deeds 1784-1790, Page 52.
19 May 1786
Edmund KING posted a bond.
Halifax County, VA, Deed Book 13, Page 418. T.L.C. Genealogy, Halifax County, VA, Deeds 1784-1790, Page 46.
19 May 1786
Edmund KING posted four bonds.
Halifax County, VA, Deed Book 13, Pages 455, 456, 457 and 458.
T.L.C. Genealogy, Halifax County, VA, Deeds 1784-1790, Pages 53-54.
15 Jun 1786
Edmund KING posted a bond, subject to him completing building a bridge across the Banister River.
Halifax County, VA, Deed Book 13, Page 424. T.L.C. Genealogy, Halifax County, VA, Deeds 1784-1790, Page 47.
19 May 1786
Edmund KING posted four bonds.
Halifax County, VA, Deed Book 13, Pages 455, 456, 457 and 458. T.L.C. Genealogy, Halifax County, VA, Deeds 1784-1790, Pages 53-54.
15 Jun 1786
Edmund KING posted a bond, subject to him completing building a bridge across the Banister River.
Halifax County, VA, Deed Book 14, Page 83.
T.L.C. Genealogy, Halifax County, VA, Deeds 1784-1790, Page 74.
20 Sep 1786
Edmund KING was appointed to examine Mary Dillon, wife of Henry Dillon concerning her release of dower rights.
Halifax County, VA, Deed Book 14, Page 14.
T.L.C. Genealogy, Halifax County, VA, Deeds 1784-1790, Page 65.
21 Sep 1786
Henry Dilling and Edmund KING of Halifax County and William Thomas of Pittsylvania County sold to Joseph Echols 4 tracts containing 800 acres on Stanton River near Long Island Sluce for 820.
Witnessed by none.
Rec: 21 September, 1786.
Halifax County, VA, Deed Book 13, Page 485. T.L.C. Genealogy, Halifax County, VA, Deeds 1784-1790, Page 58.
[Bounded by said Joseph Echols, John Barber, Jonadab George, Jones, John Word, Luck, and Henry Dilling.]
Personal Property Tax Lists
Avery KING
Harman KING
Martin KING
William KING
Bedford County
27 Feb 1787
Edmund KING witnessed a deed.
Halifax County, VA, Deed Book 14, Page 80.
T.L.C. Genealogy, Halifax County, VA, Deeds 1784-1790, Page 74.
6 Jun 1787
Edmund KING was adjacent landowner for land conveyed by a deed.
Halifax County, VA, Deed Book 14, Page 174.
T.L.C. Genealogy, Halifax County, VA, Deeds 1784-1790, Page 87.
11 Jun 1787
Martin KING assignee of Lancelot Woodward who was assignee of Jacob Fair received a land grant for 227 acres in Bedford County on both sides of Perrys Creek
Grants 10, 1787, pg. 603
7 Dec 1787
Edmund KING was appointed to examine Sarah Milner, wife of Mark Milner concerning her release of dower rights.
Halifax County, VA, Deed Book 14, Page 216.
T.L.C. Genealogy, Halifax County, VA, Deeds 1784-1790, Page 94.
20 Dec 1787
George Allen sold to James KING, son and heir of James KING, deceased, 80 acres on Straitstone Creek for 6£ paid by William Chick, guardian for the said James KING, adjacent Thomas Davis, James KING'S former line, and William Battison.
Wit: Joshua Stone, Cornelius McHaney, John West and Harden Chick.
Rec: 16 June, 1788.
Pittsylvania County, VA, Deed Book 8, Page 251
23 Feb 1788
Edmund KING was appointed to examine Mary Hopson, wife of William Hopson concerning her release of dower rights.
Halifax County, VA, Deed Book 14, Page 303.
T.L.C. Genealogy, Halifax County, VA, Deeds 1784-1790, Page 109.
7 Mar 1788
Edmund KING witnessed a deed.
Halifax County, VA, Deed Book 14, Page 276.
T.L.C. Genealogy, Halifax County, VA, Deeds 1784-1790, Page 104.
7 Mar 1788
Edmund KING witnessed a deed.
Halifax County, VA, Deed Book 14, Page 281.
T.L.C. Genealogy, Halifax County, VA, Deeds 1784-1790, Page 105.
10 Mar 1788
Edmund KING and others, as Vestryman of Antrim Parish conveyed the glebe land on Difficult Creek.
Halifax County, VA, Deed Book 14, Page 298. T.L.C. Genealogy, Halifax County, VA, Deeds 1784-1790, Page 108.
Personal Property Taxes
Name of individual charged with tax, Martin KING
Number of white male tithables over 21, ONE
Number of white male tithables over 16-21, TWO
Blacks over 16, ONE
Blacks over 12 and under 16, ONE
Horses, etc, TWO
Binns Genealogy, 1789 Bedford County, Personal Tax Rolls B, page 9
23 May 1789
Benj. Bryant to Martin KING, Sr., & Jno. Bryant
Amherst and Bedford Counties
Sheep, Cattle, Furniture.
Wit: Wm. Williams & GILLIAM KING.
Amherst County, VA, Deed Book F, page 362
22 Jun 1789
Edmund KING was adjacent landowner for land conveyed by this deed.
Halifax County, VA, Deed Book 14, Page 460.
T.L.C. Genealogy, Halifax County, VA, Deeds 1784-1790, Page 130.
14 Jul 1789
William Thompson sold to Edmund KING and others, as Vestryman of Antrim Parish 337 acres on Difficult Creek.
Halifax County, VA, Deed Book 14, Page 650. T.L.C. Genealogy, Halifax County, VA, Deeds 1784-1790, Page 155.
22 Oct 1789
Edmund KING was adjacent landowner for land conveyed by this deed.
Halifax County, VA, Deed Book 14, Page 676.
T.L.C. Genealogy, Halifax County, VA, Deeds 1784-1790, Page 159.
William Chick made his will, which was proved on 17 May, 1790.
He named sons, William Chick, Richard Chick, Hardin Chick, and Anderson Chick,, grandsons James KING and Dudley Chick, and wife Susannah Chick. He did not name any daughters.
Exe: Susannah Chick and sons William Chick and Hardin Chick.
Rec: 17 May 1790
Wit: Ben Lankford and John West.
Thomas P. Hughes, Jr. and Jewel B. Standefer, Pittsylvania County, VA, Abstracts of Wills, 1768 - 1800, page 11.
20 Mar 1793
To all people to whom these presents shall come
I , Martin KING do send greeting:
Know ye, that I the said Martin KING of Bedford County for a in consideration of the love, good will, and affection which I have and do bare towards my loving son, GILLIAM KING of the same County have given and granted and by those presents do freely give and grant unto the said GILLIAM KING his heir executors or administrations all and singular my good and chattels now being in my present dwelling house in the County aforesaid of which before the signing of these presents I have delivered him the said GILLIAM KING an inventory signed with my own hand the goods & chattels here mentioned: one negro man named Hairston?, one negro named Billey, also three feather beds, & furniture, the stock baring even state to have and to hold all the said goods & chattels in the said premises or dwelling house to him the said GILLIAM KING his heirs, exors., or administrators from here forth as his & there possess goods and chattels absolutely without any manner of a condition in witness whereof I have hereunto put my hand & seal this 20 March 1793.
Signed, sealed & delivered in presents
Martin KING
Teste Martin KING, Junr.
John KING [his X mark]
Archibald KING
At a court held for Bedford County the 23 day of September 1793 this deed of gift was acknowledged by Martin KING party thereto and ordered to be recorded
Ja. Steptoe CBC

S. KING to Powhatan BOLLING
Amherst County, VA, Deed Book H, page 104
Harmon KING surety on a peace bond
Bedford County, VA, Order Book 12, page 2
Harmon KING swore that his signature does not appear on deed
Bedford County, VA, Order Book 12, page 44
Harmon KING disputed boundary line
Bedford County, VA, Order Book 12, page 47
Harmon KING disputed boundary fixed
Bedford County, VA, Order Book 12, page 94
1800 Tax Lists, Bedford County
Aviry KING
Abram KING
William KING
Harmon KING
Martin KING
Binns Genealogy
Major KING to Samuel Pucket
Amherst County, VA, Deed Book I, page 173
25 Mar 1800
James KING and his wife Mary KING, Mary WEST and her husband John West and Nancy Templeton and her husband Martin Templeton sold to James Mitchell 380 acres on Straitstone Creek for 100£. adjacent William Batterton, and James KINGS former line
Wit: Nathaniel Lovelace, W. C. Mitchell, John Johnson and Isham Johnson
Rec: 19 October, 1801.
Pittsylvania County, VA, Deed Book 12, Page 112.
[Martin Templeton married Nancy KING 19 March, 1792 in Pittsylvania County; and John West married Mary West KING 16 February, 1789 in Pittsylvania County.]
Sackville KING to Henry Turner,
Amherst County, VA, Deed Book I, page 364
15 Feb 1802
The court appointed Benjamin Lankford and Joshua Stone to examine Mary KING, wife of James KING, Mary West, wife of John West and Nancey Templeton, wife of Martin Templeton to determine that they voluntarily released their dower rights in sale of 380 acres to James Mitchell on 5 March 1801. They were questioned on 27 March, 1802 and Certificate of Execution was filed on 19 April, 1802.
Pittsylvania County, VA, Deed Book 13, Page 285.
24 Jun 1805
Avery KING, Division of Estate, no legatees mentioned by name.
Bedford County, VA, Will Book C3, page 82-83
3 Apr 1805
Joseph Scott, Marshall sold to William Irby 10 acres part of 80 acres on Staunton River for back taxes. This was the foreclosure of lands of James KING for failure to pay the Federal Direct Tax.
Rec: 18 January, 1806.
Pittsylvania County, VA, Deed Book 15, Page 159.
Major KING to Alexander McAlexander
Amherst County, VA, Deed Book K, page 494
20 Oct 1807
Indenture between Harmon KING and Andrew Howard, both of Lee County, VA, for sum of $250 for 50 acres on north side of Powels River to the foot of Stone Mountain, and to Spencer's Corner
Sig: Harmon KING
In pres of: Thomas Flannery, John Howard, William Spencer.
Lee County Court 27 Aug 1808
Deed proven in court by oaths of JOhn Howard and Thomas Flannery, witnesses and continued for further proof. 27 Jun 1809 deed further proven by William Spencer and ordered to be recorded.
Lee County, VA, Abstracts, Deed Book 2, 1805-1812, page 264
17 Aug 1822
James Pitts mortgaged to James KING personal property to secure a loan for $553.00 made by John Brown, Sr.
Wit: John Pitts and William West.
Rec: 19 August, 1822.
Pittsylvania County, VA, Deed Book 24, Page 569.
John Reynolds from GILLIAM KING, 100 acres adjacent to John Cabbell on Battery Creek
Bedford County, VA, Deed Book 18, page 103
22 Oct 1823
Inventory and Appraisement of John KING
Appraisers: Jacob White, Jesse Reynolds, John Kidd . . . [remainder not copied]
Returned 22 Oct 1823
Bedford County, VA, Will Book 6, page 4
28 May 1828
Joseph Crews to Dabney M. Wharton
33 acres bounded by Benjamin Hensley, GILLIAM KING lying on Hog Spring Branch, being the same on which said Crews now lives.
Sig: Joseph Crews, Richard Davis
Rec: 2 Jun 1828
Bedford County, VA, ____, page ____
21 Aug 1829
Accounts of Catharine E. Meriweather
Administrator: Francis Meriweather
Commissioners: Nath’l J. Manson, Balda McDaniel, Benj Wigginton
L. Diuguid, medicine for Abigal, Anderson, Blair & Anderson, Eubank, J. Clayton, Gilliam King, B. Kinedy, B. Milam, Joshua Reynolds, John Sledd, W. G. Meriweather, Jesse Reynolds, M. Penn, N. .J. Manson, T. Eubank, G. Judson, G. D. Meriweather est., M. Penn.
Rec: 24 Aug 1820, 29 Sep 1829
Bedford County, VA, Will Book G-7, page 203-206
[Commissioner is Nathaniel J. Manson and should not be confused with Nathaniel Manning]
25 Dec 1829
In the name of God Amen, I Gilliam, King of the County of Bedford and State of Virginia being weak in body but of sound mind and disposed understanding do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament hereby renouncing all others or former Wills or _______ form following, to wit
First I desire all my just debts to be paid and hereby subject the whole of my estate both real and personal to the discharge of the same
2ndly I desire that all my personal property of what _______ except that is herein after named e sold on a credit of twelve months together with the end of my tract of land on which my nephew William King formerly lived including the field in which his house stood thence up toward the mountain adjoining the land of Joseph Cruise and Ezekiel Tolly. I suppose about one hundred acre more or less to be sold in the same credit and the proceed of which sales together with such debts as are due me to be collected are to be first applied to the payment of my just debts
3dly The debts shall not yet be absolved then I desire that my negro man Jacob the hired out till the debts are paid
4thly If there should remain a balance in the funds of my Exor after the above named sales take place, my dues collected and ___ paid of ____ it to be lawful heirs of my nephew William King now residing in the western country
5thly I give etc Willis Hensley the remainder of my tract of land on which _____ house now stand with all the appurtenances, rights attained except the ______
6thly Ito my wife Nancy King I give the privilege of continuing in my dwelling house _______ _______ during her natural life time or widowhood and she ________ to be dispose of ______ by her consent during the above named period
7thly I give to my wife Nancy King her choice of a cow and ______
8thly . . .
my debts of ____ be set at liberty and as a means of his support shall have his axe and his hoe and bread or corn enough to last one year and shall be permitted to occupy the house that Willis Hensley lately built and intended to occupy on my land. He shall also be permitted to cultivate as ______as will afford him a plentiful support during his lifetime and at this death all that is herein devised to him shall revert to Willis Hensley.
I desire and request ___ act for Jacob as an agent friend and protector ______ defrauded out of the lawful means of support nor be narrowed in his mean of support _______
9thly I do hereby constitute and appoint my friend Thomas Sale executor of my last Will and Testament
Sig: Gilliam King
Signed, sealed and acknowledged this _______ in the presence of
N. Sale
William Hudson,
Wm A. King
At a court called for Bedford county at the Courthouse ______ day of January 1830 this last will and Testament of Gilliam King deceased was exhibited in court, proved by the oaths of Nelson Sale, William A. King two subscribing witnesses. It was ordered to be recorded and on the motion of Thomas Sale the executor _______ made oath and gave bond _____
Certificate is granted him for obtaining a probate
Ro C Milstead

[Gilliam King, the son of Martin King and Martha Gilliam should not be confused with Gilliam King of South Carolina. Transcription was made from a very poor copy.]
9 Mar 1830
Inventory and Appraisement of GILLIAM KING
Appraisers: N Sale, H. M. White, S. Hobson
John Roberts, John Reynolds, William Hudson, Ezekiel Tolly, C. Tolly, Killis E. KING, David Thompson, Mosby & KING to Nancy Hensley for benefit of William KING
Rec: 23 Aug 1830
Bedford County, VA, Will Book G-7, page 388-389
30 Nov 1830
Will of Harmon KING
Harmon KING, Deceased, Last Will and Testament
In the name of God Amen—I Harmon KING of the County of Madison & State of Alabama, being infirm in body, but of sounds mind and memory do ordain this to be my last Will and Testament. First of all I recommend my soul to God and my body to the Earth to be buried in a decent like manner.
Item the 1st, I wish all of my just debts to be paid.
Item the 2nd, It is my will and desire that all of my Brothers & Sisters should have Five Dollars each.
Item the 3rd, I leave the whole of the residue of my Estate, both Personal & Real to my Nephew Joseph H. KING son of Elijah KING, hereby revoKING all former Wills & Testaments I may have made. I do furthermore wish my brother Elijah KING to act as my Executor to this my last Will and Testament. In testimony whereof I have (hereby) set my hand and seal this 30th day of November 1830.
Sig: Harmon KING (seal)
Wit: John F. Wyche, John R. Dabney, James Dabney
The State of Alabama
County Court of Madison County the 20th December 1830. The last Will and Testament of Harmon KING dec’d. was this day produced in open Court, and the executors thereof being duly proven by the oaths of John F. Wyche, John R. Dabney and James Dabney the subscribing witnesses therefore whereupon said Will is ordered by the Court to be Recorded & c. (See Minutes No. 4 page 252) Pursuant to said order Will was duly Recorded the 29th day of April 1831.
Wit: Thos. Brandon, Clk.
Madison County, AL, Probate Record Book 2, page 286
John Reynolds from Nancy KING relinquishing dowery to 100 acres on Battery Creek adjacent to John Cabbell
Bedford County, VA, Deed Book 22, page 234
15 Nov 1837
Nicholas Dillard borrowed money from James Doss and gave a deed to James KING to secure a loan.
Wit: William B. S. Vaughan, William Vaughan and Locky Vaughan.
Rec: 21 November, 1837.
Pittsylvania County, VA, Deed Book 41, Page 212.
James KING bought land from Marshall Bowman
Kanawha County, West Virginia, Deed Book L, page 71.
22 Feb 1840
Mildred East, the wife of Thomas East, of Pittsylvania County and James KING and his wife Mary KING, of Kanawha County, sold to Sterling J. Monroe 270 acres on Stanton River for $1,150.
Witnessed by none.
Rec: 17 August, 1840.
Pittsylvania County, VA, Deed Book 44, Page 83.
24 Dec 1841
James KING and his wife Mary KING, of Cabell County, VA, sold to Wiley KING, of Kanawha County 20 acres on Coal River for $700. Land purchased from Marshall Bowman and Zachariah Bowman
Witnessed by none.
Rec 24 December, 1841.
Kanawha County, VA, Deed Book M, Page 289.
25 Apr 1842
JAMES KING sold to EDWARD BYBE and his wife MARY BYBE personal property for $1 Witnessed by none. Recorded on 25 April, 1842. Description: Personal Property - horse, cattle, sheep, etc. He also conveyed property to SARAH KING, with the condition that EDWARD BYBE pay $100 to SARAH KING; $100 to JOANNA BLAKE; and $100 to LUCY ROBERTS’ children JAMES and JOHN BELL ($50 to each). Deed also mentions
Cabell County, West Virginia Deed Book 8, Page 238.
25 Apr 1842
JAMES KING sold to HENRY ASHWORTH and his wife SUSAN ASHWORTH 25 acres on Mud River for $1. Adjacent land GRIFFIN sold to ASHER. Deed is subject to J.W. GRIFFIN deeding it to JAMES KING.
Witnessed by none.
Recorded on 25 April, 1842.
Cabell County, West Virginia Deed Book 8, Page 239.
25 Apr 1842
JAMES KING sold to JESSE KING 30 acres on Mud River for $1. Deed is subject to J.W. GRIFFIN deeding it to JAMES KING.
Witnessed by none.
Recorded on 25 April, 1842.
Cabell County, West Virginia Deed Book 8, Page 239.
25 Apr 1842
JAMES KING sold to EDWARD BYBE 125 acres on Mud River for $1. Adjacent land sold to JESS KING, BARRETT, BUFFINGTON. Deed is subject to J.W. GRIFFIN deeding it to JAMES KING.
Witnessed by none.
Rec: 25 April, 1842.
Cabell County, West Virginia Deed Book 8, Page 240.
11 May 1842
JOHN W. GRIFFIN and his wife ELIZABETH GRIFFIN sold to JAMES KING 500 acres on Mud River for $1,500. Acknowledged before ABRA RICE and ISAAC ASHWORTH. Adjacent land GEORGE ZIRKLE purchased of GRIFFIN, BUFFINGTON and BARRETT. Deed references a contract dated 25 September, 1840 and suit in Chancery Court.
Rec: 27 Nov 1843.
Cabell County, West Virginia Deed Book 8, Page 450.
James KING sold land to John Bowman.
Kanawha County, West Virginia Deed Book N, page 403.
20 May 1850
Adolphin Newly sold to Franklin Curry personal property to secure a debt of $175 owed by Adolphin Newly to Jesse KING.
Wit: Nancy Pine and John Ingraim.
Rec: 26 August, 1850.
Cabell County, West Virginia Deed Book 10, Page 280.
20 Sep 1850
Jesse KING sold to Creed Wysong 30 acres on [Mud River] and other property to secure a debt of $500 owed by Jesse KING to James KING.
Witnessed by none.
Cabell County, West Virginia Deed Book 10, Page 178.
1 Dec 1851
James KING sold to Hiram Curry, David Porter, Jesse KING, Franklin Curry and B. B. Wilkinosn, trustees for a school house to be built 1.5 acres on Mud River near Buffalo Creek for $1.Adjacent Mayberry Curry
Witnessed by none.
Rec: 29 March, 1852.
Cabell County, West Virginia Deed Book 10, Page 494.
8 Sep 1855
James KING sold to Susannah W. Ashworth, wife of Henry Ashworth and daughter of James KING, for her life and then to her living children unspecified acres on Mud River and Buffalo Creek for $1. Adjacent Hiram Curry, J. S. Wilkinson and B. B. Wilkinson.
Witnessed by none.
Rec: 29 November, 1855.
Cabell County, West Virginia Deed Book 12, Page 4.
14 Jun 1856
James KING and his wife Mary KING sold to Benjamin B. Wilkinson 62.5 acres on Buffalo Creek a west branch of Mud River for $62.50.
Witnessed by none.
Rec: 23 June, 1856.
Cabell County, West Virginia Deed Book 12, Page 109.
King Marriages of Bedford County, VA:
13 Sep 1784
Martin KING, Jr. & Ann Dennis, dt Elizabeth Haynes; Elisha Dennis, Surety.
26 Feb 1788
William KING & Betty Brown; James KING, Surety; Consent of Betty and Zachariah Brown.
20 Apr 1790
Joseph Penn & Sally KING; Martin KING, Surety; Married by Jeremiah Hatcher, April 22, 1790.
21 Feb 1792
Robert Lancaster & Nancy KING, dt Avra; John Lancaster, Surety; Married by Nathaniel Shrewsberry, Feb. 24.
15 Sep 1792
Benjamin KING, son of Avary and Nany & Elender Cole, dt Francis and Mary Cole; Avery KING, Surety; Married by Nathaniel Shrewsbury, Sept. 20.
10 May 1797
Joseph Veal, s William, Amherst Co. & Elizabeth KING, dt Martha; Martin KING, Surety; Married by Jeremiah Hatcher, May 10, 1797.
1 Sep 1798
John KING & Jenny Eubanks, dt Ambrose; Lain Jones, Surety.
7 Jun 1800
John Dobbins & Theodotia KING, dt William; John Gibbs, Surety; Married by Isham Fuqua, May 10, 1800.
30 Sep 1801
John Minnick & Mary Ann KING; Abraham KING, Surety; Consent of Avery KING.
25 Oct 1802
GILLIAM KING & Nancy Hensley, dt Lilley Ann; Benjn. Hensley, Surety; Married by Jeremiah Hatcher, Nov. 15, 1802.
11 Jul 1803
Abraham KING & Sinea Greenwood; William KING, Surety.
11 Jun 1804
Hugh Frazier & Elizabeth KING; William Watts, Surety
16 Nov 1814
Bryant KING & Iris Merchant, dt Nancy; William Merchant, Surety.
1 Feb 1817
Caleb KING & Milly Wilkerson; Lewis Humphrey, Surety.
14 Jul 1821
James L. Reynolds, s John & Judah KING; Benjn. Hensley, Surety; Consent of Gillam KING.
2 Feb 1822
William KING & Eliza Reynolds, dt John; James Reynolds, Surety.
7 Nov 1822
GILLIAM KING & Nancy Ownsby, (or Owenby); Harrison Overstreet, Surety.
27 Jan 1823
Charles KING & Polly Tucker, dt Nancy; Willis Hensley, Surety.
24 Feb 1823
William KING & Nancy L. Tucker, dt Nancy; Killis E. KING, Surety.
31 Jan 1825
Ambrose KING & Louisa Markham, dt John; John Wilkerson, Surety.
2 Feb 1825
Martin KING & Frances Wilkerson; Jesse Eadens, Surety.
28 Jul 1828
Bannister Meador & Miram KING; William Greenwood, Surety.
Kings of the Bedford County, VA Personal Property Taxes
- Albemarle County, VA, Court Orders 1744/45-1748
- Blomquist, Ann K. Goochland County, VA, Court Order Books 1 & 2, 1728-1731
- Chiarito, Marian Dodson. Halifax County, VA, Deed Book 1, 1752 1759.