Updated January 25, 2011


8 Aug 1817
This Indenture made this 8 of August 1817 Between Wm. Scarbrough of the County of Anson and State of No. Carolina of the one part and Howell Gilliam of the County & State aforesaid of the other part
Witnessth that the sd William Scarbrough for and in consideration of the sum of three hundred dollars to him in hand paid by the sd Howell Gilliam hath bargained & sold unto the sd Gilliam of certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in the County & State aforesd and on a branch of Brown Creek Beginning at John Redferns corner at a black oak with one hickory pine and black oak pointers and runs along Redferns line So. 45 W. six chains & 50 links to a pine then So. eighty west fifty chains to a black oak then No. twenty two West thirteen chains & 50 links to a pine then North 5 E. 30 chs. to a pine twp pines pointers then So. 54 East 26 chains & 25 links to a black oak then So. fifty two ten chains to a stake in Thomas Wallaces line then along it South 26 Wt. 44 chs. to a stake in John Redferns line then along it to the beginning containing two hundred acres more or less which sd tract of land and improvement the sd William Scarbrough doth for himself his heirs Exers. Admrs. and assigns warrant and defend the right and title and every part thereof unto the sd Howell Gilliam his heirs and assigns forever from all manner of claims. In witnes whereof the sd Wm. Scarbrough doth hereunto set his hand and seal the day and date above written.
Signed Sealed and delivered in the presence of Nelson Turner, Jesse Turner
Sig: William Scarbrough
January ___ 1824
This Deed was duly proved in open Court by the oath of Nelson Turner and ordered to be registered.
W. Dismukes Clk
[Anson County, NC, Deed Book ___, page ____]
12 Feb 1820
This Indenture made this 12th day of February 1820 between Howel Gilliam of the County of Anson and State of North Carolina of the one part and Joseph White of the same County & State of the other part.
Witnessth that the said Howel Gilliam for an in consideration of the sum of three hundred dollars to him in hand paid by the sd White receipt and full payment whereof is hereby fully acknowledged hath bargained sold aliened and confirmed a certain tract or parcel of land situate lying and being in the aforesd County of Anson on the waters of Brown Creek Beginning at Turners corner black oak by hickory pine & black oak & runs along Turners line So. 45 Wt. six chs. & 50 links to a pine then So. 80 Wt. 15 chs. to a black oak then No. 22 Wt. 13 chs. & 50 links to a pine then No. 51 Et. 30 chs. to a stake by three pines then So. 84 Et. 38 chs. and 23 links to a black oak then So. 52 Et. ten chs. to a stake in Thomas Wallace's line then along it So. 26 Wt. 44 chs. to a stake in Turner's line then along it to the beginning contianing two hundred acres be the same more or less granted to Nimrod Redfern the 14th November 1800 as by patent plan will fully appear which sd tract or parcel of land and every part and parcel and every appurtenances thereunto belonging the sd Howel Gilliam for himself his heirs Exers. and assigns warrant and forever defend unto the sd White his heirs Exers. and assigns free and clear from any lawful claim or title of any person or perons whatsoever. In witness whereof the said Howel Gilliam hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal the day & year first above written.
Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of us Zachariah White, John White
Sig: Howel Gilliam
October 23, 1825. Then this deed was duly acknowledged in open Court & ordered to be registered.
W. Dismukes Clk
[Anson County, NC, Deed Book ___, page ____]
13 Apr 1824
Joseph Medley Shff. To Alfred Sinclair
This Indenture made this 13th day of April in the year of our Lord 1824 between Joseph Medley Esqr. Shff. for the County of Anson in the State of North Carolina on the one part and Alfred Sinclair of the County of Anson in the State of North Carolina on the other part, WHEREAS by virtue of an execution issuing from the County Court Anson for the sum of twenty five dollars besides interest and damages with the further sum of three dollars thirty cents for costs and charges in the suit expressed which sum aforesd was recovered by Ingoe D. Cash and Alfred Sinclair against Howel Gilliam as on record of sd Court may appear and whereas the sd execution was directed and delivered to the sd Joseph Medley Shff. as aforesd commanding him that of the goods chatels lands and tenements of sd Howel Gilliam he should cause to be made the aforesd sums of twenty five dollars with costs thereon to satisfy the sd execution, with costs thereon and the sd Joseph Medley Shff. as aforesd in pursuance and by virtue of his office and the aforesd execution did seize and take into his hands and custody a certain piece or parcel of land situate lying and being in the County of Anson bounded as follows Beginning at John Redferns corner black oak by a hickory and black oak and runs along Redfearns line So. 45 Wt. 6 chs. & 50 links to a pine then so. 80 Wt. 15 chs to a black oak then No. 22 Wt. 13 chs. & 50 links to a pine, then No. 51 Et. 30 chs. by three pines then So. 84 Et. 38 chs & 25 links to a black oak then so. 58 Et. 10 chs. to a stake in Thomas Wallaces line then along it So. 25 Wt. 44 chs to a stake in John Redfearn's line then along it to the beginning containing two hundred acres greanted to Nimrod Redfearn by patent bearing date 14th day of Nov. 1800 and the sd Joseph Medley Sheriff as aforesd after due advertisement according to law did cause the sd piece or parcel of land with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging to be put up at public sale to the highest bidder at the Court House on the 13th day of April in the year of our Lord 1824 at which time and place the afresd Alfred Sinclair was the last and highest bidder at the sum of twelve dollars for the sd lands with the appurtenances thereunto belonging THIS INDENTURE WITNESSth that the sd J. Medley Sheriff of the County aforesd for and in consideration of the sum of twelve dollars to him in hand paid by the sd Alfred Sinclair at and before the sealing and delivering of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged to the sd. J. Medley Shff. do hereby bargain sell alien enfeoff convey and confirm unto the sd Alred Sinclair and to his heirs exers. admrs. assigns forever all the aforesd lands tenaments and appurtenances with all right title claim or demand of or unto the aforesd piece or parcel of land with all the hereditaments to the same belonging or in any wise appertaining To have and to hold to him the sd A. Sinclair his heirs exers. admrs or assigns forever in as full and ample a manner as he the sd. J. Medley is empowered by virture of his office and further the sd. J. Medley Shff. doth hereby covenant promise . . . and grant to the sd A.. Sinclair . . . hold occupypossess and emjoy the sd premises with the appurtenances free and clear of and from all incumbrances . . . State of North Carolina This day came before me Wm. Norwood one of the Superior Court of Law and Equity of this State J. Wedley & acknowledged the execution of this land ordered therefore that the same be registered. Given under my hand the 18th day of Sept. 1825. Wm. Norwood
[Anson County, NC, Deed Book ___, page ____]