Updated May 26, 2012

Northampton County was formed in 1741 from Bertie. It was named in honor of Lord Compton, Earl of Northampton. It is in the northeastern section of North Carolina astride the state's Coastal Plain and Piedmont regions. It is bounded by the State of Virginia and Halifax, Bertie and Hertford counties. The present land area is 533.49 square mile. In 1806 Atherton was established as the courthouse. Jackson is currently the county seat.
The early Gilliams of Northampton County, NC spilled over from Albemarle Parish, VA. They included the families of Hinchea Gilliam, John and Anne Gilliam and Jesse Gilliam. The familes of Hinchea and John Gilliam were closely associated with the Lashleys. Jesse Gilliam was associated with the Reavis family.
12 Apr 1742
William Lashley of the colony of Carolina to Thomas Connoway, 30 pounds VA money, 320 acres the lower most part of that land whereon William Lashley now dwells, joining John Gilliam, other lands of William Lashley and Morratoke river.
Wit: Buxton Rozar
Reg: Northampton County, May Ct., 1742, J. Edwards C. Ct.
Northampton County, NC, Deed Book 1, page 20
[Hinchea Gilliam, son of Hinchea, wills land on the Roanoke River (Morratoke) to Hosea Tapley, provided he pay Hinchea's brother, John, for the land, and that John set aside the money for Hinchea's three sons. Over the course of the next few years, brother, John dies, and it appears Hosea Tapley did indeed pay brother John for the land, as Tapley is living on the Roanoke. However, it also appears that "brother" John owned land on the Roanoke, for he wills to his son, John, Jr., "my plantation, in Carolina, on the Roanoke." Hinchea Gilliam, Sr., was living in the household of Patrick Lashley in 1688.]
10 May 1742
Edward Jackson of Northampton County to Ralph Wilson of Northampton County , 150 pounds current money of NC, 100 acres on Morratoke River, joining Hosea Tapley, a branch, Gilliam's Island, Philip Morris, and a botton [sic] part of a greater dividend granted to HInch Gilliam,
Wit: Art Harris, John Rawlings, George Morris
Reg. Northampton Co. Nov. Ct. 1742 J. Edwards C. Ct
Northampton County, NC, Deed Book 1, page 45
[This record and the one that follows were taken from two different sources. They differ in date only.]
Nov 1742
Edward Jackson of Northampton Co. to Ralph Wilson of Northampton Co. 10 May 1742 150 pounds current money of N. C. 100 acres on Morratoke river, joining Hosea Tapley, a branch, GILLAM'S Island, Philip Morris and a botton [sic], part of a greater dividend of land granted to Hinch GILLAM
Wit: Art Harris, John Rawlings, George Morris
Reg. Northampton Co. Nov. Ct. 1742 J. Edwards C. Ct.
Abstracts of Deeds, Northampton County, NC, Deed Book 1 and 2, pg. 45
24 May 1743
Patrick Lashley of the colony of NC to William Lashley, 15 pounds current money of VA, 640 acres whereon the said William now lives joining John Gillam, Dogwood Hill, and the river, all houses, orchards, gardens, etc.,
Wit: John Conoway, William Clanton,
Reg: Northampton County, May Ct, 1745, J. Edwards C Ct.
Northampton County, NC, Deed Book 1, page 74
10 Apr 1743
Hosea Tapley of Northampton Co, to Arthur Harris of Northampton 2000 pounds current money, 500 acres on Roanoke river in Hicory Isalnd, joining Wyche, Edward Jackson, and Gilliam’s Island.
Wit: Ben Smyth, Walter Clark, Adam Tapley
Reg: Northampton Co, May Ct 1743,
J. Edward C Ct
Northampton County, NC, Deed Book 1, page 75
29 Aug 1744
Thomas Connaway and his wife Mary of Northampton County, NC, sold this tract to John Watts of Northampton, Merchant, on August 29, 1744 for 60 pounds Virginia money, 320 acres joining John GILLIAM, Dogwood Hill, and the Morratock River, all houses, orchards, gardens, etc.
Wit: John Haywood, John Hodgon
Reg: Northampton County, Aug Ct. 1744, Robert Forester C. Ct.
Northampton County, NC, Deed Book 1, page 139
26 May 1747
On May 26, 1747, William GILLIAM and his wife Agnes and William Lashley and his wife Sarah sold 320 acres to Morris Pritchard of Surry County next to John Watts and Pine Hill and the river . . .
Northampton County, NC, Deed Book 1, page ____
28 Feb 1748
John Carrell of Brunswick County, VA to Francis Myricks, Sr., of Northampton County, 5 pounds current money of VA, 150 acres on the north east side of Lizard Creek a little below Francis Myrick's Mill, joining other lands of John Carrell and the creek, a tract granted to the said Carrell, 28 Sep 1744.
Wit: John Gillum, Ann GILLUM, George Watts
Reg: Northampton County, Feb Ct., 1748, J. Edwards, C. Ct.
Northampton County, NC, Deed Book 1, page 370
Nov 1748
. . . I do hereby grant to the sd Watts free passage for the water to be taken out of Roanok river.
Wit: Levi Gillum, Richard Acry?
Reg: Northampton County, Nov Ct 1748, J Edwards C. Ct.
[The first part of this abstract was not copied. Levi appears to be Levi born about 1724, son of John Gilliam and Sarah.]
Northampton County, NC, Deed Book 1, page 354
14 Jan 1748/49
John Thorne to Thomas Thorne, 15 pounds current money of VA, 145 acres on the water side of Chowan River and the south side of Indian Creek swamp, joining Godfrey Lee, Edward Barnes and the swamp as by patent to John Hook, Jr., 7 Nov 1723, all houses, buildings, etc.
Wit: James Maney, Robert Gilliam, Daniel William
Northampton County, NC, Deed Book 1, page 360.
4 Apr 1749
Arthur Harris of Northampton Co. to Nathaniel Edwards of Brunswick Co., Va, 4 April 1749, 150 pounds current money of VA, 500 acres more or less on the north side of Roanoak river and the south side of Sphere Island, joining Wyche, a creek, a branch and the river, part of a survey granted to Capt. Hinch GILLAM for 600 acres 30 Mar. 1721.
Wit: John Peterson, Henry Glisson, John Edwards, Mary Edwards
Reg: Northampton County, May Ct, 1749, J. Edwarsds C Ct.
Abstracts of Deeds, Northampton County, NC, Deed Book 1 and 2, pg, 388
16 Mar 1749
William Easton of Granville County, gentleman to Atkens McLamore [Atkins McLemore] of Northampton County, planter, 15 pounds current money of VA, 320 acres on Lyons Creek, joining William Moore, the creek and the river a Granville grant to William Eaton, dated 25 Mar 1749, all houses, orchards, gardens fences, etc.
Wit: Sterling Thornton, John Gilliam, John Thornton.
Reg: Northampton County, Aug Ct, 1750, J Edwards, C Ct.
Northampton County, NC, Deed Book 1, page 443
5 July 1749
Jacob Van Pett and Elizabeth Van Pett of Northampton county to James Taylor, 43 pounds current money of VA, 500 acres more or less on the north side of Roanoak River, joining other lands of Jacob Van Pett, James' run and William Allen
Wit: John Moore, John Gillum,
Reg: Northampton County, Aug Ct 1749, J. Edwards C. Ct.
Northampton County, NC, Deed Book 1 page 391
31 July 1750
George Jordan and Sarah his wife of Northampton County, planter to William Eaton of Granville County, merchant, 100 pounds current money of VA, 290 acres on the north side of Morratoke river, joining William Wyche and the river, half of a tract of land granted to John Gilliam, and by the sd Gilliam transferred to the sd. Jordan 13 Mar 1728. all houses, orchards, gardens, fences, etc.
Wit: John Gilliam
Reg: Northampton County, Aug Ct, 1750, J. Edwards, C Ct.
Northampton County, NC, Deed Book 1, page 444
3 Sep 1750
James Taylor of Northampton County to William Allen of Northampton County, 4 pounds, 10 shillings, VA money, 150 acres, joining Edward Revis, the river, the County road and William Lashley, all orchards, gardens, fences, etc.
Wit: John GILLIAM, Richard Street, Anne Gilliam.
Reg: Northampton County, Feb Ct. 1750, J. Edwards, C Ct.
Northampton County, NC, Deed Book 1, page 474
24 Nov 1750
John Rosser of Northampton County, to James Taylor, 10 pounds VA money, 640 acres on the north side of Roanoak river, joining William Lashley, Arthur Jordan, James' run and the river.
Wit: John Gillum, Richard Street
Reg: Northampton County, Nov Ct., 1750, J. Edwards, C Ct.
Northampton County, NC, Deed Book 1, page 454
24 Nov 1750
Nicholas Tyner of Northampton County to Peter Johnson of Northampton County, 3 pounds currentmoney of VA, 150 acres more or lrss on Kerby Creek, joining themouth of Honey Comb Branch, Peter Johnson's old line and the Creek.
Wit: Robert Gillam, Nicholas Tyner, Jr., Joseph Johnson
Reg: Northampton County, Nov Ct 150, J. Edwards, C. Ct.
Northampton County, NC, Deed Book 1, page 457
24 May 1751
John Cook of Northampton County, planter to James Cook of Northampton County, for the lover and affection I bear my son the sd. James Cook, 250 acres joining other lands of John Cook,
Wit: John Gilliam, Benjamin Williams, William Johnson
Reg: Northampton County, May Ct. 1751, J. Edwards C Ct.
Northampton County, NC, Deed Book 1, page 481
25 Feb 1752
John GILLIAM of Northampton to Sarah Revise of same for 50 pounds current money of VA, ___ acres joining Walter Lashley, Lashley’s Run,
Wit: Arthur Harris, Hosea Tapley
Northampton County, NC, Deed Book 2, page 54
26 Feb 1752
David Brogdon of Bertie County to Nathaniel Edwards of Brunswick County, VA, 20 pounds current money of VA, 150 acres on the northside of Roanok River, joining Fussel's branch, Ralph Willson, Round Meadow Branch and the river.
Wit: John Gilliam, John Morris, Henry Gee.
Reg: Northampton County, Feb Ct, 1752, J. Edwards, C Ct.
Northampton County, NC, Deed Book 2, page 51
29 Oct 1753
Granville to John Gulley, 200 acres joining Arthur Harris, John GILLIAM, and Lashley’s Run.
Wit: John and Sherwood Haywood
Northampton County, NC, Deed Book 2, page 514
20 May 1755
James Maclamore of Northampton Co. to Jesse GILLIAM of Northampton Co. 20 May 1755, 50 pounds current money of VA, 340 acres more or less, joining Lizzard creek, Collo. Eaton, the Spring branch and Lynch
Wit: Arthur Harris, John Crossland, Jona. Williams
Reg. Northampton Co. May Ct. 1755 J. Edwards C. Ct.
Abstracts of Deeds, Northampton County, NC, Deed Book 1 and 2, page 208
24 May 1756
Sarah Revis, widow, gave to her son Jesse Revis, 163 acres joining Lashley’s Run and a small branch formerly called John Gillham’s Spring Branch and Water Lashely
Wit: William Reavis, Thomas Reavis, Sarah Reavis.
Northampton County, NC, Deed Book 2, page 312
14 Nov 1757
Jesse Gilliam of Northampton County, to John Bailey of Northampton County, schoolmaster, 15 pounds current money of VA 200 acres on Jaymes' Run joining William Allen, the Spring branch and the run. all houses, outhouses, gardens, orchards, etc., part of a tract granted to the sd Gilliam for 525 acres, 5 Nov 1757
Wit: Arthur Harris, John Green, Thomas Green,
Reg: Northampton County, Nov Ct 1757, J Edwards C Ct.
Northampton County, NC, Deed Book 2, page 410
14 Nov 1757
Jesse Gillham of Northampton Count, planter to Samuel Reavise, of Northampton County, 12 pounds VA money, 224 acres more or less on Jamey's run, joining Lashley's run, the sd. Reavise, John Bailey and Walter Clark, all houses, out houses, garden orchards, etc., part of 525 acres granted to the sd. Gillham 5 Nov 1757
Wit: Arthur Harris, John Bailey, Thomas Green
Reg: Northampton County, July Ct. 1758
J. Edwards, C Ct.
Northampton County, NC, Deed Book 2, page 471
9 Feb 1758
James Maclamore of Northampton County, planter, to Marquess Rawlings, of Brunswick County, VA, taylor, 20 pounds current money of VA,, 175 acres on Jesse Gillham's Spring Branch all yards house, out houses, buildings, gardens or orchards, etc. part of a grant to the sd. Maclamore for 612 acres 9 May 1755
Wit: John Bailey, Thomas Clanton, Benjamin Clanton
Reg: Nothampton County, Feb Ct 1758, J. Edwards, C Ct.
Northampton County, NC, Deed Book 2, page 445
9 Oct 1758
Jesse Gillham of Northampton County, planter to Robert Taylor of Northampton County, 10 pounds current money of VA, 30 acres more or less on the upper side of Lizard Creek, part of 340 acres conveyed to the sd. Gilliam by James McLamore and now in the actual possession of the sd Taylor.
Wit: James Lynch, Unity? Linch, George Pearson
Reg: Northampton County, Oct Ct, 1758
Northampton County, NC, Deed Book 2, page 492
14 Dec 1758
Jesse Gillham of Northampton County, planter to Walter Clark of Northampton County, plater, 8 pounds 100 acres more or less on the south side of Jamey's Run, joining William Allen, Popular Spring Branch, Jesse Reavise, and the run part of 500 acres granted to the sd. Gillham, 5 Nov 1757
Wit: Art Harris, John Green, Thomas Green,
Reg: Northampton County, Feb Ct 1758, J. Edwards C Ct.
Northampton County, NC, Deed Book 2, page 438
Jan 1759
. . . and Jesse Reavise all houses, gardens, orchards, etc., after my decease being the plantation I now dwell on as by deed from Jesse Gilliam 14 Dec 1757
Wit: John Bailey, Samuel Reavise, Elisa Clark
Reg: Northampton County, Jan Ct. 175, J. Edwards C Ct.
Northampton County, NC, Deed Book 2 page 522
[Beginning of deed abstract was not copied]
31 Dec 1759
John Gulley, saddler, and wife Martha of Edgecombe to Philemon Shirley of Northampton, 200 acres joining Arthur Harris, John GILLIAM, Lashley, Widow Reavis
Wit: Joseph Thomas, William Gulley
Northampton County, NC, Deed Book 3 page 58
21 Feb 1765
Jesse Reavis and wife Fortune of Northampton County 123 acres to Samuel Reavis which was part of tract which had belonged to John GILLIAM, joining John Pritchard, Lashley's Run, Sam Reavis, William Allen.
Northampton County, NC, Deed Book 3, page 415
27 Apr 1767
Sarah Reavis of Northampton County to William Reavis of same 27 Apr 1767, 144 acres north part of 525 acres deeded Jesse GILLIAM 5 Nov 1767 on NS Lashley's Run join Walter Clark, Wm. Reavis, Baley, Myrey
Northampton County, NC, Deed Book 4, page 91
20 Dec 1769
John Edmunds and wife Rebecca of Sussex Co, VA to William Eaton of Dinwiddie County, VA, 1460 acres that John purchased from Reavis’ executor and Macon Gilliman, Arthur Harris, and Lucy Rawlings on the northside of Roanoke.
Northampton County, NC, Deed Book 4, page 311
[Macon should read Mason GILLIAM]
28 Oct 1771
Philemon Shirley of King and Queen County, VA to William Fulks of Northampton for 40 pounds VA, 200 acres granted John Gulley, 29 Oct 1753, adj. Arthur Harris, John GILLIAM, and Lashley.
Northampton County, NC, Deed Book 5, page 157
24 Apr 1772
James Reavis of Northampton Co. to Charles Leath of Brunswick Co., VA for 160 pounds VA currency 260 acres on Peahill Creek, joining the Great Branch, Edwards, the old country line.
Sig: James Reavis
Wits: Thomas Owen, Miles Alley
[Miles Alley married Rebecca Gilliam, daughter of Burrell Gilliam]
Northampton County, NC, Deed Book ___, page ___
13 Sep 1773
James Jordon to Henry Jordan, 200 acres where James now lives east side of Cats Hole, Joining Drury Jordan, Jordan’s Meadow, Jack Swamp.
Wit: Batt Peterson, Jno GILLIAM, John (X) Smith
Northampton County, NC, Deed book 6, page 21
15 Oct 1778
James Allen of Person to William Harrison of Northampton, 450 acres adj. John Prichard, Roanoke, River, John GILLIAM, Jesse GILLIAM, Janmey’s Run, Samuel Reavis
Wit: Henry Hyde, Howell Lashley.
Northampton County, NC, Deed Book 7, page 157
5 ___ 1778
Joseph (X) Moody of Northampton Co. to his son Surrel Moody of same. 5 [torn] 1778. Deed of gift. 150 acres which is part of land where I now live, between Falling Green & the northwest prong of Greens Creek, joining the road, the church John Day Jr.
Wit: Wm. Garner, GILLIAM (X) Moody, Elisabeth (X) Moody. Sep Ct 1779.
Jepth. Atherton CC
The Deeds of Northampton County, North Carolina 1774-1787, abstracted by Dr. Stephen E. Bradley, Jr., Deed Book 6.
4 May 1752
John Gulley warrant to John Edwards to survey ___ acres in Northampton County, vacant land on the northside of Roanok River, joining John Gillium, Widow Rives, and Arthur Morris
Sig: Fras Corbin, Entered at Edgcombe, 4 May 1752
Miscellaneous Land Office Papers, NC State Archives
4 Nov 1752
John Bowie warrant to John Edwards to survey___ acres in Northampton County, joining william Linch, the County line, James Maclamore, and Wm GILLIAM.
Sig: Fras Corbin, entered at Edgcombe 26 Oct 1752
Reverse: "John Bowie's warrt to be ___ a new entry in the name of Alexander Donald, 14 May 1756."
Miscellaneous Land Office Papers, NC State Archives
17 Nov 1755
Jesse GILLIAM warrant to John Edwards to survey 640 acres in Northampton County, joining Sarah Revise, William Allen, and John Gully in the Fork of Lashley's Run.
Sig: Fras Corbin
Entered 2 Sep 1755
Reverse: "525 acres, Deed 8 Nov 1757"
Miscellaneous Land Office Papers, NC State Archives
14 May 1756
Alexander Donald warrant to John Edwards to survey the vacant land in Northampton County, joining Jesse GILLIAM, the county line, David Douglass, William Clanton, and William GILLIAM
Sig: Fras Corbin, Entered 2 FEb 1756
Reverse: "556 acres granted 9 May 1757"
Miscellaneous Land Office Papers, NC State Archives
22 Feb 1760
Matthew Myrick warrant to John edwards to survey __ acres in Northampton County, joining Roanoke River, Lizard Creek, Francis Myrick, Jesse GILLAM, and Colonel William Eaton
Sig: Tho. Child
Returned, executed 8 May 1760
Reverse: "245 acres exd 8 May 1760, Grant 15 Sep 1760"
Miscellaneous Land Office Papers, NC State Archives
25 Mar 1760
Samuel Yeargin entry 700 acres in Northampton County, joining Yeargin's own line, William Clanton, William GILLIAM, Jesse GILLIAM, and Thomas Eaton
Sig: Samuel Yeargain
Wit: J. Edwards
Miscellaneous Land Office Papers, NC State Archives
15 Apr 1760
William Allen entry 700 acres in Northampton County, joining Robert Harris, Richard Hyde, Jesse GILLAM, Allens own line, Mary R____, and Roanok River
Sig: William Allen
Wit: J. Edwards
Miscellaneous Land Office Papers, NC State Archives
15 Apr 1760
William Allen warrant to Collo. John Edwards to survey 700 acres in Northampton County, joining Robert Harris, Richard Hyde, Jesse GILLAM, Allens own line, Mary Revise, and Roanok River
Sig: J. Edwards T of Ents
Reverse: "Granted 27 July 1761"
Miscellaneous Land Office Papers, NC State Archives
3 Sep 1761
William GILLIAM, Jr., warrant John Edwards to survey 700 acres in Northampton County, joining William Clanton, Arthur Atkinson, Alexander Donald, Jesse GILLAM, Thomas Cumboe, and Samuel Yeargan.
Sig: J. Edwards, Entry Taker
Reverse: "Granted August 1762"
Miscellaneous Land Office Papers, NC State Archives
3 Sep 1761
William GILLIAM, Jr., entry 700 acres in Northampton County, joining William Clanton, Arthur Atkinson, Alexander Donald, Jesse GILLAM, Thomas Cumboe, and Samuel Yeargan.
Sig: William GILLIAM
Wit: J. Edwards
Reverse: "Granted August 1762"
Miscellaneous Land Office Papers, NC State Archives
Wills, Estates and Inventories
Will of Edward Reavis Sr
21 Feb 1750, Feb Court 1752
of Northampton Co. "Sick and Weak in Body"
My plantation I now live on to be sold.
Wife Sarah - the use of 30£ during her lifetime & then to my son JNO; the use of negro Peter for 7 years.
Daughter Jude Reavis - 1 feather bed & furniture.
Daughter Mary Reavis - 1 feather bed & furniture.
Son Jesse - horse. Other legacies.
Ex. wife Sarah Reavis, Capt John Person of Virginia
Wit: Arthur Harris, John GILLIAM, Arthur Jordan
Early Records of North Carolina, Volume VII: Wills 1750-1755, page 422.
Northampton County, NC, Will Book ___, page ____
Will of Joseph Moody
3 Oct 1778
". . . to my sons Slomen (?), Benjamin, Surrell (?), daughters Lydia Morris wife of William Morris, Elizabeth Moseby widow of Jacob Moseby, Dorcas Smith wife of Benjamin Smith, Sucky Rook wife of John Rook, 5 shillings proclamation money each to sd Sucky also bed and furniture to sons Hinchin GILLIAM Moody land and plantation whereon I now live, 1 negro and all the rest of my worldly estate.
Rec: December Court 1788
Extr: my son Hinchin
Wits: William Garner, William GILLIAM (X) Moody, Surrell (?) Moody
[It appears that Joseph Moody married a GILLIAM as he names sons William GILLIAM Moody and Hinchin GILLIAM Moody. Surrell should read Burrell. The Will of Solomon Moody mentions Burrill Moody. The Estate of Burwell Moody, dated 1798, Northampton County mentions Rooks. Burrell and Lydia are also GILLIAM names IF, Joseph Moody did marry a GILLIAM, it appears she would be a daughter of daughter of John and Sarah GILLIAM who had children: Hinchea, Burrell, and Lydia. John and Sarah had three children that relocated to Northampton County, NC, namely Sarah, Burrell, and John. Burrell's children married the Norwoods who also were related to the Moodys. Two of Burrell's sons were also administrators for the Norwoods.]
Northampton Co., NC 1759-1808 Genealogical Abstracts of Wills by Margaret M. Hofmann, Pg. 72, Will #327, pg. 475.
Northampton County, NC, Will Book 1, page 475
Will of Lewis Williamson
6 June 1780 September Court 1780
lend wife Priscilla Williamson 6 negroes for her life lend her during her widowhood a parcel of land at the Mill Path, joining Hogwood, David Hyde, James Williamson, Reavis and Pea Hill Creek to my son Benjamin Weldon Williamson negroes, 2,800 acres on both sides of Pea Hill Creek, horses etc. and also land in Warren Co., joining Francis Thornton (?) and also a parcel of land in Halifax Co. known by Tuckers, Harris, Tailers and Perrys containing 400 acres when my sd. son is 21 to my daughter Pricella Williamson all my Lands below (lie Road that leads from William Eaton Jr’s. Ferry to H____.(?). 6 negroes etc. to daughter Rebecca Williamson land joining King, Hyde, Johnson and GILLIAM, 6 negroes etc. to daughter Sarah Williamson land in Halifax Co. on both sides of Great Creek, joining Jackson, the Mill Path, the Low grounds and Marshall and Williard, being the land Henry Dawson lived on, 6 negroes etc. to daughter Martha . . .
Northampton County, NC 1759-1808 Genealogical Abstracts of Wills, Will 150 pg. 224
Northampton County, NC, Will Book ___, page ____
Will of William Jones
24 Sep 1784
to my son William Jones my land in the fork of Canoe Creek, joining Burwell GILLIAM and lend him 1000 acres in Green Co. on Elk river and at his decease sd. 1000 acres to go to his son William to my son Richard Jones, during his natural life and life of his wife Sarah Jones, all my land on the north side of Burwell GILLIAM'S Spring branch and if sd. Richard dies without lawful heirs sd. land to go to my grand son James Johnson to my wife Martha Jones land on Canoe creek and at her decease or marriage, sd. land to go to my son Lewis Jones Island purchased of Mrs. Penelope Dawson to be sold and money to go to sons William and Lewis and daughters Mary Johnson and Lucy Jones
Extrs.: son William and daughter Lucy and James Williamson
Wits.: James Williamson, Nathaniel Thrift, Simon Woodard
Northampton County, NC 1759-1808 Genealogical Abstracts of Wills, Will 226, page 336
Northampton County, NC, Will Book 1, page 336
Will of William Folks
25 Aug 1795
Lend wife Martha Folks all my estate real and personal during her life or widowhood, but if she should marry I lend her one-third of my land during her life and lend her an equal part of all my estate with my Children to my sons Benjamin, Edward, Henry, Robert, Burwell and Miles Folks 20 pounds cash each to my daughters Mary Folks and Martha Folks bed and furniture each all my estate except my land to be sold at wife's death and money, after just debts are paid, to go to my children land to be sold at wife's death and money to go to all my Sons: James, William, Benjamin, Edward, Henry, Robert, Burwell and Miles
Extrs.: Moses GILLIAM, Benjamin Williamson and Benjamin Folks
Wits: John Rosser, Burrill GILLIAM
Rec: December Court 1795
Northampton County, NC 1759-1808 Genealogical Abstracts of Wills, Will 402 pg. 94
Northampton County, NC, Will Book 2, page 94
[William Folks married Martha Gilliam, the daughter of Burrell and Ann (“Nancy”) Gilliam.]
Will of Hinchea GILLIAM Moody
5 Dec 1795
lend loving wife Rebecca Moody use of my Land and Plantation with Servants, Stock etc. for her life or widowhood to raise my Children and at end of her widowhood or life my land to go to my 3 sons: John Moody, Hinchea GILLIAM Moody and Sloman (sic) Moody at wife's death or marriage residue of my estate to go to my four following children: John, Hinchea,
Sloman and my little daughter Rebecca and the expected one that my wife now goes with
Extr.: my wife
Wits.: William Garner, Middy (her X mark) Squire, Mary (her X mark) Moody
Rec: March Court 1790
Northampton County, NC 1759-1808 Genealogical Abstracts of Wills, Will 408 pg 104
Northampton County, NC, Will Book 2, page 104
Will of Burrel GILLAM
13 Nov 1799
lend my beloved wife Nancy GILLAM all my Estate both real and personal, all Debts due me and whatever money may be found belonging to me also my Stock, household goods etc. untill my Son Adams GILLAM arrives to the age of 21 my sd son to be supported and educated out of the Profits of sd. Estate to Adams 4 of my Likelyest negroes at wife's death or marriage, should sd. son depart this life under age or without issue sd. negroes to be sold and money divided between my sd. wife and Patty Folks (?), Franky Gale, William and Moses GILLAM, Nancy Norwood, Rebecca Alley, Wiatt GILLAM and my grand son Burrel GILLAM, the son of Wiatt GILLAM my personal estate to go to my sd. wife and my children aforementioned
Extrs.: Benjamin Lashley and Benjamin Adams and Nancy GILLAM
Wits: Benjamin Edwards. Richard P_____(?), Isaac Edwards, Willis Maclin
Rec: September Court 1800
“This Will being contested the Jury upon their Oaths do say it is a good Will.”
Northampton County, NC 1759-1808 Genealogical Abstracts of Wills, page 207
Northampton County, NC, Will Book 2, page 207
Mar 1813
Adam GILLIAM: Administration grtd. Joseph Norwood. Account ordered settled with Benjamin Rook, former gdn. (sic) and Joseph Norwood, admr., Mar. Ct., 1813; settlement Sept. Ct., 1813, Admr. ordered to sell estate and make division, Dec. Ct., 1813. Settlement of account, Dec. Ct., 1813. Account of sale by the admr., June Ct., 1814. Estate ordered settled with the admr., Mar. Ct., 1816.
Probate records, Northampton Co., NC, Mar. Ct., 1813, p. 67.
Mar 1814
Burwell GILLIAM: Administration with will annexed grtd. to Joseph Norwood, Mar. Ct., 1814.
Account of sale by the admr., June Ct., 1814. Estate ordered settled with the admr., Mar. Ct., 1816.
Probate records, Northampton Co., NC, Mar. Ct., 1813, p. 67.
- Northampton County, NC 1759-1808 Genealogical Abstracts of Wills
- Early Records of North Carolina, Volume VII: Wills 1750-1755
- Abstracts of Deeds, Northampton County, NC, Deed Book 1 and 2