Virginia GILLIAMs who received Land Grants in North Carolina
Updated April 26, 2007
[Entries are arranged by county and then by date.]
Chowan County
17 Apr 1697
Thomas GILLAM, 560 acres in Chowan Precinct, joining the River
Sig: John Archdale, Danl. Akehurst, Fra Toms, Tho Pollock, Saml Swann, Henderson Walker
Patent Book 1, page 76
25 Mar 1712
Nathaniell Chevin, 100 acres in Chowan precinct at the Mouth of Mattacomack Creek, joining Honorable Thomas Peterson and John Goram. The sd 100 acres being the right of John Porter, late of London, decd, and by an inquisition taken at the house of Thomas GILLAM, in Chowan precinct 22 May 1707 by William Duckenfield, esq. Deputy Escheater . . . and a jury thereunto sworn . . . sd land was found to Escheat to the right Honorable the Lords Proprietor of Carolina for want of heirs of him the sd Porter and is due to the sd Nathaniell Chevin
Sig: Edward Hyde, Nat. Chevin, Thos Boyd, Thos Peterson
Patent Book 1, page 179
4 Apr 1720
Edward Moseley, 678 acres in chowan Precinct, joining former land of Thomas Guilam, former land of Arnold White, and the river
Wit: Chas Eden, Tho Pollock, Wm. Reed, Fred Jones, Rich. Sanderson
Patent Book 2, page 315
30 Mar 1721
Hinshay GILLAM, 600 acres in Chowan precinct on ye N. side of Morattuck river on ye s. Side of Sphere Island, joining William Wieche, Turkey Hill, ye Island and ye river
Wit: Cha. Eden, Wm Reed, Fra Forster, Richd. Sanderson, John Lovick
Granville County
12 Nov 1756
Robert GILLIAM warrant to Sherwood Haywood to survey 640 acres in Granville County on Spew Marrow Creek, joining Joab Mitchell and Thomas Christian's former line entered 12 Nov 1756
Sig: Fras Corbin
"The execution of the above warrant having been prevent by the late disturbances I do hereby validate it for six months longer provided the same be executed by the proper surveyor of the county and returned into the Office within that time."
Sig: at Edenton, 7 Feb 1760
Sit: Tho. Child, special agent
Reverse: "this warrant to be removed on the east side of Nut Bush Creek, joyning of Robt Mitchell and Searcy's line for the vacant land. NB John Williams has the land, lately remov'd adjoyning GILLIAMs now line."
Miscellaneous Land Office Papers, NC State Archives
4 Sep 1758
William Stone warrant to Captain sherwood Haywood to survey 640 acres in Granville County . . . Joining Harris GILLIAM, including both sides of a branch of Flatt Creek, entered 1 Jun 175_
Sig: Fras Corbin
23 Apr 1760
Luke Waldrop plat 344 acres in Granville County on both sides of a Branch of Mitchels Creek, joining Robt Guilliam, Busbee's Line, and Brickles line
Sworn Chain Carriers: James Waldrop, Saml Henderson, Thos Person, Survr, Entered 5 Feb 1753
28 Apr 1760
William Stone plat 317 acres in Granville County on both sides of Flat Creek, joining Raglands Corner and GILLIAMs line
Sworn Chain Carrier: Miles Williams, Thomas Stone, Thos. Person, Survr
29 Apr 1760
Jacob Gray plat 588 acres in Granville County on both sides of Buffiloe Creek, joining Jordans line and GILLIAMs line. Sworn Chain Carrier: Harris GILLIAM, David Parrish, Thos Person, Survr.
Miscellaneous Land Office Papers, NC State Archives
26 Aug 1761
Philemon Hawkins plat 700 acres in Granville County on the W side of Lick Swamp, joining Travillians line, GILLIAMs line and the meanders of the the sd swamp
Sworn Chain Carriers: John Travillian, Richd Travillian, Thos. Person, Survy
5 Oct 1761
Robert GILLIAM warrant to Thomas Person to survey 700 acres in Granville County, joining GILLIAMs own line on Lick Swamp, including the vacant land between ___ and the countrey line
Sig: Dan Weldon returned, executed 31 Mar 1762
Reverse: "Granted 1 Mar 1762"
Miscellaneous Land Office Papers, NC State Archives
12 May 1763
Leonard Henly Bullock warrant to Thomas Person to survey 700 acres in Granville County on Great Nutbush creek, joining Bullocks own line, including the vacant land between the sd Bullock, George Jordan, Thos Person, Thos Craft and Jno GILLIAM.
Sig: Dan Weldon
Miscellaneous Land Office Papers, NC State Archives
Northampton County
4 May 1752
John Gulley warrant to John Edwards to survey ___ acres in Northampton County, vacant land on the northside of Roanok River, joining John Gillium, Widow Rives, and Arthur Morris
Sig: Fras Corbin, Entered at Edgcombe, 4 May 1752
Miscellaneous Land Office Papers, NC State Archives
4 Nov 1752
John Bowie warrant to John Edwards to survey___ acres in Northampton County, joining william Linch, the County line, James Maclamore, and Wm GILLIAM.
Sig: Fras Corbin, entered at Edgcombe 26 Oct 1752
Reverse: "John Bowie's warrt to be ___ a new entry in the name of Alexander Donald, 14 May 1756."
Miscellaneous Land Office Papers, NC State Archives
17 Nov 1755
Jesse GILLIAM warrant to John Edwards to survey 640 acres in Northampton County, joining Sarah Revise, William Allen, and John Gully in the Fork of Lashley's Run.
Sig: Fras Corbin
Entered 2 Sep 1755
Reverse: "525 acres, Deed 8 Nov 1757"
Miscellaneous Land Office Papers, NC State Archives
14 May 1756
Alexander Donald warrant to John Edwards to survey the vacant land in Northampton County, joining Jesse GILLIAM, the county line, David Douglass, William Clanton, and William GILLIAM
Sig: Fras Corbin, Entered 2 FEb 1756
Reverse: "556 acres granted 9 May 1757"
Miscellaneous Land Office Papers, NC State Archives
22 Feb 1760
Matthew Myrick warrant to John edwards to survey __ acres in Northampton County, joining Roanoke River, Lizard Creek, Francis Myrick, Jesse GILLAM, and Colonel William Eaton
Sig: Tho. Child
Returned, executed 8 May 1760
Reverse: "245 acres exd 8 May 1760, Grant 15 Sep 1760"
Miscellaneous Land Office Papers, NC State Archives
25 Mar 1760
Samuel Yeargin entry 700 acres in Northampton County, joining Yeargin's own line, William Clanton, William GILLIAM, Jesse GILLIAM, and Thomas Eaton
Sig: Samuel Yeargain
Wit: J. Edwards
Miscellaneous Land Office Papers, NC State Archives
15 Apr 1760
William Allen entry 700 acres in Northampton County, joining Robert Harris, Richard Hyde, Jesse GILLAM, Allens own line, Mary R____, and Roanok River
Sig: William Allen
Wit: J. Edwards
Miscellaneous Land Office Papers, NC State Archives
15 Apr 1760
William Allen warrant to Collo. John Edwards to survey 700 acres in Northampton County, joining Robert Harris, Richard Hyde, Jesse GILLAM, Allens own line, Mary Revise, and Roanok River
Sig: J. Edwards T of Ents
Reverse: "Granted 27 July 1761"
Miscellaneous Land Office Papers, NC State Archives
3 Sep 1761
William GILLIAM, Jr., warrant John Edwards to survey 700 acres in Northampton County, joining William Clanton, Arthur Atkinson, Alexander Donald, Jesse GILLAM, Thomas Cumboe, and Samuel Yeargan.
Sig: J. Edwards, Entry Taker
Reverse: "Granted August 1762"
Miscellaneous Land Office Papers, NC State Archives
3 Sep 1761
William GILLIAM, Jr., entry 700 acres in Northampton County, joining William Clanton, Arthur Atkinson, Alexander Donald, Jesse GILLAM, Thomas Cumboe, and Samuel Yeargan.
Sig: William GILLIAM
Wit: J. Edwards
Reverse: "Granted August 1762"
Miscellaneous Land Office Papers, NC State Archives