Updated June 7, 2012

Bertie was formed in 1722 from Chowan. It was named in honor of James Bertie, a Lords Proprietor. It is in the northeastern section of the State and is bounded by Albemarle Sound, Chowan River, and Washington, Martin, Halifax, Northampton and Hertford counties. Its land area is 699.19 square miles. An act of 1743 provided that the courthouse, etc., "shall be built between Cusby Bride and Will's Quarter Bridge." Windsor was established in 1766 and was made the county seat in 1774.
The Gilliams of Bertie County, NC, include the family of Rev Moses Gillam and his wife Winnifred Rhodes. Moses Gillam served as pastor at Outlaw’s Chapel. He was the son of Burrelll Gilliam of Surry County, VA and his wife, Ann Johnson. Moses is mentioned in the Burrell’s Will dated 13 Nov 1799. Moses’ sister, Martha (Patty) married William Folks. The Folks family is often mentioned in connection with the family of Moses Gilliam.

Cashie Baptist Church Cemetery, Windsor
Francis Gillam
b. Nov. 8, 1884
d. Jun. 16, 1925
Dr Francis Gillam
b. Sep. 25, 1839
d. Feb. 24, 1882
Francis Gillam, Jr.
b. May 6, 1919
d. Mar. 3, 2002
Maurine Taylor Gillam
b. Sep. 14, 1923
d. Oct. 16, 2006
Pauline B. Bridger Gilliam
b. Jan. 29, 1889
d. Apr. 21, 1974
Thomas Gillam
b. Oct. 18, 1830
d. Jul. 3, 1893
William Roscoe Gillam
b. Dec. 16, 1888
d. Mar. 30, 1890
12 Aug 1793 David Stone of Bertie Co to Moses Gillum Moses Gillam of Bertie Co to David Stone of same
Bertie County, NC, Deed Book M
23 Jun 1786
Moses Gillam and Celea Davis, William Rhodes, Bond
Bertie Marriages, 1762-1868
5 Nov 1793
Moses Gillam and Winefred Rhodes
Bertie Marriages, 1762-1868
14 Jun 1855
Thomas Gillam and Frances Jordan
Bertie Marriages, 1762-1868
6 Aug 1857
Benjamin Gilliam and Sally Hardy
Bertie Marriages, 1762-1868
1 Apr 1858
Thomas Gillam and Frances Watson
Bertie Marriages, 1762-1868
22 Jul 1863
Rev. Edward Winslow Gilliam and Emily Turner Ryan by Cyrus Water, Rector of St. Thomas Church
Bertie Marriages, 1762-1868
16 Sep 1866
Irwin Gillam and Mema Rascoe
Bertie Marriages, 1762-1868
[The above couple was African American]
May 1787
A bill of sale for negro from Risdon Bosman to John Moore was proved in due form of Law by the Oath of Moses Gillum one of the subscribing Witnesses and Ordered to be registered.
Will of Moses GILLIAM
18 Oct 1822
In the Name of God, Amen, I Moses Gillam of the state of North Carolina and County of Bertie being of sound mind and memory do make and ordain this my last will and testament.
First it is my Will and desire that my executors pay all my just debts it is further my will and desire that my executors since after my death lay off and allot out of my stock and provisions that may be on hand to my wife Winnaford Gillam and to many of my children as may remain with her as much as may be sufficient to serve them one year.
Item 2nd, I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Winnaford Gillam during her natural life the following tracts of land (to wit) one hundred acres when I now ___ purchased of Henry Hill together with all the buildings and improvement thereon also the tract of land purchased of Ethelred Davis and also the land bought of south adjoining the land bought of Davis lying in Raquess Isands [Rodquis Island] also I given and bequeath to my wife during her natural life the following slaves (to wit) Auslin, Judith the younger, Hardy, Hannibal and Lewis,
Item 3rd, I give and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth Pugh five hundred dollars to be paid by my executors out of my notes.
Item 4th, I give and bequeath to my sons William Gillam, Thomas Gillam, Wilie J. Gillam and Benjamin Gillam all my lands to be equally divided among them according to quantity and quality, to them and their heirs forever.
Item 5th, It is my wish and desire that all my negroes be divided among the following of my children equally: (to wit) William Gillam, Thomas Gillam, Wilie J. Gillam, Benjamin Gillam, & Penny Pearce, I give and bequeath to the children which she now has or may hereafter have to them and their heirs forever.
Item 6th, I give and bequeath to my wife and following children (to wit): Penny Pearce, William Gillam, Thomas Gillam, Wilie J. Gillam, Benjamin Gillam all my bonds, notes, and money (except that Sam mentioned in the bequest to my daughter Elizabeth) together with my stock of all and every kind to be equally divided amongst them to them and their heirs forever.
Item 7th, It is further my will and desire that all the lands and negroes given to my wife (shall after her death) be equally divided amongst my surviving sons. It is my Will and desire that if either of my sons should die before he should arrive at age or before he may have lawful issue that his portion of my estate shall be equally divided among the surviving of them.
Lastly, I nominate, constitute and appoint my much esteemed friend, John Bond and Gavin Hogg Esquires, executors to this my last will and testament
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 19th day of October 1822.
Sig: Moses Gillam
Wit: E. A. Rhodes, Sr., James Davis
NB It is my will and desire that negro woman Patty which I recovered from the estate of Simon Turner decd and her increase all of which and in the possession of my daughter Penny shall be valued to her and that the same be calculated in the division of my negroes among my children as a part of my estate agreeably to the 5th Item of the above Will. This 26th Oct 1823.
Sig: Moses Gillam
John Bond Qualified
Wit: E. A. Rhodes, John Watson
State of North Carolina
Bertie County Court
Febry Term 1824
This last will of Moses Gillam decd together with the codicil was proved in open court by the oath of E A Rhodes one of the subscribing witnesses thereunto and ordered to be registered at the same time. Jno Bond one of the executors therein named qualified as such.
E. A. Rhodes. Clk
Bertie County, NC, Will Book G, Page 114-115

Will of William GILLIAM
15 July 1827,
I William Gillam of Bertie County and State of North Carolina being in a low state of health but having sound mind and memory do make and declare this my last Will and Testament.
First, I give and bequeath to my affectionate mother Winniford Gilliam one negro man named Robert and one negro girl named Matilda.
Secondly, I give and bequeath to my cousins Benjamin Folks the sum of five hundred dollars.
Thirdly I give and bequeath Rev. Reuben Lawrence the sum of one hundred dollars.
Fourthly I give and bequeath to my sister Penelope Pearce, during her life one negro man named Dick and after her death to her children.
The remainder of my estate I have to be equally divided between my two brothers Thomas Gilliam and Wylie J. Gilliam and in the division of said residue I desire that my brother Thomas Gilliam may have a certain negro, girl named Celia.
The above name Thomas Gillam and Wylie J. Gillam I do numbly ordain and appoint as executors of this my last Will and Testament.
Signed with my on hand with my seal this fifteenth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand and eight hundred and twenty seven.
Sig: William Gillam
Signed proved and delivered in presents of: John Ramsay, Jas C. Jones.
State of North Carolina
Bertie County Court
August Term 1827
This last Will and Testament of William Gillam decd was proved in open court by the oath of John Ramsay and Jas C. Jones the subscribing witnesses ______ and ordered to be recorded
At the same time Thomas Gillam and Willie J. Gillam the Executors therein names qualified as such.
E A Rhodes, Clerk.
[William is son of Moses GILLIAM and Winnifred Rhodes]

25 Jan 1844
Will of Thomas Gillam
I Thomas Gillam of the county of Bertie and State of North Carolina, being at this time of sound and disposing mind, and memory do make and ordain this my last Will and testament in manner and form following (viz) after the payment of all my just debts.
I give and bequeath all the residue of my estate to my affection wife Frances Gillam and to my three sons Thomas Gillam William Gillam and Francis Gillam, to be apportioned and divided amongst them according to the laws of the state aforesaid in such case made and provided being fully satisfied with these provisions, having no other object in this making a will, then to select a friend to settle my affairs and manage my estate for the benefit of my family and I dot therefore nominate, constitute and appoint my kinsman and friend William Folk my sole and only executor, this my last Will and testament , investing him with all necessary torward so to manage in this, settle of my business as in his judgment shall tend to the interest of my wife and children
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal the 25th day of Jany in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty four
Sig: Thomas Gillam
Signed and sealed in presence of Jno P Rascoe, Lewis Bond
State of North Carolina
Bertie County Court, February term 1844
This last will and testament of Thomas Gillam, decd was proved in open Court by the oath of Lewis Bond one of the subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded at the same time Wm Folk, the executor therein named qualified as such.
Jon S. Taylor, Clk

[Thomas is son of Moses GILLIAM and Winnifred Rhodes]
Will of Moses Gillam
Bertie County, NC, Will Book I, Pages 93
Will of Francis Gilliam
Bertie County, NC, Will Book I, Pages 138
Will of Elizabeth Gillam
Bertie County, NC, Will Book I, Pages 350
Will of Thomas Gilliam
Bertie County, NC, Will Book I, Pages 381
Will of Allen Gillam
Bertie County, NC, Will Book I, Pages 377
Will of John B. Gilliam
Bertie County, NC, Will Book K, Pages 49
- Bertie Marriages, 1762-1868