Updated December 25, 2011

Granville was formed in 1746 from Edgecombe. It was named in honor of John Carteret, Earl of Granville, who owned the Granville District. It is in the northeastern section of the State and is bounded by Vance, Wake, Durham and Person counties and the state of Virginia. The present land area is 531.12 square miles. The first county seat was called Granville Court House. In 1748 the location selected became unsatisfactory. Therefore, it was ordered that the courthouse be located on a branch of Tar River called Tabb's Creek. Oxford was made the county seat in 1811 and was incorporated in 1816.
Virginia GILLIAM families from Lunenburg (Lunenburg was formed from Brunswick County in 1745) and Mecklenburg (Mecklenburg was formed from Lunenburg County in 1764) and Charlotte (Charlotte was formed from Lunenburg County in 1764) crossed the stateline into Granville County, North Carolina about 1752.
There appears to be more than one GILLIAM line in the early days of Granville. There is the family of Robert GILLIAM who later removed to Newberry District, SC. This line is associated with the Caldwells and Satterwhites.

Bastardy Bonds
Aug. 3, 1779
Ruth, abt 8 mos., old base born child of Rachel Gold, bound to Peter GILLAM, until 21, “to learn the art of a planter."
[Peter GILLIAM along with John and Frances GILLIAM witnessed the marriage of Frances GILLIAM to William Dodson. It is likely that Peter is the brother of Frances who William Dodson and the son of John and Frances GILLIAM.]
Henderson District
Fort Creek District
GILLAM, Harris
16 Oct 1762
We pursuant to the written order we the jurors have laid off the road within mentions viz, from Tren to formerly on Hico Road by Capt. James Mitchell into the road that lead down to Edmond Taylor's. Witness our hand this 16th day of October 1762. John Bullock; John Trevilion; Michael Satterwhite; Nat Harris; Benjamin Goodman; John Williams; Luke Waldrop; William Sims; Richard Hargraves; John Mitchel; Abram Cook; John Kirkland; Robert Gillam.
Granville County, North Carolina Court Records.
Deeds and Patents
27 Oct 1752
Grant to Harris GILLIAM of Granville 200 acres on Flat Creek in Granville Co., NC
Gwynn, Zoe Hargett. Abstracts of Granville County Deeds
Granville County, NC, Deed Book C, page 299.
27 Oct 1752
Harris GILLIAM, 200 acres in Granville County in the Parish of St John on both sides of Flat Creek, joining the Branch and Jordans line
Wits: Jno Haywood,
Jas Paine surveyed 3 September 1751
SCC: George Jordan Jr, (?) Robert Harris, Dan Weldon Surveyor
Patent Book 11, page 33
Hofmann, Margaret M., The Granville District of North Carolina 1748-1763, Abstracts of Land Grants, Volume Two, Roanoke News Company, 1987.
22 Nov 1757
John Glover and wife Mary to John GILLIAM of Lunenburg Co, VA, 320 acres on Great Nut Bush Creek, Granville Co, NC
Gwynn, Zoe Hargett. Abstracts of Granville County Deeds
22 Nov 1757
John Glover and wife Mary to John GILLIAM of Lunenburg Co, VA, £145, 320 acres, Parish of St. John, west of Great Nut Bush Creek crossing Flat Creek, Granville Co, NC
4 Jul 1758
John GILLIAM to Francis Taylor
Granville County, NC, Deed Book 5, pages 259-261
20 Mar 1759
John Hyndman, merchant of London to John GILLIAM of Lunenburg, £145, 320 acres, northwest side of Great Nut Bush.
Wit: Robert Jones, Jr.
20 Sep 1759
William Haywood of Edgecomb to John GILLIAM of Granville, £52, branches of Nut Bush, John Glover's corner, Flat Creek.
Wit: Thomas Haywood, Jno Baley.
Granville County, NC, Book C, page 644.
29 Nov 1760
Grant to Luke Waldrop for 344 acres both sides of a branch of Mitchels Creek at Robert GILLAM's corner Granville Co., NC
Gwynn, Zoe Hargett. Abstracts of Granville County Deeds
29 Nov 1760
Luke Waldrop, 344 acres in Granville County in the Parish of St John on both sides of a Branch of Mitchell's Creek, joining Robert GILLIAM, Busbees line, and Brickles line.
Wits: Will Johnson, Phil Hawkins.
Examined by: Thomas and Richd Vigers, surveyed 23 Apr 1760.
SCC: James Waldrop, Saml Henderson, Thomas Person, Surveyor.
The Granville District of NC, 1748-1763, Abstract of Land Grants, Vol 2, Margaret M Hoffman: 2827, page 101
29 Nov 1760. Survey #123.
Luke Waldrop Three hundred and forty four acres of land in Granville County on both sides of a Branch of Mitchell Creek. Beginning at a pine in Robert Gilliams line running thence East 184 poles to a white oak in Brisbus line thence by his line South 360 poles to a pine then West 44 poles to a white oak in Britchlees line then by his line North 86 poles to a pine then by his other line West 166 poles to a red oak in Gilliams corner, thence by his other line to the first station.
Dated 29 day of November 1760.
Granville County, North Carolina, Deed Book E, page 151
29 Nov 1760
This indenture made the 29th day of November in the year of Our Lord 1760 between the Right Honourable John Earl of Granville etc. of the one part and Luke Waldrop of Granville County in the province of North Carolina Planter of the other part Whereas his Most Excelent Majesty King George the Second in & by a certain indenture Etc. Now this indenture Witnesseth that as well for and in consideration of the sum of ten shillings sterling money to the said John Earl Granville in hand paid by the said Luke Waldrop etc he the said Earl hath given granted sold and confirmed and by these presents doth give grant bargain sell and confirm unto the said Luke Waldrop his heirs and assigns forever all that tract or parcell of vacant land situate lying and being in the county of Granville in the said province on both sides of a branch of Mitchels Creek Beginning at a pine in Robert Gilliams corner running thence E. 104 poles to a white oak in Busbees line then by his line S. 360 poles to a pine then W. 44 poles to a white oak in Brickle's line then by his line N. 86 poles to a pine then by his other line W 146 poles to a red oak in Gilliams corner thence by his line to the first station containing in the whole three hundred & forty four acres of land together with all wood; underwood etc. to have and to hold the said tract or parcel of vacant land and all and singular etc. unto the said Luke Waldrop etc. Yielding and paying etc. the yearly rent or sum of thirteen shillings and nine pence half penny etc. at or upon the twenty fifth day of March and the twenty ninth day of September in every year by even and equal portions etc. unto the said Earl etc. and the said Luke Waldrop for himself etc. do hereby covenant promise and agree to and with the said Earl his heirs etc. in manner and form following that is to say that Luke Waldrop his heirs and assigns shall and will yearly and for every year forever well and truly pay etc. to the said Earl his heirs etc. the aforesaid yearly rent or sum of thirteen shillings & nine pence half penny by half yearly payments as aforesaid provided always and this present Grant is hereby expressly declaired and agreed by and between the said parties to be Nevertheless upon this condition Vis. that if it shall happen that the said yearly rent of thirteen shillings and nine pence half penny or any part thereof shall at any time hereafter be behind or unpaid for the span of six months next over or after either of the aforementioned days of payment and no sufficient distress etc. that then this present grant and all assignment thereof shall be utterly void and of none effect and it shall be lawfull for the ssaid Earl his heirs or assigns to reenter into the said land and to regrant the same to any other person or persons whomsoever as if this grant & such assignments had never been made In witness whereof the parties above named have to these presents interchangably set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. Granvill (LT) by Thos. Childe. Be it remembered that on the Day etc. Thomas Child Esq. Etc. did in the name of the said Earl subscribe etc. in the presence of us.
Robt. Eyre, W. M. Hurst, Is. Edwards. Granville County May Court 1762.
This deed was duly proved by the oath of Isaac Edwards one of the subscribing witnesses thereto & on motion it was ordered to be registered. Truly register Saml Benton Publick Regr.
Teste Danl Weldon CC.
Granville County, North Carolina, Deed Book E, page 151
30 Jul 1762
George Jordan and wife Elizabeth to Harris GILLUM . . . 320 acres on w. side of Andersons Swamp
Gwynn, Zoe Hargett. Abstracts of Granville County Deeds
30 Jul 1762
George Jordan and Elizabeth of Granville to Harris GILLIAM, £100, 320 acres, west of Anderson's Swamp
Wit: David Parish, David Parish, Jr.
30 Jul 1762
Harris GILLIAM and Elizabeth, his wife, to George Jordan, 200 acres along Flat Creek.
Sig: Harris GILLIAM and Elizabeth JORDAN
Wit: David Parish, Jr.
[Harris GILLIAM married Elizabeth Jordan, daughter of George Jordan, "Sr." and Sarah his wife. George's will mentions daughter Elizabeth GILLIAM, see below. Who is Elizabeth Jordan who signed the deed. Is it Harris' wife? Or another Elizabeth Jordan?]
9 Nov 1762
George Jordan and Alizabeth his wife, to William GILLIAM of Northampton, 320 acres of westside of Anderson's Swamp,
Wit: Harris GILLIAM, Cutbird Hudson of Granville.
Rec: May 1763
Granville County, NC, Deed Book F, page 187.
[George Jordan, "Jr." appears to have married Elizabeth in Northampton County, NC, hence the connection to William GILLIAM of Northampton.]
4 Feb 1763
John Busby of Lunenburg to Moses Street of same . . . 205 acres in Granville Co, NC on county line of Virginia, whereon Charles GILLIAM lived last year, on same lines of Simon Barby, Mathew Caviness, Robert GILLIAM.
Gwynn, Zoe Hargett. Abstracts of Granville County Deeds
12 May 1763
Leonard Henly Bullock warrant dated 12 May 1763 to Thomas Person to survey 700 acres in Granville County on Great Nutbush Creek, joining Bullocks own Line - Including the Vacant Land between the sd Bullock, George Jordan, Thos Person, Thos Craft, and Jno GILLIAM
/s/ Dan Weldon
Hofmann, Margaret M., The Granville District of North Carolina 1748-1763, Miscellaneous Papers, Volume Four, Roanoke News Company, 1987., page 222.
9 Nov 1763
John GUILLIAM to David Mitchel for 50 pds., 125 acres at Mitchel's own corner to the main road at Joseph Glover's line.
Wts: Christmas Ray, Charles GILLIAM.
Deed Book F, page 410-411
Gwynn, Zoe Hargett. Abstracts of Granville County Deeds, 1746-1765
10 May 1764
Jacob Gray and wife Jane to Samuel Jeter of Halifax Co., NC for £100, 148 acres at Fishing Creek on waters of Flat Creek at Gilliam's corner tree to Jordan's Corner.
Wts: Samuel Sneed , Xmas, Drury Kimball.
[Xmas should read Christmas Ray; Gilliam's corner is believed to be corner of Harris Gilliam].
Granville County, NC, Deed Book G, page 221-.
16 Jan 1765
Harris GILLAM and wife, Elizabeth, deed to Bartholemew Kimball for land adjoining William GILLAM January 16, 1765.
Granville County, NC, Deed Book H, 1765-1768, p. 218
18 May 1765
William Bullock of Granville to John GILLIAM, 530 acres, Flat Bridge
Wit: Zachary Bullock, Peter GILLIAM
Rec: Aug 1765
Granville County, NC, Deed Book H, 1765-1768, p. ___
31 Oct 1765
William GILLAM, Sr. deed to son William GILLAM, Jr. for land in which reserves a lifetime right for himself and wife AGNES.
Gwynn, Zoe Hargett. Granville County Kinfolks.
31 Oct 1765
William GILLAM Senior of Granville Co, NC to William GILLAM Junr of same, 31 October 1765, for 100 pounds proclamation money, all that seat tract or parcel of land lying in Granville County aforesaid on the West side of Andersen's Swamp, containing by estimation 320 acres, be the same more or less; Beginning at an Elm on the aforesaid Swamp, thence West along a line of mark'd trees to the first branch a White Oak & Poplar, thence up the said branch to the second fork of said branch, thence West to Glover's Road, thence West 10 degrees North to a Hickory, thence South along a line of mark'd trees to a corner White Oak & Hickory, thence East along a line of mark'd trees to a Poplar on the said Swamp, thence down the said Swamp to the first station, nevertheless the said William GILLAM Senior doth hereby reserve out of this present grant the natural life time of himself & his wife Agnes in the aforesaid premises.
William (X) GILLAM.
Wit: Isham Harris, Jessey (X) GILLAM.
Granville County August Court 1766. Acknowledged by William GILLAM Senr.
Granville County, NC, Deed Book H, page 432
Rackley, Timothy W. Granville County Deeds, 1763-1766
16 Jan 1765
Harris GILLAM and wife, Elizabeth to Bartholomew Kimball for land adjoining William GILLAM
Gwynn, Zoe Hargett. Granville County Kinfolks.
13 Feb 1765
Dennis Sullivan of Granville and Thomas Chester? Of Johnson County. 26 pounds. 200 acres.
Witnesses GILLAM Harris, Edward Harris
Granville County, NC, Book H, page 5
8 Oct 1770
William GILLIAM of Granville Co, NC to William Shell, of Brunswick Co, VA 76 pds. VA money for 50 acs. in Bute Co, NC from Earl Granville . . . adj. Samuel Ye(a)rgain, William Clanton, Martin Forrest, Jonathan Riggin, John James Bird, Thomas Eaton and GILLIAM.
Wit: Benjamin Brett, Daniel Huff, Elizabeth Barker.
Bute November Court 1770
Granville County, NC, Deed Book 3, p 140
[This Deed is from Bute County, NC.]
15 Feb 1772
William GILLIAM and wife, Elizabeth, deed to James Daniel
p. 223
4 Dec 1772
James Pucket and wife, Martha, deed to Harris GILLAM, December 4, 1772
Granville County, NC, Deed Book K, 1772-1775, p. 208
11 May 1793
William GILLIAM and wife, Elizabeth deed to Joseph Daniel
Granville County, NC, Deed Book P, p. 62
30 Mar 1797
Harris GILLIUM of Wake Co., N.C. deed of gift to his son, Harbert GILLIAM of the same place for land in Granville Co., March 30, 1797.
Deed Book Q, p. 154
Kinfolks of Granville County, NC 1765-1826
31 Mar 1797
Harris GILLIAM of Wake Co.; N.C. deed to John Jenkins of Granville Co., March 31, 1797.
Deed Book Q, p. 159
Kinfolks of Granville County, NC 1765-1826
14 Jan 1803
William Lanier bill of sale to Lesly GILLIAM for two negroes deeded to him by the Mecklenburg Co, VA court after the death of Dilley Cook without issue or whenever my title thereto may accrue, January 14, 1803
Granville County, NC, Deed Book R, 1801-1805, p. 158
Lanier, William to Lesly GILLIAM. "...two Negro slaves Phillis & Judah... a bill of sale which will appear in the possession of Lesly GILLIAM made from John Cooke of Mecklenburg County, VA..."
BOS-1803, p. 157, book R
Lanier, William to Lesley GILLIAM. "...being entitled to two Negroes slaves by name Jacob & Stephen as it appears from the record of Mecklenburg County Court...to be enjoyed by Lesley GILLIAM his heirs & assigns after the death of Delley Cook..."
BOS-1803, p. 158, book R
29 Jan 1804
Leslie GILLIAM, admr. of John Balard, decd., bill of sale to William Murphey; Martha (Patsey) E. Ballard relinquished all her right in the property, January 29, 1804
Granville County, NC, Deed Book R, 1801-1805, p. 281
Lanier, William H. to Lesley GILLIAM. "...one Negro boy named Watt about nine years of age..."
BOS-1804, p. 260, book S
Potter, Thomas & Thomas Reeks to Cooke, Butler & Sneed... Thomas Potter put in trust Negro man Jacob and man Frank...Thomas Reeks put in trust man Abram and boy Humphrey...Leslie GILLIAM to sell the Negroes and discharge the debt.
DIT-1815, pp. 284-285, Book W
6 Feb 1817
Leslie GILLIAM deed to William H GILLIAM, February 6, 1817
Granville County, NC, Deed Book X, 1816-1818, p. 192
Jones, Nicholas, Thomas Booth, Leslie GILLIAM & Thomas Jones as trustees for Hezekiah Hobgood sell "...Negro woman slave named Edy and her child named Harriet...together with a child, aged about three months named Mark, the increase of said Edy..." to Thomas B. Littlejohn, the highest bidder.
BOS-1819, pp. 288-289, Book Y
11 Sep 1821
Leslie GILLIAM and Rhodes N Herndon held the distributive share of Joseph Crews in the estate of Gideon Crews, decd., September 11, 1821
Granville County, NC, Deed Book 1, 1821-1823, p. 97
Sneed, Stephen [as trustee of Leslie GILLIAM], to William McClanahan. "...a certain Negro woman named Norender and her child Henry Randol..."
BOS-1823, p. 394, book 1
GILLIAM, Leslie [sheriff, against James & Henry Young] to William Montague. ". . . boy by the name of Harry . . ."
Granville County, NC, Book 4, p. 494
Cawthon, Archer to Robert B. GILLIAM. "...and the following Negroes: Newman a Negro boy about fourteen years old, Anne a woman about nineteen years old and her child an infant [not named]..."
DIT-1830, p. 277, book 4
GILLIAM, Edmond to James Jinkins. "...girl named Gilly..." [David Winston, the witness for this transaction had moved to Tennessee and it was necessary for someone in that state to attest to his signature]
Granville County, NC, Book 13, p. 419
Peace, Henry W. to Robert B. GILLIAM. "...also a Negro woman Lucy aged about 17 and her child Gabriel an infant..."
Granville County, NC, Book 4, pp. 477-479
Spears, Samuel to Robert B. GILLIAM. "...one Negro man named Daniel aged about 21, one Negro girl named Lucy aged about 17, one Negro child named Alexander aged about 18 months..."
Granville County, NC, Book 4, pp. 445-446
Kittrell, Jonathan to R. B. GILLIAM. "...Robert, aged about 13 yrs., Bryant about 11 years, Henry about 9 yrs., Commodore, 7 yrs, girl Cass about 5 yrs..."
Granville County, NC, Book 7, p. 2
GILLIAM, L. [Sheriff] to R. B. GILLIAM, full purchase money "for Negro man Henry sold by me as sheriff of Granville County by virtue of executions in favor of Stephen Wilson against Thomas Kean and Phebe Kean"
Granville County, NC, Book 18, p. 256
Allen, James E. to Robert B. GILLIAM. "...also the following Negroes, to wit, John, Richmond, Charity, Martha, Judy, Easter, Henrietta, Mary, Mncelinet? now in possession of William Johnson of the said county of Charlotte and in Negro woman Anna & her five children, Joicey, Fanny, Martthew?, Allen and George, now in possession of Mrs. Julie Allen of the said county of Granville..."
Granville County, NC, Book 8, pp. 92-94
GILLIAM, Leslie [sheriff] to Samuel Rogers."...two Negro boys Solomon & Jacob, sold as the property of John Blacknall to satisfy sundry executions in my hands in favor of..."
Granville County, NC, Book 12, p. 114
Harris, Willis to Robert B. GILLIAM..." woman named Rachael & her infant child and her future increase..."
Granville County, NC, Book 10, p. 210
Robards, William H. to Robert B. GILLIAM. "...Primus, Sylvia, Nelly, Jane, Little Primus, Jim, Clinton, Albert, Allen, Hilliard, Pidy, Milly, Jerry, Alzmon[?] .." [Little Primus, Judy, Milly, & Alzeonon [?] who are now on the plantation of the said William H. Robards in the state of Mississippi].
Granville County, NC, Book 10, p. 463
Robards, William to Robert B. Gillam. "...Abraham, Stephen & Sukey...in the meantime (Robards) may carry the said Negroes with him to the Western country & work there."
Granville County, NC, Book 11, pp. 17-18
GILLIAM, Leslie (Sheriff) to David I. Young. Two slaves belonging to Henry E. Puryear, were sold at the courthouse door by the sheriff and David I. Young became the highest bidder. "man Armstead at the sum of two hundred twenty five dollars and for the woman Lucy at the sum of three hundred & three dollars & fifty cents."
Granville County, NC, Book 11, pp. 451-452
GILLIAM, Leslie [sheriff] to Samuel Rogers."...Angelina & two children Frank & Isabella sold as the property of Horace T. Royster by virtue of sundry executions from the County Court of Granville at the instance of Mary D. Hester and others..."
Granville County, NC, Book 12, p. 119
Carter, Edward H. to Robert B. GILLIAM."...the following Negro slaves, to wit, Sam, Henry, William (generally called Badger), and Lizzy..."
Granville County, NC, Book 12, p. 146
GILLIAM, William H. to Elizabeth Kingsbury [his daughter and wife of Russell H. Kingsbury]. ". . . the following Negro slaves, to wit, Chaney & her child Henrietta, Emily aged abut twelve years, Daniel aged about twenty-one, Chestun aged about eighteen, Hamett aged about ten, Rufus aged about fourteen years, & Haywood aged about sixteen years."
Granville County, NC, Book 15, pp. 647-648
GILLIAM, L. [Sheriff] to R. N. J. D. C. Herndon "$50 for the purchase money of Doct H. T. Roysters interest in a Negro man by the name of Frank now in the possession of Col. Thomas R. Reekes (?), sold by virtue of sundry executions in my hands at the instance of Mary D. Hester"
Granville County, NC, Book 18, p. 268
27 Jul 1762
GILLAM, Charles & Jemima Harris
Robert GILLAM, bm; Jno. Bowie, wit.
Marriages of Granville County, NC 1753-1868
28 Jun 1763
Frances GILLIAM and William Dodson
John and Francis GILLAM Bondsman, Peter GILLAM and Edward Roberson witnesses, Charles GILLAM, Bondsman
15 Jul 1767
Robert Crawley & Mary Taylor
Sec., Joseph Davenport & Charles GILLIAM
Marriage Bonds at Oxford, Granville Co., North Carolina, William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine, Vol. 13, No. 1. (Jul., 1904), pp. 23-24
16 Oct 1779
GILLAM, Jordan & Mary McLemore
Harris GILLAM bm; John Heflin Cooper, wit.
Marriages of Granville County, NC 1753-1868
8 Jul 1783
GILLIAM, John & Priscllla Hart
Jariot Loyed, bm; Reuben Searcy, wit.
Marriages of Granville County, NC 1753-1868
22 Dec 1786
GILLAM, Harbert & Mary Nevels
Joshua GILLAM, bm; Bennet Searcy, wit.
Marriages of Granville County, NC 1753-1868
[It appears that the some of the GILLIAMs of Granville County, NC removed by 1799 to Wilson County, TN. In Goodspeed's History of Wilson County, TN. Reuben and Bennett Searcy (above) are listed with a Charles GILLIAM in Wilson County. Charles lived in the Fall Creek area: On Fall Creek—William Warren, Samuel Copeland, Joseph Williams, Jacob Jennings, William Allison, Hardy Penuel, Joseph Sharp, Sampson Smith, Frank Puckett, James Quarles, Roger Quarles, Matthew Sims, Shadrack Smith, James Smith, Charles Smith, Aaron Edwards, Hugh Cummings, Isaac Winston, William Wortham, Burrell Patterson, Absalom Lasater, John Alsup, Lard Sellars, Joseph Carson, Charles GILLEM (i.e., GILLIAM), Arthur Harris, Walter Clopton, William Smith, John Donnell, Adney Donnell, and William Lester.
Reuben Searcy lived on Cedar Creek Lick—Theophilus Bass, Clement Jennings, John Everett, John Gleaves, Reuben Searcy, Joshua Kelley, James Everett, James H. Davis, Thomas Davis, Howell Wren, William Rose, Edmund Vaughn. George Smith, Harmon Hays and Daniel Spicer]
8 Jun 1801
GILLIAM, Lesley & Elisabeth Ballard
William H. Lanier, bm; Step. Sneed, wit.
Marriages of Granville County, NC 1753-1868
20 Dec 1812
McGehee, GILLIAM & Polly Megehee, 20 Dec 1812,
Edmund GILLIAM, bondsman, Thos. J. Hicks, wit.
Marriages of Granville County, NC 1753-1868
15 Mar 1817
GILLIAM, Edmund & Polly Jefferson, 15 March 1817;
John Jeffers, bm; R. N. Herndon, wit.
Marriages of Granville County, NC 1753-1868
11 Aug 1818
GILLIAM, William & Fanny Hooker, 11 Aug 1818;
James Cooke, bondsman; Step. K. Sneed, wit.
Marriages of Granville County, NC 1753-1868
30 Apr 1829
McIntosh, George S. & Euphemia A. Hamilton
Robt. B. GILLIAM, bondsman.
Marriages of Granville County, NC 1753-1868
16 Apr 1845
GILLIAM, Leslie & Frances Sandford
Charles H. Weathers, bm.
Marriages of Granville County, NC 1753-1868
10 Dec 1868
GILLIAM, Peter, son of Daniel McClanhan & Ann GILLIAM, & Clora Edwards, daughter of William & Dicey Palmer,
married 10 Dec 1868 by L, K. Willie, M. G.
Marriages of Granville County, NC 1753-1868
2 April 1866
GILLIAM, John & Leathy Barker (Freed People),
married 7 April 1866 by Maurice H. Vaughan, Rector of St. Stephen's.
Marriages of Granville County, NC 1753-1868
Harris GILLIAM was an Ensign in Granville Co., NC
We, the underwritten Subscribers, do hereby Acknowledge to have received of Robert Harris, Colo. of the Granville regiment of Militia, the sums opposite our respective names, in full for our Services in protecting the publick peace at Hillsborough in September last. March 24, 1769.
William Gilliam
Wm. Gilliam, Junr.
Documenting the American South: Payroll for troops in the Granville County Militia 1769, Volume 22, Pages 486-488
List of Granville County Militia, 1771.
Company of Capt. William Williams, 3 October, 1771.
John Gilliam
Documenting the American South: Roster of the Granville County Militia, Volume 22, Pages 160-167
Howell Gilliam
Enlisted: May 6th, '77
War Years: 3
Roll of Lt. Colonel Mebane’s Company of the First North Carolina Battalion, Commanded by Colonel Thomas Clark
Nicholson, Robert, Muster Roll of Robert Mebane's Company of the First North, Carolina Battalion of the Continental Army, September 08, 1778, Volume 15, Pages 724-725
12 Mar 1779
Howell Gilliam
Expiration Former Enlistment. 8 May, '80
Bounty Paid in Dollars: 100
Documenting the American South: Return of re-enlisted troops in the First North Carolina, Battalion of the Continental Army, March 12, 1779, Volume 15, Pages 749-750
30 May 1778
Oath of Allegiance
12 Nov 1756
Robert GILLIAM warrant to Sherwood Haywood to survey 640 acres in Granville County on Spew Marrow Creek, joining Joab Mitchell and Thomas Christian's former line entered 12 Nov 1756
Sig: Fras Corbin
"The execution of the above warrant having been prevent by the late disturbances I do hereby validate it for six months longer provided the same be executed by the proper surveyor of the county and returned into the Office within that time."
Sig: at Edenton, 7 Feb 1760
Sit: Tho. Child, special agent
Reverse: "this warrant to be removed on the east side of Nut Bush Creek, joyning of Robt Mitchell and Searcy's line for the vacant land. NB John Williams has the land, lately remov'd adjoyning GILLIAMs now line."
Miscellaneous Land Office Papers, NC State Archives
4 Sep 1758
William Stone warrant to Captain sherwood Haywood to survey 640 acres in Granville County . . . Joining Harris GILLIAM, including both sides of a branch of Flatt Creek, entered 1 Jun 175_
Sig: Fras Corbin
23 Apr 1760
Luke Waldrop plat 344 acres in Granville County on both sides of a Branch of Mitchels Creek, joining Robt Guilliam, Busbee's Line, and Brickles line
Sworn Chain Carriers: James Waldrop, Saml Henderson, Thos Person, Survr, Entered 5 Feb 1753
28 Apr 1760
William Stone plat 317 acres in Granville County on both sides of Flat Creek, joining Raglands Corner and GILLIAMs line
Sworn Chain Carrier: Miles Williams, Thomas Stone, Thos. Person, Survr
29 Apr 1760
Jacob Gray plat 588 acres in Granville County on both sides of Buffiloe Creek, joining Jordans line and GILLIAMs line. Sworn Chain Carrier: Harris GILLIAM, David Parrish, Thos Person, Survr.
Miscellaneous Land Office Papers, NC State Archives
26 Aug 1761
Philemon Hawkins plat 700 acres in Granville County on the W side of Lick Swamp, joining Travillians line, GILLIAMs line and the meanders of the the sd swamp
Sworn Chain Carriers: John Travillian, Richd Travillian, Thos. Person, Survy
5 Oct 1761
Robert GILLIAM warrant to Thomas Person to survey 700 acres in Granville County, joining GILLIAMs own line on Lick Swamp, including the vacant land between ___ and the countrey line
Sig: Dan Weldon returned, executed 31 Mar 1762
Reverse: "Granted 1 Mar 1762"
Miscellaneous Land Office Papers, NC State Archives
12 May 1763
Leonard Henly Bullock warrant to Thomas Person to survey 700 acres in Granville County on Great Nutbush creek, joining Bullocks own line, including the vacant land between the sd Bullock, George Jordan, Thos Person, Thos Craft and Jno GILLIAM.
Sig: Dan Weldon
Miscellaneous Land Office Papers, NC State Archives
9 Aug 1832
Granville Election
Our Election took place on Friday last, and resulted in the choi ce of Gen. Thos. W. Norman to the Senate, Messrs. Spencer O'Brien and John C. Ridley to the Commons, and Col. Leslie GILLIAM, Sheriff.
Oxford Examiner excerpts, 9 Aug 1832
Robert Guillam, Henry Mitchel & Negroe Mosingo, 2-1-3
Harris GILLAM & Negroe Winny, l-l-2
A List of Taxables for the Year 1755
Tax List of Philip Pryor 1767
Mary Taylor, Charles GILLAM Nathan Sanders,
Negroes: Charles Prinnis, Peter, Bobb, James, Gilbert, Men,
Deborah Venus, Jean, Dinah, Easter, Allie, Rose, Sarah, Pegg, Nill, Women
Whites 2, Blacks 16, Total 18
Charles GILLAM, 1 white, 4 black
William GILLAM, 1 white, 1 black
William GILLAM, Jr., 1 white
Harris GILLAM, 1 white, 4 blacks
Henderson District
Charnal Cox 1114 – 3
James Daniel 11223-10. . .
Joseph Daniel 2209-4
Philemon Hawkins Junr Esq
Thos Satterwhite
Giulelmas Smith
Spew Marrow District
James Downey
Robert Hester
Charles GILLAM
Allin: William, Thomas
Peter Oliver
Stephen Hester
Elizabeth Brasfield next to Caleb
Willis Roberts
Tar River District by Wm Kennon, 1780
Revd George Roberts
John Boyd
John Jones
Amey Drewry
James West
John Shearman Sr
William Cocke 5221. . .
James Daniel 4330 -10 – 6
Thomas Person, Esq
more Shearmans
William Allin
list of single men, Peter GILLAM
Fort Creek District
Shem Cooke, William Cooke
John Rust
John Nevil
James Cooke
Spewmarrow District
John and Peter Oliver
John and James Downey
William Allin Senr
Caleb and Elizabeth Brasfield
Charles GILLAM
Ragland's District
Elizabeth Currin next William Currin
Bromfield Ridley
Samuel Allin, John GILLAM
Caleb Crews
Fort Creek District
Shem Cooke, William
John Rust, George
Tax Payers in Granville County, 1788.
Henderson District
Wm. Gilliam, 350 acres
Documenting the American South: List of taxpayers in Granville County in 1788, Volume 26, Pages 1265-1285
Fort District
Harris Gillam, 588 acres
Documenting the American South: List of taxpayers in Granville County in 1788, Volume 26, Pages 1265-1285
Henderson District:
Fort Creek District:
Fort Creek:
Fort Creek
Will of George Jordan, Sr.
30 Mar 1751
George Jordan, Sr. wills to George Jordan, Jr. all the money I loaned him . toward reclaiming his negro Peter; to son Arthur Jordan, a negro girl named Lucy; to daughter Ammi Myrick, a negro boy named Sam; to daughter Elizabeth GILLIAM, a negro called Einney; to son George, 3 negroes named Judy, Jenny, and Corindo; to wife Sarah Jordan, all the rest of my estate for life, then the land whereon I live to go to my grandson, Roland, son of George Jordan; to son Arthur, a negro called Frank; to daughter Elizabeth GILLIAM, a negro Ben after death of my wife; to son George, negro Judy at death of my wife; daughter Ammi Myrick to have 4 cows and calves at death of my wife; my wife to dispose of all else as she sees fit.
Exrs: my wife Sarah Jordan, son George Jordan.
Wts: Robert Harris, Jr., Leminder Harris, Mary Harris.
Rec: 12 May 1761
Granville County, NC, Unrecorded Wills, 1746-1771, page 29
[Elizabeth Jordan married Harris Gilliam, the son of William and Agnes Gilliam]
Inventory taken August 9, 1761 of the estate of George Jordan, Sr., dec'd, presented to court Feb. 1762.

Will of Sarah Jordan
Dec. 26, 1761
Sarah Jordin wills to Artur Jorden, bed and furniture, 4 barrels of corn, 5 hogs, other stock; to son George, a bed and furniture; to daughter Elizabeth GILLIAM, a case of bottles, a spinning wheel, horse and saddle, 4 barrels of corn, 4 hogs; to daughter Amey Mirick, 2 cows; to granddaughter Pattey GILLIAM, a bed and furniture, 4 pewter dishes, 12 plates, a pot and pan.
Exr: son George Jordan.
Wts: Cuthbird Hudson, Agnes Moss.
Rec: Feb Court 1762

Will of Richard Hargrave
15 Jan 1766
To natural son Richard, the plantation whereon I now live and also part of tract adjoining and running to the line this day made between the lands of my two sons Richard and John, and also a tract of ". . . land in Orange County known as the Upper Beaver
Ponds of Haw River. . .", negroes, livestock, etc. To natural son John the remainder of my land, negroes, etc., and named Executor.
Wit: George White, Michl. Satterwhite, Robert GILLIAM.
Rec: August Court 1766.
Will of John GILLIAM
3 Aug 1768
Admn. Bond, Aug. 3, 1768;
Robert GILLIAM Admn.; to Jus. Co. Ct., pen. £500.
Sur: David Mitchell, John Walker.
Id. p. 95.
Inv. ret. to Aug. Ct. 1768; among other items: "Eleven bound books, and a Inkstand", and 3 negroes.
Id. p. 94.
Ret. of sale to Aug. Ct. 1768; am't. £255. Os. 5d.; among other purchasers are: John, Robert, Peter, Amy and Elizabeth GILLIAM.
Id. p. 122.
History and Genealogies of Old Granville County, NC 1746-1800
22 Jul 1788
Gift of Charles Gilliam to Grandson James Mitchell
To all to whom these present Shall come Greeting Know ye that I Charles Gillam of Granville County in the State of North Carolina for the love, Good Will and affection which I bear toward my Grandson James Mitchel Son of John Mitchel and Martha his wife of the aforesaid County, hath given granted and Confirmed unto my Said Grandson James Mitchel his heirs and assigns forever one Negro Girl named Kylor ages two years last passed and I the Said Charles Gillam for my self my heirs &c will Warrent & forever defend the Said Negro unto the Said James Mitchel his heirs and assigns forever from the Just Claim of any person or persons Whatsoever claiming by from or under me In Testimony whereof I the Said Charles Gillam have hereunto Set my hand and affixed my Seal this Twentieth day of July in the year of our Lord Christ 1778, and in the Second year of our Independence
Signed Sealed & deliver'd: Charles Gillam {Seal}
in presence of: Jacob Mitchel Jurat, John Smith, Charles Mitchel
Granville County Ss. August Court AD. 1778
This Bill of Sale was duly proved by the Oath of Jacob Mitchel and on motion was Order'd to be recorded.
Teste: Reuben Searcy C. C.
Granville County, NC Record of Wills: Vol. 1: 1772-1787, page 188
Granville, North Carolina: Record of Wills: Vol.1-2, 1772-1789: roll # C. 044 80002: North Carolina State Archives, Raleigh, N. C.

Will of William Gilliam
12 Oct 1778
In the name of God Amen, the 12th day of October 1778, I William Gilliam of the County of Granville and State of North Carolina being in perfect sense and memory, thanks be to God for the same, I do make, constitute, ordain and declare this to be my last will and testament and no others and
first being penitent and sorry from the bottom of my heart for all my sin past and humbly begging God forgiveness and remission of the same, through the alone merits of my dear Redeemer and only Savior Jesus Christ, I commit my soul into the lands of Almighty God, my only Savior and Redeemer through the merits of whose death and passion I hope to have full and perfect remission of all my sins
and my body to be decently interred by my executors hereafter named in hopes of happy resurrection at the last day and my soul and body to enter into perfect joy and felicity forevermore and for the settling and disposing of my temporal estate and such goods and chattels as it hath pleased God far above my desarts [sic] to bestow upon me
I do order, give and dispose as followeth
That is to say all those debts and ____ that I owe in right or conscience to any person whatsoever’s share will and truly be _______ and paid within convenient times after my decease by my executors hereafter named
First my will is that my ______ be not interrupted, that is to say I lend my whole estate to my wife Agness Gilliam and as long as she doth live
I will to my son William Gilliam all my carpenter’s and cooper’s tools also and guns (at my death) and after my wife’s death my will is that he has my negro fellow Andrew, if he be alive,
my will is that what sheep, that I have remain alive to equally divided between my son Harriss Gilliam and William Gilliam
Item I give to my grandson Drury Kimball one bed, bedstead and two sheets and a rug
I give to my granddaughter Amy Gilliam one sidesaddle
Now as to stock after m death and wife’s that is to say hogs, cattle, horses corn and all the rest of my estate that I have not gave away in legacies be sold and the money equally divided amongst my four children, Harris, Winny, William, and Agness be the same
Now the Executors whom I do ordain and appoint:
my well beloved wife Agness Gilliam, William Gilliam and Christopher Robinson to the same
Executed and fully performed in witness whereof I have affixed my seal and set my hand the day and year above written
Sig: Wm [his X mark] Gilliam
Seal’d and sign’d in the presence of our hereafter named
Wm Neal Jurat
Robert Robison
Granville County, NC, Will Book 1, page 300
[Note several abstractions of the above Will list William’s four children as Harris, Winny, William and AMEY. The original reads Harris, Winny, William and AGNES.]
Will of William GILLAM
12 Oct 1778
to wife Agnes all my estate for her lifetime;
to son William GILLAM, all my carpenter's tools and cooper's tools, a gun. and sheep;
to sons William and Harris GILLAM, all divided that is left at death of my wife Agnes;
to grandson Drury Kimball, bed and furniture;
to granddaughter Amey GILLAM, a side saddle;
to my four children: William, Harris, Winney, and Agness.
Exrs: wife Agness, son William, and friend Christopher Robinson.
Wts: Wm. Neale, Robert Robinson.
Rec: Feb Court 1781
Granville County, NC, Unrecorded Wills, 1746-1771, page 300
Will of Charles GILLIAM
4 Feb 1780
February 4, 1780, Proved May Court 1784 on oath of William Beaver, Jacob Mitchel, and William Glover; John and Jacob Mitchel qualified as executors to the will of Charles GILLAM who will to:
Wife Frances, for her lifetime, a negro servant and, at her death, to go to my daughter Elizabeth Atwood for her lifetime, then to the daughter of my daughter and my granddaughter, Frances Atwood;
To daughter Elizabeth Atwood, 5 shillings;
To daughter Martha Mitchel, 5 shillings;
To my Granddaughter Martha Mitchel, 5 shillings
To my granddaughter Ann Mitchel, a Negro slave, a female and male slave, a feather bed and furniture
To grandson Charles Mitchel, a Negro slave,
To granddaughter Pattey GILLIAM Glover, a feather bed and furniture, 2 Negro slaves
To grandson Joshua Mitchel, a slave;
To grandson James Mitchel, a slave
To granddaughter Frances Mitchel, a Negro slave
To granddaughter Frances Atwood, 2 Negro slaves when she is of age
At my wife’s death, all divided to my grandchildren, namely, Patty GILLIAM Glover, Ann Mitchel, France Atwood, Charles Mitchel, James Mitchel, Joshua Mitchel, and Francis Mitchel,
Exrs. John and Jacob Mitchel
Wts: William Beaver, Jacob Mitchel, and Wm. Glover
Granville County, NC, Will Book 1, Page 394
Inventory of estate of Charles GILLIAM, deceased, May 1784.
Granville County, NC, Will Book 1, Page 395-396
Inventory of the Estate of Peter Gillam Deceas'd.
Vizt. One Small Sorrel mare & one yearling Colt.
Pr. Wm Hunt. Admr. Mar. 1st 1783
Granville County Sct. May Court A. D. 1783
This Inventory was rendered into Court by William Hunt &
Order'd to be recorded
Teste Asa Searcy C. C.
March 29th 1783. Act. of the sale of the estate of Peter Gillam Decd.
To one Mare....... £6..2..6}
To one colt 3..1..0} To M. Hunt
Thornton Yancey Sherif
Granville County Sct. May Court 1783
This acct. of Sales of the estate of Peter Gillam Decd. was rendered into
Court by Thornton Yancey esqr. Sherif & Ordered to be recorded
Teste Asa Searcy C. C.
Granville County, NC Record of ,Wills: Vol. 1: 1772-1787, Page 362
Granville County, North Carolina: Record of Wills: Vol.1-2, 1772-1789: Roll # C. 044 80002: North Carolina State Archives, Raleigh, N. C.
Will of William Dodson
William names his wife, Frances, to receive the horses, corn crop, furniture & livestock.
His son, William, to receive land west of plantation at John Hargrove's line to mill dam to Richard Hargrove's line & half the hogs on his Wallin Plantation.
His son, Charles, to receive the rest of land at the death of my wife. Furniture was to go to daughters, Frances, Holly & Polly.
May 1791 Granville Co., NC. court.
[It appears that William Dodson married Frances GILLIAM and Peter GILLIAM and John and Frances GILLIAM witnessed their marriage in Granville in 1763.]
Granville County, NC, Will Book 3, page 234
Will of Frances Dodson
8 Dec 1795
Frances lists her sons, William & Charles Dodson, daughters Holly Dodson, Francis Turner & Polly Fleming.
Exec: William Turner and Robert Fleming.
Wit: James Lyne, Elizabeth Dodson & Mathey Hargrove.
Rec: Feb Court 1795
[Frances appears to be the daughter of John GILLIAM and Frances, his wife, see above. Her Will mentions Mathew Hargrove. The Will of Richard Hargrove was witnessed by Robert GILLIAM.]
Granville County, NC, Will Book 3, page 247
Estate of Richard Hargraves
22 Feb 1792.
Widow Martha. Nine children: Division to Stephen Johnston & wife, GILLIAM Hargrave, James Hargrave, Robert Hargrave, John Newton & wife Amey, Rebecca Hargrave, George Chapman & wife, Richard Hargrave, and Israel Hargrave.
[GILLIAM Hargrave's name is also listed as GILLIAM Hargrove. GILLIAM married Polly Johnson. GILLIAM Hargrove has been included because Robert GILLIAM witnessed the Will of Richard Hargrave in 1766.]
Will of William GILLIAM
1 Jun 1803
William GILLIAM will to his wife Elizabeth: all land on roads leading from GILLIAMs Meeting House to Joseph Daniels' gate, 5 Negroes, all my stock and household and kitchen furniture, tools, during her widowhood;
to my son William, after her death or remarriage of his mother, all my land left her, a sorrel horse, 2 negroes and their increase and a gun:
to my son Lesley, all my lands on the west side of road from GILLIAMs' meeting House to Daniel's Gate, a negro slave and after death of his mother, 3 other slaves and a sorrel horse;
to daughter Amey Harrison, a Negroe after the death of her mother;
to daughter Prissiller Harris, a Negro and future increase;
to daughter Lundy Sims, a Negro and increase;
to daughter Deliah Thron, one dollar;
I wish 3 negroes with increase to be evaluated and sold and money therefrom to my daughter Lundy Sims, grandson John T. King and granddaughter Elizabeth Huff Thron
[NB in next paragraph names are given as John Lion and Elizabeth Huff]
and my son Lesley to keep money for grandchildren until they are of age and put to interest and if either of them die without issue, the survivors to receive the money; but if all 3 die without issue, then sons Lesley and William;
to my daughter Prisseller Harris and Elizabeth Harris all stock, furniture, etc. after death of their mother; if son William dies before 21 or without issue, his share to go to son Lesley; debts paid from crop.
Exrs: my wife and son Lesley GILLIAM and son-in-law Ransom Harris.
Wit: Phil Hawkins, Abel Farrow, and H. Terrell.
Rec: Feb Court 1804
[William is son of William GILLIAM and Elizabeth]
Granville County, NC, Will Book 6, 1803-1808, Page 275 [Will Index reads page 52]
Abstracts of Granville County, NC,1806 by Zae Harget
Will of WIlliam H. Gilliam
Granville County, NC, Will Book 22, page 103
- Gwynn, Zoe Hargett. Abstracts of Granville County Deeds, Joseph W. Watson Pub., Rocky Mount, NC 1974
- Gwynn, Zoe Hargett. Granville County Kinfolks.