Updated January 13, 2012

Guilford was formed in 1771 from Rowan and Orange. The act creating Guilford became effective April 1, 1771. It was named in honor of Francis North who was Earl of Guilford. He was the father of Lord North who was Prime Minister under George III during the Revolution. Lord North afterward succeeded his father as Earl of Guilford. It is in the north central section of the State and is bounded by Alamance, Randolph, Davidson, Forsyth and Rockingham counties. The present land area is 649.42 square miles.
The first court was ordered held at the home of Robert Lindsay and provided for the commissioners to buy the land of John Campbell for the courthouse site. In 1785 Martinsville was laid out as the courthouse. It was named in honor of Alexander Martin, governor of North Carolina, 1782-1785 and 1789-1792. The courthouse had been called Guilford Court House until the passage of this act. Commissioners were named by the act of 1807 to select a place at the center of the county for the erection of a new courthouse, as the old one was badly in need of repair and not conveniently located. Commissioners were also named to purchase 30 acres of land and have the new courthouse erected. They were to sell the old courthouse. In 1808 the new county seat was named Greensborough in honor of Nathaniel Greene. Today Greensboro is the county seat.
The Gilliams of early Guilford County include the family of Edmund Gilliam of Albemarle Parish, Sussex County, VA. Since Edmund owned land on the Reedy Fork of the Haw River, which was contiguous with the county line, Edmund and his descendents are found in the records of both Orange and Guilford Counties.
Also found is Devereaux Gilliam, son of William and Mary Gilliam of Buckingham, Amherst and Bedford Counties, VA.
Another group of Gilliams were Quakers who attended the Spring Monthly Meeting. They left few records in North Carolina other than church records. In the mid 1820’s removed to Orange County, Indiana.
Edmund Gillam
Home in 1800 (City, County, State): Salisbury, Guilford, North Carolina
Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 25: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 45 and over: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 26 thru 44: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 45 and over: 1
Number of Slaves: 1
Number of Household Members Over 25: 3
Number of Household Members: 5
[Edmond Gilliam is listed adjacent to David Gilliam, below. In 1810 Edmund is found in Orange County, NC]
David Gillum
Home in 1800 (City, County, State): Salisbury, Guilford, North Carolina
Free White Persons - Males - Under 10: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 26 thru 44: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 26 thru 44: 1
Number of Household Members Under 16: 1
Number of Household Members Over 25: 2
Number of Household Members: 3
[David lives in Guilford until his death. He leaves a Will dated 24 Sep 1839]
David Gillon [enumerated as D D Gillon]
Home in 1810 (City, County, State): Greensboro, Guilford, North Carolina
Free White Persons - Males - Under 10: 2
Free White Persons - Males - 26 thru 44 : 1
Free White Persons - Females - Under 10: 2
Free White Persons - Females - 16 thru 25: 1
Numbers of Slaves: 2
Number of Household Members Under 16: 4
Number of Household Members Over 25: 1
Number of Household Members: 8
David Gillam
Home in 1830 (City, County, State): Guilford, North Carolina
Free White Persons - Males - 5 thru 9: 2
Free White Persons - Males - 10 thru 14: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 15 thru 19: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 60 thru 69: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 5 thru 9: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 20 thru 29: 2
Free White Persons - Females - 60 thru 69: 1
Slaves - Males - Under 10: 1
Slaves - Males - 24 thru 35: 1
Slaves - Females - Under 10: 1
Free White Persons - Under 20: 5
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: 2
Total Free White Persons: 9
Total Slaves: 3
Total - All Persons (Free White, Slaves, Free Colored): 12
Court Orders
The following Insolvants were allowed Captain William Bethel an Collector of Mr. Hugh Challis
district for the year 1784.
John Mare
Dweris [Devereaux] Gillam
Joseph Scales, 18000 in Cumberland
Constant Perkins
Thomas H___ Perkins
Nicholas Perkins
James Mitchel 1
Thomas Casy 1
William Large 1
Thomas Ferguson 1
Guilford County, NC, Court Orders, Book ____, page 221
Nov 1787
Insolvents allowed The Collector of Captain Tates District
Land Poles
William Jones 1
James Shuck 1
Daniel Williams 1
John Meirs [?] 1
Richard Webster 1
Hugh M___in 200 1
Isaac Clark 1
James Gardner 350 3
Ela[?] Lane 1
Nathan Maroney 1
William Nelley 1
David Gillam 1
Thos. Nelley 1
Thomas Ferguson 1
Guilford County, NC, Court Orders, Book ____, page ___
Ordered That Capt Shaw be appointed Collecttor for The year 1786 in Capt. Lindseys District
A List of Insolvents as Allowd in Capt. Dents District
Land Poles
Adam Ram-- 300 1
Chrs Gillams 1
Andrew Willis 1
Saml. Faris 340 1
Wm. Brown 200 1
Joseph Lester 200 2
Robert Haig[?] 1
David M__en Sons of Hugh 250 1
George Taylor 340 1
Henery Figgars 200 1
Samuel Buchanon 1140 1
Guilford County, NC, Court Orders, Book ____, page ___
Ordered That Edward Gillim be exempt from paying a pole Tax for The year 1788 in george Finley Esqrs. Destrict
Guilford County, NC, Court Orders, Book ____, page ___
Daniel Dawson provd. a deed from Zepheniah Tait to David Gillum for 114 Acres of Land__
Guilford County, NC, Court Orders, Book ____, page ___
Ordered that the following persons be summoned to attend next Court as Jurors Vz
Jerimiah Cunningham Jacob Peatt William Anthoney James Knott Philit Jean Charles Gillan William Byford Saml Cacy John Forbis Junr. Nicholas Gift William Shaw Junr. Henery Heart [?] Hezekiah Berl William Covy Robert Russel Senr. James McMurry Henery Ross James McAdow Senr. Buffellow James McAdow Junr Hugh Wiley John Wiley Charles Braden Jas. Perdue William Covey Latham Donel Frederak Dean Benjamin Beason Joseph Hains Samuel Beason Paris Chipman Junr. John Chipman John Cunningham Adam Mitchel Junr. William Staford John Steard Elisa Cowence and George Linlery
(Constables Benjamin White and Joseph Haskins)
Guilford County, NC, Court Orders, Book ____, page ___
Aug 1793
Grand Jury Vz
John Wiley Foreman
Latham Donel Hezkiah Bevel Hugh Wiley Jeremiah Cunningham John Forbush Charles Gillim Benjamin Beason Samuel Kersey Joshua Hains William Anthony Samuel Beason Adam Mitchel James Knott John Cunningham
Guilford County, NC, Court Orders, Book ____, page ___
Ordered that the following person be Summoned to attend the next Court as Juroiors (To wit)
John Ozias Nicholas Gift William Brown Elijah Dawson Ralph Smith Charles Gillin William Jackson David McAdow alimance David Jones Thomas Johnston Hugh Wiley James Frazer Drury Peebles Abraham Endsley Alexr. Nelson Upton Williamson James Calhoon Samuel Fulton William Bunch John Boon Elisha Bennet Jesse McCombs Jonathan Armfield Nathan Armfield Silvenus Gardner Matthew Macey John Hignut Job Worth Aaron Coffin
William Downey John Donel Maje. Jacob Heath Edward Millis and Hezekieah Wheeler Const
Guilford County, NC, Court Orders, Book ____, page ___
Nov 1794
Grand Jury
John Donnel Ralph Sonth [?] David McAdow almc. James Frazer William Bunch John Boon Jonathan Armfield Matthew Macey Job Worth William Denney Jacob Heath Charles Gilliam William Jackson Upton Williams James Calhoon
Hezekiah Wheeler Constable
Guilford County, NC, Court Orders, Book ____, page ___
The last Will and Testament of Jerimiah Crowder was proven in open Court by the Oath of David Gillum one of the Subscribing Witnesses thereto thereto then Joseph Pritchel who was in said Will appointed Exr.. came in and qualifyed as such agreeable to law
Guilford County, NC, Court Orders, Book ____, page ___
Judges for the Election are appointed by Court as follows. At Finley Stuarts Roddy Hanner Esqr & Sampson Stuart Isaac Clauson
At James Town James Durham Esqr Captain Peter Fields & Joseph Eddings
At George Waggoners Andrew Wilson Charles Gillum & John Christman
Guilford County, NC, Court Orders, Book ____, page ___
Shadrack Allen [?] provd a deed from Christian Tall [?] to Longfield Lofton for 500 acres of Land
ditto ditto provd a deed from Edward Gillum to Adam Hiatt for 184 acres Land
Guilford County, NC, Court Orders, Book ____, page ___
Ordered that John Starratt Esquire Larkin Wisdow & David Gillam Joseph Chrisman be and they are hereby appointed a Committee to allot and lay off one years provision to the Widow of Joseph Smith Deceased and report to next Court—
Guilford County, NC, Court Orders, Book ____, page ___
13 Sep 1805
Nicholas Gift of Guilford to Thompson McKissack, 175 acres, adjoins Adam Hart, county line, Barbary Isley, Charles Gilliam and Lewis Weneck.
Guilford County, NC, Deed Book ___, page ____
12 Sep 1807
Thompson McKissack of Caswell County to John Eubank, 175 acres joins rock at mouth of Crooked Branch on the north side of Reedy Fork, Adam Hart, Barbary Isley, Charles Gilliam, and Lewis Weanich and the county line.
Sig: Thompson McKissack
Wit: Robert McKissack, Thomas Thompson, McLen Sothard.
Rec: Feb 1811
Guilford County, NC, Deed Book 10, page 210
11 Dec 1809
Caleb Busick of Guilford to Thomas Bradford of Orange, 210 acres on Haw River, adjoins Gilliam, County line, Benjamin Sherman.
Guilford County, NC, Deed Book ___, page ____
3 Aug 1811
Edmund Gilliam Sr, of Orange to Adam Hart Jr. of Guilford, 173.5 acres on southside of Haw River, adjoins, Eubanks, Gant
Wit: Henry Hart, Joseph Christman
Guilford County, NC, Deed Book 13, page 309
1 Feb 1812
John Eubank of Guilford County to Adman Hart, 175 acres adjoins Adam Hart, Barbary Isley, Charles Gilliam, Lewis Wenich
Guilford County, NC, Deed Book ___, page ____
13 Nov 1813
Thomas Bradford of Orange to Josias Lambert of Guilford, 100 acres adjoining Haw River, county line, Gilliam.
Guilford County, NC, Deed Book ___, page ____
22 Dec 1815
William Scott, John Shaw, William Robertson of Orange to Coay Underwood of Guilford, 103 acres,
Wit: Thomas Bradford, Jr, David Gilliam
Guilford County, NC, Deed Book ___, page ____
15 Oct 1816
James Moore of Orange to John Brinchfield of Guilford, $125, 71.75 acres.
Wit: Henry Brannock, Edmund Gilliam
Guilford County, NC, Deed Book ___, page ____
Land Entries
22 Apr 1795
David Gillim, 39 acres, no warrant
Land Entires 20 Mar 1795- 31 Dec 1795.
Quaker Records
In Spring Monthly Meeting
1799, October 4th
Elizabeth Gilliam received by request
1801, September 9th,
Elizabeth Lee (formerly Gillum) disowned for marriage out of unity
[Friends first started meeting “at the spring” around 1761, previously meeting as part of Cane Creek Friends Meeting, which was established as a monthly meeting in 1751. The earliest written record of the Meeting can be found in the words of Daniel Stanton, a visiting Friend from Pennsylvania, who on Second Month (February) 6, 1761 wrote: “We . . . had a meeting at . . . the Spring, which though small . . . (was a good meeting) . . . and Friends were glad to see us.”]
28 Apr 1821
Susanna Gillum received by request
28 jun 1823
John Gilham received by request
28 Jun 1823
James, Ozburn, William Franklin and John Westly Gilham, received by request of father John.
28 Jun 1823
Mahala, Ara Anna, Carmaliza, & Leah Gillam received by request of father, John
28 Oct 1826
John and family granted certificate to Lick Creek Monthly Meeting, Indiana
28 Oct 1826
Susannah Gillim with husband & children granted certificate to Lick Creek Monthly Meeting, Indiana
Hinshaw, Quaker Records.
28 Jan 1795
Will of Jeremiah Crowder
Wit: David Gilliam
Guilford County, NC, Will Book A, page 42-43
24 Sep 1839
Will of David GILLIAM
Wife: Susannah
Daus: Martha, Sarah, Elizabeth GILLIAM, Anny Bustick
Sons: Robert, Joseph, Henry, James, William
Guilford County, NC, Will Book C, page 60

24 Sep 1839
Will of David GILLIAM
In the name of God, Amen, I David Gilliam of the county of Guilford and State of North Carolina being of sound mind and memory (Blessed be God) do this 24 day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine make and publish this to be my last will and testament in manner and following that is to say
First I will and bequeath to my beloved wife Susannah Gilliam one hundred acres of land that being the tract where she now lives lying in the county of Orange and state aforesaid with all her stock etc household and kitchen furniture to dispose of as she thinks proper should she be the longest liver [sic] but should she decease before myself all the property before mentioned is to return to my children and be sold and be equally divided amongst them all
I also will and bequeath to my three daughters to wit Martha, Sarah, Elizabeth all the lands and tenements where I now live save two hundred and twenty two acres more or less etc.
it also my will and desire that my daughter Elizabeth shall have forty dollars out of the proceeds of the sales of my other property so as to make her equal with my other girls,
it is also my will and desire that all the rest of my property, negroes as well as every thing else (except a young mare which I give to my son William and some other household property owned by my daughter above named) should be sold and the money rising therefore to be divided amongst all my children except the three girls above named, that is to be equally divided between my children as follows to wit
Robert, Joseph, Henry, James, William and Anny Busick and should there be more than would make the least children named equal with the three first girls taking the valuation of the land as assessed by law to be the proper valuation then the proceeds over and above to be equally divided amongst all of my children they sharing equal and equally alike
I hereby make and ordain my worthy son Robert Gilliam exor to this my last will and testament
In witness thereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal to this my last will and testament the day and year above written.
Signed, sealed published and declared by the said
David Gilliam, testator as his last will and testament in presents of us who were present at the time of signing and sealing thereof
Sig: David Gilliam
Wit: Caleb Busick, F. L. Simpson, Jurat
Guilford County, NC, Will Book, C, page 60. File 0793.
North Carolina Probate Records, 1735-1970, Guilford, Wills, 1837-1859, Vol. C, Image 34 of 286
North Carolina Probate Records, 1735-1970, Guilford, Inventories, 1835-1842, Vol. X-10, Image of 212 of 295
An Inventory of the Personal Property of David Gillam decd
Aug __ 1840
One negro man named Stephen
One negro woman named Siny
One small boy named John
One small boy named George
One sprouting hoe and mattocks
2 hoes and sprouting hoe
4 axes
4 ploughs
1 coulter
1 lot of blades
2 single ___
1 frow [?]
2 iron bands and wedge
1 lot of planes and foot adz
1 lot o chisels and clever
2 augurs
reap hook and adds
1 iron wedge
harness and anvil
2 augurs and drawing knife
1 lot of irons
2 hand saws
1 x cut saw
1 sirce [?]
1 sythe and cradle
1 oven
1 tar bucket and church
2 barrels
2 kegs
1 keg b hogshead
1 side saddle
1 grind stone
1 bedstead
3 spinning wheels
___ hogshead
2 hogshead ___
1 oven and lid
2 pots
one shovel
1 ____ & co.
4 bee guns
1 pail
1 pail
1 desk and bucket
1 table
1 lot of pewter plates
1 tray knife
1 forks
1 wheat fan
87 pounds of bacon
1 hogshead 27 barrels of corn half bushel
1 cutting knife and box
3 head of horses and bridle
4 pair of gears
one wagon
1 suger [?] tree and clovis
1 chain
1 pair of harness and chains
4 hogshead 6 sheep
2 head of hogs and some pigs
one still and tubs
6 hogshead 5 head of cattle
7 chairs
1 pr of steelyard
1 table
1 chest of drawers
1 real
1 shot gun
1 hay stack
2 stack of fodder and flax break
Separate debts
Bond on James Gillam, payable 29th Sept 1838 $200.00
Bond on Joseph Gilliam, payable 4th Augt 1839 11. 3/4
F. A. Simpson, Admr
Estate of David Gilliam
List of property sold on 23 day of June 18400 belonging to the estate of David Gillam decd by F. L. Simpson, Administrator
One negro man | 585.00 | One iron wedge | .28 |
One negro woman and child | 540.00 | One hammer and anvil | .26 |
One small boy | 104.00 | Two augurs and drawing knife | .20 |
One sorrel horse | 52.00 | One lot of irons | .30 |
One bay mare | 29.00 | One x cut saw | .30 |
One white colt | 13.00 | One sythe and cradle | 1.60 |
One wagon | 25.00 | One hand saw | 1.25 |
One sprouting hoe | .25 | One liver [?] | 1.00 |
One mattock | .60 | One tar bucket | .03 |
One hoe | .11 | One chain | .34 |
One hoe | .10 | Two barrels | .05 |
One sprouting hoe | .13 | Two kegs | .08 |
Four axes | 1.40 | One barrel | .12 |
Four ploughs | 1.67 | Two hogshead | .93 |
One coulter plough | .33 | Two hogshead | 1.50 |
One lot of blade and iron | .36 | Two hogshead | 1.35 |
Two single ____ | .65 | One side saddle | .50 |
Two iron bared [?] & wedge | .28 | One grind stone | .24 |
Two pr of aze | .82 | One bed stead | .24 |
One lot of planes | 1.07 | Three spinning wheels | .40 |
One lot of chisels | .40 | Four hogshead | 1.12 |
Two augurs and reap hook | .07 | Oven and lid | .40 |
One clever | .14 | Oven and lid | .90 |
One pot | 2.00 | ||
One pot | .75 | ||
One shovel | .30 | Amt Brot forward | 1488.50 |
One loom and stay | 1.12 | One still and tub | 15.75 |
One bee gum | 2.35 | Six hogshead | 2.41 |
One bee gum | .50 | One cow and calf | 10.00 |
One bee gum | 1.60 | One cow and calf | 7.55 |
One bee gum | 1.10 | One bull | 4.00 |
Two pail | .20 | One bull | 2.00 |
One dish | .42 | One pr of steelyards | 1.40 |
One bucket | .41 | Seven chairs | 2.21 |
One lot of pewter plates | 1.01 | One cupboard | 12.37 |
One table | .25 | One table | 5.40 |
One tray, knife and fork | .25 | One chest of drawers | 1.30 |
5 hhds of bacon | 4.76 | One shot gun | 3.41 |
3 hhds bacon | 2.48 | One hay stack | .25 |
27 barrels of corn | 54.00 | Two stack of fodder | .25 |
One wheat fan | 7.55 | One flax_____ | .75 |
One hogshead | .30 | One cutt real | 1.00 |
One half bushel | .10 | $1572.15 | |
One culling box and knife | 1.28 | ||
One bridle | .75 | F. L. Simpson, Administrator | |
Three pair of harness | 4.75 | ||
One single ____ and cloier | .40 | ||
One pr harness and chains | 1.02 | ||
One chair | 1.00 | ||
Four hogshead | 2.55 | ||
First lot of hogs | 3.85 | ||
Second lot of hogs | 3.05 | ||
Third lot of hogs | 3.05 | ||
One sow and seven pigs | 2.70 | ||
Fourth lot of hogs | 4.10 | ||
Fifth lot of hogs | 4.00 | ||
Sixth lot of hogs | 2.00 | ||
6 head of sheep | 3.05 | ||
1488.50 |
Will of Sarah Gilham
Guilford County, NC, Will Book ___, page _____