Buncombe County, NC

GILLIAMs of Buncombe County, NC
Updated June 27, 2011

Buncombe was formed in 1791 from Burke and Rutherford. It was named in honor of Colonel Edward Buncombe, a Revolutionary soldier, who was wounded and captured at the Battle of Germantown, October 4, 1777, and in May, 1778, died a paroled prisoner in Philadelphia. It is in the western section of the State and is bounded by McDowell, Henderson, Haywood, Madison, and Yancey counties. The present land area is 655.99 square miles. Asheville, named in honor of Samuel Ashe, Governor of North Carolina, 1796-1798, is the county seat.

The Gilliams of McDowell County trace their roots to Charlotte County, VA. The orphans of William Gilliam (Charles, Minyard, Martha and Harris Gilliam) settled in McDowell and its neighbors before heading to sundry parts. Characteristic of this line is the use of the given name Minyard, often spelt Mainyard, Maynard, etc.

Another Gilliam line that passes through Buncombe is that of Epaphroditus Gilliam of Albemarle County, VA. Characteristic of this line is the use of the given name Epaphroditus, variously given as Epap, Ditus, etc.

Name: Ephraditus Gilliam
Township: Morgan
County: Buncombe
State: North Carolina
Free White Males Under 10: 3
[Jesse, Cornelius. _____]
Free White Males 10 to 15: 1
Free White Males 16 to 25: 1
Free White Males 26 to 44: 1
Free White Females Under 10 : 2
[Sally and Elizabeth]
Free White Females 10 to 15 : 1
Free White Females 26 to 44 : 1
Number of Household Members Under 16 : 7
Number of Household Members Over 25 : 2
Number of Household Members: 10
Ancestry.com. 1800 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2010. Images reproduced by FamilySearch. Year: 1800; Census Place: Morgan, Buncombe, North Carolina; Roll: 29; Page: 170; Image: 115; Family History Library Film: 337905.

Court Orders

October Court 1792
A deed from John Gillam to Joseph Bounds for 200 acres of land was proved in open Court by Jacob Bayles, a subscribing witness. ordered to be registered.

July 1794
A deed from John Davidson Esqr.to James Davidson Captain for 150 acres of land was proved in open court by William Gillam, one of the subscribing witnesses thereto, ordered to be registered.

July 1794
Charles McDowell vs. John Gillian: Jury impand. & Charged Viz: John Patton, William Forster, James Benson, John Dillard, Mark Forster, John Gash, John Craig, James Bounds, Daniel Killian, William Warson, Shadrack Gibbs, William Sams.
Juror withdrawn - Mistrial.

July 1794
Ordered by Court that John Bradley, William Boyd,, Christopher Porter, Henry Warson, William Warson, James Willson, James Forgy, John Ashworth, Joseph Ashworth, Richard Hill, James Wood, John Wood, James Chessor, James Wood, Jr., John Craig, James Porter, & John Gillihan, be a jury to View mark and lay off a road the nearest and best way from Bradly's on cane creek to the gap of the mountains between the heads of Cane and Crooked creeks - report to Octor. sessions.

Land Entries
Oct 1789
#159 JOHN GILHLAM, 200 acres beginning forks of Glens Creek of French Broad River running in on north side in forks and up and down fork both sides for complement. Entered October 1789. Transferred by order to Hughey.
[This Burke County land fell in the present day boundaries of Buncombe County.]

State of North Carolina 25th Sept. 1790
Burke County
The Honourable the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina now Sitting at Fayette Ville.
The Petition of the Inhabitants of that part of Burke County lying west of the Appalachian Mountain Most Humbly Sheweth
That the local Situation of your Petitioners renders it exceedingly difficult and (in the winter season of the year) almost impossible to attend at the Court House of said County as Jurors, witnesses, &c., a number of the inhabitants on the west side of said mountain living seventy or eighty miles distance from said Court House and several very bad mountains to cross.
And by annexing or adding that part of Rutherford County lying west of the Apalachian Mountain to that part of Burke County west of the Mountain, your Petitioners conceive that there would be a sufficient number of inhabitants to form a respectable County -- Therefore Hope your Honours will take their case under your most prudent consideration and in your Wisdom grant them a Separate County if you should consider expedient, as your Petitioners Humbly conceive it would conduce to the ease & Convenience of Inhabitants, and your Petitioners will every pray.

Nathan Deaver
Joshua Bartlett
Matthew Patton
Samuel Rentfro
James Cunningham
Mark Rentfro
Jno. Gibart
Henry Heatly
Jas. Davidson
James Heatly

[torn] Brittain
Tho Bounds
Nathan Smith
James Love
Joshaway Chanler
Henry Robbers
Wm. Gudger
John Roberts
Baxaller Barnet
John Chambers
Adam Biffle
James Givin
Gabriel Elkins
James Same
Baxter Davis
Benja. Gregory
James Stanphil
Jacob Beyler
Wm. Bailey
John Street
Peter Deveas
John Gregory
John Gillahan
John Dillard
James Cravans
William Dever
Wm. Grigory
John Weve
Jacob Caler
Samuel Randolph
Wm. Tinker
Wm. Gillahan
Richard Dever
Tho Dillard
Jacob Beefell
Nathaniel Armstrong

Adam Dunsmoor
William Jones
James Dunsmoor
William Young
William Dunsmoor
John Patton
David Dunsmoor
Janes Gouge
Aaron Patton
Joseph Rise
William Graham
Zemeh Gudger
Alexd. Graham
James Battle
John Graham
John Whitson
Benjamin McWhorter
Thomas Whitson
John Wiles
John Davidson
Robert Patton
Ephraim Davidson
Wm. Long
Arch:d Neill
--- no Lekey
John Neill
--- Ba---an
Gabriel Ragsdale
Humphry Cuningham
Richard Highwer
John Alexander
John Philips
Wm. Alexander
Daniel Smith
Thomas P. Alexander
Jacob Caseegh
James Alexander
John Philips
Jno. Davidson Juner
Wm. Ingram
Nathan Bartlet
John Beefel
Jno. Bartlet
Goldman Ingroman
William Davidson
Jacob Beyler senior
John Davidson
Abraham Beyler
George Davidson
David Beyler
Hugh Davidson
David Hill
Robt. Logan
Thomas Davidson
Joseph Smith
John Patton
Samuel Smith
William Alexander
Nathaniel Smith
Benjamin Gudger

Joseph Forsythe

George Cunningham

Aaron Graham

Richard Dever
John Bounds
Henry Roberts
Aston Chote
Edward James
Gilberd Barnet
William Reader
John Sames
Wm. Whitson
D. Vance
Philip Hoodenpyl
Jno. Baker
Jno. Langford
David Hinton
Wm. Henton
Hickman Hensley
John Hensley
Obediah Hammon
Charles Calleway
William Morris
Thomas Ray
John Hughes
Hickman Hensly
John Edwards
