Updated September 26, 2012

Chatham was formed in 1771 from Orange. The act became effective April 1, 1771. It was named in honor of William Pitt, Earl of Chatham who was a most eloquent defender of the American cause in the English Parliament during the Revolution. It is in the central section of the state and is bounded by Wake, Harnett, Lee, Moore, Randolph, Alamance, Orange and Durham counties. The present land area is 682.85 square miles.
The act establishing the county provided for the courts to be held at the home of Stephen Poe. It also named commissioners to have a courthouse, prison and stocks erected. In 1778 a town was established on the land formerly belonging to Ambrose Edwards where the courthouse was. This town was named Chatham. Chatham Court House is mentioned in correspondence, 1776-1782. In 1785 a law establishing Pittsboro on Miles Scurlock 's land on which the courthouse stood was enacted. In 1787 an act was passed stating that the heirs of Scurlock would not allow a town to be established on their land. Therefore, the trustees of the town were advised to purchase land from William Petty adjoining the Scurlock tract and lay out a town. It was named Pittsboro in honor of William Pitt, the younger. In 1787 Pittsboro was made the county seat.
John Gilliam who lived in Randolph, Chatham and Moore Counties, NC, during the period from the 1780's through the 1820's lost his land in Chatham County and began a lawsuit in Superior Court at Hillsboro to get it back, unsuccessfully. (His written testimony states that he thought one reason his case had not been heard fairly in the county was that he had been accused of being a Tory in the Revolutionary War.) One of the persons who gave testimony for him was named Mason Gilliam. Mason appears in Chatham County census records and is likely John's brother. There is also an estate record for a Howell Gilliam in Chatham County, NC, dating to the early 1790's. John Gilliam was his administrator. By looking at land warrants it appears that Howell had been a Revolutionary War soldier and died during the War. John Gilliam signed over the warrant for land in Tennessee, as the "heir of Howell Gilliam, deceased."
It appears that this Howell Gilliam is the one listed in the Albemarle Parish, Surry County, VA Register as born in 1760 and a son of John and Ann Mason Gilliam. He would have been the perfect age to be a Revolutionary War soldier, and, as his oldest brother, under the laws of primogeniture, John would have been his heir. Finally, after passing for a short time through Moore County, John Gilliam and his son John, Jr., moved on to Randolph County. Several Gilliam females married in the Randolph County while John Gilliam was there. In criminal action papers, it is revealed that a Howell Gilliam was also living there, apparently John Gilliam’s son.
John Gillum
Number of Free White Males Under 16: 3
Number of Free White Males 16 and Over: 2
Number of Free White Females: 4
Number of Household Members: 9
Wm Gillum
Number of Free White Males Under 16: 2
Number of Free White Males 16 and Over: 1
Number of Free White Females: 5
Number of Household Members: 8
Mason Gillam
Township: Hillsborough
Free White Males Under 10: 1
Free White Males 10 to 15: 1
Free White Males 16 to 25: 1
Free White Males 45 and Over : 1
Free White Females Under 10 : 1
Free White Females 10 to 15 : 1
Free White Females 45 and Over : 1
Number of Household Members Under 16 : 4
Number of Household Members Over 25 : 2
Number of Household Members: 7
William Gillam
Township: Hillsborough
Free White Males Under 10: 1
Free White Males 10 to 15: 2
Free White Males 16 to 25: 1
Free White Males 26 to 44: 1
Free White Females Under 10 : 3
Free White Females 10 to 15 : 3
Free White Females 16 to 25 : 1
Free White Females 26 to 44 : 1
Number of Household Members Under 16 : 9
Number of Household Members Over 25 : 2
Number of Household Members: 13
Mason Gillam
Free White Males 16 to 25: 1
Free White Males 45 and Over: 1
Free White Females Under 10: 1
Free White Females 10 to 15: 1
Free White Females 16 to 25: 1
Free White Females 45 and Over: 1
Number of Household Members Under 16: 2
Number of Household Members Over 25: 2
Number of Household Members: 6
Wm Gillam
Free White Males 10 to 15: 1
Free White Males 45 and Over: 1
Free White Females 16 to 25: 3
Free White Females 45 and Over: 1
Number of Household Members Under 16: 1
Number of Household Members Over 25: 2
Number of Household Members: 6
John Gillum
Enumeration Date: August 7, 1820
Free White Males - Under 10: 3
Free White Males - 26 thru 44: 1
Free White Females - Under 10: 4
Free White Females - 10 thru 15: 2
Free White Females - 26 thru 44: 1
Number of Persons - Engaged in Agriculture: 1
Free White Persons - Under 16: 9
Free White Persons - Over 25: 2
Total Free White Persons: 11
Total All Persons - White, Slaves, Colored, Other: 11
William Gillum
Enumeration Date: August 7, 1820
Free White Males - Under 10: 1
Free White Males - 16 thru 25: 1
Free White Males - 45 and over: 1
Free White Females - 16 thru 25: 1
Free White Females - 26 thru 44: 1
Free White Females - 45 and over: 1
Number of Persons - Engaged in Agriculture: 2
Free White Persons - Under 16: 1
Free White Persons - Over 25: 3
Total Free White Persons: 6
Total All Persons - White, Slaves, Colored, Other: 6
Howell Gilliam, age 37
Upper Regiment, Chatham, North Carolina
Family Number: 1057
Household Members:
Catharine Gilliam, age 36
John W Gilliam, age 15
James D Gilliam, age 13
Wm H Gilliam age 10
Sophia Gilliam, age 31
Upper Regiment, Chatham, North Carolina
Family Number: 540
Household Members:
Robert Gilliam, age 8
Janey Gilliam, age 3
John P Gilliam, age 2
Court Orders
Court of Pleas & Quarter Session Minutes
Chatham County North Carolina
page 43
Ordered that the Sheriff summon the following persons to attend next court as jurors, to wit, Thomas Waddle, John Carter, Isaac Carter, Isaac Johnson, William West, William Gilliam, Peter Quakinbush, Samuel Baldwin, Thomas Braxton, Robert Thompson, Capt. William Poe, George Dismukes, William Reddle, James Howard, William Lucas, John Dossett, David Teague, William Petty Sr., John Minter, William Goldson, Philimon Harrington, Quanton Millikin, Joseph Micham, William Johnston, Joseph John Alston, John Joseph Alston, Presley Cox, Thomas Brooks, Andrew Headen and William Duty.
page 47
The following Grand Jury Sworn to wit, William Poe, forman Quanton Millikin, William West, Robert Thompson, Peter Quakinbush, Andrew Headen, William Gilliam, John J. Alston, John Minter, Sam'l Baulden, David Teague, George Dismukes, William Riddle, William Petty, Wm. Duty.
page 80
'Dedimus de be nisi' to Issue to take the deposition of William Hill on behalf of the plaintiff in the suit, John Gilliam vs Mary Brinkley ten days notice to be given.
page 88
Ordered that the Sheriff summon the following persons to attend next court as jurors to wit, Richard Harris, Thomas Wicker, Thomas Riddle, Thomas Odian, Stephen Groce, James Taylor, Chiles McGee, Cato Riddle, Simon White, Sam'l Holloday, Thomas Steel, Thomas Brackstone, Joseph Farrow, Alex'r Burnett, James Bynam, John Henderson, Murdo McQueen, William Riddle, William Petty, John Petty, William Drake - Simon White, William Gilliam, Solomon Chapman, Frederick Ragland, James Gaines, William Brantley Sr., William Branston, Francis Drake, Isaac Richardson
Feb 1797
Mason Gilliam being sentenced fro an assault and battery on Sephia Poe.
Ashby, Sue. Court of Pleas & Quarter Session Minutes, Chatham County North Carolina, 1794. www.ncgenweb.us/chatham/1794ctmn.html
2 Apr 1784
John Gilliam of Chatham to James Servant Jones of the same, for a 25 pound debt in gold and silver coin, the house and plantation where I live, 400 acres of land, a feather bed and furniture, in trust for Gilliam to be sold at public vendue by Jones with the overbalance given back to Gilliam
Wit: Peter Avant, Laban Mathis
Chatham County, NC, Deed Book C, page 297
5 Aug 1784
William Hill, Sr., to John Gilliam for 100 pounds, 100 acres on Rocky River, adjacent Matthew Ramsey
Sig: William [H] Hill
Chatham County, NC, Deed Book A, page 149
Land Records
10 Dec 1779
Claimant 999
William Gilliam, 340 acres, on both sides the Reedy Branch, the waters of Haw River beginning at Lee’s north corner running thence round for complt.
Family Search. North Carolina, Probate Records, 1735-1970, Chatham County, NC, Land Records, 1778-1795, Image 241 of 318
6 Jun 1816
George T. Wilky and Mary Gillam
Wm. Wilkie, bnd, no wit
16 Jun 1821
John Sherding and Delila Gillum
Solomon Stuart, bnd, no wit.
7 Feb 1841
Jackson GILLIAM and Dilla Bolling
Wesley Hanks, bond; no wit.
[Holcomb says the date was 1831]
14 Feb 1855
John W. GILLIAM and Mary Sinclair
A. W. Jones, bond; W. S. Gunter, witness
Ashby, Sue. Marriage Bonds of Chatham County, NC. www.ncgenweb.us/chatham/chatmarr.html
Militia Officers of Chatham County In The Revolutionary War and Other County Officials
A list of the Company Commanded by Captain Elisha Cain in 1772 - List No. 5
Elisah Cain, Captain
Burwill Williams - Lieutenant
Duncan Buchannon, Ensign
Gray Barbee - Clarke
Jesse Hendrick - Drummer
Arquilla Covenah
Elliot Buchannon
David Mims
Isom Weaver, "Corpril"
Vollentine Braswell, Jun'r
Joseph Mims, Jun'r
Joseph Mims, Sen'r
Wm. Mims
Joseph Cromp
Wm. Copeland, Jun'r
Wm. Branton
James Dunning
James Holdin
James Davis
Mathew Davis
Clebourn Matthews
Lawrence Matthews
Sion Rogers
Wm. Norton
Martain Mims
Gilbert Crosswell
Osey Hathcock
John Dockry
David Chapman Jun'r, "Corpril
Richard Cheek, Jun'r
Benjamin Buchannon
Benjamin Chapmon
Isom Daniel
Peter Avent
Philop Jean
John Massey
George Hooper
Wm. Sims
Richard Hill
John Stotherlin
Thomas Jinks
Thomas Hinsley
John Lawrence
John Bowers
Nathaniel Hinsly
Benjamine Hinsly
John Tully?
Richard Burt
Drury Jones
John Jones
John Pitts, Jun'r, 'Corpril'
Charles Medearis
John Grigory
Presley George
Isom Rogers
Byious Rogers
Lawrence Sypart
Thomas Sypart
Henry Beezley
John Owein
Francis Sypart
Jacob Rogers
Jessey Spellard
Wm. Wimberly
Thomas Barbee
Oldham Hightower, 'Corpril'
Joseph Copeland
Wm. Copeland, Sen'r
Josiah Copeland
Jacob Vann
Joel Copeland
Marmaduke Rawls
Hardamon Rawls
John Cohannon, Sen'r
John Bohannon, Jun'r
Thomas Tucker
Wm. Falkner
Thomas Falkner
Wm. Blyth
Samuel Word
John Hatley, Jun'r
John Crosswell
Wm. Kirby
James Bynumm
Nathaniel Hopkins
Drury Rolins
Thomas Bell
Thomas Ward
Total 84 Men
Sep 1772
The following is a list of men on the Muster Rolls of Capt. Jeduthan Harper's Company. Chatham Co. Regiment, Sept., 1772. List No. 6
Jeduthan Harper, Captain
Sam'l Stewart, Lieuten't
John Thaxton, Ensign
John Cook }
Thos. West }
Thos. Brazier} - (all) Sergent
Thos. West, Jun'r }
Van Teague }
Charles Jones } - (all) "Corperals"
Benjamin Pyburn
Zacky Nowlin
Sampson Sellars
Joseph Dark
Samuel Dark
James Barnes - 'hunter'
John Landrum
Wm. Roberts
John Putman
Aquilla Brazier
Wm. Wilkey
Thos. Newman
Chas. Jones
John Balding
John Lambert
Henry Pickard
Wm. Linsey
Calub Lindsey, Jun'r
Wm. Martin, Sen'r
Thos. Mason
Hance Black
Samuel Pile
Peter Quakinbush
Jesse Mudy
Nath. Way
Van Teague
Jeremiah Hadley
Isaac Beverley
Solomon Terrell
Thos. Blackson
Joseph Hililand
John Gilland
Isaac Jones
Isaac Towers
Thos. Lindley
John Piles, Jun'r
Aaron Jones
Wm. Noblet
Charles Richardson
Arthor Whitehead
John Whitehead
Josiah Whitehead
Leonard Begman
Ignatious West
Wm. West
John Salling
Thos Campain
John Ammond
John Knot
Con Oneel
Wm. Estredy
Wm. Ramsey
Jacob Pyburn
Thos. Brooks, Jun'r
James McDaniel
Robert Hendey
Levy Saller
James Cole
Thos. Riddle
John Rosson
Joseph Hopson
John Blackney
Milner Burke
John Copland
James Daughety
Edward Douglas
Henry Cook
Wm. Harris
John Riddle
James Ashmore
George Kirk
Wm. McMath
Cadwalas Jones
Wm. Pogue
Thos. Brazier
Wm. Richardson
Isaac Richardson
Andrew Cornelas
Heth Hart
Morgan Hart
Phillip Hartso
Soloman Evens
James Barns
Jehue Barns
John Hornady
Christopher Hornady
Thos. Barns
Levy Johnston
John Johnston
Thos. Johnston
Jacob Coshatt
John Coshatt
Joseph Coshatt
Thos. Whitehead
John Tally
Benjamin Landrum
Thos. Robarts
James Durrum
Wm. Waits
James Fike
John Massey
Wm. Marlin or Martin
John Steel
Thos. Steel
Wm. Steel
Thos. Forrister
Jacob Teague
Wm. Hollyday
Samuel Hollady
John Ginnings
Joseph Norman
Jesse Richardson
Henry Bray
John Ables
Josiah Lyon- Co. Clerk
Total 126
Captain Rogers' District
List of the Taxable Property in Chatham Co. for the year 1815 as per return of the Justices Appointed to Receive them.
Gilliam, William, 373 acres on waters Tyrrells Creek , $400.00
Gilliam, John, 1 tithe
Wills, Estates and Inventories
13 May 1790
John Gilliam becomes administrator on the estate of Howell Gilliam, with a bond in the sum of 10 pounds secured by David Passmore.
North Carolina State Archives, CR 022.508.56
9 May 1821
Will of William GILLAM
Whereas I William Gillam of the County of Chatham and State of North Carolina being of a sound mind and memory and calling to mind the uncertainty of time and the _____ of settling my outward affairs, doth make and ordain this my last Will and testament revoking all others hereto fore made by me
Item 1st It is my will and desire that all my just debts be paid as soon after my death as they conveniently can by my executors and if there should not be money sufficient on hand at such time to discharge the same that they dispose of such part of the perishable property and in such manner as they may think best to gain the money.
Item 2nd I give and bequeath unto my loving wife Jane for her support during her natural life a part of the tract of land whereon I now live bounded as follows beginning at a white oak near the mouth of the lane betwixt Saml lee’s land and my own running thence with the lane west nearly opposite the barn then with sd Lee’s line and Benjamin _____ line as their corners then until it strikes the partition from which include the pasture field known by the name of the barn field then to run with said partition fence until it strikes the fence near the head of the meadow thence down the meadow fence so far a to strike the partition fence betwixt what is called the upper meadow and lower meadow thence northwardly in such a degree as will include the dwelling and other necessary houses until it strikes the fence above the house thence with the fence leading to the first station with privilege of cutting firewood and also rail timber sufficient to keep a good fence around the above bounded inclosures off the other part of the tract above mentioned.
I also give and bequeath unto my wife two cows her choice, six sheep her choice, three beds one horn her choice, together with all the household and kitchen furniture to dispose of al she may think best.
Item 3rd I give and bequeath unto my son Thomas Gillam five shillings
Item 4th I give and bequeath unto my son John the tract of whereon he now lives bounded as follow beginning at Wm McPherson’s south west corner thence running south of west to a maple marked in the glade above the house thence a due west until it strikes John Braxton’s line thence bounded by the sd Braxton, Claiborn’s, Guthrie and Wm McPhersons lands bet eh same more or less it is my will he have it and hold for his own proper use forever
Item 5th I give and bequeath unto my son, Wm. Gillam that part of land whereon I now live note heretofore devised at my death and also the land which is bequeath to his mother at her death together with all the stock of every kind, farming utensils and property of every kind that is not hereto fore devised nor may hereafter be bequeathed and disposed of my my executors to discharge the money, legacies and debts and it is my will that he hold the land and property herein bequeathed to him forever.
Item 6th I give and bequeath to each of my following daughters, to wit
Mary Stephens,
Elizabeth Lee,
Sarah Green,
Marjory Lewis, and
Susannah Buckner the sum of five shillings to be paid them by my executor
Item 7th I give and bequeath unto my daughter Peggy Gillam one cow, her choice after her mother’s choice, one bed and furniture which she now claims.
Item 8th I give and bequeath unto my daughter Rebecca Gillam one cow, her choice after her mother’s and Peggy’s choices and one bed and furniture which she now claims
And lastly I appoint my worthy friend John Braxton and my son John my executors of this my last will and testament
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 9th day of May eighteen hundred and twenty one
Sig: William [his X mark] Gilliam
Test. Thos Newlin, Samuel Lee
Chatham County, NC, Will Book B, Page 45-47
[It should be noted that the witnesses to this Will are Thomas Newlin and Samuel Lee. According to the Spring Monthly Meeting records of Guilford County, Elizabeth Gilliam married Samuel Lee. Also in the same records in 1823 a John Gilliam and wife Susannah and children: Mahala, Ara Anna, Carmaliza, Leah, James, Ozburn, William Franklin and John Westly Gilham were transferred to Lick Creek Monthly Meeting in Orange County, Indiana. John left a Will there dated 1847 also witnessed by a Thomas Newlin. The 1850 Orange County, Indiana census lists a Thomas Newlin born in 1789 in North Carolina. It appears that both Elizabeth and John Gilliam of the Spring Creek Monthly meeting are the children of William Gilliam of Chatham County and his wife Jane. The 1820 Chatham Census lists John adjacent to William and the census number match the Spring Monthly Meeting records in terms of the number of children to John and Susannah (allowing for the birth of another son between 1820 and 1823). The birth places of John and Susannah’s children from later census records align well with their move from North Carolina to Indiana.
This William Gilliam should not be confused with William Gilliam who left a Will in Wilkes County, NC in 1831 who also had a daughter Sarah “Sally” Gilliam who married a Mr. Green.]
- Ashby, Sue. Marriage Bonds of Chatham County, NC. www.ncgenweb.us/chatham/chatmarr.html
- Ashby, Sue. Court of Pleas & Quarter Session Minutes, Chatham County North Carolina, 1794. www.ncgenweb.us/chatham/1794ctmn.html
- Cates, Larry W. Reading Between the LInes: The Gilliam Family of Randolph and Chatham. Randolph County, NC Genealogical Journal. Spring 2002.
- Chatham County, NC, Deed Books
- Chatham County, NC, Will Books
- Family Search. North Carolina, Probate Records, 1735-1970, Chatham County, NC, Land Records, 1778-1795, Image 241 of 318