Updated July 11, 2011
Alamance County, NC
Will of Robert GILLIAM
Alamance County, NC, Will Book ___, page ___
WIll of Joseph GILLIAM
Alamance County, NC, Will Book ___, page ___
WIll of William GILLIAM
Alamance County, NC, Will Book 2, page 419
Will of Martha GILLIAM
Alamance County, NC, Will Book 2, page 500
Will of J. H. GILLIAM
Alamance County, NC, Will Book ___, page ___
Bertie County, NC
Will of Moses GILLIAM
18 Oct 1822
Will of Moses Gillam
In the Name of God, Amen, I Moses Gillam of the state of North Carolina and County of Bertie being of sound mind and memory do make and ordain this my last will and testament.
First it is my Will and desire that my executors pay all my just debts it is further my will and desire that my executors since after my death lay off and allot out of my stock and provisions that may be on hand to my wife Winnaford Gillam and to many of my children as may remain with her as much as may be sufficient to serve them one year.
Item 2nd, I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Winnaford Gillam during her natural life the following tracts of land (to wit) one hundred acres when I now ___ purchased of Henry Hill together with all the buildings and improvement thereon also the tract of land purchased of Ethelred Davis and also the land bought of south adjoining the land bought of Davis lying in Raquess Isands [Rodquis Island] also I given and bequeath to my wife during her natural life the following slaves (to wit) Auslin, Judith the younger, Hardy, Hannibal and Lewis,
Item 3rd, I give and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth Pugh five hundred dollars to be paid by my executors out of my notes.
Item 4th, I give and bequeath to my sons William Gillam, Thomas Gillam, Wilie J. Gillam and Benjamin Gillam all my lands to be equally divided among them according to quantity and quality, to them and their heirs forever.
Item 5th, It is my wish and desire that all my negroes be divided among the following of my children equally: (to wit) William Gillam, Thomas Gillam, Wilie J. Gillam, Benjamin Gillam, & Penny Pearce, I give and bequeath to the children which she now has or may hereafter have to them and their heirs forever.
Item 6th, I give and bequeath to my wife and following children (to wit): Penny Pearce, William Gillam, Thomas Gillam, Wilie J. Gillam, Benjamin Gillam all my bonds, notes, and money (except that Sam mentioned in the bequest to my daughter Elizabeth) together with my stock of all and every kind to be equally divided amongst them to them and their heirs forever.
Item 7th, It is further my will and desire that all the lands and negroes given to my wife (shall after her death) be equally divided amongst my surviving sons. It is my Will and desire that if either of my sons should die before he should arrive at age or before he may have lawful issue that his portion of my estate shall be equally divided among the surviving of them.
Lastly, I nominate, constitute and appoint my much esteemed friend, John Bond and Gavin Hogg Esquires, executors to this my last will and testament
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 19th day of October 1822.
Sig: Moses Gillam
Wit: E. A. Rhodes, Sr., James Davis
NB It is my will and desire that negro woman Patty which I recovered from the estate of Simon Turner decd and her increase all of which and in the possession of my daughter Penny shall be valued to her and that the same be calculated in the division of my negroes among my children as a part of my estate agreeably to the 5th Item of the above Will. This 26th Oct 1823.
Sig: Moses Gillam
John Bond Qualified
Wit: E. A. Rhodes, John Watson
State of North Carolina
Bertie County Court
Febry Term 1824
This last will of Moses Gillam decd together with the codicil was proved in open court by the oath of E A Rhodes one of the subscribing witnesses thereunto and ordered to be registered at the same time. Jno Bond one of the executors therein named qualified as such.
E. A. Rhodes. Clk
Bertie County, NC, Will Book G, Page 114-115
Will of William GILLIAM
15 July 1827,
I William Gillam of Bertie County and State of North Carolina being in a low state of health but having sound mind and memory do make and declare this my last Will and Testament.
First, I give and bequeath to my affectionate mother Winniford Gilliam one negro man named Robert and one negro girl named Matilda.
Secondly, I give and bequeath to my cousins Benjamin Folks the sum of five hundred dollars.
Thirdly I give and bequeath Rev. Reuben Lawrence the sum of one hundred dollars.
Fourthly I give and bequeath to my sister Penelope Pearce, during her life one negro man named Dick and after her death to her children.
The remainder of my estate I have to be equally divided between my two brothers Thomas Gilliam and Wylie J. Gilliam and in the division of said residue I desire that my brother Thomas Gilliam may have a certain negro, girl named Celia.
The above name Thomas Gillam and Wylie J. Gillam I do numbly ordain and appoint as executors of this my last Will and Testament.
Signed with my on hand with my seal this fifteenth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand and eight hundred and twenty seven.
Sig: William Gillam
Signed proved and delivered in presents of: John Ramsay, Jas C. Jones.
State of North Carolina
Bertie County Court
August Term 1827
This last Will and Testament of William Gillam decd was proved in open court by the oath of John Ramsay and Jas C. Jones the subscribing witnesses ______ and ordered to be recorded
At the same time Thomas Gillam and Willie J. Gillam the Executors therein names qualified as such.
E A Rhodes, Clerk.
[William is son of Moses GILLIAM and Winnifred Rhodes]

25 Jan 1844
Will of Thomas Gillam
I Thomas Gillam of the county of Bertie and State of North Carolina, being at this time of sound and disposing mind, and memory do make and ordain this my last Will and testament in manner and form following (viz) after the payment of all my just debts.
I give and bequeath all the residue of my estate to my affection wife Frances Gillam and to my three sons Thomas Gillam William Gillam and Francis Gillam, to be apportioned and divided amongst them according to the laws of the state aforesaid in such case made and provided being fully satisfied with these provisions, having no other object in this making a will, then to select a friend to settle my affairs and manage my estate for the benefit of my family and I dot therefore nominate, constitute and appoint my kinsman and friend William Folk my sole and only executor, this my last Will and testament , investing him with all necessary torward so to manage in this, settle of my business as in his judgment shall tend to the interest of my wife and children
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal the 25th day of Jany in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty four
Sig: Thomas Gillam
Signed and sealed in presence of Jno P Rascoe, Lewis Bond
State of North Carolina
Bertie County Court, February term 1844
This last will and testament of Thomas Gillam, decd was proved in open Court by the oath of Lewis Bond one of the subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded at the same time Wm Folk, the executor therein named qualified as such.
Jon S. Taylor, Clk

[Thomas is son of Moses GILLIAM and Winnifred Rhodes]
Burke County, NC
Will of Harris GILLIAM
Dated 1814
Burke County, NC
Minyard GILLIAM Administrator,
Sarah GILLIAM and Stephen Souther as witnesses.
Burke County, NC, Will Book ___, Page ___
Bute County
Will of Peter Kimbell
26 May 1771
In the Name of God Amen, I, Peter Kimbell, of Bute County in the Province of North Carolina being in Good health and of sound memory, but taking to mind the uncertainty of this Transitory Life and knowing it is appointed for all men once to die, do constitute and make this my last will and Testament in manner and form following;
And first of all I give my Soul to God who gave it me and my body to Decently buried and for after my Debts and Funeral charges are paid, I bequeath my estate in manner and form following,
that info say that all my Estate both personal and Real shall be Equally Divided between my beloved wife and all my Children. Each one to take their proportion when my youngest child comes to Lawful age;
and thereby Nominate and appoint William Johnson, my Son Buckner Kimbell and Jordan Harris Executors to this my Last Will and Testament
Given under my hand the day and year first above written.
Sig: Peter Kimball
Sealed and Delivered in presence of William Moore, Little Berry White, Susanna Moore
Filed in Warren County, November Court, 1779.
This last will and Testament of Peter Kimbell, Dec'd was prescribed in Court and proved by the oath of Little Berry White one of the Witnesses hereto and the same was ordered to be recorded, William Johnson, one of the Executors refusing to Qualify.
Teste Tho. Machen
Rec: 1779 [?]
Warren County, NC, Will Book 3, page 25
[Peter Kimball was the first husband of Winnifred Gilliam, the daughter of William and Agnes Gilliam. Winnifred married secondly Christopher Robertson.]
Cabarrus County, NC
Will of William GILLIAM
Dated 1850
Cabarrus County, NC, Will Book 1, page 176
Chatham County, NC
Will of William GILLAM
Whereas I William Gillam of the County of Chatham and State of North Carolina being of a sound mind and memory and calling to mind the uncertainty of time and the _____ of settling my outward affairs, doth make and ordain this my last Will and testament revoking all others hereto fore made by me
Item 1st It is my will and desire that all my just debts be paid as soon after my death as they conveniently can by my executors and if there should not be money sufficient on hand at such time to discharge the same that they dispose of such part of the perishable property and in such manner as they may think best to gain the money.
Item 2nd I give and bequeath unto my loving wife Jane for her support during her natural life a part of the tract of land whereon I now live bounded as follows beginning at a white oak near the mouth of the lane betwixt Saml lee’s land and my own running thence with the lane west nearly opposite the barn then with sd Lee’s line and Benjamin _____ line as their corners then until it strikes the partition from which include the pasture field known by the name of the barn field then to run with said partition fence until it strikes the fence near the head of the meadow thence down the meadow fence so far a to strike the partition fence betwixt what is called the upper meadow and lower meadow thence northwardly in such a degree as will include the dwelling and other necessary houses until it strikes the fence above the house thence with the fence leading to the first station with privilege of cutting firewood and also rail timber sufficient to keep a good fence around the above bounded inclosures off the other part of the tract above mentioned.
I also give and bequeath unto my wife two cows her choice, six sheep her choice, three beds one horn her choice, together with all the household and kitchen furniture to dispose of al she may think best.
Item 3rd I give and bequeath unto my son Thomas Gillam five shillings
Item 4th I give and bequeath unto my son John the tract of whereon he now lives bounded as follow beginning at Wm McPherson’s south west corner thence running south of west to a maple marked in the glade above the house thence a due west until it strikes John Braxton’s line thence bounded by the sd Braxton, Claiborn’s, Guthrie and Wm McPhersons lands bet eh same more or less it is my will he have it and hold for his own proper use forever
Item 5th I give and bequeath unto my son, Wm. Gillam that part of land whereon I now live note heretofore devised at my death and also the land which is bequeath to his mother at her death together with all the stock of every kind, farming utensils and property of every kind that is not hereto fore devised nor may hereafter be bequeathed and disposed of my my executors to discharge the money, legacies and debts and it is my will that he hold the land and property herein bequeathed to him forever.
Item 6th I give and bequeath to each of my following daughters, to wit
Mary Stephens,
Elizabeth Lee,
Sarah Green,
Marjory Lewis, and
Susannah Buckner the sum of five shillings to be paid them by my executor
Item 7th I give and bequeath unto my daughter Peggy Gillam one cow, her choice after her mother’s choice, one bed and furniture which she now claims.
Item 8th I give and bequeath unto my daughter Rebecca Gillam one cow, her choice after her mother’s and Peggy’s choices and one bed and furniture which she now claims
And lastly I appoint my worthy friend John Braxton and my son John my executors of this my last will and testament
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 9th day of May eighteen hundred and twenty one
Sig: William [his X mark] Gilliam
Test. Thos Newtin, Samuel Lee
Chatham County, NC, Will Book B, Page 45-47
Chowan County, NC
Will of Thomas GILLIAM
10 Oct 1702
Wife Sarah, whom I appoint my Exx; also Exx William Stephen's Will.
Wit: John Tyler, Margaret Holbrook, William Wilkinson.
Chowan County, NC, Will Book ___, Page ___
Will of George Guilliams
22 Sep 1746
April Court, 1747
Sons: Isaac (“my manner plantation”), Samuell, George
Wife and seven children
Executor: Samuell Guilliams (son).
Witnesses: William Hughes, Junr., George Guilliam, Jr., Samuell Guilliam.
Clerk of the Court: Henry Delon.
Chowan County, NC, Will Book ___, Page ___
Forsyth County, NC
Will of Andrew Mathew of Forsyth
11 Jun 1855
Grandchildren: Elizabeth GILLAM, Julia Bernard, Marietta Sheek, Andrew W. GILLAM, Cornelia GILLAM (children of his daughter T. H. GILLAM, land in Surry County around Pilot Mountain on which Wm GILLIAM now resides).
Dau T. H. GILLAM, wife of Wm GILLAM. Land in Columbia, SC to be sold
Exrs: Andrew W. GILLAM, Jeremiah Bernard
Wit: Thomas J. Wilson, A. J. Stafford
Rec: Dec 1857
[According to the Minutes of Mocksville Lodge, 11 Nov 1857, the funeral of Andrew Mathew, Revolutionary War soldier, aged about 96, was at Olive Branch. From Andrew's Will is it apparent he was the father of Theresa/Teresa H. Mathieu who married William GILLAM. The Pilot Mountain land mentioned in Andrew's Will is mentioned in "View of the Pilot Mountain from Mr. GILLAM's," Herline & Hensel, Lithograph, Philadelphia, Hayes & Zell Publishers, Philadelphia, 1859. Theresa's father has been given as H. Davis Mathieu of New York, it appears this should possibly read Andrew Davis Mathieu. It should be noted that in both the 1850 and 1860 Census Theresa's birthplace is given as New York, that William and Theresa named a son Andrew, and that William GILLAM is mentioned in the Annals of Newbery as "of Pilot Mountain."]
Forsyth County, NC, Will Book ___, Page ___
Franklin County, NC
Will of Ephraim GILLIAM
Jun 1830
In the name of God, amen I Ephraim Gilliam of Franklin County and State of North Carolina being now of sound mind and disposing memory doth make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following, to wit.
I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Sally Gilliam all my property of every description both personal and real during her widowhood but if my said wife Sally shall ever marry, that then my negro woman named Charity and her child named Mariah shall go to my father Drury Gilliam, during his natural life and at his death the said Charity and Mariah with all their increase to be divided into then equal shares.
I give my brother D. Lofton Gilliam one share, to my sister Betsy one hare, to my sister Sally one share, to my sister Tisha, and the other two share and give unto the hand of my friend David Sills as a trustee to hold and that for the benefit of my other two sisters equally, Patience Leonard and Easter Denny to be by my said friend and trustee paid out to them as they may need and give them ordered for the use only of them and their children and further my will is that if my said wife Sally shall marry that them all the rest of my property shall be sold at publick sale and the money arising from said sale (I mean both real and personal) to be devised as follows one half to my said wife Sally Gilliam as her and her heirs forever, and the other half to go the same way that Charity and Mariah and their increase as ______ and ____ to go but if my said wife Sally never marrys my desire is that all my property be with her to dispose of as she may think proper.
And lastly I constitute and appoint my loving wife Sally Gilliam and my friend Joseph J Williams, Executrix and Executor to this my last Will and Testament
Signed and seal this fifth day of December one thousand eight hundred and twenty nine (1829).
Sig: Ephraim [his X mark]
Witness: D. Sills, Jurat, Solomon Williams Jurat, John C. Davis
Franklin County, June Session 1830
I hereby certify that the foregoing Will was exhibited in open Court for probate and the execution thereof duly proven by the oaths of David Sills and Solomon Williams two of the subscribing witnesses thereto and was a motion ordered to be recorded and filed.
Test S. Patterson, Clk
Franklin County, NC, Will Book J, page 100
Will of James GILLIAM
Franklin County, NC, Will Book U, page 475
Will of Isly GILLIAM
Franklin County, NC, Will Book V, page 156
Gates County, NC
Will of Henry GILLIAM
Dated 27 March 1835
In the name of God, Amen. I, Henry GILLIAM of the County & State aforesaid being of sound disposing mind and memory & in good health at this time do make and constitute this paper intending to be and contain my last will & testament in manner & fore to wit.
First. It is my desire that all my just debts should be paid in good time.
Second. It is my will that all my landed estate consisting of the Outlaw Plantation, a tract of land where the widow Lewis lives & all my town lots & building if the lease for the tavern should have expired at my death, if not all other of my town property, Except the Grounds & plantation whereon I lived with all the lands attached to it should be sold upon such credit as shall be to the advantage of my Estate at the discretion of my execr. & after the expiration of the lease of the tavern & land belonging to the same. It is my wish that, that may also be sold upon such credit as in the former case my execr. may think proper.
Third. It is my will that al my slaves be sold upon a credit also. Except the following to wit: Charles, Jim, May, Jim’s wife & children, little Tom, Calle, Will, Rachel & old Aggy, Lydia & Atlass.
Fourth. It is my will that my wife Eliza. GILLIAM have the use of all my lands & building attch’d thereto whereon I now live & the negro, before mentioned not to be sold for ever during her natural life with all my pasture, stock, crop, etc., of whatever kind that my be on hand at my death at this place and that my small children shall remain with her.
Fifth. It is my will that all my crop, stock, farming, utentials, [sic] etc., at my Outlaw Plantation shall be sold upon a credit of six months.
Sixth. It is my will that the sales of all my property sold according to the before provision shall be & constitute a fund & after payment of debts, shall be on the arrival of my son Henry A. GILLIAM, to the age of twenty one years be equally divided among by wife Eliza. GILLIAM & the following children to wit: Henry A. GILLIAM, Mary C. GILLIAM, Martha F. GILLIAM, Thomas H. GILLIAM, & George GILLIAM. Except so much as is hereafter given away to wit:
Seventh. I give and bequeath out of the before mentioned fund unto my sister Martha Parker Three Hundred dollars to be paid by my exor. To her and her heirs forever.
Eighth. I give and bequeath unto my son John R. GILLIAM Five Hundred dollars to be paid out of the fund before mentioned by my exs. To him and his heirs forever.
Ninth. It is my will and desire that all rents, should be lease not expire before my death shall be added to the funds before constituted out of which all of my children mentioned in the sixth clause are to supported Educated etc., until my son Henry comes to the age before mentioned.
Tenth. It is my will that at the death of my wife the balance of my estate of both slaves, lands, stores, etc., etc., shall in the life manner as before mentioned shall be sold and the proceeds equally divided among my five children as mentioned in the above sixth clause.
It is further my will & desire that all other of my estate not mentioned shall be sold the proceeds added to the afore mentioned fund. Lastly, I nominate & appoint my friend Augustus Moore, my wife Eliz. GILLIAM Executor & Executrix to this my last will & Testament this 27th day of March, 1835.
State of N. Carolina
Gates County
I Henry GILLIAM do this day make & ordain this codicil to be contained a part of my last will and testament. In the 8th clause of my will I have given my son J. R. GILLIAM but . . .
Gates County, NC, Will Book 3, page 44
Granville County, NC
Will of Charles GILLIAM
Date 4 February 1780
February 4, 1780, Proved May Court 1784 on oath of William Beaver, Jacob Mitchel, and William Glover; John and Jacob Mitchel qualified as executors to the will of Charles GILLAM who will to:
Wife Frances, for her lifetime, a negro servant and, at her death, to go to my daughter Elizabeth Atwood for her lifetime, then to the daughter of my daughter and my granddaughter, Frances Atwood;
To daughter Elizabeth Atwood, 5 shillings;
To daughter Martha Mitchel, 5 shillings;
To my Granddaughter Martha Mitchel, 5 shillings
To my granddaughter Ann Mitchel, a Negro slave, a female and male slave, a feather bed and furniture
To grandson Charles Mitchel, a Negro slave,
To granddaughter Pattey GILLIAM Glover, a feather bed and furniture, 2 Negro slaves
To grandson Joshua Mitchel, a slave;
To grandson James Mitchel, a slave
To granddaughter Frances Mitchel, a Negro slave
To granddaughter Frances Atwood, 2 Negro slaves when she is of age
At my wife’s death, all divided to my grandchildren, namely, Patty GILLIAM Glover, Ann Mitchel, France Atwood, Charles Mitchel, James Mitchel, Joshua Mitchel, and Francis Mitchel,
Exrs. John and Jacob Mitchel
Wts: William Beaver, Jacob Mitchel, and Wm. Glover
Granville County, NC, Will Book 1, Page 394
Page 395, 396
Inventory of estate of Charles GILLIAM, deceased, May 1784.
Will of William GILLIAM
Dated 1781
Granville County, NC, Will Book 1, page 300
Will of William GILLIAM
Dated 1 Jun 1803, Proved Feb Court 1804
William GILLIAM will to his wife Elizabeth: all land on roads leading from GILLIAMs Meeting House to Joseph Daniels' gate, 5 Negroes, all my stock and household and kitchen furniture, tools, during her widowhood;
to my son William, after her death or remarriage of his mother, all my land left her, a sorrel horse, 2 negroes and their increase and a gun:
to my son Lesley, all my lands on the west side of road from GILLIAMs' meeting House to Daniel's Gate, a negro slave and after death of his mother, 3 other slaves and a sorrel horse;
to daughter Amey Harrison, a Negroe after the death of her mother;
to daughter Prissiller Harris, a Negro and future increase;
to daughter Lundy Sims, a Negro and increase;
to daughter Deliah Thron, one dollar;
I wish 3 negroes with increase to be evaluated and sold and money therefrom to my daughter Lundy Sims, grandson John T. King and granddaughter Elizabeth Huff Thron
[NB in next paragraph names are given as John Lion and Elizabeth Huff]
and my son Lesley to keep money for grandchildren until they are of age and put to interest and if either of them die without issue, the survivors to receive the money; but if all 3 die without issue, then sons Lesley and William;
to my daughter Prisseller Harris and Elizabeth Harris all stock, furniture, etc. after death of their mother; if son William dies before 21 or without issue, his share to go to son Lesley; debts paid from crop.
Exrs: my wife and son Lesley GILLIAM and son-in-law Ransom Harris.
Wit: Phil Hawkins, Abel Farrow, and H. Terrell.
[William is son of William GILLIAM and Elizabeth Cheatham]
Granville County, NC, Will Book 6, 1803-1808, Page 275
Abstracts of Granville County, NC,1806 by Zae Harget
Guilford County, NC
Will of David GILLIAM
Dated 24 Sept 1839
wife: Susannah
daus: Martha, Sarah, Elizabeth GILLIAM, Anny Bustick
sons: Robert, Joseph, Henry, James, William
Guilford County, NC, Will Book C, page 62
McDowell County, NC
15 Mar 1853
The Last Will and Testament of Sarah Gilliam
I, Sarah Gilliam of the county of McDowell and state of North Carolina being afflicted and diseased of body but yet possessed of my mind and memory and knowing it is appointed unto all men once to die, Do hereby make and publish this my last will and testament.
First I commend my soul to God who gave it and my body to the earth from whence it came to be buried in a decent Christian manner suitable to wishes of my executors hereinafter named.
Second I will and bequeath all my stock consisting of horses, cattle, hogs, and sheep together with all my farming tools, household and kitchen furniture of whatever it may consist including money if any be on hand to be equally divided between my four beloved children to wit:
Elizabeth Ross, Mainyard Gilliam, Jasper Gilliam, and William R. Gilliam.
Or if any of them dies leaving children their proportionable part to go to their children of if not issue their part to go to the surviving brothers and sister.
Lastly I do hereby appoint John Ross and Mainyard Gilliam, being my son and John Ross being my son-in-law and having faith that they will fully execute this my Last Will and Testament and carry out my will and desire, in testimony whereof, I, the said Sarah Gilliam have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my seal to this my last Will and Testament, this the 15th day of March 1853.
Wit: Jesse Burgin, Sr. and B. Burgin
Sig: Sarah [her X mark] Gilliam
McDowell County, NC, Will Book 1, page 52
Will of Charles GILLIAM
McDowell County, NC, Will Book ___, page ___
Will of William H. GILLIAM
McDowell County, NC, Will Book 22, page 103
Will of Benjamin GILLIAM
McDowell County, NC, Will Book ___, page ___
11 Feb 1863
The Last Will and Testament of Mainyard Gilliam
Dated 11th day of February 1863, McDowell County, North Carolina.
I, Mainyard Gillam, of the county and state aforesaid, being of sound mind and memory thanks be to God for His Mercy do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following:
First of all I will my soul to God who gave it first to me. I Will my just debts be punctually paid together with all funeral expenses.
The I will that by beloved wife, Nancy Gilliam, have the whole of my property both real and personal during her natural life in widowhood. My will is proved that my wife Nancy shall have on a child’s part including the dwelling house and orchard and that part of the land that is most convenient to the dwelling. Furth my will is that if any of my children should marry during my wife’s widowhood, my will is that my executors give that or them what they see can be spared by setting a value on the same. Further, my will is that if my wife Nancy should marry that if my executors hereafter mentioned saw fit to divide the property between the mother and the heirs might do so and further my will is that at the death of their mother that my boys arrive at the age of twenty one years that they have a horse and cart apease [sic] if they can be spared and also my daughter to have the value in a note or notes by my Executors setting a value on the same. And I further appoint my worthy friends Noah Souther and William R. Gilliam Executors of this my Last Will and Testament.
Wit: Christian Hoyle and William Souther
Sig: M. Gilliam
Received of Noah Souther and W. R. Gilliam, executors of the Will of Mainyard Gilliam dec’d, in full the estate of the sd. Mainyard Gilliam, dec’d agreeable to the will this 2nd day of November 1883,
Wit: A. W. Gilliam and Nancy [her X mark] Gilliam.
McDowell County, NC, Will Book 2, page 134
Will of A. W. GILLIAM
McDowell County, NC, Will Book ___, page ___
Northampton County, NC
Will of Edward Reavis
21 Feb 1750
Son: Jesse
Daughter: Jude and Mary Reavis
Wife and executrix: Sarah
Executor: Capt. John Person
Wit: Arthur Harris, John Gilliam, Arthur Jordan
[Edward Reavis married Sarah Gilliam]
Northampton County, NC, Will Book ___, page ____
Will of William Folks
25 Aug 1795, December Court 1795
Lend wife Martha Folks all my estate real and personal during her life or widowhood, but if she should marry I lend her one-third of my land during her life and lend her an equal part of all my estate with my children
To my sons Benjamin, Edward, Henry, Robert, Burwell and Miles Folks 20 pounds cash each
To my daughter Mary Folks and Martha Folks bed and furniture each
All my estate except my land to be sold at wife’s death ad money, after just debts are paid, to go to my children
Land to be sold at wife’s death and money to go to all my sons: James, William, Benjamin, Edward, Henry, Robert, Burwell and Miles
Extrs: Moses GILLIAM, Benjamin Williamson, and Benjamin Folks
Wit John Rosser, Burrill GILLIAM
[Martha GILLIAM Folks, the wife of William Folks is the daughter of Burrill GILLIAM below.]
Northampton County, NC, Will Book 2, page 94
Will of Burrell GILLIAM
Dated 13 Nov 1799, Presented Sep Court 1800
Lend my beloved wife Nancy GILLAM all my estate both real and personal, all debts due me and whatever money may be found belonging to me also my stock, household goods, etc. untill [sic] my son Adams GILLAM arrives to the age of 21. my sd son to be supported and educated out of the profits of sd. estate.to Adams
4 of my likelyest negroes at wife’s death or marriage, should sd. son depart this life under age or without issue sd. negroes to be sold and money divided between my sd. wife and Patty Folks, Franky Gale, William and Moses GILLAM, Nancy Norwood, Rebecca Alley, Wiatt GILLAM and my grandson Burrell GILLAM, the son of Wiatt GILLAM. my personal estate to go to my sd. wife and my children aforementioned.
Extrs. Benjamin Lashley and Benjamin Adams and Nancy GILLAM.
Wits. Benjamin Edwards, Richard P______, Isaac Edwards, Willis Maclin
Note: this Will being contested the Jury upon their Oaths do say it is a good Will.
Northampton County, NC, Will Book 2, Page 207
Orange County, NC
Will of Edmund GILLIAM
Dated 11 Aug 1810
Orange County, NC
In the name of God Amen. I Edmund GILLIAM of Orange County and State of North Carolina being weak in Body but of sound and perfect mind and memory blessed be to God for the same do make and publish this my Last will and in manner and form following.
That is to say first I give to my Son Edmund GILLIAM one Negro man named Stephen and one cow and calf and set of Smith Tools.
I likewise give my Sons Charles and Burwell the tract of land that Charles lives on as it was divided between them lying on the south west side of Haw River.
I give to my son David the land I live on, on the north east side of the River.
I likewise give my daughters Sarah HURBIN one Feather bed and furniture.
I likewise give to my well beloved wife Sarah GILLIAM all the rest of my property and at her death the property that is willed to her to be Equally Divided between my four daughters namely Susannah SMOTHERS Sarah HURBIN Mary BRACKIN and Elizabeth STALCUP to them and their heirs forever and
I make and appoint my Son Edmund GILLIAM Executor desiring my sd. Son to Take on him the charge and Trouble thereof and to see the same performed according to my true intent and meaning and Lastly Thereby Revoke all former will or wills by me made and Declare this only to be my Last Will and Testament in Witness whereof The said Edmund GILLIAM hath hereunto set my hand and seal in the presents of Thomas BRADFORD Jurat and David BRADFORD Sr. August ye 11th 1810.
Signed by his mark: Edmund GILLIAM
Burwell GILLIAM qualified
Orange County, NC, Will Book D, page 489
Perquimans County, NC
Will of Hincha GILLIAM
Dated 1 November 1798
Perquimans County, NC
In the name of God, Amen. I Hincha GILLIAM, of Perquimans County of North Carolina being of sound and perfect mind and memory, Blessed be God for the same do this first Day of November in the year of Lord one thousand and seven hundred and ninety eight Make and publish this my Last Will and in _____ following that is to say
First it is my will and desire that all my just debts should be paid
Secondly Item, I give and bequeath unto my son, Miles GILLIAM five pounds ____ to be paid by my Executors out of my Estate where he arrives to the age of twenty one years and that my said son Miles GILLIAM ____ ____ the care and protection of William M. Gray? until he may arrive to the age of twenty one years.
Thirdly it is my will and desire that my loving wife Anne GILLIAM should have the use of all the remaining part of my estate during her natural life and widowhood.
To raise My Children on hereto forth named, that is to say, Henry, Martha, and Howell GILLIAM and at her death or Marriage it is my desire that the residue of my estate should be equally divided between my three children namely Henry, Martha, Howell GILLIAM, etc.
Lastly I nominate and appoint my loving wife Ann GILLIAM my executor and also my trusted Friend William Gray? and Isaac Bal___? executors to this my last will and testament in witness whereto I the said Hincha GILLIAM leave to this my last will and testament set my hand and seal the day and year above written
Signed sealed and acknowledged
in the present of us.
Tho. M. ______
Joseph Bagbey?
John R ______
Perquimans County, NC, Will Book E, page 138
Rockingham County, NC
Will of Hobson GILLIAM
Dated 9 May 1844
Wife Martha GILLIAM
sons" Richard H. GILLIAM (oldest, but a minor), John M. GILLIAM, Edward J. GILLIAM.
dau: Sarah J. GILLIAM, Frances M. GILLIAM.
Exors: Two brothers-in-law: William J. GILLIAM, J. Gilliam, Archer W. Robertson
Wit: Joseph Hooper, Abner M. Compton, William Robertson
Rec: Aug 1844
Rockingham County, NC, Will Book C, page 13.
[Hobson GILLIAM is the son of Isham Richardson GILLIAM, Sr., of Buckingham and Sarah Johns, his wife married Martha Jane GILLIAM, the daughter of John Richardson GILLIAM of Buckingham and Judith Robertson, his wife. Since Isham and John are brothers, Hobson and Martha are first cousins. After Hobson's death, Martha returned to Buckingham County, VA.]
Will of Martha GILLIAM
Rockingham County, NC, Will Book A, page 135
Will of Sarah Elizabeth GILLIAM
Dated 24 Feb 1904
Sister: Malissa C. GILLIAM, Lot No. 1 in division of W. J. GILLIAM's lands of Wolf Island Creek, containing 126 acres, one-third interest in Lot No. 4, adj. P. B. Johnston and W. S. Carter, containing, 127 acres, one-third interest in Lot No. 3, adj W. S. Carter and L. C. GILLIAM, containing 140 acres.
Nephews: George W. Burton, J. R. Burton.
signed: Sarah Elizabeth GILLIAM
Wit: G. W. French, J. A. Benton, W. T. Hagood
Rockingham County, NC, Will Book ____, page ____
[Sarah Elizabeth GILLIAM is the daughter of William Johns GILLIAM, the son of John Richardson GILLIAM of Buckingham County, VA and Judith Robertson; and Judith Ann GILLIAM, the daughter of Richard Curd GILLIAM and Mary Robertson, his wife. John Richardson GILLIAM and Richard Curd GILLIAM are brothers, and Judith Robertson and Mary Robertson are sisters, making William and Judith Ann first cousins.]
Warren County, NC
Will of Peter Kimbell
26 May 1771
In the Name of God Amen, I, Peter Kimbell, of Bute County in the Province of North Carolina being in Good health and of sound memory, but taking to mind the uncertainty of this Transitory Life and knowing it is appointed for all men once to die, do constitute and make this my last will and Testament in manner and form following;
And first of all I give my Soul to God who gave it me and my body to Decently buried and for after my Debts and Funeral charges are paid, I bequeath my estate in manner and form following,
that info say that all my Estate both personal and Real shall be Equally Divided between my beloved wife and all my Children. Each one to take their proportion when my youngest child comes to Lawful age;
and thereby Nominate and appoint William Johnson, my Son Buckner Kimbell and Jordan Harris Executors to this my Last Will and Testament
Given under my hand the day and year first above written.
Sig: Peter Kimball
Sealed and Delivered in presence of William Moore, Little Berry White, Susanna Moore
Filed in Warren County, November Court, 1779.
This last will and Testament of Peter Kimbell, Dec'd was prescribed in Court and proved by the oath of Little Berry White one of the Witnesses hereto and the same was ordered to be recorded, William Johnson, one of the Executors refusing to Qualify.
Teste Tho. Machen
Rec: 1779 [?]
Warren County, NC, Will Book 3, page 25
[Peter Kimball was the first husband of Winnifred Gilliam, the daughter of William and Agnes Gilliam. Winnifred married secondly Christopher Robertson.]
17 Dec 1788
Will of Christopher Robertson
Wife Winnaford;
Sons John & Thomas,
Grandsons James, Christopher & Isham Robertson; Grand Daughter. Burchet House.
Extrs.; Son Isham;
Wit: James Thompson (Jurat), Elisabeth Thompson & John J. Egerton (Jurat).
Rec; May Court 1791
Warren County, NC Will Book 5, Page 245
[Christopher Robertson married Winnifred Gilliam, the daughter of William and Agnes Gilliam. Christopher was the executor of the Will of William Gilliam.]
Inventory of the Estate Christopher Roberson, Dec'd , by John Roberson & Thomas Roberson
Rec: Aug Court 1791
Warren County, NC Will Book 6, Page 16.
13 Oct. 1791
Sale of the Estate of Christopher Roberson, Dec'd., by Edward Jones, D. Shf.
John Roberson
G. Boothe
Luck Key
Christopher Roberson
Isham Roberson
Robert Jones
Sugar Kimble
Thomas Roberson
William Cooper
John Hawkins
Cary Felts
Peter Kimble (Kimbell)
Francis Falkner
Samuel Ransom
David King
Nathl. Dickinson
Solomen Cotten
Thomas Norman
Marc. Jordan
Herbert Roberson
Benjamin Moss
Daniel Ball
David Horton
Matthew Marshall
James Roberson
William House
Wm. Kneel
Thomas E. Summer
Nathl. Peebles
Wyatt Ballard
Reuben Huff
Philemon Hawkins
William Marcus
William Clark
Green House
William Gilliam
Anthony Dowden
Thos. Peebles
Jas. Clark
Benjamin Johnson
James Beckham
Stephen Loyd
James House
Rec: Nov. Court 1791
Wilkes County, NC
Will of William GILLIAM, Senior
October Term 1831
The Last Will and testament of William GILLIAM Sen of Wilkes County, made this 1st day of May 1831. Considering the Uncertainty of the mortal life and being of sound mind and Memory blessed be almighty God for the same do make and publish this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following that is to say first I give and bequeath unto my beloved Wife Mary GILLIAM the whole of my Estate during her life that I die possesed of.
Item I give and bequeath unto my beloved Son William One Hundred Acres of Land bounded as follows. Beginning at a
Bunch of Maples on _____ of a Branch at the South end of the Tract of Land that I now live on Runing South to red Oak in a conditional line made by Thomas Green and John Reddin thence Eastwardly with said line to a post oak thence South to a large forked white oak thence West to the Begining containing seventy acres then thirty acres to make the Hundred taken off of the Hundred and Thirty acres I said That I bought of John London Begining at said bunch of Maples first named runing North ___ my old line as many poles as on test West line to make Thirty Acres also I have given to my Son John GILLIAM one Horse Valued at Twenty-five dollars one Saddle at ten dollars one Cow and calf at ten dollars one sow and pigs at two dollars which makes in the whole forty seven dollars land Excluded.
Item I give and bequeath unto my beloved Son Wm GILLIAM One Hundred acres of Land more or less on the North end of the Tract of Land that I now live coming South to a course of Marked trees runing East and West across said Tract of Land with all his Improvements that the said Wm GILLIAM has made on said Land also I have given Wm GILLIAM one Horse Valued at Twenty-five dollars one Saddle at five dollars one Cow and Calf at ten dollars one Sow and pigs at two dollars one ewe and lamb at one dollar and fifty cents Land excluded.
Item I give and bequeath unto my beloved Daughter Lucy Messicks one Mare Valued at twenty-five dollars one cow and calf at ten dollars on Saddle at ten dollars one Chest at Seven dollars one Wheel at two dollars one bed and stead at twenty dollars making in the whole Seventy four dollars and twenty dollars in Money to be made out of my property at the decease of my Wife. Item I give and bequeath to my beloved Son Thomas GILLIAM one Hundred acres of land more or less out of my Hundred and Thirty acre Tract that I bought of John London which takes the whole of said Tract only ____ Thirty Acres that is to be taken off for John GILLIAM as before Mentioned. Also I have given Thomas Green Thomas GILLIAM one Horse Valued at twenty-five dollars one Cow and Calf at ten dollars one Sow and pigs at two dollars one Ewe and lamb at one dollar fifty cents making in the whole thirty eight dollars and fifty cents.
Item I give and bequeath unto my beloved Daughter Salley Green one Mare Valued at Twenty Dollars one Saddle at ten dollars one Chest at Seven dollars one Cow and Calf at ten dollars one Wheel at two dollars, one bed and Stead at twenty dollars making in the whole Seventy Four dollars and twenty dollars in money to be made out of my property at the decease of my Wife. Item I give and bequeath unto my beloved Son Richard GILLIAM one Hundred acres of land more or less at the South end of the tract of land that I now live on with all the my Improvements on said land Joining the South by said first name GILLIAM land on the North to the course of Marked trees Mentioned in Wm GILLIAMs Jns part to two white oaks & two Lowerwoods Saplins on the West side and to a post Oak and Spanish Oak on the East line Also I have given him one Horse Valued at twenty-Five dollars one Cow and Calf at ten dollars one Sow and pigs at two dollars making in the whole Thirty Seven dollars.
Item I give and bequeath unto my beloved Daughter Elizabeth Johnson one Chest at the decease of my Wife Valued at Seven dollars one Saddle at ten dollars one ewe & lamb at one dollar and fifty cents one little Wheel at two dollars one bed & Stead at twenty dollars twelve dollars and Seventy seven Cents in Sundry Accounts making in the whole fifty three dollars and twenty seven Cents and twenty dollars in money to be made out of my property at the decease of my Wife.
Item I give and bequeath unto my beloved nephew Elisha Bagby whom I hast raised one Mare Valued at twenty five dollars One Saddle at five dollars one Sow and pigs at two dollars one Cow and Calf at ten dollars making on the whole forty two dollars and I give him no more. Being this the property that I have Willed my Will and desire is that out of the ____ of my property at the decease of my Wife when Sold for each of my Sons parts to be made equal that is John William Thomas and Richard GILLIAM also _____ also my three Daughters, that is Lucy, Sally and Elizabeth to have each of their parts made equal with each other. if there is not Enough left on hand at my Wifes death to make the money that I have left to any three daughters each of my Sons to pay back equal to make up their parts. Should there be any Surplus Money left after my four Sons parts are made equal and my three Daughters parts also equal as before mentioned I wish it equaly divided between my Seven Children (To wit.) John GILLIAM Wm GILLIAM Lucy Mesicks Thomas GILLIAM Sally Green Richard GILLIAM and Elizabeth Johnson my property to be seen to by my Executors that there is no waste made of it. Lastly I appoint my worthy friend John Martin Jun's Son Executor of this my last Will and Testament revoking all former Wills of me made. In witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal the day and date above written.
Wm (his x mark) GILLIAM Sen (seal)
Signed Sealed and published in the Presence of
Isaac Martin
James Martin
North Carolina, Wilkes County, Oct Term 1831
The foregoing Will was duly proven in open court by the oathes of Isaac Martin & James Martin & John Martin was
duly sworn as Executor to said Will
Teste R Martin Clk
Wilkes County, NC, Will Book 4, page 149
Will of James GILLIAM
January Term 1866
I Jas. Gilliam of the county of Wilkes and the state of North Carolina being sound in mind but weak in body have this day determined to make this my last Will and Testament, Amen.
1st I will my body to the dust from whence it came and my soul to God who gave it.
2nd my Will is that my beloved wife Silva Gilliam have my two tracts of land one of which lies in the county of Ashe containing fifty acres more or less during her natural life or my widow [?] and at the death of my beloved wife Silva Gilliam.
3rd my Will is that after the death of my beloved wife Silva, that the above named land belong to my three sons, namely Thos. J. Gilliam, my son Charles Poten [Peyton] Gilliam, my son George W. Gilliam, my son, that the above named lands belong to my three sons above named.
4th my Will is that my two daughter namely Mary J. Gilliam, my daughter, and Cresa L. Gilliam, my daughter have forty dollars each out of my personal property.
5th My will is that my son Thomas J. Gilliam be my Executor to execute and carry out this my last [Will] and testament revoking all other Wills by me made.
In witness whereof I have set my hand and seal this the 30th day of November 1865.
Sig: James Gilliam
Teste: J. P. Adams, John Gilliam, G. W. Gilliam
North Carolina, Wilkes County
Jany Term 1866
The execution of the written Will was duly proven in open court by the oaths of J. P. Adams and John Gilliam, two [of] the subscribing witnesses thereto in order to be recorded
Thomas J. Gilliam, the executor therein named was duly qualified.
Teste S. S. Call, Clk
Wilkes County, NC, Will Book 5, page 427
Will of John GILLIAM
Wilkes County, NC, Will Book 7, page 77
Wilson County, NC
Will of Julia A. GILLIAM
Wilson County, NC, Will Book 2, page 538