Updated November 25, 2022

Logan County was formed from Lincoln County on September 1, 1792, it ran from the Little Barren River on the east to the Mississippi River on the west and from the Ohio and Green rivers on the north to Tennessee on the south. It was named after Gen. Benjamin Logan, a Virginian who came to the Kentucky frontier in 1774 and participated in several campaigns against the Indians. The county seat is Russellville.
Two distinct Gilliam families of Virginia settled Logan County. One was the family of John Gillum of Albemarle County, VA. The other was Marcus Gilliam of North Carolina. It is likely that another Gilliam, Hiram Gilliam also of North Carolina is related to Marcus. Hiram appears to be the Hiram Gilliam of Wilson County, TN of 1830 and 1840. Hiram was married in Orange County, NC. The Marcus Gilliams trace their roots to Albemarle Parish, Surry County, VA. Please note Albemarle County should not be confused with Albemarle Parish.

Bible of Tyre B. Gillum

Tyre B. Gillum and Martha C. Martin were married May the 4th 1829
Robert M. (Madison) Stone and America Gillum were married December the 1st, 1852
Tyre E. Gillum and Fannie Hendrik were married November the 26 1868
James J. Gillum and Martha Belle Stone were married Feb 15, 1870
Robert M Stone and Mary Lewis Gatewood were married November 26, 1873
Dr. Lafaett (Lafayette) Bennett and Cornelia S. Gillum was married Nov 13, 1864
Thad. Augustus Gillum and Mary Catherine Rogers were married May 16, 1871
Tyre B. Gillum was born April 1 1806
Martha C. Martin was born October 24th 1806
Robert M. Stone was born May 1825
America A. Gillum was born March 8th 1831
Mary P. S. Gillum was born April 5 1833
John H W. Gillum was born December 29th 1835
Cornelia S. Gillum was born January 11th 1837
[George] P Gillum was born April 26th 1840
[Tyre] E Gillum was born Sept 5 1842
Thadeaus A. Gillum was born Sept 20 1844
Martha Isabella Gillum was born August 25 1847
Mary Lewis Gatewood was born Feb 1st 1849
Miranda S. Stone was born the last day of August 1874
Martha Belle Stone was born Sep ___ 1853
Sarah J. Stone was born July 12th 1855
Ida R. Stone was born April 1 1857
Cornelia S. Stone was born December 14th 1861
John Eddie Stone was born January 10th 1864
Annie Lee Stone was born Jan 8 1866
Georgie Robert Stone was born April 19th 1868
Willie Norman Gilliam was born Jun 19th 1871
Hiram Y Gilliam was born January 9th 1873
Cornelia S. Bennett, died Feb 18, 1866
America A. Stone died Dec 5th 1872
Charles Stone died the 29 of Oct 1879
Robert G. Stone died Feb the 16 1895
Robert M. Stone died Aug 10th 1896
Gillum Cemetery
Russellville, Logan County, KY
Located on the R. R. Overby farm, left of Russellville-Franklin Road, about 4 miles from Russellville.
Aingel, Elizabeth L.
b. Mar. 20, 1815
d. Feb. 5, 1837
[Daughter of John Bailey Gillum]
Bailey, Nancy
b. Dec. 12, 1770
d. Jul. 26, 1850
[Sister of Elizabeth Bailey]
Gilbert, Elizabeth P. Gillum
b. Dec. 19, 1802
d. Mar. 30, 1842
[Daughter of John P. Gillum and Elizabeth Bailey]
Gillum, Elizabeth
b. Jul. 26, 1766
d. Mar. 9, 1862
[Elizabeth, daughter of Callam Bailey and Elizabeth Roundtree, and wife of John P. Gillum]
Gillum, Elizabeth
b. Mar. 12, 1830
d. Mar. 12, 1830
[Daughter of Tyree B. Gillum and Martha C. Martin]
Gillum, Elizabeth P.
b. Apr. 19, 1802
d. Mar. 9, 1862
[Elizabeth, daughter of James Gillum and Susanna Penn, and wife of Charles P. Gillum]
Gillum, Isabella M.
b. Aug. 5, 1847
d. Sep. 21, 1849
[Daughter of Tyree B. Gillum and Martha C. Martin]
Gillum, James F.
b. Aug. 21, 1823
d. Jan. 23, 1826
[Son of Charles P. Gillum and Elizabeth P. Gillum]
Gillum, John
b. Aug. 10, 1760
d. Jun. 4, 1855
Gillum, Joseph U.
b. Jan. 23, 1836
d. Jan. 3, 1837
[Son of Charles P. Gillum and Elizabeth P. Gillum]
Gillum, Lucy Ann
b. May 29, 1841
d. Nov. 6, 1841
[Daughter of Charles P. Gillum and Elizabeth P. Gillum]
Gillum, Mary S.
b. Apr. 5, 1833
d. Sep. 25, 1835
[Daughter of Tyree B. Gillum and Martha C. Martin]
Gillum-Rogers Cemetery, Corinth, Logan County, KY
Located near Corinth on the Linton farm.
Coles, Isaac G.
b. 1840
d. 1924
Coles, Lucy
b. Sep. 2, 1845
d. Apr. 10, 1864
Coles, Mary Gillum
b. 1836
d. 1895
[Daughter of Henry Lee Gillum and Nancy Lobban, wife of Isaac Coles]
Gillum, Henry L.
b. Jun. 23, 1799
d. Jul. 11, 1873
[Son of James Gillum and Susanna Penn]
Gillum, Lucy E.
b. May 8, 1846
d. Jul. 20, 1868
[Daughter of Henry Lee Gillum and Nancy Lobban, wife of Isaac Coles]
Gillum, Nancy Lobban
b. 1801
d. May 26, 1862
[Wife of Henry Lee Gillum]
Gillum, Paulina E.
b. Jun. 17, 1831
d. Apr. 29, 1872
[Daughter of Henry Lee Gillum and Nancy Lobban]
Kennedy, Alney H.
b. Sep. 24, 1811
d. Oct. 12, 1874
Kennedy, Lucy J.
b. Nov. 24
d. Nov. 4, 1863
Rogers, Virginia S. Gillum
b. Jan. 20, 1829
d. Jun. 16, 1857
[Daughter of Henry Lee Gillum and Nancy Lobban]
Rogers, William P. Gillum
b. May 27, 1857
d. Mar. 12, 1858
Mark Gilham
Free White Males Under 10: 1 [Ephraim Marcus Gilliam]
Free White Males 10 to 15: 1
Free White Males 16 to 25: 1
Free White Males 26 to 44: 1 [Marcus Gilliam]
Free White Males 45 and Over: 1
Free White Females Under 10: 1
Free White Females 16 to 25: 1
Numbers of Slaves: 2
Number of Household Members Under 16: 3
Number of Household Members Over 25: 2
Number of Household Members: 9
Marcus Gilham
Township: Russellville
Enumeration Date: August 7, 1820
Free White Males - 10 thru 15: 1
Free White Males - 16 thru 25: 1
Free White Males - 45 and over: 1
Free White Females - 26 thru 44: 1
Number of Persons - Engaged in Agriculture: 2
Free White Persons - Under 16: 1
Free White Persons - Over 25: 2
Total Free White Persons: 4
Total All Persons - White, Slaves, Colored, Other: 4
Hiram Gilliam
Birth Place: North Carolina
District 2, Logan, Kentucky
Hiram Gilliam, age 45
Nancy Gilliam, age 44
John C Gilliam, age 21
Marion F Gilliam, age 20
William Gilliam, age 16
Sarah Gilliam, age 13
Walter Gilliam, age 11
Mary Gilliam age 9
Hiram Gilliam, age 7
William Gilliam, age 4
Thomas Gilliam, age 4
Tyre Gillum
Birth Place: Virginia
District 1, Logan, Kentucky
Tyre Gillu, age 44
Martha Gillum, age 43
America A Gillum, age 18
Cornelia S Gillum, age 12
George P Gillum, age 10
Tyre H Gillum, age 7
Thadeous A Gillum, age 5
Chancery Suits
22 May 1845
To the Honourable Judge of the Logan Circuit Court in Chancery sitting humbly complaining sheweth unto your Honor, your orator Edward Eley that many years ago his father Eli Eley departed this life leaving by his last Will and Testament certain slaves and other property to be held by his wife during her life and at her death to be divided amongst his descendant in the manner prescribe by his said Will a copy of which is here filed marked A is prayed to be regarded as part of this bill from which the facts above stated will more fully appear as well as the manner in which said slaves of their proceeds are to be divided
Our orator states that there are but tow of said slaves so devised remaining to with Manor and Armstrong and that they are not susceptible of any sort of _____ amongst those entitle to them so therefore _____ the following as the person entitled as aforesaid to _____ negroes together with your orator’s who are made defendants to this bill viz Martha Brown, daughter of sd E. Eley (late Eley) and Geo Brown her husband
Polly P Allison (late Eley, daughter of sd Eli Eley) and Jas Allison her husband
Taibtha C. Sloss (another daughter)
Ann Collins
Samuel Eley son of Lawrence Eley decd
Polly W. Hutchinson (late Eley daughter of Lawrence Eley deceased who was a son of sd Eli Eley) and Samuel Hutchinson, her husband
Martha Robinson (another daughter of Lawrence Eley) and Isaac N Robinson, her husband
Sally Hutchinson (daughter of Lawrence Eley) and her, husband Clendenin [sic] Hutchinson
Adaline Eley and Eli Eley (children of sd Lawrence Eley) and
Temperance Eley (widow of Lawrence Eley)
Ephraim M. Guilliam (a son of Marcus Guilliam, decd and Sally Guilliam, decd who was daughter of sd testator Eli Ely) who has sold his interest in said estate of your orator
Eli Robinson (a non resident and infant son of Isaac N Robinson) by his first marriage with Sarah a daughter of Eli Eley decd a son of sd testator)
Michael Eley a son of sd Eli Eley and grandson of testator sd ____ has sold to Richd T Higgins his interest) sd Higgins is made a party
Jesse Eley (brother of sd Michael)
John Hill (husband of Elizabeth Hill decd late Eley and daughter of Eli Eley who was a son of the testator)
Eli Collins (husband of Martha Collins (late Hill) daughter of sd John and Elizabeth Hill)
James H. Collins (infant son of Eli Collins and Martha his wife )
Sarah F. Collins (infant daughter of sd Eli and Martha Collins)
Wm H Collins (infant son of Samuel . . .
[Copy was cut off]
[Sarah Eley, the daughter of Eli Eley married Marcus Gilliam 16 Nov 1802 in Logan County, KY. Marcus was the son of Marcus Gilliam and Fanny Stewart of Albemarle Parish, Surry County, VA. Sarah and Marcus were the parents of Ephraim Marcus Gilliam of Logan County.]
14 Nov 1872
Logan Circuit Court
Charles P. Gillum. Plaintiff
Against Petition in Equity
Tyre B. Gillum, William Gillum, Elizabeth Vandiver, J. C. Thomas, H. C. Thomas, S. M. Thomas, Ann E. Lummis, G. W. Mundy
The plaintiff, Charles P. Gillum, states that one Elizabeth Gillum, his mother, departed this life on the day of _____ 1862, leaving the defendant Tyre B. Gillum, William Gillum, Elizabeth Vandiver, J. C. Thomas, H. C. Thomas, S. M. Thomas, Ann E. Lummis and G. W. Mundy as her heirs at law and without leaving a last will & testament. That said Elizabeth Gillum was the widow of one John P. Gillum, deceased; that on the 23rd day of August 1856 a warrant of one Hundred and sixty acres of bounty land issued to her from the office of the Commissioner of pensions for the United States of America, which warrant to her was filed and made part of this petition. Plaintiff states that his mother died seized of possession of said warrant, that she had once during her life, entered as _____ law called for in said warrant. Plaintiff states that the plaintiff
Charles P. Gillium is entitled to 1/6 of the said warrant's value,
that the defendant Tyre B. Gillum is also entitled to 1/6 of same,
that William Gilliam is entitled to 1/6 of said warrant,
that Ann E. Lummis is entitled to 1/6 of same
that the defendants S. M. Thomas, J. C. Thomas and H. C. Thomas and G. W. Mundy are jointly entitled to one share of 1/6 fifth of said warrant's value and that the distributable share of each is less than one hundred dollars in value, that the intent of all the heirs ____ a sale of said warrant in order that each may be able to obtain his & her proportionate share, that the said heirs are of full lawful age.
He also states that Sarah Thomas now married and Geolina Thomas now married and living in Texas to 1/6 of proceeds of said warrant and also says that the names of their husbands are unknown __________ is entitled to 1/6 of same
and that the defendants S. M. Thomas, J. C. Thomas and H. C. Thomas and G. W. Mundy are jointly entitled to one of share of 1/6 fifth of said warrant's value, that the distributable share of each is less that one hundred dollars in value, that the interest of all the heirs _____ a sale of said warrant in order that each may be able to obtain his & her proportionate share, that all said are of full, lawful age.
Sworn to before me by Charles P. Gillum Nov 14 1872
[John P. Gillum and Elizabeth had seven children; however, Elizabeth’s estate is divided into sixths. It appears that John B. who predeceased his father and mother was not included in Elizabeth’s estate.
Charles, Tyre and William receive 1/6 share as sons of Elizabeth.
Ann E. Lummis receives 1/6th share in the right of Elizabeth her mother, the daughter of Elizabeth.
S. M. Thomas, J. C. Thomas and H. C. Thomas and G. W. Mundy receive 1/6th share in the right of Nancy their mother, the daughter of Elizabeth.
Elizabeth Vandiver apparently is a descendant of son James and as such receives 1/6th share in his right.]
Court Orders
Logan County, KY, Court Order Book 10
Name | Page |
Tyre B. Gilliam | 24 |
Ephraim Gilliam | 29 |
Nancy Gilliam | 53 |
Henry L. Gilliam | 108 |
James E. Gillium | 118 |
John B. Gillium, decd | 118 |
James E. Gilliam | 123 |
John B. Gilliam, decd | 123 |
Henry L. Gilliam | 170 |
E. Gilliam | 199 |
Henry L. Gilliam | 235 |
Charles P. Gillum | 236 |
Henry L. Gilliam, Tax Comr. | 247 |
Henry L. Gilliam | 374 |
Henry L. Gilliam, Tax Comr. | 413 |
Henry L. Gilliam | 418 |
Charles Gillum | 419 |
Henry L. Gillum | 419 |
Widow Gilliam | 427 |
Henry L. Gilliam, Tax Comr. | 439 |
Henry L. Gilliam | 448 |
Henry L. Gilliam | 461 |
Henry L. Gillum | 470 |
E. Gilliam | 474 |
Charles P. Gillum | 486 |
Charles P. Gillum | 570 |
H. L. Gilliam | 570 |
John P. Gillum, decd | 570 |
James E. Gilliam | 580 |
John P. Gilliam, decd | 580 |
Charles P. Gillium | 582 |
John P. Gillium | 582 |
James E. Gilliam | 586 |
John B. Gilliam, decd | 586 |
John Gillum, decd | 596 |
Henry L. Gillum | 598 |
Elizabeth Gillum, pension | 599 |
John Gillum, decd | 599 |
John Gillum, pension | 599 |
John Gillum, Rev. War | 599 |
John Gillum, decd | 600 |
Tyre B. Gilliam | 600 |
John P. Gillum, decd | 612 |
Elizabeth Gillum | 616 |
John Gillum, pension | 616 |
John Gillum, Rev. War | 616 |
Widow Gilliam | 623 |
[Revolutionary War Veteran, John Gilliam who married Elizabeth Bailey settled in Logan County, KY along with several of his children: Charles P., James E., Tyre B. Gilliam].
Legislative Acts
AN ACT for the benefit of George P. Gillum, sheriff of Logan county.
Whereas, It is represented to the satisfaction of this General Assembly that George P. Gillum, sheriff of Logan county, conveyed from said county to the State House of Reform James Johnson, alias James W. Jennings, convicted of breaking into a store with the intent of stealing, by the Logan circuit court at its November term, 1872; and whereas, there is no law providing for the payment of expenses incurred in conveying prisoners to said institution; and whereas, the said Gillum's fees for such service amounts to the sum of thirty-three dollars and thirty three cents ($33 33); therefore,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky:
§ 1. The Auditor of Public Accounts is hereby directed to draw his warrant on the Treasury in favor of the said George P. Gillum for the above sum of thirty-three dollars and thirty-three cents, as payment for the services indicated.
§ 2. This act to take effect from and after its passage.
Approved March 28, 1873
Acts of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky Passed at the Adjourned Session of the General Assembly. January 1873. Kentucky Yeoman Office, Frankfort, KY.
Pension Application of John Gilliam: W8849
Logan County}
State of Kentucky} S.S.
On this 9 day of November 1832 personally appeared in open court before the judge of the Logan Circuit Court in the State of Kentucky (said Court being now in Session – John Gillam a resident of said County in the State aforesaid aged 73 years who being first duly Sworn according to Law doth on his Oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed June 7th 1832
That he entered the Service of the United States under the following named Officers and served as herein stated. To wit in the year 1775 or 1776 he was enrolled in a company of Malitia he being about 16 years old, in Albemarle County Virginia commanded by Michael Wallace, a requisition made about this for malitiamen to march to the lower part of Virginia he was in the division in said Company which was drafted his Liutenant James Wood was also drafted or volunteered and went on the same campaign. We rendesvoused at a place called the Old Wells in Flavannah [sic: Fluvanna] County which adjoins Albemarle here the Company was organized and I was placed in the command of Captain Lina[?] Jones [probably Landon Jones], said James Wood still holding his rank as Lieutenant. From hense we marched to Williamsburg where we joined a considerable army of Malitia. We remained some time in the neighbourhood of Williamsburg. We marched during the Campaign to the Sea bord, but we was in no battle. He was discharged at the City of Richmond, after having performed a tour of duty of three months. whether he got a written discharge or not he does not now recollect, but if did get a written discharge it is lost or mislaid.
The second tour of duty was entered upon some months after his return to said Albemarle County he was again drafted from the said company which he mustered in before, his old Captain having resigned, his Lieutenant James Wood commanded the said Company. We rendesvoused at one Randolph Watsons near the bird [sic: Bird’s] Ordinary his Captain who took command of him was named Nathaniel Garland. Col Reuben Lindsay. From here we marched to Richmond from hense to Hampton. from this place he was detached together with about sixty other soldiers (riflemen) to watch the movements of the British vessels which lay about eight miles from Hampton in the Bay and to prevent the escape of the negroes to said vessels. a circumstance took place here which is recollected distinctly. after an excessive nights rain which considerably wet our rifles we asked leave of the officer who commanded us to suffer us to fire our guns. we were permitted to do so and marched out and fired alternately at a pine tree which stood about sixty yards from our tents. the guns we [sic: were?] heard at a distance and the alarm given at Hampton and the army posted off to our relief the cause of our firing being made known we marched back to Hampton & our officer put under arrest for his indulgence to us in suffering us to fire our guns. The vessels alluded to, went into the mouth of James River and we marched up to Richmond. After remaining here some time he was again discharged after having served another tour of three months but did not receive as he recollects a written discharge. After the first Tour of duty as first set forth went as a substitute for William Rigins and served a tour of two months at the Albemarle Barracks under Col. [Francis] Taylor. Some months before the capture of Cornwallace [sic: Cornwallis, 19 Oct 1781] he was again called into the service for six months as a drafted malitiaman from said County of Albemarle. We rendesvoused at Goochland Court House and Col Charles Dabney took command of the regiment to which I was attached at the place of rendesvous. from hense we marched directly to Williamsburg and after some (but the precise time he cannot now recollect) we marched to Little York. He was there during the whole siege [28 Sep - 19 Oct 1781]. After the siege was over the Company to which he belonged was detached to Richmond to guard the prisoners and Tories. Here he remained until the end of his tour which was six months. He does not think he got a written discharge. Our Captain Slaughter commanded the company at the time our services expired. He received the money to pay the company & went off and kept the whole of it & the soldiers never received one cent for this tour of duty. He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the pension Roll of the agency of any State. Sworn to and subscribed the day & year aforesaid John [his X mark] Gilliam
[On 22 Dec 1845 Elizabeth Gilliam, 79, applied for a pension stating that she married John Gilliam in Albemarle County on 25 Dec 1785. She also stated that in 1818 they moved from Virginia to Madison County KY, then in 1821 moved to Logan County. In the file is a copy of a bond signed on 22 Dec 1785 by John Gilliam and John Bailey for the marriage of Gilliam to Elizabeth Bailey. Her application was supported by Nancy Thomas, who deposed that she was born 10 Feb 1790, the second child of John and Elizabeth Gilliam. On 15 Mar 1856 at age 90 Elizabeth Gilliam applied for bounty land.]
Southern Campaign American Revolution Pension Statements, Pension Application of John Gilliam: W8849, Transcribed and annotated by C. Leon Harris
Wills, Estates, and Inventories
Will of Sir Francis Drake
5 May 1814
In the name of God Amen. I Sir Francis Drake of the County of Logan and State of Kentucky being of a sound and disposing mind do make this my last Will and testament
I lend to my beloved wife Martha Drake all my estate both real and personal during her natural life or widowhood, at her death or marriage I give the said Estate both real and personal to be equally divided between my children John Gilleam Drake, Taylor B. Drake, Sarah S. Drake, Sir Francis Drake and Jacob G. Drake. . .
I constitute my wife Martha Drake Executrix and my son Taylor B. Drake Executor. . .
I have hereunto set my hand and seal this fifth day of May in the year of our Lord Christ 1814.
Sir Francis Drake
[Martha GILLIAM Drake is the wife of Sir Francis Drake.]

Inventory of Marcus Gilliam
23 Jan 1834
This is a true appraisement of all the property of Marcus Gilliam decd. That come under our notice etc this 23rd of January AD 1834
One negro woman | 300.00 |
Three negro boys | 850.00 |
Two pair of guns | 5.00 |
One plow | .50 |
One lot of lumber | .50 |
Six hundred pounds of bacon | 15.00 |
One bed & furniture | 15.00 |
One bed & furniture | 15.00 |
Six chairs | 2.25 |
One lot of ware | 2.50 |
One bureau | 15.00 |
One table | 4.00 |
One eighteen gallon kettle | 4.00 |
Four ten gallon kettles | 10.00 |
Two pots | 3.00 |
One oven | .75 |
One skillet | .75 |
One wheel and reel | 3.00 |
one lot of water vessels | 1.00 |
Two cows and one yearling | 17.00 |
Twenty two shoats | 11.00 |
Four sows | 10.00 |
Two hogs | 5.00 |
Twelve sheep | 12.00 |
Twenty barrels of corn | 30.00 |
One gray mare | 30.00 |
One sorrel filly | 35.00 |
One sorrel hore colt | 15.00 |
Thirteen geese | 3.00 |
One stand | .50 |
One iron wedge | .50 |
Two hymn books | .75 |
One flat iron | .25 |
Two planes | 3.00 |
First sworn before John Curd Justices of the peace this 23rd of January 1834
Sig: Lawrence Ely, Lewis Dunn
I do hereby certify this is a true Inventory of all the property of Marcus Gilliam decd this 23rd of January 1834
E. M. Gilliam, Admr
Logan County
At a county court held for the county of Logan at the Courthouse in Russellville on the 3rd day of March 1834 the foregoing appraisement of the goods and chattels of Marcus Gilliam
Decd was produced in Open Court and ordered to be recorded in testimony of which and that the same together with the certificate stands truly recorded ____ _____ office. I hereunto set my hand as clerk of said County court the date above
M B Morton
[Marcus is the son of Marcus Gilliam, Sr and Fanny Stewart, his wife. The Administrator of Marcus’ estate is his son, E. M. Gilliam, (Ephraim Marcus Gilliam)]

30 Jul 1838
Will of John B Gilliam
Be it understood this 30th day of July 1838 that I have made this my last will and testament vizt
It is my wish and will that my wife Nancy Gillum shall remain in the full possession of all the within named property during her natural life as follows vis
The house and farm on which I now live and all its apperturtencies thereto belong including all my farm utensil of every description whatever together with all my stock of horses, cattle, sheep, hogs etc. etc
I wish and desire that my servants viz Presley, Willis, Isaac shall remain with my wife Nancy during her natural life time as servant for to wait upon and support her during her natural life time or so long as she remains a widow after which I ____ even to the above named property such as the above names and house and farm, horses, cattle, hogs, etc., etc together with the above name slaves say Presley, Willis, and Isaak. To be equally divided amongst my six children
It is my wish that ____ of my children that are unmarried shall have one equal _______ of my property as those that have married and left me therefore I wish my daughter Polly to have as I think equalized my ____ daughter that she shall have a horse saddle and bridle worth about $95 together with a cow and calf, bed and bed clothes etc together with one hundred dollars at and extra allowance on account of ____ ____
I also wish my daughter Ellen to have the same ____ and description of property as named for my daughter Polly and the same extra allowance on account of _____ also _____ and ____
I also wish my daughter L_____ to have a horse saddle and bridle worth $95 also a cow and calf one bed and bed clothes etc
It is my wish that at the death of my wife Nancy or her marriage that the above named house and farm on which I now live together with the above named slaves say Presley, Willis and Isaac shall all be sold to the highest bidder upon a credit of twelve months and ______ ______ of sd sale to be equally divided amongst my six children
In testimony whereas I have this day affixed my seal the day and date above written
Sig: John B. Gilliam
H. B. Withers, Fred Willis, Henry C. Robinson
NB It is my wish that my son James E. Gilliam shall act as my executor and it is further understood that I bequeath as a special present my clock to my son ______
Sig: John B. Gilliam
H. B. Withers, Fred Willis, Henry C. Robinson
Logan County
I, Marmaduke B. Morton, Clerk of the said Logan County Court do hereby certify that at a county court held for said county an the courthouse in the republick on the 27th day of August 1838 that written last will and testament of John B. Gilliam decd and the ______ thereto was produced in open court and proven by the oaths of Frederick Willis and Henry C. Robins subscribing witnesses thereto be the last Will and Testament and codicil there to ______ of the said John B. Gilliam decd and ordered to be recorded _____ the same together with the certificate ______duly admitted to record in my office given under my hand as Clerk of sd court the date above
M. B. Morton, Sec

15 Apr 1845
Will of John P. Gillum [formerly of Albemarle County, VA]
I John P. Gillum of the county of Logan and State of Kentucky being in good health and of sound and disposing mind and memory and of understanding conceding the uncertainty of life do make this my last will and testament in the following manner to wit:
1st my will is that the expenses of my last sickness etc. shall be first paid
2nd my will is that all of my just debts shall be paid but I thank God gave but few
3rd I do will and bequeath unto my beloved wife Elizabeth during her natural life the following property viz all the tract of land I now live upon or may die in possession and the household furniture viz three beds, bedsteads, & furniture also one cupboard and furniture, bureau, sugar chest, table and chair and such other things as she may chose to keep and the kitchen furniture etc also the following horses viz my old grey horse and those other of my horses that she may make choice of after my death and also my will is that she shall have four of my best milch cows and calves, ten head of sheep and as many of my stock of hogs as she may want also my wagon and four pair of my best gear and she is to have after my death a sufficiency of the produce of the farm to support her one year and further my will is that she shall have my negro man Boice and my negro boy Dabney and my and my negro woman Chaney and her daughter Ellen.
4th It is my will that residue of my property that I may die possessed of including what may and ___ may be on hand shall be divided among my children and grand children that I shall hereafter name so as to make them all as nearly equal as possible including what I have heretofore given any of them my will is that my grandson William Gilliam and his sister Elizabeth’s children shall have one portion between them, William have one half, it being the portion that would have fallen their father John the son to be made equal to any one of my other children and my will is that my son _____children shall have his portion of my estate which shall be equal to any one of the rest of children but it is my will that my executors shall keep the property that may fall to my son James’ children in his hands until they shall arise to the age of twenty one, but should they both die before they attain to that age then their portion shall be paid over to the legatees above named and I further will unto my four grandchildren who my son John left by his last wife the sum of one dollar each which is to be their portion and to be paid them by my executor
And further it is my will that after the death of Elizabeth all of the property that I willed to her both real and personal which its increase shall be sold and the proceeds equally divided as above excepted my son last named grand children who is to receive no part
And lastly I do hereby constitute and appoint my son Charles P. Gillum of the county and state aforesaid to be the executor of this my last will and testament revoking and annulling all former Wills by me heretofore made testifying and confirming this in testimony ________hereunto set my seal this 15th day of April 1841
Sig: John P. [his X mark] Gillum
Signed, sealed, published and declared by John P. Gilliam the above named testator as and last will and testimony in the presence of us who at his request and in his presence subscribed our names as witnesses thereto
Wit: Wm Sproul, A. H. Kennedy, H. L. Gillum
Logan County
I Marmaduke B. Martin and clerk of the said Logan County in Russellville on the 23rd day of June 1845. The within last will and testimony of John P. Gillum decd was produced in Court and found by the oath of Asbury H Kennedy and Henry L. Gillum two subscribing witnesses that to be the act and deed and last Will ad testament of above John P. Gillum decd and ordered to be recorded whereupon the same together with this certificate hath been duly admitted to record in my office given under my hand as clerk of said county the date above
Marmaduke B. Martin
Logan County Court
[John P. Gillum, married Elizabeth Bailey daughter of Callam Bailey]

- Familyseach.org. Kentucky, Probate Records, 1792-1977, Logan County, Will records, Index, 1837-1847, Vol. G
- Logan County, KY, Will Book
- Southern Campaign American Revolution Pension Statements, Pension Application of John Gilliam: W8849, Transcribed and annotated by C. Leon Harris