Updated November 25, 2022

Taxes of Gilliam, Scott and Co.
John GILLIAM and Company, of Cumberland was known by 1810 as GILLIAM, Scott and Company and by 1822, GILLIAM, Thornton and Company. John GILLIAM the proprietor, was the son of James GILLIAM and Susannah his wife. According to his tombstone at Saint Lukes in Powhatan, John was born on 24 Feb 1776 in Cumberland and died 26 Jun 1851. John married Maria Jefferson James, the daughter of Col. Richard James and Mary Jefferson Turpin, his wife.
John GILLIAM and Company of Cumberland should not be confused with John GILLIAM and Company of Prince George that operated in the 1760s. John GILLIAM and Company of Prince George was dissolved in 1770:
Prince George, July 1, 1770
Notice is hereby given that the partnership between John GILLIAM and Co., has disbanded And that on Wednesday the first of August next will be sold to the highest bidder, at Broadway’s . . .
John GILLIAM & Co.
Publisher: Purdie & Dixon, Page: 3, Column: 3, 1770-07-19
Nor should John GILLIAM and Company of Cumberland be confused with later J. Van GILLIAM and Company of Buckingham:
The store-house of J. Van GILLIAM & Co., of Toga, Buckingham county, was burned last Saturday. The fire was discovered about 4 o'clock a.m. and Messrs. GILLIAM were aroused but too late to save anything. There was no insurance. The opinion is that the store was robbed and then set on fire. Messrs. GILLIAM had only been in business a short while, and there loss is quite a heavy one. No one slept in the store.
Farmville Herald, Buckingham County - Sheppards - January 9, 1907
John GILLIAM and Company was a mercantile. As such they sold a variety of goods including medicines. GILLIAM and Company served as the assignee for several individuals and provided security. As a result GILLIAM and Company was also involved in numerous Chancery Suits.
The identity of "Scott" of GILLIAM, Scott and Company is not known. Though Scott was a partner in 1810 and after, no Scott appears in the Cumberland 1810 Census. There are Scotts in Buckingham (Benjamin, Benjamin, Charles A., Druscilla, Jenny, Johnson, Lewis, Moses, Samuel, and Silas) and Powhatan (Edward, Thomas and William). Scott appear in the Southam Register along with GILLIAMs, and Samuel Scott mentions James GILLIAM, the father of John, in his Revolutionary War Pension Application.
The identity of "Thornton" of GILLIAM, Thornton and Company, on the other hand is known. John's son, Richard James GILLIAM, married Catherine Elizabeth Thornton, the daughter of William Mynn Thornton and Elizabeth Anderson, his wife. (It should be noted that William Thornton married thirdly Mary W. Scott, the widow of James Scott. Mary was the daughter of Wade Netherland Woodson (1763-1847) and Mary Harris.

Records relating to John GILLIAM and Company and Its Successors
20 Jul 1803

20 July 1803
Land for Sale
By virtue of a deed of trust to us made, by Isham Miles to secure the payment of monies therein specified due to J. & C. Cunningham, Cunninghams & Guerrant, and John GILLIAM & Co., will be sold, to the highest bidder, for read money at Cumberland Courthouse, on Saturday, the thirteenth day of August next, one hundred acres of land, lying in Buckingham county, on Great Buffaloe Creek, being a part of the tract on which the said Miles, now lives. Adjoining the lands of John Moseley, James Hudgens, and Moses Scott, as described in the said deed.
John Daniel, Jacob Faris, Trustees

13 Mar 1804
Just received direct from the Patentee's and
for sale by
Shepard & Lucke, Richmond,
The following Valuable
Family Medicines
Which they are also forwarding to the following persons, viz
Virginia—Thomas H. Walton, Cartersville; Thomas Wyatt, Lynchburg; John GILLIAM & Co., Cumberland; . . . .
1804 Personal Property Taxes
John GILLIAM & Company
Tithes: Self, Henry DeNoe
Slaves: Bob, Ned, Delphy, Julia,
Slaves 12 to 16: Levina, Edy
Horses: 7
1805 Personal Property Taxes
John GILLIAM & Company
Tithes: 3
Slaves: 7
Slaves 12 to 16: 1
Horses: 6
1806 Personal Property Taxes
John GILLIAM & Company
Tithes: 3
Slaves: 6
Slaves 12 to 16: 1
Horses: 7
1809 Personal Property Taxes
Tithes: 1
Slaves: 8
Slaves 12 to 16: 2
Horses: 1
1811 Personal Property Taxes
Tithes: 1
Slaves: 6
Slaves 12 to 16: 2
Horses: 2
1811 Personal Property Taxes
Scott & GILLIAM & Company
Tithes: 0
Slaves: 1
Slaves 12 to 16: 0
Horses: 1
1 Jan 1807

1 Jan 1807
Pursuant to a deed of trust executed to us on the 26th of November 1805 by Fleming Cayce, to secure money due to John Lockland & Co, we shall proceed to sell to the highest bidder for ready money, at Cumberland Courthouse on Saturday the 31st day of January 1807.
One negro man named Stepney (a good Blacksmith) and the residue of a Negro Woman, Nancy and her three children, Anne, Harriott, and Sally—after a former deed, covering them for the benefit of John GILLIAM & Company, is carried into effect.
Bernard Lewis, Surviving Trustee
Cumberland, January 1
Miscellaneous Letters, 1810-1819.
Letters written by or addressed to Christopher Anthony, John Baskerville, J. Bolling, David Bondurant, Jeffrey Bondurant, George Booker, Thomas Boulware, William Dunford, Henry Flood, Walter L. Fontaine, Charles Garrote (or Garrott), James T. Hubard, Ben Maxey, Jacob Maxey, Jonathan Maxey, Zachariah Nevit, J. Pittman, Thomas E. Pleasants, Philip Slaughter, John Taylor of Caroline (2 letters written by him), Mutual Assurance Society, Messrs. Scott & GILLIAM, Ca Ira, Va.
Inventory of the Austin-Twyman Papers, 1765-1939, Collection Mss. 69 Au7, Folder: 151, 20 items. William and Mary Earl Gregg Swem Library
26 Sep 1810
This Indenture made the twenty-six day of September in the year one thousand eight hundred and ten between GILLIAM & Scott of the county of Cumberland of the first part,
William Daniel and Michael B. Portaux of the second part
and Charles Copeland of the third part
whereas the said GILLIAM & Scott together with Edward Dillon this day executed three several bonds each for the sum of ninety dollars and made payable to the said Charles Copland as Commissioner acting under order of the circuit court of the United States for the Virginia District in the suit of William Kendall, Jr., plaintiffs against Thomas M. Deane and others, defendants, and Scriba Scrophal and Starman plaintiffs against the same defendants all which bonds have interest from their date the first bond is payable one year after date, and the second is payable two years after date the third is payable three years after date and the intent and design of this indenture is to secure the payment of the said three bonds. Therefore this indenture witnesseth that the said Gilliam and Scott in consideration of the premises aforesaid as also for the further consideration of five shillings to the said Gilliam and Scott in hand paid by the said William Daniel and Michael B. Portaux before the sealing and delivery of this indenture the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath granted, bargained and sold and by these presence doth grant bargain and sell unto the said William Daniel and Michael B. Portaux and the survivor of them, all that lot of land of three acres more or less lying in the county of Cumberland being a part of the Ca Ira Tract of land formerly owned by James Thomas and Francis Deane and which Ca Ira tract of land has been laid off into separate lots plan or plat whereof made by John Baughan surveyor will be recorded in the general court, the lot hereby granted and conveyed is called the plan or plat aforesaid to the warehouse lot and designed in that plan or plat by the number 8 and is the same lot of land numbered eight which was sold at auction by the said Charles Copeland acting as commissioner under the decree aforesaid to the said Gilliam and Scott and was conveyed to them by the said Charles Copeland as Commissioner aforesaid by a deed of bargain and sold bearing the same date with the indenture and all the estate title and interests of the said Gillam and Scott in the said land hereby granted and conveyed to have and to hold the same with all it improvements and appurtenances unto the said William Daniel and Michael B. Portaux and the survivor of them their heirs and assigns and the heirs and assigns of the survivor of them forever in witness and upon the following conditions that is to say that the said trustees shall suffer and permit the said Gilliam and Scott to remain in possession of the said lot of land and appurtenances and receive the prophets [sic] thereof to their own use until the expiration of three years from the date and if on or before three years from the date the aforesaid three bonds shall not be fully satisfied and paid together with the expenses of recording this indenture that then the said trustees or one of them shall and will at any time thereafter when they or either of them shall be thereunto required by the said Charles Copeland his executors, administrator s or assigns sell and dispose of at public auction for ready money at Ca Ira in the County of Cumberland the lot of land and appurtenances hereby granted and conveyed first giving one months notice of such sale by advertising the same in one of the newspapers printed in the city of Richmond and the money to arise from such sale so far s it will extend or shall be needful first defraying their costs the expense or recording this indenture and all reasonable charges and expenses attending the execution of this trust shall apply the same toward the discharge of the aforesaid three bonds or such of them as shall be then unpaid and the surplus of any pay to the said Gilliam and Scott but if before any such sale shall be made the aforesaid three bonds together with expenses of recovering the indenture shall be paid off and discharged these this indenture shall be utterly void and the said Gilliam and Scott doth warrant and forever defend the land and appurtenances hereby granted and conveyed against all persons claiming the same under
In witness whereof the parties to this indenture have hereunto set their hands and seals the same day and year first in this indenture written
Signed, sealed, acknowledged and delivered in presence of
Sig: GILLIAM & Scott, Wm. Daniel, Jr., M. B. Portaux, Chs. Copland
Wit: Wm M. Thornton, Leonard Barker, Jr., Parke Bailey, Bernard Sims }as to G & S.
Cumberland County, Jany 25 1811

6 Sep 1810
Indenture between Charles Copland . . . Messrs GILLIAM and Scott. . . hath granted bargained and sold and by these presence doth grant bargain and sell unto the said GILLIAM & Scott the said lot of land, Number 8 containing three acres be the same more of less and bounded as follows: . . . tavern lot. . . river . . .
Sig: Charles Copland
Wit: Wm M. Thornton, Leonard Bosher, Jr., Parke Bailey, Ber'd Sims
Rec: 23 Sep 1811
Cumberland County, VA, Deed Book 11, page 535-536
27 Feb 1812
GILLIAM & Scott assignee of Magdalene Watkins assignee of Elisha Meredith, dec’d vs. Sherwood Fowler and David Blanton, as before, judgment against the defendant for the sum of sixty dollars, but to be discharged by the payment of thirty dollars with interest from the 25th day of December 1810 till paid and the costs.
Cumberland County, VA, Order Book 25, page 88
April 1812
GILLIAM & Scott on a delivery bond against David Blanton and Allen Wilson. As before, Judgment for $86.14. But to be discharged by the payment of forty three dollars and 7 cents with 6.6 interest form the 17th March 1812. Till paid and costs.
Cumberland County, VA, Order Book 1811-1815, page 110
Apr 1812
Deed, Peter Francisco to GILLIAM & Scott
Cumberland County, VA, Order Book 25, page ___.
March 1813
25, page 244
A deed from GILLIAM & Scott to Peter Francisco is acknowledged and ordered to be recorded.
Cumberland County, VA, Order Book 25, page 244
21 Jul 1813
GILLIAM & Scott vs. Henry H. Woodson and Peter T. Phillips
Cumberland County, VA, Order Book 25, page ___.
Mar 1813
GILLIAM & Scott vs. Leander Cox and James Blanton
Cumberland County, VA, Order Book 25, page ___.
May 1813
GILLIAM & Scott vs. William A. Burton
Cumberland County, VA, Order Book 25, page ___.
Feb 1814
GILLIAM and Scott against William A. Burton. This day came the parties by their attorneys and the defendant waving his _____ to put himself upon the country and the attorney for the defendant says he is not restricted what to say in defense of the plaintiff ___ whereby the plaintiff against him remain altogether undefended, therefore, it is commanded by the court that plaintiffs recover against the defendant the sum of sixty eight pounds, one shilling and six pence, but to be discharged by the payment of thirty four pound and nine pence with legal interests charged from the 5th day of September 1812 till paid and cost
Cumberland County, VA, Order Book 25, page 38
Feb 1814
GILLIAM and Scott against Leander Cox. This day came the parties by their attorneys and thereupon came a Jury (to wit) Sherwood Fowler and eleven others who being elected, tryed and sworn the truth to speak upon the issue joined upon their oath do say that the defendant have not paid the debt in the declaration mention, therefore it is commanded by the court that the plaintiff recover against the defendant their sum of twenty four pounds, two shillings and four pence but to be discharged by the payment twelve pounds, one shilling and two pence, with legal interest charged from the 5th day of October 1812 till and costs.
Cumberland County, VA, Order Book 25, page 38
Feb 1814
GILLIAM and Scott against James Blanton. This day came the parties by their attorneys and thereupon came a Jury (to wit) Jesse Davis and eleven others who being elected, tryed and sworn the truth to speak upon the issue joined upon their oath do say that the defendant have not paid the debt in the declaration mention, therefore it is commanded by the court that the plaintiff recover against the defendant their sum of £47.5 but to be discharged by the payment £23.12.6, with legal interest charged from the 1st day of September 1812 till and costs.
Cumberland County, VA, Order Book 25, page 38
24 Oct 1814
GILLIAM and Scott against James Blanton and John Blanton. As before judgment against the defendants for the sum of £50.10.2, but to be discharged by the payment of £25.5.1 with interest from the 20th day of July 1814 till paid and the costs.
Cumberland County, VA, Order Book 25, page 461
28 Jul 1815
John GILLIAM assignee of GILLIAM & Scott, assignee of Hezekiah Ford vs. Blackmun Hayes
Cumberland County, VA, Order Book 28, page ___.
1 Oct 1815
John GILLIAM assignee of GILLIAM & Scott, assignee of Hezekiah Ford vs. Blackmun Hayes and James B. Woodson
Cumberland County, VA, Order Book 26, page ___.
1820 Census
GILLIAM Thornton & Co.
16-26, two
26-45, one
Commerce, 8
Manufacture, 6
Male Slaves
0-14, one
26-45, seven
Over 45, three
Female Slaves
26-45, one female
Over 45, one female
Free Colored Males
26-45, Two males
Over 45
Free Colored Females
Over 45
Jul 1822
GILLIAM, Thornton & Company vs. James M. S[need?]
Cumberland County, VA, Order Book 29, page ___.
Oct 1822
GILLIAM, Thornton & Company vs. Tscharner Woodson, administer of Miller Woodson
Cumberland County, VA, Order Book 29, page ___.
Aug 1822
GILLIAM, Thornton & Company vs. John H. Richardson, William Scruggs, and John B. Scruggs
Cumberland County, VA, Order Book 28, page ___.
28 Oct 1822
John GILLIAM assignee of John R. Palmore who is the assignee of Tandy Holman vs. Layuer? Holeman and Daniel A. Wilson.
Cumberland County, VA, Order Book 28, page ___.
28 Oct 1822
GILLIAM, Thornton & Company vs. James M. Smith and Pleasant Hazelgrove.
Cumberland County, VA, Order Book 28, page ___.
May 1822
Continued James GILLIAM vs. John Hudgins
Cumberland County, VA, Order Book 27A, page ___.
GILLIAM, Thornton & Company assignee of John Allen vs. George Southall
Cumberland County, VA, Order Book 27A, page ___.
25 Feb 1823
GILLIAM, Thornton & Company assignee of John Allen vs. George Southall
Cumberland County, VA, Order Book 28, page ___.
26 May 1823
GILLIAM, Thornton & Company assignee of Martin P. Smith vs. John Sanderson
Cumberland County, VA, Order Book 28, page ___.
28 Jul 1823
Continued, GILLIAM, Thornton & Company assignee of Martin P. Smith vs. John Sanderson
Cumberland County, VA, Order Book 28, page ___.
26 May 1823
John GILLIAM vs. Stephen Cook and Hezekiah Ford
Cumberland County, VA, Order Book 28, page ___.
27 Oct 1823
Continued, John GILLIAM vs. Stephen Cook and Hezekiah Ford
Cumberland County, VA, Order Book 28, page ___.
24 Feb 1824
Dismissed, GILLIAM, Thornton & Company vs. E. D. Boatright
Cumberland County, VA, Order Book 31, page ___.
GILLIAM, Thornton & Company vs. John Trent, William Skipwith
Cumberland County, VA, Order Book 31, page ___.
26 Feb 1824
GILLIAM, Thornton & Company, assignee of John Allen vs. George Southall
Cumberland County, VA, Order Book 31, page ___.
- Ancestry.com Federal Census
- Binns Genealogy. Tax Records
- Cumberland County, VA, Order Book
- Cumberland County, VA, Deed Book
- Inventory of the Austin-Twyman Papers, 1765-1939, Collection Mss. 69 Au7, Folder: 151, 20 items. William and Mary Earl Gregg Swem Library
- Farmville Herald, Buckingham County - Sheppards - January 9, 1907